antalya dergisi

Page 136

paylaşıyorsun. İnsanları asıl çeken bu. Enerji alıyorsun doğadan. Benden dağcı olmaz yoksa… Beni çeken bu oldu.” dedi. Molanın ardından önümüzde 3 kilometrelik bir yol kalmıştı. Tek sıra halinde patikaya sardığımızda yolun en başından bu yana bizi takip eden Tahtalı Dağı’nın en muhteşem manzarasına eriştik. Doruklarındaki kar kümülüs bulutlarıyla kapanmış, önümüzdeki su birikintisine silueti yansımıştı. Gözlerimizi alamadık. Tüm adımlar durdu. Sadece doğanın sesi çıkıyordu. Kalan 1 kilometreyi susarak geçtik. Hayallerimizin en tepesine koyduğumuz Tahtalı Dağı, sevgimiz kadar yüceydi.



Nisan - Mayıs / April - May 2011

Phaselis. The common side of all nature lovers who sat in groups was their meal laid on the ground. Everyone took their food out of their backpacks, put it on the tablecloth and enjoyed the lunch. The sun had warmed the historical city. While some people relieved tiredness on the green grass, some others had a swim in the sea with their tracksuits rolled up on their knee caps. Salty water takes the pain of the feet. I have learned this afterwards. The new member of TODOSK, Teslime Tosun, with whom we had a conversation during the break, said, “It does not really matter who is who in the nature. As you see, there is no status. Just like in graveyards…” Stating that people ignore a falling person in the city for fear of ‘being reported as a witness’, Tosun said, “During the walking track of the previous week, a very skinny person was trying to pull me upwards since I needed help. I have experienced the feel-

ing of cooperation, chatting, sharing that are forgotten in the city here.” Tosun added, “You sometimes share the colour of a tulip, sometimes childhood and sometimes the youth on these roads. That is what actually attracts people to here. You get energy from the nature. Otherwise, I would never be a mountaineer… That is what has attracted me.” After the break, a road of 3 kilometres was left ahead of us. When we arrived in the path in single file, we reached up to the greatest scenery of Tahtalı Mountain, which followed us from the very beginning of the road. The snow on its summit was covered with cumulus clouds and its silhouette was reflected on the water hole in front of us. We could not take our eyes off. All the steps stopped. There was only the sound of nature. We passed the remaining 1 kilometre in silence. Tahtalı Mountain, which was placed on top of our dreams, was as glorious as our love.

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