Get Rid Of Roaches Naturally

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Rid Of Roaches


Now, there are several methods, which work well for killing off cockroaches but you must know that the roaches are always going to return until and unless you eliminate the root of the problem – i.e. the nest itself.

Finding the nest or getting to it in most of the cases is impossible because cockroaches mostly take shelter in wall crevices, the floor cracks and other areas, which are basically hard to reach. Due to this, you may find that the best way to eliminate them from your house is to use some kind of poison, which the cockroaches can carry back to their nest & infect the rest of the population.

Although its true that chemicals works great and for this you don't even have to spend a lot of money, the method is not good for human health and the environment. The insecticide spray, cockroach traps, cockroach bait or liquid concentrates are really harmful and so don't use them. Rather, there are a lot of preventive and natural methods that can be used instead of the harmful chemicals for getting rid of cockroaches.

Preventive Methods

R.I.P Pest Management

Keep The Space Clean Always

This is one of the most important things that you need to take care of. You should always keep the space clean. A clean and uncluttered space is the enemy of cockroaches. So, make sure your house is always in a spic-and-span condition. Cockroaches are mostly attracted to food residue, which means the counters should be wiped down every night and the dishes should never be left dirty and kept in the sink. The stovetop should also be kept clean always. There should be no dust or debris in the house.

Seal Up The Cracks & Holes Cockroaches can crawl through even the smallest of spaces. Thus, it is essential to seal the entries in your home. Although this may take a bit of your time but you would find ultimately that the work done is worthwhile. You can use a caulking gun and a tube of caulk for doing the job.

Fix Any Water Leakage Cockroaches are mostly attracted to moisture as well as water that result from leaks in the pipes. And that's the reason why you may find them scurrying under the sink. Cockroaches can even live for months without any food but only a few days without water. So, what you should do is close off the sources of water by repairing the tiniest of the leaks.

Get In Touch With A Professional You can find a number of professionals dealing with pest control in North Shore, Northern Beaches and other areas of Sydney. Get in touch with any one of them but make sure the one who hire is an Integrated Pest Management firm. Once you hire the professional, they'll be able to advice you on the ways that you should follow to keep the cockroaches at bay.

Natural Methods

R.I.P Pest Management

Sugar And Baking Soda You can make a mixture of baking soda and sugar by taking them in equal parts and then sprinkle them in the areas that have been infested by the roaches in your house. The cockroaches that will feed on this will surely die.

Bay Leaves If you want to get rid of cockroaches permanently from your abode, then you can use this method. Bay leaves are basically fragrant leaves that are used for cooking Indian dishes. They have a pungent but good aroma. All you need to do is grind them and place the powder near the nest as well as other areas where cockroaches are seen frequently. Just follow this technique and you'll found that there are no more cockroaches in your house.

Pepper, Garlic And Onion Solution Mix a tbsp of cayenne pepper powder, 1 garlic clove and 1 onion paste and mix it in 1 litre of water. Keep it aside for an hour and let it stand. Then add a tbsp of liquid soap to the mixture & use it in all the places in your home where you find cockroaches. The mixture's smell will let the cockroaches to fly.

Petroleum Jelly Trap It's easy to set this trap. You'll need a wide mouthed bottle or jar for this and some petroleum jelly for applying it on the jar's inner rim. After you do this, make sure to put some fruit peels like mango, banana or apple inside the bottle without closing it in your bathroom or kitchen area. The smell of fruit peel is going to attract the cockroaches and when they'll get inside the bottle they'll get trapped not being able to come out because of the petroleum jelly.


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