Filtonvoice July 2021

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FREE MONTHLY for people and businesses in Filton ... and parts of Horfield

filtonvoice July 2021 Issue 117

The Filton Men in Sheds group has donated £100 to the FACE community charity organisation. Darryl Collins of Men in Sheds handed over the cheque to FACE director Debbie Teml last month. Men in Sheds gather at the Scout Hut in Nutfield Grove on Wednesdays at 9.30am. Activities usually involve working in wood. Visit www.facebook. com/meninshedsfilton

ADVERT, Page 10

What kind of Filton do YOU want?

'We've lived in Filton for a combined 110 years and HMOs break our hearts'

Two residents speak out on the growth of multiple let homes. Turn to Page 3

A bold new initiative is being launched this month to improve and enhance life in the town. Now the organisers are seeking what residents, businesses and organisations want. In the centre spread, there is an easy to fill out survey which is the first step in this process.

Turn to pages 15-18

I turned my life around and now I want to help others - Filton dad's inspiring story.

Pages 4-5

Contacts Richard Coulter Editor and publisher

0777 555 0607 |

Ruth Drury Advertising sales

You can find Filtonvoice on Facebook www.facebook. com/filtonvoice and on Twitter @filtonvoice

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COMPLAINTS If you have a complaint about anything in the Filtonvoice, contact the Editor using the details below. We take complaints seriously and aspire to follow the Code of Conduct of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists), which holds journalists to a high standard of behaviour. Further details of the complaints process can be found on the Voice website, or can be obtained by contacting the publisher, above.

We always have full rolls in stock and on display ready for your perusal, roll stock always represents best value. Come in to buy or just to say hi, either way we would love to meet you. ▪ Fully certified and insured in-house fitters ▪ Full 'no pressure' measuring service. ▪ Directly dealing with all the major manufacturers

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Filtonvoice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered although we have used some of the services. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Filtonvoice is distributed each month to all Filton residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please get in touch or collect one from Filton Library. Feedback is welcomed, call editor Richard Coulter on 0777 555 0607 or



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July, 2021




HMO News

'Filton, as we knew it, is gone forever' After applications for planning permission to create two large Houses of Multiple Occupation were upheld after appeal, two residents*, who have lived in the town for a combined 110 years, have written to express their dismay at how these properties are changing the character of Filton *Names and addresses supplied


I am over 80 years old and I have lived in Filton most of my life. We have lived in our house for 60 years. It used to be a lovely family area, now we are overwhelmed with all these HMOs and 'student lets'. Filton has gone downhill. There is no longer any community spirit. We used to have four doctors surgeries, now we only have one. Most of our local shops are now takeaways and there is litter strewn everywhere. Gardens are overgrown and poorly maintained. Waste management is pretty much non-existent. Traffic and parking is a nightmare. Ours is a very busy road on a school route, leading to the local school and the health clinic. Children walking to school face the additional hazard of cars parked on the pavement and speeding traffic, (as very few drivers observe the 20mph zone). I have no issue with the tenants, they have to live somewhere. They too are being exploited by having to pay extortionate rents. It is the greedy developers who are ruining our neighbourhood and the planners are letting them get away with it. Public objections are completely ignored.

Total lack of control by the Council is allowing it to happen. They even ignore their own rules... According to South Glos Core Strategy Policy CS17 - The sub-division of existing dwellings to form flats [and building on gardens] should not adversely affect the character of an area and where, cumulatively, it would not lead to unacceptable localised traffic congestion and pressure on parking. Residential Parking Standards states that where planning permission is required for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), these will be acceptable, provided: * They would not impact on the character and amenities of the area within which they are located; * There is no evidence / record of parking problems in the locality * On-street parking in the immediate vicinity of the development would not cause an unacceptable safety hazard. All these rules should apply. Why are they being ignored? It is heartbreaking to see how Filton has deteriorated. It is a sad fact that the sheer volume of HMOs has changed the character of the area beyond belief. Filton, as we knew it, is gone forever. Sad times indeed.


Residents gathered outside 86 Northville Road, which is currently the subject of two planning applications, involving part demolition, to extend the semidetached home into an eight-bedroom home. The residents say this is just the latest attempt by developers to create large homes in a street which is already congested with parking from multiple let homes. They say the impact on the area is considerable and is contributing to the demise of parts of Filton as a family area. Earlier this year, Filtonvoice revealed around 42% of large (more than 4 bedroom) HMOs in South Glos are located in Filton, many in Northville ward. Last month, decisions by South Glos councillors to reject an application for an HMO licence at 64 and 58 Northville Road were overturned by a planning inspector.

