The Guide 2023

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R oyal Grammar School


The Guide 2023

This publication describes the broad principles on which the School is currently run and does not form any contractual agreement between parents and guardians and this school. The information contained within this publication is current at the time of print; however, the RGS reserves the right to make changes and will inform parents as required.

CONTENTS Welcome ............................................................................................................ 2 Values ................................................................................................................ 3 Learning Habits ................................................................................................ 4 Term Dates ........................................................................................................ 5 General Information ........................................................................................ 6 Addendum ......................................................................................................35 Governors and Teaching Staff 35 Support Staff 38 Index ................................................................................................................40


I am delighted formally to welcome both you and your son to the RGS for what is an exciting phase of his education. The cyclical nature of school life is a natural part of evolution: the tinge of sadness felt as a highly accomplished and impressive year group of Upper Sixth Form students prepare to leave is tempered by the excitement of a new, talented intake of individuals on the verge of becoming part of our community. We are very fortunate that each year we have a significant number of students applying to join the RGS; the very fact that your son has been offered a place is testament to his impressive performance in the entrance examinations and the potential that we have seen in him. Our students enjoy studying in an environment which allows them fully to realise their natural potential, which stretches and challenges them, and which nurtures a life-long love of learning. We have no doubt that your son will relish the richness of experience and diversity of opportunity which awaits him in September as he puts on his RGS blazer for the first time. Most importantly, however, RGS students are happy. If they are confident in their environment, they will flourish and will take life’s inevitable ups and downs in their stride.

What should be a source of great comfort is that the RGS is an inclusive and welcoming community; new students quickly integrate and make friends. Indeed, our last Inspection highlighted that our sense of community, reinforced by outstanding pastoral care, is one of the hallmarks of the School. The Inspectors spoke of our students being respectfully confident, having high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence, and the RGS being a positive and welcoming community where they [our students] can develop and flourish as true individuals.

The current Upper Sixth Form students have just written their leavers’ statements reflecting on their time at the School and it is pleasing that the most common recurring themes are the quality and strength of their friendships; the supportive and inclusive nature of our community; the excellent interaction between students and staff; their pride in the School; and their enjoyment of every single RGS experience.

I hope this booklet is a helpful source of reference and addresses any questions you may have.

I wish you all the very best for a relaxing, restful summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you and your son joining the RGS family in September.



The RGS is a kind, inclusive, tolerant community where diverse opportunity, personal development, high achievement and collaborative partnership define who we are, and where our values underpin all we do.


We remain loyal to our founding principles to educate bright local students, irrespective of background or financial circumstances, and we inherently believe in establishing a culture of diversity and acceptance, and in educating our students in a welcoming, tolerant community where each individual is valued and enjoys a deep sense of belonging.


We encourage the growth of intellectual curiosity, independence, creativity, innovation and habits of learning within a scholarly community through inspirational subject specialists who provoke and stretch the students’ minds and inculcate a lifelong love of learning.


We promote the development of self-discipline and responsibility, spirituality and a personal moral code, and cultivate an ethos where enduring qualities of decency, honesty, courtesy, humility and good humour are celebrated.


We nurture an atmosphere of mutual respect between all members of our community, and foster self-respect and self-esteem in terms of physical health, emotional maturity and personal well-being, while establishing lasting friendships in a positive, happy environment.


We develop leadership, teamwork, resilience and life skills through a diverse range of activities where all students, regardless of their talents and attributes, are encouraged to challenge themselves, take appropriate risks and work hard to fulfil their potential.


We work closely with others for mutual enrichment, and encourage a spirit of generosity and service, a sense of perspective, and a firm belief that we can work in partnership with others, locally and internationally, to make a difference and have a positive impact on society.



Central to a life-long love of learning and interwoven throughout each student’s curricular and co-curricular experiences, the RGS Learning Habits are the characteristic behaviours and attributes which students develop in order to thrive as they progress through school, university and beyond.

Learning Habit

Organisation As an RGS learner, I am punctual and well prepared so that I can make the most out of every opportunity. I manage time effectively and meet deadlines. My work is clearly and systematically ordered.

Engagement As an RGS learner, I work in partnership with others, test their ideas, demonstrate empathy and look towards their wellbeing. I am an active listener who is well engaged in learning; I notice and learn from what others do well. I fulfil my role within a team or group to the best of my ability.

Imagination As an RGS learner, I combine my existing knowledge and skills with intellectual curiosity and creativity to successfully plan and achieve things in unfamiliar situations, of which I am proud.

Perseverance As an RGS learner, I am tenacious when facing adversity or suffering setbacks. I will understand and learn from both my mistakes and those of others, and resolve to try again.

Aspiration As an RGS learner, I aim to go beyond my current successes. I enjoy making the most of the opportunities presented to me, both inside and outside of the classroom, irrespective of the outcome.

Reflection As an RGS learner, I recognise and celebrate my achievements and those of others. I look back at the progress I have made and seek feedback so that I can refine and improve targets for my future development. I have a sense of perspective, rationally test claims of truth and take responsibility for my own wellbeing.



Michaelmas Term 2023

Term begins

Thursday 7 September

Wednesday 6 September: Induction for new students only*

Half Term

Monday 23 October - Friday 3 November

Term ends

Tuesday 12 December

Lent Term 2024

Term begins

Wednesday 3 January

Half Term

Monday 12 February - Friday 16 February

Term ends

Friday 22 March

Trinity Term 2024

Term begins

Tuesday 16 April

Half Term

Monday 27 May - Friday 31 May

Term ends

Friday 5 July

Please note that the following dates are Inset days when the School is closed to students: Monday 6 November and Monday 3 June.

*New boys should arrive at the entrance of the Main Building between 8.30am and 8.45am. Any changes to these arrangements will be communicated via email.



The following sections provide an overview of the daily life of the School. The termly School Calendar and the school website provide further detail of each school day; they also include the School Rules with which all students should familiarise themselves. Each individual’s Form Tutor will provide further information and guidance as necessary.

RGS Nomenclature

First Form Year 7

Second Form  .............. Year 8

Third Form Year 9

Fourth Form ................ Year 10

Fifth Form ..................... Year 11

Lower Sixth Form Year 12

Upper Sixth Form ...... Year 13

Michaelmas Term Autumn Term


Lent Term

Trinity Term ..................

Spring Term

Summer Term

AWTA All Weather Training Area

BB .................................... Bradstone Brook (Sports Ground)

FD .................................... Field Day

S01 Deputy Heads’ Office

JBB................................... John Brown Building

If a student is absent from School because of ill health, the School Office should be contacted before 9.30am on the first day of absence either by telephone on 01483 880600 or by email on Messages may be left on the answerphone. If the absence continues for more than one day, parents are asked to contact their son’s Form Tutor and copy the School Office into the email. The School must be informed at once if a household is suffering from any serious infectious disease.

Any student leaving School early for any reason must seek his Form Tutor’s permission and inform the School Office as well as reporting to the School Office if he returns on the same day. He also needs to sign in with the School Office if he has had a music lesson or sporting activity that coincides with registration time. Leave of absence from School, except for medical reasons, is seldom given. Special requests for leave of absence should be submitted in writing to the Headmaster and the Form Tutor.

If students are feeling unwell, they are expected to see the School Nurse before contacting a parent to collect them or signing out at the School Office as ill. If the School Nurse is not available, they need to seek permission from their Form Tutor, Head of Year or Assistant Head (DSL and Wellbeing). Students absent for part of a day must sign in or out at the School Office.

Students who intend to miss a lesson for an individual or personal reason such as a music lesson, university visit, or any other reason approved by the Headmaster should inform the teachers of the affected lessons by email or in person at least 24 hours prior to the absence as a courtesy. In the email students should confirm that they know it is their responsibility to catch up on missed work. For lesson absences that are organised by teachers (e.g. school trip, sports competition, or on-site year group event) there is no need for the students to inform individual teachers as this will be done centrally.

