The Penitentiary Pity Pot, The Count 1-2-3-4

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THE COMPANION By B. Riddle and G. Wolf By definition a companion is: a person who accompanies or associates with another, a comrade… “A woodsman went into the forest. He saw a tree and began chopping at the roof of its trunk. Midway of the copping he abruptly stopped and walked away. Leaving the gouged tree standing, dripping sap, exposed to the elements of further decay, wounded and dying. The chunked area may heal… but now there is more pressure on the tree’s trunk remains” Bo Riddle “Everybody ain’t for everyone. One person can’t bear another’s person’s fruit”Bo Riddle People who don’t know themselves fail to assess others who try inching their way into the lives of unsuspecting individuals. To allow closeness of others in your life, awareness of yourself is essential. So who is “ The Companion?” Proverb 18:24 says, “There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, but there exist a friend sticking closer than a brother.” And Proverb 17:17 says, “A true companion is loving all the times and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.” The companion isn’t just anyone who wants to be one in your life… the true companion is the one you allow in your life - try Jehovah God as your companion- Proverbs 16:3090318-18:49 HRS @ E.C.F./F.B.P.


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