Robot Survey 2019

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Robot Survey 2019





Research Methods Robots for...



Sensing / Observation


Passive Services


Active Services


Mobility of Goods


Mobility of People

Credits & Sources

Robot Survey 2019

Introduction Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will change cities, they say. AVs will take your jobs, they crow. Drones will ďŹ ll your skies. Those things will deliver your burrito in no time! Self-driving vehicles, drones, and other urban robotics are simultaneously laden with both extensive hype and fear. The consequences and implications of these technologies are generally considered to be significant, but the valence of those implications, whether they help or hurt cities, remains open for debate. 2

Alphabet, Ford, Volvo, and others have experimental vehicles cruising around cities this very minute and cities are starting to prepare as well, with more than 130 municipalities studying, piloting, or writing policy for AVs according to the Bloomberg Aspen Initiative on Autonomous Vehicles in Cities. While seemingly inevitable, the question of how AVs and other urban robotics become situated in cities is up for grabs or, more precisely, yet to be designed.


So that architects and planners may be better prepared to design the ways in which robots cohabitate with humans in urban environments we’ve undertaken a survey of the diversity of robotic ‘species’ in 2019. Though it is far from exhaustive, we have sought to provide a representative collection describing the robotic zeitgeist. By capturing the basic details of each robot, our intention is to pull these much-hyped technologies back ‘down to earth’ where we

can relate to them more easily. Our study of the robots in this survey has been intentionally simplistic, looking primarily to dimensions and provenance so that we may understand the devices not so much as technologies but as a ‘material’ which can—and must— be designed with intent and care. Bryan Boyer December, 2019

Robot Survey

Research Methods The Civic Futures Seminar at the University of Michigan’s A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning conducted a two week horizon scan in October of 2019, focusing on autonomous mobility of people, goods, and services. The intent of this research was to establish a repository of basic information about a variety of robots that have the potential to alter the urban landscape of cities in the coming decades.

environments and the types of jobs they may do. Our scan sought AV concepts, prototypes, or products but excluded student work or excessively speculative content. Desk research was conducted using openly available online sources and did not rely on proprietary information. In our initial scan over 100 robots were collected.

The findings were clustered based on their functionality and worldly We asked ourselves where interactions: mobility of people, robots may be employed in urban mobility of goods, sensing/ 4


observing, passive services, and active services. The clustering of each robot was determined by their intended primary purpose.

Civic Futures

After the first scan to identify robots, a second pass was conducted to fill in the details. These basic details are intended to provide a compiled resource for anyone hoping to design urban environments that accommodate these robots in the future. Necessary details were decided as a research group, and reflect characteristics that are pertinent to

understanding the makeup of the robot such as size, weight, means of mobility, and sensor technology. Elevation drawings indicate basic detailing of each robot and have largely been interpreted based on photographs and videos. Rough scale is indicated through the silhouette of the robots with a human figure in the bottom right corner of each drawing.


Robot Survey


Sensing/Observation Robots The primary purpose of these robots is to provide remote sensing of the world around them. Their mobility is diverse, some specifically designed to navigate through airspace, while others functioning only under water, or within controlled environments such as underground tunnels.

Technological progress in this area of sensing/observation robots appears heavily weighted toward the development of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Civic Futures

These robots proactively monitor the behavior, activities, and environmental information that are gathered for the purpose of managing, directing, or protecting assets, natural or otherwise.

Operationally, the surveillance robot collects data with its sensors and relays the raw data back to its control station or preprocesses the data with other information such as geographic information system (GIS) data and relays that information for use elsewhere.

Robot Survey 2019

Robo Bee This insect-inspired robot is in development for potential uses in crop pollination, search and rescue missions, surveillance, and environmental monitoring. Research hopes to proceed in coordinating behavior in larger groups. Sensors mimic the eyes and antennae of a bee.


Mobility Method Wings

Weight 8 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 380 mm wingspan

Manufacturer Wyss Institute


Joggobot The Joggobot is a tool for runners that urges users to run further and faster as it flies ahead of them. Using a HD camera, the drone hones in on sensors in a custom shirt and can be set to companion mode with a steady pace or coach mode with a more challenging speed.

Weight 1.8 kg

Speed 17.9 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 20 minutes

Known Sensors HD Camera

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 600 x 600 x 100 mm

Manufacturer Exertion Games Lab

Sense / Observe

Mobility Method Quadrotor

Robot Survey 2019

SPOT A nimble robot that climbs stairs and traverses rough terrain with ease, yet is small enough to use indoors. Built to be a rugged and customizable platform, Spot currently accomplishes industrial sensing and remote operation needs.

