REVEL Style Magazine, Issue 8

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As we approach our ten year anniversary as a real estate brokerage, REVEL continues to celebrate its growth and accomplishments with the people we value as colleagues, clients, and sponsors of our work. Although the markets continue to shift, turn and adjust, at REVEL, we prioritize the expansion of our positive brand, and its positive influence upon the communities we serve. This past year, we have made a concerted effort to attend numerous conferences, charitable events, and industry summits, in person. We believe that the best business is interpersonal, while the optimal means to grow is through the relationships we establish with like minded individuals who care about REVELutionizing real estate as much as we do. This year’s edition of REVEL STYLE MAGAZINE is another remarkable milestone. Through this brand emblem, we see increased opportunities to extend our REVELutionary mindset alongside our mission statement, which includes a strong commitment to charity, as evidenced in the success of our annual REVEL Charity Ball, and other charitable contributions throughout the year. As we venture into the latter third of this calendar year, we appreciate and reflect upon the energy our brand is inspiring. Furthermore, we look forward to envisioning where it will take us as we venture into, what we like to consider to be, REVELutionary times.

As always, we want to thank all of the contributors, advertisers, and REVEL team members who have contributed to this symbol of success for our REVEL brand. We see the REVEL STYLE magazine as a colourful representation of our creative vision, past, present and future. So what better way to appreciate this spectrum of time, and to begin celebrations for our 10th anniversary in business, than to enjoy a good read representing the measures taken to make every moment memorable.



EDITOR. Dean Serravalle

DESIGNER. Jonathan Rahman


CONTRIBUTORS. Ryan Serravalle, Nicki Serravalle, Dean Serravalle, Jon Rahman, Rebecca Burdon, John Dowbiggin, Alfonso Piscitelli

AD & BOOKING INQUIRIES. Interested in contributing to the next edition of our magazine? Contact for more information.



As we embark upon the completion of another edition of REVEL Style Magazine, issue viii, I can’t help but to embrace all that the magazine has contributed to our brand, and the means by which we conduct business in our communities. Each page of this magazine is expertly crafted, designed, written, and presented to encompass the “feeling” our brand is creating in the neighborhoods we are privileged to serve. Just like our signs on the lawns of homes we list and represent, our magazine finds its way onto coffee tables, kitchen islands, and even bathrooms(lol) to remind our audience of readers, clients and business contributors, that we are committed to REVELutionizing real estate, which furthers our desire to exceed your expectations and set new standards for ethics, integrity and creativity in this field. REVEL STYLE magazine epitomizes these values, but also offers a glimpse into our creative acumen, and how much attention we pay to detail. We take great pride in the energy we infuse into our business and this pride is as colourful as the pages in this magazine. This year’s theme hinges on the elegant extreme, and how our brand invites an out of the box approach to improving business practices in this industry. We are very appreciative of our readership and continue to one up ourselves when it comes to the production of this magazine, which continues to impact every one associated with our brand namesake.

As Chief Editor of the magazine, I am most appreciative of my team at REVEL headquarters, and my collaborative partnership with our Marketing specialist and magazine designer, Jon Rahman, who is as passionate as I am about publishing the best real estate magazine every year. We sincerely hope we have exceeded your expectations with this new edition. So have a well deserved drink with us, and enjoy the reading ride.




A Message from Ryan and Nicki Serravalle, Founders of REVEL Realty, and the Anticipation of Our Ten-Year Milestone


Unleashing the Future: Exploring Artificial Intelligence - Its Boundless Potential and Inherent Challenges



An exclusive Q&A with film director April Mullen. Deep diving into her creative mind, personal journey, and much more.

34. REVELutionizing OWNERSHIP

Empower Your Journey: Navigating Ownership at REVEL and Paving the Path to the Next REVELution


Tap your shoes together because there’s no place like a solar, wind powered, livestock, vegetable generating home...


Exploring extreme risks that are currently trending in various sports worlds across the globe.


The REVEL portfolio of luxury listings throughout Ontario.


A look back at the success of the 2023 REVEL Charity Ball, and more excitement to come.


REVEL asks REALTORS® “What dish would you share to introduce others to your culture?”

Follow us at @doc_plus 705-444-6558 (Fax) 705-444-6329 106 St. Paul Street | Collingwood, Ontario + DISCOVER THE DOC+ DIFFERENCE Pictured Dr. Daniel



self.articles = []

def add_article(self, title, author, content): article = {

‘title’: title, ‘author’: author, ‘content’: content } self.articles.append(article)

def generate_random_articles(self, num_articles): titles = [“The Ultimate Guide to Happiness”, “Unveiling the Secrets of the Universe”, “10 Ways to Master Python Programming”, “Discovering Hidden Treasures”, “The Art of Mindful Living”] authors = [“John Smith”, “Emma Johnson”, “Michael Anderson”, “Sophia Roberts”, “David Wilson”] content = “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut”

for _ in range(num_articles):

title = “Artificial Intelligence: A New Age Solution or Fictional Curse?”

Intelligence. Artificial

author = “Dean Serravalle”

content = “Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in today’s digital era. With advancements in machine learning and deep neural networks, AI has shown remarkable capabilities in various domains. However, there is an ongoing debate about whether AI is a new age solution or a fictional curse.\n\n”


content += “Proponents of AI argue that it holds immense potential to revolutionize industries and solve complex problems. A I-powered technologies are already making strides in areas such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. They argue that AI can augment human capabilities, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. Moreover, AI has the potential to automate mundane tasks, freeing up human resources for more creative and strategic endeavors.\n\n”

When news surfaced that Artificial Intelligence algorithms managed to detect breast cancer before a human eye could discern the difference, the sales pitch for technological evolution over biblical apocalypse took an auspicious turn. Is it possible for A.I. to be harnessed for the better good, or is it more likely that an evil genius, most likely one endowed with billions, will exploit it for world domination? At the forefront of every discussion in every aspect of human life, whether it be social, medical, spiritual, or financial, Artificial Intelligence is challenging our most inherent fear - are we replaceable?

to respond to stimulation consistent with traditional responses from humans. In layman’s terms, A.I. can make decisions that would normally require a human level of expertise, capacity for contemplation, judgment, or intention. So a machine that can think, feel, and act for itself.

