From the Founding Conductor Thirty Years Later… Prior to 1991, students at Westminster Choir College often organized services of lessons and carols during the season of Advent. Inspired by the famous Service of Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College, Cambridge, these services were held in Bristol Chapel under the leadership of Sacred Music students and accompanied by student organists. A year after my arrival at Westminster in 1991, I decided that Chapel Choir needed a bit more musical growth before they sang their “reveal” concert. When I taught at Lewisburg High School in Lewisburg, PA, I attended the Lessons and Carols that William Payn, a Westminster alumnus and close friend, produced at Bucknell with his Rooke Chapel Choir. His format used not only his vocal choir, but his handbell choir as well. Those evenings were the first time I heard The Ringing in of The Season after Silent Night. In 1992, I decided to have a similar program in Bristol Chapel and asked Kathleen Ebling Shaw and the Westminster Concert Bell Choir to participate. Student organists provided accompaniment for all the carols. Robin Leaver gave the bidding, and Joseph Flummerfelt and Diana Crane read traditional readings from the famous King’s College Lessons and Carols. Silent Night was sung with the entire audience burning beeswax candles purchased from the Moravian Bookstore in Bethlehem, PA. In 1993, we added a second evening with both services at full capacity. In 1994, I suggested to Anne Sears that we might move the program to the Princeton University Chapel. There was fear at the time that we wouldn’t be able to fill the larger space. It was in that year that we added brass and percussion. To our surprise, we sold all available tickets in just a few days. Steven Pilkington urged me to move toward something that was more uniquely “Westminster.” I asked Dr. Pilkington to compose a song to replace Once in Royal David’s City, the opening hymn. I expected a hymn, but received instead an arrangement of the Appalachian John Jacob Niles tune, I Wonder as I Wander with a mezzo-soprano solo written for Heidi Lynn, my graduate assistant at the time. That premiere came complete with star projections on the chapel ceiling and an improvised organ processional. The star projections and the improvisation have vanished, but that piece has remained the iconic opening each and every year sung from the rear balcony. In that year, Roger Ames also composed an iconic arrangement of Infant Holy, Infant Lowly in Polish that closed the evening before Silent Night for ten years and returned in 2021. In 1995, we moved the concert to two evenings, and shortly after, Symphonic Choir, conducted by Joseph Flummerfelt, was added to help “drive the carols.” Schola Cantorum was added as well, conducted by Craig Denison. For many years, Robin Leaver delivered the opening bidding. Upon his retirement, Steven Pilkington took up the mantle. His biddings have become iconic in their own right, as they summarize the year past in rhymed prose, as only he can do. This reminds us what this season is really about each year. From 1998 forward, Westminster
organ faculty began to play for the evening, and with each year, we refined the movement of choirs to maintain a visual and musical flow to the evening. Throughout the years, commissioned pieces were provided by Mack Wilberg, Dan Forrest, Steven Pilkington, Roger Ames, and others. One of the most significant musical changes was to use movements of Missa Carolae, written by my dear friend and co-director of the Choral Institute at Oxford James Whitbourn, as the processional in 2009. In 2013, we commissioned Dan Forest for a Festival First Nowell. That work is not only a traditional part of our evening, but has now spread throughout the world, earning status as an iconic Christmas arrangement. In 2016, Williamson Voices recorded Carolae, an album featuring most of the iconic music of this evening, with Daryl Robinson at the organ. The David Wilcocks carols have come and gone and returned again as the carol arrangements of choice, as did the Andrew Carter arrangement of O Come, O Come Emanuel. For the first time, in 2018, we asked alumni to return and join our family for the evening that many of them knew as students or enjoyed as audience members In 2020, our Readings and Carols went virtual because of the pandemic and included both current students and alumni singers. Westminster alumnus Brandon Waddles arranged Silent Night for that streamed event, and it now returns as part of this anniversary celebration. Over these 30 years, the Westminster Readings and Carols has become both a welcomed ritual and a binding force among our students and the Westminster family. In our rapidly changing world, ritual is not only needed, but required in order to connect generations of Westminster students to each other. This evening brings stability, beauty, and comfort to all that experience the music in this great space. So, each year, for 30 years, we gather to witness this familiar tradition and to be moved by sound and word. I dare say that this evening is one of the things that makes