The Riverdale Press 05-06-2021

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Winner of Vol. 72, No. 13

the Pulitzer Prize Thursday, May 6, 2021

Police believe they caught shul vandal, but what is next?

What’s inside?

n Neighbors from many faiths come together to make sense of hate acts

Save the Earth


Bill Caplan knows you care about the environment, but there are some facts you might not be aware of. Page A8

Courtesy of Myla Flores

Myla Flores is the founder of The Birthing Place — one of two groups partnering with Moss Café to deliver food to homes with newborns.

Getting word out Community boards may be the closest many get to government. But are they communicating the way they should be? Page A3

Meet a mayor? Maya Wiley knows what it’s like working against the odds, but that’s not slowing down her efforts to lead. Page A12


Café makes mouth-watering meals meaningful for moms n Delivery service ‘birthed’ out of friendship, and a real commitment to help families By ROSE BRENNAN

There’s just something about the bonds a new mother creates, not just with her newborn, but also with the people who helped her along the journey. While the intense experience can be rewarding, it’s also exhausting. Emily Weisberg created those very bonds while pregnant with her third child. Her prenatal support network included Myla Flores and Emilie Rodriguez, with Flores going as far as being Weisberg’s doula — her trained companion — during childbirth. And while the women forging a bond during Weisberg’s pregnancy and childbirth might have been inevitable, one thing they couldn’t foresee it leading to was a business partnership. When a family brings home a new baby, there are many new adjustments that must be made. And understandably, some aspects of life might need to take a backseat, no matter how essential they are. But this Bronx trio of women has banded together to ensure meals and nutrition don’t fall by the wayside in the days and weeks following the

birth of a child. “I stayed in touch with them, I stayed in touch with the work that they were doing, and it was very close to my heart,” Weisberg said. “I thought it was really important work. So I continued to try and think of ways that we could partner. And I saw Emilie posted something about a growing need (of) making meals for postpartum women and families.” Weisberg is the owner of Moss Café on Johnson Avenue, a business she feels is closely tied to her motherhood journey. Especially after realizing she could use her café’s resources to provide nutritious meals for other families in the Bronx welcoming a newborn. eMily Before long, a partner- WeisBerg ship was born among the women. Flores and Rodriguez already were regulars at Moss Café, but now they were also officially business partners. Rodriguez is the founder of Ashe Birthing Services, a Bronx-based group of birth and postpartum doulas. Flores has her own organization, a developing birth center called The Birthing Place. Both are groups where forging mutual support with mothers is essential. Creating a meal delivery service FOOD DELIVERY, page A4

How should a community come together in the wake of hatred and find a way to collectively heal? That’s the question many in this corner of the Bronx are asking themselves after at least four synagogues along the Henry Hudson Parkway were targeted by a vandal last month. The natural first step? Catch those responsible. That’s exactly what happened early Saturday morning when officers from the 50th Precinct arrested Jordan Burnette, 29. The New York Police Department’s Hate Crime Task Force believes Burnette — who lives at the Whitehall in Spuyten Duyvil — threw rocks and broke the windows at the synagogues and vehicles surrounding them, as well as damaging prayer books and even stealing a bicycle. He racked up 42 charges in all, and many carry additional weight as hate crimes. Burnette is free awaiting trial after a Bronx criminal court judge placed him on “supervised release.” That was

‘This was a horrible attack that feels like a violation of our sacred place.’ — Rabbi Barry Dov Katz after an earlier decision from a different judge ordered Burnette held on $30,000 cash bail, despite defense attorneys’ claims he couldn’t be held on bail under current state law.

Caught in the act?

Police say Burnette was in the midst of another synagogue rampage when they nabbed him for riding a bicycle against traffic on Delafield Avenue near West 246th Street in the very early morning hours of Saturday. Police believe Burnette stole that bicycle from the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale on West 250th Street, not far from where they say he doused a pile of Jewish prayer books with hand sanitizer. SHUL VANDAL, page A4

Nabe planning must start from bottom: CB8 n Council Speaker’s land use overhaul hasn’t quite convinced many it’s right By MICHAEL HINMAN

Charles Moerdler has never considered himself a “top-down” kind of guy. At least when it comes to government at the hyperlocal level. So why anyone would think he’d support city council Speaker Corey Johnson’s bill he says would overhaul community planning from the mayor’s office on down is beyond him. And Annie Levers, an assistant deputy director of the council’s strategic initiatives office, would certainly have her work cut out for her trying to convince Moerdler and the rest of Community Board 8’s land use committee otherwise. Yet, Levers tried to do exactly that Monday night in her pitch backing Johnson’s “Planning Together” initiative, also known as Intro 2186. Com-

munity planning is a mess, she said, and an overhaul like this is exactly what New York City needs. “The city’s planning mandates, in our opinion, are insufficient,” Levers said. “They’re scattered. They’re confusing. And this leads to inefficiencies on how the city sort of operates, and a lack of coordination between city agencies. Our planning regime is purely reactionary, and there are few meaningful opportunities for communities to proactively plan their futures together.” The legislation would help New York City have what virtually every other major metropolitan area has depended on for years — a full-scale comprehensive plan, deciding what kind of construction goes where. Because of that, Levers said, there’s no real strategy to create affordable housing, to rebuild deteriorating infrastructure, and even to deal with climate change. Many coastal neighborhoods could be flooding every day at high tide by 2100 because of sea-level rise. Of course, many community boards PLANNING, page A4

No more waiting: Overlook gets a Dutch makeover n Victor San Andrés skips red tape, fixing park that languished for decades By ETHAN STARK-MILLER


ost anyone who has tried to get as much as a pothole filled on their street knows city agencies aren’t necessarily the fastest when it comes to fixing problems. The wheels of government can be slow-moving, restricted even more by mountains of red tape. But when it came to cleaning up and landscaping some green space near his Spuyten Duyvil home, Victor San Andrés took matters into his own hands, deciding this was an instance where asking for forgiveness was better than seeking permission. He bypassed the city altogether, only conferring with the parks department after already making significant headway. That risked getting him in trouble with those in charge, but San Andrés was determined to transform a part of the HalfMoon Overlook not open to the public into an enjoyable space. “Basically, I started making it very interesting for people to go down there,” he


Victor san Andrés cleared an area in the Half-Moon Overlook park, building a path out of bricks that were once a part of a structure there. san Andrés spent four months building what he calls ‘Halve Maan garden,’ a space he hopes his spuyten Duyvil neighbors can take advantage of. said. “The views are amazing from there, of the Hudson River.” And, San Andrés added, his neighbors have given a thumbs up. For the most part.

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“The feedback is insane,” he said. “Everybody loves the idea. Everybody comes down there.”’ Accessible through Henry Hudson Park near the intersection of Kappock

Street and Independence Avenue and named for Henry Hudson’s famous ship, San Andrés first happened upon the area he would later dub “Halve Maan Garden” when walking around the neighborhood more than a year ago. When he reached the Half-Moon Overlook, he noticed a gate and stairs that led down to a secluded area. “I went down there, and I was like, ‘Oh this is interesting,” San Andrés said. “And then I was like, ‘Maybe I should do something. Maye I should change this. Maybe I should landscape this.’” And it’s not that San Andrés didn’t have some background when it came to projects like this. He used to be an art director on film sets, so designing spaces to be aesthetically pleasing was certainly in his wheelhouse. Now he installs pieces of expensive artwork in homes while working as a photographer on the side. The coronavirus pandemic made that kind of work more difficult, so San Andrés looked for a project to fill his newfound free time. At first, he tried to clean up trash in Spuyten Duyvil Shorefront Park. But no matter how much he cleaned, fresh trash would quickly take its place, with no help from construction work on the nearby Henry Hudson Bridge. OVERLOOK, page A4

A2 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021



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Displays are for looking, not taking T-Mobile says its motto is “Are you with us?” Ironically, one thief misinterpreted this, taking a phone from a local phone store on West 237th Street and skipping on the monthly bill. The robbery took place after dinner April 17 at the store just off Broadway. The perp walked into the store, police said, and pulled out an unidentified “special tool” to remove a Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus from a display. When an employee tried to intervene, the thief threatened them with a knife. That was enough to let them get away with the phone, valued at $1,000. Police described the person as a white Hispanic, 40, around 5-foot-7 and 210 pounds. Whether it was a man or woman, however, police still aren’t sure. But they continue to investigate.

A little Bitcoin of a real scam Is ConEdison accepting payments through Bitcoin now? The answer to that question? No. But someone was bamboozled into making a cryptocur-

rency payment on March 15 to what he thought was the power utility. The call was picked up by an employee of a North Riverdale store on Broadway around 11 a.m., from who they thought was a ConEd customer service representative. Their boss called the tollfree number the supposed ConEd employee provided, went through a series of prompts, and was ultimately told the business owes $3,000. The voice on the other line reportedly threatened to cut the shop’s electricity if the owner didn’t pay. Following instructions from the call, the shop owner made that payment in full using a Bitcoin kiosk. Later on, the owner checked his company’s ConEd account through more traditional means, and saw no payment was credited to the account. Someone who was actually from ConEd told him they don’t accept cryptocurrency payments, police said. There’s not a lot to go on, but the 50th Precinct is looking into it.

CORRECTIONS & CLARIFICATIONS It is the policy of The Riverdale Press to correct errors of substance and clarify misleading stories promptly. Typically, corrections and clarifications from previous is-


Riverdale-based Lillian Berdichevsky, MD, with new mom Diane F.






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sues can be found on A2. To bring errors to the attention of The Press, contact editor Michael Hinman at mhinman@, or at (718) 543-6065, Ext. 374.

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THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A3

CB8 committee nearly shut down before it started n Questions raised over whether meeting was properly noticed to public By MICHAEL HINMAN

They’re not expected to do much more than choose a pair of new committee chairs, but how Community Board 8 assembled its nominating committee raised questions about whether the board is properly notifying the public about meetings. And the current board chair has committed to do better. In the end, officials with the state’s Committee on Open Government — tasked to ensure public access to government — said CB8 was in the clear, but at least one observer says the board could’ve handled better how it shares specifics about when a meeting is going to start with the public. DAN It all stemmed pADERNACHt from CB8’s general board meeting April 13. A printed agenda of the meeting noted near the top in bold letters that a nominating committee — which had yet to be formed — would get together as soon as the regular board meeting concluded, without providing any potential time the nominating committee might actually get together. Even more, the nominating committee meeting notice didn’t include an agenda. That’s not required by state law, but it is required by CB8’s own bylaws, something some observers say the board is still obligated to fulfill. The notice also failed to provide future meeting dates — something the board voted to do just in the past year specifically for the nominating committee in


Laura Spalter is wrapping up her first year as chair of Community Board 8. But even as she gains more experience leading the advisory group, she’s open to new learning experiences. Including a recent incident where she admits she could have followed board rules better in forming a new committee. an effort to be more transparent in the process. Dan Padernacht, a former board chair himself, said he wasn’t even sure the nominating committee could legally meet that night. CB8’s current chair, Laura Spalter, disagreed, telling him she couldn’t set dates for future meetings because all of them conflicted with other committees. “It just didn’t work for this year,” Spalter said. The meeting “is noticed. And it will take place. And it is on the calendar on the website.” Padernacht, however, said he felt like work board members put together in order to make the nominating committee more accessible was simply ignored. “When you say, ‘This is how we’ve always done it,’ we took a lot of time,

and we changed the way we do it,” Padernacht said. “I am beyond disheartened to see that there was just unilateral action here, throwing away everything that we did — and, quite frankly, everything we voted on as a board. I believe the way you did this violates the open meetings law, our board’s bylaws, and certainly our ethical guidance manual.” But no law was broken, at least according to Kristin O’Neill, the Committee on Open Government’s assistant director. “In my opinion, a notice stating that a committee of a larger body will meet ‘immediately following’ the conclusion of the meeting of the larger body is sufficient to comply with law,” O’Neill told The Riverdale Press. “Not every is-

sue is addressed specifically by law or regulation. Neither has every situation been addressed by the courts. Sometimes, we have to offer an opinion based on what we believe to be a reasonable interpretation of the statute.” And many of those opinions are considered binding to a certain extent. Including one O’Neill’s agency issued a decade ago that openly discouraged scheduling meetings without including at least some idea on when that meeting might begin. That opinion, authored by former open government committee executive director Robert Freeman, said it was “suggested” government agencies provide an approximate start time for a meeting, even if it’s going to start immediately after another one. It’s an opinion that has the support

of Paul Wolf, president of the New York Coalition for Open Government watchdog group. “The whole point of the open meetings law as stated in its declaration is to ensure that the public is fully informed,” Wolf said. Martin Wolf, a longtime CB8 member who also is the group’s de facto parliamentarian, told Spalter he believed she circumvented the organization’s rules. “I fully support what Dan has brought up, and notice should have gone out separately,” he said. However, Wolf backtracked some from that position a few days later when he told The Press that the meeting notice did adhere to state law, and while some of CB8’s bylaws may not have been completely followed, “I don’t believe an error requires as much heat as this seems to be generating.” The nominating committee has already met at least once since its initial organization. While it can put together any slate it wants for any officer or chair positions, it’s expecting only to offer recommendations to fill leadership roles on the aging committee and the traffic and transportation committee. Eric Dinowitz chaired aging until last month when he was elected to the city council in the March 23 special election, and Padernacht announced late last month he was stepping down from the traffic committee. Spalter says she’s satisfied with O’Neill’s opinion on providing public notice, but knows she could have followed the board’s own rules better. It was the first time she led those efforts as chair, and she’s chalking it up as a learning experience. “I screwed up, and everybody knows I screwed up,” Spalter said. “But this is my first year as chair, and I feel confident and comfortable that I will do better in the future. Check on this again next year, and we’ll have it right. Don’t worry.”