We are living next to a student house which is registered as an HMO. I spoke to his wife recently, while she was showing a new intake of students around, about the numerous black bags of waste piled up in the back garden as well as several by the front door. I asked her when she and her husband proposed to dispose of them, as we consider them a rat and vermin attraction, particularly in the hot weather. She claimed it was not the landlord's responsibility to dispose of them and that the students who put them there should do so. The landlords just do not seem to understand that the youngsters in there have no way of disposing them for themselves as they have no transport to get to a refuse site. I suggested that the landlords dispose of them themselves and if necessary deduct the cost from whatever deposit the students have presumably have paid, only to have it repeated to me that it was not the landlord's responsibility and a shrugging of the shoulders. Every year, with a new intake of students, it seems to fall to us as neighbours to educate them in what they should do with their waste and recycling. Once they

get the idea, they usually try, but this year's students seem to have given up the struggle and hence the proliferation of black bags. With five of them living in there, it's no wonder they can't manage to get everything in the tiny bin that the council provides. The garden both front and back, pictured below, is a total mess and I am ashamed to be living next to it. We have been here for 50 years and were hoping to see out our lives here but Filton is increasingly becoming a very unpleasant place to live.

Got a story or any other inquiry? Call Richard on 0777 555 0607 or email


T: 0777 555 0607


July, 2021


Shaun O'Sullivan with wife Miriam and children Matthew and Levi

by Kristie O'Connor Shaun O’Sullivan was in and out of prison for drug and robbery related crimes but has now changed his lifestyle, with the motivator being his family and his faith. The 31-year-old from Filton, originally from Swindon, was exposed to drugs, gangs and crimes like armed robbery, from the age of 15. A typical day for him would be, he said,“waking up in a car park and downing a three-litre cider before 9am”. Homeless from a young age, Shaun was fearful and said felt there was nobody else he could rely on. He became indebted to the people he became involved with, saying he felt “exploited” and ultimately, due to the circumstances he found himself in, felt as though there was no other option. He said: “I just wanted to be accepted”. From the age of 21 to 27, Shaun was in and out of jail, once

To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664

July, 2021





Shaun: I lived through dark times but now I am turning my life around coming out at age 23 and going back to prison within a week of release. He said: “I was a horrible man; I was drunk, and I’d do what I wanted." However, after finding his Christian faith, Shaun decided to completely change his life and ask for forgiveness from God, as well as the people he had affected throughout his life. When asked what motivated him to do this, he said: “When I understood that Jesus died for everyone and he loved me, it changed my view on things. "I want my sorry to be [shown through my] actions”. This is exactly what Shaun has done, as he has dedicated much of his time to helping the homeless, being there for friends recovering from drug addiction as well as having plenty of other

goals he wants to achieve in the future. He said: “I would like to go into schools and hold assemblies in order to raise awareness surrounding drug and alcohol addiction, to show the young people that their lives don’t have to go this way." Shaun also discussed plans for a night shelter for the homeless, as it’s very important to him that they have a place to stay and a hot meal, as well as hoping to provide places for them to wash and improve their wellbeing. Describing his wife and family as one of his biggest motivators to be better, he said his new lifestyle is achieved by acknowledging his faults, as this is when the true healing begins. His wife, Miriam, is a volunteer at the St Peter's Church


goto iT

Fears for elderly

Cafe and the couple have two children, Matthew and Levi. Shaun said: “Everything hangs on love. As people, we need to show more love." He describes his biggest achievement as “trying to fight for those who are struggling” and wants to continue this by raising awareness surrounding mental health as well as the homeless, and tackling the stigma associated with them. For more information on how to help and where to receive help: The Wild Goose (Homeless Organisation) – 07941 414425 Mind (Mental Health Organisation) – 0300 123 3393

"I would like to go into schools to raise awareness surrounding addiction." - Shaun O'Sullivan

Isolated elderly residents in Filton could “fall through the cracks” of a major revamp of how health and social care is commissioned in the region, councillors fear. South Gloucestershire Council health scrutiny committee members raised concerns about the Government’s white paper for a new Health and Care Bill, including worries it would result in a “cost-cutting exercise”. Health chiefs said the wideranging reforms would improve services by requiring closer cooperation among providers, the NHS and local authorities. But councillors were sceptical and said they had seen previous attempts at greater collaboration fail because there were too many stumbling blocks. Labour Cllr Andrea Reid said: “I am for integrating systems but I am cautious of it being a costcutting exercise rather than an increase in resources needed as a result of Covid."

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Celebrating 20 years of iT support Got a story or any other inquiry? Call Richard on 0777 555 0607 or email



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July, 2021





Rail partnership's art plans for Filton rail station (C) Geograph

A group which brightens up railway stations with artwork is turning its attention to Filton Abbey Wood. Severnside Community Rail Partnership, working with train operator GWR, has been asking for feedback on the project. They launched a consultation last month, inviting local people to suggest ideas for the station. They want the themes of the artwork to include: • Providing a voice for the community. • Promoting sustainable, healthy and accessible travel. • Bringing communities together and supporting diversity. • Supporting social and economic development

Established in 2006 as a Community Interest (not for profit) Company, the partnership works with local communities to encourage the use of local trains on routes radiating from Bristol, to ensure that access to local stations is easy, and to enhance these stations so they provide a safe and welcoming environment. The station improvement projects are delivered with the assistance of volunteers, schools, youth groups and the Community Payback scheme. They also host a range of events and educational activities to encourage sustainable, healthy travel. Principal partners and funders include Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council.

