Gloria Steinem with Zainab Salbi at The Richmond Forum

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Gloria Steinem with Zainab Salbi February 19, 2022

Tonight’s Lead Patron

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Supporting visionaries. We are proud to support The Richmond Forum and this evening’s speaker, Gloria Steinem. Thank you for your activism and fight for women and communities around the world. Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP

A Conversation with a Feminist Icon February 19, 2022

Opening program & National Anthem

Susan Greenbaum

Opening remarks Heather Mullins Crislip Executive Director The Richmond Forum Welcome and introduction Presentation

Regina Elbert Vice President Human Resources Business Services Dominion Energy Gloria Steinem with Zainab Salbi

Fifteen-minute intermission for collection of audience questions Audience questions

Gloria Steinem with Zainab Salbi

Tonight’s presentation may not be recorded or photographed by any means for any purpose. Continue the conversation online:



The Richmond Forum is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization.

tonight 's progr a m

Gloria Steinem with Zainab Salbi

Looking forward to a cleaner future. We’re committed to achieving net zero carbon and methane emissions across our nationwide operations by 2050. To reach this goal, we’re using lower carbon sources like wind, solar, natural gas and nuclear. Because cleaner air is good for all of us.

Magazine, and countless women’s magazines in America and abroad. Her books include the bestsellers My Life on the Road, Revolution from Within: A Book of SelfEsteem, Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, Moving Beyond Words, Marilyn: Norma Jean, and in India, As If Women Matter. Her writing also appears in many anthologies and textbooks, and she was an editor of Houghton Mifflin’s The Reader’s Companion to U.S. Women’s History. Steinem helped to found a range of important political groups for women, including the Women’s Action Alliance, a pioneering national information center that specialized in children’s education, and the National Women’s Political Caucus, a group Gloria Steinem is a writer, lecturer, political that works to improve the numbers of proactivist, and feminist organizer. She travels equality women in office at national and state throughout America and across the world as levels. She also co-founded both the Women’s an organizer and lecturer, frequently appearing Media Center and Choice USA, where she as a media spokeswoman on issues of women’s serves on the Board in support of pro-choice equality. She has written on an array of topics leadership and sex education. She was President pertaining to women’s interests, from the and co-founder of Voters for Choice and the personal to the political. She is particularly Planned Parenthood Action Fund. She was a interested in the shared origins of sex and Founding Mother of the Ms. Foundation for race caste systems, gender roles and child Women, the organization that popularized abuse as roots of violence, non-violent conflict “Take Our Daughters to Work Day.” Finally, resolution, indigenous cultures, and organizing she was also a member of the Beyond Racism across boundaries for peace and justice. She Initiative, a three-year effort on the part of now lives in New York City, and most recently experts from South Africa, Brazil and the authored The New York Times bestselling United States to learn cross-nationally. She is currently working with Smith travelogue My Life on the Road. In 1968, Steinem helped to found College to document the grassroots origins New York magazine, where she worked as a of the U.S. women’s movement, and with the columnist. In 1972, Steinem co-founded Ms. Center for Organizers on a tribute to Wilma magazine, which started as a “one-shot” sample Mankiller, Principal Chief of the Cherokee in New York magazine. She continues to serve Nation. She has received both the Eleanor as a consulting editor and was instrumental in Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Award and the the magazine’s move to join and be published Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest by the Feminist Majority Foundation. She has civilian honor one can earn. Tonight’s Forum also produced documentaries on child abuse conversation will illuminate the changes of feminism throughout Steinem’s life, how she and the death penalty. As a freelance writer, she has been has grown as an individual with help from the published in Esquire, The New York Times movement, and where feminism can continue to benefit today’s world.

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Gloria Steinem

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Zainab Salbi was born in Iraq to a family that instilled empowerment into her values. Her father was a pilot and her mother was a teacher, but life would become far from normal as political tensions broke out in her home country. It was at this time in her youth when Salbi realized that family friend, Saddam Hussein, was a force of negativity locally and soon this impact would be global. As political tensions increased in 1990, Salbi’s parents sent her to America at the age of 19 to enter into an arranged marriage in order to escape the tensions at home. Salbi was unhappy, uncomfortable, and unfulfilled in this marriage and eventually left the fellow Iraqi immigrant before she moved to Washington D.C. It was there that she was moved by news of survivors sharing their experiences with rape and sexual assault and determined that she could use her experience to build the confidence of women, to remind them of their value, and help them enter and re-enter the economy in viable ways. At the age of 23, Salbi founded Women for Women International, a grassroots humanitarian and development organization dedicated to serving women survivors of wars and tragedies by offering support to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency. During her time as the organization’s CEO (1993-2011), the organization grew from helping 30 women upon its inception to more than 478,000 marginalized women in 8 international conflict areas. Through courageous, fearless, and unapologetic conversations, Zainab Salbi explores global issues. While war is often sanitized by economics and politics, Salbi exposes its underbelly. Through her work, humanity is revealed, making sure to give faces to the statics behind the travesties of war. After being interviewed by her, Oprah said that if anyone were to replace her, it would be Zainab Salbi. An emergent voice on the global stage, Salbi was named as one of the “100 Leading Global Thinkers” by Foreign Policy Magazine. Fast Company identified her as one of the 100 “Most Creative People in Business.” In her move to journalism and media, Salbi created and hosted several shows including: #MeToo, Now What?, an original series on PBS (2018); The Zainab Salbi Project, an original series on Huffington Post (2016); and The Nidaa Show with TLC Arabic where she started with the historic first interview of Oprah Winfrey in the Arab world. She frequently appears on MSNBC as a commentator on current news. Her latest endeavor Through Her Eyes is a weekly show from Yahoo News where Salbi explores contemporary issues from a female perspective. In a time of fear, blame, and misunderstanding, the show offers a roadmap for progress and social change. Salbi is the author of several books including the national bestseller Between Two Worlds: Escape from Tyranny: Growing Up in the Shadow of Saddam, If You Knew Me You Would Care, and Freedom is an Inside Job. Most recently, she received the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for her humanitarian work with Women War Survivors and was selected as a juror for The Hilton Humanitarian Prize for her Global Journalism—the largest award for humanitarian work presented to nonprofit organizations judged to have made extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering throughout the world. She also sits on the Board of Directors of Synergos and the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP). Salbi’s unique perspective on issues that impact women internationally will lend a global perspective to tonight’s Richmond Forum exclusive conversation about the ever-continuing fight for the rights and prosperity of women from diverse cultures and societies.

