Summer Edition/ May-June 2019

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RetailingInsight Connecting the Best in Body-Mind-Spirit Volume 33 I Issue 4 I May-June 2019


Vol 32 | Issue 1 | 2018






Exclusive… MEET MY STORE

CBD products by Shea Brand





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Sacred Mysteries 978-0-7643-5711-4

Self-Love Through the Sacred Feminine 978-0-7643-5718-3

Soul Stepping 978-0-7643-5719-0

I Ching 978-0-7643-5714-5

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Retailing Insight Magazine



Summer Special

May/June 2019

In Every Issue 4 | EDITOR’S NOTE 12 | BUSINESS & MARKETING 13 best mobile apps for indie stores 42 | INSIGHT Balancing motherhood with your work life 50 | FINE PRINT New and notable books for body, mind, and spirit 56 | PLAY LIST Reviews of great music to sell and enjoy 62 | TAKE FIVE Selling houseplants can grow your business 64 | ADVERTISER INDEX



COVER IMAGE: CBD products by Shea Brand (more details on page 48)

6 | HAVING A VISION YOUR STAFF CAN CONNECT TO Set the right message for your employees

14 | THE ART OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING – Part II How to build your brand and message on social media


20 | BUSINESS FINANCE: BORROWING MONEY What to do when your store is running low on cash 26 | ANNUAL DIVINATION DECK ROUNDUP A selection of new release decks for summer

34 | CBD OIL: A MIRACLE PHENOMENON OR PASSING FAD? All you need to know about cannabidiol and its healing properties


38 | 2019 TRADE SHOWS A complete list of exhibitions for the summer/fall collection

Exclusive 32 | MEET MY STORE Forever and A Day New Age Emporium talks about their business success

46 | EDITORS’ PICKS CBD skincare & bodycare special 55 | SPECIAL SECTION Jewelry & Accessories 60 | SOUNDINGS OF THE PLANET CELEBRATES 40 YEARS

20 2 May/June 2019 |

OF PEACE THROUGH MUSIC A special collaboration by Dudley Evenson & Dean Evenson

The Trade Show for Conscious Retailers!

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Pre-show Seminars: Thursday, June 6, 2019 AUTHOR’S BREAKFAST

KEYNOTE BREAKFAST Kelly Sullivan Walden, AKA Doctor Dream

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Lynn V. Andrews, Shamanic Healer

Lee Harris, Intuitive Medium

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editor'snote I am really excited to share the May-June issue with you, not because it means the cold days are finally over, but because we have great topics to explore. During this summer season, find exclusive ways to promote your business by using mobile apps, following Royce’s suggestions on selling houseplants at your store, and learn how to build your brand and message on social media by reading the last part of our series the art of social media marketing. Do your employees understand the vision of your company? If not, having a vision your staff can connect to is a simple and easy-read guide to help you delivery the right message. Talking about business loans is not always a pleasant topic, but sometimes it is crucial to keep your business operating. On Business Finance: Borrowing Money, we share good advice on what to do when your business is running out of money.

retailing insight magazine is published exclusively for independent retailers of unique and meaningful products for the body, mind, and spirit. Our purpose is to nurture retail store success by providing excellent business advice, honest product reviews, advertisements from leading wholesale companies, and outstanding coverage of the dynamic body, mind, and spirit market.

publisher editor copy-editor graphic design contributors

The future is green. Yes, you read it right! With CBD going mainstream, skincare and bodycare products are popping everywhere, the market is expected to grow $22 billion by 2022, but what do you really know about the industry? CBD OIL: A Miracle Phenomenon or Passing Fad? can help you understand more! To complete this issue, we have Forever and A Day New Age Emporium talking about their business on Meet My Store, and Soundings of the Planet celebrating 40 years with a special feature about their journey through music. And to celebrate Mother’s day, we have invited Emily A. Francis to share some positive thoughts on balancing motherhood with your work life. It’s a special feature dedicated to all moms on duty. Stay connected! Inspirational topics as expected in the next issue Conscious Living. Have an insightful reading,

Roberta Gazzarolle Roberta Gazzarolle, Editor, Retailing Insight Magazine

Editor’s Note – Footnote

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Joe Mount Roberta Gazzarolle Sean Ruck Stephanie Biddle Jackie Adamany Bill Binkelman Dudley & Dean Evenson Emily A. Francis Anna Jedrziewski Megy Karydes Royce A. Morales Uma Silbey Jacki Smith Katie Slocombe Karen Johnson

Retailing Insight® magazine is published by Continuity Publishing Inc.

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P.O. Box 5108 Winter Park, FL 32793 800-463-9243 352-597-6201


©2019 Continuity Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 2372-7977. Volume 33/Issue 4/Year 2019. The magazine is published bimonthly/ six times a year (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov) by Continuity Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 5108, Winter Park, FL 32793. Periodicals postage paid at Winter Park, FL. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to Retailing Insight Magazine, P.O. Box 5108, Winter Park, FL 32793.

Retailing Insight Magazine is printed by Sheridan, a CJK Group Company, Hanover, NH. Please recycle or share this magazine.

4 May/June 2019 |


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6 May/June 2019 |

Having a Vision

Your Staff Can Connect to By Jacki Smith

“I believe to be a leader is to enable others to embrace a vision, initiative or assignment in a way that they feel a sense of purpose, ownership, personal engagement, and common cause.” – Melanne Verveer, women’s rights activist


eing successful in the conscious living industry, we excel at teaching others how to stay in line with their vision. We are great at sharing our vision with our clients and customers, yet one of the hardest parts of having a business in this field is walking your talk with your staff. We relax into these relationships and forget they need the same attention to stay in line with the bigger vision that you hold for your business. Your staff is there to support you through your meltdowns, and they are there to celebrate with you for your best sales day ever. In turn, you are witness to their biggest personal crisis and there to celebrate their biggest personal win. When you share that much time with another person, breathing the same air, you start to become family and unfortunately, it can model the unhealthy parts of that dynamic as well as the healthy parts. You can assume everyone is on the same page until suddenly you are not even reading from the same book.

Summer Special | 7

As Susan Scott mentions in her book Fierce Conversations, “our careers, our companies, our relationship, and indeed out very lives succeed or fail, gradually, then suddenly, one conversation at a time.” The first thing to go in a company that is not lead by vision is communication around the basics - values, mission, and strategy. Everyone becomes so busy doing their job that we forget about maintaining basic communication. In The 4 Disciplines in Execution, the authors tells us about the whirlwind that is our day job. “It’s the massive amount of energy that’s necessary just to keep your operation going on a day-to-day basis. And ironically, it’s also the thing that makes it hard to execute anything new. The whirlwind robs from you the focus required to move your team forward.” This whirlwind can also take the attention off the big vision of your business and drop you right into the distraction of the daily crisis. When that happens, we all revert to the baser, crisis management aspect of our personalities. Everyone starts to take sides and react to each other from fight,

flight or freeze instincts. The stress level of your business skyrockets and productivity plummets. In other words, we are too busy to remember our vision, let alone hold to it and let it guide our decisions. We do it to ourselves and worse – we do it to our teams. Your team is what makes your future growth possible. They anchor the foundation you’ve created and in turn, that holds space for you to find new opportunities for growth and revenue that is aligned with your vision. When any part of your staff is out of alignment with your vision, you end up circling back repeatedly to course correct. That becomes the time suck that stops you from moving forward on your own goals. When your staff has internalized the goals of the company, then they are able to set personal work goals that are in line with the company. When they don’t understand the vision of the company, they will pull in directions that they feel are best for their position in the company. It may not be a lack of team work you are seeing, but a lack of team building. The first thing in team building is to give the team a purpose. That is easy to forget because we can quickly assume that just be being in the room, everyone knows what you want. Yet everyone comes to the room with their own baggage and perspective of what is best. Everyone comes with their own personal vision and agenda. The goal here is to set down that personal agenda and pick up the one for the entire team and with a shared vision that execution of that becomes organic.

Simplify Your Vision – Make it Executable You have an ideal for your company, you know where you want to take it and why you started it in the first place. That is your vision. Keep it simple and easy to explain. Having one sentence that is clear and send the same message to everyone on your staff is the lynch pin of creating a team. Each person that you bring onto your team has their own vision for your company and the reason why they chose to work with you. A simplified vision statement allows them to marry their vision with yours and make the success of the company personal. A good, simple vision statement clarifies your

8 May/June 2019 |

company’s future, size, structure, and market. It’s easy to be vague and all encompassing and not say a thing: “sell the best product and create an engaging experience for every customer that shops at our location.” Or you can create a masters’ thesis of your vision statement that no one can emotionally connect to: “we live by these six basic tenants to create a positive uplifting experience for our five core customer bases…..”


to debate the most important role in your business, and everyone can move onto bigger thinking. The “wildly important goals” ideally are the measurable manifestation of your vision. You only need one or two goals to focus on at a time, otherwise your attention is fractured, and nothing gets done. If you are not sure if they line up with your vision, test the idea, will the execution and success of this goal get

"When your staff has internalized the goals of the company, then they are able to set personal work goals that are in line with the company."

There is no formula for a vision statement, and it can take years to get it perfect. Start with a future vison that is simple and craft it from there with: what you do, why you do it and who you do it for.


our company closer to our overall vision? If the answer is unclear, then it probably won’t and let that one go for a strategy that is a better alignment.

This vision doesn’t stand alone Vision begets strategy – strategy reinforces vision When you are looking at what your strategy is, you can get caught in the urgency of your daily whirlwind. When that is the energy behind your strategy, all your goals will align with the daily tasks that keep you going and don’t leave room for the goals that keep you growing. There are the important goals that drive your business forward and there are the urgent ones that live the daily process of your business and cause the most amount of pain when they are not managed. Your team will naturally focus on the goals that are imbedded in your whirlwind, as that is where their focus is and where their pain is. The authors McChesney, Covey and Huling define your “wildly important goals” with your team. To get out of the rut of your daily whirlwind they suggest starting with the assumption that, “(if) every area of our operation remained at its current level or performance, what is the one area where change would have the greatest impact?” With this focus, your team doesn’t have

If you think of your vision as where you are going, then your mission is how you are getting there, and the values and guides are the map you are using along the way. The sum of these parts is much greater than the whole and is the foundation you can lean on when every opportunity looks like the perfect one for you. To ensure your vision is driving your growth, make it a part of your everyday whirlwind. Keeping it top of mind is key for team alignment. Put it everywhere, posters on the wall, a header on your written processes and procedures, your reviews, your hiring questions, openings to your manager meetings and even in your marketing. You want every decision weighted by whether it gets you closer or further from fully manifesting said vision. Tying your vison to the goals everyone measures success by is another way to keep alignment in your team. Build your business dashboard in a way that lines up your success to your vision. If you are to become the largest independent retailer in your town, or have

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Summer Special | 9

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the most items, or be the store your customers turn to for their gift giving needs, you need the proof to show your success. Start your dashboard with that main measurement. Would you be a $2 million store, or over 100,000 items or have the most five star Yelp! and Google reviews? If you don’t quantify your vision, how do you know when you get there? Build in milestones to your success to grow into your vison. Make those milestones known to your entire team and celebrate them with everyone who helped you achieve them. When we forget to stop and celebrate with the people who got you there, it is demoralizing, and it feels like the treadmill will keep going until you quit. Get off the treadmill, high five everyone on your team, share a treat and everyone jumps back on with even more enthusiasm.

Teach your staff what you teach your customers

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10 May/June 2019 |

You teach your customers about quality, value, empowerment, trends, what will resolve their pain. You do this with the product you carry, the ads you place, the marketing, displays, etc. Do you teach your staff the same thing? When they come in for their shift, do they know why you moved the socks to the middle display? Do they know that new candle is top-of-the-line and you had to wait to carry it? Do they know that those carvings are Fair Trade? Do they know that those bracelets are a big money maker and they should promote them to every customer? Your staff already believes in you, as they chose your place to work in. Empower them to help you fulfill your vision by making them aware of what you are doing and why. Build a team that not only takes direction, but gives feedback. Generating this sense of purpose is what many employers have found to be the greatest influencer on employee retention.

There are more good ideas than time Ideas are easy. They show up left and right with no warning and they try to steal all your attention. This is especially true when you get a hot one that seems to hook onto a growing trend. You want to get in before the trend peaks and starts to downslide, so you shift gears and become a slave to the idea. We all do it. We all get pulled into the great idea trap and that quickly can become addictive. When you have a vision that drives your strategy, an idea is measured on its’ ability to

get you where you want to go and not on whether it is good or bad. There are two factors that can tell you whether to go for an idea or not. One: Does is align with your vision? Two: Do you have the resources to execute it? You can quickly create an X/Y axis chart to challenge yourself and your staff on the viability of this idea.


y-Your Vision

Important Urgent

Important Not Urgent

Not Important Not Important Urgent Not Urgent


The vertical Y line if the vision and the horizontal X line is the resources. This feels similar to the Important and Urgent quadrants in The 7 Habits for Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. The Important value axis lines up with your vision and the Urgent value axis lines up with your resources. Having your vision part of your everyday whirlwind allows you to quickly asses each new idea, big and small without inner turmoil. You can quickly see if this is an Important idea. Something that creates future opportunity to get closer to your goal, and if this an Urgent idea; something that you have the resources to execute. If that is not in alignment with your vision driven strategy, it’s empowering and even freeing to say no. When you lead with your vision, you give your team a reason to support and be engaged. A team that is present with you, all rowing in the same direction for the same reasons, is able to grow with you for the long haul. Inspiring your team in this way may just be your most important investment in your future. Jacki Smith is the co-owner of Coventry Creations www.coventrycreations. com. Her passion of personal empowerment and small business has been the driving force in her success and her journey of lifelong learning. Jacki is a regular contributor to Retailing Insight and loves sharing her experience, successes, and cautionary tales.


x-Your Resources Crystal Grids, Engraved Stones & Jewelry Over 65 Designs to Choose from Wholesale Prices: $7-16 / $50 minimum - 717.229.1138 Summer Special | 11

business&marketing 13 Best Mobile Apps for Indie Stores by Megy Karydes

All retailers have the same 24 hours in a day. How we spend those hours can mean the difference between a profitable and productive day versus one where we go home and wonder where the time went. Mobile apps are trying to tackle this issue and research confirms that they’ve changed the way we work, communicate and run our businesses. The more we find satisfaction with their use and they become a habit, the more we find them indispensable in our daily lives. Being organized and focused can be helpful and while this isn’t an exhaustive list, these 13 apps have helped retailers get organized and stay focused while also helping to save them money and time.


