1 minute read

We Are Looking For Collaborators

If you see yourself reflected in our philosophy or you like our mission and the simple idea of collaborating with a platform that (we believe) will grow like rice, tickles you, we invite you to contact us through info@rice-initiative.com:

• Tell us a bit about yourself.


• How would you like to collaborate with us?

• Briefly describe what your professional profile is.

If you’re interested in collaborating as a curator, send us a pdf with images and texts of a couple of projects that you’ve developed so far.

Or if, on the other hand, you would like to collaborate only writing for RICE Mag, send us a couple of examples of articles, essays or interviews that you’ve written, preferably related to art or the creative industry in general.

And well, if you are not a curator or a writer, it’s okay too, follow your heart and write to us anyway, we’ll be happy to hear from you!

Still not convinced?

As a RICE Initiative collaborator you could:

• Make a difference at the social level, actively working to reverse the exclusion and discrimination of women and minority groups in the art world.

• But if that were not enough, you could also have press access to exhibitions and art fairs in your city.

• As well as to have the opportunity to interview interesting artists and other creatives.

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