Valmarecchias Rocky Tanks

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texts Massimiliano Battistini Photos CEFAC and Massimiliano Battistini production Province of Rimini in 2014 as part of the SEE-InTourAct Cover Photo Single tank of St. Paul Maiolo

San Leo


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Valmarecchia’s Rocky Tanks

3 From the landscape point of view, Valmarecchia offers a view that distinguishes itself from all surrounding valleys. Starting from the sea, following Marecchia river, it is possible to immediately see big rocky cliffs that rise from the hills and on which villages as Verucchio or San Leo, castles as Maiolo or Sanctuaries as Madonna di Saiano are located. Going into the hinterland of the valley, the presence of the rock can be noticed, also and especially in the form of rocky outcrops and erratic rocks deriving from landslides and erosions. Just on this natural material it is possible to see, through a careful analysis, tracks left by man since ancient times. The history of Valmarecchia shows how the human presence in the valley is very ancient, dating back to about 900 thousand years ago up to nowadays; the constant presence of man in this territory it is not only proved by the numerous archaeological findings but it is also confirmed by the many recoveries that can be found on the rock. These recoveries or evidence can be of different nature, starting from etchings, graffiti or simple signs seemingly void of meaning (also numerous in Valmarecchia), up to the socalled rocky monuments, namely those structures or artefacts, even small, obtained from the same material. In a relatively narrow area of high Valmarecchia, which goes from San Marino to Badia Tedalda, a significant number of lithic monuments are concentrated and defined as rocky tanks. Locally well-known, according to oral traditions passed down through the centuries, as “sacrificial altars”, the rocky tanks have always raised the interest and curiosity both of local people and of tourists. The term rocky tanks indicates all excavations, of different forms and dimensions (generally higher than half metre), obtained from rocky outcrops or


erratic rocks. These excavations are aimed mainly at containing different types of liquids in general, but their effective function is not completely clear. An interesting feature, associating and characterizing almost all Marecchia’s valleys, is their geographical- environmental location: the structures are in the woods or peak summits, almost completely isolated and distant from the other ones. This, together with the oral traditions passed down through ancient times, have given the air of mystery and magic, which led to consider the rocky tanks of the valley as ancient places of worship. Even if this possible function cannot be excluded, comparisons and researches have showed how the functions of the tanks are ancient and different but all attributable to the ritual-religious or production field. As to the ritual field, the tanks were used, since prehistoric times, for different types of propitiatory rituals, during which animals were sacrificed, or for the use of various liquids, as water or particular oils, to invoke good harvests, hunts or wars. As to the field of production, on the other hand, there were different uses, depending on the environment in which the tanks were built; for example the tanks for the production of wine or oil were near vineyards or olive groves; the tanks for tanning were near water flows or springs; the tanks for the production of lime were near ancient constructions, and so on. The natural environmental change of the valley through the passing of centuries did not facilitate the reconstruction of the original context, so it is difficult to recognize the real and original structures. However, it is confirmed that the rocky tanks are very ancient, dating back to the preprotohistoric era, perhaps with ritual functions.

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Rock of Maioletto


Moreover, as to the uses, it is possible that a same tank, through the time, was reused for different purposes, even completely different from that for which it had been originally constructed. The last uses (or beliefs) dating back to nowadays, of probable ancient ritual reminiscence, led the local traditions to consider them, in most cases, as curative and healthy places. For these uses the recourse is very often to saints, and for this reason some tanks are called “Letti” (“Beds”) and the name of the Saint (Letto di San Marco, Letto di San Paolo...). From a structural point of view, the tanks are different in shape (rectangular, elliptical, triangular,


etc.), depending not only on the possible use but also on the size and shape of the outcrop or rock from which they are obtained. The rocky material mainly used for these artefacts is sandstone, because more common and more suitable for making. All Marecchia’s rocky tanks, as those present in Italy and not only, can be divided into three categories according to their morphology. The three categories are: • Single tanks • Multiple tanks • Open tanks

