1 minute read

Functional Diversity & Culture: Art as a Tool for Activism

Antonio Centeno Barcelona, Spain

Antonio Centeno is an activist and creator who puts an emphasis on life with functional diversity in all sectors of society. He acquired his functional diversity – tetraplegia – when he was thirteen. Antonio graduated from Mathematics at the University of Barcelona and tought at highschool for eleven years. Currently he teaches in the Master’s degree ‘Gender and Communication’ at UAB. He joined the Independent Living Forum in 2004 and has been working publicly for inclusion and equal rights for persons with functional diversity ever since. Together with Raúl de la Morena, he directed the www.antoniocenteno.barcelona film „Yes, we fuck!“ which focuses on the sexuality of persons with non-normative bodies, including queer circles and circles of functional diversity in Barcelona. He has been involved in audiovisual projects such as “Trèvols de 4 fulles” (Four-leafed clovers) and „Living and Other Fictions“. Among many other initiatives, he advocates sexual assistance for persons with functional diversity to be able to experience their bodies and sexualities.


text by Marlene Lahmer

based on Antonio Centeno’s website

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