There is an expectation that students will take the initiative to catch up on work missed due to absence; the Form Tutor can provide support in this regard.


Off-Games Procedure

Parents should use the email address to provide a note of absence to Ms Foster, PE and Games Department Administrator. This email should come in advance of any session requiring absence and should provide the duration of the period of absence from PE and Games. In the case of PE, students must still attend their lesson on the day and will be involved in a non-playing capacity. In the case of Games, students should speak to Ms Foster at the PE office at 10.30am for morning Games or 1.30pm for afternoon Games when they will be advised where to go during their Games periods.


Students are advised to refer to the Clothing Expectations and Regulations for full information. It is helpful to note here that students must wear correct school uniform when travelling to and from school. Students must wear either full school uniform or a school tracksuit when leaving sports fixtures and practices.

Students’ hair may be of any length but should be tidy and in keeping with a professional environment. If a student wishes to have short hair all over then this should be no shorter than a grade 2. Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied up with a discrete hair tie while under school discipline. Hair must be its natural colour.

Sixth Form students are permitted to grow any smart facial hair in keeping with a professional environment. Students wishing to grow facial hair must apply in writing to their Head of Year in advance of the start of term, maintaining the style agreed on. Students in lower year groups, who are old enough to shave, should be clean-shaven.

School shoes must not be worn on the AWTA; students are advised to wear special astro trainers. Trainers should be worn for playground football.

Assessment and Reporting

Partnership between parents and the School is vital to the success of the student’s education. For this reason, the School provides regular feedback on each student’s progress.

Common Assessments (Lower School): Formal end-of-year examinations are taken, in each year, in each subject (except Core PE), in the latter half of the Trinity Term.

Common Assessments (Middle School): Fourth Form end-of-year examinations are taken, in each GCSE subject, in the latter half of the Trinity Term. Fifth Form mock examinations are taken at the start of the Lent Term.


Common Assessments (Upper School): Lower Sixth Form examinations are taken, in each A Level subject, at the start of the Trinity Term. Upper Sixth Form mock examinations are taken in the latter half of the Lent Term. There is at least one formal Parents’ Evening for each year group each academic year: once per year for the First, Second, Third, Fifth and Upper Sixth Form, and twice per year for the Fourth and Lower Sixth Form. They are mixture of ‘in-person’ and online events, where parents have the opportunity to meet with relevant subject teachers. These predominantly take place remotely allowing you to access the appointments efficiently and in private from the comfort of your own homes. These usually occur during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms and take place between approximately 6.00pm and 8.30pm.

The School issues regular formal feedback to parents during the course of the academic year, as summarised below: Learning Habit Grades (all year groups): Each term, subject teachers will issue two Learning Habit Grades. These are based on organisation and engagement, and both judged on a five-point scale (5 being the top of the scale). As with all feedback, teachers consider all known additional needs of a student when assigning these grades.

Attainment Grade (Lower School): Each term, subject teachers will issue an Attainment Grade, using a five-point scale (5 being the top of the scale). This represents a holistic reflection of the term’s attainment. Attainment may be demonstrated by written, practical and verbal contributions in class, quality of homework, assessment performance, and subject specific co-curricular performance. These grades will only be given by subjects that have an end-of-year assessment.

Attainment Grade (Middle/Upper School): Each term, subject teachers will issue a Working at Grade. This indicates how a student is performing against the GCSE/A Level criteria for the specific unit(s) they have covered in the time period since the start of course. It is normal for this grade to fluctuate and initially be lower than the predicted grade (below).

Predicted Grade: Post Fourth Form/Lower Sixth Form exams, a Predicted Grade is issued each term. This is a positive, but realistic, prediction of what a student should achieve at the end of the course. It is an estimate, based on professional judgement and a range of data (it is not a guarantee of outcomes).

Academic comments (all year groups): Once per year*, each subject teacher will issue Academic comments. These consist of two comments per subject: one comment on a student’s progress and another comment on how they may improve.

* In the Sixth Form, both sets of Academic comments are issued in the Lower Sixth Form.

Tutor report (all year groups): There will be one Tutor report issued, for each student, at the end of the Trinity Term, or directly before study leave for the Fifth Form and Upper Sixth Form. The focus of these will be a holistic view of the student and be written by their Form Tutor.

Co-Curricular report (all year groups): A Co-curricular report will be sent home, at the end of the year, alongside the Tutor report. This will include a summary of attendance at co-curricular clubs and any necessary additional comments from staff.


The school day begins with form registration at 8.45am; students are allowed to access the School from 8.30am. Students below the Sixth Form are, however, allowed in the building beforehand if they wish to have breakfast in the canteen or if they are studying in the Mallison Library. Afternoon registration takes place at 1.50pm. School ends each day at 4.00pm, although a number of clubs and societies take place after school. Students can usually stay in the Mallison Library each day until 5.00pm when the Library shuts.



Students in the First, Second and Third Forms who wish to leave the school premises during break or the lunch hour, must obtain permission from their Form Tutor. The staff car park is out of bounds for safety reasons. Retail outlets including Co-op, Sainsbury’s and Starbucks are out of bounds to students in the First, Second and Third Forms during school hours including when going to and from games periods.

Clothing Expectations and Regulations

We take genuine pride in all aspects of school life and the appearance of students and staff alike sets the tone for these high standards. We expect the students both while travelling to and from school and also during the school day to wear full school uniform (or branded sports kit on relevant days) and not a mixed currency of own clothes and uniform/sports kit; to have shirts tucked in and top buttons done up; to have clean formal black shoes; and to be good ambassadors of the School. No jewellery of any kind is allowed, with some exceptions in the Sixth Form. The official school outfitters are Stevensons, 208-210 London Road, Burpham, Guildford GU4 7JS, which stocks all items of approved school uniform. Their contact telephone number is 01483 577835. Students are allowed to come to school wearing items purchased from other suppliers only if each item is identical in style, colour and quality with the item supplied officially. Each item of clothing and equipment must be clearly and indelibly marked on the inside of each garment.

School Uniform

• the official school blazer;

• plain, dark grey trousers: belts, if worn, must be black;

• a plain white collared shirt: no vests or t-shirts should be visible;

• an official school tie;

• plain, dark grey socks;

• formal black shoes;

• an official grey v-neck or a dark blue v-neck jumper;

• a plain, dark grey, dark blue or black coat.


Sixth Form Dress Code

• a black , dark grey or navy blue, single-breasted business suit, plain or with subtle, narrow pinstripes;

• an official school tie;

• a plain white collared shirt (Lower Sixth Form only);

• a business shir t, light colours and pastel shades only, subtle stripes and checked patterns are permitted (Upper Sixth Form only);

• plain, dark grey socks;

• formal black shoes.

The Headmaster may, at his discretion, vary these regulations for the Sixth Form. He reserves the right to use his absolute discretion to refuse entry to the School to any student failing to observe any of these dress regulations, and to rule on the acceptability of variations not covered by the regulations.

Physical Education and Sports Department Kit List

RGS PE and sports kit is provided exclusively by Tacklebag and mostly manufactured by Canterbury of New Zealand; the kit is of high quality and is made with comfort and performance in mind and is also made to last. Clothing, as well as selected items of sports equipment, can be purchased online (details below) or at regular sales days held at the School or at Bradstone Brook. Students will not be permitted to do Games or PE in incorrect kit. Certain items are required if they are competing regularly for School teams.

PE Lessons: Students require a school PE polo shirt, school white PE shorts, short white socks and trainers.

Sports kit: For all sports, students require school black tracksuit bottoms and a school black rain jacket. A school grey hoodie and a red school t-shirt are also available to purchase.

Rugby kit: Students require a school rugby shirt (red and green hoops), school rugby shorts, school red socks, rugby boots and a gum shield.

Hockey kit: Students wear the same polo shirt and white shorts as they wear for PE lessons. In addition, students require school red socks, hockey astro boots, shin pads and a gum shield.

Cricket kit: Students require a school cricket shirt, school cricket trousers, a box, trainers or cricket boots with studs.