PRESS POINTS Ballet’s Jacques d’Amboise dies Jacques d’Amboise, a nationally renowned ballet dancer who in later years taught dance for free to many children across teh city, died Sunday at 86. Born Joseph Jacques Ahearn, d’Amboise was the principal dancer for the New York City Ballet in the 1950s, appearing hundreds of times on stage, as well as in the mov-

By Michael hinMan

ies including “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” in 1954 and “Carousel” in 1956. His National Dance Institute was a place where many young people learned to express themselves for the first time. He would travel around the city, including P.S. 24 Spuyten Duyvil, and at The Riverdale Y, where his daughter-in-law Kelly Crandall d’Amboise was an artistic director for Riverdale Dance. d’Amboise retired from

dancing when he turned 50 , and is said that his National Dance Institute has reached as many as 2 million children since its founding in 1976. His awards over the years include the Kennedy Center Honors and the National Medal of Arts in the 1990s, as well as a lifetime achievement honor from what is now the Chita Rivera Awards for Dance and Choreography. d’Amboise is survived by

four children, including son Christopher and daughter Charlotte, who followed their father into dancing. His wife of 53 years, Carolyn George, died in 2009.

Villaverde honored for public service

Sergio Villaverde, a Kingsbridge Heights divorce attorney, is this year’s Bronx recipient of the New York State Bar

Association’s pro bono service awards. V illaverde was among more than a dozen lawyers and law firms receiving the award, based on where they SERgIO lived. He was vILLAvERDE specifically singled out because of the thou-

sands of hours he donated to public service representing victims of domestic violence. The New York Bar hands out these awards each year on “Law Day,” honoring those who provide free legal service to those who need it. Villaverde is a retired New York Police Department officer who is a commander in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. He’s also a member of Community Board 8.

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A4 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021

Starting planning from the bottom

Community unites after police nab shul vandal SHUL VANDAL from page A1 CSAIR had been targeted in rock-throwing attacks the weeks before, along with the Riverdale Jewish Center on Independence Avenue, Chabad Lubavitch of Riverdale on West 246th Street, and Young Israel of Riverdale on Henry Hudson Parkway East. Additionally, the windows of three cars were smashed on West 239th Street near The Moore Family Riverdale Counseling Center run by the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services. Local electeds including Councilman Eric Dinowitz, his father Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi and U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman, thanked the NYPD and Jewish leaders “who came together to stand up to this bigotry in our community” in a joint statement. “We will continue to support efforts to ensure that all residents feel safe in their own neighborhoods,” they added. CSAIR rabbi Barry Dov Katz had a clear message for his congregation following the vandalism spree. “We are a strong community, and this was a horrible attack that feels like a violation of our sacred place,” he said. Still, Katz wanted his congregants to “continue living proud and joyful Jewish lives. “So, that’s the response to hate. To people who might want you to not be who you are. To celebrate that.” Katz hasn’t been alone in finding support. “Christians, Muslims and Jews … for sure in the area and beyond, have been incredibly supportive,” Katz said. They “reached out with offers of help and support, whatever we need. It’s been really heartwarming.”

Bringing people together

One of those faith leaders lending her support is Mehnaz Afridi, who directs the Holocaust, Genocide & Interfaith Education Center at Manhattan College. Afridi quickly set up an online crowdfunding page to raise money for the targeted synagogues in hopes of offsetting the cost to repair the broken windows and doors. “I just felt like it was an opportunity for me to give something to the community,” Afridi said. “But also, to show that when you attack a Jew, you attack a Muslim and you attack a Christian. You attack a person with no faith. So when you attack someone, you attack all of humanity.” Afridi, who is Muslim, felt the fundraiser was a good way to help the synagogues during her faith’s


Police arrested a man last Saturday suspected of vandalizing neighborhood synagogues last month. Now local leaders try to bring the community together and repair the damage — both physical and emotional — from these attacks. holiday of Ramadan, she said, especially since it’s a time that emphasizes social action. “It’s symbolic to me that they’re windows and doors,” Afridi said. “Someone who is a person of faith like me, I believe that we have to open up our doors and our windows to our neighbors.” With a goal of raising $8,000 to distribute evenly among the four shuls, Afridi already raised more than a third of it. Even some of her Manhattan College students have pitched in, she said. “People who are not in this community took their time to give $5 or $10,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what you give, but it’s the whole idea.” Afridi is considering a vigil or demonstration to show solidarity with the local Jewish community. It’s something she has experience doing after bringing together hundreds locally when the Tree of Life synagogue was attacked in Pittsburgh three years ago, killing 11 and injuring seven others. Jennifer Scarlott, who runs the activist group North Bronx Racial Justice, put together her own rally soon after the attacks. While the original message was speaking out against police brutality, challenging anti-Semitism was included in the overall theme. Joining her were U.S. Rep. Bowman as well as city council candidate Mino Lora. Another neighbor, Sasha Kesler, says it’s important to bring the community together during times like this. However, figuring out a way to do it can be complicated — especially after learning Burnette is actually a neighbor rather than an outsider. Still, it’s especially important to create solidarity in a positive way, said Kesler, who works for the city’s social services department.

… or, pulling them apart

Progressives weren’t the only ones rallying in

support of the synagogues. A group of conservative politicians led by former Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind gathered in front of the Riverdale Jewish Center at one point. He was joined by Long Island congressman Lee Zeldon and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa. They blamed the state’s reform of cash bail for the vandalism, and demanded lawmakers roll those laws back. Hikind even described window breaking as the “night of broken glass,” invoking the history of Kristallnacht — when Nazis vandalized Jewish businesses in 1930s Europe. Hikind isn’t free from scandal himself. He’s been criticized for using racist rhetoric and even wearing blackface to a Purim party when he was an Assemblyman. Eric Dinowitz decried this particular rally, calling it a “campaign stop” through his city council office. “I am outraged that members of the Republican Party would engage in such blatant opportunism under the guise of supporting the Riverdale Jewish community,” Dinowitz said, in a statement through his council office spokesman. “I will work with anyone willing to take on the fight against anti-Semitism. However, (last week’s) press conference was nothing more than a dishonest attempt to push a conservative agenda.” Not all Jewish leaders represent the Jewish community, Kesler said, and that goes for Hikind, especially when it comes to Jewish people of color. Still, she believes the community can rise above all of that and learn a great deal from what happened. “This is an opportunity to really come together as a community and to talk about our experiences of anti-Semitism, our experiences of violence against our Jewish institutions,” Kesler said. “And to think through how we can envision new ways of responding that may actually work better.”

Asking forgiveness instead of permission OVERLOOK from page A1 He returned to Half-Moon Overlook last December, and decided this would be his pandemic project. San Andrés cleared trash in the area, even buying a chainsaw to cut fallen down trees. “It was about six garbage bags full of trash,” he said. “There was just trash everywhere.” Little by little, over the next four months, San Andrés worked. He even constructed benches using reclaimed wood from the felled trees, and created a pathway using bricks from a structure that once occupied the space. But not everyone was a fan of San Andrés’ work. Some neighbors reported his rogue construction project to the city, leading the parks department to padlock the gate leading to his garden. But San Andrés had a simple solution for this. And please, don’t try this at home. “I went and I bought bolt cutters. I cut the lock, and I threw the chain out.” Once finished, San Andrés christened his park “Halve Maan Garden,” a variant of the Dutch spelling for “half-moon.” As a kid, Craig Sachs used to visit

Learn more …

Victor San Andrés has started a new organization designed to focus on parks in the southwestern part of the Bronx called Spuyten Duyvil Parks Conservancy. Learn more at

the area that’s now a garden. “We used to walk down the stairs, and it was just a really quiet place where you could see the river,” he said. “You could see the Palisades.” When he returned years later as an adult, however, Sachs said he was surprised to find that area had been blocked off and had fallen into a state of disrepair. “So, when I saw Victor’s (social media) post, I was really pleasantly surprised that somebody was doing something about that park,” Sachs said. He describes what San Andrés did as an example of “tactical urbanism” — when people do their own urban projects without first seeking approval from government officials. Examples of this include installing barriers to create open streets without the OK from the transportation department.


Looking for a hobby during the coronavirus pandemic, Victor San Andrés started landscaping a part of the Half-Moon Overlook park near his Spuyten Duyvil home. One agency not a fan of tactical urbanism? The city’s parks department. A spokesman told The Riverdale Press San Andrés should’ve consulted with the agency before taking on any work in the park. Especially an area like the Halve Maan Garden that is not technically opened to the public. That particular area is not safe because there’s an unprotected drop to the Metro-North tracks below.

“Accessing spaces closed to the public is dangerous,” the spokesman said, in a statement. “And while we appreciate the spirit of volunteerism, it is important that the public work with our agency when they feel compelled to do projects in city parks.” Maybe so, but apparently Iris Rodriguez-Rosa liked what San Andrés did. He showed the Bronx parks commissioner and other members of her team around the garden last month, and he said they were impressed with his work. Although the space won’t be open to the public for the time being, San Andrés won’t need his bolt cutter — the parks department gave him a key so he can still access the garden. San Andrés has gone a step further, creating a group he calls the Spuyten Duyvil Parks Conservancy. It’s through that group he aims to fully restore Halve Maan Garden, Spuyten Duyvil Shorefront Park, and even the Raoul Wallenberg Forest. “Those three main places are my key case studies,” San Andrés said. “Basically, I’m trying to get them restored and clean because this is a really nice neighborhood and I think people will love it. And actually, the property value will go up if we have beautiful parks in this area.”

New moms get a different kind of delivery FOOD DELIVERY from page A1 for new moms and their families? That’s a no-brainer. “I think it was a really good fit, because Moss cooks with a lot of love,” Rodriguez said. “This provides a level of support that most people don’t have. And you can kind of taste the love in their food.” Even for families who might have typically established a support network of relatives and friends in the first days and weeks following childbirth, the coronavirus pandemic has made providing that support a bit more difficult. Although more people are getting vaccinated, some still might not feel comfortable having others outside of their “bubble” around a newborn — even if it’s to help out around the house. Or cook meals. “Even (for) people who do have a grandma, say in New Jersey or Connecticut or maybe even a whole plane ride away, it’s not like you can just say, ‘All right, come on over,’” Flores said. “It’s a unique time. And you should be able to have something homecooked, and warm and cozy.” The meals Moss Café provides are either pescatarian, vegetarian or vegan, and the eatery can cater to each family’s dietary preferences and needs. But at the end of the day, Weisberg said, it’s about nourishment and comfort for the family. “We worked together to develop a menu of things based on Myla and Emilie’s expertise around what foods would be especially nourishing,” Weisberg said. “It was kind of a cool process because they could bring in their sense of what these families would need, in terms of what ingredients would be really helpful, what kinds of food would be really helpful (and) what foods to avoid.”

Are you interested?