Square. Makes accepting payments and selling products anywhere a breeze, whether it’s in your shop or at a pop-up location.


with points, discounts and more based on their engagement with your business, whether it’s purchases, referring a friend or social media shares.


RescueTime. To get a better handle of how much time you’re spending on social media, install this app. You may find you’re spending more time scrolling mindlessly and wasting time rather than using the platforms more productively.


Headspace. Retailing is tough. This meditation app offers guided meditation that helps you take a minute, or three, or 10, to just stop whatever you’re doing and take a much-needed breather.

9 Freedcamp. Great for keeping an ongoing to-do list. 10 Dropbox. Want to keep your files handy, whether you need to

Magicplan. Need to re-arrange your store layout and want some help? Using magicplan’s augmented reality, you can create professional floor plans simply by taking pictures. While most people use the app for home projects, it’s handy for retailers, too.

access them at the shop, at home, or while traveling? Dropbox is an easy-to-use app that helps you keep it all organized and easy to access in the cloud.

3 iHandyLevel. Ever needed a level to make sure what you’re hanging

11 Evernote. Another great way to save files, documents, emails,


Canva. Canva helps non-designers develop great-looking presentations for everything from flyers, invitations, social media memes and more.

isn’t off-kilter? This free app helps you hang a picture or install shelves by using your phone’s built-in sensor.

MailChimp. Most retailers use some sort of email marketing program but in case you don’t already, consider MailChimp. It’s easy to use, cost-effective and allows you to segment your subscriber lists.

5 Humanity or When I Work. Spend less time juggling employee

schedules and more time on your business by using Humanity’s employee scheduling software (and app!) that integrates with business systems such as Square. When I Work is another option that gets high marks among retailers as being easy-to-use and intuitive.

6 Thinking about adding a loyalty program to keep existing customers coming back? offers merchants a comprehensive loyalty and referral program which allows you to reward customers

12 May/June 2019 |

and other things you want to make sure you don’t lose.


13 Podcasts. Most of us don’t have time to return to school or take classes, but still want to keep up with the latest marketing or business practices. Find some good podcasts and tune in while you have some down time at the shop or during your daily commute. What are some of your favorite apps? Share them on Retailing Insight Magazine’s Facebook page. Megy Karydes is a Chicago-based content writer and marketing consultant. Find her at

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14 May/June 2019 |


ocial media marketing is transforming the way brands, large and small, communicate with their customer base both current and future. This two-part series explores the new frontier of social media advertising. In part one we explored the most popular social media outlets – Facebook, YouTube and Instagram – and took a deeper look into how Facebook plays a huge part in advertising your brand. We reviewed finding your demographic, determining your budget and most importantly, what content you should be posting. In part two of our series, The Art of Social Media, we will dive into YouTube, Instagram and analyzing your return on investment. But first, a brief recap of the powerful growth and success of social media.

Massive Growth Social media is the fastest growing trend in the history of the world? Actually, this sector has grown faster than the internet itself! According to the Global Digital Report 2018 compiled by the web influencer group We Are Social, the number of internet users worldwide in 2018 was 4.021 billion, up an average of 7 percent per year. The number of social media users worldwide in 2018 was 3.196 averaging 13 percent growth per year. The number of mobile phone users in 2018 was 5.135 billion up 4 percent per year. In the United States, the majority of Americans use Facebook and YouTube on a daily basis with Instagram following close behind. So how do these social users interact with brands like yours on social media? And how do you leverage your social media posts and branding to get the most engagement from your followers? Social media is increasingly being used as a customer service platform where potential customers want answers quickly and in realtime. Only 27 percent of social media user respondents will be prompted to purchase products after seeing behind-the-scenes content shared on brand social pages. However, what does happen is relationship building and that is very beneficial to your bottom line.

Analyzing Your Efforts In part one we reviewed “how to play the Facebook ads game” and how the main three objectives – awareness, consideration and conversion – played a role in your advertising. Now, let’s review the return on investment. According to Hootsuite, “Understanding your Facebook page’s metrics gives you the information you need to make sure you’re putting the right content in front of the right audience. It helps you work with Facebook’s algorithm instead of just sending content into the void and hoping someone will see it.” To begin, navigate to your business Facebook page and click insights. Here you will see your dashboard. By using Facebook Insights you’ll be able to determine the best time of day to post, the best day of the week to post and what type of content is most popular. It is important to note that the Facebook Insights tool is constantly updated to reflect your page’s developments and any patterns that may form. Be sure to login and review this data on a weekly basis or daily while running any Facebook promotions. The overview provides a page summary which has a quick look into the past seven days (or more depending on date range selected). Here, you can see at a glance how many page views, page likes, post reach and engagements your page has had. Selecting the column title (Actions on Page, Page Views, Page Likes, etc.) provides you with more advanced data. To review insights into a recently-run paid promotion on Facebook, click on “Promotions” in the left-hand column. Here, you will see all promotions you have run and you can create a new promotion. The overview shows the number of people reached, post engagement or link clicks and dollars spent on the promotion. To gain more insight, select the “view results” button. The overview tab displays more detailed information including total amount spent, audience details, placements and locations. Facebook provides a ton of metrics to help you analyze your promotions and it can be overwhelming. To dive even deeper into your ads, select the down arrow in the top navigation

bar in Facebook and click on “Manage Ads.” Here, you will see all your ads and multiple columns of data which you can filter down even deeper. Let’s go back a moment and review why you ran that ad. What was your main goal? Did the ad reach that goal? Regardless of the main goal, there are some metrics you should always take into consideration when measuring the campaign success: • Conversions: Look at how many conversions your ads are returning and the cost of each. In order to monitor your conversions, you’ll need to utilize a Facebook Conversion Pixel. Learn about the Facebook Pixel at facebook-ads-pixel. • Reach: Expanding your audience means putting yourself in front of more people. How many users did your ad reach? What was the percentage reach of your target? • Delivery/Frequency: How many times was your ad seen by the same people? Be careful here to look for News Feed placements. • D ifferent types of campaigns should have different frequency goals (based on where it’s being displayed). Also, if an ad is performing poorly and returning a high frequency, you should ditch it and focus on one that performs better.

The Rise of Instagram Instagram has been around for a few years now, but recently it has picked up a lot of traction. This social networking app was made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone. This simplified version of Facebook has an emphasis on mobile use and visual sharing. Just like other social networks, you can interact with other users on Instagram by following them, being followed by them, commenting, liking, tagging and private messaging. You can even save the photos you see on Instagram. According to Statista, Instagram has over 800 million monthly active users, less competition and a more engaged audience than other social media giants like Facebook. This presents businesses with an opportunity to market their products to a more targeted

Summer Special | 15

and interested audience without spending an enormous amount of money on paid advertising. So, how do you set yourself up for Instagram success? Follow these tips: Branded and Complete Instagram Profile Your feed is the first opportunity you have to make a great impression and entice people to hit the “follow” button. How do they make that decision? By quickly scrolling through your feed, reading your bio, or clicking on your stories highlights. Get More Instagram Followers by Using Hashtags and Location Tags in Your Instagram Stories Use hashtags to expand your reach. These can be campaign specific or general – main goal is they are relevant. Make sure to also set up your main company hashtag (#yourbrandname) and use it sparingly across Instagram. This makes it easier for people to find content related to you as well as your main account. Collaborate and @mention Others Instagram is one of the strongest social media channels for highlighting collaborators and sharing customer success stories. Even if you don’t officially partner with a non-profit organization, you can give to charity or do a fundraiser a couple of times a year. It’s all good as long as the cause aligns with your brand values and mission. Show What You Do in a Creative Way Focus on the solution(s) you provide to your customer, not the products you sell. On Instagram, it’s essential to add value to your customers all while looking great. Never underestimate the fact that your most important asset (and downfall) on this social media network is visual content. Try Instagram Stories Instagram Stories allow Instagram users to share photos and videos to their “Story” – which is visible to followers of the user’s Instagram account – and to specific users the Story’s sender follows. Like in Snapchat, Instagram Stories are ephemeral, meaning they disappear after 24 hours. Take Them Behind-the-Scenes Customers have a natural curiosity about where their products come from, and you can use Instagram to show them their whole lifecycle. This is especially relevant for companies that sell art from local artists, go green products and even Fair Trade products. Source images from these companies to demonstrate how products are made – from the base material, production and distribution and tell the story behind the product. Post Those Selfies! There’s no denying that Instagram is a very visual and social place. And people want to follow accounts that they can relate to, regardless of

16 May/June 2019 |

whether that’s a brand, influencers, or someone they met on vacation. So, it’s important to make your Instagram account as personable and relatable as possible, and really show off what your business and brand is all about if you want to get more Instagram followers. Today, people want to know the people behind the brand, just as much as the business and products. Get your staff to help by posting pics of them in your store, working with customers, sharing upcoming product launches or special campaigns. Advertising on Instagram Instagram advertising is a method of paying to post sponsored content on the Instagram platform to reach a larger and more targeted audience. While there are many reasons a business or individual may decide to advertise, Instagram advertising is often utilized to grow brand exposure, website traffic, generate new leads, and move current leads down the funnel (and hopefully towards converting views into sales). Since Instagram is such a visual platform, text ads are not a thing here. According to Facebook, parent company of Instagram, your Instagram ad will appear in people’s Instagram feeds and stories along with images and videos shared by their friends, family and other Instagram accounts they follow. All Instagram ads will have a Sponsored icon on the top right and may contain a call-to-action button below the image. Your ad’s caption will also appear below the image. There are four formats you can use with your Instagram Ads: • Images: If you use a single image in your Instagram ad, your image may appear in the square, landscape, or vertical format. • Videos: If you use video creative in your Instagram ad, your video may appear in the square or landscape format. • Carousel: If you use the carousel format as the creative for your Instagram ad, your ad will appear in the square format or vertical format on feed and stories. • Instagram Stories: While it’s recommended to use mobile optimized for story ads, this format can support the same media you use in your other ads. Story ads can support all feed photo and video dimensions, meaning you can upload a single photo or up to a 60-second video in any dimension. To create ads on Instagram, you first need to connect your account to a Facebook Business Page, which allows you to use Facebook Ad Manager. Ad Manager lets you create ads that run on both Facebook and Instagram. There are two main ways to create Instagram ads in Facebook Ads Manager: Guided Creation and Quick Creation. Guided Creation walks you through each step of creating an ad, with step-by-step instructions. Step 1 – Choose Your Objective Step 2 – Identify Your Audience

Step 3 – Select Your Ad Placements Step 4 – Choose Your Budget and Schedule Step 5 – Create Your Ads How to Advertise on Instagram Within the App You can also create simple promotions within the Instagram app. If you have a post that’s performing well and getting lots of engagement, promoting it within the app is a quick, easy method to reach even more users. However, you won’t have as many customization options as you do on Facebook Ads Manager. Know You’re Audience Instagram ads are very similar to advertising on Facebook. So, don’t forget who you’re trying to reach when setting your audience filters. Your customers are more than a set of demographics and interests. You’ve learned how to reach the right people, so once you have their attention, don’t miss the opportunity to make the most of it.

Measure Performance and Optimize Like Facebook ads, you can view the performance of your Instagram ads within the Facebook Ads Manager. Set realistic goals and objectives for each campaign and monitor how the ad is doing. Ad not doing so well? Change hashtags, copy or even the image. Remember, each element of your ad should always represent who you are as a company.

YouTube for Business Growth YouTube is an effective platform for businesses, and just like Facebook and Instagram, you want to be found by new people and stay in the minds of your current audience. While creating a video is much harder than uploading a picture or posting a store special, using YouTube is definitely worth it. After all, it is the second most popular website in the world, only behind Google (parent company) itself. According to The Balance, since its introduction in 2005, this video sharing/ social media site has become an indispensable

advertising and marketing tool for businesses in every industry, of every size, to promote their products to prospects and customers and its reach is vast and global. Did You Know? • 1.3 billion people use YouTube • 3 00 hours of video are uploaded every minute • 5 billion videos are watch every day • 80 percent of people aged 18—49 watch YouTube Just about every type of business can benefit from this channel, including online business, small offline businesses, even freelancers and consultants who offer their services.

Creating Your Videos Don’t be afraid to start! Grab your smartphone and begin. Follow some basic guidelines to ensure your video’s get found, watched and create a call to action.

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Devoted to Divination

Summer Special | 17

• Determine your format: Interview, speaking direct to the camera, screenshare or how-to video? Brick and mortar businesses – upload commercial style YouTube videos! • Creating the video: Make sure you have great lighting, everything in the video should be clearly seen. Make sure the sound is clear, consider a microphone. Keep your videos around three or four minutes, maybe even shorter. Test this out and see what works best for your audience. • K ey words: Choose and use relevant keywords and place them in your title, description and tags. • Create a niche: Add your branding and keep all aspects of your channel as professional looking as possible. Consider adding videos that relate to each other, thereby keeping the viewers on your channel, watching you! • Be social: Promote your videos on Facebook and Instagram.

18 May/June 2019 |

Advertising on YouTube There are three video ad categories on YouTube: • TrueView ads: These are the skippable ads that appear at the beginning • Non-skippable video ads • Bumper ads Although your ad will appear on YouTube, you’ll manage your campaign using Google Ads, an advertising platform used by businesses running ads on Google and its advertising network – which includes YouTube. If you have not already linked your YouTube account with Google please follow these steps: 1. S ign in to your YouTube channel 2. C lick Settings, then click Channel 3. Click the Advanced tab 4. Click Link Account 5. Enter a name for the link, a Google Ads customer ID, and choose which permissions

you will grant 6. Click Done 7. Click Save Once the owner of the Google Ads account approves your request, your YouTube channel will be linked to that Google Ads account. Let’s take a deeper look into the video ad categories offered on YouTube. TrueView ads are the skippable ads that appear at the beginning of YouTube videos. They’re a great place to get started advertising on YouTube because they are versatile and allow you to advertise your products and services with how-to videos, demos, video testimonials and more. These ads are also low risk because you only pay when the ad has played for 30 seconds or longer or has ended – or – the ad prompted an action from your viewer, like a click. Because these ads can be skipped after five seconds, you will rarely waste ad dollars on completely uninterested audiences.