Westminster Choir College singularly unique. This year, we welcome Westminster alumnus, Robert McCormick, who began his Westminster journey as a Chapel Choir accompanist, to the Mander organ. And for the first time ever, we are video recording this year’s event to share with audiences nationwide. Few people at any institution have the privilege of beginning traditions. To have started this evening and to witness its growth is a humbling thing for me and one of the greatest privileges of my life. To help knit ourselves to this music and this yearly ritual is a deep and abiding blessing for me. To work with my colleagues, Steven Pilkington and Kathleen Ebling Shaw, all these 30 years is a privilege and blessing unto itself. I owe Westminster ---its students and faculty--- more than I can ever repay. But, perhaps, the shepherding of this evening for these 30 years might begin my partial repayment to this incredible school and to the hundreds and hundreds of students who have touched all our lives over these 30 years. James Jordan
Guest Artists Silky M. Carter ’12, soprano Shreya Choudhury ’22, soprano Haejin Shim Fujimura, reader Megan Gallagher ‘17, soprano Tyler-Minseok Kim ‘24, reader Anne Sears, reader Jason Vodicka ’03, ‘09, reader
PROGRAM I Wonder as I Wander
John Jacob Niles (1892 – 1980) arr. Steven Pilkington
Megan Gallagher ‘17, soprano Westminster Chapel Choir 2021-2022 Westminster Chapel Choir 2021-2022 Westminster Schola Cantorum READING: Light a Candle
Max Kapp (1904 – 1979) Tyler-Minseok Kim ‘24 B.M. Sacred Music and Music Education Westminster Choir College of Rider University
CAROL: O Come, O Come Emmanuel* All: O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear: Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. Choir Only Tenor and Bass: O come, thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny; From depths of hell your people save, and give them victory o'er the grave. Refrain Choir Only Soprano and Alto: O come, thou Dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by thine advent here; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadows put to flight: Refrain Choir Only: O come thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heav’nly home; Make safe the way that leads on high,
VENI EMMANUEL arr. Andrew Carter (b. 1939)
And close the path to misery: Refrain All: O come, O come, thou Lord of Might, Who to thy tribes on Sinai’s height, In ancient times did give the law In cloud and majesty and awe: Refrain El Mesias (Messiah) HWV 56 George Frideric Handel (1685 – 1759) Entre nosotros nace un Dios Librettist Mario Montenegro (b. 1969) (For unto us a child is born) Westminster Symphonic Choir Robert McCormick ‘01, organ Danse Russe Trepak
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 – 1893) arr. William Griffin (b. 1950) Westminster Concert Bell Choir Jessica Koscak, percussion
Wendell Whalum (1931 – 1987) arr. Barrington Brooks (1959 – 1996) Westminster Jubilee Singers Andrew Chojnacki, Akiko Hosaki and Daniel Ware, percussion
READING: Why Not a Star
Margaret Gooding (1922 – 2003) Anne Sears Emerita Director of External Affairs Westminster Choir College of Rider University
CAROL: O Come, All Ye Faithful*
ADESTE FIDELIS J. F. Wade (c. 1711 – 1786) arr. Sir David Willcocks (1919 – 2015)
All: O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant, O Come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold him Born the King of Angels: Refrain: O come, let us adore him, O come let us adore him, O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord!
God of God, Light of Light, Lo! He abhors not the Virgin’s womb; Very God, Begotten, not created: Refrain Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above; Glory to God in the highest: Refrain Yea, Lord, we greet thee, Born this happy morning, Jesu, to thee be glory giv’n. Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing: Refrain In the Bleak Midwinter
arr. Steven Pilkington text by Christina Georgina Rosetti
Westminster Choir Michael Woods, tenor Steven Pilkington, piano Tyler Weakland, solo handbells CAROL: Hark The Herald Angels Sing* All: Hark! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem! Hark! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King! Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, late in time behold him come, offspring of a virgin’s womb. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail, the incarnate deity,
MENDELSSOHN Felix Mendelssohn (1809 – 1947) arr. Sir David Willcocks (1919 – 2015)
pleased as Man with to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel! Hark! the herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King. Hail, the heaven-born Prince of peace! Hail the Son of righteousness! Light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. Mild he lays his glory by, born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth. Hark! the herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King. On This Day Earth Shall Ring
PERSONENT HODIE Piae Cantiones arr. Cathy Moklebust (b. 1958) Westminster Concert Bell Choir Samuel Day, Devin Embrich, and Jordan Mongell, percussion