Mobility Method 4 legs

Weight 30 kg

Speed 5.8 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 1 hour 30 minutes

Known Sensors 3D vision system with SLAM and obstacle avoidance

Fuel Type Battery Size 915 x 230 x 560 mm 10

Status Product Manufacturer Boston Dynamics


RedEye This robot was designed as a security monitor. It can detect abnormal conditions and give an alarm to security guards.

Weight Unknown

Speed 9 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Light Sensor

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 400 x 400 x 700 mm

Manufacturer Mikelimei

Sense / Observe

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

M1 This mapping robot autonomously moves around and collects threedimensional spatial data through sensors and creates a high-precision map online. It can self-update and act as the core data for other location-based technologies to connect to its map cloud.

Mobility Method Wheel

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors HD Camera, 3D Laser Scanner, GPS

Fuel Type Battery Size 510 x 510 x 1020 mm 12

Status Prototype Manufacturer Naver Labs


Fire Scout Unmanned Aircraft System Fire Scout is an autonomous helicopter system that provides real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Target-acquisition (ISR&T), laser designation, and battle management to tactical users without relying on manned aircraft or space-based assets. Fire Scout has the ability operate from any air-capable ship or land base. Weight 2722 kg

Speed 250 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 2272 km

Known Sensors Multi-mode maritime radar

Fuel Type NA

Status Product

Size 12318 x 2652 x 3322 mm

Manufacturer Northrop Grumman

Sense / Observe

Mobility Method Propeller

Robot Survey 2019

VizBot (K5) Best suited for patrolling large outdoor spaces such as parking lots, corporate campuses and hospitals, malls, warehouses. It records 360 degree video footage of its surroundings and has an integrated live broadcast capability and two-way intercom for vocal interaction.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 180 kg

Speed 4.8 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Video Camera, Thermal Imaging Sensors, Laser Range Finder, Air Quality Sensors, Microphone

Fuel Type Battery Size 900 x 900 x 1500 mm 14

Status Product Manufacturer Knightscope


Sense / Observe


Robot Survey


Passive Service Robots These robots navigate the world autonomously and have the ability to communicate, but not to physically interact with their surroundings. The actions carried out by these robots are therefore usually limited in scope. They can broadcast information generally, as well as respond to individuals for navigation, entertainment, and

basic conversational services such as health queries and financial consultation. These robots mostly take on humanoid or approachable forms including those of animals or blobby shapes, which implies that part of their role is to offer emotional support or comfort.

Civic Futures

Robot Survey 2019

Aibo Also known as the Artificial Intelligence roBOT, this robotic dog provides emotional support by personifying a household pet, while learning and “growing� through its experiences. AIBO understands voice commands and manipulates emotion using its playful actions and dog-like sounds. It even occasionally misbehaves and has facial recognition technology to interact with people more individually. Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 2.2 kg

Speed 0.2 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 2 hours

Known Sensors Time of Flight, Touch, Detection System, Motion, Light

Fuel Type Battery


Size 171 x 29 x 74 mm

Status Product Manufacturer Sony


Photon Specifically designed for children ages 5 to 12, the robot’s skills develop with its user’s progress. Its learned abilities and movement depend on the child’s interaction by solving tasks and engaging with experiments. There are mobile applications that support the robot in a seamless communication platform interface. All tasks and experiments are based on a story that help Photon and its user to explore the world. Weight 0.69 kg

Speed 1.5 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors ToF Sensor, 940 nm VCSE laser, STC3100 monitor, ground sensor

Fuel Type Battery Size 172 x 170 x 190 mm

Status Product Manufacturer Photon Entertainment

Passive Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

DONA Launched from a 72 hour workshop, called Sharing Experience, this humanoid robot was designed to encourage the act of giving donations in a culture where the percentage for donations is low (South Korea). As a way to promote individual donations from pedestrians, DONA “politely� roams around a public space and invites social interaction using its 3 distance measuring sensors and 20 preprogrammed animations.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 0.3 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Ultrasonic Sensors

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 780 x 450 x 550 mm

Manufacturer Min Su Kim (Hong IK University)


Bot Care Samsung’s Bot Care helps users manage their daily health routine, while also providing music or morning greetings with a weather forecast and schedule. It is capable of tracking sleep, measuring blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and analysis sleeping patterns. It reminds users when to take their medicine. Apart from notifying family members in case of an emergency, it can also communicate with live video. Weight 140 kg

