The Good Vibe Edition/ Nov-Dec 2020

Page 47

ASTRO INKLINGS: What’s Ahead for 2021 By Tam Veilleux

“Isn’t 2020 cute,” I say as I shake my head. My eyes glimpse the fabric mask dangling from my purse near the door. My tongue is in my cheek as I imagine famous comedian George Carlin. He’s rolling his eyes from his place across the veil mumbling in his dark way “I tried to warn you.” Cute isn’t the right word to describe what 2020 dished out to humanity. It was the Sufi poet Rumi who said, “Whenever they rebuild an old building, they must first of all destroy the old one.” I’m certain the dear man had visions of 2020 in mind as he penned those words. But how does one express that Saturn’s move from Capricorn into Aquarius had its way with us? It requires a little explanation. To share what is coming for 2021 will take us even further down the rabbit hole.

The Good Vibe Edition I November/December 2020 45

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