Moss Café’s general manager Ben Alpern packs a vehicle with a box of food that will be delivered to families recently welcoming babies into all areas of the Bronx. For some families, that might include homemade vegetable broth or tea. For others, a frittata or fruit. Every family’s needs are different, and sometimes those families need convenience and accessibility in addition to nourishment. Like if a mother is nursing, she might not be able to eat something requiring utensils. So Weisberg makes sure grab-and-go items like yogurt, apples and muffins also make their way into the food deliveries. That allows mothers to hold their babies and their food at the same time. Weisberg also wants to ensure those meals are

To learn more about Moss Café’s postpartum meal sponsorship, visit If you are a family in need — or know a family in need of support — email ashebirthingservices@ Ashe Birthing Services provides prenatal, birth and postpartum doula services. Learn more at, or donate to Ashe’s work at The Birthing Place is a community-centered developing birth center seeking to support low-risk pregnancies through learning, wellness, and birth and postpartum support. Learn more at TheBirthingPlace. co, or donate at available to as many people as possible — and not just for those inside Riverdale. She’s offering meal deliveries to any corner of the Bronx. And to Rodriguez, that’s part and parcel of making a life here. “Being from the Bronx and living here, I think that we are used to coming up with our own solutions to things,” she said. “While it’s super important that some people — like Myla — work on policy and legislation, I think I’m really proud that as a city and as a town, we come together. “I hope to provide support to these families that we can help. One family at a time, one birth at a time, one postpartum journey at a time makes a really big difference.”

PLANNING from page A1 — including CB8 — have developed 197-a plans, essentially micro-comprehensive plans that don’t carry the weight of law, and are typically ignored by city planning officials. “The city’s piecemeal sort of project-by-project approach to rezonings, we believe, has exacerbated inequality,” Levers said. Johnson’s push for an overhaul is not some effort to create some legacy in a lame-duck year, she added. Instead, the Speaker first championed reform during the 2019 charter revisions. When those efforts failed, he decided to push for changes to local law. Because of that, who makes what decisions won’t be changed, Levers said. That can only be done through a charter referendum. Instead, Johnson wants to streamline the process, in hopes of building a comprehensive plan that is indeed comprehensive — and cohesive. “The proposal creates a process for communities to proactively weigh in and prioritize the issues that we see affecting our neighborhoods every day, but may not raise to the level of priority for a given mayor,” Levers said. “So it would set citywide and neighborhoodspecific goals in partnerships with other elected officials, community boards, community stakeholders, and members of the general public, instead of just leaving all of that solely in the hands of the mayor.” Yes, part of that proposal would include helping community boards develop new localized comprehensive plans — but that’s only for boards not happy with their existing plans, she said. It also would revamp the city’s long-term planning steering committee away from one almost completely controlled by the mayor, to one that represents the mayor, the city council, and the five borough presidents. “It’s really envisioned as a technical body with requirements for appointees to represent groups and individuals who have been historically left out of planning decisions in the past,” Levers said. “They would help set the city’s long-term citywide infrastructure targets. Not just for housing, but schools, open space, resiliency, sewer capacity, arts and cultural space, job creation, transit, infrastructure, public health — all based on assessments of current conditions and community input.” Moerdler, however, isn’t interested in changing anything in the planning process unless it starts at the neighborhood level and works its way up. “You need to have a mandatory mechanism to assure that the voice of the community is heard, whether you accept it or disagree with it,” Moerdler said. “The final say would be whatever the citywide entity is, but then it is finally hard. During the last eight years, that has been a rarity. It just hasn’t happened.” Rosemary Ginty, a former CB8 chair who worked in the past with the city’s planning department, says many of the problems when it comes to planning stem from confusion between what the mayor’s office does, and what the city council is responsible for. “I view this proposal as the legislative branch stepping into the shoes of the executive branch, and quite frankly, it scares me,” Ginty said. The power to make decisions won’t change, Levers said. Instead, Johnson’s legislation would simply emulate what other major cities put together — not just in developing a comprehensive plan, but ensuring it has some teeth. “The mayor would still be in control of most everything,” Levers said. “They would actually be responsible for actually putting the plan together. And this sort of input and approval process is designed based on what works well in other cities to actually build consensus.” Intro 2186 is far from being a finalized bill, but its key components are indeed in place, Levers said. Still, Levers and others from her department are visiting many of the community boards, seeing where aspects of the bill can be changed and maybe even improved. But the most effective way to govern is something Moerdler believes the city council can find here in the Bronx. He cites efforts by former Bronx borough president Fernando Ferrer who tried to create transit hubs on the eastern side of the borough at the local level, only to fall short. It wasn’t until he joined the Metropolitan Transportation Authority some years later that the Metro-North stations through that part of the Bronx finally became a reality. “It’s an example of how when you have bottom-up and top-down planning together, it works,” Moerdler said. “I don’t know a damn thing about Brooklyn, but I know a fair amount about the Bronx, and Queens, and Manhattan. And I live in the Bronx. So I know about it, and everyone on this Zoom at the moment does as well. So think about how you do (that kind of planning), and how you can do it for this legislation.”


THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A5

Bringing May flowers

PUBLIC NOTICE MAGNET RECOGNITION PROGRAM® —SITE VISIT • NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital has applied to the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for the prestigious designation of Magnet. Magnet designation recognizes excellence in nursing services.


Spring flowers are in bloom all around the city, especially at Henry Hudson Park. A year after the coronavirus pandemic shut down society, many neighbors look to find some sense of normalcy in New York’s green spaces.

This Mother’s Day help our Bronx mothers in need with:


• Patients, family members, staff, and interested parties who would like to provide comments are encouraged to do so. Anyone may send comments via e-mail and direct mail. All comments received by phone must be followed up in writing to the Magnet Program Office. • Your comments must be received by the Magnet Program Office by June 4, 2021.

• diapers and wipes • new baby clothes (spring/summer) • new children’s clothes (spring/summer)

NOTE: All comments are CONFIDENTIAL and are not shared with the health care organization. Comments may be anonymous, but they must be sent in writing to the Magnet Program Office.

Please drop off donations in front of Riverdale Presbyterian Church 12:00–2:00 pm Saturday May 8 Sunday May 9 Monday May 10



Donations will be distributed by POTS (Part of the Solution)


2759 Webster Avenue, Bronx, NY 10458


4765 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10471 718-796-5560 •


Phone: 866-588-3301 (toll free) All comments received by phone must be followed up in writing to the Magnet Program Office.


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A6 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021

WE’RE ALL TIRED OF COVID-19 But COVID-19 isn’t over yet. Neither is our fight.


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THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A7


We areCHARTER a high performing academically rigorous college-prep HIGH SCHOOL located in the Riverdale/Kingsbridge Sector of the Bronx. We are a high performing academically rigorous International Leadership School is a tuition free college-prep locatedCharter in theHigh Riverdale/Kingsbridge institutionofthatthe aims Bronx. to prepareInternational the young men andLeadership women of Sector Charter is a tuition free institution the Changing BronxHigh not onlySchool for the demands of higher education, but Lives & Transforming Communities... that aims to prepare the young men and women also for leading productive and meaningful lives. The of the Bronx not only for the demands of higher One Scholar at a Time! International Leaderships’ scholars represent some of the education, but also for leading productive and world’s future leaders. Our vision over the pastLeaderships’ 15 years is to meaningful lives. The International scholars represent some of the and world’s future provide College Preparatory Curriculum an inclusive INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL leaders. Our vision over the past 15 years is to learning environment that promotes high academic We areCollege a high performing academically rigorous college-prep provide Preparatory Curriculum and an Changing Lives & Transforming expectations all!Riverdale/Kingsbridge located learning inforthe Sector of the Bronx. inclusive environment that promotes high

C One Scholar at a Tim

International Leadership Charter High School is a tuition free academic expectations for all!

institution that aims to prepare the young men and women of the Bronx not only for theour demands of higher education,Orbut ForMore More Information visit website For Information visit our website also for leading productive and meaningful lives. The OrContact Contact Edilis Gonzalez Edilis Gonzalez 718-562-2300 International Leaderships’ scholars represent some of the LEADERSHIP CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL 718-562-2300 ext.404 to schedule an appointment world’s future leaders. Our visiontoover 15 years is to to ext.404 to schedule an appointment visitthe ourpast school. We are a high performing academically rigorous college-prep (Thursdays 4-5 pm & Fridays 11-12 pm) visitprovide our school College Preparatory Curriculum and an inclusive in the Riverdale/Kingsbridge Sector of the Bronx. learning environment that promotes located high academic International Leadership Charter High School is a tuition free expectations for all! INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP CHARTER HIGH SCHOOLthat aims to prepare the young men and women of institution the Bronx not only for the demands of higher education, but For More Information visit our Or productive and meaningful lives. The Somos una escuela secundaria de website preparación alsouniversitaria for leading Contact Edilis Gonzalez 718-562-2300 International académicamente rigurosa de alto rendimiento ubicada en elLeaderships’ scholars represent some of the ext.404 to schedule an appointment to visit our school. Somos una escuela secundaria deworld’s preparación future leaders. Our vision over the past 15 years is to sector Riverdale / Kingsbridge del Bronx. International universitaria académicamente rigurosa alto Preparatory Curriculum and an inclusive providedeCollege Leadership Charter High School institución gratuita que / rendimiento ubicada eneseluna sector Riverdale learning environment that promotes high academic INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL Kingsbridge del preparar Bronx.a los International Leadership tieneSomos como una objetivo hombres y mujeres jóvenesfor all! expectations escuela secundaria de preparación universitaria


Charter es unadeinstitución gratuita del académicamente Bronx High no soloSchool pararigurosa las demandas la educación superior, de alto rendimiento ubicada en el quesector tiene Riverdale como objetivo preparar a los hombres Kingsbridge del Bronx. International también para llevar/ una vidaBronx productiva y significativa. Loslas For More Information visit our website Or y sino mujeres jóvenes del no solo para Leadership Charter High School es una institución gratuita que Contact Edilisa Gonzalez 718-562-2300 estudiantes deobjetivo International demandas la educación superior, sino también tiene comode preparar aLeaderships los hombres yrepresentan mujeres ext.404 tojóvenes schedule para llevar una vida productiva y significativa. Los an appointment to visit our school. algunos de los futuros del mundo. Nuestra superior, visión del Bronx no solo para líderes las demandas de la educación estudiantes de Leaderships represino también paraInternational llevar una vida productiva y significativa. Los durante los últimos 15 años es para tener una de escuela estudiantes de International Leaderships representan sentan a algunos de los futuros líderes del mundo.a LEADERSHIP CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL secundarias internacionale y algunos deautónomas losdurante futuros de líderes del mundo. Nuestra visión Nuestra visión los liderazgo últimos 15 años es para Somos escuela secundaria de preparación universitaria durante los últimos años es para tener una Tenemos deuna escuela programas de15preparacion universitaria. tener una de deestudios escuela secundarias autónomas de académicamente secundarias autónomas de liderazgo internacionale y rigurosa de alto rendimiento ubicada en el liderazgo y programas de estudios un programas ambienteinternacionale de aprendizaje inclusivo que promueve altas sector Riverdale / Kingsbridge del Bronx. International de estudios de preparacion universitaria. Tenemos de preparacion universitaria. Tenemos un ambiexpectativas académicas para todos! un ambiente de aprendizaje inclusivo queLeadership promueve Charter altas High School es una institución gratuita que ente de aprendizaje inclusivo que promueve altas tiene como objetivo preparar a los hombres y mujeres jóvenes expectativas académicas para todos! expectativas académicas para todos! del Bronx no solo para las demandas de la educación superior,

sinoelectronica también para llevar una vida productiva y significativa. Los ParaPara masmas información página informaciónvisite visitenuestra nuestra página electronica Para mas información visite nuestra página elecestudiantes de International Leaderships representan a or Correo eletronico a la senora Gonzalez at or Correo eletronico a la senora Gonzalez tronica or Correo eletronico algunos deaat losla futuros líderes del mundo. Nuestra visión Telefono 718-562-2300 extTelefono 404 para senora Gonzalez at egonzalez@ilchs.oeg Telefono 718-562-2300 ext 404 durante lospara últimos 15 años es para tener una de escuela programar una visita a nuestra escuela. 718-562-2300 exta404 para programar una visitaautónomas a Upcoming secundarias de liderazgo internacionale y Orientations & School Tours: programar una visita nuestra escuela. nuestra escuela. (Jueves de 4 a 5 pmprogramas y viernes dede estudios de preparacion universitaria. Tenemos May 6th - June 11th un ambiente de aprendizaje inclusivo que promueve altas 11 a 12 pm) International Leadership Charterexpectativas High School académicas para todos!

