Argos No.06 1976 Autumn/Winter

Page 94

\Y118 C r 51Oroo C ,~ott PI3Y t, 1».,,1101$.Pur.h but10n ee £tol~ ~jllr.t lUll!~: ()'1'WtmS .....ind OV1f) It :>:<5 Wnrn: 12 V n !)311~

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Compo Ret9il £27.76


.f?7 ...fA.Lv·,

...CnL 0.60011 , Ig09 Price £19.95

2. Pyc 2273 ~r SI"f~O CAjO~O~C:P1 yor. Au{()reverse &)'91$11\ Fx.: 10M -dire "II Ou (lut 2 11 WAUS 12 V pu~. Of II rth. S ~t: 4l!.~ It)o;2" t12.SY$1XSan'I) C 1. Uo.S{)0I15&1

Rec. R(}UIII£62.90

Argos Price £47.95

s. PyG ~n C:sr $10(00 Ca "tl Pf"ye. SII" cor rots. Au <IOulic or m:lnu:sl ('~cl. F$1jl torwar<f/ccwlM eeneets. Oueovl 2>0'4 ';')~... 12 V II gall otth on))'. SIZO 5; 'xtW 2' (130v165 !Jan) ~t. h.~. SOO"SS5 Rcc_ Retsil £42.65

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4. 1<0.u90 1<0.00'" C3' t t~ Co..aHa PI:Iy~. Auto,!:top od ject SlldAr conlro~ Fs!0110lw r(j hll.;li " Ou,put 2 (4, '/I.:atts 12 V negAtivo urth onty. Sizo '.·)("6-:·,(1" (18 • )(133)(L.8c:n). Cllt, No. 500/1592

Rec. Re1all£35.35

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~. o~ (0 ",01St.rAo Cot CD:1~otto y f. V'" _ blll 10M volume ~ncllJ I nc{o~cnICO$ F.u~ferYt~ld'rt!wjJ'd <lIl ~1J1!)o()Ir.c;:. OUlpul 2 ... Vl311 , o or mCllMlt 9 ~lIktlr!> 12" n.~ti oarth only. Site '·xS~ x' (' (16,2 S.3~"'-8 cm~.


Aae. AetQII£57.52

~40. SOOI157B

Argos PriCi)£3$.95

6.. OeeN CA '051 Cor RtldlolS1ef eA 11 PI )'or. LYII).,WI rM'() BAlli ~ and tone Co."1I"OI" F8S1 II):WArtlI"~" nc1 Ou1PUI 2>'5 'II"u!! 12 V nASl:Iltn oarth onl.y. SIv.! &It'x7l':> " (1].3 8.1 5.40'0) C t No. 500/1530 ROC.HO~II "'b~...!I~ Algos Price £42,95

7. Shllrp RO.S200 St~rco C~r AlldlolC nott Ptllyot. WI}'" -MP)( Aut()-S:{)p ntt . Outp I 2-.: I '1hlflS. 1~ , n~ QUVQ CNlrth on . Sin' (4 6t 2'"4 1.4 1 1J SC'I') C I ~. 500/1647

R c. Rctail'£87.50

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