Cross-country and Athletics kit: Students require a school athletics vest and the white shorts which are worn for PE.

Swimming kit: There are no official RGS swimming trunks. Students should, however, wear predominantly blue or black jammers; boardshorts are not permitted.

In addition, students may purchase a house shirt. These are not required for house matches as the School has sets of these, but are optional for training.

Sports Kit Suppliers

Sports kit can be purchased from Tacklebag. Items should be bought online at:

Their contact telephone number is 020 8740 4850. Please note that there is free delivery on orders over £60.


Clubs and Societies

A full programme of clubs and societies meet at various times throughout the week, mostly at lunchtimes and after school, usually between 4.00pm – 5.30pm. The Societies Fair, held each year in early September, showcases the diverse options available and provides the opportunity for students to join those societies in which they are interested. A list of clubs and societies which are currently taking place are listed below for your interest:

• Air Rifle Club

• Airgineers – Drone Club

• Amnesty

• Athletics Club

• Badminton

• Basketball

• Big Band

• Brass Quartet

• CAD Club

• Card Society

• Ceramics Club

• Chamber Music

• Charity and Volunteering

• Chess Club

• Choir

• Christian Union

• Code Breaking

• Concert Band

• Concerto Consort

• Cross Country

• Fencing Club

• Film Society

• Grade 5 Theory

• Intermediate Strings

• Joint Schools’ Chamber Choir

• Judo Club

• Jumping Fleas Ukulele Club

• Junior Badminton

• Junior Classics Society

• Junior Drama Club

• Junior History Society

• Junior Philosophy Society

• Junior Sailing Club

• Junior Science Club

• Junior Table Tennis Club

• Junior Wind Ensemble

• Languages Drama Society

• Languages Junior Society

• Lit Quiz Club

• Lower School Maths Club

• Magic Society

• Manga and Anime Club

• Medical Society

• Middle School Maths Club

• Model United Nations Society

• Photography Society

• Puzzle Club

• Quest

• RGS Pride

• Sailing (Racing Club)

• Sceptics Society

• Schola Cantorum

• Senior Classics Society

• Senior History Society

• Senior Philosophy Discussion Group

• Senior Scientific Society

• Senior Wind Quartet

• Seymour Society

• Ski Race Team

• Spanish Debating

• Squash Club

• Star Wars Society

• String Quartet

• Student Robotics

• Swimming Club

• Swing Band

• Symphony Orchestra

• Technical Theatre Club

• Tennis

• The Forum

• Warhammer Society

• Wind Quartet

• Young Enterprise



At the RGS, we greatly value the open and positive lines of communication between the School and the parents. We take pride in keeping parents well informed at all times. The School provides regular correspondence through the weekly electronic letters, the fortnightly newsletter, The Bulletin, and the termly review, The Register. An archive of all school publications can be accessed via the website:


Links to the dynamic online School Calendar are available throughout the website.

Electronic Communications

The School uses a system of electronic communication whereby all parental correspondence is delivered via email. Every Tuesday, all parents are emailed with correspondence relevant to them or their sons. In exceptional circumstances and if the need arises, an email will be sent on another day of the week, usually a Friday.


Through MySchoolPortal, parents have secure, 24-hour access to personalised data about their son via one user name and password. To access MySchoolPortal, you need to click on PARENTS link at the top of the RGS website ( and enter your email address and request your bespoke password. MySchoolPortal allows you to give parental consent for trips and activities, choose academic and games options, and update both your and your son’s contact details and personal information.


For important or urgent communication, the School uses a system through which text messages are sent to individual mobile phones, voice messages can be recorded or emails sent direct to individuals. This has proved to be a very useful tool when there are significant changes to the normal school day but, more importantly, an invaluable and efficient method of contacting parents quickly in the case of a real school emergency. The School also uses this system to contact parents so that unexplained absences can be followed up by the School Office. A text, as well as an email, will be sent to the primary contact (mother unless otherwise specified) for your son, normally by 10.45am at the latest.


Sports Portal

The Sports Portal links to our sports website which provides details of fixtures and team sheets. This is an openaccess area; you will only require the password to access the team sheets.

Student Communication

Email is the primary form of communication within the School and members of staff will regularly contact students on their school email addresses with information, arrangements or opportunities. Each student will be provided with an email address which comprises his candidate number (an individual five-digit number which will be used for identification purposes, including during public examinations) followed by the suffix, for example Although Microsoft Teams provides a messaging option, students should not use this as a routine way of communicating with staff.

Students are expected to check their emails twice a day: once before school and once at the end of the day. Parental support in encouraging this routine would be very much appreciated and will help efficient communication within the School.

Each afternoon during term time a copy of The RGS Today is circulated to all staff and students which is an invaluable source of information for highlighting the following day’s arrangements, including clubs, societies, practices, rehearsals, talks etc. Students should get into the habit of looking at this publication to ensure they do not miss out on opportunities offered.


Contact Details

The following details may be of use for new parents; a full list of contact details is available in each term’s School Calendar and on the RGS website. The School Office is always keen to help and support both parents and students; however, it is extremely busy and as such please may we encourage parents only to use the School Office to deliver messages to students if the message is urgent.

Postal Address

Royal Grammar School High Street



Telephone Telephone Accounts Department 01483 880610

Headmaster’s PA (Miss JL McAllister) 01483 880608

School Nurse (Mrs SB Pontin) 01483 880600

School Office (Miss J Hodson-Walker, Miss J Marchington and Mrs J Beech) 01483 880600

Emergency Contact (after 5.00pm term-time only) 01483 887134


When emailing a member of staff please use their initials followed by the suffix, or example:

A full list of staff is provided at the back of this guide.


It may be helpful for parents to be aware of the names of the following members of the Senior Management Team:



Senior Deputy Head

Deputy Head

Senior Master

Assistant Head (Curriculum)

Dr JM Cox

Mrs KM Perceval

Mr AU Woodman

Mrs JSR Thorpe

Mr JW Pressley

Mr DSJ Wright



The RGS remains loyal to its rigorous, traditional grammar school roots and provides a robust set of academic subjects. The combination of breadth and depth is at the heart of the School’s philosophy, as well as ensuring that students experience the full breadth of academic opportunity and challenge before making key decisions when selecting their GCSE and A Level options.

The curriculum offers access to all the aesthetic, human and social, linguistic, mathematical, creative and literary, scientific and technological, physical and moral and spiritual areas of learning.

All students in the Third Form and above take part in the ExAd programme, an outdoor and expedition training programme which takes place in a single period each week. The training covers a variety of practical skills and provide the opportunity to gain numerous accredited awards. It will also cover the requirements of the expedition section of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

The Third Form curriculum introduces a degree of optionality, allowing students to begin to narrow their focus on fewer subjects. Students choose 6 subjects from the two Options Pools, including a minimum of 3 subjects from Option Pool A and a minimum of 2 subjects from Option Pool B.

Subject First Form Third Form English 4 Periods 4 Periods Mathematics 4 Periods 4 Periods Integrated Science 6 PeriodsBiology - 2 Periods Chemistry - 2 Periods Physics - 2 Periods Core Language (French/Spanish) 3 Periods 3 Periods Option Pool A Second Language (French, Spanish, German or Greek) - 2.5 Periods Latin 3 Periods 2.5 Periods Geography 3 Periods 2.5 Periods History 3 Periods 2.5 Periods Religious Studies 2 Periods 2.5 Periods Option Pool B Art 2 Periods 2.5 Periods Design and Technology 2 Periods 2.5 Periods Music 1 Period 2.5 Periods Drama 1 Period 2.5 Periods Digital Learning 1 PeriodComputational Thinking - 1 Period Tutor Period 1 Period 2 Periods PE 1 Period 1 Period Games 3 Periods 3 Periods ExAd - 1 Period

Daily Routine

* First Form students have lunch between 12.05pm and 12.30pm when they go to their Period 5. This lasts from 12.30pm until 1.10pm.