Speed 200 degrees/s

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 500 x 500 x 700 mm

Manufacturer Samsung

Passive Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Care E An automated airport assistant robot from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines that scans boarding passes, carries luggage and guides passengers to their gates.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 45 kg

Speed 4.8 km/h

Capacity 125 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Cameras, LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 610 X 1524 X 915 mm

Manufacturer SME Bluebotics


Pepper Pepper is a social humanoid robot with facial and human emotion recognition. Its primary role is to welcome visitors and has been adopted by over 2,000 businesses and schools globally. The robot is optimized for human interaction by engaging in conversations in 15 different languages. It also has a touch screen for highlighting information or support speech. Weight 28 kg

Speed 3 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 12 hours

Known Sensors Touch, Infrared, Bumpers, Inertial unit, 2D & 3D Cameras, Sonars

Fuel Type Battery Size 425 x 485 x 1200 mm

Status Product Manufacturer SoftBank Robotics

Passive Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Leo This is an automated airport assistant robot,developed by SITA and robotics company BlueBotics. It is designed to help check-in baggage or assist passengers find their way.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 641 x 457 x 152

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Cameras, LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 762 x 1676 x 1372 mm

Manufacturer SITA + BlueBotics


AirBot This ‘guide’ robot assists travelers at airports with directions and boarding times. It roams terminals and can speak four languages: English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. Travelers can also choose to scan their boarding passes directly and be personally escorted to their designated departure gate as needed. Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Voice Recognition, Bar-Code Scanner

Fuel Type Battery Size 1000 mm diameter 1500 mm height

Status Product Manufacturer LG Electronics

Passive Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Guizhi 2.1 A robot waiter that can replace or partially replace the repeated food delivery service of the restaurant waiter with a tray in hand. It takes the appearance of a cartoon character and can greet and communicate with the customers.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 60 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity 5 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Voice Sensor

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 800 x 600x 1500 mm

Manufacturer GUI ZHI THE ROBOT


LoweBot NAVii Navii is a retail inventory control and scanning robot. It utilizes machine learning, computer vision and AI technology to monitor inventory needs, such out-of-stock items, price discrepancies, and misplaced items.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range 8 - 10 hours

Known Sensors Cameras, Speech Recognition

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1524 mm tall

Manufacturer Fellow Robots

Passive Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Spencer This is an automated airport robot that scans boarding passes from passengers and leads them to their departure gates. It is also capable of guiding transfer passengers to their appropriate destinations. In addition to responding to people’s movements and reactions, it can identify large groups from individuals and adjusts its social rules accordingly.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Cameras, LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 915 x 610 x 2134 mm

Manufacturer SME Bluebotics


Passive Services


Robot Survey


Active Services Robots are in cleaning, public safety, and making or construction. With Roomba and similar devices already on the market for about 15 years, it may come as no surprise that cleaning and sanitation robots outnumber other types of active service robots by a ratio of 4 to 1.

Civic Futures

While the robots introduced in the passive services cluster have limited ability to interact physically with the world, this cluster of active services robots are able to physically interact with their surroundings. These robots perform tasks and are active participants in the making or editing of their physical environments. Based on our research, the most advanced areas of development

Robot Survey 2019

Braava Jet M This cleaning robot mop helps with household chores, such as cleaning sticky messes, grime and kitchen grease. A mop or a sweeping pad still needs to be attached by a human but the device can automatically detect which cleaning method is most appropriate.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 1.2 kg

Speed 1 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 20 - 25 sq.m

Known Sensors Front Cliff Sensors, Pad Detection Sensor, Rear Cliff Sensors

Fuel Type Battery Size 180 x 180 x 84 mm 32

Status Product Manufacturer iRobot


Roomba S This autonomous robotic vacuum cleaners is designed for household use. It also creates a map of the home using its sensors and self empties its trash.

Weight 3.7 kg

Speed 3 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 2 hours

Known Sensors vSLAM optical sensor

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 350 x 350 x 90 mm

Manufacturer iRobot

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Mirra 530 Designed for cleaning in-ground pools, the Mirra 530 doesn’t require hoses or extra attachments and works independently of the pool’s filtration system. A pump sucks up algae, dirt, bacteria and other material that is removed with its motorized scrub brush and leaves the pool ready for a swim.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 9 kg

Speed 7.2 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 18 m

Known Sensors Gyro Sensor

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 300 x 400 x 300 mm

Manufacturer iRobot


Automower 550H A robotic mower designed for commercial fleet use with a cutting height of up to 92 mm. It automatically adapts mowing frequency to lawn growth. The machine cuts all types of lawns and handles slopes up to 24° in dry or wet conditions.

