1 minute read

The Fabric Our Thoughts Are Made From

Andreas Sjöstrand Gothenburg, Sweden

“I stand in awe and celebration of the unfathomable mystery of my own - and human - consciousness and the very existence of anything at all. I carry a deep fascination with the vastness of the cosmos, time, and space.


Drawn to concepts that bridge these worlds, coexistence of chaos/order and complexity/ simplicity, I try to make sense of and merge the scientific and spiritual.

Awe-inspiring ideas and concepts, as well as emotions that need addressing, trigger images in me. Thoughts fall short, other means of exploration take me further into the understanding of the ineffable. I’m fascinated with the body and its anatomy. Be that in drawing or lesser-known domains such as installation, performance, or other.

In my drawings, I set purpose and rules that dictate my movements and (try to) let go of my conscious self and its desire to alter it on superficial grounds. And I give it time, time to go deep. It serves, among other things, as a comment on and a personal grounding from the ailments of today’s society. worlds and filters of reality are as diverse as we are people on this planet.»

Agnes Denes, Hilma af Klint, and Marina Abramovich are among the artists who currently inspire me.

My deep hope is that what comes out of my explorations can resonate at some level, even if your journey differs from mine. Our by the artist

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