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Single tanks This category includes all forms of excavations in the rock having the purpose of creating a generally even or slightly concave bottom, provided with restraining edges around the whole perimeter, aimed at containing or collecting liquids or different substances. For the single tanks two different cases are possible, for which excavation can be executed from rocky outcrops or erratic rocks, sometimes very big. In the second case, namely when obtained from erratic rocks (or rocky outcrops higher than the surrounding surface), the main feature is the possible presence of the hole or of the drainage channel: in fact, in many of these ones there is a through hole, on one of the tank edges, allowing the possible runoff of liquids; the hole is generally on the same level of the bottom one, allowing the complete runoff of liquids, often facilitated by a slight slope of the same surface. If the edges are not very high, in tanks not very deep, the hole is substituted by a channel, consisting of a small cut in the same edge up to the tank bottom, which facilitates the fast outflow of liquids. This category also includes the “cistern-tanks”, namely those structures obtained from rock, known as tanks for the collection of water and pertaining to medieval castles. In general, the cistern-tanks are bigger and often matched with walls or structures obtained or cut from the rock.

Multiple tanks Multiple tanks consist in two or more adjacent and connected cavities. They are usually constituted by a couple of tanks, rarely by three or more connected tanks. The two tanks are usually constituted by a bigger tank and a smaller one; the


shape of these ones, like for the single ones, can be different, but quadrangular or circular shapes are the most common ones. The main feature of double tanks is the difference in height between the two tanks, in fact the bottom of the bigger tank is higher than the smaller one, this to facilitate the outflow of liquids or substances from the first tank to the second one through a hole or a channel. The hole is inside the rock, in the common wall between the two tanks; it is usually placed above the bottom of the upper cavity, probably to separate the liquid substance from the heavier material sedimented on the bottom for settling. As regards the disposition of the double tanks, there are both erratic rocks and rocky outcrops emerging from the ground for some metres, for which the natural slope of the ground is used in order to allow the excavation of two tanks placed on different levels. Due to their structure, it is clear that the bigger tank has the function of collecting and working liquids or materials, while the smaller one is an out-and-out tank for the collection of the liquid or material required. This category is also referred to as palmento (“millstone”) with reference to a possible function linked to the pressing of grapes for wine-making.


Open tanks This category, slightly different from the previous ones, includes all excavations creating tanks with an open part or side, namely without one of the restraining edges. The typical shape of the open tank is constituted by an horizontal bottom and a vertical posterior wall; the edges are generally degrading on their sides, ending on the external summits of the bottom. This last one is generally rectangular, sometimes with curved and nonstraight sides; in most cases the opening of the

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tank is placed on the longer side, using this way the whole length of excavation. The structure of this category has a different function compared to the two previous categories: not for containing and collecting, but aimed at functioning as a base or support for different objects and materials.

Valmarecchia’s tanks Valmarecchia’s known rocky tanks are 10, all belonging to the three categories and divided into 4 single tanks, 4 multiple tanks and 2 open tanks. Single tanks: As to the first single-tank category, Marecchia’s high valley offers 4 very interesting examples, both for their structural morphology and for the environmental context in which they are located. These tanks are located in the following places: Monte San Marco (Municipality of Montecopiolo), San Leo, Teusano (Municipality of San Leo), Monterano (Municipality of Badia Tedalda).

Monte San Marco The single tank, locally known as “Letto di San Marco” (“San Marco’s Bed”) is obtained from a raised part of the calcareous rocky coast, located below the peak of Monte San Marco, where there are the remains of the ancient castle named “Monte Acuto”. The monument is rectangular and it is characterized both by particular lateral bigger edges, having grooves constituting steps, and by some incisions, as for example a Latin cross carved on the tank bottom which, according to the tradition,


was kissed by the passing shepherds for propitiatory purposes. At a 1100 m altitude, Monte San Marco’s tank is the rocky monument placed at the highest altitude of the whole Valmarecchia.

San Leo On the North side of the cathedral dedicated to Saint Leo, between the wall of the same one and the belfry, there is the big single rectangular tank, with its East-West oriented longer sides, like the cathedral. On its bottom, in central position, there is a channel leading directly to the hole for the outflow of possible liquids; while on the lateral edges there are different elements as cupels, small bowls, postholes and a channel to convey waters inside. Other important elements, confirming the possible ritual pre-Christian value of the place and of the tank, even if not near this one, are represented by the rocky etchings present in the rocky outcrop placed behind the belfry; these etchings represent pictures and symbols (as for example a small shovel, cupels with channel and solar symbols), similar to those present in Valcamonica, one of the most important places in the world as regards the rocky etchings.