Non-skippable YouTube ads can be annoying, but they can also be effective. There are two types of non-skippable YouTube ads, pre-roll ads which appear before a video plays and mid-roll ads which appear at the midpoint of 10 minuteor-longer videos. Pro tip - if you’re looking to tell a deeper, more nuanced story that requires a little build-up, you may want to set up some non-skippable YouTube ads. Make sure your video is hyper-focused and clearly showcases your product’s value to your target audience. Bumper ads are the more tolerable version of non-skippable ads, lasting six seconds at most. They appear at the end of YouTube videos, and are paid for on a CPM basis. Because they’re short, bumper ads are ideal for targeting mobile users. They’re also a great way to recycle longer content. To set up your YouTube video ad click Campaigns on the main toolbar>+ Campaign>New Campaign>Select Video and follow the prompts to choose your audience, budget and locations.

with a focused social media marketing plan and doing your research on keywords and your competition can set you up for success. Stay focused on building your brand and your message, keep an eye on your analytics and be flexible, willing to change out what does not work and try something new.

Keep these best practices in mind when using YouTube to advertise: • Hook viewers with engaging and relevant content • Optimize your videos for search • Add a join button to your YouTube channel • Curate playlists for your content • Publish content on a regular basis • Keep an eye on your competitors by creating content that sets you apart • Watch the length of your video. Too short may not garner enough attention, too long and the viewer may get bored • Most importantly include a compelling Call to Action

Jacqueline Adamany is a seasoned artist and the author of Going Wholesale, a step-by-step approach for artists and craftspeople. Jacqueline has mentored many artists preparing them for the world of wholesale while readying them for trade shows. She has been a columnist for Smart Retailer and Handmade Business magazines. She is Vice President of IndieMe, Inc. an online marketplace and virtual trade show for wholesale artists and buyers to connect.

Using Social Media for Marketing is Powerful As we have learned, great marketing on social media can bring remarkable success to your business, creating devoted brand advocates and even driving leads and sales. Beginning

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Summer Special | 19


20 May/June 2019 |


Borrowing Money By Uma Silbey


here comes a time in most businesses when you run out of money, which can be a harrowing experience, at the very least. Perhaps you can’t make payroll, your suppliers are calling for money that you don’t have, you collected sales tax that you can’t pay to the government, or you may need more inventory than you can pay for. These and other forms of cash shortages can certainly make you feel anxious, afraid, angry, stuck, resentful and other such feelings that not only make it hard to sleep, but also make our business no fun to run, to put it lightly. When you are in this position, what do you do?

COMMUNICATION WORKS BEST First of all, it is important to communicate. So often the reaction is to hide your cash shortage, to lie to suppliers that “the check is on the way,” get out the payroll checks late, or buy a little extra time by bouncing checks thinking that you will cover them later. These “techniques” may work at first and buy you a week or so, but eventually your suppliers will demand payment, the government will harass you, employees will quit, or you will face lawsuits. This digs your cash short hole even deeper and your fear, anxiety, or resentment turns to outright panic.

Summer Special | 21

BE HONEST Instead of fleeing in this way, it works better to be honest with everyone; your employees, your creditors, your bank and the government. This may feel embarrassing to you, but in spite of that, let them know that you are facing a cash shortage and what you intend to do about it. Once you let these people know what you intend to do about it, ask to be put on a payment plan that is realistic for both you and the person, business or government that you are dealing with. If your plan is not realistic for your business, you will only compound the problem by not meeting your new agreement and you will likely not get another one. If it is not realistic for your creditor, your employees, the bank or the government, they may attempt to meet you half way, or simply turn you down completely.

MAKE A REALISTIC PLAN Besides honest communication, it is important to make a realistic plan how you are going to meet you expenses. First you need to prioritize whom you need to pay first and then whom else you can pay in order of importance. Take a look at your receivables to clearly determine what amount of money is coming in to your business, when it is coming in, and what amount you will receive. It is helpful to make a chart of this, whether you have to do it by hand, or you can simply refer to your receivables report. You need a clear picture not based on hope, but on reality, no matter what it is. Hope doesn’t pay the bills. Generally speaking, your employees need to

22 May/June 2019 |

be paid first, followed by your fixed expenses like your rent and utilities, your phone, WIFI, or internet depending on the type of business you have, your most important suppliers of the most essential products that you need in order to keep your business functioning, then your other financial commitments. If you have personal rent to pay and other fixed expenses like your electric, water and phone, pay yourself that money after the payments you need to make to those essential to keeping your business open and functioning. Your plan should not be just who you can pay, but also when you can pay them depending on when the receivables are due to arrive.

TO BORROW MONEY OR NOT It may well be that your financial chart shows you that you will be unable to meet

your necessary financial obligations because there just isn’t enough money coming in. If you cannot increase your sales in time to pay back what you owe, the natural inclination is to want to borrow money. Borrowing money will work, but only if it is coupled with a good plan to pay back what you borrow, usually with interest. If you don’t have a good, realitybased plan to pay back what you borrow, it is better not to borrow because you will only dig a deeper financial hole. Practically speaking, whomever you borrow money from is going to ask this of you. If they loan you money, they need to approve your plan, so it is important to present a clearly delineated plan based on realistic parameters. Whether it is an

individual, a bank, or any other organization, they will need to see that you will be able to pay them back in an agreed upon time without fail. Your plan needs to show them this. Usually your payment plan needs to not only show a receivables schedule, but also how you are going to boost sales in such a way that you can start making a profit while also paying them back. If you can’t start making enough profit to pay your bills and operate your business while paying yourself, even if you manage to pay them back, you will be in the same financial hole again from which you started. If your payment and profit plan seems viable, then it is ok to borrow money.

BORROWING FROM A BANK Usually business owners go to a bank to borrow money, often after having exhausted friends and family. Often a smaller, local bank is more eager to loan money to a business located in their own hometown… but only if the business and payment plan seem viable. Generally, local banks like to support local business, while a larger bank may not care as much. Whether a large or small bank, it is important to present yourself professionally. Dress in a professional manner and perhaps bring your personal or business accountant with you (the owner.) Speak politely, with friendliness and with confidence. Don’t beg. That suggests a lack of confidence in your business and plan and is quite off-putting. Remember, no bank is

going to loan money because you are a “nice person,” have a conscious or “good” business, or any other such consideration. They simply have to believe that you can pay back the loan with an appropriate amount of interest. The bank will generally need to see more than just your plan to pay back the loan. The presentation that you make to them should include a good business plan. The business plan should explain your purpose, the list and short biographies of the owner or owners and top executives, (sales manager, CFO or accountant, CEO if not yourself.) The biographies should show any and all experience that you and the top executives have in the industry or related industry that you are in. It should show the history of the business, two or three years’ profit/loss statements and balance sheets, and any awards that you have. You should include this year’s actual and projected payable and receivables report. The business plan should describe your marketplace, your niche in the marketplace, and your competition. The plan should show a detailed sales and marketing plan with two or three years’ sales projections. Along with this, you should present a two or three year financial plan that includes a healthy profit that includes your payment plan for the loan. It is important that your presentation looks professional, perhaps including some charts and graphs and certainly in a nice folder. Take your time with this and do it properly, perhaps with the help of your accountant.

Involve your CFO and CEO if you have them in your company. A proper, professional presentation to your bank will engender their confidence in you and your business. If the bank decides to loan your business the money that you are asking for, they usually will want some collateral, usually your house. (It’s easier to get a business loan if you own your home.) If you don’t own your home, or after several times of successfully loaning your business money, the bank will accept your business receivables or the business itself as collateral. When borrowing from a bank, see if they have any special loans that you may qualify for. Often banks have minority loans or loans for women perhaps. These special loans may have better interest rates or be easier to get, especially if the bank has quotas of these types of loans that they must meet. Also, if your business is seasonal, the bank may be willing to offer a short-term loan based on the seasonality. For example, if your high sales season is December, January and February and your lowest sales period is July and August, you may find that you are cash short every low season because of the reduced sales, right at the time that you need to start purchasing to produce or stock up for the next high season. You might only need a loan during the low season that you can pay back during or right after the high season. If you show your bank a history of this seasonality, you may be able to more easily get a short-term loan.

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FACTORING INVOICES Another way of borrowing money, especially if you have invoices with large amounts due, is to factor them. To factor an invoice means that you sell your invoices to a factoring organization for the amount of the invoice less an agreed upon interest rate. This interest rate can be quite high, often 3 percent to 10 percent of the factored invoice amount. The factor will then collect your invoice and immediately give to you the amount of the invoice less the interest. The main reason to factor a large invoice or a group of larger invoices is if you need the money from them right away to pay expenses while the actual collection of the invoice is actually due in 30, 60 or 90 days. If you know you are going to factor an invoice, if you can, add the 3 percent to 10 percent to your price so that the interest is covered. If not, be sure that these factored invoices will still cover your expenses and bring you profit even though the interest is deducted. If your business if in manufacturing and you sell enough so that you have large amounts due in some invoices, this is often a good method to use. In fact, it is fairly common.










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24 May/June 2019 |

Finally, it is important to avoid making any financial decision based on your emotions. Put any panic, frustration, anxiety, anger, and any other fears aside and just use your logical mind to make any decisions. Financial decisions based on emotions, more often than not, will fail to help you in the way you intend. Only well thought-out decisions will have the effectiveness you intend and will bring the emotional relief that you seek. Termed by the press in the early ‘80s as One of America’s Renaissance Women, Uma Silbey was one of the first to pioneer quartz crystals, gemstone and ‘energy’ information to the world through her jewelry designs, books and music for 45 years. Besides running her hugely successful quartz crystal jewelry company, Uma is also the author of six books, including her latest, The Ultimate Guide to Crystals and Stones. She has also recorded 18 albums of meditation music and guided visualization.

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Divination Deck Roundup by Anna Jedrziewski It’s early summer and that means it’s time for my annual divination deck roundup. Most of you already know that this category is still trending big time. Major mind, body, spirit publishers have the divination decks to prove it. What follows is a selection of some of the state-of-the-art decks that have recently been (or will soon be) released. I have watched this category blossom and it is highly gratifying to me to be able to present the following representative selection of divination decks to you.

Magical Dogs Tarot Daniel Mueller Illustrated by Mickie Mueller $29.99 ISBN 9780738750057 Llewellyn I Mickie Mueller’s captivating illustrations will win the hearts of canine lovers as they make a wide variety of breeds come to life in endearing ways. Add Daniel’s love of lore and storytelling to the mix and you have a card deck and book that truly deserves to be labeled “magical”. The visual symbolism added to these extraordinary canine portraits speaks to the ancient wisdom these special messengers bring to their human companions. 78-card deck and 216-page guidebook

26 May/June 2019 |

Queen of the Moon Oracle Stacey Demarco, artwork by Kinga Britschgi $21.95 ISBN 9781925682588 Rockpool Publishing I NOT JUST FOR WOMEN. Universally, people are reclaiming the power of their feminist energy. Demarco, author of Witch in the Boardroom, has earned her credentials to speak to this issue through decades of writing and teaching. The choice of Kinga Britschgi’s digitalized surrealism and fantasy artwork, framed with dark whimsy, makes this a cutting-edge deck with great appeal for the younger generations. 44-card deck and 108-page full-color guidebook

Crow Tarot MJ Cullinane $22.95 ISBN 9781572819610 U.S.Games Systems, Inc. I Based on the traditional Rider-Waite® format, this deck is the result of Cullinane’s love of crows merged with her dynamic, digital collage illustrations. Her artistry captures the iridescence of crow’s black feathers sparkling in the sunlight. The vibrant “sunset” color palette she uses lets readers know that the deck comes from the realm of the ancient wisdom. It’s a stunning first deck for this skilled artist and intuitive. 78-card deck and 88-page guidebook

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle Caitlín Matthews, illustrated by Virginia Lee $19.95 ISBN 9781786781420 Watkins Publishing I Matthews drew on her personal collection of 19th-century Lenormand decks, then joined forces with uniquely-skilled painter Virginia Lee, to create this wonderful new Lenormand Oracle. Together they have taken this seasoned divination deck to new levels of relevance and accessibility. The well-done companion guidebook is a textbook of esoteric wisdom, organized to be of use to beginners and experienced readers alike. 39-card deck and 160-page full-color guidebook

Hip Chick Tarot Maria Strom $34.99 ISBN 9780764354922 REDFeather I Hand-painted, these 78 card illustrations represent the wisdom of experienced women. Accessible modern imagery, boldly-colored and fun, encourages women to make their own decisions and risk claiming their innate power. She tells readers that she’s humbled to be able to add her contribution to the century’s long legacy of the tarot. The deck is consciously diverse, representing the world we live in now. 78-card deck and 112-page guidebook

Summer Special | 27

Goddess Power Oracle Colette Baron-Reid, illustrated by Jena DellaGrottaglia $39.99 ISBN 9781401956448 Hay House I An awareness of the Feminine aspect has been kept alive and brought forward through the millennia via goddess archetypes (most recently in the form of saints and angels). To create this deck, Baron-Reid made the journey back to ancient times and returned with 52 goddesses from many different eras and cultures. DellaGrottaglia has brought these goddesses to life in her exquisite illustrations that will touch your life in powerful ways. 52-card deck and 116-page guidebook

Animal Portraits Playing Card Deck Carol Lew $9.95 ISBN 9781572818910 U.S.Games Systems, Inc. I Not specifically designed as an oracle deck, Lew’s enchanting, Old World portraiture makes this playing card deck a perfect divination tool. Using numerology, the four suits, the historical references in the paintings, and the demeanor of the animals portrayed, intuitive information will flow freely. It will also make a terrific stocking stuffer for your less psychically-gifted friends. 54-card deck

