Women of Color Volume 21 Number 1

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Stepping Into Power: Becoming a Leader that Makes a Difference O

ur world is being made better each moment by individuals who have the courage, motivation, knowledge, and skills to step into their power assuredly. Indra Nooyi took on roles of progressive executive leadership from her position of vice president of strategy at Motorola to becoming the CEO of Pepsi. Madeline G. Swegle was the U.S. Navy’s first Black female tactical jet pilot. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the youngest woman to ever serve in the U.S. congress. The list of women who broke glass ceilings with pivotal accomplishments is extensive. The achievements of the aforementioned women might feel unattainable at first glance, but we can all be leaders who make a difference in our own right. You, too, can move into your power boldly, confidently, and as empowered as these trailblazers if you’re willing to take a few crucial steps and take advantage of this three-tiered method: Visualize, Strategize, and Actualize. Visualization is a powerful tool that is regularly stifled by self-doubt, fear, and imposter syndrome. It can feel impossible to become a leader in your field if you are unable to even picture it in your mind’s eye. Be deliberate about aligning your thoughts with the goals you wish to achieve. Use positive affirmations, vision statements, and vision boards to bolster and sustain motivation. Write it and see it. Next, strategize by creating an action plan that includes milestones that are essential to achieving your goals. To do this, start by identifying the competencies required to be successful. Set short- and long-term goals and seek out mentorship, sponsorship, and championship to assist in bridging the gaps to opportunities. Lastly, actualize to impact! The journey doesn’t end after you’ve achieved your goals; you must continue to grow as a professional and think bigger.

The road to aspirational leadership has its challenges. To make a difference you must be different.

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Remember, this isn’t just about being a leader; it’s about being a leader who makes a difference. Celebrate those wins and own your success, but stay humble. Paying it forward is one of the most effective ways to make a lasting impact. Be audacious and dare to leave things better than how you met them. “Aspire big” by visualizing possibilities larger than yourself. Then, set aspirations that are farreaching. When you do that, your gains and successes cause you to “inspire wide.” Your example leaves a lasting legacy for those who will come after you. “Set the world on fire” with courageous resolution! Even if you aren’t the first to do a particular thing, you can most certainly elevate to new levels and shatter the glass ceiling. It is important to remember this quest is never internally focused. With each favorable outcome, we improve things for the greater good. That is priceless. The road to aspirational leadership has its challenges. To make a difference, you must be different. Within the business sphere, seek to get buy-in from your current leadership. Know your audience and what motivates them. Ensure that the strategy you are presenting has the power to positively impact your company and drive revenue. Step into your power and reject the symptoms of imposter syndrome. Put your plan into action and implement an approach that will set your company and yourself apart from the competition. Carefully thoughtout strategies driven by relevant intelligence and skill will always put you on the path to the success you desire. We all have access to the tools needed to achieve our goals because the power lies within us. All we need to do is move ourselves from a place of thought to action. Once we do that, we clear the path for all the others who will be inspired by us to do the same. 

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