Coparmex Querétaro

Page 39

el “grito de Dolores”, todos los conjurados estaban ya presos

Ciudad de México cae en manos del ejército invasor; es

en Querétaro, incluso el corregidor y su esposa; el primero

por esto que el gobierno proclama a Santiago de Queré-

en el convento de la cruz y la segunda en el de Santa Clara.

taro como la capital de México. Es aquí donde se firma

Poco tiempo después fueron liberados y el corregidor resti-

el Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo, el cual pone fin al con-

tuido en su empleo. A pesar de ello, Josefa Ortiz de Domín-

flicto bélico y obliga a México a ceder más de la mitad de

guez siguió siendo activa partidaria de la revolución que

su territorio en la frontera norte del país. Durante las

había estallado gracias a la oportunidad de su aviso.

guerras de Reforma y la Intervención Francesa, Queréta-

Una vez decretada la independencia, en 1821, Que-

ro fue escenario de continuas batallas entre Liberales y

rétaro se constituye como un estado de la Federación el

Conservadores, sufriendo las terribles consecuencias, ya

4 de octubre de 1824.

que en ese tiempo se perdieron grandes monumentos, así

Spanish authorities and these ones quickly proceeded to

Once the Independence was decreed in 1821, Queré-

stop the movement, and arrived to the houses to the

taro established as a state of the federation on October

conspirators to send them to jail.

4th 1824.

But Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez warned Hidalgo and

During the war with the United States in 1847, Queré-

he rushed to begin the fight for the Mexican independence

taro was named the capital of Mexico, when the USA army

the morning of September 16th 1810.

invaded the city and they signed the treaty of Guadalupe

Almost at the same time Hidalgo and his partners were beginning the fight in Dolores, the other conspir-

Hidalgo, that ended the war with the USA and when Mexico lost the half of its territory.

ators were in the prison of Queretaro, even “the Cor-

During the wars of the reformation and the French

regidor “ and his wife, “the Corregidor” was in the

intervention, Queretaro was the place where many battles

convent of the cross and Josefa Ortíz, his wife was in

between liberals and conservatives took place, suffering

Santa Clara. They were released after a while and he

terrible consequences. Those days great monuments and

got his job back. Even though Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez

valuable artistic treasures were lost; many temples were

kept being an active member of the revolution, that

demolished and their bases devastated, and their baroque

started because of her warnings.

wooden altars were thrown to the fire.

Querétaro hoy | Historia

Durante la guerra contra Estados Unidos, en 1847, la

coparmex querétaro xxxv aniversario

Casi a la misma hora en que Hidalgo y sus compañeros daban


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