It may be helpful to note the following dates in the Michaelmas Term which are of particular interest to new parents. In addition, the Forthcoming Events section of the fortnightly newsletter, The Bulletin, highlights those events to which parents are warmly invited.

Tuesday 29 August

Pre-season rugby training (Third Form) & (Sixth Form)

Wednesday 30 August Pre-season rugby training (Sixth Form)

Thursday 31 August Pre-season rugby training (Third Form) & (Sixth Form)

Monday 4 September Pre-season rugby training (First Form)

Thursday 14 September New Parents’ Reception Evening

Monday 25 September Field Day 1

16 8.30am School opens 8.45am Registration 8.55am Tutor Period or Assembly 9.15am Periods 1 and 2 10.30am Morning Break 10.50am Periods 3, 4 and 5 12.45pm Lunch* 1.50pm Registration 2.00pm Periods 6, 7 and 8 4.00pm School ends

Digital Provision

All RGS students are required to bring a Microsoft Surface to school each day to support their learning. The Surface is used across the curriculum and is a requirement for many school functions such as homework submissions and access to learning resources. All students are expected to take responsibility for charging their Surfaces sufficiently for the whole day, having headphones/earphones with them for each lesson, and for taking care over the security and safe keeping of their equipment.

We very much hope that our remote provision will not be required in the future; however, we are always prepared if we need to revert to online learning for any length of time. The School uses Microsoft Teams and OneNote as the basis for its online learning experience. When and if required, and as far as possible, a normal day is replicated including a strong pastoral provision through Tutor time and twice-daily registration, an assembly programme, a full time-tabled curriculum, online clubs and societies, and daily sporting activities and challenges. The RGS has even competed in virtual sports events against other schools to maintain competitive sport. As all our students have Microsoft Surfaces, remote lessons remain fully dynamic, engaging and interactive: the focus remains on inspiring the students and ensuring their progress is in no way hindered by the online experience.

We fully appreciate the dangers of extended screen time and, as such, regular advice is provided on maintaining physical and mental wellbeing. In addition, as public examinations continue to be on paper, the expectation is that handwriting remains the normal means of working. Written work, therefore, continues to be an established part of the students’ daily experience. The Learning Support Department, along with subject teachers, will advise and support those for whom Surfaces form a more integral part of their learning.

Field Days

The exceptional range of co-curricular activities offered is one of the greatest strengths of the School; such activities are central in developing the character of the students and in nurturing teamwork, leadership and self-reliance. The value of these activities is highlighted by the fact that curricular time, as well as five Field Days throughout the year, is devoted to these enrichment activities. On these days, the curriculum is suspended and a large range of year group activities and, as the students progress through the School, activities related to the Monday Period 8 options take place. Attendance on Field Days, just as any other school day, is compulsory.

The first Field Day will take place on Monday 25 September 2023.

Fire Procedure

Students must familiarise themselves with fire evacuation procedures and assembly points which are clearly advertised in each classroom and corridor and around the School. In the event of a fire or practice, students will be directed by staff to the nearest exit and will muster on the AWTA. Students must remain silent during a fire evacuation. Fire practices will take place each term. In addition, lockdown practices will be conducted periodically in the event of needing to secure the school site.


Food is served in the canteen in the Great Hall. Breakfast as well as hot and cold snacks at morning break are available to purchase each day. The First Form students have an early lunch at 12.05pm; the rest of the School has lunch at 12.45pm. There is always a salad bar, a pasta option, a meat and vegetarian option. If a student has a special diet, arrangements can be made.


Health at the RGS

The School Nurse will normally be available during school hours for the provision of first aid and basic medical care. Other health problems should be dealt with outside school in the usual way. The Nurse is responsible for maintaining suitable first aid supplies and for the safe and secure storage of medication. When the Nurse is not on site, a first aider will be available.


Individual responsibility for hygiene remains at the very heart of keeping our community safe and healthy. Wash stations and hand sanitisers are situated around the site and students are expected to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including before mealtimes, after sneezing or using the toilet facilities.

Minor Injury

In the case of minor injury, the Nurse will assess and treat as required. If the Nurse feels that the injury requires further assessment or treatment, the student’s parent will be contacted to arrange for them to go home or to be taken to the accident and emergency department. If necessary, the Nurse or a staff member will accompany the student to hospital and await the arrival of their parent.

Minor Illness

In the case of minor illness such as headache, sore throat, raised temperature or minor injury the Nurse may administer the following if parental consent has been obtained on admission to school:

1. Paracetamol/Nurofen (ibuprofen) – tablet or liquid form

2. Throat lozenges/strepsils

3. Proprietary (available without prescription) indigestion remedies e.g. Gaviscon oral suspension, Rennies

4. Proprietary antihistamine tablet/syrup (Certirizine)

5. Proprietary bite/sting relief cream e.g. Anthisan bite and sting


If the Nurse has any queries, the parent will be contacted to discuss the administration of any medication. Normally only one dose will be given during the day (but the Nurse will use clinical judgement regarding the need for further medication and act accordingly), and the appropriate documentation for any medication or treatment administered will be completed. Students will be informed of when they are able to take the next dose. If your son requires regular pain relief following an injury or illness, it may be beneficial for him to bring in his own supply to take at intervals throughout the day but they must see the School Nurse to complete a self-administration assessment.

Serious Injury/Illness

In the event of serious injury or illness arising during the school day, the Nurse will make every attempt to contact the parent. If unable to do so, the Nurse will arrange for the student to be taken to the Royal Surrey County Hospital and the Nurse or School Office will notify the parent. The Nurse or other staff member will wait with the student until his parent arrives. If transfer to hospital is not required, parents will be contacted to collect the student from school.

Suspected Concussion

In the event of a suspected concussion, a student will be added to the School’s concussion management programme. Parents will receive an email advising of the concussion and the guide for parents concerning signs and symptoms. The Nurse will only contact parents if the student needs to go home / to hospital or there are significant concerns.

Chronic Medical Conditions

Students with chronic medical conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis) may need to take medication during the school day. At the RGS these students are encouraged to be responsible for their own medication on the understanding that the parents deem them competent to self-administer. If parents would like the medication to be administered by the Nurse, the medication must be clearly labelled with the student’s name and date of birth. The dose of the medication and when it is to be administered should also be clearly stated on the label. A Consent to Administer Medication form must be completed. It is the responsibility of the student to attend the medical room at the appropriate times. Parents of students with long term medical needs should liaise with the Nurse so that a protocol of care for their son during school hours can be agreed. Parents are also required to provide a supply of any medication that is needed for these conditions especially in the case of emergency along with a copy of any individual healthcare plan.

Students with Severe Allergies

Those students who require Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) e.g. epipen® MUST carry two with them at all times, including lunch and break where bags are not permitted and to sports lessons / fixtures and school trips (NB with the exception of Bradstone Brook, students will require two AAIs on their person when away from School). The School is now able to stock AAIs for use in an emergency where the student’s own AAI is not readily available or working. The RGS has chosen to stock epipen®300mcg. Parental consent will be sought to allow the administration of the School’s Adrenaline Auto-Injector. If consent is given and parental confirmation that their son carries two AAIs a spare is not required to be kept in school; if consent is not given at least one spare AAI MUST be supplied to school and a declaration that the student carries two will be required. Any accompanying medication to be given in an emergency also needs to be supplied to the medical room; due to a change in protocol for the storage and administration of medicines, this needs to be prescribed for the specific student concerned and can no longer be generic non-prescription medication. It is important that those students with allergies are aware that school is not a nut-free environment and therefore it is essential that they carry their emergency medication on their person at all times.