Weight 15 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range 4 hours 30 minutes

Known Sensors GPS System

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 750 x 630 x 330 mm

Manufacturer Husqvarna

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Sanitation Bot A device solely for cleaning dog poop off the streets. They act alone within a designated zone in an urban environment, with little to no interaction with other beings.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Battery

Status Concept

Size 450 x 350 x 400 mm

Manufacturer Netflix (Maniac miniseries)


TrimBot 2020 This vision-controlled robot operates in uncontrolled outdoor conditions and varying terrain using autonomous navigation to trim gardens. It works without the need for on-site night illumination or garden sensors. It utilizes a 360 degree camera and creates a 3D scene map.

Weight 27.2 kg

Speed 1.5 m/s

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 500 x 1200 x 700 mm

Manufacturer University of Edinburgh

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Rubion Strawberry picking robot designed to pick and pack in one process.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 3 m/h

Capacity 362 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera, Photonic Sensors

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 300 x300 x 700 mm

Manufacturer Octinion


Pitch-R Pitch drawing robot uses autonomous driving technology. It can create football fields for five-a-side, seven-a-side or eleven-a-side teams in less than 20 minutes.

Weight Unknown

Speed 1.15 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 380 x 760 mm

Manufacturer Nissan

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

The Stan The Stan is an outdoor autonomous robot parking service that optimizes vehicle storage. The Stan is able to maximize the amount of cars parked in a lot while navigating obstacles.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 2700 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 2000 x 1200 x 900 mm

Manufacturer Stanley Robotics


ROAR Project Also known as the Robot-based Autonomous Refuse (ROAR), this robot enters neighborhoods, collects refuse bins and empties them into the refuse truck. It coordinates with a drone that communicates the bins location.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors GPS, Lidar, Cameras, Motion Sensors

Fuel Type Battery Size Approx. 900 mm height

Status Prototype Manufacturer Volvo + Renova

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Leobot Cleaning robot with scrubbing, vacuum cleaning, and mopping functions. It also has interactive features with expressive eyes and voices.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 1 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 5 hours

Known Sensors 3D Environment Sensor, Location Sensor, Sonar Sensor

Fuel Type Battery Size 840 x 660 x 1155 mm 42

Status Product Manufacturer Lionsbot


ICE RS26 BrainOS This robotic floor care vehicle uses an advanced vision-based AI system that allow the robot to navigate its environment. The machine is designed to work safely and efficiently alongside employees that can enable them to focus on other tasks and it can also be operated manually for ad-hoc situations. Weight 280 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity 1143 x 647 mm

Range 4 hours

Known Sensors Camera

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1625 x 762 x 1168 mm

Manufacturer Brain Corp

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Neo This is a commercial floor scrubbing robot used for large spaces, such as airports, retail stores, educational institutions, warehouses, or healthcare facilities. It is meant to do menial cleaning tasks so employees can focus on other tasks.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 350 kg

Speed 4.8 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range 4-6 hours

Known Sensors 3D Mapping, Laser Technology

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1200 x 600 x 1200 mm

Manufacturer Avidbots


Ecorobotix Scouting Robot This robot is a fully autonomous platform for scouting and phenotyping crop and soil applications, capable of integrating sensors from different manufacturers. It is solar powered without need for charging.

Weight 129 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Solar Power

Status Product

Size 2200 x 1700 x 1300 mm

Manufacturer Ecorobotix

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Moxi Moxi was designed to be a robot assistant to help the human clinical staff, maintain consistent care and ease the work flow within the medical field. Moxi fetches supplies, delivers lab samples, and removes soiled linens from rooms to give the staff more time for patient care.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 100 kg

Speed 9 km/h

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 500 x 500 x 1500 mm

Manufacturer Diligent Robotics


Luna This is a fully programmable personal humanoid robot that can respond to human voices, perform simple house chores on demand, and provide information.

