Cafe Chronicles Style Guide

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Brand Style Guide

Cafe Chronicles
Every Great Design Begind withan even better story.
Colours Typeography Tone of voice Imagry Primary Logo Logo Variations Logo Clearance How not to use the Logo Colour Pallete Contrast 2-3 7-9 10-13 14 4-5 6
Table of Contents about the Brand
collateral Final Thoughts

About the Brand

Coffee Chronicles strives to create a safe and welcoming space where nerds and geeks can indulge in coffee and their love for comic books and manga. The mission is to foster a sense of community that provides a safe space for like-minded individuals to connect, share, and partake in their passions.

Tone Of Voice

At Cafe Chronicles’ tone of voice is as warm and inviting as a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The aim is to create a fun, friendly atmosphere that welcomes everyone with open arms. The tone of voice is casual, approachable, and inclusive, mirroring the cozy ambiance of our cafes. Whether we’re chatting with customers, sharing stories on social media, or crafting content for our website, engaging the audience with authenticity and warmth.


Imagrey has the power to share a persons perspective so using it constantly is important to a brands image. For Cafe Chronicles brand use images with vibrant colours, dynamic compositions that highlight the brands novel concept .It’s crucial to steer clear of desaturated and pixelated images, as they detract from the brand’s identity and fail to convey the energy and vibrancy that define Cafe Chronicles.


Colour Pallete

Primary Colours Secondary Colurs

C|100 M|82 Y|40 K|39

R|24 G|46 B|79 #182e4f

C|25 M|0 Y|82 K|0

R|215 G|234 B|62 #d7ea3e

Colour is essential in conveying a brand’s identity and enriching the audience’s experience. To ensure consistency in the brand’s visual identity, it is crucial to adhere to the provided brand colour palette. The palette comprises a blend of blues, greens, and purples reminiscent of those found in old comic books. The primary colours, which serve as the cornerstone of the brand and are prominently featured in the logo, form the core of the palette. Meanwhile, the secondary colours, derived from the primary ones, offer versatility and can be used independently or in conjunction with the primary hues to enhance the brand’s visual presence.

C|42 M|14 Y|17 K|0

R|161 G|194 B|207 #a1c2cf

C|84 M|81 Y|44 K|50

R|49 G|42 B|66 #312a42

C|63 M|0 Y|30 K|0

R|12 G|224 B|209 # 0CE0D1

C|91 M|79 Y|62 K|97

R|0 G|0 B|0 #000000

C|0 M|0 Y|0 K|0

R|255 G|255 B|255 #ffffff

Correct colour Contrast inCorrect colour Contrast

Colour Contrast

To ensure that people can text, and other visual elements are accessible to as many individuals as possible maintaining the correct contrast ratio is key. According to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) a ratio of at least 4.5:1 is required to meet the minimum accessibility standards.



Consistent use of typography can significantly enhance a brand’s visual identity, serving as a powerful tool to establish visual hierarchy within text elements. For the Cafe Chronicles brand, Badaboom Pro BB serves as the primary typeface. Its use for headings and large prints it provides a dynamic comic book aesthetic that contributes to the overall visual identity of the brand. When paired with Josefin Sans for body copy, a harmonious balance is achieved, ensuring readability while maintaining the brand’s distinctive style.


BadaBoom Pro BB



Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo

Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

@ # $ % & * ( )

Josefin Sans


Regualr Headings

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

@ # $ % & * ( )

Primary Logo

Consistent use of typography can significantly enhance a brand’s visual identity, serving as a powerful tool to establish visual hierarchy within text elements. For the Cafe Chronicles brand, Badaboom Pro BB serves as the primary typeface. Its use for headings and large prints it provides a dynamic comic book aesthetic that contributes to the overall visual identity of the brand. When paired with Josefin Sans for body copy, a harmonious balance is achieved, ensuring readability while maintaining the brand’s distinctive style.


Logo Variations

Horizontal Primary Logo Text Only Icon

Logo Clearance

Having logo clearance ensures the integrity and impact of the logo are maintained. Not keeping adequate logo clearance can make the logo look cluttered and unprofessional. An easy way of achieving this is to take the “C” from the logo (make sure it is the same size as in the logo) and place it on all four sides of the logo. The area from the logo that the “C” takes up should be clear of other elements such as text, images, or illustrations.


How not to Use the Logo

It is crucial to understand what the improper use of the logo is to maintain consistency and uphold brand integrity. Firstly, altering the logo’s dimensions such as ourlineing skewing, stretching, or rotating can distort the brand identity and diminish recognition. Secondly, avoid placing the logo on the busy background as it can make it hard to identify detracting from its overall visibility and impact. Finally, refrain from using the logo in a context that could be seen as offensive, misleading, or inappropriate as by doing so can negatively impact the reputation and trustworthiness of the overall brand.


We have finally reached the culmination of our style guide: the collateral. Here, we present several examples showcasing the versatile applications of our brand. From various logo placements to a captivating pattern and a sleek loyalty card design, each piece demonstrates how our brand can be brought to life across different mediums. These collateral examples serve as inspiration for maintaining consistency and creativity in our brand’s visual representation, ensuring a cohesive and memorable brand experience for our audience.


Final Thoughts

We have reached the end! This style guide serves as a blueprint for maintaining a constant, professional, and creative visual brand identity for Café Chronicles. From typography and colour usage to collateral design and beyond, every element plays a crucial role in shaping how our brand is perceived by our audience.

By following the guidelines outlined in the pages of this book you can ensure that the brand remains cohesive, recognizable, and impactful across all channels. If you have any questions or concerns about the feature, feel free to get in contact with me.

Designed By Rhiannon Parker
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