Main Pedestrian Entrance North Court Music Practice Rooms

Main Building Reception Gillingham House Sixth Form Centre

Eastgate Staff Car Park The John Brown Building

Sydenham Staff Car Park Gate

AWTA Pannells Court Art School

North Building Old Building Music School

Sports Hall Big School The Recital Room


Main Entrance Grounds Workshop 1st XI Cricket Square

Car Park Overflow Car Park 1st XV Rugby Pitch

Pavilion Tennis Courts Cricket Nets


Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Any student who has experienced an episode of diarrhoea and / or vomiting should not be in school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours. Whilst we understand that this may mean a student has work to catch up on, an ill student will not be happy in school and their ability to learn will be impaired; it is also possible that they will infect others. If a student is unwell with diarrhoea and vomiting at school, his parent will be asked to collect him.


If a student has had a fever of 38 degrees or above they should only return to school when they are fever free without requiring medication and are feeling well.

Signing out ill

If students are feeling unwell, they are expected to see the Nurse before contacting a parent to collect them or signing out at the School Office as ill. If the Nurse is not available, they need to seek permission from their Form Tutor, Head of Year or Assistant Head (DSL and Wellbeing) . This action is to ensure the School is aware of any illness trends which may be affecting students but also to act in the students’ best interests, both academically and pastorally. Upper Sixth Form students who are supposed to be in lessons are also expected to follow this procedure.


Students in the First to Fifth Forms will be set three to four homeworks on each day of the school week. The details of which subjects will be set is outlined in the homework timetable, a copy of which will be provided for the students at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term by his Form Tutor. Details of each night’s homework, by subject, is also posted on Microsoft Teams. The amount set will occupy the average RGS student as follows:

Each student is responsible for adhering to deadlines and taking pride in the quality of their work. The nature of the homework will vary between year groups, different classes and topics of study. Homework is not set for school holidays in the lower years, except in exceptional circumstances.

First Form 20 minutes per subject Second Form 30 minutes per subject Third and Fourth Forms 35 minutes per subject Fifth Form 40 minutes per subject
th Form an amount equivalent to 3 hours’ work on each school day

House System

At the RGS there are six houses, named after important benefactors of the School: John Austen, Robert Beckingham, William Hamonde, Joseph Nettles, three generations of the Powell family; and Canon Arthur Valpy. Each student is allocated to a house which has a tie and colour associated with it; students will be presented with a house tie at their first House Assembly. Points are awarded for various competitions throughout the year which contribute to the Hardy Cup, the long-standing inter-house competition.

House Housemaster House Colour Austen

Mr TE Fishpool Yellow

Beckingham ..........................................................................


Mr IP Rossiter ......................................................................... Red

Mr JA Casale Dark Blue

Nettles ..................................................................................... Mr DT Chapman ................................................................... Light Blue

Powell ...................................................................................... Mr WD Cowx .......................................................................... Maroon



Mr PL Palmer White

LAMDA (The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) Speech and Drama lessons are offered as a co-curricular option to supplement the School’s dynamic Drama Department; these are taught in small groups or individually and are organised on a rotational basis during lesson time by arrangement with subject teachers. Students will only miss each academic subject once, as a maximum, within any one term. It is not advisable for students to combine LAMDA lessons with learning more than one musical instrument due to the time commitment out of curriculum classes. Lessons are geared towards graded examinations in a choice of six disciplines: Public Speaking, Verse and Prose, Reading for Performance, Acting, Devising Drama and Mime. These qualifications are recognised by Ofqual and are accredited to the QCF, as well as the higher grades being included in the UCAS tariff. Further details were provided in the information accessed in May.



The School is able to offer extra-curricular Arabic, Chinese (spoken Mandarin), Japanese and Russian classes which are given by freelance teachers before school, at lunchtimes and after school. For these languages there will be taster lessons to introduce the students to the language and culture of the countries, after which students will have the option to continue studying the language. Further details, including the cost implications, will be provided via the electronic correspondence at the end of this academic year, in readiness to start taster lessons at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term.

Learning Support and Educational Needs

The School is committed to helping every student at the RGS achieve his full potential academically, socially and in co-curricular activities. In order to help achieve this, there is a Head of Learning Support (HoLS) who oversees the identification of specific learning support needs, the arrangement of suitable support, and communication with staff, parents and other agencies to ensure consistency of approach. The HoLS has additional dedicated members of staff to assist them and the department works closely with colleagues in the Mathematics and English Departments to provide additional support classes where necessary.

The School will undertake certain assessments when your son first joins, which may result in him being given small group support for literacy or other issues. If this is the case, you will be kept fully informed of the reason for such support, the intended outcomes, and the improvements made as a result of the support work.

If your son has had any learning support in his previous school, it is very important that we are fully informed. Please send a copy of any reports from the school or any other professionals such as Educational Psychologists to the HoLS, so that they can ensure this is taken into account in our provision of support for your son. Those given to the Head of Admissions (Registrar and Marketing) before the Entrance Examinations will be passed on to the HoLS on your behalf. The HoLS, in co-ordination with the examination officers, also oversees access arrangements during public examinations, such as extra time or other concessions as approved by the governing bodies. If you think that there may be a case for such consideration, please contact the HoLS at an early stage so that this can be discussed fully and dealt with appropriately. Should the need for an external assessment arise, the HoLS will be able to discuss this with you and provide you with the list of recommended professionals that are to be used.

It may be that issues concerning your son’s learning arise during the course of his time at the RGS. His Form Tutor will be your first point of contact for all academic and pastoral matters, but the Head of Year is also available and will be able to advise on whether support from the HoLS is required. The School offers a variety of extra support classes for students, including dyslexia support, study skills, and classes to support social and emotional aspects of learning. Please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Head of Year for further information.


Mallison Library

The Mallison Library is an integral part of the School and all students are encouraged to make full use of its resources and the skills of its staff.

Library Aims

The Library supports fully the School’s stated aims by:

• t eaching and reinforcing necessary skills in information handling and understanding;

• enc ouraging extension of academic study by reading and independent research using a wide range of resources;

• promoting reading as a pleasurable leisure activity, and as a means to challenge our able students;

• providing a wide choice of material offering diverse views of cultures and experiences to expand students’ knowledge and understanding of the wider world.

Daily Operation

The Library is open from 8.00am until 5.00pm each day during term time and all students may use it during breaks and free periods (subject to space). The Librarian and the Library Assistant work full time and one or both is always available to give assistance during opening hours. Students can consult the Library’s online catalogue and manage their accounts at any time via the internet; they can also access digital resources via Sharepoint and borrow from a collection of ebooks and e-audiobooks.

Students can generally borrow up to eight books at a time, plus DVDs and CDs; the Librarian has discretion to allow more to be borrowed, or to restrict the number of loans where she considers it appropriate. There is no need for a Library card. Details of lending periods and the procedure for late returns are given below.

Reference copies of school textbooks are kept in the Library for students to use for homework. A colour printer/ photocopier/ scanner is also provided.

A full induction is given into Library practices and procedures shortly after students join the school.


Stock and Lending Policy

Books are chosen for the Library by the Librarian based upon their value in meeting the aims set out above. This means that books which include challenging material will not be excluded from stock simply because of that material; however, the Librarian may at her discretion restrict the borrowing of some books to students above a certain age. Parents may override such restrictions in specific cases, by written confirmation to the Librarian.


The borrowing records of Library users of all ages and levels are generally treated as confidential, and details of loans will not be shared with others. However, this principle is subject to:

• the provisions of the School’s Students’ Privacy Notice and the RGS Student IT Acceptable Use Policy;

• the overdue loans procedure set out below;

• access needed in order for trained Student Librarians to carry out their duties.

Responsibility for Loans

Students are expected to take responsibility for items borrowed from the Library, as part of their personal and social development.

• The initial loan period is usually three weeks for books and one week for DVDs and CDs.

• I tems can be renewed in person, online via the library management system or by email request to the Librarian. Renewals will usually be granted unless the item has been reserved by another user or there is another cause for the Librarian to be concerned about the loan.

• Students are reminded about overdue loans each Tuesday in term time, initially by email to the student, then to his tutor and finally to parents if earlier reminders are ignored.

If these steps are fruitless, the replacement cost of the missing item is added to the next school bill; a statement of the costs to be added is emailed to parents beforehand.


