Fishtales: Student Handbook 2017-2018

Page 131

Policy Enforcement The College considers any violation of acceptable use or guidelines to be a serious offense and reserves the right to copy and examine any files or information resident on college systems allegedly related to unacceptable use. Violators are subject to college disciplinary action. All current and future policies of the college are applicable and enforceable in regards to network use. These include, but are not limited to, the R-MC policy on Non-Discrimination and Harassment, the Code of Academic Integrity, the Student Conduct Code and all policies printed in the student handbook (Fishtales), R-MC Information Security Program Policy, Security Incident Response Policy, the faculty handbook, and the staff handbook. In addition, copyright and intellectual property laws and all federal and state laws, including those regarding distribution of obscene materials, are applicable. The Role of Privacy on the R-MC Network While the college respects and encourages each individual’s right to privacy, it reserves the right to view all files for the purposes of administering and maintaining the system or to investigate complaints from other users or law enforcement officials. Users of the R-MC network are expected to respect the privacy of other users and are prohibited from breaking into individual, departmental, office, or system files or from using another person’s access code in order to obtain or alter information in those files. Remember that college owned equipment and network assets are for activities directly associated with the mission of the institution. College assets are not for personal use for entertainment, social activities outside the college, or for use in personal business transactions (such as sale of personal property, or advertising personal or commercial business transactions, etc.) Compliance with This Policy Web Documents and Pages The World Wide Web Committee, under the authority of the president of the college, may investigate documents that do not comply with this policy. Questions about the policy or reports of noncompliance may be addressed to any member of the committee at any time. Upon receipt of a notice of a possible problem, the committee chair will investigate. If, in the chair’s opinion, a page is not in compliance with these policies, he/she may temporarily take it off-line, pending a meeting of the World Wide Web Committee to review the problem. In the absence of the committee chair, any member of the committee may take immediate action to shut down a site temporarily, pending further review by the committee. If the committee concludes that a violation of this or other college policies or of state or federal laws has occurred, the violation will be forwarded to the appropriate authority. Violations not covered by existing college policies will be handled directly by the World Wide Web Committee. In addition, where state and/or federal laws have been violated, the college reserves the right to cooperate with authorities of these jurisdictions. This means that


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