JOIN OUR TEAM We have a number of Production Operator vacancies at our modern chilled soups and sauces manufacturing site in Bradley Stoke. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits, including a pension, subsidised canteen and access to our shopper discount scheme. Our shift patterns are 4ON/4OFF • •

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T: 0777 555 0607

July, 2021

Local business profile

Lover of dogs? Jaunty Paws wants you! by Kristie O'Connor A successful Filton dogwalking service is looking for enthusiastic, hard-working and interested dog lovers to join their team. A former deputy head teacher, Louise Davies began Jaunty Paws after the passing of her own family dog. She said: “It wasn’t the right time for our family to get a new dog; it was a no-brainer to look after other people’s dogs”. Nearly five years on, her business has evolved from Louise doing everything herself to having a whole team to work alongside. The Jaunty Paws team offers group walks, pair walks and puppy parties, the latter contributing to a puppy’s ability to socialise and to understand how the world works. A typical day in the life of a team member always varies,

Louise, second left, with team members Jackie, Latasha and Megan

but may potentially include a morning group walk, a paired walk and a meet and greet, where a new owner and dog can get to know team members. Covering areas including Filton, Stoke Gifford, Bradley Stoke and Horfield, Louise

hopes in the future that she can have two people covering each location, like a partnership, with the ability to meet up with each other. This benefits the dogs’ socialisation, as well as giving her team members a chance to form

professional relationships with one another. Louise also hopes to start offering weekend walks as this can give her clients more option, however, is looking for a “weekend person” to help. When asked what three things Louise looks for in a team member, she says: “Being a doglover is very important, followed by enjoying being out in nature and also having a reasonable level of fitness to be able to go on a couple of hours walk”. Jaunty Paws is a business full of love, with colleagues having a “very nice ethos”, and Louise added: “The walkers, the owners and the dogs are one big family. "Looking after each other and supporting one another is a part of the business”. Apply to be a part of the Jaunty Paws team today:

All groups have covid safe practices in place Southmead

Southmead Community Centre Monday AM & PM and Tuesdays PM Tel: Nicola 07873 818193

Horfield & Lockleaze

The Lockleaze Sports Centre Monday PM New Consultant Tel: Amanda 07850 444306


B&A Church Thursday AM & PM Tel: Sue 0117 9243556


St Andrews Methodist Church Tuesday AM&PM Tel: Sharron 07947 064711

Little Stoke

Little Stoke Community Hall Wednesday PM & Thursday AM Tel: Sharron 07947 064711


Please contact one of our warm and friendly Consultants to book your place now.

To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664

Advertising feature Start a new hobby, or revive an old one! Local performing group, Bristol Gilbert & Sullivan Operatic Society, is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2022 and looking for Filton people to join their ranks. The current membership includes people of all ages – from age 7 to 87 – who get together regularly to sing and act. Chair Hannah Coleman, is passionate about the society. She said: “We’re so excited to be back this September to start rehearsing our 60th anniversary production”. Along with a professional orchestra, BGSOS is looking forward to its 60th anniversary production of HMS Pinafore at The Redgrave Theatre in Clifton from March 30th – April 2nd 2022. BGSOS rehearses at St Teresa’s Community Centre in Filton every Tuesday evening. BGSOS is looking for performing members, scenery builders and costume developers. For details about all our roles, please email For more, see, or via our Facebook page, @BristolGSOS.

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Filton Town Council Splashing time! T: 0777 555 0607

July, 2021

A summer of fun has been lined up at the pool at Filton Sport and Leisure Centre, including pool inflatable and finfun/ mermaid sessions. Booking is essential for all structured activities. For more information or to make a booking please call our reception team on 01454 866686. You can also visit our website *Please note we will closed on August 30 for the bank holiday.*

Alpine LANDSCAPING Established family firm with 25 years experience

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★ Senior Citizens Special ★ Garden Clearance — Regular or one-off ★ Patios ★ Fencing ★ Tree Work ★ Turfing ★ Hedgecutting ★ Planting (Shrubs etc) ★ Organic manure delivered — Also applied ★ Professional and guarnteed work ★ Brick & Blocklaying


Tel: 0117 959 2143 Mob: 07891 253 122

To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664

July, 2021



Filton Town Council


Filton Town Council meetings July 13th 27th

Activity line-up

l Pool inflatable fun sessions l Splashtime fun sessions l Swimming lessons stages 1,2,3 l Deep water confidence sessions l Aquafit l Lane swimming l Rookie lifeguard sessions l Finfun/mermaid sessions