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Zainab Salbi

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Susan Greenbaum is a Richmond-based singersongwriter who has performed all over the country for over 20 years, as a solo artist and with her band. Originally from Kansas City, Susan received her BA from Harvard and worked in Boston before arriving in Richmond to be vice president of corporate communications for a Fortune 500 company. After losing her youngest brother to brain cancer, Susan quit her corporate job and pursued her dream of being a full-time musician. She has recorded five CDs, four of them comprised of alloriginal songs, and she has won many national songwriting awards. She has also received many honors, among them Newsmaker of the Year by the Virginia Press Women; the Virginia Legal Press’s Influential Women of Virginia; and Style Weekly’s Women in the Arts. Covington Forum BW HalfPage.pdf



Susan is joined tonight by two of her band members, Lucy Kilpatrick and Chris Parker, both graduates of Shenandoah College and Conservatory of Music (now Shenandoah University). Lucy is one of the most top pianists in Virginia and moves seamlessly and brilliantly from one musical style to the next. She is also a kindergarten teacher at Richmond’s Waldorf School. Chris has taught private drum and percussion lessons for 23 years. He has been Susan’s drummer/percussionist for most of that time, marrying her along the way. 9:37:41 AM

The Richmond Forum

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Susan Greenbaum


Feminism is defined as the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the global West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by many institutions committed to bettering the world on behalf of women. Throughout history, the movement for women’s rights and interests has come in many forms with varying ideologies. Differences aside, the movement of feminism has made great strides since the dawn of the movement represented in the first wave, only dubbed as such after 1968 when a new brand of feminism was presented to the general public. Such “rebrandings” of feminism are an ongoing part of the journey. 1789: As the French Revolution began, women were on the front lines advocating for their rights. This was one of the first sources of inspiration for feminists. 1826: As “moral reform” resulted in a ban on distributing alcohol, the American Temperance Society is formed, empowering women to stand against liquor distributors in order to maintain family life. 1840: As women gained political voices, more begin to speak out against slavery. However, when the first World Anti-Slavery Convention was held in London, women in attendance were sent to a spectator gallery. 1848: Around 200 women, some of whom were turned away from the World Anti-Slavery convention, attend the Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. 1919: After years of advocating, the issue of women’s suffrage is enshrined by Congress as the 19th amendment to the Constitution of United States of America. 1920: Women (majority of whom were white) vote in general elections for the first time. Further Reading: Ain’t I a Woman? by Sojourner Truth (1851), A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf (1929)


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Brief History of Feminism

1949 (FR), 1953 (US): French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir published The Second Sex, providing extensive definitions of womanhood and outlining the history of women’s perceived lack of importance in society. 1963: Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, revealing oral histories of housewives that had grown tired of being relegated only to the domestic sphere. President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963 into law. 1964: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed by Congress, in which Title VII prevented employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin. 1965: In Griswold v. Connecticut, The Supreme Court ruled that no law could limit a woman’s access to contraception or other methods of birth control, establishing a right to privacy. 1968: A few hundred women interrupted the live broadcast of the Miss America Pageant to protest beauty standards and the objectification of women by throwing bras in the trash—not burning them. Bra burning remains a subject of myth surrounding feminism. 1972: Gloria Steinem teamed up with Betty Friedan and other political activists to form the National Women’s Political Caucus.


1974: The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was amended to prohibit housing discrimination based on sex along with race, color, religion, and national origin. 1980: Past Richmond Forum speaker Lily Tomlin (1999) starred in 9 to 5 with Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton, a mainstream movie that explicitly challenged sexism in the workplace. 1982: Steinem and others fought for the Equal Rights Amendment but fell 3 states short of the necessary 38 states for full ratification.


Further Reading: Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape by Susan Brownmiller (1975), Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde (1984), Ain’t I A Woman? Black Women and Feminism and Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks (1981, 1984)

1987: Feminist Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality,” or the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. 1990: Feminist Judith Butler wrote Gender Trouble and offered a critique of the terms gender and sex, arguing that gender is a performative concept and sex represents biology. 1991: Anita Hill testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee about sexual harassment from Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, causing countless political and societal shifts during and after the hearing. 1991: Punk rock “Riot Grrrl” stomped onto the music scene in combat boots with a political manifesto, crafting a new aesthetic and terms of rhetoric for young women of the 1990s. 1992: Feminist writer Alice Walker’s daughter Rebecca Walker wrote an article to respond to Thomas’s confirmation in Ms. magazine, “Becoming the Third Wave”, which coins the term. 1993: The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. This was the first international instrument explicitly addressing violence against women, providing a framework for national and international action. Further Reading: The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Woolf (1991), The Riot GRRRL Manifesto by Kathleen Hanna (1991), Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics by bell hooks (2000)