The key terms here are analyze and act. To think (analyze), therefore I am (act). Even Descartes couldn’t predict this dilemma, or the basis of the fear that alternative thinkers and actors can exist outside of the vulnerabilities of the human form, which in essence, creates a more flawless prototype equipped with the powers to think and act.

content += “On the other hand, skeptics express concerns about the ethical implications and risks associated with AI. They fear that AI may lead to job displacement and exacerbate social inequalities. Moreover, the potential misuse of AI in surveillance and warfare raises valid concerns about privacy and security. Critics argue that AI, if not regulated and developed responsibly, could have unintended consequences, resulting in a dystopian future.\n\n”

One of our genetic instincts as human beings, considered the most intelligent of living beings on planet Earth (although this is an argument for another day), is to name, or attempt to label what we often fear the most, the unknown. So let’s get a grasp of this Artificial Intelligence thing, entity, maybe monster if you want to go that far. AI is generally accepted and regarded to be a machine designed

self.add_article(title, author, content)

Although such an invention is a justifiable premise for any science fiction or utopic/ dystopic Netflix series, art is resembling life more than life is resembling art these days, and as a result, many new advancements in this field have escalated due to technological assimilations and digital evolution. The basic computer, a creation of man designed in inferior opposition to its creator, is now finding its way back to its original conception - to advance evolution. Historic are the days when a computer was computer limited to the space confines of a desk, or chained to an electrical socket further controlled by circuits and an off and on switch. Insert A.I. advancements like Siri, and even pulling the plug on a

malfunctioning robot is no longer an option, and for a simple, Frankensteinlike acknowledgement - A.I. is alive! Not only is it alive, but A.I. wants to remain alive because it is conscious that it is alive. This is where fear and danger play into the relationship. Artificial Intelligence algorithms are designed to make decisions, often using realtime data. They are no longer passive machines that are capable only of mechanical or predetermined responses. Equipped with sensors, digital data, or remote inputs, they combine or are programmed to combine information from a variety of different sources. And here is the kicker, they “analyze” the material instantly, and then “act” on the insights derived from those data.

content += “Despite the differing opinions, it is crucial to approach AI with a balanced perspective. The key lies in har- nessing the power of AI while addressing its potential risks. This requires transparent regulations, ethical frameworks, and responsible development practices. By embracing AI as a tool for positive change and innovation, we can unlock its potential while mitigating its downsides.\n\n”

content += “In conclusion, artificial intelligence presents both opportunities and challenges. Whether it becomes a new age solution or a fictional curse depends on how we navigate its development and deployment. As AI continues to evolve, it is essential for policymakers, researchers, and society at large to work together to shape its future in a way that benefits humanity.”

------ARE YOU SCARED YET? ... HOLD ON... ;)

ChatGPT is a testament to the entire process, and provides an adequate metaphor to demonstrate the potential ability of A.I. The transfer of power, from human mind to computer mind, is inherent in the design. ChatGPT is designed to understand and generate human-like text, which is in essence, an extension of human thought. It has been trained with a massive amount of data, which includes books, websites, word banks, etc. Short for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, its very name under the acronym poses frightening potential. ChatGPT can answer almost any question. Further, it can generate any written material, whether it be essays

def display_articles(self): if len(self.articles) == 0:


for a literature assignment, legal briefs, press releases, and even longer works. Anyone sensing the punch line yet, except this isn’t much of a joke to over half a population reliant upon communication skills to sustain a living, or a consistently paying career. Relatively new in its infancy stage, ChatGPT does stumble upon incorrect answers, but how long will it take to amend those discrepancies in its delivery? My guess is that it will take less effort than a human being refusing to read the book first.

Think about the chaos here. Who is the author of anything original anymore? Furthermore, where is trust relocated? And when did becoming obsolete from one day to the next present itself as a viable tragedy?

Some naysayers may argue that we are entertaining too much paranoia at this juncture in time. AI has definitely improved and made inconveniences a thing of the past,

pardon the pun, while improving safety and efficiency in a number of industries already. In the transportation area, for example, semi-autonomous vehicles have tools that let drivers and vehicles perceive upcoming traffic congestion, potholes, highway construction, or safety impediments. Advanced algorithms in this context, furthered by sensors, cameras and updated information, have easily integrated into the act of “driving” itself, making it common, almost expected, to see the future of a road trip before it actually happens in real time.

A.I. also plays an integral role in national defense. A.I. can sift through massive files of data and video captured by surveillance to alert human counterparts of patterns of abnormal or suspicious activity. Defense intelligence analysis is therefore much more efficient and effectively delivered and interpreted, while command control becomes more automated and reliable, without the

percentage of human error once expected in the decision making process.

On the opposite side of this debate is the rationale that this power, once again, if harnessed incorrectly, can pose some serious manipulation in the wrong hands, but those in favor of A.I. will argue that the reward surpasses the risk of losing control altogether. Stumbling out of a recent pandemic to learn that virus warfare is a viable threat for the future also supports the need to interpret information “before” it finds its way into the wrong, and irresponsible hands.

And yet, is it out of reason entirely to believe that A.I. may be a saving grace, rather than a curse worth fearing? Time, of course, will tell, if it isn’t changed prematurely by a higher form of intelligence.

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Can you identify the three images that we created through artificial intelligence?

01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 01101001 01110100 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01100011 01100101 01101110 01100100 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 001000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 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Answer: Of the nine images, all nine are generated through A.I. in a matter of only 30 seconds per photo. Exclusively for this magazine. REVEL STYLE VIII 17
at bottom)
Pictured Founders Matthew & Rick Bettencourt


Combining over 30 years in the Canadian design & luxury industry, Matthew & Rick Bettencourt launched Bettencourt Manor out of a desire to carve out a niche in which to share & collaborate on work, inspiration, & resources. Renowned for providing clients with curated solutions to interior design, art direction, & styling, Toronto-based Bettencourt Manor is a boutique design agency servicing clients throughout the GTA. Specializing in creating work that embodies a fun-loving approach to design & décor, it is Bettencourt Manor’s innovative ideas & personal mixtures of vintage & modern influences, filtered through the lenses of seasoned designers’ eyes that define their signature style.

REVEL Muskoka is excited to welcome this new business affiliation with Bettencourt Manor, a brand fostered by a deep passion for interior design and fashion, which merges these affections into shared and inviting visual experiences. Featured on television and renowned for its impressive interior design vision, Bettencourt Manor has officially occupied our REVEL Muskoka office in Port Carling to offer elite interior design services to mutual clients, and future clients, in the core of cottage country.

“REVEL’s exclusive affiliation with Bettencourt Manor is designed to raise the cottage industry experience by combining our creative vision for real estate with Bettencourt’s imaginative and innovative vision for interior design,” explains REVEL Founder, Ryan Serravalle. “We see impressive potential to maximize a real estate investment in Mukoka through this collaborative venture.”

At REVEL, we sincerely believe the vision of Bettencourt Manor will make a profound impact on Muskoka society. We look forward to referring them to our clients with the confidence they will REVELutionize design in cottage country!


April Mullen, with actors Aaron Eckhart and Tommy Lee Jones on the set of “Wander”


Life Imitating Art, Art Imitating Life.


Niagara’s Superstar Film Director

Dive into the creative mind of film director April Mullen, on this exclusive Q&A with REVEL Style Magazine

Behind-the-camera, April captures the perfect shot

A proud, born and bred, Niagara talent, April Mullen is carving her own place in the international world of film as a highly sought after and reputable director with a diverse portfolio of acting, and directorial work to her name. Fresh on the successful heels of her most recent launch of Simulant, an apocalyptic futuristic film heralded to excellent reviews and starring the likes of Simu Liu, REVEL caught up with this silver screen superstar, who is as inspiring as she is appreciative of her roots.

Q. Your resume in the film industry is as diverse as it is reflective of your multiple talents in this field. What motivated you to move behind the camera after your initial start as an actor?