7.00pm Full Council Finance & General Purposes 7.00pm Full Council

August No meetings September 14th 7.00pm Full Council Finance & General Purposes 28th 7.00pm Full Council Council meetings are again 'in-person' meetings at the town council halls at Elm Park. Details at Office Opening Hours The council offices are open to the public Monday to Friday 9.00 am-1.00pm and appointment only 1.00pm – 5.00pm Please contact us at or by phone 01454866698 to arrange an appointment if necessary. If you have an enquiry or wish to report a problem email

NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? CALL 0117 9145400 Electrical Test & Inspections / PAT testing Full and partial electrical rewires Consumer unit upgrade to 17th edition New or replacement switches / sockets / lights Shower installation Smoke / heat / carbon monoxide detector installation & servicing Garden, garage, shed power / security lighting Electric vehicle charging points Free quotations and advice


Got a story or any other inquiry? Call Richard on 0777 555 0607 or email


T: 0777 555 0607


July, 2021


Airbus test centre to pave way for greener flights The Airbus Aerospace Integrated Research and Test Centre (AIRTeC) in Filton was officially launched last month by Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. AIRTeC is a £40 million, state-of-the-art research and testing facility jointly funded by the Government's ATI programme and Airbus. Covering more than 10,000m2 of gross internal floor space - the equivalent of two football pitches - the Centre is designed to undertake structural testing of large-scale aircraft assemblies, from full-size wings down to the individual components and materials used in aircraft design. It provides the most advanced working environment and tools for Airbus alongside external suppliers, partners, and academia, to deliver the next generation

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To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664


July, 2021



News Opposite page, Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Right, the AIRTeC facility in Filton of aircraft wing, landing-gear systems and fuel system designs. The facility is also a key asset in helping industry accelerate the design, manufacture, testing, certification, infrastructure, and commercial operation of zero-emission aircraft through sustained investment in R&T and R&D and fostering greater collaboration across sectors. Companies in other sectors, such as maritime and nuclear, along with universities can also utilise AIRTeC's innovative, highly flexible, and easily adaptable environment, which includes 65,000m² of state-ofthe-art specialist test space, a 40-metre-long strong floor, and a 14 x 10 metre strong wall capable of testing full-size wings - with a force equivalent to the weight of 240 cars – using a 25MN highcapacity loading test machine. The facility also includes labs, collaborative office space, and reconfigurable testing areas. This combination of test assets is unique in Europe. The facility will enable Airbus and its partners to develop new and cutting-edge designs and is central to Airbus' Wing of Tomorrow programme, which is exploring the best materials, manufacturing, and assembly techniques to help deliver more fuel-efficient, cleaner aircraft. The Airbus Filton site is also home to a 3D-printing plateau and digital manufacturing laboratory, as well as the Airbus low-speed wind tunnel. Airbus employs about 2,800 people at its site in Filton. The Company is the largest

commercial aerospace company in the UK, as well as its biggest civil aerospace exporter, employing more than 13,500 people at 25 sites across the country. Mr Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, said: “The launch of this fantastic new centre comes as Airbus prepares to ramp up production of its most popular aircraft towards the end of the year - a clear vote of confidence in Britain as we build back better from the pandemic. “These top-class research and testing facilities will be used to continue the spirit of innovation for which we are world renowned and will produce the cleaner, more efficient flights of tomorrow." “This is great news, not just for Filton but for the rest of the UK which will benefit from jobs in the supply chain. "I am proud of the government’s support for the centre’s construction, showing we are leaving no stone unturned in our drive to make the aviation industry cleaner in the fight against climate change.” John Harrison, General Counsel and UK Chairman of Airbus, said: “Airbus makes a significant contribution to the UK aerospace industry and we are delighted to welcome the Secretary of State to help us showcase our fantastic facility. AIRTeC will take our research and testing capabilities at Filton to the next level and will make us even more competitive for the future."

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Got a story or any other inquiry? Call Richard on 0777 555 0607 or email

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July, 2021



Aero museum wins award for schools visits

Aerospace Bristol in Filton has gained national recognition as winner of Best Museum Visit at the School Travel Awards. The museum was awarded the prestigious title after coming top of a list of finalists that included Bletchley Park, V&A London, and the Science & Industry Museum, Manchester. The annual School Travel Awards celebrates learning outside the classroom and winners are selected by readers of School Travel Organiser magazine. The awards recognise inspiring people and the very best companies, venues and attractions providing school trips. Amy Seadon, Learning & Community Engagement Manager, Aerospace Bristol, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to have been chosen as Best Museum Visit by the readers of School Travel Organiser magazine - especially considering

the high calibre of museums from around the country that made the list of finalists. "To have won the award is a huge boost to the museum and comes at the ideal time as we reopen our doors to visitors. In