Festival First Nowell
Traditional Carol arr. Dan Forrest (b. 1978)
Combined Choirs Robert McCormick ‘01, organ Timberdale Brass
READING: The Work of Christmas Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981) Haejin Shim Fujimura Partner at Shim and Associates and CEO of Embers International Silent Night
arr. Thomas Whitfield (1954 – 1992) and Brandon Waddles (b. 1988) Silky M. Carter ‘12, soprano (Dec. 9) Shreya Choudhury ’22, soprano (Dec. 10) Combined Choirs Nimrod Speaks, bass Daniel Ware, drums
Ringing in the Season Westminster Concert Bell Choir
CAROL: Joy to the World*
ANTIOCH arr. Ken Cowan (b. 1974)
All: Joy to the world! the Lord is come: let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing. Joy to the world the Savior reigns; let men their songs employ, while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness, and wonders of his love, and wonders of his love, and wonders, and wonders of his love. POSTLUDE Bring a torch, Jeanette Isabella
Traditional Carol arr. Keith Chapman (1945 – 1989) Robert McCormick ‘01, organ
Texts and Translations I Wonder as I Wander I wonder as I wander out under the sky How Jesus the Saviour did come for to die. For poor on’ry people like you and like I; I wonder as I wander out under the sky When Mary birthed Jesus ‘twas in a cow’s stall With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all But high from God’s heaven, a star’s light did fall And the promise of ages it then did recall. If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing A star in the sky or a bird on the wing Or all God’s angels in heaven to sing He surely could have it, ‘cause he was the King. El Mesias (Messiah) HWV 56 Entre nosotros nace un Dios (For unto us a child is born)
Librettist Mario Montenegro
The Westminster Symphonic Choir will sing a movement of Handel’s Messiah in Spanish. This edition was developed over three years by the San Diego Bach Collegium, and was recently performed by the Symphonic Choir, conducted by Reuben Valenzuela, with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s. While many works should not be taken out of their original setting, it seems justified in this case because Handel did originally compose some movements in Italian, and the work has been translated into numerous languages including German and French. Westminster Symphonic Choir is proud to share a movement with you in this year’s Readings and Carols. Entre nosotros nace un Dios, el Hijo se nos ha dado: Que tendrá poder sobre todos los pueblos: y le darán 11orn ombre: Príncipe, Salvador, Inmenso Dios, el Sempiterno Padre, Señor de Paz. (Isaías 9:6)
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
Betelehemu Awa yiori Baba gbojule Awa yiori Baba fehenti Nibo labi Jesu Nibo lagbe bii Betelehemu ilu ara Nibe labi Baba o daju Iyin nifuno Adupe fun o jooni Baba oloreo Iyin fun o Baba Baba toda wasi
We are glad that we have a Father to trust. We are glad that we have a Father to rely upon Where was Jesus born? Where was He born? Bethlehem, the city of wonder. That is where the Father was born for sure. Praise, praise, praise be to Him. We thank thee, we thank Thee, we thank Thee for this day, Gracious Father. Praise, praise, praise be to Thee, Merciful Father
In the Bleak Midwinter
text by Christina Georgina Rosetti
In the bleak midwinter, Frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone; Snow had fallen, Snow on snow, snow on snow, In the bleak midwinter, mid winter time, Long, long time ago. Heaven cannot hold him, nor earth sustain; Heav’n and earth shall flee away when he comes to reign; In the bleak midwinter, a stable place sufficed, The Lord almighty, Jesus Christ. What can I give him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb If I were a wise man I would do my part, Yet what I can I give, what can I give to him, Give my heart. Festival First Nowell The first Nowell the angels did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay In fields where they lay, keeping their sheep, On a cold winter’s night that was so deep: Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the King of Israel. They looked up and saw a star
shining in the east beyond them far; And to the earth it gave great light, and so it continued both day and night. Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the King of Israel. Then let us all with one accord Sing praises to our heav’nly Lord That hath made heav’n and earth of nought, And with His blood mankind hath bought Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the King of Israel. Silent Night Silent night, holy night! All is calm, and all is bright Round yon Virgin Mother and Child, Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly, Sleep in heavenly peace, Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight; Glories stream from heaven afar; Heav’nly hosts sing alleluia! Christ, the Savior, is born! Christ, the Savior, Christ, the Savior, is born! Jesus, Lord, at thy birth Jesus, Lord, at thy, Jesus Lord, Sleep, sleep, sleep. I’m so glad you came, So sleep, sleep, sleep. I’m so glad you came, So heal, heal, heal. I’m so glad you came, So love, love, love. I’m so glad you came, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly, Sleep in heavenly peace,