Upcoming Orientations & School Tours: May 6th - June 11th

3030 Riverdale Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463 International Leadership Charter High School 718-562-2300 / Para mas información

visite nuestra página electronica InternatIonal leadershIp Gonzalez at 3030 Riverdale Avenue, Bronx, 10463 or Correo eletronico a la senora Telefono 718-562-2300 ext 404 para Charter hIgh sChool 718-562-2300 / _______________________________

the bronx, new york

International Leadership Charter High School 3030 Riverdale Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463 718-562-2300 /

Upcoming Orie May 1131260

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A8 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021

Bill Caplan has way to fight climate change — now n Policymakers think about climate crisis all wrong, author warns By ETHAN STARK-MILLER

The debate over the existence of man-made climate change is all but settled — 97 percent of climate scientists agree on this, according to NASA. And for the past few years, many policymakers — especially of the Democratic persuasion — have called it an existential threat. The last four years under President Donald Trump didn’t help as the unpopular leader actively dismantled policies meant to slow down or even reverse the effects of global warming, all while promoting the production of coal and other fossil fuels responsible for the carbon dioxide emissions that create it in the first place. Environmentalists expect this to change, however, now that Joe Biden has moved into the White House, noting climate change as a key part of his agenda. His environmental plan aims to cut in half carbon emissions from 2005 by the end of the decade. Bill Caplan isn’t as impressed as he’d like to be. “Well, that’s very nice,” he said. “But what do we do until we get there when climate change is happening now?” — all caused by the concentration of carbon dioxide that’s already in the atmosphere. It was a question inspiring Caplan to write his new book, “Thwart Climate Change Now: Reducing Embodied Carbon Brick by Brick,” slated for a fall release. It’s Caplan’s third book following “Buildings are for People” in 2016 and “Contrasts 21c” in 2018. Caplan is an engineer by trade who became passionate about the climate crisis later in life. Growing up in Brooklyn, he’s lived in Riverdale since the early 1980s. After graduating from Cornell University in Ithaca, he founded Entran Devices — a company that made


The Biden’s administration may be planning to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030, but author Bill Caplan says that’s not soon enough. In his new book, ‘Thwart Climate Change,’ Caplan claims many policymakers miss key carbon emission data — like that which comes from constructing the built environment. high-tech miniature sensing devices for the military. After 34 years leading the company, Caplan sold it in 2005 for $9.5 million. He changed careers, enrolling in architecture school at the Pratt Institute, located in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn. “I was doing that, basically, not to build houses in the Hamptons, but to get a better understanding of how architects work,” Caplan said. “Because there’s something lacking in this country in terms of building design, sustainability and everything. So, I wanted to see from the inside what was going on.” Using his engineering background, Caplan discovered efforts to teach architects about energy-efficient design didn’t add up. It alerted him to the broader misconceptions architects, policy makers and even the general public have when it comes to actually cutting carbon emissions.

A good portion of his latest book, Caplan said, is devoted to educating people about “embodied carbon” while reframing discussions about how to best combat climate change. The first lesson? Realizing that cutting carbon emissions in the future is not the only way to fight climate change. And even then, those efforts could take several decades to achieve. “The scientific agreement is we don’t have those decades to spare,” Caplan said. “Consensus is telling us that we have 10 to 15 years to really clamp down on our emissions. And so that is what this book is addressing: The reality of what we’re facing. And it’s really focusing a lot on what is being ignored.” That’s where embodied carbon comes in. It’s the carbon footprint of everything humans produce, Caplan says, like buildings, cars — pretty much any product. The large amount of embodied car-

bon that comes from manufacturing is seldom considered by policymakers when they think about how to mitigate the effects of climate change. However, some lawmakers have pushed efforts more recently to address such environmental impacts through bills like state Sen. Todd Kaminsky’s “producer responsibility” bill intended to shift the cost of environmental impacts back to manufacturers. “The serious nature of this carbon footprint is that these are emissions that are going into our atmosphere, sometimes years before we use anything,” Caplan said. “And so these emissions are basically taken for granted.” Embodied carbon makes up a serious portion of emissions, Caplan said, with as much as 40 percent of greenhouse gases coming from buildings and construction, as well as the emissions from operating those buildings. Cement production alone accounts for

7 percent of energy-related emissions. Even products designed to help the environment like solar panels and electric cars emit embodied carbons. While policymakers may think this technology is the answer to environmental issues, Caplan says the carbon impact from manufacturing both could offset any gains from using the technology. For example, rooftop solar panels are manufactured in a way that is not exactly environmentally friendly. That’s why Caplan believes they should only be installed in parts of the country where they’ll make enough carbon-free energy over a 10-year period to offset its embodied carbon. “If you get down into the south, or sunny areas in California, there’s a big gain,” Caplan said. “But if you go into upstate New York or even New York City — where there’s a lot of shade from buildings — then the bottom line is, it’s a mistake to put some of those solar panels up. Because we’re going to be adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere now to make them.” But towns or regions creating solar farms could see significant environmental benefits, especially compared to rooftop solar. Caplan says his book is not just about pointing out problems with embodied carbon emissions, but how their negative impact can be mitigated. For instance, because concrete is such a high emitter of embodied carbon, Caplan recommends cutting back on using it for aesthetic purposes when constructing homes and buildings. Another solution is to introduce a new carbon emissions labeling system for products. If nothing else, when it’s all said and done, Caplan wants readers to understand why embodied carbon emissions need to be reduced now, and not wait for another decade. “It’s important to me to somehow try to awaken people — policymakers and architects — to what has to be done now,” Caplan said. “Do I think that I’ll succeed in my message? No. But that doesn’t stop me from trying.”

SCHOOL DESK UFT holding tight to Stringer for moment The hits just kept on coming for city comptroller and mayoral candidate Scott Stringer after a woman accused him of sexual harassment and abuse while she interned for him 20 years ago.

By ROSE BRENNAN The United Federation of Teachers union remains aboard the Stringer train. For now. The union announced its Stringer endorsement just two weeks before Jean Kim spoke out against him, which many believe has effectively derailed any chances of Stringer becoming mayor.

Since the allegations surfaced, many of Stringer’s highprofile endorsers have jumped ship, like the Working Families Party, state Sens. Gustavo Rivera and Alessandra Biaggi, as well as U.S. Reps. Jamaal Bowman and Adriano Espaillat. But one high-profile organization hasn’t bailed quite yet.

Although the union’s support continues, that could very well change if any further details or allegations come to light. “The UFT has a long history of working with Scott Stringer and has always found him both supportive of educators and an advocate for women,” a union

spokesperson told one publication. “At the same time, any accusations of this nature need to be listened to and carefully weighed.”

No snow days on new calendar It seems the days of sleeping

in while plows clear the streets will be no more. At least for public school students. Instead, classrooms will go remote — something popularized by the coronavirus pandemic that closed schools down for months. School will start Sept. 13 and continue on until June 27.

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THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A9


Spring is in the air at Wave Hill

For more information, visit

Wave Hill, 4900 Independence Ave., has reopened for special restricted hours Thursday through Sunday from 10 a.m., to 5:30 p.m. Admission requires advance ticket purchase at Also reopened is The Shop at Wave Hill with a re-imagined floor plan intended to make safety a priority. It’s open Wednesdays through Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wave Hill House is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with Glyndor Gallery open from noon to 4:30 p.m. — both featuring exhibitions to limitedsize audiences. The café is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for limited grab-and-go entrees, snacks and beverages. Although eating indoors is not allowed, seating remains available outside on the Kate French Terrace. Advanced registration is required, and the maximum number of visitors allowed each day is limited. A ticket is required to enter the grounds, and is available for reservation every Monday. Thursday continues to be admission-free until Wave Hill resumes normal operating hours. Other upcoming events include: • The casting spells and starting seeds family art project on Sunday, May 9 at 10 a.m., onsite, with a Mother’s Day picnic at 11 a.m., and a garden highlights walk beginning at 2 p.m.

Eat healthy this summer The Riverdale CommunitySupported Agriculture program is accepting members for its summer deliveries of organic and biodynamic vegetables. Deliveries are weekly each Thursday from 3:30 to 7 p.m., running from early June to late November. Full shares (for three to four people) and half shares (for one or two people) are available, and includes up to 10 vegetables each week. Fruit shares also are available, which include organic strawberries, blueberries, stone fruits, apples and pears across the season. For more information, visit, or email riverdalecsa@gmail. com.

New season at Untermyer Gardens Untermyer Gardens is open with admission available every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That happens with a free timed reservation made in advance at The gardens, located at 945 N. Broadway in Yonkers, also are open on Monday though Thursday, but no advanced reservation is required. Hours are

9 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week. Tours are scheduled each Sunday beginning at 11 a.m., with a typical cost of $10. Family adventure tours — costing $10 per child, but free for parents — take place Sundays beginning May 16 at 10 a.m. Advanced registration is required. Classes are also available most weekends in May, with prices ranging from $25 to $40, covering line drawing and yoga, among others. Advanced registration is required. For more information, visit

Get your spring on at Van Cortlandt Park Van Cortlandt Park Alliance has a number of events scheduled. Advanced registration is required by visiting • Urban Junior Naturalists runs its after-school program for middle school students on Tuesdays through June 8, exploring how nature and humans interact with the park while reaching back into its history. • A lawn party honoring parks commissioner Mitchell Silver is planning for Thursday, June 24 at 6:30 p.m. General admission tickets are $200, with more information available at • Beautify the Park Days take place every Monday at 9

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U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday, May 16, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Register at Email questions to

Celebrate chamber music in May The Bronx Arts Ensemble celebrates National Chamber Music Month with members of the group’s woodwind quintet and string quartet on Sunday, May 16 at 1 p.m. The performance is available online through the ensemble’s Facebook or YouTube pages. Admission is free, but donations are encouraged. For more information, visit

Stay busy at the Sunday Market

Talk to Jamaal and Chuck Northwest Bronx Indivisible is hosting virtual5.375 forum with BronxaPress X 5.25

The Riverdale Y Sunday market is open every Sunday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., in

the parking lot of the Riverdale Temple, 4545 Independence Ave., near West 246th Street. Among the activities, there is food scrap collection every week between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. This includes fruit, vegetables, eggshells, coffee, tea, nuts, dried flowers and houseplants. Visit

SHSAT strategy sessions begin Prep and strategy sessions for eighth- and ninth-graders expecting to take the Specialized High School Admissions Test have begun at Riverdale Neighborhood House. Led by community classes coordinator Rob Adelman, the sessions focus on realistic practice and targeted content review, including a mock exam, time management strategies, and the review of skills and formulas in approaching the test. For more information, email

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a.m., through June 28 — except May 31 • Pinkster — a little-known spring festival celebrated by those living in New York of African and Dutch descent in the 18th century — takes place online Wednesday, May 19 at 3 p.m. • A family fun hike is planned for Mother’s Day weekend on Saturday, May 8 at 10 a.m., which includes a reading of Susan Larkin’s book, “All the Ways I Love You.” Space is limited. • Community stewardship day is set for West 261st Street on Saturday, May 15 at 10 a.m., with species removals, cleanup and planting in the Northwest Forest of Van Cortlandt Park. RSVP is required. • Volunteer in the garden on Saturday, May 22 at 10 a.m. RSVP is required.

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PulMOnaRy MEdiCinE ColumbiaDoctors Manuel R. Cabrera, md

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RhEuMatOlOgy ColumbiaDoctors teja M. Kapoor, md Specializing in Lupus, sees general rheumatology patients & performs musculoskeletal joint injections. 3050 Corlear Avenue, Suite 204 Bronx, NY 10463 Now accepting new patients For appointments, please call: 212.3054308 Affiliated with NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital and NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center

A10 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021


The Riverdale Press maintains an open submission policy. Opinions expressed in this section do not necessarily represent those of this publication. Submissions can be made to


Bail reform far from perfect


ome may describe our human drive as one in the pursuit of happiness. Others, a quest for perfection. And then there are those who believe you can’t have one without the other. But perfection is elusive. Like reaching for our reflection in a pond. Just when we feel we have it in our grasp, all we end up with is a wet hand. Last year, New York joined a handful of states eliminating cash bail. To call the move controversial is an understatement, with both sides of the debate beyond passionate about what kind of impacts the law would have on our homes and neighborhoods. Whether a supporter or part of the opposition, one thing everyone should be able to agree on is that the law is not perfect, and was never meant to be. In fact, lawmakers adjusted the bill three months after it was first enacted to include more crimes where judges are free to institute bail. Lawmakers will need to return to Albany and make more revisions to bail reform after it became clear this past week there was a gaping hole where hate crimes should be. The man accused of vandalizing a number of Riverdale synagogues and terrorizing our Jewish community was released from jail on Monday pending trial. Over the weekend, Judge Louis Nock tried to sidestep bail reform by setting the suspect’s bail at $30,000 for a partially secured bond, or $20,000 cash. Some 24 hours later, heeding the objec-

tion of defense attorneys, Judge Tara Collins reversed that decision, sending him home on “supervised release.” Some in the community — many whom assuredly were already against bail reform — are using Collins’ decision to attack the law. While others feel the law may have failed them in this regard, since hate crimes should be included as a “bail-eligible” crime. Bail reform will never be perfect, and likely will require a few more revisions over time. That’s the nature of any law. But the fact it’s imperfect shouldn’t mean we should torpedo the law as a whole. Before bail reform, thousands of people were held in jail — on the taxpayer’s dime — ahead of trial not because judges feared they could flee or return to the crime they were accused of, but simply because they couldn’t afford the bail to get out. One of the biggest arguments against bail reform is recidivism — a fancy word describing someone getting arrested for a crime, and then repeating that crime at their earliest opportunity. That approach only works if you accept the nonsense that only poor people who can’t afford bail would repeat crime. But before we turn this set of circumstances into a rallying cry again bail reform, let’s remember one thing: Bail reform or not, this suspect would not be sitting in a jail cell on Riker’s Island as you read these words. Let’s strengthen the law where it’s weak, but let’s not get carried away.