the short time since announcing our reopening, Aerospace Bristol has already received lots of school enquiries and bookings. Hopefully this award will encourage even more teachers to bring their class to Aerospace Bristol for an inspiring day out of the classroom.” Aerospace Bristol is situated on the historic Filton Airfield, an area with a history of aerospace achievements that spans more than a century, where every British Concorde made its maiden flight and where Concorde Alpha Foxtrot – the last Concorde ever to fly, now on display at Aerospace Bristol – landed for the final time in November 2003. By telling Bristol’s aerospace story and through its inspiring and practical Learning Programme, the museum aims to inspire the engineers of the future. Pupils of all ages are given the opportunity to explore

local history, develop skills in science, technology, engineering & maths, and discover the exciting possibilities of a career in engineering. Popular workshops include Blast Off Rockets where pupils develop and launch their own rockets, Mission to Mars: Cracking Coding, which involves programming a ‘Mars Rover’ to explore the surface of the red planet, and Concorde Killed My Fish!, where students explore the history of Concorde and the controversy around the aircraft’s sonic boom. Aerospace Bristol reopened on Wednesday, May 19, following a six-month closure due to covid-19 restrictions. If anyone is a school visit organiser interested in taking your class to this year’s best museum visit, you can go to or contact to find out more.



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Got a story or any other inquiry? Call Richard on 0777 555 0607 or email


T: 0777 555 0607


July, 2021

Southmead Hospital News

Just one in six 'urgent' breast cancer referrals dealt with in two-week period by BBC LDRS staff for Filtonvoice The number of suspected breast cancer patients referred to Southmead Hospital for urgent checks has plunged to a “horrifying” low, according to the NHS trust’s own chairwoman. Less than one in six women who showed potential symptoms of the disease, such as a lump or pain, to their GP in March were seen by a specialist within two weeks as required. Health chiefs are now asking hospitals as far as Taunton and Gloucester for help with appointments until the diagnosis crisis eases. The main cause is “significant workforce issues”, combined with a rise in referrals and the continuation of infection prevention control measures because of the pandemic, which have left about 800 people stuck on the two-week symptomatic breast cancer waiting list. It came to light at two meetings over the past week – the board of North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT), which runs Southmead’s breast care centre, and the governing body of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG)

CCG, which commissions the region’s health services – as they discussed monthly figures for waiting targets. NBT chairwoman Michele Romaine told the board on Thursday, May 27: “There is quite a lot to worry about. “The thing I’m really worrying about is our breast cancer. That’s horrifying. “I know the really solid work that’s going on to talk to people who are on this pathway and to triage them but it doesn’t take away from the fact if you are one of these patients, this is massively adding to the stress you are carrying around this. “So I really want us to focus on what we are going to do about it. “It’s about us understanding how much of it is driven by infection prevention control and how much of it is staffing issues or we’ve got behind the curve.” A report to the board said only 15.2 per cent of symptomatic breast cancer patients referred to the trust in March were seen within a fortnight. The target is 93 per cent. Interim chief operating officer Karen Brown said a “deep

dive” was under way to fully understand the situation and turn it around. “We are struggling to deliver activity within 14 days and in some situations we are struggling to deliver it within 28 days and that is not where we would want to be as an organisation,” she said. She said Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire Cancer Alliance, which brings together clinical and managerial leaders from different hospitals, health trusts and social care organisations to improve local cancer services, were helping with a “capacity and demand piece of work”. But she added that the situation was unlikely to change any time soon. Meanwhile, CCG governing body members, who met in June, agreed to ask hospital trusts outside BNSSG if they could take some of the referrals. Medical director of clinical effectiveness Peter Brindle said: “NBT performance for two-weekwait breast symptoms is down to 15.2 per cent. “You don’t need me to tell you that is very bad. “The cause of it is due to

month-on-month increase in referrals, catching up with some of the backlog we’ve had over Covid, but the main issue is around the workforce. “There is a staffing issue with several vacancies of radiographers and two radiologists down, and a breast cancer consultant who used to do their own scanning has retired. “So there are significant workforce issues.” Dr Brindle said NBT was taking urgent steps to address the situation, with temporary mitigations including training up senior nurses to do other duties, drafting in locums and outsourcing some roles. “But the long and short of it is about 10 days ago we had to send out a communications message to GP referrers that they should inform their patients they are referring to a two-week pathway for breast symptoms but they will not necessarily be seen within two weeks,” he said. “In fact, it’s most unlikely they will be seen within two weeks and it may be up to three to four weeks." Julie Boardman, GP representative for inner city and

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July, 2021


Southmead Hospital News east Bristol, said some of the actions could just perpetuate the problem. “With the shortage of radiologists and radiographers, the solution of using the independent sector more actually just shifts the problem,” she said. “So there will be radiographers who currently work in the NHS who are moving to work in the independent sector which reduces the workforce in the NHS, so it doesn’t necessarily solve the problem using that sector more.” CCG chief executive Julia Ross said: Could we commission this service from the RUH in Bath or from Taunton & Somerset or Gloucestershire (NHS trusts), at least for a period until we get stabilised again, because this does feel very unacceptable in terms of the level of performance.” Members agreed that course of action and to receive an update at their next meeting in July.