About the Artists Westminster Symphonic Choir James Jordan, Conductor Tyler Weakland, Associate Conductor Gregory Stout, Accompanist Eric Beomjin Kim, Graduate Assistant Robert Lapore, Graduate Assistant Mike Woods, Graduate Assistant SOPRANO
Jocelyn Alam, Mendham, NJ Emilie Beals, Carlisle, PA Cherisse Bonefont, Lumberton, NJ Maryrose Canevari, Pawling, NY Juli Chiriboga, Huntington, NY Ally Christiansen, Leamington, UT Olivia Dixon, Woodbury, NJ Jilin Dong, Ningbo, China Olivia Dunleavy, River Edge, NJ Debbie-Ann Francis, The Bronx, NY Claire Fritz, Elizabethtown, PA Sienna Grinwald-Alves, Barnegat, NJ Summer Kuhns, Anchorage, AK Shayna Lee, Brea, CA
Hayley Ashe, Quakertown, PA Rosalind Ballow, Warminster, PA Adrianna Barnett, West Grove, PA Zoe Beaton, Palm City, FL Samantha Belinski, Yardley, PA Mackenzie Berry, Frederick, MD Abi Culkin, Woodbine, MD Emily Huguenin, Howell, NJ Jessica Koscak, Tamaqua, PA
Andrew Chojnacki, Delran, NJ Evan Davis, Sharon, MA Devin Embrich, West Palm Beach, FL Joseph Kelley, Sanatoga, PA Eric Beomjin Kim, Seoul, South Korea Benjamin Kirk, Lumberton NJ
Ashley LiBrizzi, Hillsborough, NJ Lauren Mickley, Old Greenwich, CT Bela Nakum, Belle Mead, NJ Samantha Noble, Jersey City, NJ Kyra Pitagno, Stony Brook, NY Eleanor Rees, Huntington, NY Ashley Reinhardt, Stroudsburg PA Brenna Richard, York, PA Abbey Ritter, Geneva, NY Grace Rykaczewski, Moorestown, NJ Sadai Servin, East Los Angeles, CA Jennie Sprouse, Nashville, TN Julia Wilder, Carmel, NY
Rachel McNamara, N. Attleboro, MA Sophia Obando, Wharton, NJ Lydia Reifsnyder, Mount Desert, ME Abigail Rose, Perkasie, PA Elizabeth Rosenberg, Rising Sun, MD Jenna Sims, Reno, NV Sarah Swahlon, Carlisle, PA Jasmin Villatoro, Holbrook, NY Tiffany Ye, Fairfax, VA
Tyler-Minseok Kim, Siheung, South Korea Jordan Klotz, Rochester, NY Gregory Nappa, Newton, NJ Eddie Tamanini, Langhorne, PA Michael Woods, Colonie, NY
Diego Bustamante, Chico, CA Yusef Collins-Bryant, Frankford, PA Jacob Hale, San Antonio, TX Lucas Heredia, East Brunswick, NJ Robert Lapore Jr., Elizabeth, NJ Jordan Mongell, North Andover, MA James Moyer, Yardley, PA Christopher Palmer, West Chester, PA
Joseph Richwine, Dillsburg, PA Benjamin Shively, Kansas City, MO Gavin Springer, Belmar, NJ Kyle St. Sauveur, Simsbury, CT Thomas Stella, Plainsboro, NJ Samuel Stephenson, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Arseniy Vasilyev, Green Brook, NJ
Westminster Chapel Choir
Alicia Brozovich, Conductor Josh Wilson, Accompanist Lydia Reifsnyder, Graduate Assistant Jilin Dong, Graduate Assistant SOPRANO
Elizabeth Berger, Baltimore, MD Jacqueline Burkholder, Philidelphia, PA Sarah Febonio, Flemington, NJ Sela McMullen, Towson, MD
Sarah J. Adams, Cherry Hill, NJ Nidhi Advani, Columbus, NJ Katie Blowitski, Southampton, PA Alexa Farah, Northvale, NJ
Kevin Catalon, Fords, NJ Denver Edwards, Goshen, IN
Zyheim Bell, Fort Myers, FL Diego Dominguez, El Paso, TX Jacob Everett, Otisfield, ME
Payton Tharp, Pennington, NJ Sarah Vawdrey, Teaneck, NJ Joei Vita, Poughkeepsie, NY Jade Ayanna Whiteside, Clayton, NJ
Jiayun Gao, Shanghai, China Dream Gibbs, Paterson, NJ Alyssa Lester, Monroe Township, NJ Naomi Torres, Richmond, VA
Samuel Messenger, Bellmawr, NJ Daniel J. Piver, East Hampton, NY
Sean Haugh, Point Pleasant, NJ Alastair Stewart, Pointe Claire, Quebec
Westminster Concert Bell Choir Kathleen Ebling Shaw, Conductor Jordan Allen, Graduate Assistant Jordan S. Allen, Plainsboro, NJ Kayla An, Bethpage, NY Liberty Ashe, Quakertown, PA Samuel Day, Narragansett, RI Olivia Dunleavy, River Edge, NJ Devin Embrich, West Palm Beach, FL Jessica Koscak, Tamaqua, PA Shayna Lee, Brea, CA
Rachel McNamara, North Attleboro, MA Jordan Mongell, North Andover, MA Gregory Nappa, Newton, NJ Samantha Noble, Jersey City, NJ Craig Peters, Palmerton, PA Ashley Reinhardt, Stroudsburg, PA Cecilia Simon, Mendham, NJ Kelly Ye, Hangzhou, China
The Westminster Concert Bell Choir is grateful to have on loan the lower eighth and ninth octave bass handbells, the lower seventh octave Choirchime® Instruments, and the C6 to C8 CymBells® from Malmark, Inc. – Bellcraftsmen, Plumsteadville, PA. On the web:
Westminster Choir
James Jordan, Conductor Tyler Weakland, Associate Conductor, Accompanist Gregory Stout, Accompanist Samuel Stephenson, Graduate Assistant Benjamin Shively, Graduate Assistant SOPRANO
Jocelyn Alam, Mendham, NJ Emilie Beals, Carlisle, PA Maryrose Canevari, Pawling, NY Ally Christiansen, Leamington, UT Jilin Dong, Ningbo, China Claire Fritz, Elizabethtown, PA
Adrianna Barnett, West Grove, PA Samantha Belinski, Yardley, PA Mackenzie Berry, Frederick, MD Grace Comeau, Bristow, VA Abi Culkin, Woodbine, MD
Summer Kuhns, Anchorage, AK Lauren Mickley, Old Greenwich, CT Samantha Noble, Jersey City, NJ Kyra Pitagno, Stony Brook, NY Eleanor Rees, Huntington, NY
Emily Huguenin, Howell, NJ Lydia Reifsnyder, Mount Desert, ME Abigail Rose, Perkasie, PA Elizabeth Rosenberg, Rising Sun, MD Sarah Swahlon, Carlisle, PA
Samuel Day, Narragansett, RI Skylar Derthick, Camas, WA Devin Embrich, West Palm Beach, FL Benjamin Kirk, Lumberton NJ