Police must protect us more from all this anti-Semitism

By SASHA KESLER (re: “Weekend vandalism targets 4 synagogues,” April 29)


hen I was 16, the Seattle Jewish Federation was attacked by a violent shooter on a Friday afternoon. A woman died, and four were shot — mostly nonJews, since many of the Jews already had left for Shabbat. When I worked at that federation several years later for a summer fellowship, the pain and trauma was still palpable. Some people talked about the shooting every day. Others would leave the room any time it came up. As we approached the anniversary, the conversations became more intense and frequent, with some staff members experiencing post-traumatic episodes. While I had experienced many anti-Semitic incidents growing up, such as being called a “kike,” this was the first time I felt the traumatic impact of violent modern anti-Semitism in America. During my fellowship, I sat in numerous meetings and task forces with law enforcement as they told us about their plans to keep the Jewish community safe. I was used to seeing law enforcement outside my synagogue during services. Like many American Jews, I saw the police as our allies in preventing anti-Semitism, and felt safer with their constant presence. My perspective began shifting as I heard from Jewish friends of color who expressed their discomfort with the presence of armed police officers outside Jewish institutions. When entering the building, they were often questioned about their presence, and treated with skepticism. I realized my appreciation for the presence of police officers did not match the experiences of Jews of color. Last summer, Riverdalians of all backgrounds gathered to protest against the injustice, violence and discrimination in the institution of policing. I spoke with neighbors and friends who had always assumed the police were an instrument of safety. For the first time, they questioned how and why George Floyd — a Black man simply standing on the street — could have been murdered. When the fervor of the summer’s protests ended, some returned to their original perspectives on policing, but many were left with a lingering realization that the system that led to George Floyd’s murder was inherently broken.

When I heard about the anti-Semitic vandalism of multiple synagogues in Riverdale, my heart hurt for the trauma and pain this would evoke. Jews have a long history of seeing our synagogues attacked, triggering the memory of deadly violence across the world. We continue to experience trauma with anti-Semitic shootings in Pittsburgh, Poway and Jersey City in recent years, just to name a few. The response to what happened in Riverdale was formulaic: The New York Police Department convened synagogue and Jewish institution leaders to discuss their plans to increase patrolling. Yet despite the purported increased patrolling, another incident occurred at one of the same synagogues while the police were supposed to be watching. If the true goal is Jewish safety, the system is not working. Maybe this is the time we look for other responses. We look to community-led safety like we have seen in New York City in support of Asian-Americans. We reach out to our non-Jewish friends and neighbors to be our partners in protecting our synagogues, just like hundreds of Jews volunteered to provide security across Asian-led vigils, events, and calls to action this spring with “Jews for Asians.” We bring in social workers to hold space for the trauma and fear that our community members are experiencing. We engage in community education and implement restorative justice programs to give those impacted by hate a voice in how harm can be repaired, and future harm prevented. Our neighbors keep us safe. We keep each other safe. We have heard and seen over and over again that police pose a threat to Black people and Black lives. We cannot say we support Black lives if our default response to all anti-Semitic incidents is to constantly increase the presence of police. I do not want the attempts to secure my safety to threaten that of others. Jews continue to be targets for violence, but the models of policing that currently exist are by and large not impeding attacks such as this. Jewish safety and dignity are intertwined with that of all communities. My fellow Jews, join me in building a new path and seeking collective safety for all. The author is a special projects manager with the city’s social services department.

A Weekly Newspaper Published Every Thursday Founded 1950 by David and Celia Stein Winner of the Pulitzer Prize 5676 Riverdale Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10471-3153 (718) 543-6065 • © The Riverdale Press LLC, articles, pictures and advertisements herein are the exclusive property of The Riverdale Press LLC, and any republication or broadcast without written permission is prohibited. All rights and material herein are reserved. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Entered as Second Class Matter (USPS 466-8820) at the Post Office, Bronx, N.Y. Published by The Riverdale Press LLC, a subsidiary of Richner Communications, Inc.

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Criticism of rabbi was unfair To the editor:

(re: “Weiss never speaks for me, but Bowman often does,” April 29)

We write out of deep disappointment in the journalistic integrity of The Riverdale Press in printing the Point of View piece by Josh Eisen, and out of a sense of indignation about the defamation of our teacher, Rabbi Avi Weiss. Our critique is focused on the superfluous, ad hominem and inaccurate attacks on Rabbi Weiss within this opinion piece. We are the leaders of the Orthodox Jewish institutions Rabbi Weiss founded and continues to powerfully impact: the major synagogue and spiritual community he built, and the two rabbinical schools he dreamed into existence. We represent thousands of constituents and stakeholders for whom he is a treasured leader, mentor and role model in countless ways. And each of us, the signatories to this letter, personally count him as a teacher and spiritual guide whose lives have been touched by his wisdom, kindness, integrity and leadership. Rabbi Weiss doesn’t need us to speak for him except that, in his humility, he would never write a letter on his own behalf. However, his deed and actions as a rabbinic leader speak for themselves. His knowledge of Jewish text is evident in the scores upon scores of students who attend his weekly classes, the hundreds who gather for his special Torah lectures, the network of his students who teach his teachings to thousands and thousands around the world in the dozens upon dozens of communities whose leaders are his students, and the countless more whose spiritual lives have been shaped by his multiple books on Torah and leadership. To call him irrelevant in true Torah circles is to dismiss the thousands of Orthodox Jews who follow his teaching and his vision. Mr. Eisen implies that Rabbi Weiss does not feel the pain of Palestinians. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have borne witness to Rabbi Weiss’ deep humanity and care for all peoples, his sensitivity to those who suffer. When Palestinians have been victimized or terrorized, he has called that out.

He has spoken for victims of the Darfur genocide, police brutality, and countless other issues impacting communities of all kinds. “Avi Weiss is a follower, par excellence.” The only “following” Rav Avi does is following Jewish law, the Torah’s moral conscience, and following the hearts of his community members with deep compassion and love. He is a leader’s leader, sought by rabbis and community leaders around the world for his counsel and wisdom in leadership, and he listens and learns from them. We have never heard anyone utter the words “my students are my teachers” more than he. To accuse Rabbi Weiss of being motivated by media attention or self-promotion is to completely misunderstand the greatness of Rav Avi. We all bear witness from our deep personal relationships with him that what inspires him is nothing but the causes he has championed, from Soviet Jewry to women’s spiritual leadership, to Israel activism, to human rights. His countless actions of kindness and leadership that have never been in the public eye attest to his pure motivations. Mr. Eisen, Rabbi Weiss doesn’t have to “speak for you,” but please do not distort the truth of who he is for the thousands of us for whom he is a shining guide and role model, rabbi and leader par excellence, or for the readership of this publication. The Riverdale Press should not print a piece like this without removing or addressing its unfounded claims and inaccurate attacks. It causes undue harm not just to Rabbi Weiss, but to all of us and our local institutions, to the Riverdale community, and far beyond that has benefited so deeply from Rabbi Weiss’ presence, and to the integrity of this publication. STeven exler, Gillian STeinberG, Sara HurwiTz, Dov linzer Steven Exler is senior rabbi for the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale-The Bayit, while Gillian Steinberg is its president. Sara Hurwitz is the president of Maharat, and a rabba with HIR. Dov Linzer is president and dean of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School.

All libraries will reopen soon To the editor:

(re: “Waiting for the library,” April 15)

I would like to thank Joseph Smith for his recent letter about the Riverdale Library. We greatly appreciate and understand his concern. While the Riverdale Library has been temporarily closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the staff members are fine and have been providing assistance, both virtually and at other locations. But, like all of us, they have missed their patrons and are eager to welcome them back to the branch. Of course, considering our unprecedented circumstance and our commitment to prioritizing the health

and safety of our staff members and patrons, this is complicated. Since last summer, the New York Public Library has implemented enhanced safety protocols across its system. Those protocols — which have been incredibly effective in all but eliminating transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19 at branches throughout the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island — require more staff and time per location, so we have needed to limit the number of locations that can open. The decisions around which locations to open were — and continue to be — difficult. Fortunately, as the situation surrounding COVID-19 slowly

improves, we’ve begun to see a light at the end of this long, difficult tunnel. We are expanding service at our current open branches this spring, and are expecting to open more locations this summer. The library will continue to be careful and cautious as we re-introduce service throughout the system. But with patience and fortitude, we will get there. Together. We are as eager to get there as anyone. GeSille Dixon The author is the borough director of the New York Public Library’s Bronx Neighborhood Library Networks.

Dinowitz family too important To the editor:

(re: “Dinowitz sworn in, but challengers ready,” April 22)

I congratulate Eric Dinowitz for being elected to the city council, but as a fellow public school teacher, I question many of the choices that he and his father made in getting him into public office. We all know the March special election happened because Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz made sure now-former councilman Andrew Cohen was nominated for a judgeship last fall. Cohen could have just easily been nominated one year later, which would have ensured our community had uninterrupted representation at city hall. Instead, the older Dinowitz put the interests of his family ahead of the interests of the whole community, and we were left with no council member for more than four months — during a pandemic. Eric Dinowitz knew last summer — if not much earlier — that a special election to replace Andrew Cohen would be happening in 2021. At that point, he could have taken a leave of absence from his teaching career before the academic year began. Instead, he chose to stay on, knowing full well that he would be leaving his special education students mid-year, during one of the most stressful periods in these children’s lives. These past 14 months have been difficult for

all of us, but even more so for our kindergarten through 12th grade students who have experienced major disruptions in their learning. And it is especially difficult for special education students who need more continuous and consistent support from their teachers. When I heard Eric Dinowitz resigned midschool year so he can pursue public office, I was furious. This speaks volumes to the character of Mr. Dinowitz. As an educator, I cannot support Eric Dinowitz because he has shown complete disregard for his students after such a rough school year. The last thing these students needed was a mid-year replacement. He should have stepped down last June, which would have allowed the school to hire a full-time special education teacher. Unfortunately, that would have meant Mr. Dinowitz would have had to put the well-being of his students over his political ambitions. Clearly, Eric’s needs and ambition must come first! This whole election was about putting the Dinowitz family over the people. When Democrats go to the polls in June, let’s not forget the decisions our local elected officials made in order to advance their careers of their family members. It’s cliché, but true — sometimes actions speak much louder than words. brenDan breen

THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A11


Bowman’s support of Israeli bill focused on security

By GARY TRACHTEN (re: “Bowman defends Israeli aid bill,” April 22)


he nuances of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. policy in the Middle East can be complex and difficult. That is why I have been impressed so far by our new congressman, Jamaal Bowman. During his brief tenure, he has strongly supported Israel’s security and its future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people while also standing up unapologetically for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. As a member of the vibrant Jewish community in our district — the volunteer chair of J Street’s Westchester chapter, and one who has deep affection for Israel — I have felt well-represented by Congressman Bowman, and proud of his stances. I was pleased to see the congressman give his support to the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, recently introduced by U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota. This legislation would help ensure that every dollar of the vital military assistance that the United States provides to Israel would go toward Israel’s legitimate security needs — and that none of it be used to support acts in the occupied West Bank that actually undermine Israel’s security, Palestinian rights, and Ameri-

can interests and values. The United States provides about $4 billion in vital security aid to Israel each year in defense of our shared vision of Israel as a just, secure and free democracy in the Middle East. But currently, there is insufficient transparency and guidance in place to make sure aid is used solely for its intended defense-of-Israel purposes. That means the right-wing Israeli government has been free to use American-funded or -supplied weaponry and equipment to carry out actions that extend and entrench permanent Israeli control of (de facto annexed) territory that should form part of a future Palestinian state, thereby undermining prospects for a peaceful two-state solution and violate international law. Such frequent activities include demolishing Palestinian communities, expanding settlements on occupied territory, and arbitrarily detaining and employing harsh methods in interrogating Palestinian children in violation of relevant international law and standards. These objectionable practices do not and will not make Israel safer, and in fact have often been condemned by veteran senior leaders of Israel’s security establishment for doing precisely the opposite. The bill supported by U.S. Rep. Bowman and a number of his colleagues would explicitly prevent U.S. security assistance from being used

for these harmful purposes, and would bring needed improved oversight to the aid process. It would ensure that Israel receives every dollar of the aid that the United States has promised it, and that all of it goes to defense purposes. Similar guidelines already exist regarding the aid that we provide to many allies — so why not for Israel as well? The bill has already been endorsed by J Street, Americans for Peace Now, and T’ruah, which represent more than 2,000 rabbis and cantors nationwide — 28 in our congressional district. This bill should be backed by anyone who supports Israel’s security and shares the Jewish commitment to the importance of human rights. Yet, Congressman Bowman has nonetheless faced unfair attacks from some inside and outside our congressional district who have branded this bill “anti-Israel,” and misrepresented it as somehow proposing to cut or condition our military assistance to Israel — which it does not, and would not, do. I have yet to hear a compelling argument for how the bill’s restrictions on Israel’s use of aid would weaken Israel. I reject any argument that suggests that Israel’s security requires that it be able to arbitrarily detain Palestinian children and bulldoze their families’ homes to make way for new settlements. And it is certainly neither critical nor helpful

for its long-term relationship with the United States that Israel remain empowered to do so using the dollars of American taxpayers. I know I am far from alone among supporters of Israel’s security in rejecting this facile — and frankly, immoral — notion, and in supporting the newly proposed legislation. Polling consistently shows that the large majority of both American Jews and Democratic voters simultaneously support Israel’s security and oppose annexation and unrestricted settlements in the occupied territory. We believe the United States should play a more proactive and even-handed role in the region, promoting progress toward peace and meaningfully pushing back on harmful actions by both Palestinians and Israelis. Far from “demonizing Israel,” Congressman Bowman’s support for this bill is well in line with the views of the American Jewish mainstream. His critics may be vociferous and loud, but on substance, they represent a minority view. As one of the congressman’s constituents, I am grateful for his thoughtful engagement with the pro-Israel community, and for his principled and engaged action on this issue. I am confident that the seemingly ill-informed attacks of a small — even if vocal — minority will not deter him from continuing to follow a course that supports a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Life becoming more expensive? Better blame inflation By GEORGE SILOS


ecently, I was approached by members of the Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, who in addition to their verbal pitch, gave me one of their flyers. An objective stated in their flyer was to provide legal help to those who could not afford lawyers. They could have added the professions of doctors and dentists as not being affordable as well. Instead of focusing on why people can’t afford the services of professionals, the emphasis was on providing free or low-cost services to those in need. We are a nation that increasingly focuses on effects rather than on causes. Consequently, we change very little. Low-income people cannot afford the services of professionals because of inflation. Inflation is a form of theft that affects all of humankind. It goes unpunished because the public has little concept of its cause or consequences. An extreme case of inflation oc-

curred in Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, in which the German government was asked to pay an amount of reparations for World War I, which could not possibly be attained. The German government decided to print billions of marks to pay its debts, and the mark became worthless. The effect on German society became catastrophic. A German woman who had experienced that crisis told me that as the inflation began, she saw a pair of shoes in the store for 20 marks, which was more than she could afford. But she saved her money from the following week’s paycheck and went to buy the shoes. But then they cost 40 marks. She got a raise the following week, but when she came back to buy the shoes, they cost 100 marks. Her income never caught up with the price of the shoes. Individual savings became worthless. Society descended into chaos. And the government collapsed. An extended period of zero inflation occurred during the Great Depression in America. People earned

very little money, but there wasn’t any inflation. And when people saved for something, the price of that commodity didn’t go up. If a person saved a dollar a week, at the end of five years, they had enough money to make a down payment on a house, which might have cost less than $1,500. My parents did that, and bought a house at the beginning of World War II. During the Depression, insurance companies sold endowment policies, which provided a form of enforced savings. When the time arrived for me to purchase insurance, endowment policies were rapidly falling out of favor as the post-war inflation ate into the value of those policies. About the time I started my business during the 1960s, the minimum wage was $1.40 an hour. By the time I ended my business in the 1990s, it had reached about $4.50 an hour. When the minimum wage goes up, all wages eventually go up. This causes the value of savings to go down. People who were saving to buy a house when the minimum wage was $1.40 an hour found the cost of the

house they had planned to buy had more than tripled in price when they were ready to buy it. Like the German woman whose income never caught up with the price of shoes, the savings of people today cannot catch up with the price of a home. Increases in the minimum wage are major inflationary influences, but there are others. Another inflationary pressure results from automation and mass production, which cause the goods and services that cannot be automated to become inflated. Personal care such as that provided by doctors, lawyers, barbers, hairstylists, manicurists, taxi drivers, truckers, coaches, therapists, and any activity that cannot be mass produced or automated is becoming increasingly costly. We have become a society that cannot afford itself, and conditions are getting worse because influential powers benefit from this inflation. For those who believe in large government, increases in inflation result in more people in need of government services. As the bestower of minimum wage increases, the govern-

ment garners votes while increasing dependency. For those who own many assets, inflation increases their value. Who effectively works to lower inflation? No entity that this writer is aware of. If no one works to curb inflation, but vested interests work to increase inflation, what will the end result be? See above for the answer. It always happens. Just one quick footnote, upon reflecting on this Point of View, I realized that my rent once amounted to a half of my Social Security check. Now it amounts to two-thirds of my Social Security check. If it were not for subsidies from the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption, I would no longer be able to afford the rent. I am now dependent on governmental largesse for inflationary reasons. More and more retired people can no longer afford their rent without some sort of government assistance. Inflation — which the government caused — is now making us wards of the state. Think about that.


Palestinian children act deserves support Who is speaking up for you here? To the editor:

(re: “Bowman defends Israeli aid bill,” April 22)

My grandmother, who lost close relatives in the Holocaust, used to refer incessantly to the concepts of fairness, kindness and justice. These formed what she felt should be the foundation of all human endeavor. Although no political activist, her response to the brutal actions of Alabama police against civil rights marchers in the ‘60s was angry disbelief: “How can they do such a thing?” she’d exclaim. And this was her reaction to all such manifestations of injustice and cruelty. Over the years — and especially recently — these pages have hosted a number of pieces on the subject of Israel and Palestine. Some have expressed concern for the plight of Palestinians — both those who are in the position of second-class Israeli citizenship, and those who live in the Israeli-occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank. Such concern has pointed to several issues: The severe restrictions on the right of Palestinians to live where they wish, even on long-held ancestral land. The brutal military assaults on Gaza and elsewhere. The daily restrictions on freedom of movement by virtually ubiquitous checkpoints. And the demolition of Palestinian homes, which is on the increase. On the other hand, we have seen those who oppose or dismiss such concern and

support Israeli policy as part of its “right to defend itself,” as “the only democracy in the Middle East,” and as “our country’s best ally.” Sadly, many who maintain this position find themselves needing to accompany their arguments by hurling at their opponents accusations of anti-Semitism, or of “singling out Israel” for criticism. Of course, resorting to such ad hominem attacks only betrays the weakness of their position, because no progressive activists with whom I have ever been associated have exempted any country — whether South Africa prior to 1994; Chile during the Pinochet regime; Zaire during Mobutu’s rule; or Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Myanmar today — from criticism and activist opposition. Put simply, if it is not un-American to criticize the United States, if it is not Islamophobic to criticize Egypt or Iran, then equally it is not anti-Semitic to criticize Israel. If anything, to refrain from calling out Israel for its human rights abuses would itself smack of anti-Semitism by holding the Jewish-dominated nation to a lower standard of behavior. Thus it is crucially important to support H.R. 2590, the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, introduced by U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota and co-sponsored by U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman, among others. First

and foremost, know that at $3.8 billion every year, the United States sends more military aid to Israel than any other country in the world. It is the use of that aid that the McCollum bill seeks to monitor or restrict. I quote, in full, the description of the bill: “to promote and protect the human rights of Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation, and to ensure that U.S. taxpayer funds are not used by the government of Israel to support the military detention of Palestinian children; the unlawful seizure, appropriation and destruction of Palestinian property and forcible transfer of civilians in the West Bank; or further annexation of Palestinian land in violation of international law.” Yet, somehow, there are people who find that they must oppose or even attack proponents of such legislative propriety. Surely it behooves the United States to ensure that its largess is not used to brutalize and dehumanize an already disadvantaged people. Surely it is within our rights to dictate to what use our aid is put. Therefore, we should applaud those lawmakers — among them, U.S. Reps. McCollum, Rashida Tlaib, Mark Pocan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Marie Newman, and “our own” Bowman, who with H.R. 2590, seek to promote a more humane policy toward Palestinians, and a more responsible foreign policy for our country. I am certain that my grandmother would have approved. STeve Siegelbaum

To the editor:

(re: “Weiss never speaks for me, but Bowman often does,” April 29)

It is not common to see an Orthodox Jew praise U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman, especially in the pages of The Riverdale Press. What’s really going on here? I have no idea whether Mr. Eisen’s — I apologize if it’s Rabbi Eisen — opinion of Rabbi Avi Weiss is correct or not. Rather, it is his praise in the Point of View of U.S. Rep. Bowman that piqued my curiosity. And then it hit me: the “Satmar” reference and the “Palestinian pain.” In this regard, Mr. Eisen — and attention, U.S. Rep. Bowman, this is critical for you to understand — is a member of a sect of Hasidic Jews that does not believe that Israel is a legitimate country, and refuses to recognize its existence. They are vehemently anti-Zioinist, and pray for the destruction of the state of Israel. Members of the Satmar sect generally believe in this and their offshoot, Neturei Karta, is the theological leader of the anti-Zionist (anti-Israel) Hasidic movement. To my knowledge, the only Hasidic group supporting the existence of the state of Israel is the Lubavitch. So U.S. Rep. Bowman, beware of some people’s motives who support you. In this case, there is no doubt of the sincere nature of Mr. Eisen’s praise of you. It just comes along with virulent anti-Zionist — actually wishing for the destruction of the state of Israel — baggage. STeve gleiT

If a simple majority is good for us, then it’s good for Puerto Rico To the editor: Puerto Rico wants to be a state. Some 52 percent of island residents said so in a locally sponsored plebiscite last November. U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico affirmed that choice when he introduced a Puerto Rico statehood bill, S.780. “Last November, a majority of Puerto Ricans voted in favor of statehood and for full voting representation in Congress,” Heinrich wrote in a press statement. “It is long past due for the millions of American citizens living in Puerto Rico to get the representation they deserve.” As of this writing, only three of Heinrich’s Democratic colleagues have signed on to this bill. New York’s senior senator, Chuck Schumer, was not among them. Schumer and 38 of his Democratic colleagues did endorse the

D.C. Statehood Admissions Act, S.51. Schumer is all-in on statehood for the District of Columbia, but seemingly lukewarm on giving Puerto Rico the same consideration. The reasons for this should be called out, challenged and scrutinized. In an interview last September on MSNBC, Schumer detailed some of what he hoped to accomplish as the new Senate Democratic Majority Leader. “On D.C. and Puerto Rico, particularly if Puerto Rico votes for it. D.C. already has voted for it and wants it. Would love to make them states,” he says. In November, 52 percent of island residents — 655,505 — showed up at the polls to “vote for it.” Six weeks later, Schumer moved the goalposts. He told El Nuevo Dia, Puerto Rico’s largest daily newspaper,

that 52 percent of the vote did not reflect the strong majority required to advance a statehood bill. “There is still no consensus. There is division,” he said. “I’m waiting for a consensus to develop.” So now Puerto Rico has to vote for statehood in big numbers like the District of Columbia did to win his support. Democrats in Puerto Rico expressed disappointment after learning of his remarks. They wondered why he was “backtracking” his support since he pledged to support statehood if the people of Puerto Rico chose that as an option. “You can’t ask the people of Puerto Rico to vote and then ignore what they democratically decide with their ballots,” wrote Puerto Rico Democratic Party chairman Charles Rodriguez, in a letter sent to Schumer last December. Schumer proposes an artificial

threshold to judge the validity of an election. Trying to nullify and discredit an election because the results produced a majority that was too low is a questionable position. Consider the following. The U.S. Senate recently passed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill by a one-vote majority. The final vote was a tie: 50-50. Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote. Washington Heights congressman Adriano Espaillat told Podcast from Washington that a 52.5 percent majority was not large enough to advance a statehood bill. Espaillat won the Democratic primary for his congressional seat in 2016 with 36 percent of the vote. Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, a longtime statehood opponent, won the Democratic primary in the first contest for her congressional seat in 1992 with 33 percent of the vote, ac-

cording to The New York Times. She has been re-elected 14 times with a voter turnout that does not exceed 25 percent of those registered. Using Schumer’s logic, don’t these low numbers invalidate the legitimacy of these elections? Where is the outcry deploring the lack of a consensus or strong majority? Doesn’t that mean that the 655,505 folks who voted for statehood in November participated in a fair, honest and valid act of self-determination? We lament it when folks don’t exercise the franchise, but we don’t negate the votes of those who do. Nor do we nullify the results produced by those elections. Why is Schumer eager to implement D.C.’s status preference through a statehood bill while blocking Puerto Rico’s? gene Roman

A12 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021

Wiley finds strength in crisis, leading to better tomorrow MEETthe

n Mayoral candidate’s first client from Riverdale continues to inspire her

An occasional series profiling various mayoral candidates and their plans for the Bronx.