Weight 30 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range 8 hours

Known Sensors Camera, 3D Sensor, Microphone

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1570 mm

Manufacturer Robodynamics

Active Services

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

RT-100 Mower The RT-100 is an automated turf care robot. It is ideal for large scale mowing jobs of up to 20 acres, which it can do on a single tank of gas.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 566 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Gasoline

Status Product

Size 3149 x 1651 x 1803 mm

Manufacturer Left Hand Robotics


Atlas A dynamic humanoid robot that utilizes whole-body mobility to aid in emergency services, such as search and rescue. Tasks included navigating rough terrains, opening doors, operating equipment in extreme environments, running, driving, or removing debris.

Weight 80 kg

Speed 5.3 km/h

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 560 x 762 x 1880 mm

Manufacturer Boston Dynamics

Active Services

Mobility Method 2 Legs

Robot Survey 2019

Water Cannon This robot is designed to operate in high heat environments and discharge water and foam to extinguish fires. It has the capacity to shoot 3700 liters per minute, supplied by a hose.


Mobility Method 4 Wheels

Weight 1600 kg

Speed 7.2 km/h

Capacity N/A

Range Unknown

Known Sensors RTK-GPS, RIDAR, IMU

Fuel Type Unknown

Status Prototype

Size 2000 x 1500 x 2000 mm

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries


Marine Drone This concept was designed in response to current economic and oceanic waste conditions. At three week intervals, the robot is released into the ocean where it senses and recovers plastic waste. Infrared systems warn fishes away in hopes of not damaging the ocean ecology.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range 21 Days

Known Sensors Infrared Sensors

Fuel Type Battery

Status Concept

Size 5000 x 3000 mm

Manufacturer Veolia

Active Services

Mobility Method Electric Motor

Robot Survey 2019

OZMO This robot is programmed to clean windows on tall buildings and towers in the skyline. It requires a lift to move across the building’s facade.


Mobility Method Stationary

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity N/A

Range N/A

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Unknown

Status Product

Size 1000 x 1000 x 3000 mm

Manufacturer Skyline Robotics


Driverless Tractor Farm equipment that enables farmers to remotely control multiple crop production machines at the same time. It can also go fully autonomous and detect areas of higher crop productivity.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Video Cameras, LIDAR

Fuel Type Unknown

Status Concept

Size 7000 x 3000 x 3500 mm

Manufacturer Case IH

Active Services

Mobility Method 4 Wheels


Robot Survey


Mobility of Goods This cluster includes robots that serve a primarily logistical function and are designed to deliver packages from point A to point B. These robots generally have the capacity to learn and navigate through diverse settings. Most goods mobility bots generally still require some human effort for unloading/loading. As a cluster, a defining characteristic of these

devices is their service range. Different design considerations emerge for units limited to traversing within buildings versus those for use across cities, and those that make up a smaller contingent intended for long-haul transportation of goods.

Civic Futures

Robot Survey 2019

MiR 100 The MiR100 is a flexible mobile robot that can autonomously transport payload. The robot is designed with a customizable top that can be mounted with modules such as bins, racks, lifts, etc.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 45 kg

Speed Unknown

Capacity 100 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 889 x 579 x 213 mm

Manufacturer Mobile Industrial Robots


Freight1500 The Freight1500 is a warehouse robot that can safely transport large and heavy payloads autonomously throughout a facility.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 500 kg

Range 9 hours

Known Sensors 3D Cameras, LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1260 x 1000 x 300 mm

Manufacturer Fetch Robotics

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

OTTO 1500 The Otto 1500 can transport pallets, bins, direct loads, and accepts custom designed attachments to best suit the users needs when handling inventory. These include lifts, conveyors, and fixed cages to move materials.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 525 kg

Speed 7.2 km/h

Capacity 1500 kg

Range 8 hours

Known Sensors LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1800 x 1200 x 300m

Manufacturer OTTO Motors


OTTO 100 The OTTO 100 is designed to move human-scaled payload in storage facilities without the need for determining predefined movement paths. It maintains a map of its surroundings in its memory and uses visual reference points to always know its position.

Weight 127 kg

Speed 7.2 km/h

Capacity 100 kg

Range 8 hours

Known Sensors LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 740 x 550 x 300 mm

Manufacturer OTTO Motors

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Vector Vector is an autonomous mobile robot for moving goods in manufacturing environments. It is built for rugged use with a compact, industrial strength chassis.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 45 kg

Speed 3.2 km/h

Capacity 135 kg

Range 36 km

Known Sensors LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 670 x 500 x 304 mm

Manufacturer Waypoint Robotics


Amazon Scout Amazon Scout is a fully-electric automated device that for delivering packages to customers. These robots are designed to move slowly on sidewalks at a walking pace.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size Unknown

Manufacturer Amazon

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Xanthus The Xanthus is designed to function as a modular base that can be adapted to work with a range of potential attachments within warehouse environments. This variability will allow Amazon to use the same product for a variety of needs in its buildings.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 900 x 900 x 600 mm

Manufacturer Amazon


Phantom Delivery Robot Small package delivery system currently used to deliver food by Postmates, an online delivery Service.

