Softskills Framework

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SoftSkills4EU: Promote your Soft Skills with Open Badges

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PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT: SoftSkills4EU: Promote your Soft Skills with Open Badges

PROJECT TITLE: Promote your soft skills with open badges


PROJECT NO.: 2018-1-SI01-KA204-047088

PROJECT COORDINATOR: Development and Education Centre Novo mesto (RIC Novo mesto), Slovenia

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 General information regarding the needs analyses ................................................................................................ 5 SOFTSKILLS FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................................................................. 6 SPOCC FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................................................................... 6 MODULE 1 - SPOCC Framework ..................................................................................................................................... 9 SOCIAL SKILLS FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................................................................... 9 TOPIC 1: Conflict Management ............................................................................................................................ 11 TOPIC 2: Communication Skills .............................................................................................................................. 12 TOPIC 3: Intercultural Skills ..................................................................................................................................... 13 TOPIC 4: Presentation Skills .................................................................................................................................... 14 TOPIC 5: Accountability......................................................................................................................................... 15 MODULE 2 - SPOCC Framework ................................................................................................................................... 16 PERSONAL SKILLS FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................. 16 TOPIC 1: Handling stress.......................................................................................................................................... 18 TOPIC 2: Self-awareness ......................................................................................................................................... 19 TOPIC 3: Personal development .......................................................................................................................... 20 TOPIC 4: Self-management .................................................................................................................................. 21 TOPIC 5: emotional intelligence ........................................................................................................................... 22 MODULE 3 - SPOCC Framework ................................................................................................................................... 23 ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................................... 23 TOPIC 1: Customer service orientation ................................................................................................................. 26 TOPIC 2: Time management ................................................................................................................................. 27 TOPIC 3: Critical thinking ........................................................................................................................................ 28 TOPIC 4: Strategic planning ................................................................................................................................... 29 TOPIC 5: Leadership ................................................................................................................................................ 30 MODULE 4 - SPOCC Framework ................................................................................................................................... 31 COOPERATIVE SKILLS FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................................... 31 TOPIC 1: Teamwork management ........................................................................................................................ 33 TOPIC 2: Team building .......................................................................................................................................... 34 TOPIC 3: Flexibility and adaptability .................................................................................................................... 35 TOPIC 4: Working styles .......................................................................................................................................... 36

Softskills Framework|page 4 from 45 TOPIC 5: Collaboration and networking ............................................................................................................. 37 MODULE 5 - SPOCC Framework ................................................................................................................................... 38 CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................................. 38 TOPIC 1: Innovativeness ......................................................................................................................................... 40 TOPIC 2: Constant improvement........................................................................................................................... 41 TOPIC 3: Analytical thinking .................................................................................................................................. 42 TOPIC 4: Implementing changes ......................................................................................................................... 43 TOPIC 5: Fostering creativity ................................................................................................................................. 44 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................................. 45

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INTRODUCTION GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE NEEDS ANALYSES To become and remain competitive in today’s changing business environment, it is crucial to employ highly skilled and motivated workforce. It is widely accepted and acknowledged the importance of hard skills among potential and existing employees, but it is becoming more and more recognized the importance of soft skills, as they were too often undervalued and there were no training or similar educations for soft skill learning. The main aim of the SoftSkills4UE project is to identify the key soft skills within the competencies defined in the Europass Tool and then develop a standardized soft skills reference framework, which would be useful as a validation tool for those soft skills competences. It will bring an added value and more credibility to the already widely used Europass and can also be a starting point for a direct improvement of Europass. The impact will be visible for both, job seekers to credibly show their competencies; for employers (employing organizations) simplifying the selecting procedure or helping to more efficiently distribute already employed people to workplaces; for career counsellors to better and easier recognize the competencies thus, making counselling more efficient. During the project SoftSkills4EU, two surveys were conducted, with the aim to understand and recognise the need for soft skills among job seekers and employers, or human resource departments. Each of the five partners conducted two surveys, including at least 70 participants, with the total of at least 350 respondents for the project. Based on the survey results, conducted in five partner countries the partnership decided to develop five different modules: social skills, personal skills, organisational skills, cooperation and creativity skills. We have used the already established and EU-recognizable term "soft skills" to name the modules, although the framework covers not only skills but also knowledge and competence according to the The European Qualifications Framework (EQF). We used already mentioned European Qualifications Framework (EQF) to prepare the project framework and took into account the classification of knowledge, skills and competence on three levels (A, B, C). With the knowledge scale used, we wanted to bring the evaluation system closer to Europass tools.