Yusef Collins-Bryant, Frankford, PA Jacob Hale, San Antonio, TX Lucas Heredia, East Brunswick, NJ Eric Beomjin Kim, Seoul, South Korea Robert Lapore Jr., Elizabeth, NJ Jordan Mongell, North Andover, MA
Tyler-Minseok Kim, Siheung, South Korea Gregory Nappa, Newton, NJ Michael Woods, Colonie, NY
James Moyer, Yardley, PA Christopher Palmer, West Chester, PA Benjamin Shively, Kansas City, MO Gavin Springer, Belmar, NJ Kyle St. Sauveur, Simsbury, CT Samuel Stephenson, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Westminster Jubilee Singers Vinroy D. Brown, Jr., Conductor Akiko Hosaki, Accompanist Lydia Reifsnyder, Graduate Assistant Jordan S. Allen, Graduate Assistant SOPRANO
Jocelyn Alam, Mendham, NJ Cherisse R. Bonefont, Lumberton, NJ Juliana Chiriboga, Huntington, NY Olivia M. Dixon, Woodbury, NJ Debbie-Ann Francis, The Bronx, NY Bela Nakum, Belle Mead, NJ
Hayley Ashe, Quakertown, PA Adrianna Barnett, West Grove, PA Emilie Beals, Carlisle, PA Samantha Belinski, Yardley, PA Azhaneet Blackwell, Trenton, NJ
Skylar Derthick, Camas, WA Michael Woods, Colonie, NY
Andre Baldasserini, Freehold, NJ Lucas Heredia, East Brunswick, NJ
Abbey Ritter, Geneva, NY Jennie Mae Sprouse, Nashville, TN Olivia Venier, Gardiner, NY Dominique White, Southampton, PA Julia Wilder, Carmel, NY
Lydia Reifsnyder, Mount Desert, ME Abigail A. Rose, Perkasie, PA Jenna L. Sims, Reno, NV Jasmin Villatoro, Holbrook, NY
Eric Beomjin Kim, Seoul, South Korea
Thomas Stella, Plainsboro, NJ
Westminster Alumni Choir
Tyler Weakland, Rehearsal Conductor Gregory Stout, Accompanist Alexa Agourides '15, '17 Brett Algaier '12 Miriam Allbee '91 Jordan Allen ‘22 M. Thaddius Banks '16 Devon Barnes ‘22 Dillon Beede '14 Zachary Beeksma '15 Emmanuel Bonilla-Acosta '15 Alyssa Brode '09 Karina Bruno '22 Mary Butler Eggleston '03 Silky M. Carter ‘12 Esther Chen '12 Lane Cheney '91 Jenni B. Collins '89 Martha Cook Davidson '75, '82 Roy DeMarco '20 Ashley DiStefano DeAntonio '08 Christine Dorantes '14 Patricia Dunkin '73 Kathryn Elliott '17 Karen Englehart-Garant '79 Gillian Erlenborn '18 Jonathon Feinstein '15, '16 Kathee Frank '17 Deena Frankel '05 Thaddeus Thomas Franzen '22 Matthew P. Fritz '90 Albert E. Ganter '01 Colleen Gilgan '21 Elaine K Harned '97 John Harrison Erika Hennings '05 Tod Hicks '90 Chelsea Holbrook '22 Teresa Hui '04 Charlie Ibsen '22 Marion Jacob '22
Ally Jurgens '22 Wakako Kawasaki '21 T. Quinn Kimball '12 Kristen Kozub '09, '12 Bev L. Kugele '75, '90, '92 Yuyi Liu Erin MacKenzie '16 Dr. A. Edward Maddison '82 Michael Martin '21 Julianna Massielo '21 Rose McCathran '07, '09 Kayla McLaughlin '16 Abigail Merk '18 Alexander Miller '20 Larry Miller '17 Alison Mingle '08 Brit Montoro '12 Cheryl Moya '80, '86 Tylzia Msonthi '12 Steve Nolen '10 Jennifer O'Brien '19 Gianna Pannullo '15 Adam Phillips '02 Blythe Quelin '04, '08 Cynthia Regan '97 Joyce Richardson '79, '81 Yasmin C. Siglam '18 Enrique Silva Gil '20 Eleonore Thomas '01 Kathryn Thomas ‘86 Destiny Velez '22 Felicia Villa '20 Caroline Voyack '21 Deborah White McEniry '79 Randall Woodruff '02 Pamela Zubow Poe '80 Morgen Zwicharowski '22 - as of December 5, 2022
Timberdale Brass TRUMPET Eric Schweingruber Darin Kelly Robert Skoniczin HORN Karen Schubert Lisa Dunham Sara Cyrus Eva Conti
TROMBONE Michael Lormand Jarred Antonacci BASS TROMBONE John Rojak TUBA Kyle Turner TIMPANI/PERCUSSION Christopher Hanning
VINROY D. BROWN, JR. Vinroy D. Brown, Jr. is a member of the choral studies, music education and sacred music faculty at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, where he conducts the Westminster Jubilee Singers and teaches in the Baccalaureate Honors Program. He is director of music & worship arts at Elmwood United Presbyterian Church and artistic director and conductor of Capital Singers of Trenton. This academic year Professor Brown will lecture at Yale and Princeton, conduct the Central Jersey Intermediate Treble Chorus, headline the Bucks County Women’s Chorus Festival, serve as Cover Conductor for the North Carolina of Rihannon Giddens’ Omar, and will participate in residencies nationwide. He is a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, Inc. He holds the Master of Arts in Practical Theology degree from Regent University, and Bachelor of Music degrees in Sacred Music and Music Education from Westminster Choir College. ALICIA N. BROZOVICH Alicia N. Brozovich is conductor of Westminster Chapel Choir, conductor of the Westminster Community Chorus; board member for Urban Playground Chamber Orchestra in NYC; soprano in the New York Philharmonic Chorus and Philadelphia Symphonic Chorus; and Community Engagement Coordinator for Jacobs Music. She launched her professional Trenton-based chamber ensemble, The LOTUS Project, in January 2022. Ms. Brozovich has appeared as a soloist on televised EWTN broadcasts from the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia; at the Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston, SC; on tour with Westminster Choir; at the 11th International World Symposium on Choral Music in Barcelona, Spain; and with Westminster Kantorei on the award-winning recording Lumina.