The Academic and Senior Mentoring schemes provide one-on-one peer support for certain students, as required, in the First to Fifth Forms. Carefully selected and trained Sixth Form Mentors give weekly support during assembly times to students who are struggling with aspects of school life such as organisation or who are finding a particular subject area challenging. Over a period of between six weeks to a term, the mentor and student develop a close rapport, which enables the younger student to speak honestly and openly and, as a result, to find practical solutions to the challenges he is facing. The mentoring is overseen by the Head of Mentoring and the mentoring pairs are carefully chosen in liaison with members of staff and the Heads of Year. Younger students are often more ready to listen and take on board the advice of older students, who have experienced similar issues themselves. The benefits for the Sixth Form students are also significant; the satisfaction of seeing their mentees make progress is extremely rewarding and the life skills they develop throughout the training and programme are useful for later life.


Mobile Devices

Students are allowed to bring mobile devices into school; however, we do expect students to take responsibility for the safety and security of expensive electrical devices. Students in the Lower School (i.e. First, Second and Third Forms) must lock away their mobile telephones (not Surfaces) on arrival at school and are not permitted to use them during the school day. In all other year groups, mobile telephones and other personal electronic devices must be in silent mode when carried in school and not appear during lesson time without the explicit permission of the teacher. They may not be used in the school buildings except by Sixth Form students in the Sixth Form Centre and break out area. Failure to comply with these rules will result in sanctions and the confiscation of the mobile telephone until the end of the school day. Form Tutors will brief their tutees on both the rules and the use of mobile telephones, relevant to their year group.

We would recommend that, in addition to the School’s regular programme of education on online safety and security, parents reiterate to their sons the importance of e-safety and ensure that the relevant controls are in place on devices used at home.

Monday Period 8 Activities

On Monday afternoons (for Fourth Form students and above), starting at 3.20pm, and on five Field Days throughout the school year, the RGS provides activities which develop the capacity for leadership, service and personal responsibility. All students, at the beginning of the Fourth Form, opt to join either the Combined Cadet Force (Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force) or Outdoor Pursuits, our non-uniformed activity group. As the students progress through the School, the options expand and include Art Appreciation, Bridge, Climbing, Drama, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Music Scholars, Lifesaving and Surfing, Primary and Secondary School Tutoring Projects, Road Cycling, Rock Music, Set Construction, Sports Leadership and Volunteering. On Mondays, Period 8 activities usually finish no later than 4.45pm.



The School boasts an extensive range of orchestras, choirs, bands, and other ensembles and has an extremely high reputation for the quality of its music-making. There is a full and wide-ranging programme of concerts every term including monthly public concerts in Holy Trinity Church, Guildford in addition to a busy schedule of rehearsals and performances within school.

Many boys take instrumental lessons at the School and there is a team of over 30 visiting teachers who offer expert tuition on a range of instruments. Lessons usually take place within the normal school day on a rotational basis so that boys do not miss the same academic lesson more than once per term.

Parental Involvement

Parents’ presence at school functions of all kinds is warmly encouraged and, indeed, the strong sense of community at the RGS is one of the School’s great strengths. Your son will be provided with a copy of the School Calendar at the start of each term.

The RGS Parents’ Association provides a number of opportunities for parents to meet formally and informally and to become actively involved in the life of the School.


Parents’ Association

The RGS Parents’ Association (RGSPA) is an important part of the school community and aims to provide opportunities for everyone at the RGS to come together socially and at the same time raise funds to benefit the students. Membership of the Association is free and is automatically extended to all parents.

What does the RGSPA do?

• Arranges socials for parents, staff, and students. At the beginning of each academic year, the RGSPA organises informal welcome events to help them meet fellow parents and integrate into the school community. Other social events are also organised annually.

• Helps at various events run by the School.

• Runs the sale of secondhand uniform and goods (SHUGS). Sales of good quality uniform, sports kit and other goods are regularly held.

• O ver the past few years, the RGSPA has raised tens of thousands of pounds which has been spent on a wide variety of equipment: some large, like a new boat for the sailing club or a new electronic double bass for the Music Department, a 3D printer for Technology, a new electronic scoreboard for Bradstone Brook, and some small, like a digital camera for photography club and board games for Lower School tutor groups.

• Money raised is also used to help provide sponsorship of students undertaking projects outside normal school life which have a charitable purpose or promote the School.

• In the lower year groups, there is also a network of class contacts, which do not necessarily need to be on the RGSPA committee. Intended to operate on an informal basis, the RGSPA endeavour to find a volunteer from each class who keeps their class up to date with what the RGSPA is doing and helps with planning and organising class social events.

How does the RGSPA work?

• The RGSPA has a committee of parent members, plus a senior member of the teaching staff. It usually meets once each half term to organise forthcoming events and agree use of funds.

• The meetings rarely last more than 90 minutes and take place at the RGS at 8.00pm. Observers are welcome: please feel free to attend and maybe even join the committee.

• Any amount of support is appreciated, and no-one will be asked to give more time than they can spare. If you’d like to find out more about how the school works and what life is like in upper years, think about joining the PA Committee. For more information on becoming an RGSPA committee member or a class contact, email

How does the RGSPA communicate?

The RGSPA uses for contacting Tutor Groups, year groups and the parent body. is a private and secure website, which is fully GDPR compliant. As well as providing mobile-friendly Tutor Group lists and contact details for your year group, it will enable you to communicate easily with your year group and will facilitate the organisation of social events, such as meeting informally with your son’s Tutor Group prior to starting in September. Parents can share as much as or as little contact information with other parents as they like, and can even keep their own email address private whilst still receiving messages. The RGSPA use Classlist for all communication to parents. We are able to email all parents and send emails using details which you have already agreed for us to share. You can choose which contact details to share with your year group and enter them securely on the site. Classlist does not share contact details with third parties. You should have already received an email about this providing further information.


Pastoral Support

Respect, tolerance and understanding of others characterise daily life at the RGS and the very strong rapport between students and teachers makes for a vibrant community.

Treating each student as an individual and providing a supportive, positive environment is at the heart of our philosophy. The students establish lasting relationships within the year group; in addition, the house system, mentoring, and role of all senior students as prefects ensure friendships are forged throughout the School. The outstanding pastoral care on offer from dedicated form tutors, Heads of Section, Heads of Year, peer mentors and personal tutors, all overseen by the Senior Deputy Head, enables the students to thrive in a mutually supportive environment where every student can flourish as an individual in a community which is felt to be secure, sympathetic and supportive. The presence of the School Nurse, Head of Learning Support and the School Counsellor provide further professional, bespoke support as required.

A sense of community is at the centre of RGS life and whole-school assemblies nurture a feeling of belonging and pride. A diverse, stimulating assembly programme provides the opportunity for collective worship and broadens the students’ horizons while reinforcing a tolerant set of values and a strong moral compass. A carefully tailored, and regularly evaluated, tutor and PSHME programme is topical and age appropriate for students growing up in the twenty-first century.

It is important that the School is kept informed of such things as illness and injury, problems at home, unhappiness, changes of parental circumstances and, of course, changes of address and telephone number.

The School’s policies on student safeguarding, anti-bullying and other relevant policies can be found on the School’s website at

Policies and Procedures

The following policies and procedures are available on the School’s website for the interest of parents:

• Anti-Bullying

• Behaviour (Rewards and Sanctions)


• Safeguarding

• School Rules

• Trips and Extra-Curricular



The School does not accept responsibility for the personal property and effects of students. Students are strongly discouraged from bringing valuable items to School. All items, including clothing, must be clearly and indelibly marked and students should report the loss of any such item immediately to their Form Tutor. Theft, borrowing without the express permission of the owner, or otherwise interfering with the property of others are always treated very seriously.

Students are provided with a lockable locker for storage of their possessions. Money and valuables should not be left unattended; during Games periods they must be deposited in the School Office or as instructed by a member of the PE staff. Bags should not be left in corridors or outside of the School buildings. A list of all named items of lost property is circulated electronically to parents on a weekly basis. Lost valuables and kit are kept in the Lost Property Store.

