Untitled Design

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The Taktse Times

In this issue

Page 1

NOTE FROM THE OUTREACH TEAM A short introduction

Page 2


Brief Article Summerising the event

Page 3


Field visit by Grade 9

Page 4


Article By Kohana Grade 10

Page 5


Page 6-7

RESIDENCE ASSEMBLY Assembly by Resident team


Note from the Outreach Team

As the scorching heat of summer gives way to the refreshing showers of the monsoon season, students find themselves caught between two significant events: mid-term exams and summer break This combination creates a unique blend of excitement and anxiety.

As the raindrops tap against the windowpane, students bury themselves in textbooks and lecture notes, preparing for the crucial mid-term exams. The sound of thunder and lightning becomes a constant reminder of the limited time available for revision Late nights and early mornings become the norm as students strive to balance their academic responsibilities and the allure of the monsoon outside.

However, the monsoon brings its own sense of relief and joy As the exams conclude, students eagerly anticipate the summer break They envision themselves soaking in the rain, playing outdoor sports, and embarking on adventurous outings with friends and family.

In this juxtaposition of academic pursuits and leisurely indulgence, students learn valuable lessons about time management and prioritization. The monsoon, mid-term exams, and summer break become integral parts of their journey towards personal growth and success

World Environment Day

The World Environment Day was celebrated in Taktse, in collaboration with distinguished scientists and research scholars from GB Panth Institute, Sikkim. The central theme of this year's observance revolved around addressing the critical issue of plastic pollution, reflecting a collective commitment to preserving our environment.

During the event, the students showcased their creative talents by delivering a captivating skit that effectively communicated the significance of the 3R concept: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Through their performance, they emphasized the importance of adopting these principles in our daily lives to minimize waste generation and promote sustainable practices.

Furthermore, as a tangible demonstration of their dedication and support for reducing the use of plastics, the students engaged in an Ecological Print activity. This activity served as a symbolic gesture, representing their commitment to making a positive impact on the environment. By pledging their support for plastic reduction, the students reinforced their determination to combat plastic pollution and promote a greener and cleaner future.


An unusually smart Tuesday: After taking multiple U-turns, we reached the utopian fifth floor where we were greeted by numerous tiny and two goliath screens. We then sat down to begin our ambivalent journey into the various tools and techniques of how our city Gangtok is slowly but surely headed towards the benchmark of a smart city, starting with the smart citizens working tediously at the ICCC

The presentation was very discerning and pleasantly dispensed by the team of Engineers and the additional Director himself, with information and visuals which constantly amused, excited and informed us of the various schemes and plans and tools, all of immensely technical and advanced nature.

Seeing all those, we could only wonder how the world in front of us is transforming into something better with ease of coordination between the different aspects of governance, all for the simple reason of the betterment of society and mankind


Members of the social work club embarked on an unforgettable trip to a children's home at Bojoghari. The main purpose of this trip was to establish a library for the children residing there. With the kind support from fellow students and teachers, we managed to gather a splendid collection of books for this noble cause We were all contemplating the reactions of the children and were extremely excited and the smiles on their face certainly did not let us down.

As we arrived, we were warmly greeted by the cheerful faces of the residing children. Without wasting a moment we set to workarranging the books

Witnessing the children's excitement and curiosity as they explored their new library warmed our heart and made us feel satisfied with the days work. We ended this short visit with a game of Chinese whisper and engaging in meaningful conversations. Overall this was a memorable experience knowing that we were making a positive impact on the lives of children.



The Photography club is a vibrant and dynamic community of passionate photographers, eager to explore the world through their lenses. This club serves as a platform for students to develop their photography skills, exchange ideas, and express their creativity. With a focus on both technical expertise and artistic expression, the club members embark on a visual journey, capturing captivating moments and telling stories th h th i photographs. of scale onam Tsheten, Grade 9

Shapes and lines

By: Samten, Grade 9

Texture and pattern

By: Sonam Tsheten, Grade 9

Shapes and lines

By: Rianna, Grade 10

Leading Lines

By: Rianna, Grade 10

Texture and pattern

By: Rianna, Grade 10


By: Sonam Tsheten, Grade 9


We have all heard stories of Sikkim being one of the most peaceful states in India. However, as the population began to grow, various ideas for employment, such as the construction of hydropower projects, started coming up. Many of the Sikkimese people were opposed to these projects. The main reason behind their opposition was their deep connection to nature, as they considered themselves mountain worshipers, and they believed that projects such as these would disturb the peace due to activities like tunnel digging.

During this time, Taktse’s founding members emerged as advocates against these projects Unfortunately, most of them belonged to the first generation of educated individuals who were knowledgeable about


It was at this point that they realized the significance of being able to confidently express themselves in a universal language and receive a modern education. This realization led them to establish Taktse International School, where students learn both Western education and the principles of Dharma. By embracing their own culture, they ensure that they do not forget their roots, which teach them to be humble, compassionate, grounded, and kind

The essence of this assembly revolves around this very theme. As residents from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and countries, we coexist and acquire modern education, striving to become confident and wellrounded individuals Nonetheless, we never lose sight of the foundation provided by our own unique cultures, which have played a pivotal role in shaping us into the individuals we are today.

We come together in this assembly, wearing our school uniforms while performing traditional dances, yet, we symbolize our unwavering commitment to preserving our ethnicity and culture.

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