MB Games "HeroQuest". Pick your character, don your armour and venture into .
the world offantasy. Find treasure uncover traps and banle against monsters to complete your quest. With detailed figures and fumitura For 2-5 players. Ages 9 years and ,
Cat. No, 3T1/5507
Onr Price £17.95
2 "Disney'sStory-Boards". Allthemagjcof .
yourfavouiite Disney characters in this game to re-create the enchanting Disney ilm storyboards. For 2 -4 playecs. Ages 5 years and over.
Cat No, 571/W71
Our Price £15.45
3. MB Games' 'Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur".
Follow the paw prints round the boardto the safety ofthe cavcr butbeware! IfDiz2y turns up on the dice, wind him up and watch him
knock the players over! For 2-4 players. Ages
5 years and over, Cat. No. 571/0926 4
Our Price £7,B5
Spear's Games "Game ofthe Year". Have
you everwoma kflf? Are you brown-eyed? Your answers to these questions may help you prpgress through the 366 days on the board for an amusing and competitive year ofyour f
life. Playecs try to be the irst to reach New
Year's Eve and by cleverpky and handling of
their money, gain die winning chips. For 2-6 players. Ages 12 years and over. I Ji 1 :
Cat, No.
Our Price
5. Spear's
Games "Scrabble". A popular faraiiy wordpme ofsM and luck. For 2 to 4
players. Ages 8 years and over. Cat No. 3/1/2209
Our Price £7 75 .
6. MB Games4 'Twenty Questions". The
classic game o fpeople, places, things and years. The fester you guess, the fasteryou move round the game board. For 3 or more
players. Ages lOyears and over. Cat. No. 371/3475
Our Price £1445
MB Games "Guess Who?" A really intriguing game of memory, deductlonand identiiicadon. Guess whoyour opponent's .
card shows. For 2 players. Ages 6years and over.
Cat No. 370/0664
Our Price £7.85
8 MB Games * 'Game ofKnowledge''. Over 2000 questions and answers with two skill levels. A game for all the family. For 2-6 .
players. Ages 7 years and over, Cat. No, 370/0974 9
Parker "Pictionaiy". Played like charades
only on paper, You andyourteam-mates have
toidentifef variouswords usingsketehes. For 3 -16 players. Ages 12 years to adult Cat No.
Our Price
£20 45
10, Crown &Andrews ''Brit Quiz". Indudes
six categories ofquestions covering sport
people, places, showbiz, history, slang and this and that, plus a seventh fun category called "up-the-creek"'. Players using dice
move around thehoaid answering questions. Ages S years and over. Cat No,
Onr Price
11. "Dare". Answer each question wi th either
true orfalse, ifanswered incorrectly you must
do one ofthe dares put orward. Over 1000 f
Our Price
dates/questions. For 2-12 players. Ages 13 years and over. Cat No. 370/7788
Our Price £11.95