PSHME and Tutor Periods

The School has a bespoke programme to deliver PSHME (Pastoral, Social, Health, and Moral Education). The statutory curriculum is delivered alongside additional topics that the School feels are relevant. In this way, the programme has a solid foundation but adapts to the changing needs of teenagers in a rapidly-moving society. The timetable in the Lower and Middle School provides a Tutor Period where students will consider, in an age-appropriate way, issues affecting their lives. In the Upper School this is done through Religious Education periods and the General Studies programme. These lessons can be led by the Tutor, or another member of the pastoral team or invited experts in the field. Year group assemblies are often used to deliver PSHME topics and occasionally the School will devote a half or full-day for deeper consideration of pertinent topics.


All necessary stationery and textbooks are provided by the School; however, some parents may prefer their sons to have their own atlas. If you wish to provide this for your son, the atlas should be the Oxford Student Atlas. For English, students are not expected to have a dictionary or thesaurus with them in school but they will need access to these, or an online equivalent, at home. Students are not allowed to use calculators in Mathematics until the Lent Term of the Second Form when they will require a scientific calculator. The CASIO FX-83 or 85 range is recommended as a suitable model for all subjects up to GCSE level; however, A Level Mathematics requires the additional functionality offered by the Casio FX-991 and this calculator can be used at GCSE as well (where some of its additional features can prove useful).

Rewards and Sanctions

The highest standards in collective and self-discipline are nurtured at the RGS. The ethos of the School promotes appropriate attitudes and values which are further encouraged through a system of rewards and sanctions. Rewards include Tutor Commendations, which will be countersigned by the student’s Tutor and contribute to Headmaster’s Commendations; these may be given to students in recognition of outstanding performance or for receiving five Tutor Commendations. Formal sanctions are used rarely and only when deemed strictly necessary. These include detentions which take place at lunchtime, after school or, exceptionally, on Saturday mornings.

Social Media

The School has official Twitter (@RGSGuildford), Facebook (RGS Guildford) and Instagram (rgs_guildford) accounts. These social media platforms provide an opportunity for parents to gain an insight into daily life at the RGS and an indication of the wealth of activities and successes achieved by RGS students. Regular updates and photographs provide a colourful and diverse view of the School. By following one of the social media channels you will keep updated with regular news from the School.



The School has a full and diverse programme of sporting fixtures during the school week and at weekends which are all posted on the website and the School Calendar. The School expects those students selected for fixtures to represent the School and wholeheartedly welcomes the support of parents at these matches.

Traditionally, the RGS has expected all new students to take part in a range of sports which includes rugby, hockey and cricket and/ or athletics in their respective seasons. In the later years at RGS, more choices are on offer from which students can select (with the exception of the top players in our major sports). This arrangement is both to offer students experience of a broad range of sports and to develop their wider sporting skills. Parents should note that the School does not plan to change this policy and that students joining the School should do so in the expectation that they will be required to play compulsory sports unless they have an overriding medical condition that precludes them from doing so. Upon selection, attendance at school fixtures is compulsory and should take priority over any out of school sporting commitments. Requests for absence from fixtures must be made to the Director of Sport with at least two weeks’ notice.

As part of the First Form weekly timetabled Physical Education lessons, the students have a half-termly rotation of swimming and a general sports programme.

Cricket and rugby fixtures predominantly take place at the School’s Sports Ground, Bradstone Brook, Hornhatch Lane, Chilworth GU4 8AT. Please note that for Health and Safety reasons, dogs are not allowed on the School grounds.

Hockey matches are played at Guildford Hockey Club at Broadwater School, Summers Road, Godalming GU7 3BW. Athletics meetings are held at Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford GU1 1UP.

Sports practices take place during lunch-times and after school and are usually finished by 6.00pm at the very latest. If the practice occurs off-site, transport will be provided.

Sports Cancellations

The unreliability of British weather can result in weekend sports fixtures being cancelled. We make every effort to keep the matches on each Saturday; however, in the event of games being cancelled we aim to notify parents quickly and efficiently. The hosting school is responsible for cancelling away fixtures but the aim is to make a decision on cancellation prior to our coach or minibus leaving the RGS.

If the weather is poor on a Saturday, please do the following before you leave home:

1. Check the RGS sports website which is updated regularly:

2. In the event of a number of cancellations an alert will appear on the Home page of the main school website www.

3. The same information will also be posted on @RGSGCricket, @RGSGHockey or @RGSGRugby Twitter, and then retweeted on the main @RGSGuildford Twitter account.

4. If you are dropping off your son at School or at G Live for an away fixture, please wait for the coach to travel before you leave.


Sports Practices

In addition to the timetabled games slot, each year group will have an additional after-school training slot each week. This traditionally takes place from 4.00 – 6.00pm, at the latest; confirmation of the day and location are printed in the termly calendar.


Located in the centre of Guildford, the RGS is well placed geographically and easily accessible by public transport. The RGS is committed to supporting sustainable means of transport and wherever possible encourages the students to walk or cycle, use public transport, or to share lifts. Bicycles can be safely secured at the School; all students cycling to and from School are strongly advised to wear a cycle helmet, those embarking on cycling activities under the School’s supervision are required to wear cycle helmets.

A comprehensive network of bus routes connects Guildford with the towns and villages throughout Surrey and beyond. Maps of bus routes into and around Guildford, along with timetables and fares, can be found at

The School is served by two train stations, Guildford Main Line Station and London Road (Guildford) Station, both of which are within walking distance of the School. Fast trains connect Guildford with London Waterloo (37 minutes), Haslemere (15 minutes), Oxshott (23 minutes) and Woking (8 minutes). Further information about train times, fares and routes can be found at and

Students are advised to factor in sufficient time to pick up their belongings, including mobile phones, at the end of the day and to walk to the station in a safe manner.



Governors and Teaching Staff


Mrs SK Creedy Chairman of Governors

Mrs H Styche-Patel....................................................................... Vice-Chairman

Mrs KT Atkinson

Mrs FE Carter

Mr SGS Gimson

Professor M Humphreys

Mr TE Lingard

Dr LSK Linton

Mrs M-L Logue

Mr S Meredith


Mr M More-Molyneux

Mrs N Nelson-Smith

The Earl of Onslow, High Steward of Guildford

Ms K Spasić

Professor HE Treharne

Mr NEJ Vineall

Mr MJ Windsor

Dr JM Cox Headmaster

Mr AU Woodman Senior Deputy Head

Mrs JSR Thorpe Deputy Head

Mr JW Pressley Senior Master

Mrs KM Perceval Bursar and Clerk to the Governors

Mr RA Ukiah Chief Operating Officer

Mr NW Gough

Assistant Head (DSL and Wellbeing)

Miss NS Goul-Wheeker Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning)

Mr TW Shimell Assistant Head (Partnerships)

Mr NE Wild

Mr DSJ Wright

Mr SJH Yetman

Assistant Head (Operations)

Assistant Head (Curriculum)

Assistant Head (Co-curricular)




Mrs RF Shepherd *

Ms F Khan-Evans

Mr KA Trim

Mrs AA Wood


Mrs A Battersby (ABA)

Mr S Burns * (SBU)

Mr M Chamberlain

Dr JM Cox

Ms EL Cuthbertson

Mrs JSR Thorpe

Mr AU Woodman


Dr JS Braithwaite

Ms N Dann

Dr S Khan (maternity leave)

Mr W-S Lau *

Dr CC McGeady

Mr TW Shimell

Dr LA Whall

Mr M Williams (maternity cover)


Mr EKD Bush *

Mr B Callaghan

Dr G Fanti-Byrne (GIF)

Miss NS Goul-Wheeker

Mr PG Nathan

Mr PL Palmer

Mr JW Pressley

Design and Technology

Mr M Bailey (MBA)