Stroke service revamp Southmead Hospital is set to become a centre of excellence for treating stroke patients in a massive shake-up of services. Sufferers would be rushed to the north Bristol site instead of their nearest hospital under proposals health chiefs say will save between 12 and 15 lives a year and prevent dozens from becoming disabled or needing long-term care. Survival rates and the level of treatment residents currently receive varies greatly across the region and “depends very much on where you live and what time of day it is”, a meeting of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG governing body was told. The plans, drawn up by senior clinicians, staff and stroke survivors, are going out to a 13week public consultation after being approved at the meeting in June.

At the forefront of the new setup, Southmead would become a “hyper-acute stroke unit” with the region’s stroke experts under one roof, similar to how heart care and major trauma is organised. Beneath that, the preferred option for changes to ongoing hospital care following emergency treatment is for a single specialist stroke unit at Southmead, although residents are also being given a second choice of an additional smaller unit at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. The final major change would see inpatient rehabilitation, for those who are well enough to leave hospital but not yet fit enough to live independently at home, at two specialist units – Weston General Hospital and another location in either Bristol or South Gloucestershire. Phil Clatworthy, consultant stroke neurologist at North Bristol NHS Trust, which runs Southmead,

told the CCG governing body there was strong evidence that emergency care by specialists at centralised, 24/7 hyper-acute stroke units, which focus on patients’ survival and minimising brain damage, substantially reduced the risk of dying or being left disabled. He said: “We know the care and treatment you receive after a stroke depends very much on where you live and what time of day it is. We estimate that in comparison with our current services the changes should save 15 lives a year, allow 60 to 70 people to live fully independently at home after their stroke and 60 to 70 people to avoid needing a new, permanent care-home placement.” The consultation closes at midday on Friday, September 3. All the information will be at uk/stroke-services/

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July, 2021

Filton planning applications in June Applications 29 Gayner Road Erection of single/two storey rear extension and hip to gable roof extension with rear dormer, to facilitate change of use from residential dwelling (Class C3) to 8 bedroom HMO for up to 8 people (sui generis) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Extension of existing vehicular access with parking, erection of bin and cycle store and associated works. 24 Holmdale Road Demolition of existing garage. Erection of two storey side extension, single storey front porch and conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation. 3 Fourth Avenue Shed storage space and personal workout area gym. 20 Pine Grove Demolition of existing garages and erection of 2 flats with parking and

associated works (resubmission of P20/04902/F) 718 Southmead Road Demolition of existing side garage and erection of two-storey side extension and single storey front and rear extensions to form additional living accommodation. Alterations to existing parking layout. Charborough Rd Primary School Creation of external sports facility including installation of multi use games area (MUGA), recreation areas and landscaping. Decisions 1 Fourth Avenue The erection of a single storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6m, for which the maximum height would be 3.2m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 2.8m. Prior Approval Not Required 32 Gloucester Road North Installation of rear dormer to

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provide extension to existing loft conversion, and installation of rear first floor flat roof extension and installation of external staircase (amendment to approved scheme P19/10137/F). Approve with Conditions 42 Mayville Avenue Installation of 1 rear and side dormer to facilitate a loft conversion and associated works. Approve Certificate of Lawfulness 11 Gayner Road Erection of a single storey rear extension and hip to gable roof extension with rear dormer, to facilitate change of use from residential dwelling (Class C3) to 7 bedroom HMO for up to 7 people (sui generis) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended), with parking, erection of bin and cycle store and associated works. Filton South Gloucestershire BS7 0SP Approve with Conditions

99 Northville Road Internal and external alterations to facilitate conversion of existing dwelling to form 8 bedroom, 8 person HMO (Sui Generis) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). (re-submission of P21/00229/F). Approve with Conditions 2 Third Avenue Erection of single storey rear and side extension, two storey side extension, together with roof extension and dormer loft conversion to facilitate Change of Use from residential dwelling (Class C3) to 8. bedroom HMO (for up to 16 people) (Sui Generis) with parking and associated works, as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) Approve with Conditions 12 Rodney Crescent Erection of two storey side extension to form additional living accommodation. Approve with Conditions


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To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664