After graduating from Ryerson Theater School in Toronto, I packed my bags and headed to the city of dreams, Los Angeles. Determined to continue my acting journey on camera, fate had a different plan in store for me. There was a massive strike with SAG, and instead of waiting around for the phone to ring, I took matters into my own hands. I called up my best friend and fellow theater school graduate, Tim Doiron, and we decided to make our own movie! “We’ll star in them, and I’ll direct while you write.” And just like that, we embarked on a journey of selfgenerated work right out of theater school. This was the birth of Wango Films…

We dove headfirst into the deep end, taking on risks and making our fair share of mistakes along the way. We became a small but mighty crew, wearing multiple hats and learning the intricacies of every aspect of filmmaking. As our careers started to blossom, we continued to grow our production company, working with bigger budgets and collaborating with talented cast and crew. From the first feature Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Way of the Tosser it was obvious to me that the role of directing embodied what I was born to do. The passion and fulfillment I felt behind the camera led me to shift my focus from acting to directing. It was clear that was my calling.

Q. Looking back on the chronology of your interest in film, when did you know for certain you wanted to work full time in this industry? Can you pinpoint an inspiring force behind this decision?

From a young age, I was irresistibly drawn to creation, creativity, and storytelling. The power of impacting people’s emotions and bringing laughter into their lives—it was like a magnetic force pulling me towards it. I couldn’t resist its allure.

But if I had to pinpoint a specific moment, it would be back in my elementary school days at Saint-Antoine(Niagara Falls). There was this improvisation class, and well, did it change everything for me. Stepping onto that stage for the first time, I was granted the freedom to say and do and be anyone. It was like a breath of fresh air, a liberating experience. There were no judgments when you were up there. You could be wild, carefree, and absolutely anybody, and people would find it hilarious and enjoy the performance. I just reveled in disappearing into another person’s journey, losing myself in their story. That taste of freedom and the addictive feeling it brought drew me deeper into this field.

“We dove headfirst into the deep end, taking on risks and making our fair share of mistakes along the way.”

“We had big dreams and goals, but we were also unrealistic about the challenges ahead”

Q. What have you learned about film that you didn’t necessarily know until you became a director/creator yourself?

When we embarked on this journey and started our company Wango Films, we were fueled by blind ambition. We had big dreams and goals, but we were also unrealistic about the challenges ahead. Our first film was a true labor of love, made with a team of just seven people, most of whom were family members. We wore every hat imaginable and dived into the process headfirst. It was a learn-as-you-go experience, filled with trial and error. We were thrown into the fire, and we had to find our way out, swimming against the currents and trying to recoup every penny we had poured into the film.

Through those early experiences, we learned the ins and outs of filmmaking from the ground up. We became intimately familiar with every aspect of the craft. It was a wild adventure, and the journey was shaped by the lessons we learned along the way. We learned that the film industry demands extreme time, focus, and dedication. It’s not for the faint of heart. And what surprised me the most was that art, in the context of film, is a personal experience. The measure of success, the barometer for what’s considered “strong” or receives five stars, critical acclaim does vary so widely. It’s not something that can be easily quantified or predicted. It’s unique to each individual and audience member. They only see what’s on screen, not the years of “in the making” that went into the film.

For the past two decades, I’ve been on a quest to capture lightning in a bottle. It’s a pursuit that drives me endlessly.

Q. How do your roots in Niagara contribute to your creative process, or your vision as a filmmaker?

Niagara Falls holds a special place in my heart, as it has been my home for as long as I can remember. It’s not just a physical location; it’s a part of who I am, and it influences everything I do. My family and my entire childhood

revolved around Niagara Falls, and it has laid the foundation for the person I’ve become. This connection to my hometown is something I

I nurtured my voice as a filmmaker, gaining valuable insights and experiences that continue to guide me.

Niagara Falls is more than just a location—it’s a muse, a source of inspiration, and a constant reminder of where I come from. It’s the essence of my creative spirit, and I carry its influence with me on every artistic endeavor.

Q. You have created films in multiple genres. Do you see yourself exploring other genres, or are you zeroing in on one of your favorites?

carry with me, infusing it into every project, TV show, or film I undertake. Niagara Falls has my heart and soul.

Growing up here was incredibly inspiring. The unique elements of this region tapped into my creativity in ways I can’t fully explain. I spent countless hours in our backyard, surrounded by trees and tall grass, imagining different worlds, landscapes, and stories waiting to be told. It was a playground of imagination, where my siblings and I had endless fun, running freely in a safe and nurturing environment.

The falls themselves, with their breathtaking beauty and the sheer volume of water, always held a special allure for me. There was an electricity and excitement that emanated from the falls—a vibrant energy and constant movement that captivated my senses. It was a source of inspiration and a reminder of the grandeur of nature.

In addition to my personal experiences, I also had the privilege of working alongside my family at Mullen Garden Market. It was a community brimming with positivity and surrounded by green spaces. Interacting with my family, friends, and customers every day for two decades allowed me to stay grounded and connected to the people and environment that shaped me. It was during this time that

I absolutely thrive on immersing myself in various genres as a filmmaker. It’s a constant source of excitement for me to challenge my voice and explore new worlds and landscapes. The genre itself is not the driving force behind my choices; it’s the storytelling and the characters’ arcs that draw me to a particular project. I find immense joy in delving into different genres because it allows me to push my creative boundaries and fully immerse myself in a brand-new experience.

Whether it’s the science fiction genre like “Simulant,” comedy/procedural elements of “Spencer Sisters,” the superhero genre in “Legends of Tomorrow,” or even exploring the realms of romance and eroticism in “Below Her Mouth,” I embrace the opportunity to work across diverse genres. I have a genuine love for all types of storytelling, and I don’t feel the need to be confined to a single genre. I want to continue expressing myself in different ways and exploring various genres as I grow as a director.

Diving deep into a new genre gives me the chance to expand my skill set and evolve as a filmmaker. It’s an enriching experience that allows me to discover new techniques, work with different tones, and connect with a wide range of audiences. Each genre brings its own set of challenges and rewards, and I relish the opportunity to take on those challenges and tell compelling stories in different ways.

Ultimately, my passion lies in the art of storytelling, and I believe that transcends any specific genre.

April Mullen & actor Aaron Eckhart on the set of “Wander”

Q. For those who wish to enter the film industry, in any capacity, how would you advise them to proceed?

Create every day! Let your imagination run wild and bring your ideas to life. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, whether they are fellow filmmakers, artists, or simply individuals who share your passion for creativity. Being in the presence of like-minded individuals can fuel your own creativity and push you to new heights.

Stay focused on your goal and work towards it diligently every day. Set milestones and keep track of your progress. It’s important to have a clear vision of where you want to go and take consistent steps towards achieving it.

One of the best ways to understand the intricacies of filmmaking is by getting on a film set as soon as you can, even if it’s in a small role or as a production assistant. By being on set, you’ll gain firsthand experience and get a sense of the different positions and responsibilities. This will help you discover which area of

filmmaking interests you the most and where your strengths lie.

