Reclaiming & Restoring My Life and My Home
8. Simply Southern Cottage (Author: Sara McDaniels) Can you pinpoint a precise moment that changed absolutely everything about your life?
That literally changed the trajectory of your path? For me, that moment in history came in the form a conversation with my now ex-husband when he sat me down on Sunday evening, July 5, 2009, and told me he had messed up. My mind swirled. In one short sentence, everything I knew to be true became false. My hopes, dreams and plans shattered. My future stolen and there was absolutely nothing I could do to change the circumstances. I begged God to give me back my life. I yelled at him when he didn’t. I spent hours on my face before him questioning his motives. I mean, he is all-knowing, all-powerful, yet he allowed this life-altering moment in time to proceed. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.