Maya Wiley


ew York City is a big place — so big, it’s easy to get lost. Or at the very least, overlooked. Especially anyone living or working in the outer boroughs. Just ask pretty much every mayor who’s led the city. All of them, that is, except one — Maya Wiley. If voters choose to elect her first, of course. “It’s so important to get down to the neighborhood and community level in a city this large, because it’s not like there’s a one size fits all, right?” Maya says. “We’re 330 square miles, 8.7 million people, and 800 languages. You just can’t focus on it from a citywide level. You really, really have to get into the community.” There’s only about 8.4 million people in the city at last count, but that’s just splitting hairs. The fact is, while the outside world sees New York as one large city, those of us inside see New York as more a collection of hundreds of neighborhoods, each with their own unique characteristics. Finding consensus like that isn’t easy. And being chosen as the man — or maybe, finally, the woman — to lead all of them is not the kind of job anyone can take lightly. And that includes Maya Wiley. She’s the daughter of civil rights activist George Wiley, who died in a boating accident when she was just 9. She was ultimately raised by her mother, Wretha, who herself would dabble in politics. Maya earned her law degree from Columbia, and after spending time in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, she joined the Bill de Blasio administration as an attorney. Maya might call Brooklyn home, but don’t think for a moment she’s not familiar with Riverdale. In fact, one of her very first clients while working with Columbia’s law clinic was here in the neighborhood. And it’s not exactly something the community can be proud of. “He was a building superintendent, and he was HIV-positive,” Maya says. “This was back in the real dark days when people actually thought being in a room with someone with HIV would make you infected. And so we had all these tragic situations.” Maya’s client was openly gay, and well-accepted by his neighbors and the residents he worked for. Even for

PARTY: Democratic PREVIOUS OFFICE: None FAMILY: Husband Harlan Mandel, two daughters WEB:

Photos courtesy of Maya Wiley for Mayor campaign

Maya Wiley knows few mayors ever pay much attention to the other boroughs like the Bronx, causing a lot of unneeded suffering. If elected, Wiley plans to keep a close eye on all the neighborhoods individually, knowing there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all solutions. the 1980s. “He had such a close relationship with folks in the building, he didn’t think not to talk about” his HIV status. The problem was, while many were fine with his sexuality, they could not handle their fear of a virus they knew little about at the time. “They tried to fire him and throw him out of the building because he was positive,” she says. “We were representing him against employment discrimination and housing discrimination.” Protections, of course, were not that strong for the LGBTQ community, even back then. Yet Maya and a fellow law student were able to help the former super settle. “It was so stressful for him because he lived in this building as a pariah with all these people he had loved and had relationship with,” Maya remembers. “It was really, really, really, really devastating.” And it’s clients like those that motivates Maya even today. As a child of the civil rights movement, she has found herself fighting for many


causes, working to make right what has certainly gone wrong. “All of that was incredibly important to me, both for my development as an attorney, and for my development as a human being,” Maya says. “And I did it in the Bronx.” There’s a new plague, of course, and its reach is far more widespread. But as devastating as the coronavirus pandemic has been — not just to the city, but the world — it’s also exposed many problems that have been overlooked in New York City for decades. Especially those that ultimately negatively impact the Bronx. “We know that many of the problems that COVID laid bare were problems that actually preceded COVID,” Maya says. “You know what they are: affordability, evictions, homelessness, our challenges with the education system. COVID has worsened those deeply, tragically and traumatically. But the truth is, we’re not really just trying to go back to January 2020. There was a lot that just wasn’t working for too many people in January 2020.”

Instead, New York’s next mayor has to help lay down a new road. One that fixes the economy, deals with affordability and education, and even prepares the city in the unfortunate event of another crisis. “The economy has to come back, and I have a plan to do it,” Maya says. “It’s called New Deal New York, and it’ll create 100,000 new jobs.” Those jobs will come from a $10 billion budget the mayor controls designed to build and maintain the city’s infrastructure. And Maya says she has plans to use every single penny of it wisely. “There are places that really have the greatest needs for investment like this, like affordable housing,” she says. “We also have other areas we must address, like resiliency to flooding, child care centers — all of these areas where money can help. It helps us recognize where need is the greatest while stimulating the entire economy of the city.” That’s rather ambitious. But then again, Maya Wiley has never been known as someone who didn’t aim

high. For her, the future of the city is about making sure the city is in the future for her, for her children, and for the millions of others who call this home. “I want to be able to grow old with my kids in the same city and not figure out if I have to move because they have to move, because they can’t afford to live here,” Maya says. “But we can’t solve any of those problems until we recognize the need to start talking to one another. One thing that we really do well as New Yorkers is that we are willing to come together in a crisis for the city. But we should never forget just how many times we’ve also failed to invest in communities that deserved it, that needed it. “So we have to recognize both of those things, and continue to challenge ourselves to keep our eye open and focus, so that everyone benefits.”

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Press file


Israel and Endangers Act that introUnited States.” Jewish Star and the The legislation, McColFor The le has a large Betty Riverda population duced by Rep. ota, is titled Jewish Minnes OrthoRights diverse to several , and lum of ing the Human and n and is home Jewish schoolsdining “Defend ian Childre Israeli dox shuls, g and of Palestin Living Under kosher shoppin Families tion Act.” tly no lon- Military Occupa support this venues. than What it apparen Congress. “Rather and outraa voice in ger has is Rep. Jamaal Bow- bill that falselyale on page 4 Riverd 16-term Since d See defeate man handily Engel last year, of Rep. Eliot residents Dissional Zionist-friendly Congres Riverdale the 16th covers trict — which Bronx as welln north and the and such suburba e as Yonkers as New Rochell communitiesle — have voiced and Scarsda Bowman’s affiliover ashing disquiet the Israel-b ation with “Squad.” of congressional Rabbi Weiss of RiverThis week, Institute the HebrewBayit) and Young Rabbi Jondale (The Scarsdale posted an Israel of stern athan Morgen asking Bowpetition to unring An justice issues has onlineto “Stop Sponso man ned on racialof The Bayit (right) campaig Avi Weiss of Israel.

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Heading Strip: Mexican Cuisine

Riverdale times from calendar of The Bayit

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Parsah Behar-Bechukotai Havdalah Saturday 8:44

Marisol Diaz


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THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A15

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Legal Notices Legal Notice NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/16/2021. Office location: Bronx County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the PLLC served upon him/her is: 2400 Hunter Avenue, Apt 13C, Bronx, New York 10475. The principal business address of the PLLC is 2400 Hunter Avenue, Apt 13C, Bronx, New York 10475. Purpose: any lawful act or activity: (Virtual Psychiatric Care, NYS Medical Marijuana Program Provider).

Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on APR 22, 2021, bearing Index Number NC-00006221/BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Adriano (Middle) Matias (Last) Belo. My present name is (First) Hector (Middle) Luis (Last) Rodriguez AKA Hector L. Rodriguez, AKA Hector Rodriguez. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Manhattan, NY. The month and year of my birth are January 1969. 3508

Legal Notice NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: DYCKMAN PALACE PIZZA, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/03/2021; office location Bronx County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to the LLC, 549 Hollywood Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.

Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4-152021, bearing Index Number NC-000047-21/BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Kyle (Middle) Charles (Last) Williams. My present name is (First) Kyle (Middle) Charles (Last) Exum AKA Kyle C. Williams, AKA Kyle Charles Williams, AKA Kyle Williams. The city and

state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Manhattan, NY. The month and year of my birth are January 1988. 3509 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4-222021, bearing Index Number NC-000059-21/BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Annmarie (Last) Alston. My present name is (First) William (Last) Alston AKA Annmarie Alston. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Manhattan, NY. The month and year of my birth are December 1973. 3510 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 2-32021, bearing Index Number NC-000309-20/BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Daniel (Middle) Emmett-Alexander (Last) Carty. My present name is

(First) Annie (Middle) Alexis (Last) Carty. The city and state of my present address are New York, NY. My place of birth is Newark, New Jersey. The month and year of my birth are December 2000. 3511 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on April 22, 2021, bearing Index Number NC-00005621/BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Victor (Middle) Kar Yin (Last) Poon. My present name is (First) Victoria (Middle) Kar Yin (Last) Poon AKA Victoria K. Poon, AKA Victoria Poon. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Bethpage, NY. The month and year of my birth are December 1984. 3512 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4/29/2021, bearing Index Number NC-000069-21/ BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY

10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Nathaniel (Middle) Kareem Redbear (Last) Hughes. My present name is (First) Nathanial (Middle) Kareen (Last) Hughes AKA Nathaniel Kareem Hughes, AKA Nahtaniel Kareem Hughes Sr, AKA Nathaniel K RedbearHughes Sr, AKA Nathaniel Hughes. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Manhattan, NY. The month and year of my birth are May 1974. 3513 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 04/26/2021, bearing Index Number NC-000063-21/ BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Deant’e (Middle) Teshawn (Last) Farouk Altairi. My present name is (First) Deant’e (Middle) Teshawn (Last) Miller AKA Deant’e Miller. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Brooklyn, NY. The month and year of my birth are May 2000. 3514

Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4/29/2021, bearing Index Number NC-000067-21/ BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Daniel (Middle) Oluwaseun (Last) Amos-Ogbeide. My present name is (First) Daniel (Middle) Oluwaseun (Last) Amos AKA Daniel Oluwaseun Ogbeide, AKA Daniel O. Ogbeide, AKA Daniel Ogbeide. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Benin City, Nigeria. The month and year of my birth are May 1991. 3515 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4/29/21, bearing Index Number NC-000066-21/ BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Alpheus (Middle) Emanuel (Last) Benjamin. My present name is (First) Alphaeus (Middle) Emmanuel (Last) Nicholas AKA Alpheus Emanuel

Nicholas, AKA Alpheus Nicholas, AKA Alphaeus Emmannel Benjamin. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Saint Mary, Antigua. The month and year of my birth are April 1931. 3516 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4/29/2021, bearing Index Number NC-000052-21/ BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Souleymane (Last) Kaba. My present name is (First) Souleimane (Middle) Kamissa Kemo (Last) Kaba AKA Souleimane Kaba, AKA Souleymane Kaba, AKA Souleymane K. Kaba. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Bronx, NY. The month and year of my birth are December 1997. 3517 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 04/22/2021, bearing Index Number NC-000055-21/ BX, a copy of which may

be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Sharee (Middle) Sky (Last) Timmons. My present name is (First) Shree (Middle) Sky (Last) Timmons AKA Sharee Sky Timmons, AKA Sharee Timmons. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Bronx, NY. The month and year of my birth are March 1992. 3518 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Bronx County on 4/29/2021, bearing Index Number NC-000065-21/ BX, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451, grants me the right to assume the name of (First) Shane (Last) Gibbs. My present name is (First) Shanequa (Middle) Quantaya (Last) Gibbs AKA Shanequa Q. Gibbs, AKA Shanequa Gibbs. The city and state of my present address are Bronx, NY. My place of birth is Manhattan, NY. The month and year of my birth are January 1984. 3519