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SOFTSKILLS FRAMEWORK SPOCC FRAMEWORK Soft skills that were identified as important and crucial based on the project survey results are: social skills, personal skills, organisational skills, cooperation skills, and creativity skills. The soft skills framework abbreviation is SPOCC Framework.

The framework consists of five content areas, which includes five topics, with the description of each topic, aligned with the appropriate level of knowledge, and the learning outcome for each level. Levels are defined as Sufficient (A), Good (B) and Excellent (C). For each module, participants undertake a questionnaire with 50 questions, with the possibility to gain a soft skills badge for the module - scored as Sufficient, Good or Excellent level. If the participants gain five badges for all five modules, they have the possibility to receive the Full Soft Skills Badge - Sufficient, Good or Excellent level.

Level description: Sufficient (A): To have sufficient knowledge/skills regarding creative problem solving, analytical thinking, innovativeness, imagination and open minding in working environment. I am not able to use this knowledge/skill to reach/collect sufficient results/resources. Good (B): To have good knowledge/skills regarding creative problem solving, analytical thinking, innovativeness, imagination and open minding in working environment. I am able to use this knowledge/skill to reach/collect good results/resources. Excellent (C): To have excellent knowledge regarding creative problem solving, analytical thinking, innovativeness, imagination and open minding in working environment. I am able to use this knowledge/skill to reach/collect excellent results/resources.


SKILLS Conflict management

SOCIAL SKILLS Communication skills



Inter-cultural skills


Solving conflicts Analysing conflicts Predicting conflicts Business etiquette Face-to-face meetings Web-based communication Responsibilities and roles in organization Identification of risks Creating positive communication atmosphere Social awareness Fighting prejudices, stereotypes and negative personal believes Effective communication between members of

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Public presentation


Handling stress


Personal development


Emotional intelligence


Customer Service Orientation Time management

Critical thinking

Strategic Planning



Teamwork management


different cultures Self-confidence Face-to-face rhetoric

Audience engaging web-based presentations Resilience Coping with difficult situations Relaxation techniques in the workplace


Personal strengths and weaknesses awareness Self-concept Personal limits awareness and changing


Vision of personal development and selfmotivation Self-assessment of skills Planning and development of new skills


Balance between private and professional life Management techniques for improving personal effectiveness Improvement of self-management skills


Integrity Self- regulation Empathy


Patience and Attentiveness Efficiency and positivity Persuasiveness and perseverance


Personal Goal setting Prioritization Keeping a To-Do List


Analysis Self-reflection Logical reasoning


Defining long term goals Problem-solving and Making decisions Planning and assigning resources, monitoring Leadership style and delegation Responsibility and Risk-taking Negotiation


Forming high performance teams Creating an action plan Monitoring the team

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SKILLS Team building

Flexibility and adaptability Working styles

Collaboration and networking




Constant improvement


Team building importance Team building techniques Fostering positive working atmosphere


Adjusting to changes Respectfulness in teamwork


Assessment of working styles Tasks adjustment to working styles Creating action plan


Efficient communication with partners Efficient internal communication Networking importance in company development


Producing new ideas and Brainstorming Convergent and Divergent Thinking Phases of creative thinking


Importance of quality in creative thinking Implementing Deming circle (PCDA) at work – action plan Willingness to gain new skills

Analytical thinking


Implementing changes

Fostering creativity


Reliability in teamwork, support and helping others

Data, information gathering Analysis of information using critical thinking (different points of view) use new knowledge (or new ideas) in problemsolving Awareness of importance of implementation changes Self-initiative Creative strategies within the process of implementing changes Using creativity to increase competitiveness Fostering creativity in teamwork Fostering creativity in individual work

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MODULE 1 - SPOCC FRAMEWORK SOCIAL SKILLS FRAMEWORK General description of module: Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both direct (verbally) and indirect (non-verbally). Some people have better social skills than others and this has led to detailed investigations into the nature and function of interpersonal interaction. Developing social skills is about being aware of how we communicate with others and the messages we send. The communication can be more efficient and effective if the person changes the methods he uses. This module will present 5 topics of social skills. Specifically, the conflict management, the communication, the inter-cultural skills, presentations and the accountability skills will be presented in detail.


Main objective of module and levels A: To have sufficient knowledge regarding social skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach sufficient results.

B: To have good knowledge regarding social skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach good results.