July, 2021



Filton MP Jack Lopresti

Filton businesses creating technology of the future A couple of weeks ago, I was very pleased to welcome Kwasi Kwarteng MP, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, to Airbus in Filton to open AIRTeC, a brand new £40 million research facility that has been part-funded by the government and will provide a world-class research and development facility right here in our area. This will support skilled jobs and apprenticeships at the heart of the expanding community in Filton, with the Brabazon site providing thousands of new homes, and improved transport links. It’s an incredibly exciting time for the area and represents a great post-Brexit vote of confidence by Airbus, one of the most significant businesses to be based here. During his visit, Kwasi also saw the new GKN Aerospace Global Technology Centre, also part-funded by taxpayers, where they are working on exciting

developments for the future of aviation including building the “Alice” all-electric aircraft. We were shown the components that will go into building the aircraft, part of a project to forge ahead with the future of flight. The Jet Zero programme, which includes both GKN and Airbus, is pivotal to finding ways to eliminate the impact of aviation on climate change and is key to achieving the Government’s goal to hit net zero by 2050. This project puts us at the heart of work to answer some of the greatest questions that we face now, working out how we

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will recover from the pandemic in a way that is sustainable. But, more than that, it gives our young people an incredible opportunity to make careers at the centre of this work. I was really pleased to see Jess Stone, a superb former apprentice and now engineer at Airbus, talk about the work she’s doing at AIRTeC. It’s so exciting that young people can join a global business and almost immediately on the front line, learning while earning a wage and without building up student debt. These roles can also be vitally important to the sovereign defence of our own nation, be that work to design wings like those on the Airbus A400M used by the RAF, or the Rolls-Royce engines for the Royal Navy’s two new aircraft carriers. I will continue to champion our local aerospace sector, not only because of its importance to our local economy, but also because of the potential it

represents for the UK as we build back after the pandemic. The sector directly employs 116,000 people across the country, including roughly 5,000 apprentices. Some £1.7 billion is being invested by the sector into research and development. We are fortunate that companies in our area, such as Airbus, GKN and Rolls Royce, supply important components that go into aircraft which are bought by airlines across the world. We also host MoD Abbey Wood, which employs more than 10,000 people supporting equipment for our military. Our constituency is at the heart of our nation’s aerospace and defence manufacturing, research and development, and I am proud to promote and represent that in Westminster. To get in touch, call 01454 617783 between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, or email me on


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T: 0777 555 0607


July, 2021

News Dan Norris, Metro Mayor for the West of England welcomed Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer to Filton in June. They were talking jobs and skills as they visited SGS WISE (the West of England Institute of Specialist Education). They got a behind the scenes look at the state-of-the-art Brunel Centre opening later this year thanks to a £7 million investment from the West of England Combined Authority. The centre will be home to a variety of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Media courses. They then met young people studying at the college before touring the fantastic sports facilities which include an eight-lane Olympic-sized track and 12 five-a-side pitches. Sir Keir also threw his weight behind Mayor Norris’s plans for a jobs and skills summit. Metro Mayor Mr Norris said “What an amazing place to learn the Brunel Centre is going to be. "It's a vocational centre with top-notch facilities and wellbeing at its heart.”

Sir Keir tours new centre at college

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To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664

July, 2021





Cutting-edge technology at Filton optician An opticians in Filton has invested in an OCT (optical coherence tomography) scan which can help detect treatable eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration sooner. Installed in Specsavers at Church View, the hospital-grade scan, which only takes a few seconds, allows an optician to look deeper into the eyes than ever before and it can help to detect glaucoma up to four years in advance. An OCT scan uses light to take more than 1,000 images of the back of your eye and beyond, looking right back to the optic nerve and creating a cross-section view. Store director at Specsavers Filton, Vivek Lakhanpaul, pictured, said: "This investment gives our team the ability to enhance the services to the local community by helping to detect and manage conditions, with a level of diagnostic capability which previously would have

Quarry Court

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needed a hospital visit. You can imagine it like a cake – we can see the top of the cake and the icing, but the image produced from an OCT scan slices the cake in half and turns it on its side, so we can see all the layers inside. "It gives the optician an incredibly accurate picture of your eye and its structures, allowing them to check your eye health." Early detection of eye health issues means that treatment with prescribed eye drops, laser treatment or surgery can be started before you experience any significant sight loss — and an OCT scan is a key way to help detect any early changes. A customer’s OCT images will be stored so they can note changes over time – a real benefit to the monitoring of someone’s overall eye health. An OCT scan is in addition to a normal eye test and can be requested when you book an appointment or when you arrive in store.