The third wave of feminism did not have a central issue like the first and second (suffrage and abortion rights, respectively) but it did strive forward into where feminism is today. Debatably, the fourth wave of feminism focuses on the importance of intersectionality and most of the discourse occurs online. Trends like SlutWalks (referencing being told to dress modestly in order to avoid rape), #MeToo (referencing sexual misconduct), Time’s Up (referencing sexist workplace transgressions), and #YesAllWomen (referencing the shared feminine experience) have emerged to create international conversations that take place online and in places just like The Richmond Forum. Sources:, National Women’s History Museum website exhibitions, UN Women, Vox’s The Waves of Feminism article

br ief history of fem inism

1973: The U.S. Supreme Court struck down Texas’s restrictive abortion laws in Roe v. Wade, establishing a fundamental constitutional right to privacy that protects a pregnant woman’s choice to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.

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Gaps In Pay Persist

A major issue that modern feminists have tackled for decades is the gap in compensation that women are paid in comparison to their male counterparts. Many Americans see equal pay as central to the fight for gender equality, but when last surveyed by Pew in 2020, women earned a median of 84% of what men did. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 42 days of work for women to earn what men did.

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In 2020, women made 84% of what men made.

80% of Americans support gender equality

61% of women

presently identify with the title of “feminist”

40% of men

presently identify with the title of “feminist”

42% of Americans

believe feminism is at least somewhat inclusive.

Source: Pew Research 2020 Study

According to Pew’s survey, mothers were nearly twice as likely as fathers to say taking time off had a negative impact on their career. Only 13% of men said taking time off in the years following their child’s birth or adoption had a negative career impact as opposed to 25% of women. Current mainstream American feminism seeks to rectify issues with maternal leave and advocates for paternal leave, allowing fathers more time to bond with their new babies and establish equal dynamics in the workload of a household.

fem inism at wor k

Feminism At Work

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LEARN. ENGAGE. GROW. For more than 100 years, Williams Mullen has provided legal solutions and business counsel that help our clients and communities thrive. We applaud The Richmond Forum for supporting conversations that drive our community forward.

Better Together Our purpose has been and always will be to elevate humanity in business because it’s great for people and great for business. We’re proud to support The Richmond Forum and welcome Gloria Steinem, legendary writer, political activist, and feminist organizer.


Both Steinem and Salbi have written and spoken on how important rituals to build their own individual self-image, sense of identity, and self-love empower the rest of their work uplifting women around the world. As we gather here this evening in conversation with a feminist icon, we can also remember the conversations that we have within ourselves and how they can begin to define us. Affirmations can serve as talismans to lead to a productive mindset. By reflecting on and affirming ourselves, we can craft more positive self talk that ripples from our thoughts, to our words, into our actions. An exercise of self-compassion is repeating these words to yourself, reflecting on them, and making a commitment to practice building your own self-esteem.

I feel confident. I am successful. I have beauty within me. In this moment, on this day, I love myself. I can inspire myself and others through my daily work. I am grateful for my life & all that I have. I embrace who I am & empower others to do the same. I only improve with time. Growth & change are constant. My mistakes are worth it because of the lessons they teach. I can make time for things that are important to me. Sometimes I struggle, but it is always worth it in the end. Myself & the world deserve my authentic happiness.


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Affir m ations

w r iting through ages a nd ph a ses

Writing Through Ages & Phases Humble Beginnings Gloria Steinem has always had an affinity for writing. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Smith College in 1956, Steinem spent two years in India on a Chester Bowles Fellowship.While in India, she wrote for local publications and was heavily influenced by Gandhian activism. When she made her way back to America, Steinem knew from watching her father never working a classic 9-5 job that she wanted to be a working woman on a different path. Initially, Steinem wrote reflectively on Indian culture through a Western lens, but soon found that there was not much of a market for this sort of content. Steinem began writing freelance articles for many magazines, including Help, Glamour, Vogue, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York Times, Ladies Home Journal, LIFE, Cosmopolitan, and Show. Her 1963 Show piece, “A Bunny’s Tale,” shot Steinem into stardom. For this story, she imitated journalist Nellie Bly and went under a false name to uncover the supposed glamour behind Playboy Clubs. Despite Bly investigating a corrupt mental institution, Steinem compared their journalistic paths by saying, “I believe on the whole, Miss Bly’s experiences were more cheerful than mine.” For years, Steinem viewed this piece as a career blunder. It led to no serious new assignments and became her least-favored but often-invoked characterization of her work. Only later did she realize the impact of exposing the exploitative employment policies that clubs like Playboy were perpetuating. She now lists the project among her personal celebration. “My exposé of working in a Playboy Club has outlived all the Playboy Clubs, both here and abroad.”

Popular In Culture, Pop Culture During her time as a freelancer, Steinem wrote many articles about celebrities. It was far from what she dreamt of writing, but it did allow her to witness worldchanging individuals and events as she lived life how she always liked, on the road. She was there for The Beatles’ first tour of New York, covered Barbara Streisand when she was only a rising star, and wrote a piece on past Forum speaker Diane Sawyer (1987) when women in the news world were still a novelty. Taking these assignments allowed Steinem to cover not just popular culture, but also events that would come to change the course of history. She wrote about the reaction of New Yorkers in Harlem to Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination as well as Vietnam Veterans’ experience of the peace movement. It was during this time that Steinem became more and more politically involved, and as a voracious reader, she published The Beach Book to anthologize her favorite writing from women for other women to enjoy during “beach days.” The book was published with an inside flap of tin foil so that the reader could tan themselves. This was one of Steinem’s earliest large works and sprang directly from her passion for travel. Steinem’s pop culture prowess aided her in publishing Marilyn: Norma

empowering thoughts and sheds light on the importance of language. Steinem sees quotes as “the poetry of everyday life” and included quotes from inspirational friends like Michelle Obama. Steinem’s most recent full length book, My Life on The Road, tells a story she has never told before.This bestseller, available tonight for purchase, captures a candid account of her life as a traveler, listener, and a catalyst for change. Throughout her writing and activism legacy, Steinem’s travels have served to inspire her work, just as her works serve to inspire generations of feminists.