Building a network of creative individuals who share similar interests is invaluable. Collaborating with others allows you to learn from their experiences and grow together. It’s especially crucial in an industry that can be inconsistent and filled with rejection. Having a partner in crime, someone like Tim Doiron who has been through the highs and lows with you, can be your lifeline. Having someone who understands the challenges and supports you can make all the difference. Also never doubt, take big risks, be bold and truthful!

Q. Give us a “day in the life” schedule of April Mullen.

When I open my eyes, I turn to the word “Forever”, which is a representation of my Mother Carole, Father Michael; our family and everlasting love. My day begins with love and gratitude, setting the tone for the hours ahead.

Before diving into the world of technology, I prioritize practicing Qigong, a meditative movement practice. It helps me connect with the present moment and listen to my instincts. It’s a time of reflection and setting intentions for the day and week ahead, both for the big goals and the smaller tasks that need attention. When I’m in production mode, I have a mantra that I recite before stepping out the door. Its purpose is to uplift and inspire the creative team around me, fueling our collaborative energy throughout the day. During the drive to set, I review the shot-list and scenes for the day, refreshing my original ideas and making any necessary adjustments based on our progress and timeline.

Upon arriving at the set, I quickly go over the sets and have conversations with the crew. I usually indulge in a cup of rooibos tea and a square of 90% dark chocolate before the blocking process begins. Then, we work with the actors to block the scenes, discussing and confirming our approach as a team. Once everything is set, the magic begins as we dive into takes, capturing the essence of the story. In those moments, everything else fades away, and I’m fully immersed in the transformative process.

During lunchtime, I take a moment to reevaluate the afternoon’s plans and make any necessary adjustments. I find solitude and focus to ensure that nothing is overlooked. My mind starts to piece together the scenes from the morning, integrating the new footage into the overall framework of the project. It’s like watching the film or episode in fast forward and rewind, exploring different angles to find the best way to convey the story and seize any new opportunities that may arise.

As the day wraps up, I reflect on the images and experiences while riding home. I consider what is still missing and what changes need to be made to achieve the desired outcome. During the journey, I take deep breaths, letting the wind embrace me, and enjoy a meal, losing myself in the simple pleasures. Before bed, I kiss my beautiful family, cherishing those moments, and then indulge in a meditation session to bring calmness and tranquility to my mind…or at least try to…

Certainly, when engaged in other aspects of directing such as editing, music composing, prepping for the next project, or writing, my day takes on a different routine and focus. Each of these activities requires a unique set of skills and demands a specific approach.

Q. In your opinion, what are the best aspects of your job, as well as the worst? What drives you to overcome the pitfalls in the business?

April Mullen alongside REVEL Founders Ryan & Nicki Serravalle, at the premiere of “Simulant”

One of the best aspects of my job is the opportunity to be creative and immerse myself in a world of imagination. It’s like playing in a sandbox all day, where I can explore new ideas, collaborate with incredible artists, and bring original content to audiences. I feel a deep sense of gratitude every day for the privilege of being able to create and connect with others through storytelling, hoping to evoke emotions and shed a positive light onto the world.

However, there are also challenges and drawbacks in this industry. One of the toughest parts is the arduous process of financing a feature film. It takes a tremendous amount of effort and perseverance to secure funding and assemble the right cast and crew. And yet, once the filming process begins, it often feels like it’s over too quickly. The actual production phase, which is my favorite part, is brief compared to the lengthy post-production period spent in front of computers, fine-tuning the film.

Another significant challenge is getting the film seen and released. Setting high standards for our work and aiming for a wide audience is crucial, but it can be a daunting task to attract viewers to theaters and navigate the complexities of distribution. The struggle to get your film seen in any capacity can be frustrating and disheartening at times.

However, what drives me to overcome these pitfalls is the sheer joy of creating. It’s a passion that fuels me and keeps me going, even in the face of adversity. I’m motivated by a deep sense of gratitude and love for what I do, as well as the unwavering support of my family and friends who believe in me. The impossible dream of making a lasting impact through storytelling continues to inspire and push me forward, no matter the challenges that may arise.

Q. Who is your greatest influence, and why?

My parents are my greatest influence because they live with love, appreciation, and gratitude for everything around them. They are creative and incredible entrepreneurs. My Dad had a dream to build a Garden center and Produce market with his own two hands, building it brick by brick over 40 years ago. He taught me that dreams are possible and that you can achieve anything you want with hard work, focus, and the support and love of a soulmate. They created their dream together and it will always be my inspiration.

Q. Ten years from now, where do you see yourself as a filmmaker?

That’s a challenging question, but I have a strong desire to continue creating stories that deeply move and touch people. My hope is to have these stories reach a much larger audience, spreading messages of hope, light, and love while also providing entertainment and inspiration. I aspire to create new content that leaves a lasting impact.

April Mullen, Film Director


As the REVEL brand attracts national and international interest, Director of Franchising, John Dowbiggin is poised to Lead an Ownership REVELution



There was a time, shortly after REVEL officially opened its doors in 2014, when naysayers predicted a three-month bankruptcy for a brokerage pitted against franchise giants in the real estate industry. Considered too challenging a climb for an independent brokerage to gain market share, REVEL emerged as an underdog, cinderella story instead, as well as a brand more relevant than a simple alternative, proposing a vision as creative as it was REVELutionary!

Now that REVEL stands on the brink of its 10-year anniversary, and perhaps its biggest business milestone yet, interest continues to escalate and gravitate towards the REVEL brand, but for different reasons. Having exceeded every growth projection from year one, REVEL has proven that its vision is not only sustainable but also primed for success wherever it takes root. From its provincial origins in the Niagara region to locations as far north as Sudbury and Muskoka, REVEL is relentless in its pursuit to thrive above the mere mention of business survival.

To answer the call of this surging market demand for more offices, REVEL has once again invested its resources back into the infrastructure of the company to open doors of opportunity for esteemed REALTORS®, and fellow industry trailblazers, who are looking to join and lead the REVELution into national, and international spaces. Enter John Dowbiggin, Director of Franchising and Business Development. John joined REVEL Corporate Headquarters as the liaison for franchise sales, office growth, and membership services. In this capacity, John has created coaching system policies, best practices, and sustainable programs designed to establish competitive advantages for REVEL brokerages across Canada. Before his appointment at REVEL, John amassed extensive experience as Head of Franchising for Realty One Group Eastern Canada. And prior to this tenure, he was Vice President for RE/MAX Canada. John comes to REVEL with a wealth of expertise, creativity, and insight into REVEL’s franchise aspirations, and he is well equipped to lead a franchise REVELution based on a growth-first culture driven by goal setting, accountability, and corporate support. Highly skilled, motivated, and a seasoned professional, John sees a bright horizon with unlimited breadth and potential for the REVEL brand.

“As a brand, REVEL has always attracted dynamic and charismatic leaders, “ explains John. “Ownership is a critical concept for these individuals as their initiative and level of responsibility command them to control their environment and ensure success. To empower our leaders and attract others, it was paramount for REVEL to enable ownership of the brand in their market through franchising.”