Skills 1.1. Conflict management

Learning Outcomes ✓ ✓ ✓

1.2. Communication skills

✓ ✓ ✓

I am able to analyse and understand the key practical and theoretical concepts of managing and resolving conflicts I am able to identify the types of conflict management styles I am able to explain the importance of good communication skills; analyse the influence of gender and cultural differences, persuasion, perception and power in conflict resolution am able

I am able to communicate effectively orally and in writing I am able to use social media for communication purposes I am able to apply effective communication skills in a variety of public and interpersonal settings

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Main objective of module and levels

Skills 1.3. Accountability

C: To have excellent knowledge regarding social skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach excellent results.

✓ ✓ ✓

1.4. Inter-cultural skills

✓ ✓ ✓

1.5. Public presentation

✓ ✓ ✓

Learning Outcomes I am able to take ownership of understanding my role, my goals and responsibilities I am able to identify risks and do what needs to be done to mitigate or overcome roadblocks before they impact my work I am able to use this skillset as often as possible so that others learn to expect it from me and trust me to work in this manner no matter whom I am working with I am able to understand my own cultural background and how that impacts my values, beliefs, and assumptions (self-awareness) I am able to understand and utilize frameworks that can help make sense of cultural differences and similarities (Awareness of others) I am able to understand and analyse the process of stereotype formation and the manifestations of prejudice, discrimination, and “-isms,” such as sexism and racism I am able to deal with nerves and think more positively about public speaking I am able to consider ways of grabbing the listener's attention, holding their interest, and concluding strongly I am able to deliver an enthusiastic and well-practised presentation

Softskills Framework|page 11 from 45 TOPIC 1: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Introduction to conflict and why they need to be addressed.

Logical Thinking Skills

✓ ✓

Be able to define conflict Understand why conflicts require immediate attention.

Identify the nature of conflict.

✓ ✓

Problem Solving Skills Empathy

Be able to define the reason behind a conflict in the workplace.

Understand the five conflict management styles.

The ability to know when and how to use each style. Creative Thinking. Problem Solving Skills.

Be able to use the five conflict management styles to resolve a conflict.


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


✓ ✓

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 12 from 45 TOPIC 2: COMMUNICATION SKILLS



In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


Basic Concepts of Communication

Logical Thinking Skills

COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

✓ ✓

✓ to


How to get the right message across effectively.

Interpersonal Skills

Excellent (C) Referring level 6

Be able to define communication. Understand what requires for a successful communication.

Good (B) Referring level 5


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




Difference between active listening and hearing.

✓ ✓ ✓

Interpersonal Skills Listening Skills Critical Thinking

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A

Be able to use verbal communication to get the right message across. Be able to use non-verbal communication to get the right message across. Be able to use written communication to get the right message across. Demonstrate active listening

Softskills Framework|page 13 from 45 TOPIC 3: INTERCULTURAL SKILLS




Good (B) Referring level 5



In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

√ √

Logical Thinking Critical Thinking

Understand why intercultural skills needed. Theory behind culture

Be able to understand and explain the concept of culture and how it affects our behaviour.

Cultural Self-awareness

√ √ √

Self-Reflection Critical Thinking

Be able to examine how your cultural background affects your behaviour.

Understand the Ladder of Inference

√ √ √

Communication Skills Critical Thinking The ability to use this tool when required.

Be able to apply the Ladder of Inference when interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Excellent (C) Referring level 6


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 14 from 45 TOPIC 4: PRESENTATION SKILLS



√ to


Excellent (C) Referring level 6

In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


Good (B) Referring level 5


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




Logical thinking

COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Definition of presentation skills and introduction to the phases of presentation.

How to effectively prepare a presentation.

√ √ √

Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Digital Skills

√ √

How to deliver a great presentation.

Interpersonal Skills.

√ √

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Be able to define what presentation skills are. Be able to describe the phases of a presentation. Be able to prepare and create an effective presentation.

Be able to deliver an effective presentation.

Softskills Framework|page 15 from 45 TOPIC 5: ACCOUNTABILITY


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Definition of accountability and why is important.

Logical Thinking.

Be able to define accountability and understand why is important.

How accountable are you?

Testing your own accountability skills Self-reflection Critical Thinking

Understand the differences between individuals with high and low accountability. Be able to reflect on how accountable are you as a person.


Good (B) Referring level 5



√ √ √

√ √

Excellent (C) Referring level 6



How to develop high accountability

√ √

Willingness to develop and learn Critical Thinking

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Be able to use different tips and strategies to develop your accountability.