Ms. Brozovich is published as a contributor in Teaching Music Through Performance in Choirs: Volume IV (GIA: 2017). She holds degrees from Westminster Choir College of Rider University and Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. | SILKY M. CARTER Known for her “soaring high notes,” soprano, SILKY MARSHARIKA CARTER is versed in a range of repertoire that includes music from Bach, to Händel, to Gershwin and others. Ms. Carter is a graduate of Westminster Choir College, where she holds a Bachelor of Music in Music Education, under the tutelage of Laura Brooks Rice and Margaret Cusack. Lauded for her versatility of sound and performance, she was the soprano soloist in Ralph Vaughn Williams’ Dona Nobis Pacem, Clara in concert version of Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess, soprano soloist in Händel’s Messiah, Glenn Burleigh’s Let God Arise and other classical and contemporary works. Recent opera credits include Ms. Lyons with Trilogy: An Opera Company in Richard Thompson's The Mask in The Mirror and the world premiere of David Lang’s The Mile Long-Long Opera: a biography of 7 o’clock with The Mile Long Opera. Silky is a dedicated full-time music educator, where she enjoys sharing the gift of music with elementary aged students. SHREYA CHOUDHURY Shreya Choudhury has been recognized for her artistic versatility in a wide range of genres. She trained in Indian music from her father Suranjan Bhanja Choudhury, was a former recipient of Hindustani music of the high honors category from the Shankar Mahadevan Academy and is a current disciple of Padma Bhushan maestro Pt. Sajan Mishra of the Benaras Gharana. She has received numerous accolades in Indian music for her performances from various exhibits like Gee Vision’s “International Indian Icon,” season 3 in Chicago, where she stood first in the state of New Jersey and finished in as the second-runner up globally and many more. Aside from singing, she was trained in western classical piano from the Westminster Conservatory and received several recognitions for her performances in places such as Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. She also was a distinction recipient of the Intermediate and Advanced Performer Certificate examinations of piano administered by Trinity College, London. She received her bachelor of music degree from Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University and master of music degree from Westminster Choir College, Rider University both in Western Classical vocal music performance. She teaches private lessons and currently serves as a faculty member of The Allegra School of Music and Arts
HAEJIN SHIM FUJIMURA Haejin Shim Fujimura is a lawyer and an entrepreneur. Ms. Shim is the managing partner of the law firm, Shim & Associates, which was founded on the vision of culture care and advocacy for the oppressed. She has extensive experience litigating various civil lawsuits and representing companies ranging from startups to publicly traded companies. Ms. Shim is also a co-founder and the CEO of Embers International, a global NGO protecting, restoring, and empowering the victims of injustice to end intergenerational oppression. Ms. Shim is also a co-founder and the President of Academy Kintsugi and is a frequent speaker on the topic of justice, beauty, generational stewardship, and whole person care. JAMES JORDAN GRAMMY™ nominated conductor James Jordan is conductor of the Westminster Symphonic Choir and the world-renowned Westminster Choir. At Westminster he directs the graduate program in choral conducting and serves as Director of Choral Studies for the College. He is recognized and praised throughout the musical world as one of America’s preeminent conductors, recording artists, writers, music psychologists and innovators in choral music. He was described as a “visionary” by the Choral Journal, which cited his book Evoking Sound as a “must read.” He is the most published musician in the world. His 60 books explore both the philosophical, pedagogical and spiritual basis of musicianship. His 20 CD’s have received critical praise. Gramophon has described him as a conductor of “forceful and intimate choral artistry.” Regarding the GRAMMY-nominated recording of Annelies, Choir and Organ wrote, “Jordan’s instinctive understanding of the score makes this a profound and emotionally charged experience.” His CD’scan be heard on the NAXOS, Spiritum and GIAChoralworks labels and can be heard on all streaming outlets. He is exclusively published By GIA Music, Inc. ( He is also a host on the nationally syndicated radio program Sounds Choral of the Classical network, He serves as co-director of the Choral Institute at Oxford ( with James Whitbourn where Westminster Choir is in residence. He is artistic director and conductor of the professional choral ensemble, The Same Stream. TYLER-MINSEOK KIM Tyler-Minseok Kim is a junior at Westminster Choir College, pursuing Bachelor of Music degrees (BM) in Sacred Music and Music Education. A
native of South Korea, Tyler was raised around the east coast of the United States from a young age and found his passion for music in high school studying with his mentor Gary Gress, who introduced him to Westminster. As a tenor, Tyler is in the voice studio of Dr. Christopher Arneson, and has placed in the Voice Awards competitions. Tyler is also a pianist, currently studying with Dr. James Goldsworthy. In addition to his studies at Westminster, Tyler is a conducting intern at First Presbyterian Church in Moorestown under the direction of Joel Krott. Tyler’s passion lies in early church music from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical eras, Anglican service music, playing hymns on the piano, the music of Chopin, and listening to quasi-rebellious punk rock. ROBERT MCCORMICK Described by Choir and Organ as “indomitable and immensely gifted” and by The Macon Telegraph as “an artist of rare sensitivity and passion”, Robert McCormick ‘01 is heralded as one of the finest concert and church musicians of this era. Widely known for his unique abilities in organ improvisation, Mr. McCormick was a semi-finalist in the 2005 St. Albans