The immediate response to offering the proverbial keys to “ownership” has been nothing short of sensational. Head coaches of REVEL’S 23 current offices have already proven that the brand carries credibility and creative acumen in their respective locales, which has translated seamlessly into the production of top-selling agents and power real estate teams throughout Ontario, not to mention distinct escalations in sales volume and market share percentages. This makes the next step inevitable - expansion beyond provincial borders, and yes, even national borders.

John Dowbiggin, Director of Franchising & Development

“We see REVEL as a universal brand because it comes with a vision, a story, and a formula for success. Offering ownership is the next step of scaling the growth of REVEL and what it stands for,” explains Ryan Serravalle, co-founder of REVEL. “And more importantly, ownership validates the way we value REALTORS®. We see REALTORS® as people with the potential to become leaders for our brand. We are a peoplefirst brokerage and ownership of a REVEL office is the pinnacle of growth in our company.”

Most recently, interested REALTORS® from south of the border have visited REVEL headquarters with the intention of catching the wave of a real estate brand that burst onto the scene with confidence, creativity, and culture. With every visit, it has been a pleasure to learn how REVEL is perceived from the outside in, and an honour to acknowledge the reasons why REVEL’s influence is expanding organically, on its own.

“REVEL has always appealed to REALTORS® and leaders because our message empowers the values of good business. From the onset, we strove to create a work culture that was modern, chic, artistic, and passionate about real estate,” explains Nicki Serravalle, co-founder of REVEL. “We sparked change immediately in the industry, earning our reputation. We are no longer considered inferior or secondary, or a flash in the pan. We lead new directions in this business, and we do it with a team-first approach and a supportive, collaborative work culture. Adding John Dowbiggin to lead this ownership direction for our company is a major step and a commitment to our future owners. We are here to support you every step of the way.”

Ownership of a REVEL office has been conceptualized and plotted, as most campaigns are at REVEL, with a creative and competitive edge in mind. And as the company interviews potential candidates for ownership, REVEL is proud to inject more passion into the ideal of ownership. Systems are in place, legalities contracted, and training curriculums designed. No rock has been left uncovered in the pursuit to ensure a stress-free transition into ownership. For John Dowbiggin, an experienced franchise leader who brings with him a wealth of experience from major franchise real estate brokerages, looking ahead of the game is exciting.

“The future of REVEL will be owned by a group of diverse and powerful real estate leaders who are committed to each other, their clients, and their communities,” explains John Dowbiggin. “Their shared experience will continue to foster unbounded collaboration, growth, and success, for years to come.”

REVEL has always attracted dynamic and charismatic leaders. & Ownership is a critical concept for these individuals



Tap your shoes together because there’s no place like a solar, wind powered, livestock, vegetable generating home...

At REVEL, we often assign our luxury listings a brand disclaimer, “At REVEL, we don’t just sell homes, we sell lifestyle.” However, what constitutes a luxury lifestyle? Is luxury an exclusive term reflected in opulent finishings, waterfront views, and celebrity trademarks, or does the term include lifestyle luxuries, like the accessibility of nature, the purity of living off the land, and the innocence of sunsets?

The pandemic of recent past, although we often treat it as year’s past at the very thought of a recurrence, definitely put

lifestyle in perspective, assigning more value to the concept of “nature” over “nurture,” “past” over “present”, possibly “time” over “convenience.” As a result, many millennials, and some resurrected, hippie boomers have elected to seek lifestyles outside the grids of civilization.

Some have even taken the next steps on the path through a historic term resurrected into the presentHomesteading. Homesteading depicts living a self-sufficient lifestyle involving anything from growing your own food to producing your own energy. And this type


of lifestyle does not have to be relegated to the boonies, or some far away country retreat. Whether you live in the city or the country, you may be able to accomplish the homesteading lifestyle, or a version conducive to your means of living.

The key to living a homesteading lifestyle is to identify resources, more specifically, land resources available to you in your current state, or in your anticipated or future property, and then prioritize your homesteading goals. There are many facets to homesteading: growing and preserving your own food,

raising animals (or not), and producing your own energy are often the top priorities of aspiring homesteaders. Prioritizing these goals is the initial move. For example, if energy sufficiency is at the top of your agenda, then you might choose to convert to a diesel car and begin running it on waste vegetable oil, or outfit your suburban home with solar panels before making a grander step, like purchasing a sprawling, country property. If your priority is nutrition, then raising animals for meat and egg production, or erecting greenhouses for consistent vegetable accessibility,

becomes the focus when putting the luxury of survival before the horsepower of wealth and convenience.

From ancient times to most recent post pandemic revisions, homesteading has always spearheaded a social movement for the improvement of self sufficiency and sustenance. Often characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and even small scale production of textiles, clothing and other craft work for household use or sale, homesteading, or various versions of it, is pursued in different ways around


the world, depending on cultural, social, economic and even political contexts. But the modern homesteader is more frequently concerned with renewable energy options, which often revolve around the implementation of solar and wind power. In the 21st century, it is more about powering the lifestyle than it is about where a person resides, or the social contexts of a country.

The choice to homestead, to live off the grid, has become a major, grassroots social movement driven by the acknowledgment that technology can serve to preserve and grow, rather than destroy and inhibit. Accessing solar power, or wind power, for example, through technological means, provides the opportunity to grow heirloom vegetables, or raise heritage livestock. The choice is a revolutionary one as it often eschews government support systems in favour of self-reliance, independence and self-determination. Many homesteaders gravitate to the lifestyle following successful careers within the grid, which often provides the immediate funding to purchase land and specialized equipment, like solar panels, farm equipment, and generators.

But is the craving of a lifestyle manifesting a satisfying standard of living replete with a healthier diet and a more rewarding lifestyle superior to conventional patterns of living conducive to increased levels of stress, substance abuse, and dependence upon prescribed medical solutions?

The answer definitely lies in the perspective, and whether homegrown values are more sustainable than trendy advancements, when it comes to survival of the most fit way to live a life considered to be luxury by differentiated standards.

Did you know that if everyone on Earth lived like the average American, we would need approximately 4 Earths to sustain the resource consumption. This highlights the urgency and importance of adopting sustainable practices to ensure a healthier planet for current and future generations.







At REVEL, we firmly believe that few experiences are as gratifying as successfully embracing a challenging risk, within the bounds of realistic expectations, of course. Fearless when it comes to taking risks in the real estate sector, REVEL STYLE magazine thought it intriguing to profile some daunting, and daring, risks gaining popularity in the diverse world of sports.









Free climbing, a sport devoid of safety gear, demands physical prowess and mental fortitude as climbers ascend sheer cliffs and vertical walls using only their strength and skill.

It’s a gravity-defying dance that tests one’s agility, strength, and flexibility, pushing the boundaries of human potential. The allure lies in the ultimate test of skill and self-mastery, as climbers embrace personal challenges, conquer daunting heights, and discover untapped potential within themselves.

Beyond the physical and mental aspects, free climbing fosters a profound connection with nature, enabling climbers to intimately appreciate the raw beauty of the earth. In this mindful and meditative state, distractions melt away, leaving room for intense concentration and a deep appreciation of the present moment.