Fairy Oracle Jaymi Elford, illustrated by Arthur Rackham $19.95 ISBN 9780738759814 Lo Scarabeo I Using the artwork of the renowned fantasy painter from early in the last century, Arthur Rackham, this deck captures the mystery and allure of the Victorian era. Extremely dynamic, the illustrations speak volumes from the moonlit realm of the Good Folk. The more you look, the more you see. 36-card deck and 128-page guidebook

Animal Tarot Cards Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine, illustrated by Dan Craig $21.99 ISBN 9781401951214 Hay House I The Virtue/Valentine pairing is famous for their angel oracles. Now they have created a tarot deck using animals. They tell us that animals are also angels and, often, healers. They tell us that animals can be sent to us in our time of need. This deck delightfully captures the essence of the powerful healing energy of each animal represented. 78-card deck and 192-page guidebook continued on page 30

28 May/June 2019 |

Divine Feather Messenger Alison DeNicola, artwork by David Scheirer $14.95 ISBN 9781572819627 U.S.Games Systems, Inc. I Have you ever found a feather and felt like it was a message just for you? This deck recreates the magic of finding feathers and the messages from the bird realm that come with them. A feather appears on one side of the card and a watercolor drawing of the bird on the other side. The feather images have been charged with the special healing energy of the bird. Feathers have long been associated with ascension and divinity uniting with earth. 44 double-sided card deck and 80-page guidebook

White Eagle Medicine Wheel: Native American Wisdom as a Way of Life Eliana Harvey with Wa-Na-Nee-Che, photos by Stephen Marwood $26.95 ISBN 9781859062456 Eddison Books Limited I Created as an introduction to the sacred teachings of Native Americans, the stunning photo collages connect readers with animals and sacred archetypes who reveal their medicine ways. They guide readers through three levels of learning revealing the age-old wisdom at their source. They make powerful meditational images as well as magical divination tools. 46-card deck and 160-page book

John Bauer Tarot Artwork by John Bauer and text by Jaymi Elford $23.95 ISBN 9780738759777 Lo Scarabeo I A Swedish painter from early in the last century, John Bauer’s imaginative and emotive imagery is perfect for a tarot deck. This deck uses images or parts of paintings to build a highly artistic deck that delights the senses as it triggers intuitive information. Take time to get in touch with each card image thoroughly. You will be glad you did. 78-card deck and 64-page booklet

Fortune Cookies Sharina Star $17.95 ISBN 9781925429060 Rockpool Publishing I Is there anyone who hasn’t saved a message from a fortune cookie that seemed to be especially prophetic? This deck captures that spontaneous magic in beautifully designed cards containing concise, but richly-impactful short messages. Use them to answer specific questions or as the basis for meditation. This is another great holiday gift item, or for a Chinese New Year’s celebration. 40-card mini deck

30 May/June 2019 |

Raven’s Wand Oracle Steven Hutton $22.95 ISBN 9781572819511 U.S.Games Systems, Inc. I Journey through the Wildwood coven with Raven and the mysterious black wand as Kolfinnia struggles to save witchcraft. Each witch encountered offers life lessons and coven-based nature wisdom. The deck is based on Hutton’s novel, Raven’s Wand. These wonderfully-dynamic and fanciful illustrations bring this adventure tale to life in magical ways. 44 double-sided card deck and 60-page guidebook

Animal Kin Oracle Sarah Wilder $21.99 ISBN 9781401950958 Hay House I Torn between two worlds, Wilder tried to put her concern for animals on the back burner while she pursued a career in fashion. Today, her fashion sense enhances the design of the cards she created to help readers understand the special spirit she has found in each of the animals represented in this deck. The graphically-bold watercolor animal renderings link each animal to one of the five elements (air, fire, water, air, or spirit). 65-card deck and 174-page guidebook

Arcanum Tarot Renata Lechner, text by Jaymi Elford $26.95 ISBN 9780738758756 Lo Scarabeo I Lechner’s illustrations are bold and lyrical at the same time. Exquisite detail and sense of light make them seem almost three-dimensional. This deck is a treasure to have, even just to look at. The traditional tarot format makes it easy to use for divination. You might, however, want to just pull one card a day and enter its rich world to see what you will find there. 78-card deck and 128-page full-color guidebook

Influence of the Angels Tarot Jody Boginski Barbessi with Karen Boginski $26.95 ISBN 9781572818545 U.S.Games Systems, Inc. I Inspired by the classic paintings of the masters, these angel drawings gain strength due to Barbessi’s experience as a graphic designer. Gilded card edges add elegance. A collaboration between two sisters, their combined years of tarot study and insight provide the foundation for this meaningful interpretation of traditional tarot wisdom. You can feel the angelic energy even before you open the deck to explore these wonderful cards. 78-card deck and 184-page guidebook. Anna Jedrziewski is a new consciousness author and consultant and creator of Summer Special | 31


ge Em A w e N y a D A d n A r e v re Fo Forever And A Day New Age Emporium is a family owned business located in Woodstock, GA. It has been described by some of their customers as a beacon to their community. They offer classes and a full staff of metaphysical practitioners to guide customers in their quest for knowledge. A large part of their business is healing services, including massage and Reiki, halotherapy in our salt cave, crystal healing and CBD products. Their goal is help customers on their journey to enlightenment by offering the finest body-mind-spirit merchandise available from the premiere artisans and manufactures in the industry. Why did you decide to open the store? We wanted to create a place where people of all beliefs could come and relax, heal, and meet

32 May/June 2019 |

others on their respective spiritual journey. A place where customers can let go of the outside world, find comfort, peace, or have a place to just BE. Folks that frequently come to our store just come in to soak up the energy! As a store owner can you share a little bit of your weekly routine with us? Being the owners of a small business, we wear many hats. Our weekly routine includes email management daily, reviewing social media, responding to reviews and recommendations, product evaluation, ordering inventory, managing a staff of full-time employees, managing practitioners, scheduling events, building maintenance, overseeing the set up new product displays, managing advertising, setting up our LED sign material, and more.

We also attend several gift and gem and mineral shows on a regular basis because we are constantly on the lookout for awesome new products for the store. And in our spare time (LOL), we volunteer our time for some local new age events. We are Certified Infinite Possibility Trainers and have assisted at Mike Dooley events and at local Kryon events. How do you promote your brand and products? We maintain ads in two local new age magazines. We also have a 4’ x 8’ LED sign in front of our store, with messages that change every minute, 24 hours per day. We also have a website and a presence on social platforms where we post new products and services regularly.

Do you work with consignment products? We do carry some consignment products, but we’re very meticulous about the ones we accept. Consignment is a lot of work, with limited income, but it allows us to feature some local folks’ products that are unique to our store. Do you sell products online? Yes. Do you work exclusively with local artists and Made in USA products or do you carry imported products too? At one point, we thought we would only sell products made in the USA, but that was very naive on our part, due to the nature of the products we sell. So, we carry both. When choosing new products for your store what is your criteria in terms of selection? Quality is the most important factor, along with the price point. If the product is not worth the price, it won’t sell. Do you usually buy products advertised in Retailing Insight?

Most certainly! We were so excited when we first discovered Retailing Insight (at that time it was called New Age Retailer), because of the wealth of information it gave us about new age products. Any plans to expand business to attract a broader audience? We just did that! In September of last year, we built the Woodstock Salt Cave at Forever And A Day, a 450-square-foot salt cave. We also increased the size of our building by 1,000 square feet, which allowed us to gain some much-needed back office space and inventory storage space. We increased the size of our employee kitchen, added a massage and Reiki room, and a new reader room for our psychics. Our remodel took four months to complete, but we’re never through! People that know us know that we’re always on to the next thing... which will be a crystal healing room! What advice do you have for our retailers? Be true to yourself and follow your dreams!

FOREVER AND A DAY NEW AGE EMPORIUM 7830 Highway 92, Woodstock, GA 30189 (770) 516-6969 Owners Michael and Sherry Davis Year Opened 2010 Store Size approx. 4,500 square feet Hours 10am to 630pm Monday-Thursday 10am to 8pm Friday 10am to 630pm Saturday 12pm to 6pm Sunday Products in Stock Aromatherapy, candles, incense, herbs, books, jewelry, journals, salt lamps, tumbled stones, raw crystals and gemstones, tapestries, art and banners, CDs, DVDs, and more. Inventory Method/Software Use ShopKeep Inventory Turn 90 days Sales by category Crystals, Incenses, Jewelry Events/Services Woodstock Salt Cave (inside store), daily psychic readings, monthly psychic fair, metaphysical classes, massages, and Reiki.

THE ZEN STONE GARDEN Kelly Barker Newport, OR 541-961-1285 Artist # 22255

Both items come with a point of sale display that draws and informs your customers.


WISHING STONE - A perfect way to put your wishes or affirmations into the Universe. Simply paint on it with plain water. Also makes a great no-mess children’s canvas. Available in two sizes - 6”x8” and 8”x10”, $9.75 and $11.25 whlsl., shipping is FREE.

Summer Special | 33

34 May/June 2019 |




abels on CBD oil make certain that consumers know it won’t get them high, but given its recent burst of popularity, you’d think this substance is an enchanted potion with supernatural talents! Former children of the not-so-long-ago ‘60s, did you ever think that Cannabidiol, or CBD, would not only become a household word, but THE cutting-edge rage? There’s not a day that goes by that someone doesn’t suggest “Have you tried CBD oil?” for just about every health-related or healing issue. This formerly underground ingredient is stealing the spotlight – and for some pretty good reasons! As the Western world finally catches up with 5000 years of documented cannabis sativa use, you can now find CBD, the oil extracted from the plant, in over-the-counter supplements, sprays, food additives, patches, gels, salves, tinctures, vapes and even by prescription. Modern society is rediscovering that this simple ingredient relieves everything from pain to PTSD, anxiety to Alzheimer’s. The plant was considered sacred in many cultures, used in rituals and spiritual ceremonies for eons, and is now offering the world even more magic. Current CBD research is quite impressive. Unfortunately, it’s spread all across the internet, packed with misinformation, wild claims and even some scary products. So, although this article focuses specifically on CBD skin-care products, here’s some useful information for shops wanting to educate themselves without spending hours of googling time.

CBDetails CBD oil is obtained from the Cannabis sativa plant—the same plant producing marijuana and hemp. However, some varieties of the plant have been selected for their ability to

yield high amounts of THC (the psychoactive part), while others are grown for hemp and don’t contain THC. The CBD oil is typically extracted from hemp so people can reap the benefits of cannabis without getting high or risking drug abuse potential. CBD is touted as nature’s marvel by its enthusiasts since there are over 80 chemicals, known as cannabinoids, identified in this plant. It’s being explored by the scientific community for a wide range of uses and has already been shown to help in even the most common or complex conditions. Such things as pain reduction, drug addiction, epilepsy, concussion protection, digestive aid, appetite increaser, cancer fighting and prevention, sciatica and back problems, acne, eczema, leukemia, PTSD anxiety, insomnia, Alzheimer’s, type One diabetes, anti-oxidant, antispasmodic, cell-regenerative, and more. One of the core benefits of CBD is its ability to bring calm to both restless, worried minds and tired, weary bodies, without harmful psychoactive side effects. It’s even great for pets! The list is expanding exponentially as research grows. Plus, all this with negligible, if any, side effects. For those wanting a more scientific explanation, CBD acts on several types of nerve cells, binding and interacting with various protein molecules called receptors. These molecules send signals that impact bodily functions regulating sleep, mood, anxiety, and pain. Scientists don’t yet understand the exact way CBD acts on the body, and many health-related claims are still anecdotal. However, with dozens of studies and trials being conducted, the future is bright. Medical marijuana and CBD, when taken as supplements, are very different. Medical marijuana actually uses the entire flower of

the plant and is often grown for maximum THC content. CBD has little or no THC, even though there is some compelling evidence that it, too, can be therapeutic. As more benefits unfold, science is staying alert and open to possibilities of other uses for this CBD phenomenon.

Jumping on the CBD Bandwagon As many dash to their local health food stores to conduct their own, at-home, CBD trials, not surprisingly, mind, body, spirit shops are joining in. As shelves get stocked with a plethora of CBD products overflowing with claims, here are some important things to know: Most CBD products are derived from the hemp plant stalks and roots, with extremely low amounts of THC. Recently, hempderived products were removed from the Controlled Substances Act, meaning they are completely legal to sell. However, it’s not clear if hemp-derived CBD works in the same manner as marijuana-derived CBD. As long as there are no associated medical claims, the FDA allows the use of hemp oil and seeds in cosmetics. However, the usefulness of hemp-produced cosmetics also remains to be scientifically determined. But until it is, since its use is harmless, individual results can offer proof without risks.