International Organ Festival Improvisation Competition, the only American to merit that distinction. He has been featured in solo appearances in San Francisco, New York, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Albuquerque, and Atlanta, and in recitals and workshops for numerous American Guild of Organists chapters, the Association of Anglican Musicians, the Royal School of Church Music in America, and for Westminster Choir College. His recording from St. Paul’s, K Street, We Sing of God, was released on the Pro Organo label. Choir & Organ’s review of the disc states that “[McCormick] shines at the organ.” Mr. McCormick is Organist and Choirmaster of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. This follows eight years as Director of Music at St. Paul’s Parish, K Street, Washington, D.C., and seven years as Organist and Music Director at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, New York. He is a graduate of the Westminster Choir College. His teachers include McNeil Robinson and Robert Carwithen. Robert McCormick is represented in North America exclusively by Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists, LLC. LAQUITA MITCHELL Soprano Laquita Mitchell consistently earns acclaim in eminent opera companies throughout North America and Europe. She has performed with the Los Angeles Opera, San Francisco Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, New York City Opera, Washington National Opera, Opéra Comique in Paris, among many others. Her 2021-2022 season includes appearances at The Metropolitan Museum of Art as the soprano soloist for Margaret Bonds and Langston Hughes’
The Ballad of the Brown King with the Dessoff Choirs. She makes her debut with New Orleans Opera in Tom Cipullo’s Josephine in joint performances with the New Orleans Ballet. Other appearances include Brooklyn Art Song Society’s Beginnings, Middle, And End; Michael Tippett’s A Child of Our Time with the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign; Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with the Memphis Symphony Orchestra and Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem with Albany Pro Musica. In the spring of 2022, she will return to Charleston’s Spoleto Festival USA to sing the role of Julie in the world premiere of the opera Omar by Rhiannon Giddens and Michael Abels. STEVEN PILKINGTON Associate professor of Sacred Music at Westminster Choir College, Steven Pilkington has taught every aspect of the church music curriculum for 25 years. His teaching is known for its breadth, depth and creative attention to the complexities of making sacred music in postmodern times. His lecturing has taken him from Korea to Oxford University, where he lectures annually for Westminster’s Choral Institute. As an active church musician, he has been director of music and organist at Christ Church, United Methodist in New York City for over two decades. Additionally, Dr. Pilkington is a published author and composer of organ and choral music including an arrangement of I Wonder as I Wander, which has been performed around the world hundreds of times. ANNE SEARS Anne Sears served as Director of External Affairs for Westminster Choir College from 1986 until her retirement in June 2022. During that time, she was involved in all of Westminster’s An Evening of Readings and Carols performances, broadcasts and recordings. The 2022 performances mark her first appearance as a reader. KATHLEEN EBLING SHAW Conductor of the Westminster Concert Bell Choir, Kathleen Ebling Shaw is a member of the sacred music department at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, where she teaches classes in handbell training and conducts a second handbell choir. She is Vice President of Malmark Bells, Inc. and is a graduate of Westminster Choir College. Well-known as a handbell clinician, Mrs. Shaw conducts sessions for the Handbell Musicians of America both on the local and national levels. Other engagements have included sessions for the American Guild of Organists, various Music Educators Conferences, Choristers Guild, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, the St. Olaf Church Music Conference and International Handbell Symposia.
Mrs. Shaw is also the recipient of an Alumni Merit Award from Westminster Choir College of Rider University in recognition of her dedication to the art of handbell ringing and her enthusiasm and accomplishments in the classroom as well as the concert hall. TIMBERDALE BRASS Timberdale Brass is an ensemble committed to engaging listeners of all ages, convinced that if they enjoy the music they play, audiences will leave their performances smiling and wanting more. Consisting of the Mid-Atlantic's most sought-after brass musicians, members for these performances hold principal positions in many of the region's preeminent orchestras and individually have performed with every major ensemble from Connecticut to Delaware, including The Philadelphia Orchestra, Harrisburg Symphony, American Brass Quintet, Delaware Symphony, International Contemporary Ensemble, and the premiere theaters of New York and Philadelphia. TYLER WEAKLAND Praised for his ‘verve and adroit collaborative piano playing’ by the Charleston City Paper, Tyler Weakland ’16 is a pianist, conductor, composer, arranger/orchestrator, producer, and vocal coach. A member of the conducting faculty at Westminster Choir College, he is the Associate Conductor of the Westminster Symphonic Choir and Westminster Choir. He is a member of the artistic staff at Westrick Music Academy where he works with the Princeton Boychoir and Girlchoir. Mr. Weakland received his BM in Sacred Music with concentrations in piano and voice. While a member of the renowned Westminster Choir, he enjoyed several domestic tours and residencies at the Spoleto Festival USA where he was also a member of the Spoleto Festival Orchestra. He recently appeared as the continuo organist with the Orchestra of Luke’s in NYC for a performance of El Mesìas: Handel’s Messiah for a New World. Mr. Weakland currently serves as Assistant Music Director & Handbell Choir Director at Christ Church on 60th and Park Avenue in NYC.