A16 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021


Home of the Week Lee Moskof & Carolyn Young of Brown Harris Stevens Residential Sales

Living quite well at the beautiful Glen Briar M ake your way into this beautiful two-bedroom, two-bathroom home at 750 Kappock St., complete with a terrace offering spectacular views of your surroundings. An entry foyer opens to a large living room and dining area, French doors to office space, a windowed kitchen with stainless steel appliances — all part of a renovated home. Split bedrooms include a main suite

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THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - A17

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3104 Netherland Avenue $2,398,000 | 6 BR, 5 BA | Web# 4432135

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Zoita Zonea: M 917.684.8061 | O 718.884.5815

2575 Palisade Avenue, 3L $700,000 | 2 BR, 2 BA | Web# 3963884

116 East 236th Street $699,000 | 5 BR, 1.5 BA | Web# 20865633

Charles Brophy: M 646.295.6296 | O 718.884.5815

Ellen Curtin: M 718.415.9915 | O 718.884.5815

750 Kappock Street, 710 $625,000 | 2 BR, 2 BA | Web# 20859759

555 Kappock Street, 26S $499,000 | 2 BR, 2 BA | Web# 20718465

Terhi Edwards: M 646.541.8072 | O 718.884.5815

Maria Capotorto: M 917.566.7731 | O 718.884.5815 Lola Livingston: M 917.882.6969 | O 718.884.5815

3636 Greystone Avenue, 6E $495,000 | 3 BR, 2 BA | Web# 20832131

5550 Fieldston Road, 4A $359,000 | 3 BR, 2 BA | Web# 20792275

Alan Cutler: M 917.301.6235 | O 212.362.9600

Mary Phelan-Kavanagh: M 718.877.2686 | O 718.884.5815

3701 Henry Hudson Parkway, 7C $289,000 | 1 BR, 1 BA | Web# H6096248

4901 Henry Hudson Parkway, 7L $235,000 | 1 BR, 1 BA | Web# H6081979

Barbara Field: M 917.797.1079 | O 718.884.5815 Glenn Encababian: M 718.207.6195 | O 718.884.5815


A18 - THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, May 6, 2021


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fieldston Web #885 Stately, secluded georgian 6-bdrm, 6-full, 2-half bath residence. Completely wide format terrace, lrg LR. $4,900,000

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West of pArKWAy Web #755 3-bdrm, 2.5-bath center hall colonial. WBFP in living rm, open plan kitchen & dining & finished basement. $1,420,000

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neW exclusiVe soutH riVerdAle Web #901 5-bdrm, 5.5-bath, newly built house with stone accents along a quiet cul-desac with patio and yard. $1,790,000


West of pArKWAy Web #882 Vacant site of approx 0.37 acres is a rare opportunity to build a home with commanding views of river. $1,495,000


neW exclusiVe West of pArKWAy Web #893 Prime reno opportunity: Completely gutted 7,000-SF 5-bdrm, 6-bath house w/ pool & multi level patios. $3,450,000

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neW exclusiVe nortH riVerdAle Web #908 Renovated and cozy 2-bdrm, 1.5-bath brick house with private patio & garden space. Renovated kitchen. $695,000

exclusiVe fieldston Web #900 6-bdrm, 5.5-bath, stucco Tudor with gracious historic interior, fireplace, rear decks and level backyard. $2,295,000


fieldston Web #839 Bright 4-bdrm, 3-bath solar modern home with patio & garden. Living rm with WBFP & eat-in kitchen. $1,595,000


neW exclusiVe VAn cortlAndt crest Web #906 Spacious, handsome 5-bdrm, 4.5-bath tudor house with center hall, sunken living room, WBFP. & FDR. $980,000

exclusiVe West of tHe pArKWAy Web #897 Renovated 5-bdrm, 5.5-bath Tudor-style house with spacious grounds on cul-desac. Living room with frplc. $2,495,000



exclusiVe nortH riVerdAle Web #837 Legal 2-family semi-attached townhouse. Spacious side & rear yards. Two 3-bdrms, 2-baths plus 1-bdrm suite. $1,249,000

neW exclusiVe West of pArKWAy Web #916 Recently built 4-bdrm, 5-bath house w/ double-height center hall, living rm w/ fireplace, deck & dining rm. $2,150,000


fieldston Web #898 Elegant mansion overlooking a pond. 8-bdrms, 8-full & 2-half baths, living rm with marble WBFP & FDR. $4,590,000


neW exclusiVe

neW exclusiVe West of pArKWAy Web #915 New 4-bdrm, 5-bath house in Delafield Estates. Center hall, living room with fireplace, deck & dining rm. $2,150,000

neW exclusiVe fieldston Web #905 Bright 3-bdrm, 2.5-bath Tudor-Style house w/ sunken living room with ceiling beams, WBFP, patios & yard. $1,700,000


neW exclusiVe centrAl riVerdAle Web #909 3-bdrm, 2.5-bath ranch-style house. Split-level design features, entry foyer, living rm & dining area. $1,900,000

neW exclusiVe nortH riVerdAle Web #911 Classic 3-bdrm, 3.5-bath house features living rm with WBFP, finished attic w/ 2 rms and landscaped yard. $1,200,000


neW exclusiVe VAn cortlAndt crest Web #914 4-bdrm, 3-bath Colonial-style house with WBFP in living room, FDR with picture window and eat-in kitchen. $899,900


neW exclusiVe spuyten duyVil Web #917 3-bdrm, 3.5-bath house on cul-de-sac. Center hall, sunken living rm w/ WBFP & finished walk-out basement. $1,700,000

neW exclusiVe





West of pArKWAy Web #895 Stylish and light filled 4-bdrm, 4.5 btah house with impressive grounds and private association pool. $2,595,000

fieldston Web #904 Spacious 4-bdrm, 5.5-bath stucco house with patio and level grassy yard. Center hall, gas fireplace and FDR. $2,350,000

West of pArKWAy Web #880 Grand bucolic beauty 6-bdrm. 5.5-bath mansion with wraparound porch on over one acre with grassy lawns. $4,325,000

fieldston Web #894 Pristine, light filled 6-bdrm, 5.5-bath house with patios & grassy yard. Huge rm with wood oak flooring. $2,775,000


soutH riVerdAle Web #910 Newly built 5-bdrm, 5.5-bath house with porch, dining patio & level grassy yard on private cul-de-sac. $1,890,000

VAn cortlAndt crest Web #899 Spacious 6-bdrm, 3-full & 2-half baths, WBF in LR, dining rm & mstr bdrm. Eatin kitchen, porches & patio. $1,195,000







co-ops, condos and REntals

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neW exclusiVe

exclusiVe condo

4601 Henry Hudson pKWy #cc661 Spacious 5-bdrm, 4.5-bath townhouse triplex with 2 fireplaces, huge private roof terrace & lndry room. $699,000

2727 pAlisAde AVe #cc656 Bright 2-bdrm, 2-bath with balcony, 24-hr DM & parking avail. Master BR suite & remodeled kitchen. $539,000

3935 blAcKstone AVe #cc648 Spacious, light filled, low floor 3-bdrm w/ balcony & 24-hr D/M. Extra lrg foyer & dining rm with built-ins. $649,000

750 KAppocK street #cc659 Spacious and bright top-floor 2-bdrm, 2-bath with enclosed sunrise balcony, parking, & 24-hr doormen. $549,000

3850 Hudson mAnor terr #cc662 Low floor 3-bdrm, 2-bath co-op with updated kitchen, dining area, laundry in unit and p/t doorman. $465,000

609 KAppocK st #cc663 Bright & spacious 2-bdrm, 1.5-bath corner unit with a eat-in kitchen. Pool and indoor parking space. $350,000



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no boArd ApproVAl West of pArKWAy - 3-bdrm, 2-bath, w/ balcony, L-shaped LR/DR area, DM, fitness room, private playground and childrens recreation room. Dogs OK. Indoor parking available. $525K West of pArKWAy - 3-bdrm, 2-bath, w/ balcony, L-shaped LR/DR area, DM, fitness room, private playground and childrens recreation room. Dogs OK. Indoor parking available. $515K West of pArKWAy - Top floor Junior-4 with stunning river and sunset views, doorman, fitness room, private playground and childrens recreation room. Dogs OK. in contrAct $305K West of pArKWAy - 1-bdrm with L-shaped living/dining room area, doorman, fitness room, private playground $290K and childrens recreation room. Dogs OK.

neW exclusiVe 3935 blAcKstone cc652 Spacious 3-bdrm, 2-bath with sunset balcony, majestic river vus & 24-hr DM. $795K


3614 JoHnson AVe cc646 2-bdrm, 2-bth with open plan living and dining area with glass sliding doors to balcony. $425K


3600 fieldston rd cc855 2-bdrm, 2-bath conv 3, 2-bath w/ balcony, updated kitchen and DM. Parking avail. $375K

exclusiVe condo 3800 blAcKstone cc630 2-bdrm, 2-bath duplex penthouse w/ private roof terrace & indoor parking. $675K

condo exclusiVe 3800 blAcKstone cc660 Contemporary 3-bdrm, 2-bth condo with modern kitchen and laundry in unit. $659K

House for rent

fieldston Vic. rr642 6-bdrm, 3.5-bath, 7,500 sq. ft. house w/ Expansive wraparound porch & pool. $19,500/mo

condo exclusiVe 3536 cAmbridge AVe cc660 Contemporary 3-bdrm, 2-bath condo w/bright open views & in unit lndry. $639K

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no fee rentAls West of pArKWAy - Large and luxurious 2-bdrm conv. 3, 2-bth with great closet space, balcony, doorman, healthclub and pool. 3 months free rent $4,095/mo West of pArKWAy - Large and luxurious 2-bdrm convertible to 3, 2-bath with great closet space, balcony, doorman, healthclub and pool. 3 months free rent $3,895/mo West of pArKWAy - Large & bright 2-bdrm w/ balcony. D/M, fitness rm, tennis courts & pool . 2 months free rent $3,495/mo West of pArKWAy - Large and luxurious Junior-4 with great closet space, balcony, doorman, healthclub and pool. 3 months free rent $2,695/mo West of pArKWAy - Renovated rent stabilized 1-bdrm w/ patio. D/M, fitness rm, tennis courts & pool. $2,044/mo



3935 blAcKstone cc646 Spacious 2-bdrm, 2-bath with open plan living, dining area and balcony. $415K

3601 JoHnson AVe. cc587 Walk-in level doctor’s office with seperate entrance and reception area. $295K



House for rent

290 W 232nd st cc657 Updated 2-bdrm post war co-op with balcony. Entry foyer & eat-in kitch. $339K

4525 HH pArKWAy cc650 Bright & renov Jr-4 convt to 2 with open sunset views and 24-hr doorman. $329K

fieldston Vic. rr880 Spacious 6-bdrm, 4.5-bth center-hall Colonial w/ patio & yard on cul-de-sac. $7,900

professionAl & office spAce 3755 HH pKWAy - tHe imperiAl - Walk-in level doctor’s office with reception area and 2 exam rooms. $360K nortH riVerdAle - Office Space Available. $1,500/mo

exclusiVe 3001 HH pArKWAy cc853 Spacious 3-bdrm, 2-bth, PT DM. Entry foyer, large entral foyer & sunken LR. $625K

exclusiVe 601 KAppocK st cc649 Mint condition, beautifully renovated 2-bdrm with doorman and pool. $284K

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pet-friendly rentAls West of pArKWAy - Spac 3-bdrm, 2-bath, balcony, partial river views, DM & fitness rm. Dogs ok. rented $3,325/mo West of pArKWAy - 2-bdrm, 2-bath, balcony, partial river views, DM & fitness rm. Dogs ok. rented $2,550/mo West of pArKWAy - Rent stabilized 1-bdrm, parquet floors, $2,075/mo balcony, DM & fitness room. Dogs ok.

condo excl 3816 WAldo AVe cc643 Contemporary Condo with balcony, modern kitch, lndry in unit, DM & prkg. $640K

exclusiVe 3616 HH pArKWAy cc642 Spacious and bright 2-bdrm with balcony, and doorman. Indr parking avail. $398.5K


3515 HH pArKWAy cc638 Spacious & bright 3-bdrm, 2-bath corner unit. Entry foyer, living rm & renov kitch. $618K

Trebach Realty, Inc. • 3801 Greystone Avenue, Riverdale Open 7 Days •


290 West 232nd st cc626 2-bdrm with entry foyer, dining area and balcony. Storage area and bicycle rm in bldg. $305K

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