Weight Unknown

Speed 4.5 km/h

Capacity 22 kg

Range 48 km

Known Sensors LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 915 x 558 x 640 mm

Manufacturer Phantom Auto & Postmates

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Gita This robot is a hands-free carrier that follows people on the go while transporting up to 18 kg.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 18 kg

Speed 35 km/h

Capacity 18 kg

Range 4 hours

Known Sensors Voice Recognition, Face Recognition camera

Fuel Type Battery Size 610 x 660 mm 64

Status Product Manufacturer Piaggo Fast Forward


CartConnect This robot is designed to work alongside humans in warehouse environments. Through an integrated camera, they are able to pick up and drop off stock while avoiding obstacles. A web-enabled device can be used to request tasks from any location in a facility. CartConnects are designed to be used with FetchCarts, a specially designed transport shelf on wheels. Weight Unknown

Speed 5.4 km/h

Capacity 68 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors 2D Laser Sensor, 3D Cameras

Fuel Type Battery Size 500 x 300 x 760 mm

Status Product Manufacturer Fetch Robotics

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Locus Bot Designed to deliver bins of material to human workers within warehouse environments.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 45 kg

Speed 1.1 m/s

Capacity 45 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 900 mm height

Manufacturer Locus Robotics


RT 1000 This robot is used to move heavy boxes across distribution centers typically within a fleet. It allows the quick movement within warehouses eliminating the need for human sorting.

Weight 1500 kg

Speed 7.2 km/h

Capacity 1000 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera, Touch Sensor, Motion Sensor

Fuel Type Battery Size 2000 x 1100 x 900 mm

Status Product Manufacturer Vecna Robotics

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

RollerTop RollerTop helps increase automation in conveyor driven environments. It is capable of autonomously navigating to and from conveyor ends to load and unload totes and bins.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 80 kg

Range 9 hours

Known Sensors 2D Laser, 3D Cameras

Fuel Type Battery Size 400 x 600 x 900 mm 68

Status Product Manufacturer Fetch Robotics


Dom Dominos Pizza delivery bot designed to deliver and keep warm pizzas for urban delivery.

Weight 190 kg

Speed 19.3 km/h

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1036 x 732 x 915 mm

Manufacturer Samsung

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Qilun-150 Qilun-150 was designed for delivering luggage for customers in hotels or airports. It can carry heavy stuff and move quickly to keep up with people. The platform allows luggage of different shapes and sizes and the device has tall frames for protection of its contents.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 12 km/h

Capacity 150 kg

Range 48 hours

Known Sensors Laser Scanners

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 700 x 500 x 1000 mm

Manufacturer Mikelimei


TUG Aethon mobile robots perform delivery and transportation tasks in healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing organizations to assist the staff safely transport up to 1,400 lbs of material.

Weight 100 kg

Speed 0.7 m/s

Capacity 340 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera, Laser, Sonar, Infrared

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 1100 x 500 x 1000 mm

Manufacturer Aethon

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

ZXX-80 ZXX-80 is a nursing assistant working in hospitals or with the elderly in homes. It can deliver medicines or equipment to patients. Patients can also communicate with their doctors through the screen. In addition, the robots can detect the air quality conditions and sound an alarm in case of emergencies like fire or smoke.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 9 km/h

Capacity 40 kg

Range 48 hours

Known Sensors Laser Scanners

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 700 x 480 x 1100 mm

Manufacturer Mikelimei


Tag Surveyor This robot helps manufacturing facilities and large warehouses keep track of inventory by scanning RFID tags and mapping the location of objects.

Weight 90 kg

Speed 1.5 m/s

Capacity N/A

Range 7.6 m

Known Sensors RFID scanner, wide-angle laser scanner

Fuel Type Battery Size 500 x 600 x 1200 mm

Status Product Manufacturer Fetch Robotics

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

SMT-201 SMT-201 is a workshop trolley designed for use in high precision electronics manufacturing environments.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 6 km/h

Capacity 100 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Laser Scanners

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 900 x 700 x 1200 mm

Manufacturer Mikelimei


Savioke An autonomous delivery robot that works in hotels, hospitals, and other public spaces. The robot was designed to interact with humans, deliver items, and navigate open spaces.