Addictive Body Care With all that in mind, CBD skin care has attained the coveted position of hottest trend, with the sizzle only getting hotter! Although research into its uses and applications in dermatology is still in early stages, highquality CBD beauty and skincare products are proliferating, with users belting out their

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praises. From rosacea to acne to eczema to plain ol’ dry skin, CBD is da bomb. With abundant research and evidence, it’s no surprise that body-care brands are looking into this simple plant’s potential as a therapeutic, natural, sustainable way to have healthy skin. CBD oil provides an extra layer of protection, helping skin fight against everyday wear-andtear, as well as preventing diseases. The elements found in CBD can help soften, revitalize, and regenerate tired, dry, or inflamed skin. It also increases elasticity of the skin and the flow of blood underneath while removing dead skin cells, which could give skin a more youthful, healthy glow. Because of that, it can be used as a longlasting moisturizer, and may even reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Since specialty body care products are always great sellers in the indie shop environment, adding CBD to the equation takes skin care to an entirely different level. Carrying CBD infused body products will become another reason for people to return repeatedly to your store for replenishments. CBD in such products as lotions, soaps, oils, balms, body creams, shampoos and face-care, are completely addictive – in a good way! The list of products is never ending, but if there’s just one product in highest demand, it’s CBD oil in lotions. Easy to use, amazing results, great gift: What could be better for your small shop? As CBD oil body products continue to explode onto the marketplace, if your shop carries, or is thinking about carrying them, here are some things to know to be an informed seller: Moisturizing: CBD oil contains high levels of omega-3 and omega-6, which are essential fatty acids for use in the body. These ingredients are vital to maintain healthy, youthful skin since they keep the cell membrane flexible and lock in moisture. Cannabis oil contains all 21 known amino acids which helps combat everyday skin harms from dry weather, sun exposure, UV or other everyday factors. It helps protect against problems that can lead to a variety of medical issues such as eczema, psoriasis and even skin cancer. However, for CBD to be effective on the skin, it needs to be paired with a fat molecule to serve as a transporter. Some of the best choices are camellia japonica oil, almond seed

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oil, rose hip oil, and macadamia nut oil, all rich in vitamins C, E, and oleic acid. These offer additional brightening, hydrating, and calming benefits. Antioxidant: According to dermatologists, skin shows signs of aging due to oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, neutralize these free radicals from the inside out. Now, researchers are adding CBD to the list to help combat the skin’s response to UV exposure. Anti-Inf lammatory: CBD applied topically to reduce inf lammation has been well-studied, although mostly on laboratory animals. However, the research seems promising that the transdermal (through the skin) anti-inflammatory properties that many users experience is valid and repeatable. Acne: Interestingly, CBD may play a role in regulating sebaceous (sweat) glands, making sure their secretions are normal, protecting them from inflammation. This property of cannabidiol is one reason that it’s currently being studied as a potential therapy for acne. CBD delivers powerful terpenes that help to encourage rejuvenation of the dermal layer’s sebum production that reduces the chance of breakouts. Anti-Bacterial: CBD is known to have antibacterial properties. It’s even effective against some resistant forms of staph infection! This can have positive benefits for overall skin health by making it less receptive to the damaging effects of infections, or skin problems related to bacteria. Deeper Healing: Most cannabinoid skincare products are designed to help surface issues, but topical applications are just the tip of the healing iceberg. A recent study found that CBD can control cell proliferation and differentiation, meaning it’s an effective treatment for skin diseases. CBD oil is effective on warts, moles, and even HPV outbreaks because it causes destruction of abnormally growing cell groups. Amazingly, cannabinoids have been shown to be particularly effective in controlling potential skin cancers such as melanoma.

Not All CBD is Created Equal Shop buyer beware: All CBD oil is different. Make sure to do a thorough check of ingredients, seeking out products using organic, whole plant extraction methods. This allows for a full spectrum of the chemical and botanical compounds contained in the oil, with the benefits of their interactions. Also, products that contain higher concentrations are more likely to impart the unique characteristics and benefits of CBD. As of now, you’re likely to find products with higher concentrations in states where the recreational use of marijuana is legal. When in doubt, look closely at the ingredient list, since it will provide the percentages of active compounds in the product. Don’t be misled by the “total volume” of oil. It’s the milligrams of CBD that count and should be stated clearly on the label. Sometimes the label shows a percentage instead of the total milligrams. This shows the ratio of total CBD to liquid volume in the product. Make sure to ask your vendors or the manufacturers to tell you the THC levels in their CBD products. If they won’t tell you, don’t carry it! To be on the safe side, look for CBD that’s hemp-based with no THC contained in it. Once you start carrying it, some of the most knowledgeable sources of information will be your customers using it. Talk to them about how it worked (or didn’t). Ask them to post honest reviews on your website to help others navigate the information. Although CBD oil is arguably the posterchild for natural skincare, the industry is still very new and is not yet regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. As scientific research into the therapeutic applications proceeds, it’s possible that even more benefits for skin and well-being will be revealed. Stay tuned!

How Much to Use? When customers ask that, and they will, the answer depends on both the product (concentrations are different for different creams, salves and lotions) and also what effect they’re striving for. For example, a lotion intended for moisturizing a large area is designed to go on in a very thin layer and is less concentrated than one with a thicker base. On the other hand, a salve is more concentrated and takes only a pinhead sized amount applied to a small area for the product to be effective. Have customers read and follow the instructions

on the product as a guide. However, because CBD is safe and non-narcotic, they need not worry about using too much. In addition, inform your customers that pregnant and nursing women should not use CBD creams until more research demonstrates its safety for those conditions.

Can CBD be Used Directly on Skin? In most cases, the answer is yes. Just make sure your customers check the ingredient list to see if they have any allergies to the carrier oil or added fragrances. The addition of CBD oil to other ingredients only adds to their healing properties. For example, it may combine with the soothing power of aloe, the cooling power of peppermint, or the anti-bacterial properties of tea tree oil to enhance the CBD.

Know The Quality of CBD Since CBD products are in such huge demand, supply can be limited. In fact, some companies are actually running out of stock as they try to keep pace with consumer demand for this natural wonder. Sadly, these make for perfect conditions for false claims, marketing scams, products that contain little or no actual CBD, products with residual pesticides or solvents, and companies that are just taking the money and running. Rest assured there are many trustworthy companies out there, but do your homework: research for the best; read reviews; talk to your vendors; ask for proof; find out what works for your customers. Then jump on in! Needless to say, there’s a lot still not known about CBD that only time and further research will reveal. However, the scientific community is finally catching up to what some of us have been espousing for decades: there’s gold in that thar’ weed! Looking forward to re-reading this article in a few years when research has undoubtedly “proven” even more amazing value from nature’s miracle! Royce Amy Morales is the founder of Perfect Life Awakening. Morales is also a transpersonal development speaker and author of Know: A spiritual wake-up call. Royce was an independent retailer for two decades in Redondo Beach, CA. To know more about the author, visit her page at

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Summer Special | 37

2019 TRADE SHOWS Summer/Fall Exhibitions

Use our comprehensive list of trade shows to plan your buying trips. For a continually updated list of trade shows, visit Retailing Insight strives to assure the accuracy of show schedules listed here, however, please contact the show promoter directly to confirm dates, times, and locations prior to making travel plans.

MAY ► International Fashion Jewelry & Accessory Show, IFJAG Dates: May 9-1 1 Location: New York, NY More than 200 lines of fashion jewelry and accessories. No cash and carry permitted. Open to wholesalers and volume buyers only. ► West Coast Gem & Mineral Show (Fall) Dates: May 10-12 Location: Santa Ana, CA Featuring retail and wholesale dealers from all over the U.S. and abroad, offering minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry, crystals, meteorites, decorator and gifts items, lapidary and metaphysical supplies. ► Indie Beauty Expo Dates: May 15-16 Location: Dallas, TX The world’s largest collection of independent beauty brands. Next Show Aug 21-22

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► International Jewelry & Merchandise Show Dates: May 16-19 Location: New Orleans, LA This cash-and-carry and order-writing show features 700 booths showcasing fine jewelry, semi-precious and precious stones, trendy costume jewelry, accessories, and more. ► Book Expo America Dates: May 29-31 Location: New York, NY The premier North American publishing industry event featuring books in all formats, gift merchandise, and other nonbook products, technology, and services for retailers. ► JCK Las Vegas Jewelry Show Dates: May 29-31 Location: Las Vegas, NV Shop with ease for fine fashion and bridge jewelry at JCK. More than 100 exhibitors offering affordable collections to help customers make every day a special occasion.

► American Handcrafted Show Dates: May 30 – June 3 Location: Philadelphia, PA American Handcrafted, formerly ACRE, events focus on artisan craftsmanship and design. A curated marketplace to find the best in North American wholesale handmade products. Next Show Sept 5-7

JUNE ► Norton’s Apparel, Jewelry & Gift Show Dates: June 1-3 Location: Gatlinburg, TN Featuring 500+ exhibitors of apparel, jewelry, candles, fragrances, gourmet food, cosmetics, stationery, gift wrap, and more. Next Shows Sept 7-9, Nov 16-18 ► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: June 5-8 Location: Dallas, TX A home to thousands of emerging and established women’s apparels, fashion accessories, and foot-

wear product lines across dozens of categories. Next Shows Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26 ► Mississippi Market Wholesale Show Dates: June 6-7 Location: Jackson, MS The South’s premier order-only wholesale show featuring Mississippi companies. Decorative and garden accessories, gifts, jewelry, spiritual and inspirational products, and more. ► Contemporary Crafts Market (Summer Show) Dates: June 7-9 Location: Pasadena, CA The West Coast’s premier event for one-of-a-kind functional and decorative jury-selected crafts: jewelry, glassware, ceramics, hand-painted textiles, mixed media, and much more. ► International New Age Trade Show, INATS Dates: June 7-9 Location: Denver, CO The only show specifically designed for retailers who carry metaphysical, spiritual, inspiring, and Magickal books, music, and gift related products. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: June 10 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Jul 14-17, Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8 ► World Tea Expo Dates: June 10-13 Location: Las Vegas, NV An annual trade event featuring hundreds of tea companies, tea products, educations sessions and more. ► Dallas Total Home and Gift Market Dates: Jun 19-25 Location: Dallas, TX More than 20,000 gift items, home accessories, textiles, furniture, holiday and seasonal items, gourmet food, stationery, toys, and jewelry/ fashion accessories. Next Show Sept 5-7 ► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Jun 23-25 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Shows Aug 2-6, Oct 6-8

► Columbus Marketplace Dates: Jun 23-25 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-toshop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Jul 21-23, Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Jun 24 Location: Madison, WI The Buyers Cash and Carry features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food products, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions, all for immediate delivery. Next show Sept 16 ► WESA International Western/English Apparel & Equipment Market Dates: Jun 19-21 Location: Denver, CO The trade show for the equestrian wholesale and retail industry, featuring over 250 exhibitors of Western and English apparel, accessories, leather goods, and equestrian-related décor and gifts. ► KidsWorld Market Dates: Jun 19-25 Location: Dallas, TX The most comprehensive market for children’s product in the nation. A vast selection of baby, children’s, and juvenile products including apparel and fashion accessories, shoes, gifts, toys, décor, textiles, and more. Next Shows Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26

► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion and Accessories Show, JF&A (Summer) Dates: Jul 18-21 Location: Rosemont, IL A showcase of the latest fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, accessories, and more. An independent, on-site laboratory offers professional appraisals. Next Shows Oct 10-13, Dec 5-8 ► LA Mart (Summer Market) Dates: Jul 18-22 Location: Los Angeles, CA Permanent showrooms featuring 7,000+ lines, national brands, and local artisans in a range of categories: gift, home/garden décor, holiday/ seasonal, fashion, toys, stationery, personal care, gourmet, tabletop, textiles, and more. Next Show Sept 22-24 ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Jul 21-23 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-toshop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► ASD MARKET Week Dates: Jul 28-31 Location: Las Vegas, NV A destination wholesale buying event. With 2,800 vendors in gift and home, jewelry/cash and carry, value and variety, fashion accessories, health and beauty, and toys and novelties.

► GlobalShop Trade Show & Conference Dates: Jun 25-27 Location: Chicago, IL The nation’s largest trade show and conference that combines store design, visual merchandising, retail technology, and shopper marketing.

► Las Vegas Summer Market Dates: Jul 28 – Aug 1 Location: Las Vegas, NV An international furnishing showcase featuring thousands of leading manufacturers and lines in furniture, lighting, decorative accessories, gift, home textiles, tabletop, and more.


► STYLEMAX Date: Jul 28-30 Location: Chicago, IL The show hosts and extensive selection of brands from various categories such as contemporary, premium denim, bridge, footwear, activewear, gift and accessories and more. Next Show Oct 27-29

► Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market Dates: Jul 9-15 Location: Atlanta, GA The industry’s largest gift and home furnishings market, featuring more than 8,000 brands across all categories of gift, home décor and furnishings. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: July 14-17 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8

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AUGUST ► American Craft Council (Public Show) Dates: Aug 2-4 Location: San Francisco, CA This show features original work by more than 1,500 of the country’s top contemporary craft artists, with wholesale-buying opportunities at all four locations. ► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Aug 2-6 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Show Oct 6-8 ► Biloxi Wholesale Gift Show Dates: Aug 3-5 Location: Biloxi, MS More than 300 booths with manufacturers from 22 states featuring new and trendy merchandise: holiday, home décor, tabletop, garden accessories, jewelry, apparel, and more. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Aug 5-6 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8 ► East Coast Gem & Mineral Show Dates: Aug 9-11 Location: Springfield, MA Featuring retail and wholesale dealers from all over the U.S. and abroad, offering minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry, crystals, meteorites, decorator and gifts items, lapidary and metaphysical supplies. ► Atlanta Jewelry Show Dates: Aug 10-12 Location: Atlanta, GA This show features hundreds of companies showcasing designs in an extensive range of categories. ► JA New York (Summer) Dates: Aug 11-14 Location: New York, NY More than 700 major designers and manufacturers from around the world will showcase the latest jewelry designs, with an easy-to-work marketplace. ► NY NOW (Summer) Dates: Aug 11-14 Location: New York, NY

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Drawing 35,000 attendees from all 50 states and 80+ countries, NY NOW hosts 2,800 exhibitors showcasing the very best lines across the home, lifestyle, and gift spectrum. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Aug 14 Location: Springfield, OH Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. Next Show Oct 16 ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Aug 16-20 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-toshop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► Indie Beauty Expo Dates: Aug 21-22 Location: New York, NY The world’s largest collection of independent beauty brands. ► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Aug 21-24 Location: Dallas, TX A home to thousands of emerging and established women’s apparels, fashion accessories, and footwear product lines across dozens of categories. Next Show Oct 23-26 ► Rocky Mountain Gift Show Dates: Aug 21-26 Location: Denver, CO The Rocky Mountain region’s premier wholesale buying event for gift, home, jewelry, resort and related industries. The largest showing of imprinted sportswear in the country. ► Mid-South Jewelry & Accessories Fair Dates: Aug 23-25 Location: Southaven, MS Cash and carry and order writing show with free admission to qualified buyers. Fine jewelry, semi-precious and precious stones, trendy jewelry, accessories, apparel, gifts, and more. ► St. Louis Gift Show Dates: Aug 25-26 Location: Saint Charles, MO More than 100 exhibitors offering thousands of products from around the world, including giftware, gourmet foods, jewelry and accessories, and made-in-the-USA crafts.

