Cost Effective Ways to Reward Your Employees

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Cost Effective Ways to Reward Your Employees

Reward your Team Member 

If money is not an issue, you probably will give your best employees raises and bonuses as often as you possibly can. However, this is not feasible in the real world. Budget and expenses will always be a concern in business operations. That does not mean, though, that you can no longer show your appreciation to your employees.


There are several ways, apart from monetary incentives, on how you can reward and show you value your team members.

Here are some tips on how you can express your gratitude to your employees and motivate them to work harder:

Share Handwritten Notes 

Nothing beats thank you, greeting, and congratulatory letters you personally penned. Take time to pass on notes to your employees who may be celebrating their birthdays or any special occasion or performed well at work.

This won’t cost you a penny. Plus, everyone will sure appreciate a genuine note. Forget the gift cards. Even a clean sheet of ordinary paper or a sticky note will do long as you’re sincere with your message. This simple gesture will go a long way to helping improve employee engagement.

Host Events 

Whether it’s a simple tea or barbeque party, your employees will love taking few hours off their work to bond with the rest of the team.

Having a break will allow your team members to relax and recharge, which is necessary especially on stressful work days. You won’t have to spend a fortune for this and you can throw one anytime you prefer. No time-consuming preparations needed.

Showcase Great Work 

Post names of your top performing employees for everyone to see. Show that you appreciate the hard work of your team members and that you are grateful for their efforts.


A sincere handshake or pat on the back are welcome too. Maintaining a leaderboard at work where names of your best employees are showcased and regularly updated will help inspire others to do better on their job.

Pass on Gift Cards 

Work-related or personal milestones should be celebrated. And it doesn't have to be lavish. Share gift cards to your employees to their favorite coffee or pastry shop. Or perhaps hand in tickets to an event they would love to go to.

While you can’t personally take your employees to an event or to a restaurant, a note and a gift card will work the same way as saying you notice and appreciate them.

Give Them Some Time Off Work 

Everyone loves a break from the office. Allow your employees spend time with their loved ones or on other things they are passionate about.

Reward them with a day off for their achievements and let them choose when they want to have it. Of course, assure them that this won’t affect their pay check and they will still be paid on days they won’t be in the office.

Organize Trips 

Partner with an employee rewards company to help you organize travels with your team members. Take this opportunity to visit places or meet people relevant to your business.

Don’t hesitate to talk about expenses. Experts have ways to help ensure that company trips you’re taking will make your employees happy and won’t hurt your budget.

Check these Out! 

Investing in your employees is investing in your business. Take good care of your team members and they will take good care of your business. Always take every opportunity you can (because it doesn’t have to be costly) to show you value everyone in your team.

Brought to you by Concierge Desk. Concierge Desk provides rewards and benefits program designed to be custom made for your company’s employees or clients. For more info on employee rewards, check out:

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