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MODULE 2 - SPOCC FRAMEWORK PERSONAL SKILLS FRAMEWORK General description of module: Personal skills are skills which relate to the approach of people’s actions and their manner of expressing. They are reflected in the everyday attitudes and behaviours of people, from their behaviour in work or school, to their behaviour in everyday activities. This module presents 5 topics of personal skills: Handling stress, Self-awareness, Personal development, Self-management and Emotional intelligence.


Main objective of module and levels

Skills 1.1. Handling stress

Learning Outcomes ✓ ✓

A: To have sufficient knowledge regarding personal skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach sufficient results.

1.2. Self-awareness

✓ ✓ ✓

1.3. Personal development

✓ ✓

I am able to say no to additional responsibilities and identify and limit exposure to factors which induce stress. I am able to examine and reframe stressful situation and try both to anticipate stressful conflicts and to view problem in a more positive way. I am able to focus on what I can control and to choose my own reactions to stressful circumstances to grow from these experiences. I am able to assess my attitude and how it helps or hinders my achievements. I am able to handle situation, not magnifying positive and minimizing the negative, seeing the reality of a situation. I am able to evaluate my own definition of success, taking into account my attitude, actions and acknowledgements. I am able to review my goals, and make an honest assessment of my progress towards them. I am able to review what I have learned and to think about what

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Main objective of module and levels B: To have good knowledge regarding personal skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach good results.


1.4. Self-management

✓ ✓ ✓

Learning Outcomes I have done considering also what I have learned about myself, my priorities and goals. I am able to set personal development strategies based on my own attitude and working preferencies. I am able to recognize role and responsibilities in the activities in the activities in which I am involved I am able to track my progresses in relation to my expectations and to ask for help if I need it. I am able set the priorities and the goals I have to achieve, taking into account my own attitude and working preferencies.

✓ C: To have excellent knowledge regarding personal skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach excellent results.

1.5. Emotional intelligence

✓ ✓ ✓

I am able to identify and understand my own emotion and feelings. I am able to understand other people are feeling and recognize how I would feel in their shoes. I am able to interact socially with other people and to successfully navigate social situations.

Softskills Framework|page 18 from 45 TOPIC 1: HANDLING STRESS


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Common factors which induce stress.

To identify stressors in everyday life experience

To limit exposure to factors which induce stress and to say no to additional responsibilities.

Reframing techniques

√ √

Anticipating stressful conflict Viewing problems in a positive way

To examine and reframe stressful situation

Different reaction to stress

Growing-up from stressful experiences

To choose the appropriate reaction to stressful circumstances


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 19 from 45 TOPIC 2: SELF-AWARENESS


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Attitude influence on achievements accomplishment

Managing achievements according to personal attitude

To self-assess attitude and how it helps or hinders my achievements

In-life events analysis

To not magnify positive and minimize the negative aspects in evaluating a situation

To handle a situation seeing its reality

Different definition of success

Taking into account attitude in defining success

To evaluate success taking into account attitude, actions and acknowledgements


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 20 from 45 TOPIC 3: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Progresses Assessment

√ √

Reviewing goals Analysing progresses

To self-assess progresses towards goals

Progresses Review

Analysing progresses according to priorities and goals Reviewing learning path

To review actions according to personal priorities

Setting-up personal development strategies

To set up personal development strategies based on attitude and preferences




Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


Personal development strategies

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 21 from 45 TOPIC 4: SELF-MANAGEMENT


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Differences in roles and responsibilities

Adaptability to a specific role or responsibility

To recognize role and responsibilities in which the person is involved

Progress tracking

Analysing Progresses-Expectations balance

To track progresses according expectations


Balancing goals and working preferences

To set priorities and goals to achieve


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 22 from 45 TOPIC 5: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Influence of emotions and feelings on actions

To identify different emotions and feelings

To understand personal emotions and feelings

√ √

Empathy Human emotional behaviour

To understand other people emotional status

To recognize emotions and feelings behind people actions

Social interaction

To choose the most appropriate approach to social situation

To successfully navigate social situations


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

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MODULE 3 - SPOCC FRAMEWORK ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS FRAMEWORK General description of module: This module is aiming at developing general skills that are needed in every commercial and non-commercial organisation. Like investigating what the internal or external customer is expecting and delivering good service to meet those needs, working within limited time scales, prioritizing and concentrating on the task to deliver good results. It is also about finding solutions to problems, planning and delegating more long-term activities, keeping schedules and reporting progress. In general, organisational skills are about quality, effectiveness and efficiency of things you do to achieve something. This module covers the 5 following topics: Customer Service Orientation, Time Management, Critical Thinking, Strategic Planning and Leadership.