Weight 41 kg

Speed 2.6 km/h

Capacity 4.5 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Cameras, LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 610 x 610 x 1219 mm

Manufacturer Savioke

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

HMIShelf HMIShelf plays the role of a virtual conveyor. Its configurable and customizable shelving system make it suitable for moving packages from loading to unloading.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 78 kg

Range 9 hours

Known Sensors 2D Laser, 3D Cameras

Fuel Type Battery Size 500 x 400 x 1400 mm 76

Status Product Manufacturer Fetch Robotics


Dust Cart This is a door to door waste management system that may be called via app to pickup and carry the waste from homes to a centralized collection space. This is currently being tested and prototyped in dense urban neighborhoods.

Weight 150 kg

Speed 4.5 km/h

Capacity 15 kg

Range 54 km

Known Sensors GPS, Cameras, LIDAR

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 762 x 1016 x 1448 mm

Manufacturer RoboTech

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

RPR The Robotic Pallet Transporter is meant to quickly move wooden and plastic pallets of materials across warehouse floors to be stocked or distributed.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 3600 kg

Speed 5.4 km/h

Capacity 3200 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera, Touch Sensor, Motion Sensor

Fuel Type Battery Size 2500 x 900 x 1500 mm 78

Status Product Manufacturer Vecna Robotics


Angus This robot assists in growing produce within controlled environments by relocating beds to optimize growth. It operates in conjunction with a hydroponic growing system.

Weight Unknown

Speed N/A

Capacity Unknown

Range N/A

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type N/A

Status Product

Size 4500 x 1500 x 1500 mm

Manufacturer Iron Ox

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Neolix This autonomous platform has multiple product types. This vehicle can be used as a mobile convenience store, courier, or security patrol unit.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 50 km/h

Capacity Unknown

Range 100 km

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 2400 x 1000 x 1600 mm

Manufacturer Neolix


SameDay Bot FedEx developed the SameDay robot for retailers, allowing them to provide for on-demand, hyper local delivery. With an aim of providing door-to-door delivery experience the bot is designed to navigate unpaved surfaces, curbs, and steps.

Weight 91 kg

Speed 16 km/h

Capacity Unknown

Range 12.8 km

Known Sensors Cameras, LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 762 x 762 x 1615 mm

Manufacturer DEKA Development & Research Corp

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

3E-C18 Honda’s 3E-C18 was developed to be a cargo companion that supports the activities of small entrepreneurs. The upper surface of the multipurpose C18 rises from the main body to form a canopy for street vendors or mobile shops.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 1500 x 750 x 1800 mm

Manufacturer Honda


RT4500 Tugger This robot was meant to move large amounts of goods across warehouses and factories. Similar to baggage trains at the airport, this autonomous vehicle pulls long trains of goods.

Weight 4500 kg

Speed 5.4 km/h

Capacity 3600 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Camera, Touch Sensor, Motion Sensor

Fuel Type Battery Size Unknown

Status Product Manufacturer Vecna Robotics

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Cargo Pod Delivery vehicle that can carry multiple food orders or packages.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size Unknown

Manufacturer Ocado and Oxbotica


Nuro R1 Grocery and package delivery bot that may be called via app to pickup and deliver large amounts of items.

Weight Unknown

Speed 40 km/h

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors 12 Cameras, LIDAR, Audio, Radar, Ultrasonic

Fuel Type Battery Size 3048 x 915 x 1830 mm

Status Prototype Manufacturer Nuro

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

AT 135 The AT 135 is meant to be an autonomous replacement for baggage train cars, and other airport service vehicles.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 4215 kg

Speed 24 km/h

Capacity 1814 kg

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras, Odometry, GNSS

Fuel Type Battery Size 3250 x 1600 x 2160 mm 86

Status Product Manufacturer Nayva


Tesla Semi Multi-purpose semi cab to replace human driven long distance semi trucks.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 36,288 kg

Range 997 km

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size Unknown

Manufacturer Tesla

Mobility of Goods

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

T - Log Large semi-truck designed to carry freshly cut timber from logging sites.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 9,980 kg

Speed 85 km/h

Capacity 14,515 kg

Range 193 km

Known Sensors LIDAR, Radar, Cameras, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 6706 x 2500 x 3048 mm

Manufacturer Einride


Mobility of Goods


Robot Survey


Mobility of People Perhaps the most familiar kind of urban robot today is the now-ubiquitous idea of the driverless car. We identified established three sub-clusters based on the number of passengers they accommodate: Large (more than 15 people), Small size (less than 15 people), and personal.