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July, 2021


We can all help our tourism sector to recover THE West of England is truly amazing, as my first month as Metro Mayor has reminded me again and again. With Summer finally here, I’ve enjoyed speaking to a huge range of people and businesses vital to our tourism industry. I had a great time at ‘We the Curious’ playing football with robots and seeing a TARDIS, plus I stuck my neck out and met some giraffes at Wild Place. I rode an e-bike in Bath. The fantastic Julian House is buying a fleet of these, thanks to a grant from the West of England Combined Authority, which I now lead, and they plan to get tourists on the bikes to create vital new income for the charity. I discovered another way tourists can see Bath too: by paddle board! Wild Swim Bike Run is a small business that’s making a splash. Run by ex-military man Darroch Davidson, they’ve also benefited from West of England Combined Authority cash and are looking to take on more staff. Now, I have to admit my paddle boarding experience was a bit wobbly! But wobbly probably also reflects the wider mood in the tourism industry. Launching a new events guide for our

region with Visit Bristol and Bath, I found out more about the effect of the pandemic on our tourism industry. Over 3.8 million people used to visit annually, spending over £900m, and that meant local jobs and prosperity - around 8% of local employment is reliant on visitors. The West of England Combined Authority has a number of important schemes to support our tourism sector. I have pledged to double the £9 million covid recovery fund to target those local businesses hardest hit by the pandemic. Then there is a scheme helping people match their skills to new jobs and our successful programme for those creative people working in the cultural sector - musicians, artists and tour guides. Worryingly, though, we still haven’t seen the Government’s Tourism Recovery Plan; great swathes of this sector have been excluded from current Government schemes. One thing we can all do is support our local tourism attractions and pop into cafes and restaurants. After all, as the government keeps changing the countries where we are allowed to holiday in, in a way designed to perplex,

Metro Mayor

Dan Norris

writes for the Voice

I’m not sure that many people will be booking overseas breaks. But we are so lucky with what’s on our doorstep. We also need to talk up our area as a brilliant place to visit. And that means all of our villages and beautiful market towns, too. I was in Keynsham laying a paving slab as part of my plan to invest in our high streets because I don’t want people just to visit Bristol and Bath, wonderful as they are, and miss out on the equally brilliant bits in between. We need a tourism strategy that brings jobs and opportunities to our whole region.


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To advertise, contact or Richard on 0777 555 0607 or Ruth on 07590 527664


July, 2021




PUZZLES for all For younger readers

Each row, column and square (9 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-9, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square.

6 9 8 3 1 6 4 2 3 5 3 9 6 7 4 2 1 9 7 4 7 4 2 8 7 Use the phone keypad to decode the clues. For example: 2 could be A, B or C ... and 5678 could be LOST

Theme: Cooking 1





6 7 8 9 10

Easier suduko

Across 1 3675 (4) 3 738 (3) 5 8398873 (7) 9 423 (3) 10 74383 (5)

Down 1 3748837 (7) 2 7689 (4) 3 7327 (4) 4 846 (3) 6 84963 (5) 7 7335 (4) 8 743 (3)

3 2

1 4 3

Each row, column and square (4 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-4, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square.

Solution Txtpert




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T: 0777 555 0607

Horfield news


Inspectors overturn refusal of mobile phone mast installation by BBC LDRS staff for Filtonvoice A new 5G mast can be put up in Horfield after council refusal was overturned by government inspectors. Bristol City Council officers rejected plans for the replacement telecommunications equipment in Horfield as well as one at nearby Golden Hill Tesco last summer. But Mobile Broadband Network Limited appealed both decisions, and planning inspectors agreed last month that both proposals should be allowed. Plans to replace old transmission equipment on the roof of the Territorial Army Centre in Horfield, pictured below, have been approved. Permission has also been granted for a taller and bulkier mast to replace a 12m telecommunications pole by the Tesco Superstore in Golden Hill. The Golden Hill proposal, which includes a 15m mast with six antennae and four cabinets, would sit by the roundabout on Lime Trees Road close to the site of the existing mast. It attracted 72 objections and nine comments in support when it was first submitted. Concerns about its appearance, location, and potential effect on wildlife and human health were raised, while others welcomed the possibility of faster internet speeds and improved connectivity, according to a planning report. Officers used their delegated authority to deny prior approval for the proposal in August 2020, saying the public benefits of 5G would not outweigh the harm. But Mr A Tucker from the Planning

Inspectorate allowed the appeal, made by Mobile Broadband Network Limited on behalf of H3G UK Limited, and granted approval for the new equipment at Golden Hill. A different inspector, a Mr A SpencerPeet, overturned the council’s rejection of the plans in Horfield. The decision means the telecommunications equipment on the roof of the Territorial Army Centre between Dorian Road and Bishopthorpe Road can be replaced with new infrastructure, including six antennae as high as 17.7m above ground level, two transmission dishes, four cabinets, and a 1.4m balustrade. Currently two flagpoles 5m and 7m high and two cabinets sit on the flat roof of the three-storey art deco building overlooking Bishopthorpe Park and Horfield Common. No local councillors or members of the public commented on the application, but an officer refused planning permission in July last year. But Mr Spencer-Peet wrote in his appeal decision that: “The significant and substantial benefits associated with the proposal would outweigh the limited harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding area." Both planning inspectors noted in their decisions dated May 24, 2021, that concerns were raised about potential effects on health and wellbeing from 5G radiation. They said the appellant provides a certificate confirming the proposal is designed to comply with the guidelines published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.

July, 2021

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