Main objective of module and levels

Skills 1.1. Strategic Planning

Learning Outcomes √ √ √

I am able to analyse a problem and identify which actions are needed to achieve a successful solution. I am able to analyse what is conditional for successfully executing an action, in terms of needed time, money or other factors I am able to determine in which order actions must be conducted and by whom, to achieve a successful end result.

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Main objective of module and levels A: To have sufficient knowledge regarding organisational skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach sufficient results.

B: To have good knowledge regarding organisational skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach good results.

Skills 1.2. Leadership

Learning Outcomes √ √ √

1.3. Customer Orientation

✓ ✓ ✓

I am able to build relationships, motivate and lead a team and help team members to develop themselves I am able to manage company politics, calculate and take risks, make decisions, successfully manage change I am able to take responsibility, to show self-awareness, drive and integrity and I know how to adapt to a changing environment

I am able to really listen to a customer, understand emotional states they can be in, and stay calm under pressure. I am able to communicate in a clear, convincing and efficient way and formulate using positive language. I am able and willing to perform the necessary actions to create customer satisfaction

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Main objective of module and levels C: To have excellent knowledge regarding organisational skills in the working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach excellent results.

Skills 1.4. Critical thinking

1.5. Time management

Learning Outcomes

✓ ✓

I am able to deduct, induct or abduct conclusions from one or more premises. I am able to find and study relevant sources and analyse facts. I am able to evaluate and reflect on my thinking process.

✓ ✓ ✓

I am able to set priorities in the activities for which I am responsible. I am able to control the time I spend on a certain activity. I am able to reduce the time I need to complete an activity.

Softskills Framework|page 26 from 45 TOPIC 1: CUSTOMER SERVICE ORIENTATION


Sufficient (A) Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Understand the importance of using positive language; having basic knowledge of customer service orientation

Be able to communicate patiently

Be attentive

Understand the factors that create customer satisfaction; having intermediate knowledge of customer service orientation

Be able to really listen to a customer Be able to stay calm under pressure

Be able to create customer satisfaction

Understand the factors that are important to convince a customer; having advanced knowledge of customer service orientation

Be able to understand the emotional states a customer is in; being able to communicate in a clear, convincing and efficient way and formulate using positive language

Be able to change customer behaviour




Excellent (C) ** Referring level 6



Good (B) * Referring level 5


* Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A * Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B.

Softskills Framework|page 27 from 45 TOPIC 2: TIME MANAGEMENT


Sufficient (A) Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Knowing the concept of a to-do list is; having basic knowledge of time management

Be able to follow the activities from a to-do list

Be able to report on the activities carried out

Knowing what elements should be included in a to-do list; having intermediate knowledge of time management

Be able to create a to-do list for a particular project

Be able to monitor and control the actions and time needed to complete a small project

Having advanced knowledge of different time management techniques

Be able to create a to-do list for a complex project

Be able to monitor and control the actions and time needed to complete a larger project


Excellent (C) ** Referring level 6



Good (B) * Referring level 5


* Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A * Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B.

Softskills Framework|page 28 from 45 TOPIC 3: CRITICAL THINKING


Sufficient (A) referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Knowing what an informed opinion is; having basic knowledge of the concept of critical thinking

Be able to find and study relevant sources

Be able to form an own opinion based on basic (re)search

Having knowledge of the process of self-reflection; having intermediate knowledge of the concept of critical thinking

Be able to explain the DunningKruger effect; being able to analyse facts and draw conclusions

Be able to evaluate your thinking process

Knowing the difference between deduction, induction or abduction; having advanced knowledge of the concept of critical thinking

Be able to draw a causal graph that explains a problem; being able to deduct, induct or abduct

Be able to reflect on your thinking process


Excellent (C) ** referring level 6



Good (B) * referring level 5


* Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A * Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B.

Softskills Framework|page 29 from 45 TOPIC 4: STRATEGIC PLANNING


Sufficient (A)




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

IIn the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Having basic knowledge of the process of strategic planning

Having the ability to analyze a smaller problem and identify which actions are needed on a short term

Be able to define personal goals

Having intermediate knowledge of the process of strategic planning

Having the ability to analyze a problem and identify which actions, time and money is needed to achieve a successful solution for the intermediate term

Be able to define goals for a project or a department

Having advanced knowledge of the different techniques for strategic planning

Having the ability to design complex and long-term plans

Be able to define long term goals for a larger project or a whole organisation

Referring to EQF level 3-4 Good (B) * Referring to EQF level 5

Excellent (C) ** Referring to EQF level 6

* Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A * Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B.