Civic Futures

in our survey, perhaps because these vehicles have the flexibility to operate in fixed route and point to point modes, and hence can be deployed in a larger spectrum of situations. Robots that offer mobility to a single person typically allow point to point routing and can presently only be deployed for short distance transport. Large size vehicles are more typically Vehicles for small groups used on fixed routes similar to represent the largest sub-cluster current day public transport.

Robot Survey 2019

Loomon This is a mini electric personal transporter with smart self-balancing technology.


Mobility Method Wheel

Weight 19 kg

Speed 18 km/h

Capacity 1 person (up to 100 kg)

Range 35.5 km per charge

Known Sensors Camera, Infrared, Ultrasonic

Fuel Type Battery

Status Product

Size 310 x 570 x 650 mm

Manufacturer Segaway


Aircart Wheelchair This robot is a wheelchair with autonomous driving technology that can be pushed easily with a small force regardless of the weight on the wheelchair. It maintains a certain speed in slopes and automatically breaks when it detects obstacles or the pusher loses the hold.

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 1 person (up to 120 kg)

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Load Sensor

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 1220 x 760 x 760 mm

Manufacturer Naver Labs

Mobility of People

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Mover A small vehicle for short trips across controlled streets. Uses all wheel drive, allowing forward and backward movement without turning the vehicle around.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity 4 Passengers

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Unknown

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 2500 x 1500 x 1200 mm

Manufacturer Schaeffler


Autonom Cab The Autonomous cab is a regular self driving cab meant to replace human driven personal transport.

Weight 2100 kg

Speed 88.5 km/h

Capacity 6 Passengers

Range 885 km

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras, GPS, IMU, Odometry, Radar

Fuel Type Battery Size 4650 x 1950 x 2100 mm

Status Prototype Manufacturer Nayva

Mobility of People

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Optimus These are self-driving vehicles deployed by Boston-based self-driving startup Optimus Ride for its robot taxi service.


Mobility Method Wheels

Weight Unknown

Speed 2.5 km/h

Capacity 6 Passengers

Range Unknown

Known Sensors Cameras, LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Prototype

Size 3200 x 1830 x 1650 mm

Manufacturer Polaris


Travel Suite Hospitality is injected into transportation in the Aprilli Travel Suite. Designed for long distance journeys, amenities and space for leisure are provided for commuters as they travel from point A to point B making the Travel Suite a competitive option compared to conventional means of transportation and lodging. Weight Unknown

Speed Unknown

Capacity Unknown

Range Unknown

Known Sensors LIDAR, GPS

Fuel Type Battery

Status Concept

Size 2000 x 5800 x 2600 mm

Manufacturer Aprilli Design

Mobility of People

Mobility Method Wheels

Robot Survey 2019

Autonom Shuttle Autonomous shuttle meant to carry 10 - 12 people comfortably across confined urban areas, business parks, or short tours. Meant for short distances on highly controlled paths.

Mobility Method Wheels

Weight 2400 kg

Speed 24 km/h

Capacity 15 Passengers

Range 216 km

Known Sensors LIDAR, Cameras, GPS, IMU, Odometry, Radar

Fuel Type Battery Size 4750 x 1950 x 2100 mm 98

Status Product Manufacturer Nayva


Mobility of People

Robot Survey

This booklet was produced by students of the Civic Futures Thesis Group at the University of Michigan’s A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning in the Fall of 2019. Sources: Scan the QR Code to access a Google Sheet document that includes citations for each robot in this document.

Research and Illustrations: Abirami Manivannan Andrea Marquez Asya Shine Beiyi Ma Da Eun Lee Harshwardhan Saini Julia Jeffs Karun Chughasrani Linda Lee Rinika Prince Tristan Snyder Victoria Yu Yousun Nam Advisor: Bryan Boyer, Eliel Saarinen Visiting Assistant Professor of Practice and Partner, Dash Marshall


Graphic Design and Compilation: Abirami Manivannan Andrea Marquez Karun Chughasrani Edition: Printed on Risograph in an edition of 50 by Cache Printing Services in Detroit, MI. License: Use and remixing of this publication is allowed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Civic Futures

Produced by the Civic Futures thesis group at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning University of Michigan

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