► Louisville Gift Show Dates: Aug 25-26 Location: Shepherdsville, KY Features more than 100 order-writing and cash-and-carry vendors in giftware, Kentucky handcrafted, jewelry, scarves, handbags, candles, seasonal merchandise, and more.

SEPTEMBER ► American Handcrafted Show Dates: Sept 5-7 Location: Philadelphia, PA American Handcrafted, formerly ACRE, events focus on artisan craftsmanship and design. A curated marketplace to find the best in North American wholesale handmade products. ► Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dates: Sept 5-7 Location: Dallas, TX A destination for connecting retailers and manufactures in home décor, gifts, gourmet, housewares, accessories and lighting. ► Colorado Mineral & Fossil Show (Fall) Dates: Sept 6-14 Location: Denver, CO Retail and wholesale dealers specializing in fossils, meteorites, amber, petrified wood and related items. Held in conjunction with the Denver Gem and Mineral Show. ► Norton’s Apparel, Jewelry & Gift Show Dates: Sept 7-9 Location: Gatlinburg, TN Featuring 500+ exhibitors of apparel, jewelry, candles, fragrances, gourmet food, cosmetics, stationery, gift wrap, and more. Next Show Nov 16-18 ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Sept 15-17 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Show Oct 7-8 ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Sept 16 Location: Madison, WI Features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions. ► LA Mart (Fall Market) Dates: Sept 22-24 Location: Los Angeles, CA Permanent showrooms featuring 7,000+ lines,

national brands, and local artisans in a range of categories: gift, home/garden décor, holiday/ seasonal, fashion, toys, stationery, personal care, gourmet, tabletop, textiles, and more. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Sept 29 Location: Marlborough, MA Features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Sept 29 Location: Valley Forge, PA Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Sept 29 – Oct 1 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-toshop, single-floor layout. Next Show Nov 2-4

OCTOBER ► Midwest Booksellers Association Heartland Fall Forum Dates: Oct 2-4 Location: Minneapolis, MN This members-only conference gathers booksellers, publishers, distributors, reps, vendors, authors, librarians, teachers, and other book business colleagues in the heart of the literary Midwest. ► Las Vegas Souvenir & Resort Gift Show Dates: Oct 2-5 Location: Las Vegas, NV The national meeting place for the souvenir and resort gift industries featuring more than 1,100 booths and representing thousands of lines—all under one roof. ► The New Earth Expo Dates: Oct 4-6 Location: Calgary, Canada The expo showcases a variety of providers and practitioners focusing on the many areas of health & wellness including alternative healing practices, physical, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional, environmental, holistic and more. Next Show Oct 18-20 ► Minneapolis Mart Seasonal Sensations Show Dates: Oct 6-8 Location: Minnetonka, MN The Minneapolis Mart is a wholesale permanent showroom facility, featuring over 5,000 lines of gift and accessory merchandise in 200 showrooms.

► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Oct 7-8 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more.

► STYLEMAX Date: Oct 27-29 Location: Chicago, IL Women’s apparel and accessories featuring categories such as Contemporary, Bridge, Better, and Accessories.

► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion & Accessories, JF&A (Fall) Dates: Oct 10-13 Location: Rosemont, IL The latest in fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, watches, handbags, and more. Professional Gem Sciences Laboratory, Ltd. Is on site to give professional appraisals. Next Show Dec 5-8


► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Oct 16 Location: Springfield, OH Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products.

► Columbus Marketplace Dates: Nov 2-4 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-toshop, single-floor layout.

► The New Earth Expo Dates: Oct 18-20 Location: Red Deer, Canada The expo showcases a variety of providers and practitioners focusing on the many areas of health & wellness including alternative healing practices, physical, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional, environmental, holistic and more.

► Contemporary Crafts Market (Fall Show) Dates: Nov 1-3 Location: Pasadena, CA The West Coast’s premier event for one-of-a-kind functional and decorative jury-selected crafts: jewelry, glassware, ceramics, hand-painted textiles, mixed media, and much more.

► NW Trend Show Dates: Nov 3-5 Location: Seattle, WA Brings the latest in fashion from women’s apparel, accessories and jewelry, to children’s, men’s shoes and gift items.

► ABC Kids Expo Dates: Oct 23-25 Location: Las Vegas, NV With nearly one million square feet of exhibit space, this wholesale show ranks 38 out of the 100 largest trade shows in North America. Free admission to qualified buyers.

► Atlanta Fall Immediate Delivery Show Dates: Nov 5-7 Location: Atlanta, GA The latest in gift, home furnishings, fashion accessories, fine jewelry, and more are not only on display-they’re ready to take back to your store. With no-minimum buying and markdowns across all categories. A cash & carry event.

► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Oct 23-26 Location: Dallas, TX Showcases apparel and accessories ranging from classic looks to contemporary edge in the permanent showrooms and a wide range of temporary exhibitors.

► Norton’s Apparel, Jewelry & Gift Show Dates: Nov 16-18 Location: Gatlinburg, TN Featuring 500+ exhibitors of apparel, jewelry, candles, fragrances, gourmet food, cosmetics, stationery, gift wrap, and more.

► KidsWorld Market Dates: Oct 23-26 Location: Dallas, TX The most comprehensive market for children’s product in the nation. A vast selection of baby, children’s, and juvenile products including apparel and fashion accessories, shoes, gifts, toys, décor, textiles, and more.

► Transworld’s Jewelry, Fashion & Accessories, JF&A (Holiday Show) Dates: Dec 5-8 Location: Schaumburg, IL The latest in fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, watches, handbags, and more. Professional Gem Sciences Laboratory, Ltd. Is on site to give professional appraisals. For future updates of 2019 Trade Shows, please visit

Summer Special | 41



Balancing Motherhood With Your Work Life by Emily A. Francis

My name is Emily A. Francis, co-author of Witchy Mama, and The Body Heals Itself. I am writing to you because I am intimately familiar with big healing, and the opportunities to embrace our lives through it. My six-year-old daughter has full recovery from an autism spectrum diagnosis. I know that makes people either really excited and hopeful, or angry and condescending. I’ve been the recipient of both when I share our story of miraculous recovery and I get it. She did not grow out of it, nor was she misdiagnosed through the separate avenues of practices we went to in order to confirm the diagnosis as well as the recovery. I completely went rogue for those years going to the ends of the world in order to claim our miracle. I barely looked up during that time and rightfully so. My entire world became completely focused on healing my child. Coming back up into the regular world has been very similar to other women who are tasked with doing it themselves for a myriad of reasons (this is common for cancer survivors and other health issues to be overwhelmed with where they fit in once they’ve become someone completely different through their healing journeys). I have been both the mother who is driving from therapies and special schools keeping the special diet and everything else you might relate to or know someone who can. And I am the mom who now goes to a typical school with no special needs services or therapies. I have been in the mommy groups at the autism school where the moms are a serious team of warriors and every mom who walks in those doors is immediately invited to join. We were embraced and supported every step of the way. When we got recovery, they took me out to eat and cried with me and held my hands and told me that I am living all of their dreams and please go out there and make them proud. They always had my back and continue to still. They are who taught me what real, strong, powerful, incredible women look like. Then I switched to the

typical school and met other moms who can be competitive, petty or awesome. It’s simply not the same. I say all of this to say - “hey mama reading this article… I see you.” I know what it’s like to be at therapy when your friends’ kids are at dance. I know what it’s like to go to parties and bring your own food because your kids can’t have that. I know what it’s like to have to work insanely hard to even be a participating member of life when the goings get rough. Between my husband and myself we have four children. That’s another thing that so many of us face now is the blended family and making that work. I could write an entire book on that subject of what I’ve experienced over the years, but I’ll spare you. More than all of these defining situations, I also know what it’s like to heal and to get my life back. Those days are the ones to hold on tight to and remember them when you need the boost. It was never the job, it was life that threw my priorities straight. Work because you need to and give it all you got while you are there but do your best not to take it home with you. Remind yourself as soon as you hang up that last item to do that you are now changing your hat and you are going to be present with your loved ones. Don’t miss those days. The days seem long many times, but those years fly. Hold on tight and be present to the journey you’re on. You will someday miss these busy days. I know that getting back into my own life and balancing work or school (I just graduated this year with my masters degree after doing one class per semester for three years) and family, can be really difficult to do. We mothers are taught to put ourselves last and our kids first and sometimes I don’t even know where our partners land on that scale. It is a daunting task and I need you to know that I understand those hard days when you want to drop everything and run away. After we’ve tended to our children and our jobs what is there left at the end of the day? The world expects mothers to work as if they don’t have any children, and then they expect them to raise their children as if they don’t have any other work! Maybe it’s not saving time at the end after you’ve tended to your children and your job and your spouse…maybe switch it up and start at the very beginning instead. I have a dear friend who was giving me the talk about waking up and doing exercise first thing in the morning. I gave my standard “I have children. I can’t do that in the morning, my mornings are around getting them up and fed and off to school-which happens to be at two different schools!” And do you know what she said to that? She said: “SO?!” She said “so wake up earlier and get that workout in.” I got a little bit flustered and told her that I work very hard to keep our mornings happy and send the kids to school with full tummies and in continued on page 44

42 May/June 2019 |

a good mood, not ripping into them at every turn for going slow or being late. But the next morning, I found myself trying it. Now, it’s fairly common for me to go downstairs and get on my treadmill (I know, you are reading this and thinking ‘yeah but she has a treadmill in her house’ I got it off craigslist for a steal and you can too - or you can put on any DVD or YouTube video and dance or do yoga or whatever you want to do in the allotted time you give yourself). Here is what I’ve learned about waking up and getting downstairs a little bit earlier to focus just on me: there are some days when 10 minutes is all I can get in and it’s easy to decide since you can’t do the whole workout, then why bother? I now realize that any time is better than no time and so I take it. If in the morning I really just cannot get motivated but I’m up still with that extra time, I might take a bath instead of a shower. Honestly, it really doesn’t matter what you do with those little extra minutes in the morning, it can be meditation, or dancing around, or sitting still with your morning coffee.

It just needs to be about you. At night I hit the bed and am practically sleeping before my head hits the pillows. I don’t want to do “me time” at night and it’s terribly hard to make “us time” with my partner. I have nothing left then. But in the morning, those little extra minutes have become very important to me and on some of those days my partner gets to join me in those morning minutes. I know that no one will ever see all that you do day in and day out for your family. I know that you work harder than you could possibly explain to anyone. I’ve put together a list of reminders and I hope that you put them up somewhere when you need them. I am strong. I am sexy. I am smart. I am capable. I work hard. I am fierce. I am beautiful – exactly as I am.

Now put yourself back into your life and give yourself those extra morning minutes in whatever way makes you honor yourself. Our lives should never be put on hold for our happiness. You are fierce and you own that! I believe in you and I see you. You are magic. (And if your mornings can work out a way to include a kick ass orgasm then please know you are exactly my kind of lady and I love you even more!) We got this, Mamas. Emily A. Francis has a BS in Exercise Science and Wellness and a master’s in Physical Education with a concentration in Human Performance. She is a clinical/neuromuscular massage therapist who specializes in lymphedema therapy. She is the author of Stretch Therapy, Witchy Mama, & The Body Heals Itself along with her upcoming book on healing with Llewellyn due 2019. To know about the author, please visit:



A yoga card deck to help children release the fidgets, soothe anxiety, manage anger, connect to nature, and celebrate happiness.


44 May/June 2019 |

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[ Editor’s Picks ]

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46 May/June 2019 |








1. The anti-serum by Defynt Skin 2. Hemp CBD Face Oil by Kiskanu 3. Lip Balm by Vertly 4. Canni Cure Kit CBD by Kush Queen 5. Soaking Salts by Empower 6. Calming Mind Body Cream by Apothecanna 7. Perfume Oil by Herb Essntls

Summer Special | 47












48 May/June 2019 |

8. Bliss Kiss Balm by Cannabliss Organic 9. Stretch Mark Salve by Made from Dirt 10. Nano Relief Lotion by Soothe 11. CBD Menstrual Roller by Shea Brand 12. CBD Massage Candle by Kannai 13. Transdermal Patch for Pain Relief by CBD Essentials 14. Hemp Oil by Populum 15. Overnight Exfoliating Mask by Hora 16. CBD Shower Gel & Body Wash by VEO 17. Rose Quartz Infusion Mint Lip Balm by Mazz Hanna 18. CBD Bar Soap by WildFlower


New and notable books for body, mind, and spirit by Anna Jedrziewski

All things metaphysical continue to trend. The body-mind-

Queering the Tarot

spirit publishers are building on the foundations of the past 50 years and are leading the charge into new territory. I’m calling this the New Metaphysics. Broadly speaking, the New Metaphysics is more straight-forward, more science-friendly and, overall, focused on being inclusive and transparent. What was talked about in hushed voices, in small esoteric circles, is now accepted to be common knowledge that needs to be available to all who seek it. It is truly the dawning of a new age, and nowhere is that more evident than in the world of body-mind-spirit literature. What follows is a diverse selection of New Metaphysical books.

Cassandra Snow Publication Date: May 2019 $14.95 P, ISBN 9781578636488 Weiser Books I

NEW RELEASES High Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies That Will Rock Your World! Jolie DeMarco Publication date: May 2019 $19.99 P, ISBN: 9780738760698 Llewellyn Publications

Learn the fascinating art of using crystal frequencies to release negative baggage, heal from ailments, and balance your energy. Featuring 26 crystal body layouts and 66 individual crystals and gemstones, High Vibe Crystal Healing is a groundbreaking book that helps you discover the properties of crystals for healing, fun, and wellness. Explore stone combinations that bring focus and purpose to your life. Discover how to use crystals to go out of body and visit past or parallel lives. Jolie DeMarco also includes a convenient guide to finding which crystals and stones best align with specific ailments. Whether you’re just getting started or are an advanced master healer, this book will help you create harmony and positive vibes.