Softskills Framework|page 30 from 45 TOPIC 5: LEADERSHIP


Sufficient (A)



In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

Having basic knowledge of the concept of leadership

Recognising different leadership styles

Having the ability to take responsibility, to show selfawareness, drive and integrity and I know how to adapt to a changing environment

Knowing the concept of risk analysis; having intermediate knowledge of the concept of leadership in general

Choosing a leadership style that suits the occasion, evaluating risks

Having the ability to build relationships, motivate and lead a team and help team members to develop themselves

Knowing different negotiation strategies; having advanced knowledge of the concept of leadership

Switching leadership styles whenever needed, managing risks and being able to negotiate on an Excellent level

Having the ability to manage company politics, calculate and take risks, make decisions, successfully manage change

Referring to EQF level 5 Excellent (C) ** Referring to EQF level 6

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Referring to EQF level 3-4

Good (B) *


* Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A * Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B

Softskills Framework|page 31 from 45

MODULE 4 - SPOCC FRAMEWORK COOPERATIVE SKILLS FRAMEWORK General description of module: Cooperative skills have impact on interpersonal relations and ensure successful communication. Teamwork skills are very important because within work we face tasks that dependent on a group of people rather than individuals. Because people are different, we have to take into account different work styles and be flexible and adaptable. Contacts with external partners are very important for the development of companies, thus we highlighted networking skills in this module. This module presents 5 topics of cooperative skills: Teamwork management, Team building, Flexibility and adaptability, Working styles, Collaboration and networking.


Main objective of module and levels A: To have sufficient knowledge regarding teamwork management and teamwork improvement in working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach sufficient results.

Skills 1.1. Teamwork management

Learning Outcomes ✓ ✓ ✓

I am able creating working teams based on skills of each member I am able delegate tasks between of team members adequate to their competences and I am able to create and monitor action plan for implementation of tasks within the team

1.2. Team building

✓ ✓ ✓

I am aware of team building importance I am able to use adequate team building techniques I am able to foster positive working atmosphere (trust building)

1.3. Flexibility and adaptability

✓ ✓

I am able to work with members of team in respectful way I am able to encourage support and helping others within the team thus ensuring reliability in teamwork I am able to adjusting to changes and to foster importance of

Softskills Framework|page 32 from 45


Main objective of module and levels B: To have good knowledge regarding teamwork management and teamwork improvement in working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach good results.

C: To have excellent knowledge regarding teamwork management and teamwork improvement in working environment and be able to use this knowledge to reach excellent results.


Learning Outcomes adjusting to the changes within members of team

1.4. Working styles

✓ ✓ ✓

I am aware of my own working style I am able to assess working styles of members of team I am able to adjust tasks to working styles

1.5. Collaboration and networking

I am aware of importance of networking for company development I am able to efficiently communicate with partners I am able to efficiently communicate within company (internal communication) I am able

Softskills Framework|page 33 from 45 TOPIC 1: TEAMWORK MANAGEMENT





In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Sufficient (A):

Referring to EQF level 3-4

Good (B)

Referring to EQF level 5

Excellent (C)

Referring to EQF level 6

Key components of effective feedback. Importance of teamwork.

Identifying the common and needed skills in the working team.

Giving effective feedback.

Teamwork monitoring techniques. Action plan elements.

Task assignment to workers based on their skills.

Active use of monitoring techniques. Monitoring work of the team.

√ √

Concept of Team roles by Meredith Belbin.

√ √

Ability to create high performing teams of workers. Evaluating basic soft skills among workers.

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

√ √

Assessing team roles based on the Belbin test. Creating an action plan.

Softskills Framework|page 34 from 45 TOPIC 2: TEAM BUILDING



In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

Sufficient (A): Referring to EQF level 3-4 Good (B)


In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

Referring to EQF level 6

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

√ √ √

Definition of team building. Importance of team building. Elements of a positive working environment.

Expressing gratitude and giving positive feedback.

Active use of team-building techniques.

Perfect team features.

√ √

Listening to new ideas. Creating positive messaging.

Actively building trust in the team using 7 different methods.

Common mistakes in communication within the working team.

Using rules of good communication. Presenting a study case on good communication.

Leading team building activities in the company.