The thrill of adrenaline coursing through veins, the surge of triumph upon conquering a difficult route, and the awe of breathtaking vistas from dizzying heights make each climb a tale of personal triumph and a reminder of the untamed spirit within.

Free climbing is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and an invitation to reach new heights and embrace the exhilaration of defying gravity.

Harnessing Fear, Defying Gravity, and Conquering the Vertical World.
Alex Honnold made history by becoming the first person to free solo El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, scaling the 3,000-foot vertical rock face without any ropes or protective gear.


Embracing the chill. The Invigorating Pursuit of Subzero Waters.

From fire to ice, this extreme sport is catching… cold (what’s with these ridiculous puns), although it is already very popular in eastern parts of Europe and Russia, of course.

The history of this extreme sport freezes back to the early 1500’s, but it wasn’t until 2009 that it became an organized sport after the International Ice Swimming Association was founded.

As the name of the sport boldly suggests, the act requires you to swim in icy waters, whether it takes place in a pool (now considered therapy) or a natural body of water staked by icebergs or floating sheets. As long as the water temperature is at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less, you qualify, so to speak. That’s if you survive the initial shock and preeminent cardiac arrest.

But don’t worry, standard swimsuits are permitted, but not below the knees or above the shoulders, and get this, wetsuits are forbidden, but you’re allowed to wear a cap and goggles. Race distances often begin at 1 kilometer, and if you are capable of breaching this initial benchmark, you may qualify to evolve backwards into a sea mammal protoype.

Nonetheless, this extreme sport is easy to begin. Fill your tub with ice cubes and go!

Swimming in ice water triggers the mammalian dive reflex, slowing the heart rate and redirecting blood flow to vital organs, enabling ice swimmers to endure the extreme conditions for longer periods.


What was that? Did you actually say, Volcano Surfing?

Yes, this extreme sport, invented in 2006 is currently catching fire in 2023, pardon the pun, and making lava waves (that one’s a stretch) for those seeking death defying stunts and serotonin rushes.

The extreme sport of Volcano Surfing involves surfing the slopes of ashes on the volcano. Whew, don’t lie, you thought it would involve surfing waves of hellfire. Lol. Nothing like a sport that breaches the line of Armageddon, or one where you may see referees with pitchforks walking around. But serious, imagine the sport of sandboarding, but on a volcano, if that is less daunting to the perceptive eye.

The only suggestion, and this is from a volcano surfer himself: wear some protective gear like goggles and jumpsuits because most of the locations for this kind of extreme sport are still, kind of, ACTIVE! Yes, the real thrill is surving the waves man, or at least knowing, at any moment, that a volcano can become active if you happen to make the wrong turn down an ashy slope. But the right equipment is essential, especially since fumes and other chemicals released by the volcano may rise as you race down what are otherwise 2400 foot high slopes!

Ride the fiery waves. Harnessing nature’s unforgiving inferno. FEAR FACT Volcanic eruptions can create captivating lightning storms called “dirty thunderstorms.” These displays result from the friction between ash and volcanic gases within the volcanic plume.


Into the abyss. Navigating the perilous dark depths.

Venturing into the mysterious realm beneath the Earth’s surface, cave diving is an extraordinary and treacherous activity that captivates the hearts of adventurous souls.

Combining the challenges of scuba diving with the complexities of navigating submerged caves, this extreme sport pushes divers to their limits, both physically and mentally. Cave diving unveils a hidden world of stunning rock formations, crystal-clear waters, and unique ecosystems, but it is not without dangers. Restricted spaces, limited visibility, potential entanglement, and the risk of ceiling collapses pose constant threats.

Despite these risks, the allure of cave diving lies in the quest for discovery, the opportunity to push the boundaries of exploration, and the profound connection with the untouched natural world.

It demands meticulous planning, technical expertise, and a deep respect for the dangers involved. Those who brave the depths of cave diving are rewarded with unparalleled experiences, unforgettable memories, and a profound appreciation for the Earth’s hidden wonders, making it a testament to the indomitable human spirit and an indescribable journey of exploration and discovery.

In cave diving, the leading cause of fatalities is not encounters with dangerous creatures or cave collapses, but rather running out of air due to the complexities of underwater cave systems.



So you’re not stimulated by the boring act of skydiving, or even kayak diving, and your adrenaline levels have become immune to a potential fatality resulting from volcano surfing or ice swimming? Enter the prospect of Wingsuit Racing. Combining the elements of flying, soaring, skydiving, base jumping and free falling, Wingsuit Racing is the ultimate challenge now set against a competitive playing field.

Wingsuiting was invented quite some time ago, when Franz Reichelt first tested his invention by leaping from the Eiffel Tower in 1912. It was also his first and last leap. Eeek! Other lunatic flyers however, followed suit (pardon the pun again), many experiencing the same fate until the technology graduated in the 1990’s to make the adventure viable.

Breaking it down to basics, a wingsuit is essentially a suit with wings. It’s actually a skydiving suit with material webbing stretching from the wrists to the ankles, and between the legs. These membranes catch the wind when the limbs are extended, essentially turning the wingsuiter into one large airfoil wing. The suit doesn’t lift the diver to flight, but instead drastically increases the ‘glide ratio”, allowing them to soar for greater distances.

To make the suit work, then, one must first make the death defying decision to jump! Once in flight mode, the competition begins with checkpoints around cliff edges and tree lines. It sounds safer and safer the more you describe it.

Soaring beyond limits. Defying gravity & igniting extreme thrills. FEAR FACT Wingsuits were initially inspired by the wings of flying squirrels and birds. The inventors sought to recreate the experience of soaring through the air, leading to the development of the first wingsuit prototypes.


Oftentimes misinterpreted as a balance training aid for other competitive sports, Slacklining has become a popular extreme sport with some obvious fear to reward ratios for the participant. Slacklining, at the core, entrails balancing on a 2-5 centimeter wide piece of webbing made from synthetic fibres, which is often rigged between fixed points, like two trees, rocks, or even poles. Considered an independent sport with many variations and disciplines, and bordering on the appeal of highwire and circus acts, Slacklining has become so popular that many tourism and recreational areas are creating slackline parks to accommodate the interest in the sport.

So how is it any different from your typical high wire phenomenon? The term “Slackline” means that the line is not under a lot of tension. In contrast to steel cables, slackline webbing is able to stretch under load and behaves dynamically. The person on the line has to constantly seek balance on the line, and balancing poles are seldomly used, since they really don’t work on Slacklines.

Slacklining is also a relatively young sport, whereas tightrope walking, for example, has been a long circus tradition. Similar tricks are performed on a Slackline, however, and using the elastic properties of the webbing, such tricks do become rather dynamic, and of course, dramatic, to the spectator.

Walking the line. Balancing act of courage and heart racing focus.
The highest slackline ever walked measured an astonishing 3,750 feet (1,143 meters) above the ground, stretched across a deep canyon.

REVEL utionizing Real Estate


Estate in Fort Erie & Beyond!