A writer’s greatest reward is naming something unnamed that many people are feeling. A writer’s greatest punishment is being misunderstood. The same words can do both. – Gloria Steinem

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w r iting through ages a nd ph a ses

Jeane. This book delved into the tortured spirit of the iconic Marilyn Monroe, celebrating her often overlooked charisma and complexity. Steinem’s writing continued in a series of essays and articles, many of which are included in her books Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, Moving Beyond Words, and As If Women Matter. In Revolution from Within, Steinem confronted low self-esteem in herself and all women. Steinem said “Knowing that it has ensured some that they are not crazy and that the system is crazy is exactly what the book was meant to accomplish.” Steinem published Doing Sixty & Seventy on her respective birthdays, inspired by the ageism she and others face. Despite what they may confront, and perhaps because of it, Steinem has found that women become more radical with age. A truly radical title of Steinem’s is The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off! This illustrated collection of quotes showcases her most

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For relentlessly advocating for women’s equality, thank you, Gloria Steinem. Your fierce activism empowers women and other marginalized groups with increased opportunities and a more even playing field.

We are proud to support the informative and inspiring programs of The Richmond Forum.


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Political Impact

As the feminist cause has spread, waves of change have washed the world over. Even with the advancement of women in politics throughout time, as of September 2021, there are only 26 women serving as heads of government in 24 countries. At this current rate, UN Women estimates gender equality in the highest positions of power will not be reached for another 130 years. Strides have been made by women in office despite their low international totals. In 2021, the world saw Estonia gain their first female Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Germany installed their first gender-equal cabinet, Tanzania elect their first woman President Samia Suluhu Hassan, Samoa elect Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Uganda nominate Robinah Nabbanja to the role of Prime Minister, and the United States elect the first Black American and Asian American Vice President Kamala Harris. Sources: United Nations, UN Women

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Legal Strides

Change for women is memorialized in legislation. Feminists abroad have worked hard to accomplish legislative progress to establish a legal framework for equality. Just last year, Spain approved a bill defining all non-consensual sex as rape, a move meant to center survivors and toughen penalties for perpetrators. In Lebanon, the Higher Islamic Council approved a family law amendment, including a new chapter on the marriage of minors. This new legislation bans the marriage of children under the age of 15 and stipulates that girls must give their consent to marry, or the marriage can be annulled. In addition to the legislative improvements for women and girls, Switzerland aligned with LGBTQ+ individuals in 2021, announcing that same-sex couples would be able to marry or convert their registered partnerships into marriage in the country, following a popular vote on the subject in September where 64.1% supported same-sex marriage.

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International Feminism

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We are proud to support the programs of The Richmond Forum.

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Our 2022 Richmond Forum Scholars Engaging students from the region’s public and independent schools in our programs has always been an important aspect of fulfilling the mission of The Richmond Forum. Since 2013, we have selected 5 outstanding students from across the Richmond region to represent their high schools by working behind the scenes on once-in-a-lifetime programs that include personal heros of many scholars. In the ninth iteration of this program, The Richmond Forum chose five of the region’s highest achieving and most impressive high school juniors to serve as Richmond Forum Scholars. Students from around the region submitted applications, video essays, and letters of recommendation, hoping to be selected for this honor. All of the applicants were remarkable in their academic standing and impressive extra-curricular activities. Twelve students were chosen for interviews, and five outstanding students were ultimately selected as our 2022 Richmond Forum Scholars.

This year’s Scholars are: Layal El-Ayoubi Trinity Episcopal School Irma Adams Hanover High School Kiran Sabharwal Douglas Freeman High School Kishanti Barmoh Highland Springs High School Mikal Banks The Steward School These Scholars will work closely with Forum staff to ensure a well-run program by serving in important roles behind the scenes, including checking in guests at our sponsor receptions, escorting speakers throughout the evening, introducing speakers in our Student Room, and working as runners backstage at the Altria Theater. Congratulations to the new Richmond Forum Scholars. We’re happy to have you on our team this season!

2 022 R ichmond forum schol a r s

This season’s Richmond Forum Scholars (from left): Layal El-Ayoubi, Trinity Episcopal School; Irma Adams, Hanover High School; Kiran Sabharwal, Douglas Freeman High School; Kishanti Barmoh, Highland Springs High School; and Mikal Banks, The Steward School; with Bob Iger cut out at The Jefferson Hotel Reception.

Inspiring, Stimulating, Thought Provoking, Challenging... The Richmond Forum. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community by supporting the conversation. Honored to Support the Richmond Region Speech & Debate Initiative



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Thrives on diversiTy of ThoUghT, inviTes new perspecTives, and

celebraTes conversaTions ThaT go beyond The expecTed.

We salute The Richmond Forum for inspiring our community for over thirty years.