50 May/June 2019 |

As a straight, middle-class Baby Boomer, I admit to being slightly uncomfortable with the word “queer.” It is also true that I have made up my mind not to die of mental rigidity. So a few years back, I began consciously trying on other people’s perspectives and I have come to understand that the LBGTQ+ community speaks the word clearly as a powerful badge of honor. For the moment, as Beth Maiden points out in her brilliant foreword to this book, the queer experience is substantially different from the hetero experience. Both from that perspective, and from the perspective of a long-time student of all things tarot, I herald the release of this book and the new dimensions that it adds to the magical symbolism of the cards. In the page-and-a-half “Word” that follows Maiden’s “Foreword,” Cassandra Snow says that the word “queer” has come to mean the intention to create a community where “others” (all those who need a safer space) are welcomed with open arms. I can think of no better definition of the symbolism of the tarot. Snow is asking The Fool to “walk in another man’s shoes” along the path to enlightenment. The lessons learned are invaluable.

Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics Mirabai Starr Publication Date: April 2019 $16.95 P, ISBN 9781683641568 Sounds True I

Writing with her trademark down-to-earth lyricism, Mirabai Starr is tapping into the rising acceptance of the feminine aspect of divinity and putting it into context in the modern world. She shares what she has learned from sages like Teresa of Avila, Mary Magdalene, Hildegard of Bingen, the ecstatic poet Mirabai, and the Sufi saint Rabia Basri, then adds the energies of Kuan Yin, Tara, Kali, Sophia, and the Shekinah. She tells us that she has woven it into a tapestry, making a “flying carpet” that will carry contemporary mystics

into a contemplative life. It is not, however, a book about disappearing. It is a book about showing up and seeking out what is holy in the realities of everyday experience. (Chapter 11 is entitled “Dying: The Ultimate Spiritual Practice.”) She writes from the foundation of her personal experience of sexual abuse. She writes for all the women (and men) who are struggling to find their way out of that jungle and into a place of spiritual comfort. She writes about leaving behind the razzle-dazzle of paranormal phenomena in order to bless the ordinary. What she says, and how she says it, is comforting in a real-world way.

UNlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life Humble the Poet, a.k.a. Kanwer Singh Publication Date: April 2019 $19.99 H, ISBN 9780062905161 HarperOne I

Originally published in Canada as a crowd-funded self-published work, UNlearn has just been released in the U.S. with a new foreword by the author. Written by a rapper and spoken-word artist, the book is powerful in the way that the best of social media is powerful and directly simple in the way that street art is directly simple. Singh was also an elementary school teacher. He is masterful at making the minimum amount of words possible communicate volumes to a moving target. He offers readers wisdom without asking to be considered wise. He offers readers alternatives without making them feel judged. Your customers can probably take any of the self-help books they have at home and find a two to three page synopsis of it in one of Singh’s 101 Simple Truths. Don’t Let Someone Else Write Your Story; Embrace Your Challenges; If People Don’t Like You for Who You Are, Change the People Not Yourself; Words Are Weapons If You Allow Them To Be; Baby Steps Add Up; Validation is a Helluva Drug; Labels Are Dehumanizing; Nobody

Fits In; and Put That Heart on a Leash are just a few of the nuggets Singh elaborates on in the book. It’s all meant to help readers recogn ize the scripted messages that were implanted in them in childhood. It’s meant to help us break free of self-imposed limitations and claim the dream life that we crave and that Singh believes is possible for us.

The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology: Breathe and Connect with the Calm and Happy You Dominique Antiglio Publication Date: March 2019 $16.95 P, ISBN 9781608686131 New World Library I

Widely followed in Europe, sophrology was created 60 years ago in Spain by professor Alfonso Caycedo. The system relies on “dynamic relaxation” to instill breathing techniques, gentle movements and visualizations in order to develop an awareness that will allow readers to overcome stress, decrease anxiety, and help users reach their full potential. While it has much in common with mindfulness practice and many forms of yoga, it differs from all of them in that it is designed to fit easily into a busy lifestyle. The exercises can be used any time and in any place. Perhaps most important, it is adaptable. Users are encouraged to alter the instructions to suit themselves. Swiss-born osteopath and sophrologist Antiglio learned Sophrology at the age of 15. With this well-organized and information-packed book, she is hoping to introduce the system to an American audience. The carefully-thought-out, step-by-step exercises are interwoven with case studies so readers can more easily assimilate what’s being discussed. Customers who are experienced in yoga-like protocols will find new ways to approach the healing and relaxation that they are cultivating. Novices can easily start at the beginning and achieve results.

Summer Special | 51


Anna Jedrziewski

Field Guide to the Spirit World: The Science of Angel Power, Discarnate Entities, and Demonic Possession Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D. Publication Date: March 2019 $20.00 P, ISBN 9781591433323 Bear & Company I

When I was initiated into the world of spiritualism, I was taught that protection was the most important thing when contacting disembodied spirits. I was also told that a majority of people in mental institutions might be there because they are “oppressed by negative entities.” Now Susan Martinez, who has a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia University, has written this book about encounters in the spirit world that run the whole gamut from selfless helpers to those trapped by their attachment to the material world (I would call them lower astral plane entities). She tells us that a “negative psychic” is one who is “open but not developed, not schooled in vetting psychic input.” She backs it all up with an extensive bibliography. Particularly heart-wrenching are the sections on war veterans, made vulnerable to dark forces by trauma in battle, and then diagnosed as defective by those seeking to avoid the consequences and their care. (John Kerry, in talking about the emotional toll men were carrying as they returned from Vietnam said, “The country doesn’t know it yet, but it’s created a monster ...”) More and more people are consciously opening to the energetic realms. It is time for us to have a serious conversation about what that entails. I am grateful to Susan Martinez for beginning the dialogue in such a knowledgeable and caring way.

52 May/June 2019 |

How High Can You Soar: Eight Powers to Lift You to Your Full Potential Jennifer Adams Publication Date: March 2019 $18.99 P, ISBN 9781582706832 Beyond Words I

Adams first dream was to earn money picking strawberries in the fields near her rural home in Oregon. It might seem like an impossible path from there to a degree from Harvard Business School and a successful interior design business. It is, however, the path that Adams walked and her gift is that she was acutely aware of every step she took and able to ascertain how each step brought her closer to the success she claims today. She recognized eight powers that were transformational tools that she, and many other people in all walks of life, used to bring their dreams to fruition. In this very readable book, she describes each of the eight powers in detail. She includes boxes labeled “power moves” throughout as directives for putting her ideas into action. While there is great certainty about what she is communicating, there is always something humble in her writing. One has the sense that she genuinely wants her readers to be successful. The guidance in this book goes a long way toward making that yet another dream that has come true for her.

continued on page 54

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Anna Jedrziewski

Dancing with Raven and Bear: A Book of Earth Medicine and Animal Magic

The Book of Herb Spells Cheralyn Darcey Publication Date: September 2018 $19.99 P, ISBN 9781925682267 Rockpool Publishing

Sonja Grace Publication Date: September 2018 $12.99 P, ISBN 9781620558140 Findhorn Press I

Sonja Grace is an intuitive healer who channels Earth medicine and expresses it through her artwork and her gentle story telling. With both Native American and Norwegian heritage, she naturally merges the two spiritual traditions as she offers readers teaching stories about Raven and Bear. The fables are followed by insightful musings about the lessons offered and specific exercises to help readers incorporate the lessons into their daily lives. The earth holds powerful healing energies. Animal magic is meant to bring those into the awareness of those of us who are currently inhabiting the earth plane so that we can reconnect with Earth medicine. This is a magical book which hugs readers like Bear to remind us of the joy of life in its pure form, and then removes the layers of misguided conceptions so that we can fly free with Raven.

This beautifully designed book is a stunning compendium of herbal magic. In addition to the 60 herbal spells which are carefully detailed, Darcey has included concise, yet complete, information on both biological protection (from poisonous plants) and psychic protection (from negative energies). She has also provided botanical meanings of magical herbs, a glossary of terms, as well as correspondences for moon phases, days of the week, time of day, colors, and crystals. There are instructions for growing and harvesting herbs for magical work (and for obtaining magical herbs if you can’t grow your own). The book will be accessible to novice practitioners and a handy, compact reference for those experienced in the magical power of plants. It will make a beautiful gift for gardeners and/or spellcasters.

ANNA JEDRZIEWSKI is a new consciousness author and consultant, as well as founder and director of Spirit Connection New York, Inc.

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54 May/June 2019 |

Originally published in 2005, the authors have over 40 years of experience as students and teachers of the Science of Mind philosophy. Trade Paperback 320pg ISBN: 9780875169002 $15.95



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Albion Magic Pendants Charming Scents Hanging aromatherapy therapy diffusers. These “charmed” jewelry dangles feature 9 porous lava beads accented by 6 colourful stone or glass beads. Drip them with scented oil and hang them up anywhere! Perfect for your home or car. A great fashion accessory for your purse or bag. Celtic Art Store 909-273-5285

Albion is the poetic & historical term for Great Britain. These authentic British pendants of traditional British symbols are made of gold & silver-plated pewter. Each pendant comes in a black satin pouch with a silver-plated link chain and includes a comprehensive leaflet containing all meanings. Visit website for details. Starlinks 800-867-4344

Multi Tourmaline Nugget Ring “Nature’s Muse Stone” Natural is in style. Bright, bold colors sell fast. We use the choicest bright stones to bring you unique gems and fresh designs with both meaning and value. Carry easily adaptable jewelry that suits any occasion for people on the go and win your customers confidence in your choice of products. Receive 10% off your first order! Esprit Creations 352-316-6130 Summer Special | 55


Reviews of great music to sell and enjoy by Bill Binkelman

In the Soft Light of Grace

Voice of the Ancestors

Agape Evolution: The Movement

David Nevue Midnight Rain Productions

Grayhawk Subspace Music

Paradiso & Rasamayi 5th Element Music

It’s been four years since David Nevue’s album, Winding Down, which I labeled his pièce de résistance, the best release of his career. Now, I am left even more amazed at In the Soft Light of Grace, which not only equals Winding Down, but surpasses it, something I thought not possible. The 13 tracks vary in mood and tempo, but somehow Nevue weaves a cohesiveness into the whole as he deftly maneuvers through quiet somber passages and dramatic moments of passion and power. As usual, his liner notes are well-written and reveal the “why” and “how” of the album. Be sure to give this prominent shelf space due to its stunningly beautiful cover art.

Grayhawk’s visionary, ambitious Voice of the Ancestors serves as a triumphant conclusion to his Shamanic Trilogy (Shaman Journey and Blissful Magic – Spiral of the Celtic Mysteries). Labeling this album as “ambitious” is an understatement what with its assorted global influences, sterling production quality, and huge cast of guest musicians. While there are overt world music influences present, New Age and ambient also surface. Some tracks feature vocals (e.g. “Peace Prayer” vocalists sing/chant in English, Hebrew, Arabic and Farsi). Voice of the Ancestors serves to define Grayhawk’s oeuvre, capturing his passion and commitment to making the world a more peaceful place and displaying his affinity for our planet’s myriad cultures and peoples.

Paradiso and Rasamayi have helped shape the current meditative music landscape. Agape Evolution: The Movement is their new epic two-disc recording, and I do mean epic. The two musicians fuse motifs from the New Age, world, and ambient genres, via Paradiso on traditional and crystal digeridoo, crystal tuning forks, keyboards, hand drums, hammer dulcimer, harmonium, tampura, and throat singing while Rasamayi lends her amazing mantra chanting, as well playing Alchemy crystal singing bowls and crystal didgeridoo. Agape Evolution mesmerizes with sounds both primal and ethereal in nature, propelling the listener inward, exploring the cosmos that lies within us all and reshaping our consciousness “to facilitate [an] evolutionary leap into an ever-increasing embodiment of Divine Love.”

56 May/June 2019 |


Running Away

There Is A Light That Will Remain

Deuter New Earth Records

Timothy Wenzel Coyote Flow Music

Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe Prema Shakti Music

Throughout keyboardist/pianist Timothy Wenzel’s recording career, his strength has always been his strong sense of melody. His music is instantly accessible, featuring catchy refrains and a blend of styles and moods. Recently, he started asking guest artists to join him (previously he used keyboards for other instruments), and it has sparked a renaissance of his artistry. On Running Away, he is joined by violinist Josie Quick, English horn/oboe artist Jill Haley, and percussionist Jeff Haynes. Wenzel’s music has ascended to an even higher level of quality and soulfulness. Imbued with both genuine sweetness and subtle drama, the 12 tracks will reward the listener from start to finish. Display prominently due to its haunting cover art.

I don’t know that I can adequately convey how special and even revolutionary the album There Is A Light That Will Remain is, and not just in the chant genre. Anchored by the startlingly beautiful vocals of Larisa Stow (singing in English, Sanskrit and Hebrew), Stow and the musicians who comprise Shakti Tribe take the listener through 10 tracks travelling through a dizzying assortment of musical genres, yet it is Stow’s vocals that injects cohesion throughout. The album presents a veritable cornucopia of influences: chant, folk, rock, world, jazz and more. Excellent musicianship, f lawless production, and Stow’s staggering vocal versatility (whether soft, sultry, soaring, or sensual) are present throughout. Prepare to be amazed!

Deuter’s latest release showcases this groundbreaking New Age music pioneer’s amazing versatility of styles and moods, as well as his stellar performing talent on a dizzying number of instruments, e.g. flutes, percussion, keyboards, cello, koto, sitar, santoor, and more. Whether the flowing melodies of the opening title track, the cheery bounciness of “ La Forét,” the jazz-inflected piano on “Manganu,” or the downtempo charm of “Friendly Valley,” the New Mexico resident (his studio is in a forest outside of Santa Fe) never ceases to amaze and entertain his legion of fans, this reviewer included.

Summer Special | 57


Bill Binkelman

Fire Opal

Blue Moon Rising

Massergy Spotted Peccary

Acoustic Ocean Self-released

Even by the lofty standards of the Spotted Peccary label, Massergy’s Fire Opal is a truly special album. Massergy (Eric Jensen) creates a multi-hued assortment of ambient soundscapes, each track showcasing Jensen’s talent in varying style, mood, tempo, and overall aesthetic. Some songs feature guitar prominently with layers of melodic keyboards underneath, while others flow gently, more closely resembling classic spacemusic. The album was recorded solely outdoors (!) on a balcony overlooking a nature preserve in the middle of the night, and without the use of sequencers, loops, software, or plug-ins. Massergy’s Fire Opal breaks new ground in Spotted Peccary’s library of adventurous instrumental music recordings.