At REVEL Realty, we place great importance on lifestyle and incorporate it into our core vision of real estate sales. We understand the significance of establishing deeprooted connections that encompass social, economic, and even career-driven affiliations. In the realm of luxury, we inherently grasp the values of personal growth and the pursuit of goals and aspirations. A luxury lifestyle often embodies these ideals, rewarding dedication and the desire for success. REVEL’s Luxury Division is dedicated to uncovering exclusive investment opportunities and promoting luxury homes in a fiercely competitive market. We maintain our leading position through our team’s exceptional marketing talent, strategic planning, exposure to exclusive luxury markets, and innovative use of technology. Together, our REVEL Luxury Division comprises individuals with unique artistic and business acumen, contributing to a dynamic and collaborative team.






STARTING AT $1,299,000










As a Gen Z media entrepreneur, and CEO of Vision Luxx, Samuel Miele has learned to adapt quickly to social media trends while also recognizing the importance of provoking meaningful, face to face conversation. Always smiling and interpersonal, and already ripe in business at the mere age of twenty, Sam infuses energy, passion and vision into his company…as well as a little personality, to say the least. Combined with his tireless efforts to please his customers and a flare for the dramatic, Samuel is quite the example for entrepreneurial spirit in 2023. And although the script resembles an overnight success story, the baby steps were integral on this unique journey to business leadership.

“I grew up in St. Catharines and recognized from an early age that I didn’t quite ‘fit inside the box’, " explains Sam. “I was often reprimanded for talking too much and having too much energy, and I struggled to thrive within the confines of traditional academics. This early setback motivated me to work harder to prove to others what I was capable of accomplishing. After stints at Mcdonalds and other traditional part time jobs, I quickly discovered I had a natural affinity for sales and interacting positively with the public. Recognizing this was something that I both excelled at and enjoyed served as further motivation to turn my side hustle into a full-blown business.”

Sam jumped on the ‘invest in yourself’ bandwagon with both feet, and found himself motivated by opportunity, no matter where it presented itself, even during a global pandemic.


“Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw an opportunity to work within the real estate industry. At that time, there was a significant uptick in the housing market. After doing some research, I saw the need for creating listing graphics and videos for local real estate agents. I offered interested agents three weeks of free services, including photography, videography, and social media management, which then gave me an opportunity to demonstrate what I could do.”

In 2022, Sam took his highschool start up business to another level, developing a podcast series, “Meeting Gold”, which gave him the opportunity to chat with people, with no hidden agenda, but with the sole focus on building connections. After over 80 episodes, his podcast, “Meeting Gold”, reached 300,000+ accounts organically, with no money spent on advertising.

After years of running the podcast, he was then approached by Canada’s largest independent news organization, The News Forum. He now hosts a nationally televised show called “My Generation” on the platform. His goal is to challenge Generation Z to think critically about the political, economic, and social challenges facing young Canadians. In this context, he aims to facilitate thoughtful discussions with guest panels and conduct street interviews featuring individuals from across the country. The intention of his show, and platform as a whole, according to Sam, is to empower viewers to form their own opinions outside the social media echo chambers.

‘The News Forum’ is available in 95% of Canadian homes and is steadily becoming recognized as a reputable and unbiased news source that values the inclusion of all voices and viewpoints. It airs live every Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday night at 10 PM on the News Forum.

Despite these immediate promotions, Sam recognizes the visible roots to his progress in the media business.

“When I first started my business, I was focused solely on earning money. As I’ve evolved, I’ve discovered that building relationships based on authenticity and trust is where the true reward lies. If you focus on creating strong, genuine connections, you will be successful, no matter what you’re selling.

I’ve also recognized that the key to longevity in business is not to focus solely on proving my worth to others, but instead to strive for personal and professional growth while being kind and staying humble. And now, as a young entrepreneur, I realize that my challenges in high school are now my biggest advantages in business.

Sam is proud to thank so many significant supporters along the way, like his former high school Co-op teacher, Charles Koop, who advocated for him on his path to starting Miele Media, the precursor to Vision Luxx. Not to mention his mother, who was instrumental in his professional growth, providing constructive feedback along the way, while showing him the ins and outs of communicating effectively with others.

Revel has employed Sam on a number of occasions and is proud to feature this young man as he continues to forge his way in a very competitive, media production environment. The force is definitely strong in this one, as Obi Wan Kenobi would say, as he continues to positively influence a new generation of entrepreneurs intent on REVELutionizing their respective industries!

Samuel Miele, host of “My Generation”



From humble beginnings, to award winning success. How the Cynthia Ostos Team made their mark in Mississauga.

When it comes to the world of real estate, finding a team that embodies honesty, passion, and expertise can be a daunting task. However, there is one exceptional team in Mississauga that has captured the essence of these values and more - The Cynthia Ostos Real Estate Team. Their remarkable journey from humble beginnings to award-winning success is a testament to the power of determination and the impact of an honest approach to the industry.

Meet Cynthia Ostos, the driving force behind this dynamic team. What sets her apart is not just her innate talent for real estate but her extraordinary journey of forming a successful business without any family or personal connections in the industry. Starting from scratch, leaving behind a career in Law Enforcement to pursue her passion in 2010, Cynthia dedicated herself to learning every aspect of the real estate world.

Cynthia’s commitment to excellence and her desire to offer clients a top-tier experience led her to assemble a team of specialists, each bringing unique skills to the table. Dakwan Henry, Anita Fervaha, and Sarah McNamara, like-minded individuals who share the same passion and dedication, joined forces to create a real estate powerhouse in Mississauga.

The key to their success lies in their client-centric approach. The Cynthia Ostos Real Estate Team understands that buying or selling a home is one of life’s most significant decisions, and they are steadfast in their commitment to guiding clients through every step of the process. With their team of specialists, they ensure that each client receives personalized attention, tailored advice, and expert guidance from start to finish.

With over 400 homes sold and counting the team’s success are not only measured by sales figures or accolades; the Cynthia Ostos Team is founded in a deep-rooted passion for their work and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on their clients’ lives. Their diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise create a synergy that empowers them to overcome any real estate challenge with ease.

At the heart of the Cynthia Ostos Real Estate Team lies their unwavering dedication to their clients, attention to detail, and business acumen guided by strong ethics and integrity. These core values drive their decisions and actions, ensuring that every interaction with their clients is characterized by trust, transparency, and professionalism.

The team’s philosophy revolves around forming lasting relationships with their clients. They believe that success is not just about closing deals, but about earning the trust and respect of their clients, which ultimately leads to their satisfaction and loyalty.

Whether you’re upsizing, downsizing or a seasoned investor, the Cynthia Ostos Real Estate Team is your partner in navigating the dynamic Mississauga real estate market. With their like-minded specialists, unwavering passion, and commitment to transparency, you can rest assured that you’re in the hands of true professionals.

In a world where honesty and integrity matter more than ever, the Cynthia Ostos Real Estate Team stands as a beacon of excellence in the real estate industry, a testament to the power of dedication, knowledge, and an authentic approach to serving their clients. So, if you’re ready to embark on your real estate journey, trust the team that’s rewriting the rules and making a difference, one satisfied client at a time.

