RMIT Architecture Major Project Catalogue Semester 1 2020

Page 48

Temple of Infinity Qingqing (Stella) Yang Supervisor: A/Prof. Roland Snooks

This project uses fractal algorithms and mathematical principles to achieve a new kind of digital renaissance of ancient architecture. Fractals can be found everywhere in nature, it is a pattern that formed from chaotic equations to contain self- similarity. Theoretically speaking, fractal geometry can repeat itself into infinite smaller parts. In ancient times, fractal geometry was associated with religious buildings, especially the Arabic mosques and Hindu temples. According to their philosophy, the universe is constructed by one element repeated from the largest to the smallest. In the early 19th century, the mathematical theory of fractals is found in snow-flake curves that can be divided into infinite smaller parts (Koch Curve). Fractal geometries are defined as 2D until recent years, where the development of computer science resulted in 3d fractals that can be virtualized and modified. By applying transformation formulas on the basic Mandelbrot equation, such as scaling, addition, reciprocal, poly fold, rotation, etc. magnificent and complex 3d fractals can be achieved in digital calculation. Therefore, as ancient people use fractal design language to express their architectural ideology, could modern people use fractal algorithms to provide a new perspective of architecture design? By locating this temple besides Shanghai city center, I created a dramatic contrast between grass/ steel modernism and sand/ stone classicism. In order to achieve the highly intricate ornament and structure, 3d- sand printing technology could be introduced into its fabrication process. The main function of this building is to provide a relaxing and peaceful sanctuary to the hustle and bustle of city residents, a perfect place for meditating the ancient philosophical paradox: does the universe exist infinitely or only limited in our perception?

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