PRODUCTION TEAM Leandra Acosta ‘19 Kristen Rodgers ’14, ‘19 Tyler Weakland ‘16
About Westminster Choir College Located in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, Rider University is a private coeducational, student-centered university that emphasizes purposeful connections between academic study and real-world learning experience. Rider prepares graduates to thrive professionally, to be lifelong independent learners, and to be responsible citizens who embrace diversity, support the common good, and contribute meaningfully to the changing world in which they live and work. The College of Arts and Sciences is dedicated to educating students for engaged citizenship, career success, and personal growth in a diverse and complex world. The college cultivates intellectual reflection, artistic creativity, and academic maturity by promoting both broad academic inquiry and in-depth disciplinary study, while nurturing effective and ethical applications of transferable critical skills. The College consists of four schools: the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Communication, Media, and Performing Arts, the School of Science, Technology, and Mathematics, and Westminster Choir College. Culturally vibrant and historically rich, Westminster Choir College has a legacy of preparing students for thriving careers as well-rounded performers and musical leaders on concert stages, in schools, universities, and churches, and in professional and community organizations worldwide. Renowned for its tradition of choral excellence, the college is home to internationally recognized ensembles, including the Westminster Symphonic Choir, which has performed and recorded with virtually all of the major orchestras and conductors of our time. In addition to its choral legacy, Westminster is known as a center for excellence in musical pedagogy and performance.
An Evening of Readings & Carols
MAESTRO Robert C. and Leslie L. Doll CONCERTMASTER The Glenmede Trust Company, N.A. Robert E. Hedlund IMPRESARIO Lizanne Ceconi Kenneth and DonnaJean Fredeen PNC Financial Services Group Annmarie Woods BENEFACTOR Anthony M. Celentano ’78, ’80 Jeffrey M. Cornelius ’70 Thomas ’70 and Tina Mulhare CHORISTER Margaret DeAngelis and Ronald Costanzo Carol Miller Denise Pinney and Anton K. Wolfshorndl CONTRIBUTOR Walter R. Darr ’78, ’91 Bob Thomson FRIEND Bruce H. Davidson Myra K. Ortega ’01
Support for this concert has come from the Magdalena Houlroyd Concert Endowment. Westminster Choir College of Rider University is grateful to Miss Houlroyd for establishing this fund.
Special thanks to those who’ve donated to this year’s broadcast recording effort… In Memory of John Absalom from the Westminster Choir College Faculty John W. Absalom and Margaret Cusack Robert K. Betty '62 Kay and Kelly Bidle Karen Schuessler Bognar '83, '89 Jesse P. Borower '18 Tom Breithaupt and Anna Neis Justin R. Brown '17 Isabella F. Burns '15 Anthony M. Celentano '78, '80 Larry A. '80 and Linda J. '80 Christensen Kathryn E. Copeland-Donaldson '04 Jeffrey M. Cornelius '70 Daniel A. Cressman, Lucy St.Cressman, and Isla St.Cressman Ronald J. and Cynthia J. Cressman Gerald S. Custer '75 Sarah Danser Mary Butler Eggleston Sharon Witt Evans '83 Nancy Durfee Fleming '74 Timothy and Suzanne Foster – T. Foster & Co. Matthew P. Fritz '91 Mako and Haejin Fujimura Michelle Ganson Albert E. Ganter Lois Gattoni-Celli Donna K. Green Mary Hamrick Robert E. Hedlund The Magdelena Houlroyd Concert Endowed Fund Brooke Hunter Steven E. Hyder '12 and Donald J. Nally '87 James, Leslie, and Elizabeth Jordan In Memory of Florence and Louis Jordan Christopher B. Judd '01
Sun Min Lee Timothy R. Lewicki '11 Mark Majeski '96 Deborah White McEniry Cheryl McNamara Christopher Meshginpoosh Larry D. Miller Sharon A. Mirchandani John and Colleen Mongell George W. Moser '70 Kevin M. O'Brien '01 Jane E. Park '04 In Memory of Kay Payn ‘68 Sarah Perry Steven Pilkington Randall and Pamela Zubow '80 Poe Martha Smith Regelmann '73 Charles R. Renick '82 Carol Richmond '97 Jill and Jeff Ritter Stephen C. '98 and Kristin Zdepski '98 Sands Jeanne Sangster Anne M. Sears Richard J. and Kathleen Ebling '85 Shaw Alison Siener-Brown '97 Daniela L. Sikora Judy Simmons '95 Jocelyn and David Sprouse Joslyn Thomas '18 Bob Thomson James W. Tintle '69 Ann Lowe Vodicka Doug Vodicka Jason D. Vodicka '03, '09 and Derek J. Cressman '04 Timothy J. Wert '76 Marsha Williams - As of December 1, 2022