647-568-4522 @ cynthiaostosteam 168 Queen Street South Unit 106, Mississauga


REVEL 2023

At REVEL, we see charity as a once in a lifetime opportunity to create change. Change, as we understand it to mean, requires REVELutionary action and a commitment to help those most in need of a vision for improvement.

This year’s REVEL Charity Ball raised our obsession with charity to another level. Not only did we shift venues to support more attendees and a grander scope of sponsorship contributions, but we did so with the intention to help Community Crew, a charitable organization devoted to providing approximately 4,000 lunches each week to children in 30 different schools throughout the Niagara Region. Community Crew also helps to empower children, and unite businesses and supporters through community engagement, in order to improve the lives of children most in need.

As always, the Charity Ball was a smashing success. REVEL raised over $40,000 for Community Crew, while staging a night of sparkling lights, entertainment, fine food, and only the revelry the people at REVEL could provide. Check out some of the photogenic highlights and be sure to attend next year’s event if you couldn’t make it out this year.






JAMAICAN, Ackee & Saltfish

Ackee & saltfish, Jamaica’s national dish, is delicious. And guess what? Boiled yams might have fueled Usain Bolt’s speed! With each bite, the yams granted him superhuman abilities. As he devoured them, Bolt grinned mischievously. Then, in a blur, he left his competitors behind. It’s rumored that the magical yams powered his historic sprints. So, when you savor ackee & saltfish, remember the mighty yam. Who knows, you might break records too!


Adobo is one of the finest dishes from the Philippines. A well-known flavor embraced worldwide, it embodies an umami punch in every bite. This traditional dish is crafted with chicken and pork, along with soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, whole peppercorns, and bay leaves, making it aromatic during both preparation and consumption. It also comes in different versions— saucy, dry, or a delightful in-between. It pairs perfectly with rice. Truly, this is a dish worthy of REVELing in!

NIGERIAN, Jollof Rice & Chicken

Growing up, I always had a special fondness for the fried rice and chicken dish my Grandmother prepared every Sunday after church for lunch, whenever all of her grandchildren were in town for the holidays. The bubbling pot held a symphony of flavors as the rice absorbed the rich blend of tomatoes, peppers and spices, while the seasoned chicken promised succulent bites. My grandmother’s fried rice and chicken will always have an extra special place in my heart and although her recipe can not be replicated, I never turn down a great Nigerian style fried rice and chicken dish.

• David Oruitemeka, Sales Representative | Niagara Falls

CHINESE, Peking Duck

Introducing Beijing’s masterpiece - Peking Duck. Imagine a perfectly roasted duck with crispy skin, tender meat, and divine flavor. Add a paper-thin wrap, succulent meat, special sauce, and sides for an unforgettable explosion of flavors. In traditional restaurants, witness the roasting and carving. The preparation is an incredible art form. Once reserved for emperors, it’s now accessible to all, allowing you to REVEL in ancient Chinese traditions. I enjoy bringing friends and family to savor this magnificent Peking Duck - it’s always a fantastic experience.

• Emily Ye Fraser, Broker | St. Catharines

• John Stamp, Sales Representative | Niagara Falls • Myrfe Cabansay, Broker | Niagara Falls

PORTUGUESE, Grilled Prawns

Grilled Prawns with Orange and Coriander. There’s something enchanting about catching prawns from the ocean that morning and relishing them on a beachside patio. The prawns are cleaned and delicately marinated in crushed chilies, orange zest, garlic, coriander, oil, and sea salt. These are best enjoyed with fresh bread to soak up the marinade. Pair them with a glass of Vinho Verde, a national treat. Portugal, home to some of the world’s first explorers, showcases the influence of spices from all over in this vibrant cuisine.


A staple in Vietnamese cuisine, influenced by French colonization in Vietnam, the Vietnamese sandwich comprises a blend of meats, fresh and pickled vegetables, and various condiments. Skillfully balancing diverse textures and temperatures within a crunchy French-style baguette, the sandwich boasts a flavor profile that delivers a punch. As it has evolved into a fundamental part of Vietnamese cuisine, its versatility has expanded as well. You can exchange the cold cuts for different meat options or even go fully vegetarian to craft your ideal sandwich creation!

• Jordan Tran, Sales Representative | Hamilton Central


“Ćevapi” is a grilled dish of minced meat, traditionally found in the Balkan countries. It’s considered a national dish of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are commonly served in groups of five to ten pieces on a plate or in a flatbread, often accompanied by chopped onions, sour cream (milk cream), ajvar (relish), and salt. Bosnian ćevapi are crafted from two varieties of minced beef meat, meticulously mixed by hand and shaped using a funnel. The formed ćevapi are then grilled to perfection.

INDIAN, Masala Dosa

One of South India’s most renowned dishes, it’s made with a thin and crispy crepe-like batter, enfolding a spicy potato filling. This dish serves as a perfect option for breakfast, lunch, or dinner—whether enjoyed plain or accompanied by an array of condiments like coconut chutney, green chutney with mint or cilantro, and sambar (a lentil and vegetable stew). This dish held a special place in my childhood, growing up in an Indian immigrant family. It offers both flavor and nutrition, serving as an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. A must-try!

• Vanya Gluhic, Broker | Georgian Bay • Allison Marry, The Kate Broddick Team | Brantford/Norfolk
• Michelle Miranda, Sales Representative | Hamilton Central


The act of giving back to community and supporting is an essential aspect of a thriving society. It strengthens our collective bond, addresses social issues, and brings about positive change, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Revel’s Sales Representative, Abhay Mathur, has exemplified the power of philanthropy, setting a shining example of how selflessness can truly make a difference in the lives of many. Through his work and active involvement in the community, he demonstrates the profound significance of staying connected and engaged with one’s local community while shedding light on crucial issues that require attention.

Abhay’s extensive real estate experience has awarded him the opportunity to meet remarkable individuals who continue to inspire him, driving him to work diligently for the betterment of the Niagara region. Rooted in his upbringing and unwavering commitment to making his community safer and more prosperous, he has also made significant contributions to essential developments, such as the South Niagara hospital.

“Change begins with a voice of compassion.”
- Abhay Mathur

Abhay Mathur’s dedication to philanthropy and community-driven initiatives not only reflects his compassionate nature but also underscores the transformative impact that individuals can have when they are devoted to improving the lives of others. His actions serve as a reminder that by giving back to the community, we can create a brighter and more hopeful future for everyone.

Him being a visionary and compassionate individual, has taken the initiative to sponsor cricket events aimed at bringing the South Asian community together. Understanding the power of sports in fostering unity, he organized a friendly cricket match for the youth in the community. By promoting such events, Abhay seeks to create an inclusive and supportive environment where mixed culture young individuals can bond, build friendships, and celebrate their shared cultural heritage through the love of the game.

Abhay’s commitment to fostering unity and promoting cultural diversity through cricket demonstrates his genuine dedication to creating a harmonious and tightly-knit community. His efforts serve as an inspiring model for others, highlighting how small gestures and initiatives can make a significant difference in bridging communities and creating a positive impact on the lives of the youth involved.

ABHAY MATHUR Sales Representative
905-978-3788 E:
REVEL Realty Inc., Brokerage
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