Speech & Debate Update you’ve been waiting for. – Gloria Steinem

The Richmond Forum Speech and Debate Initiative (RFSDI) was established to empower the voices of Richmond youth so they can lead. Speech and debate programs have served as a foundational experience for many women leaders in our community—including Richmond Forum Board Member Regina Elbert, who will introduce our speaker tonight. Thanks to your support of RFSDI, we are growing more confident leaders like Maddy Boger.

Maddy has been a leader by acting as Communications Captain of the James River High School debate team, serving as Vice President of her honor society, tutoring freshmen, and seeking out pre-college experience in pediatrics to prepare for the Bachelors of Science and Nursing she anticipates receiving from the University of Virginia.

Amplifying Voices Across Richmond

When asked about women who inspire her, Maddy thinks of her Highlighting Young Women mom. A special education teacher at Manchester High School, Maddy has in Debate When Maddy started at James River seen the impact that compassionate High School, her teachers noticed women like her mother have on how timid she was in the classroom, people’s lives. Maddy was initially despite clearly being knowledgeable. introduced to The Forum when That’s when they persuaded her to her mother attended Dr. Temple step into the power of her voice with Grandin’s 2019 program, which made a lasting impression on Mrs. Boger. the help of speech and debate. As a junior, Maddy went to During our 2020-2021 virtual season, the Virginia state competition and Maddy was the selected Forum remained undefeated for seven Scholar to attend Esther Perel’s VIP rounds of Lincoln-Douglas style room and she remarked on how her debate. Maddy went above being speech and debate experience aided a champion, helping to coordinate in that experience. Maddy thanks RFSDI for with regional teams to improve their own debating skills. “I just wanna the support we have provided. We help people... I have a lot of drive, thank Maddy for being a leader of and I want my team to reach its full tomorrow, a young woman we are happy to have invested in. potential.”

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women for women inter nationa l

Women for Women International Beautiful Beginnings

Where They Work

Zainab Salbi was in Washington D.C. when she heard the story of women who were survivors of rape and sexual assault. Salbi knew how hard it was to be a young woman in Iraq when conflict arose, and considered the modern situations of women around the world and decided to do something about it. Salbi channeled her frustrations into inspiration, into activism, and formed Women for Women International. This nonprofit acts as a grassroots humanitarian and development organization dedicated to serving women survivors of wars by offering support, tools, and access to the lifechanging skills necessary to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency. Under Salbi’s leadership as the organization’s CEO (1993-2011), the organization grew from helping 30 women upon its inception to more than 478,000 marginalized women in 8 conflict areas. It also distributed more than $120 million in direct aid and micro credit loans that impacted more than 1.7 million family members.

Today, Women for Women International works in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kosovo, Nigeria, Iraq, Rwanda, and South Sudan. Their areas of impact focus on helping women develop skills to maintain their health and well-being, how to earn and save money, influence community decision making, connect to support networks, and change societal norms in their own cultures.

How They Work Women for Women International sets itself apart from other organizations by hiring staff who are respected local leaders that come from the same communities as the women. Their team is made up of “Change Agents” – people who are knowledgeable about the specific challenges these women face as well as the opportunities to make real, lasting change. Through collaboration with these communities, programs are developed that meet the unique context of local needs. As women advance through the program their self-confidence, voice, and power grow. They gain agency and advocate for change, locally and nationally.

Lifelong Lessons

Photo courtesy of Women for Women International

Salbi realized early on that conflict and war deepen the injustices women face. A woman who survives violent conflict lives through extreme brutality. Her home, family, and community are left fractured in the wake. When the conflict ends and the world’s attention moves on, she is left without basic resources in a community that may not care. All women, especially those in war-torn situations, cannot do it alone. Communities are engaged to address discriminatory social norms and practices, enhance and create more opportunities for women, and provide the support women need to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way.

Executive Committee


Robert K. Beckler, Ph.D., Chair TemperPack Ellen E. Spong, Vice Chair Atlantic Union Bank* Robert L. Thalhimer, Treasurer Subscriber/Supporter Teresa Downs, Secretary Altria*

Makola M. Abdullah, Ph.D. Virginia State University* Kevin W. Barr CSuite3, LLC E. Scott Blackwell Community Foundation for a greater Richmond Ward E. Bobitz Genworth* Jonathan Brabrand Transact Capital Partners* Regina J. Elbert Dominion Energy* William R.B. Hershey Davenport & Company LLC* Steve Humble VPM*

Committee Chairs Laura E. Kottkamp, Program VCU School of Business* Michael Joyce, Investment Subscriber/Supporter Susan B. Horne, Governance LEAD Virginia Betty N. Crutcher, Ph.D., Education Subscriber/Supporter

Geoff T. Marlatt ProfitOptics* Anthony P. Mollica Subscriber/Supporter Kelly O’Keefe Brand Federation* Stephen D. Otero Capital One* Celia A. Rafalko Cary Street Partners* Timothy L. Reid Legacy Media Institute Rhodes B. Ritenour Bon Secours Virginia Health System* Linda V. Schreiner Markel Corporation* Lisa Sims Venture Richmond

Ashley L. Taylor, Jr. Troutman Pepper* Janet Tope Wells Fargo* Todd Waldo Hugh Helen LLC Kevin A. White Butler Snow LLP Siri G. Wiggins WestRock*

*Patron of The Richmond Forum

Production Team & Staff Production

Altria Theater

Bill Meyers Director

Audrey M. Booth Theater Manager

Boitnott Visual Communications HD Video

Steve Sweet Operations and Production Manager

Ryan Marasco Production Manager Boitnott Visual Communications

Glenn Major General Manager

Cream Studio Opening Video

Thomas Vechione Assistant Production Manager

Carlos Chafin Composer In Your Ear


Heidi Winton-Stahle Makeup Todd Waldo Online Host

Henry Gonzalez VIP Ground Transportation First Class Service Josée Covington Air Travel Covington Travel P. Kevin Morley Photographer

