Low Cost Ways to Thank Your Employees for their Hard Work

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Low Cost Ways to Thank Your Employees for their Hard Work

Try to Appreciate 

Your employees deserve to be recognized for the hard work they’re putting in for the company, the clients, and even their work colleagues.

This will help motivate them to continue the good work and also inspire others to work as hard.

You need not always shell out huge cash to make your team members happy.

Here are Employee Rewards you can give out as a Way of Saying Thanks

Treat them out Spa, Yoga, or Gym Passes 

When your employees are healthy, they will also be able to do more in there task.

You don’t have to sign them up for membership on sports, health, or wellness facilities, but you can give them passes they can use at least one time.

It won’t cost much, plus if your employees are already passionate about these things, your present will go a long way to showing that you care about them.

Go for Physical Activity Outside 

Surprise your employees by taking them out to a recreational or leisure facility.

Your employees will have the chance to bond with each other and it’s also a good way to relax and distress.

You might want to do it on a Friday afternoon to kick start the weekend early.

Upgrade Office Facilities 

You don’t have to focus on your best employees alone.

Take a look at upgrades or office products you can purchase for your team.

Whether that means stocking up your pantry, exchanging employee chairs for something more comfortable, adding a small recreational area, all those will make your employees happier at work.

Remember and Celebrate Employee Birthdays 

Not everyone is keen to celebrating their birthdays, but if someone else will be doing it for you, it means a lot.

Buying your employees cake or taking everyone for a snack are great ways to say you remember your employee’s special day.

Share Movie or Concert Tickets 

For your best employees, reward them with something they’ll surely remember. .

You can also make this one a tradition in the office.

Get them tickets to shows of their favorite band or music artists.

Use a work day so your employees will feel as if it’s a weekend or after work hours.

Express Kindness to your Employees 

As they say, it’s the thought that counts.

If you want to make things easier and even more cost-effective, you can also partner with companies that specialize in employee rewards and benefits.

So the next time you need presents for your team members, the experts can take care of everything for you.

Check These Out! 

Brought to you by Concierge Desk. Concierge Desk provides rewards and benefits program designed to be custom made for your company’s employees or clients.

From employee and member benefits programs, to recognition and reward programs, we offer something for every organization's budget.

For more info on fun incentives for employees, check out: https://www.conciergedesk.com.au

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