Referring to EQF level 5 Excellent (C)


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 35 from 45 TOPIC 3: FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY







Excellent (C) Referring level 6

In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

Good (B) Referring level 5


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4



Expectations of employers towards employees. Elements of flexibility and adaptability.

Importance of respectfulness in the workplace. Phases of teamwork development.

Importance and definition of reliability in teamwork.

COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Recognising features of a flexible person. Improving personal reliability qualities.

Making flexibility visible with the use of different techniques.

Encouraging mutual respect in the workplace. Using approaches for improving flexibility and adaptability.

Strengthening respect in the team.

Overcoming obstacles to effective teamwork.

Fostering flexibility and adaptability among workers.

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 36 from 45 TOPIC 4: WORKING STYLES


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Working style definition and importance in the work environment.

Taking advantage of the strengths of each working style.

Recognising your own working style.

Working style types and characteristics.

Handling different working styles among employees.

Creating an action plan.

Value of diversity of working styles.

Balancing teamwork taking into account different working styles.

Adjusting tasks based on working styles. Assessing working styles.


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 37 from 45 TOPIC 5: COLLABORATION AND NETWORKING


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4





In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Importance of collaboration and networking.

Identifying the right partners for the company.

Improving internal communication in the company.

Networking importance in company development. Elements of a communication strategy plan.

Testing your own networking skills.

Effective communication with business partners.

Interest and power stakeholder`s matrix.

Securing and strengthening relationships with business partners.

Developing a communication strategy plan for the company.

Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 38 from 45

MODULE 5 - SPOCC FRAMEWORK CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS FRAMEWORK General description of module: Creativity simply means being able to come up with something new. Therefore, creative thinking is the ability to consider something – a conflict between employees, a data set, a group project – in a new way. It is the very definition of “thinking outside the box.” Often, creativity in this sense involves what is called lateral thinking, or the ability to perceive patterns that are not obvious. Creative people have the ability to devise new ways to carry out tasks, solve problems, and meet challenges. They bring a fresh, and sometimes unorthodox, perspective to their work. This way of thinking can help departments and organizations move in more productive directions. For these reasons, they are extremely valuable to a company. You can develop creative thinking by solving riddles, being aware of (and letting go of) your assumptions, and through play. Play connotes anything unstructured and relaxing such as daydreaming.


Main objective of module and levels

Skills 1.1 Innovativeness

Learning Outcomes ✓

A: To have sufficient knowledge/skills regarding creative problem solving, analytical thinking, innovativeness, imagination and open minding in working environment. I am not able to use this knowledge/skill to reach/collect sufficient results/resources.

1.2. Constant improvement

I am always having a goal in mind, I can imagine what success looks like at the end, and I have willingness to consider all changes. I am constantly looking for better methods and options in order to achieve the goal, I am able to make action plans, I am getting things done in time. I am able to identify opportunities by understanding trends, patterns and future areas of growth and cultivate the mind set of curiosity or a compelling desire to learn or experience something new.

I am able to adapt to new environment, and am focused on

Softskills Framework|page 39 from 45


Main objective of module and levels

Skills ✓

B: To have good knowledge/skills regarding creative problem solving, analytical thinking, innovativeness, imagination and open minding in working environment. I am able to use this knowledge/skill to reach/collect good results/resources

1.3. Analytical thinking

✓ ✓

1.4. Implementing changes C: To have excellent knowledge regarding creative problem solving, analytical thinking, innovativeness, imagination and open minding in working environment. I am able to use this knowledge/skill to reach/collect excellent results/resources.

✓ ✓ ✓

1.5. Fostering creativity

✓ ✓ ✓

Learning Outcomes goal, and changing work place is not strange thing. I am able to implement Deming circle (PCDA) at work – and accept all changes in action plan. I have willingness to gain new skills every day at the work place and in private life. I have ability to collect and analyse information, problem-solve and make decisions, quickly and effectively. I am able to gathering relevant information and identifying key issues related to this information. I am able to compare sets of data from different sources, identify possible cause and effect patterns, and draw appropriate conclusions from these datasets in order to arrive at appropriate solutions. I am aware of importance of implementation changes that happens in work environment. I am Self-initiative, I am able to produce new ideas, and I able to express my own opinion. I am able to create strategies within the process of implementing changes. I am able to use may creativity to increase competitiveness. I am able to foster creativity in teamwork. I am able to foster creativity in individual work.