2021–2022 Richmond Forum Scholars Irma Adams Hanover High School Layal El-Ayoubi Trinity Episcopal School Mikal Banks Steward School Kishanti Barmoh Highland Springs High School Kiran Sabharwal Freeman High School

Staff Heather Mullins Crislip Executive Director Bill Chapman Series Director & Producer Debbie Mangolas Director of Subscriber Services Dee A. Raubenstine Director of Development & Sponsor Events Sandra Wheeler Director of Student Programs Kayleigh Crandell Communications Manager Mason Davenport Speech & Debate Coordinator The Richmond Forum 110 South 15th Street, Suite B Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 330-3993

boa r d of dir ec tor s, produc tion te a m , a nd sta ff

2021–2022 Board of Directors

COMMITMENT Kaufman & Canoles is committed to strengthening our community. As part of that commitment, we are proud to support The Richmond Forum and the diverse guests they invite to inspire and inform our community. We CAN. And we will.

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2 0 2 2 pat r o n s

2022 Patrons Lead Patron Altria Group Davenport & Company LLC Dominion Energy Genworth Financial Wells Fargo Host Patron Capital One Bank Hourigan SingleStone Troutman Pepper LLP YouDecide Producer Patron ACG Wealth Management Atlantic Union Bank Boitnott Visual Communications Bon Secours Virginia Health System Covington Travel ProfitOptics, Inc. TCV Trust & Wealth Management Universal Corporation VCU Health VCU School of Business Virginia Cancer Institute Virginia Commonwealth University Williams Mullen Education Patron Dr. & Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. Trinity Episcopal School Media Patron VPM Music Patron Agili—Your Personal CFO Presenter 2nd Order Solutions Brand Federation Buckingham Greenery, Inc. Cary Street Partners Cream Studio Deloitte Services LP Fahrenheit Advisors HHHunt Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP Infinity Global James River Carriers Kaufman & Canoles, P.C. Marks & Harrison McGuireWoods LLP MCV Foundation NBC12 PartnerMD Performance Food Group Company

Laurie Petronis Platinum Premier Properties Plow & Hearth PNC Bank PwC ServiceNow SHOCKOE|Mobile by Design Transact Capital Truist Bank Two Capitols Consulting University of Richmond Virginia State University Westminster Canterbury WestRock Willis Towers Watson Workshop Digital Contributor Actuarial Benefits & Design Company CEBCO Cornerstone Realty Advisors EY Hoover & Strong, Inc. In Your Ear J.P. Morgan Mary & Ted Linhart Markel Judy & Dave Pahren Tredway S. Spratley & Janine M. Collins Westham Partners Friend Dr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Anderson Avenue 8 Advisors B&B Printing Dr. & Mrs. Robert Beckler Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Boevé The Brink’s Company Brown Advisory The Change Decision Carter Ryley Thomas LLC Marge Connelly & Julie Christopher Drs. Betty Neal & Ronald A. Crutcher Drs. Trisha Krause & Sanjay Bhagchandani Steven F. Glessner, MD & Virginia Schuster Paige & Philip Goodpasture Thomas A. Grant Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mann Mac & Amy Marshall Blair & Bill Martin The Martin Agency Mike McGinley Susan & David Monday Montgomery Compliance Law Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia Lisa & Leon Roday Mary Beth & James Shannon

Will & Lisa Sims Thought Work, MD Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ukrop VAMAC, INC. Vanessa & James Wigand Adrienne Whitaker Supporter Nupa Agarwal, Esq. Agili–Michael Joyce Mrs. Dottie Amore & Ms. Andrea AmoreClark Frazier & Brad Armstrong Ginger Bacon & Sallie Gilliam Betty & Tommy Baer Melody Barnes & Marland Buckner Dr. K.C. Blaisdell & Sherry Stauffer Sidney & Richard Bland Winn & Scott Bleicher Karen & Joe Brower Candace & Robert Cody Judy Collins & Joe Teefey The Community Foundation Angela & Ted Cox Harold & Susan Cruse Tanya & Brad Cummings Kimberly W. Daniel Stuart & Beth Daniel Carol & Frank DePew Sharon & Jim Dillard Kevin & Rachel Druff Ken Dye Nita & Jack Enoch Jay & Laura J. Erskin Patricia M. Fields Whitney & Chris Forstner Steve & Susan Gaidos Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Giles William M. Ginther Maya & Stuart Glaser Nancy & Ches Goodall Nancy & Bruce Gottwald Dr. Ed Griggs Halperin Law Center Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Harrison Eva Morgan Hartmann Michael Hayes Phillip & Ellen Marie Hess Jon & Trish Hill Deborah & Greg Hillman Jay Holloway Kathleen Holman Robert & Susan Horne Wendy & Steve Humble Bobbie Hunt Lana Ingram & Thomas Digges Machel & Otis Jones Liz & Bill Kastelberg

Dr. Guru & Sheetal Mohanty Liz & Tony Mollica Ina Moses Amy & David Nisenson Nyfeler Associates - Surveying Paula & Jeff O’Flaherty W. Paul Pitts In loving memory of Loyal Pridgen Andi & Brian Redmond Tim & Daphne Reid Karen & Paul Reilly Robert Rhodes Linda Rigsby Laurie & Penn Rogers Rick & Carly Schofield Linda & Serge Schreiner Janie & Maurice Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Shockley

Laine Sims, LCSW SMART Resources Susan Snyder Steven & Sarabeth Spasojevich Leila & Kirk Spitzer Leslie Stack & Frank Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Stallings Dr. Kenneth E. Stoner Claiborne Terry Bobby & Marilyn Thalhimer Melodie Thigpen & Paulette Moncol Sherry & Terry Troxell Doug & Carol Wayne Siri & Kyle Wiggins Gary Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Wilson III

Thank you for your generous support of The Richmond Forum!