Tausano The rectangular tank is in the rock emerging in sandstone, on the path which goes from Varco Biforca to Tausano. This excavation, due to its typical and regular structure, seems to be similar to the rocky graves, even if smaller. The tank, north-South oriented on the longer sides, does not have any kind of decorative or functional element. The only element that can be observed is represented by the lateral edges that differ since the West side has a rounded edge, while the op-

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Single bowl of Monte San Marco in Montecopiolo


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Single tank of San Leo


Monterano The lithic rectangular tank has been carved out in a parallelepiped-shaped rock, inside the cavern of Tabussa , located in Monterano di Badia Tedalda (AR). Placed immediately after the entrance of the cavern, the tank is below a spring, from which the water ceaselessly flows and, after falling down along the wall, is collected in the hollow of the structure, though not very deep. The endless water flow has produced, just on the structure, a mammillary calcareous concretion, very suggestive and spectacular. The same tank seems to be covered by a sort of protective veil, constituted always by the limestone sedimented on it due to the water flow that overflows and wets the whole rock.


Multiple tanks: All multiple tanks of the valley are constituted exclusively by two connected spaces and for this reason they are indicated as “double tanks”. The same ones present interesting morphological differences, mainly due to their possible different shapes, as round or rectangular. The examples classified are 4 and located in the following places: Monte Fotogno (Municipality of San Leo), Torricella (Municiplaity of Novafeltria), Ville di Monte Benedetto (Municipality of Sant’Agata Feltria), Pennabili.

Monte Fotogno The monuments is located on the south-western slopes of Monte Fotogno, near Tausano. The

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Symbol sun in San Le

thick vegetation covering the entire mountain not only hides the view of the same tank but also makes its access difficult. The structure is obtained from a big rocky calcareous rock (locally known as “Masso del Tino” or “Tinaccio”), on which the bigger triangular tank has been constructed, with rounded longer sides and vertexes, which it is possible to reach through steps carved in the rock. The smaller tank, linked to the bigger one through the draining hole and placed below, does not have definite restraining edges, but it is constituted by a kind of non-deep but rather wide rounded concavity. On the outer side, on the right of the tank draining, there is another hole, which results to be the draining of another excavation placed on the vertical wall of the Southern side of the same rock. This vertical tank is rectangular and of moderate-


size. At first the single rectangular tank was probably built on the rock; then, following a landslide and the rolling of the same one along the slope, the double tank was excavated, as it is now. So it is clear that both the place and the same rock are very important for local people; in that regard it is important to remember that in different parts of the rock cupels or small bowls can be obtained.

Torricella The double tank, signalled also by the tourist sign “Ara sacrificale” (“Sacrificial Altar”), is obtained from a big sandstone rock, placed on the left of Fosso Ca’ San Martino, about 400 m far southwards from the centre of Torricella. The bigger structure is placed on the top of the rock and

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Shells with raceway (St. Leo)


is irregular in shape with rounded angles and a vertex corresponding to the smaller structure, to which it is connected through a channel. The lower tank, rectangular-shaped, like the open tanks, is not provided with restraining edge on one of the smaller side; on the bottom surface, centrally, there is a cupel. On the edges and along the external walls of the rock there are some characteristic elements, constituted by cupels, decorative carvings and small steps to ascend to the upper tank.

Ville di Monte Benedetto Another small double tank has been obtained from a rock placed in Ville di Monte Benedetto, in the Municipality of Sant’Agata Feltria. It is a tank placed on the top of a high rocky outcrop, following the slope of the land. The two tanks, the upper and the lower ones, are both elliptical in shape. The smaller one is not provided with edges, but it is clear the smoothing of the rock to create a sort of basin, to convey the possible liquid outside, along the vertical wall; the same wall seems to be worked so as to create a cavity favouring the water outflow, coming from the smaller tank. Also in this case the environmental context is very interesting, because in the wood where it is located there are several rocks bearing different works, as cupels, small carvings and steps in the rock.