Mr AJ Colebrook

Mr JB Kelly *


Miss SJ Cox (maternity leave)

Ms NC McClean *

Ms A Tamblyn (maternity cover)


Mrs GS Bownes

Mr DT Chapman

Mr NW Gough

Mr RE Presley

Mr JD Stratford *

Mr DSJ Wright


Mr D Amis (DA)

Mrs HM Curtis

Dr EA McEwan

Mrs CG Moon

Mr JG Muchmore

Mr NM Patel

Ms TT Wijesinghe *


Mr WD Cowx

Mr TE Fishpool

Mrs GM Richards

Mrs HE Tarasewicz

Mrs RG Waters *

Mr JC Witts

Mrs A Woodman (AWO)


Mr JM Davies *

Mr AC Dodd

Mr FCB Evans

Mr DN Holliday

Mr WHN Spouge


Learning Support

Mrs S Hussan * (SHU)

Ms NC Strivens


Mr SG Black *

Mrs IE Busby

Mr JA Casale

Mr RD Crew

Mr PJ Dunscombe

Mr C George (CG)

Mr AR Gyford

Mr AWJ Hadley

Mr M Hanak-Hammerl

Dr DJ Jackson

Mr MR Jenkins

Mr P Johnson

Mr AB Kirkland

Dr LA Kurian

Mr S Ling-Winston

Mr NC Pinhey

Dr JO Varney

Mr CH Wakeling

Mrs DB Webster

Modern Languages

Mr SJ Baker

Dr MM Creagh

Mr W Dugdale *

Mr RJA Lemaire

Mr AR Lowe

Mr J Marchiafava (JM)

Mrs RJ Rathmell

Miss GE Spencer

Mrs N Wilson (NW)


Mr DH Chambers

Miss LA Eaton

Ms I Garvie (IGA)

Miss JE Newman

Mr SJ Orchard *

Mr PH White

Miss LJA Wild

Physical Education

Mr MF Baggs

Mr D Bartram

Mr RC Black

Mr GDG Cover *

Mr B Dudley (BDU)

Mr SD Gaynor

Mr JDN Lythgoe

Mr BJD Rogers

Mr I Wilkes (IW)


Mr MA Burbidge

Mr J Holland

Mr LM Holland

Mr JP Hood *

Mrs NL Odhams

Mr MRF Royds

Dr R Sisca


Mr TJJ Owens *

Religious Studies

Mr T Foster (TFO)

Mr K Galpin

Mr RB Meadowcroft *

Mr KP Tayar

Mr NE Wild

* An asterisk denotes Head of Department



Mrs KM Perceval

Bursar and Clerk to the Governors

Mr RA Ukiah Chief Operating Officer


Mrs JP Beech

School Office Administrator

Mrs MP Buylla Archivist

Mrs SM Doyle Music Administrator

Mrs KA Edwards PA to Bursar and Governors

Ms SL Foster PE Administrator

Miss JL Hodson-Walker Front Office Lead

Miss L Holmes (EHO)

SMT Administrator

Mrs SL Kidgell PA to Senior Deputy Head and Heads of Year

Miss JE Marchington

School Office Receptionist

Mrs GM Webb Partnerships and Publications Assistant

Admissions and Marketing

Mrs NL McCoy

Miss SA Peacock

Marketing and Communications Manager

Marketing and Communications Assistant

Mrs KL Sweet Head of Admissions (Registrar and Marketing)

Development and Alumni Relations

Mrs HS Dixon

Marketing and Communications

Mrs PM Green Alumni Relations Officer

Ms M Popa (MPO)

Development Director *

Miss LE Shires Development and Alumni Administrator


Mr R Elliott Groundsman

Mr CM Eyre Deputy Grounds Manager

Mr W Fernandes (WFE) General Assistant

Ms KE Jones Deputy Estates Manager

Mr RB King Grounds Manager

Mr P Lyons (PL) Head of Estates *

Mr BL Mundell General Assistant

Mr NT Phillips Groundsman

Mr AKK Poon Site Manager

Mr MS Robbins General Assistant


Mrs GE Barratt Examinations and Database Support

Dr JL Bodmer Examinations Officer

Expeditions and Activities

Mr CS Mansfield School Staff Instructor, Expeditions & Activities

Mr RB Payne

Expeditions & Activities

Mr CP Scampton Head of Outdoor Education


Mrs DM Banks Management Accountant, Financial Planning & Analysis

Mr PB Channing Head of Finance *

Mrs SE Lucas Accounts Assistant (Billing Ledger)

Mrs JE Markwell Accounts Assistant (Purchase Ledger)

Ms GL Melbourne Webb Payroll and Benefits Lead

To be confirmed

Finance Manager

Mrs CM Stevenson Assistant Accountant


Headmaster’s Office

Miss JL McAllister

Health and Welfare

Mr N House (NHO)

Mrs EK Jeffery

Mrs R Jones (RJO)

Headmaster’s PA

Health and Safety Manager

School Counsellor

School Counsellor

Mrs SB Pontin School Nurse

Human Resources

Mrs JC Isaacs

Mrs KL Rourke

Head of Human Resources

Human Resources Assistant

Ms HA Wigram Recruitment Manager


Mr CJ Lee

IT Services & Data Management

Mr M Bettridge (MBE)

Mr A Budha (AB)

Mrs M Chmylko (MCH)

Mr SF Comer

Mr G Elliott-Davies

Mr JW Orkney

International Operations Director

Assistant IT Systems Engineer

IT Systems Engineer

Assistant Data Manager

IT Service Delivery Manager

Data Manager

IT Technician

Mr JK Rivers Director of IT *

Mr J Scott (JSC)

Mr RB Stegman

Language Assistants

Ms O Hamonic (OHA)

To be confirmed

To be confirmed


Mrs TF Farthing

Mrs CM Bottari


Mrs R Bolton (RBO)

Mrs LH Gordon

Mrs J Janmohamed (JJA)

Mrs LS Petrie

Ms C Rendueles (CRE)


Mr C Davidge (CDA)

Mr A Evans (AEV)

IT Technician

IT Apprentice

French Language Assistant

German Language Assistant

Spanish Language Assistant

Librarian *

Library Assistant

Lunchtime Supervisor

Cover Supervisor

Part-time Cover Supervisor

Lunchtime Supervisor

Break and Lunchtime Supervisor

Art Technician

Physics Technician

Mrs JM James Chemistr y Technician

Mr JE John

Technology Technician

Mrs EJ Latham Chemistr y Technician

Mrs MH Lewin

Mrs K Osborne

Mrs EJ Straw

Mrs S Thomas (STH)

Physics Technician

Combined Science Technician

Biology Technician

Combined Science Technician

40 INDEX RGS Nomenclature ............................................................................................... 6 Absence 6 Appearance 7 Assessment 7 Attendance 8 Bounds 9 Clothing Expectations and Regulations ...................................................... 9 Clubs and Societies ............................................................................................11 Communication ..................................................................................................12 Contact Details 14 Curriculum 15 Daily Routine 16 Dates 16 Digital Provision 17 Field Days...............................................................................................................17 Fire Procedure ......................................................................................................17 Food .........................................................................................................................17 Health at the RGS 18 Maps of the RGS 20 Homework 22 House System 23 LAMDA 23 Languages .............................................................................................................24 Learning Support and Educational Needs ...............................................24 Mallison Library ...................................................................................................25 Mentoring 26 Mobile Devices 27 Monday Period 8 Activities 27 Music 28 Parental Involvement 28 Parents’ Association ...........................................................................................29 Pastoral Support .................................................................................................30 Policies and Procedures ...................................................................................30 Possessions 31 PSHME and Tutor Periods 31 Resources 31 Rewards and Sanctions 31 Social Media 31 Sport ........................................................................................................................32 Sports Cancellations ..........................................................................................32 Sports Practices ...................................................................................................33 Travel 33 Addendum: Governors and Staff 35
Royal Grammar School High Street, Guildford GU1 3BB Telephone: 01483 880600

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