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Linda & Kerry Keenan Bruce & Terri Kelley Dr. Arthur Kellerman & Ms. Leila Taa Jay & Janet Kraft Susan & Johan Kroner Jeffrey Lacker & Lisa Halberstadt Nancy F. Langston Drs. Bernice & Wiley Latham Ray & Pamela Lepper Mr. & Mrs. George L. Mahoney John & Rhoda Mahoney Main Street Law Office Mary Malone Paul Manno Candace & Patrick Martin Elizabeth Mason Kevin & Nina McDonough Mike & Benita Miller

Thank you for making today the day that makes a world of difference.

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Submit your questions at #rvaforum Ask what you want, how you want. The Forum will still be collecting audience questions at intermission, but to make this part of the program even more interactive for those in the audience and at home, we have integrated Slido (popular from last season) into our question collection process.

Using Slido is simple. Scan this QR code on your phone’s camera and it will take you directly to the question page. Or you can go to and type in the code rvaforum. Then, you can vote up questions others have asked, or ask your own.

Prefer paper? If you’d like to hand in your question in handwritten format, please use the enclosed question sheet, and pass it back to one of our student pages to ensure it is in the selection pool for this evening’s Q&A.


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Audience q& a


r ichmond forum spe a k er s

Richmond Forum Speakers 1987 January February March April

Ted Koppel Hodding Carter and Larry Speakes with Paul Duke General Brent Scowcroft with Diane Sawyer Charles Kuralt

1988 January February March April

Oprah Winfrey Jeane Kirkpatrick and Vladimir Pozner with Marvin Kalb George Will Art Buchwald

1989 January February March April

Sam Donaldson Henry Kissinger with John Chancellor William Buckley and Charles Rangel Dr. Carl Sagan

1990 January Paul Duke, Howard Fineman and Charles McDowell February Frank Carlucci, George McGovern, William Proxmire and William Rusher with Bettina Gregory March Mike Wallace April Alistair Cooke 1990–1991 October Chancellor Helmut Schmidt January Admiral William Crowe, General Alexander Haig and Robert McFarlane with Edwin Newman February H. Ross Perot March Art Buchwald and Andy Rooney April Captain James Lovell and Dr. Frank Drake with James Burke 1991–1992 October Barbara Walters January PM Margaret Thatcher February General H. Norman Schwarzkopf with Larry King March Dr. Marc Micozzi and Dr. Victor McKusick with Patricia Cornwell April Mark Russell 1992–1993 October January February March April

Terry Anderson Hiroki Kato and T. Boone Pickens Dr. Joyce Brothers Dr. Bill Cosby President Mikhail Gorbachev with Cokie Roberts

1993–1994 November Senator Warren Rudman, Lamar Alexander and Dr. Marvin Cetron with Chris Wallace January Frank Capiello and Michael Holland with Louis Rukeyser February President George H. W. Bush March Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross April Bob Newhart 1994–1995 November January February March April

General Colin Powell Walter Cronkite Dave Barry Tom Clancy Jack Kemp and George Mitchell

1995–1996 November PM Brian Mulroney and Ambassador Carla Hills January Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan and Dick Rutan with David Hartman February Calvin Trillin March Charles Kuralt April David Gergen, Pierre Salinger, Sheila Tate and Bob Woodward with Ed Bradley

1996–1997 November Carl Reiner with Dick Cavett January Paul Volcker with Ray Brady February Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough March Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber with Sir David Frost April Marcia Clark, Philip K. Howard, Dr. Rodney Smolla and Kym Worthy with Prof. Arthur Miller 1997–1998 November January February March April

Bill Moyers Wynton Marsalis PM Shimon Peres Mary Tyler Moore Peter Lynch

1998–1999 November PM John Major January Robert Bennett and Dr. William Bennett with Tim Russert February Harry S. Dent, Jr. and Lou Dobbs March Lily Tomlin April Dr. Robert Ballard and Jean-Michel Cousteau 1999–2000 November January February March April

Julie Andrews Todd Brewster and Peter Jennings John Krubski and Michael Connors with Ray Brady Archbishop Desmond Tutu James Carville and Newt Gingrich with Tim Russert

2000–2001 November January February March April

Senator John Glenn Tom Brokaw PM Benjamin Netanyahu Frank McCourt Dr. William Kelso

2001–2002 November January February March April

Hal Holbrook Rabbi Marc Gellman and Msgr. Thomas Hartman Dick Clark Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough Madeleine Albright and James Baker with Gwen Ifill

2002–2003 November January February March April

Ken Burns Rudolph Giuliani PM Benazir Bhutto and Queen Noor with Gwen Ifill Louis Freeh Senator Fred Thompson

2003–2004 November January February March April

Cal Ripken, Jr. Robert Shiller and Jeremy Siegel Candice Bergen President Mary Robinson Thomas L. Friedman

2004–2005 November January February March April

General Tommy Franks Michael Beschloss and Walter Isaacson Tim Russert Dr. Fareed Zakaria Frank Gehry