Pennabili The rocky monument is placed in a private area, along the way going from Ponte Messa to Pennabili, near Tregenghe. The structure is obtained from a calcareous rock in which two tanks have


been created, both square-shaped, connected through a hole in the rock. The structure of the tank, provided with two excavations of the same shape, placed on the same board and symmetric, together with the possible use of metals for its construction due to the particular type of rock, probably shows a not very old dating as to its creation and so a possible original function linked to the field of production. Open tanks: Even if less common than the other categories, Marecchia’s open tanks are very interesting, both as to their morphological features and to their peculiarities.

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This category includes the 2 open tanks located in the following places: Piano di San Paolo (Municipality of Maiolo), Monte San Silvestro (Municipality of Sant’Agata Feltria).

Piano di San Paolo In the wood under the rock of Maioletto, on the right side of Marecchia, there are several sandstone rocks slipped by the over mountain in different periods; on one of these outcrops, placed on the right of Rasino moat, the open tank has


been obtained. As to the typical features of the monument, it is important to notice the channels on the lateral edges and along the lower side of the tank; but the most interesting feature is the drain hole, on the level of the bottom surface and on one of the lateral sides. According to the local tradition, Saint Paolo, during one of his journeys, laid himself down in the tank to rest; from this event probably originated the cult of Saint Paolo, for which there is a custom of sitting on the tank, named “Letto di San Paolo” (“Saint Paolo’s bed”) to care backache and rheumatisms. Being the Saint considered as the healer of the

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Single bowl in the cave of Tabussa Badia Tedalda (M. Battistini)

snake’s bites (belief linked to the episode in which Saint Paolo, in Malta, was bit by a viper without any effect), the same tradition says that near the bed there are several nests of snakes, considered as the keepers and guardians of the tank.


Monte San Silvestro In the hamlet of Monte Benedetto di Sant’Agata Feltria, in a wood near Osteria, there is the open tank obtained from one of the several calcareous rocks scattered in the wood. Now the tank is broken into two fragments, a bigger one and a smaller and a slightly far-between one. On the bottom of the bigger fragment there is a channel coming from the edge of the tank leading to a cupel placed centrally on the bottom of the same one. Near the tank there are at least two fragments of the calcareous rock, which could possibly belong to the rock from which the tank has been obtained. The same healing features for backache have been attributed also to this open tank, locally named “letto di S. Silvestro” (“Saint Silvestro’s bed”) or “letto di S. Ottaviano” (“Saint Ottaviano’s bed”). Currently, going through the way from S. Agata Feltria to Monte Benedetto, the structure is signalled by the same tourist sign as Torricella “Monte Benedetto - Ara sacrificale” (“Sacrificial Altar”). The rocky tanks, the so-called “sacrificial altars”, are simple structures obtained from a natural material, the rock, which though characterizing high Valmarecchia, maybe for the mystery around them or because isolated and out of any context, did not receive the due attention and importance that would have led it along the same lines as


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Bath Double Montefotogno of San Leo (M. Battistini)


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Bath double Torricella (Novafeltri)

the other structures present in the area; also the tanks, in fact, like all the other monuments, are not only a proof of the presence or passing of


man in particular places but they also represent an important element for the historical-cultural reconstruction of the whole valley.

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The rock pools are one of the most iconic events and special archeology prehistoric cave that affect several areas of the Italian peninsula. Among these, even the Valmarecchia that includes, along with many other testimonies of the ancient human presence in the valley, many interesting examples of this kind of monumenti.Tutti artifacts in the area are classified into three types, dictated by their morphology: individual tanks, poly tanks, vats aperte.Note locally as “are sacrificial� probably reminiscent of the ancient rites of worship, the tanks rock Valmarecchia are assigned different functions, all related to the field or production or to the ritual. Whatever was the original use of each artifact, defined by the environmental and cultural context in which they are inserted, the rock pools marecchiesi, like all the other monuments in our area, are important traces of the socio-cultural reconstruction of Montefeltro.

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