Softskills Framework|page 40 from 45 TOPIC 1: INNOVATIVENESS







Excellent (C) Referring level 6

In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

Good (B) Referring level 5


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4



COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Acquisition of the key components of innovation activities. Importance of innovation.

Identifying the common and needed skills for innovation and innovation activities.

Giving effective feedback about new and improved ways of working and thinking.

Application of innovation activities and techniques. Innovation planning.

Task assignment to workers based on their skills and on planned activities.

Active use of innovation activities and techniques. Monitoring (planned) work of the team.

Conduct and deliver effective innovation activities and to generate new ones.

Ability to create innovation and t generate quality workers and teams. Evaluating basic innovation skills among workers.

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Assessing team roles based on planned innovation and idea generation. Creating and conducing an strategic innovation plan.

Softskills Framework|page 41 from 45 TOPIC 2: CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Definition of work improvement. Importance of constant improvement in business.

Encourage the improvement techniques among the team.

Active use of improvement techniques.

√ √

Improvement techniques. Constant improvement.

Listening the new improvement ideas. Self improvement.

Actively building improvement among the team.

Improving skills and techniques among the team. Presenting a study case on constant improvement.

Leading and implementing constant improvement and innovations in the company.



√ √


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


Application of improvement techniques. Constant seek for knowledge.

√ √

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 42 from 45 TOPIC 3: ANALYTICAL THINKING







Definition of analytical thinking. Elements of analytical thinking.

√ √

Excellent (C) Referring level 6

In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


Good (B) Referring level 5


√ √

Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4


Importance of analytical thinking in company. Phases of analytical thinking.

Importance and definition of analytical thinking implementation.

COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Recognising features of a flexible person. Improving personal reliability qualities.

Making flexibility visible with the use of different techniques.

Encouraging analytical thinking among workers. Using analytical techniques in the working environment.

Creating a mind opened and positively critical team.

Overcoming obstacles thought analytical way of reasoning.

Fostering analytical thinking and implementing it in the team.

*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 43 from 45 TOPIC 4: IMPLEMENTING CHANGES


Sufficient (A): Referring level 3-4




In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).


COMPETENCE (RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTONOMY) In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Definition of change and it’s implementation.

To be able to understand and accept change.

Recognising positive and negative change elements.

Definition of change management.

Handling different working change situations among employees.

Creating an change/crisis plan.

√ √

Implementing answers to changes. Implementing change.

Improving working atmosphere and capabilities during changes and when different situations occur.

Capability of handling and reacting to change Implementing needed changes in the working environment without resistance.


Excellent (C) Referring level 6



Good (B) Referring level 5


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 44 from 45 TOPIC 5: FOSTERING CREATIVITY


Sufficient (A):



In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.

In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

Importance of creativity and idea generation.

Generating new or improved ideas/ways of working.

Improving creativity and working atmosphere in the company.

√ √

Definition of creativity . Fostering creativity.

Developing new creativity skills.

Effective and creative ideas among the team.

Implementation of creativity activities.

Improving and helping creativity among the team and partners.

Developing a creativity plan for weekly or monthly creativity improvement.

Referring to EQF level 5 Excellent (C) Referring to EQF level 6

In the context of the EQF responsibility and autonomy is described as the ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously and with responsibility.

Referring to EQF level 3-4 Good (B)


*Knowledge, skills and competencies on level C include points from level A and B. Knowledge, skills and competencies on level B include points from level A.

Softskills Framework|page 45 from 45

CONCLUSION Soft skills are defined as personal attributes, traits, social cues, and specific communication abilities needed for business success. Soft skills often characterize how a person interacts in his or her relationships with others, especially in the working environment. Unlike hard skills that are learned, soft skills are similar to emotions or insights that allow people to “read� others. These are much harder to learn, at least in a traditional classroom. They are also much harder to measure and evaluate. Soft skills are sometimes referred to as transferable skills or professional skills. As this term implies, these are skills that are less specialised, less rooted in specific vocations, and more aligned with the general disposition and personality of a candidate. After the SoftSkills4EU project surveys, conducted in five countries, Slovenia, Italy, The Netherlands, Cyprus and Croatia, few main soft skills modules were deducted and identified: social skills, personal skills, organisational skills, cooperation and creativity skills. Each of the identified soft skills modules consist of five topics, which were deducted after analysing the survey answers for all included countries. Based on the survey answers, soft skills topics and afterword main modules were identified, brainstormed and included in the final soft skills framework - SPOCC. The soft skill framework should be useful for future soft skills trainings, guidelines and possible pre employment testing.

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