2005–2006 November January February March April

Robert Redford with Pat Mitchell Sherry Lansing General Colin Powell (Ret.) Tom Wolfe Rick Wagoner

Burt Rutan Malcolm Gladwell and Alvin Toffler B.B. King Jim Lehrer Dr. Jared Diamond

2007–2008 November January February March April

President Vicente Fox Carly Fiorina Michael Douglas Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. David Brooks

2008–2009 November January February March April

PM Tony Blair Reza Aslan and Jon Meacham Smokey Robinson with Daphne Maxwell Reid Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long Marion Nestle and Michael Pollan

2009–2010 November January March April May

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson Greg Mortenson Steve Forbes Condoleezza Rice David Plouffe

2010–2011 November January February March April

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Laura Bush Anderson Cooper Dr. George Church David Blaine

2011–2012 November Dr. Robert Ballard January Robert Gates February Quincy Jones with Tim Reid March Charles Krauthammer and Robert Reich with John Donvan April Sir Ken Robinson and Rafe Esquith 2012–2013 November Platon January Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner and Doris Kearns Goodwin with Tim Reid February President Bill Clinton March Captain Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords April Dr. Jane Goodall 2013–2014 November Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Maajid Nawaz with John Donvan January Dan Buettner February President George W. Bush March PM Gordon Brown April Steve Martin and Martin Short 2014–2015 November Diana Nyad January Garry Trudeau March Ben Bernanke with Paul Solman April Dr. Daniel Levitin and Rosanne Cash May General Keith Alexander and Robert Mueller with John Donvan 2015–2016 November January February March April

Michael Sandel Alan Alda James Balog PM Julia Gillard Russell Wilson and Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

2016–2017 November Nate Parker January Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham with Steve Inskeep February Krista Tippett March PM Ehud Barak and Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei with Robin Wright April Ron Howard with Linda Holmes 2017–2018 November President Barack Obama January Glenn Close February Peter Diamandis March Ambassador Samantha Power April Joe Scarborough and Newt Gingrich with Mara Liasson 2018–2019 November January February March April

Captain Scott Kelly Tina Fey with Linda Holmes Dr. Sanjay Gupta Ian Bremmer Dr. Temple Grandin with John Donvan

2019–2020 November Bob Costas January Dave Isay, Catherine Burns and Brandon Stanton with John Donvan February Peggy Noonan 2020–2021 November January February March April

José Andrés Theresa May Esther Perel Bryan Stevenson Vijay Gupta

Have you been using the Portal? Can’t Find Your Tickets? You can print your tickets for each program in the Portal. Can’t Attend a Program? Donate your tickets back to The Forum so your seats won’t sit empty on program night. Want to Watch a Program Again? Access the video channel from the Portal to view programs live or for 45 days after. Want more updates? Go to the Portal and update your contact information, including your mobile phone number to get emergency text alerts.

r ichmond forum spe a k er s

2006–2007 November January February March April

bob iger w ith k a r a sw isher

Bob Iger

with Kara Swisher at The Richmond Forum January 22, 2022

In one of his first speaking engagements since his retirement from The Walt Disney Company three weeks before, Bob Iger sat down with Kara Swisher and had a conversation about all things Disney, tech, business, leadership, and what is to come next in the media business. Iger spoke on many of the subjects covered in his 2019 bestseller The Ride of a Lifetime and mentioned plans for a new book focusing on crisis leadership. In his retirement Iger is planning to spend more time relaxing with his family and working with start-ups as a mentor and advisor. He sees himself as a lifelong learner, something instilled in him from his upbringing, and plans to use his business savvy in guiding new leaders. When tech journalist Kara Swisher questioned Iger about ever returning to Disney or another company as an executive, Iger said such notions were “ridiculous.” He said if he wanted to run a company, he would still be with Disney. Iger told Richmond that he resists a pessimistic world-view and seeks to lead optimistically. The internet, for all it is worth, can be a great divider or uniter in the eyes of Iger. What he did remind us is that despite all of the technological change and advancement, the vision of Walt Disney remains the same. Faith, hope, magic, love, and family all exist throughout time, and today Disney undertakes incorporating these steadfast beliefs and values into new stories that reflect the worlds and cultures in which Disney hopes to make an impact. And with leaders like Iger to look to in this evolution, we can all be inspired to see the moments of magic in our own stories. Thank you for joining us for The Big Return.

What a great speaker and personality! I would rate this program as one of very best. Congratulations to The Richmond Forum for being the first to get him! – Forum Subscriber Survey Comment

Mr. Iger was a fantastic choice for the Forum audience – how fortunate to have him join us so shortly after retiring from Disney. Of course Disney is an institution, but I came away with much deeper appreciation of the journey and transformation he led as CEO – right leader, right vision, right time – and perfect time to be with us in Richmond. Fascinating individual – I could have gone all night with this event! – Forum Subscriber Survey Comment

Producer Bill Chapman handed over the mic to new Executive Director, Heather Mullins Crislip.

Mr. Iger enjoyed meeting this year’s Scholars and was beside himself over the COVID-safe photo line option that The Forum implemented at The Jefferson Hotel.

Janet Tope, on behalf of Lead Sponsor Wells Fargo, welcomed Mr. Iger to the stage.

Bob Iger revealed that Pixar was his favorite acquisition in his 15 years of serving as CEO.

bob iger w ith k a r a sw isher

Student Room participants were excited to ask Mr. Iger questions about leadership.




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March 26, 2022

Erik Weihenm ayer The No Barriers Life

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April 30, 2022

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May 21, 2022

Rhiannon Giddens Digging For Musical Roots


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