In 2016, Peggy Morgan, one half of the duo Acoustic Ocean, passed away from cancer. Bette Phelan, the remaining member, took some time off to heal from the loss of her friend and partner. Now, she returns with Blue Moon Rising, an album of 11 lovely tracks (including one on which Peggy can be heard, recorded before her death). Phelan plays guitars, bass, bowed dulcimer, and more. Influences on this soulful album include New Age, folk and Celtic, but Phelan’s compositions are unique unto themselves and her considerable talents on all her instruments is well-showcased. Guest cellist Kay Aldrich adds just the right touch when she sits in.

Beyond Summer

Nocturne – The Piano Album

Scott August Cedar Mesa Music

Vangelis Decca

Scott August belongs with the best of Native f lute fusion artists and he has been there for years. What distinguishes him from others in the genre is his abundant virtuosity on an assortment of instruments besides the Native flute, including guitar, keyboards, piano, drums, exotic percussion and other world beat instruments. All of these come into play on Beyond Summer, his latest release and a worthy addition to his discography. Whether gently rhythmic with a laid back mood (“High Desert Dreams”) or pulsing with primal energy (“Spirit of the Canyon”), August taps into the world’s natural beauty and channels it into his music, resulting in a dazzling display of sonic imagery and inventive melodies.

One of the true innovators and giants in instrumental music, Vangelis is beloved by countless fans and he has gifted them something different on Nocturne. Comprised of 17 tracks culled from his career, these are new versions with the main melody carried by grand piano only accompanied by subtle orchestrations and occasionally another instrument or two. By reducing the usually powerful Vangelis elements present on other albums, the core beauty of each song’s melody is revealed with new depth and intricacy. The piano is heavily reverbed which underscores the emotion and evocation of these selections. No doubt longtime devotees will bliss out to this one.

Bill Binkelman has been reviewing New Age, ambient, and world music since 1997. Email him at

58 May/June 2019 |

Soundings of the Planet Celebrates 40 years of Peace Through Music By Dudley Evenson, Dean Evenson, M.S. In a way, our story is the story of a generation, the one that came of age in the turbulent ‘60s, a powerful time of awakening to something that had been hidden deep within us. After a decade of civil rights protests and anti-war demonstrations, our generation knew what we were against, but it took us many years of intense personal seeking to discover what it was that we were actually for. On a basic level, we were searching for meaning and for understanding, trying to make sense of this crazy world we were born into. We didn’t accept the status quo and we yearned for a living truth. We asked a lot of questions, and we are still asking questions: What kind of life do we want to live? How can we make the world a better place? How can we help? How can we heal? Perhaps you are also asking some of these questions.

60 May/June 2019 |

In 1968, Dean Evenson had completed his Masters of Science degree in molecular biology and moved to New York City to find his true path. He had been playing flute since he was 10 years old and although he had studied science, his passion still lay in music. Auspiciously, Dean’s apartment in Manhattan’s East Village happened to be right across the hall from Dudley Dickinson. That’s me! We found we were well matched and shared similar creative visions for our lives. We soon realized we were going to be together for a very long time. Soon after we met, Dean became a recording engineer and I worked as a photographer. In 1970, we purchased a Sony Portapack (portable video camera) and it was a move that literally changed our lives. We naturally became involved in the emerging culture that was appearing in the wake of the protest movements of the ‘60s. An early inspiration

was traveling to Stockholm, Sweden in 1972 to videotape the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, had sent over 15 Native Americans to share their perspective about Mother Earth. We learned that the Earth is a living being and our very survival depends on respecting nature and our planet. We became interested in gardening, healthy diet, and we learned the fundamentals of yoga and meditation. We came to realize that there was a whole world out there quite different from what we had grown up with and that our mainstream culture had gotten a lot wrong regarding how we eat, think, and live on the planet. We knew we had much to learn. During the 1970s, we lived and travelled with our young family in a half size school bus exploring the new consciousness and capturing a lot of what we were learning on our new video camera. We videotaped gurus and yogis, Native American wisdom keepers, healers, environmentalists, and others involved in creating a new paradigm. The ideas and philosophies from the East resonated with our souls and influenced our music as well. Dean began to play more long, slow tones on his flute, while I discovered special harp tunings that lent themselves to making open, spacious music. In 1979, after a decade of bus living, we landed in Tucson, Arizona and we attended a Ram Dass lecture where we had permission to record his talk and sell the tapes. Baba Ram Dass (aka Richard Alpert) had become known in spiritual circles for studying meditation with his guru in India, and he had written the popular book Be Here Now catching the attention of many young seekers. After the lecture, we were surprised when we received 50 orders for the Evening with Ram Dass tape. We suddenly realized people had audio tape players at home and were interested in this format. Thus, it occurred to us that we might want to put our video aside for a while and focus on making cassette tapes of our music that people could actually take home and play. So that’s exactly what we did. In addition to the Ram Dass lecture, we decided to make a recording of the music that was coming through us at the time. One night, Dean camped in the desert, and the next morning he set up a pair of stereo microphones and recorded the birds at dawn. He brought the field recordings back to our makeshift studio and we played our flute and harp while listening to the recording of morning birdsong. Our friend, Jonathan Kramer, came in and added his sonorous cello tones and we created our first album called Desert Dawn Song. We soon added three more recordings and with those first five tapes which included the Ram Dass talk, we started our record label, Soundings of the Planet. We wanted it to be a voice of the planet. By recording the sounds of nature for urban dwellers to listen to, we hoped to encourage people to be better caretakers of the Earth. We sold our early tapes at swap meets and discovered that people were very attracted to this new form of relaxing music, and our Peace Through Music mission took off. People had never heard music like this and told us we were going to have to create our own genre. Initially, we were simply making meditative music from the heart that reflected the peacefulness of the natural world. Since we were selling our tapes directly to people, we soon received feedback that our music was helping people in their healing process and in dealing with stress. Massage therapists, healers and meditators were among our early fans. Later we presented our music at crafts fairs, body mind spirit events

and wellness conferences. Our music sold well at many independent mom and pop shops and gift stores around the country. Spas and yoga centers carried our CDs as well. Over the years, we heard from many people from all walks of life who had discovered our music and benefitted from it. In the early ‘90s, we even received a call from Naomi Judd, Grammy award-winning country singer. She had found that Ocean Dreams and many of our albums helped calm and aid her in dealing with her liver disease. She used to buy scores of Soundings of the Planet CDs and give them out to people she met along her travels. This year, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of founding our label, Soundings of the Planet. As we reflect on our journey, we are especially grateful for the many musicians we have collaborated with over the past four decades. We have been magnets for wonderful musicians from around the world. We even took Peace Through Music to the former Soviet Union as citizen diplomats. The Dalai Lama has a chant on one of our albums. Some record labels have a stable of musicians they work with. For us, our fellow musicians are more like a family and many have stayed with us since the beginning. This year, we are releasing Peace Through Music 40th Anniversary Collection featuring some our favorite tracks. We hope to continue to create our version of music and video that heals and uplifts for many decades to come! Dudley and Dean Evenson are business and life partners who met in 1968 and have been on a spiritual journey ever since. To know more about their work, visit

Summer Special | 61


Selling Houseplants Can Grow Your Business by Royce Amy Morales

Maybe because so many Millennials are apartment dwellers. Maybe because Empty Nesters crave something to take care of. Maybe because the decluttering rage has people keeping only things that bring joy. Maybe because not breathing toxic air is a good thing. Maybe because the planet needs its water purified and carbon stored. Or maybe because houseplants bring natural life and beauty to any space. And, maybe, during this collective obsession, it would behoove specialty shops to add a selection of living plants to their product mix. Even introducing a few, perhaps a springtime special, or trendy tree, will bring calming, living energy to any shop. Given all of the above, it’s no coincidence that indoor plant purchases are growing at a frenzied pace. Added bonus: it’s pretty much guaranteed that customers won’t be buying them online! Of course, as a body-mind-spirit retailer, you undoubtedly know that plants are the backbone of life on earth, essential for the well-being of humanity. Life literally depends on plants and we thank them profusely. So, how about letting your shop lead up the garden path and represent what it means to nurture the planet in an indoor foliage sort of way? Flora and fauna fervor is great, until it (the plant) dies. We’ve all murdered a few. But rather than giving up and purchasing a plastic version, with your help, customers can succeed with their potted pals. There’s so much to learn about (and from) our leafy loves being forced to live inside. Even the more well-adjusted ones haven’t mastered talking (out loud) yet. So, if it’s scary to dig in, here are five suggestions to cultivate and carry houseplants in your shop:


Find the easy to grow ones. If your green thumb is still a bit ‘green,’ stay away from the tricky ones. Find a wholesale nursery (or even a home supply store) and ask lots of questions. Google easiest indoor plants to grow. Choose ones that will work in various conditions, since all plants (and their future homes) are different. Some need tons of light, some don’t. Some need lots of water, some don’t. However, the one thing they all need is love, so make sure they get plenty.

2 3

Get to the root. Streamline your research and print up easy to follow instructions. Let customers know you’re available to answer questions after they adopt their perfect plant. Don’t offer guarantees, but it’s guaranteed that if said purchase dies quickly, they won’t be happy. (Read: Storm in with a major attitude!) Display beautifully. Don’t just stick one in a corner or randomly put some in a window. Invest in some unique, artsy pots so shoppers will be inspired to buy them together. Search out containers that won’t ever be found at a nursery, of course. Perhaps ask a local ceramic artist to create a one-of-a-kind line just for your shop. Plants make perfect gifts, especially if they’re paired with a stunning container.

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No jungle. Nothing’s worse than having limited choices, so offer a decent variety of sizes and types. However, since you’re not a plant store, don’t overwhelm – stick to the basics and give simple directions such as: Transplant when it gets root-bound, depending on the plant and the container size. Give time to adjust to a new environment. If they go into shock, there may be serious consequences. Be alert to any sudden changes (i.e. Leaf drooping or droppage, etc.), making rapid adjustments to where they were set, how much water they were provided and their humidity level. Don’t put plants on the same watering schedule since they’re all different. Sticking a finger into the soil to see if the top inch is dry is the best gauge. Many houseplants go dormant in winter, stop producing foliage and may shed old leaves. Explain that, during dormancy, cut back on water, stop fertilizing and protect from sudden temperature changes such as drafts and heater vents. Some of the hardiest, neglect-tolerant plants are: Ivy, snake, Zamioculcas, zamiifolia (ZZ), dracaena, zebra, areca palm, fiddle leaf fig, flowering peace lily, pothos and ficus. If you don’t mind a bit more care, no one can resist an elegant orchid plant, with moth orchids the easiest. Their showy flowers last for weeks, so they’ll be an eye-catcher. Although succulents and cacti look like an easy, sturdy choice, most are challenging to grow indoors. And do fahgetabout finicky ferns!


Create a “secret garden” section. If you’re ready to flourish, set aside an area to sell plant-related items. A corner, an area near a window, a place that doesn’t do well and needs some beckoning plant vigor. Wherever you choose, fill it with things such as: growyour-own herb sets; decorative garden tools; indoor gardening and/ or landscaping books; bells and chimes; plant stands; birdhouses and feeders; plant stakes; garden signs, etc. Final Warning: No matter how real they look, or how easy they are to maintain, fake plants (plastic or silk), will never fool anyone and will never compete energetically to the lush, vital, alive ones! Nip that idea in the bud!

Royce Amy Morales is the founder of Perfect Life Awakening. Morales is also a transpersonal development speaker and author of Know: A spiritual wake-up call. Royce was an independent retailer for two decades in Redondo Beach, CA. To know more about the author, visit her page at

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Soundings of the Planet .................................................45 800-937-3223 I

Aspiring Artists of the Earth.............................................13 267-337-1817 I

Inner Traditions Int./Bear & Co ...................................... 5 800-246-8648 I

Sounds True ...................................................................... 44 888-303-9185 I

Benjamin International.......................................................61 800-488-4699 I

Kheops International, Inc. ..................... 13, Back Cover 800-215-8705 I

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Cartomancer, The ............................................................17

Linda Lauren .....................................................................19 908-518-9001 I

Sun's Eye Inc. .....................................................................23 800-786-7393 I

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Uma Silbey.............................................................................53 808-268-7704 I

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New Leaf Distributing Co..................................................25 800-326-2665 I

U.S. Games Systems, Inc...................................................29 800-544-2637 I

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New Life Foundation ......................................................63 800-293-3377 I

Vibe Bottle.............................................................................49

Deva Designs ....................................................................10 800-799-8308 I

Ohm Therapeutics Sound Healing..................................25 505-455-7556 I

Wellstone ..................................................................... 8, 55 800-544-8773 I

DeVorss Publications..........................................................54 800-843-5347 I

Paul Wagner ......................................................................59

Windrose Trading.................................................................53 800-229-3731 I

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Raiders of the Lost Art........................................................63 800-527-4367 I

World Buyers.........................................................................19 800-996-7531 I

dZI Handmade .................................................................... 9 800-318-5857 I

Scents of Success .............................................................36 800-580-5579 I

Yak and Yeti...........................................................................18 310-618-1700 I

Esprit Creations Inc. .................................................43, 55 352-316-6130 I

Schiffer Books........................................ Inside Front Cover 610-593-1777 I

Yolanda’s Spirit Drums ..................................................53 575-635-0545 I

Gaia’s World..........................................................................17 866-605-1191 I

Self-Realization Fellowship...............................................53 888-773-8680 I

Zen and Meow......................................................................11 717-451-9159 I

Goddess Design Studio......................................................57 570-982-3230 I

Sequoia Records...................................................................37 800-519-9078 I

Zen Stone Garden, The ......................................................33 541-961-1285 I

Hapi Drum ........................................................................... 8 559-642-6248 I

Shaman's Dawn....................................................................13 855-229-7928 I


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