Digital Sports Media // English

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A RESULT Sports Publication

Edition 42 | August 2014

Digital Sports Media


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Arsenal Soundcloud, Schalke 04 Global Tour de France: Laura Meseguer and Pages, Polish Football Federation, BekoBBL Andreas Walzer talk about cycling Case Study, .



Rankings in Handball, Basketball, Ice hockey and Football, World Cup analysis

Digital Sports Media


Contents 3 4 7 9 10



Cycling interview with Eurosport journalist Laura Meseguer

Soundcloud Pioneers

Richard Clarke answers questions about Arsenal‘s soundcloud start

European Champions 2014

13 16 19 21

The digital development of the most important european champions

Cycling on German tv

Andy Eyring in conversation with 7-times german champion and ARD Tour expert Andreas Walzer about the ebb in german reporting

„ROYAL BLUE“ Facebook world

Tobias Schmidt of FC Schalke 04 sums up the progress of starting Global Pages

POlish football FEDERATION

Jakub Kwiatkowski tells about social media in the polish football federation



Jonathan Müller of Beko BBL sums up the „Top Performer“ after one season


Benjamin Wahlen ( and Florian Gress about the meaning of social media for journalism in sport

24 26 31 34 35 36 37

Die Social Media World champs

The DFB-Team presents themselves also in social media like world champions

Social Wall

The footbal World Championship in postings !


Fans rankings of the 1. Fußball Bundesliga

European Top 25

Fan ranking of the european Ice Hockey clubs

european Top 25

Fan ranking of the european Basketball clubs


european Top 25

Fan ranking of the european Hanball clubs

last but not least



Social Media World Cup




Dear Readers,

Of course does the 2014 World Cup play an important role in the magazine. 19.3 million new fans the 32 participating teams could win during the five-week World Cup of which 9.95 million went to the account of Facebook, 6.16 million new Twitter followers. With Instagram the teams were up about 1.02 million new followers and the four teams that had an official appearance at SinaWeibo in China increased 1.65 million new followers, the DFB scored 1.59 million - a more than convincing result. Not only the teams made big steps even many players increased their fan numbers heavily on the different platforms. Above all, Neymar Jr. who won more than 12.7 million new Facebook friends the month before. In addition to Neymar Jr. , James Rodriguez (10.57 million) and David Luiz (10.48 million) could be glad about over ten million new Facebook friends. This clearly demonstrates as the interests of the fans easily or the value of the player as a „brand ambassador“ for the club or the national team gaining more and more importance. It must be in the interest of the club to win the playing staff for the digital media. They are the role models of the fans, of commitment and performance, and stand for the sporting success of the team. In addition to this (exciting) development, there are still significant strategic changes. The desire of the fans for current or exclusive content in digital media is becoming more important. Because the fan would get the information directly from the source, the club, the league or association. In order to reach that the high coverage profiles will be provided with self-produced content. No matter if the club TV is amplified or own club photographers are set - the processes for digital media is to be optimized. This particularly impacts the traditional media, the newspapers. Because in sports, it is becoming more common to non-public training sessions, according inaccessible to spectators or (external) media representatives - but the club‘s own staff (club

photographer, TV team) corresponding access and can produce content exclusively and play on their own channels, (website, social networks, etc.) and then sell as a secondary use to the media and publishing houses. Sure this is the next stage of the priorities of the Digital Media ... But now for the August edition. No sign of summer, because with 38 pages (!), we have created one of the largest since the beginning of the magazine. This is because of the sporting highlights. At the end of the World Cup began the „Tour de France“. We spoke with the reporter Laura Meseguer about the changes and the impact on traditional journalism with the rise of social networks. In addition, we spoke with the 7-time German champion Andreas Walzer why the coverage of cycling on TV in Germany is only offered on the back burner. The Beko BBL continues to find ways to involve the fans with. Jonathan Mueller draws a conclusion to the „Top Performers“ voting. In our series, „Social Media activities of sports magazines and online portals,“ we interviewed Benjamin Wahlen of But football is not too short. We spoke with the Polish Football Federation, Arsenal FC tells us about the approach and strategy in the use of SoundCloud and FC Schalke 04 tells about “Global Pages”. To the end, as always, facts and figures of social media sport business. In this month with two special features: first, a detailed overview of the changes in the number of fans the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and a special graphics and comparison of five European Champion teams in football and their increases in number of fans on the platforms Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Twitter. But enough of the long introduction, I hope you enjoy reading it. Best Regards, Mario Leo & the team of RESULT Sports


A warm welcome to the „Summer“ edition of the „Digital Sports Media“ magazine. The World Cup is over and what a great result for the German football. We congratulate the German national team, the DFB and all the fans very much!



Find the middle

ill. Laura Meseguer at work



Laura, you are the most followed journalist on twitter in the Peloton and the Face of Eurosport’s Cycling Coverage. Perhaps you can tell our readers about your background and how you got started in cycling.


While I was at university I started working in the TV department of the Agencia EFE, a Spanish international press agency. Then I jumped to the ‘other side’– the communications department of a big company which sponsored the 2007 gold leader’s jersey at the Vuelta a España. That was my first contact with cycling. I didn’t know anything about the sport before that experience but I felt really attracted from the very first moment with it. It was hard to keep working in the company in the middle of the economic crisis. Even with no budget for our department, I might have been able to find my dream job. A sad episode changed my life, my views, you could say my everything and gave me the necessary strength to quit my job and start from zero in searching for my particular version of ‘the American dream’.

I know journalism runs in the family. Your father’s a journalist. Was he your inspiration? We lived in Argentina and Chile because my father was the local delegate for the Agencia EFE and our house was in the same building where the agency was located. In fact, to enter the house you had to cross the editorial office first. I grew up between teletypes, old computers, papers everywhere, telephones ringing all day long and journalists. When the agency was empty it turned into my playroom. Thanks to my father’s job we were used to have people at home visiting us: personalities from the Argentinean and Spanish cultures, showbusiness people and very often the Spanish journalists living in Argentina or Chile. I remember our house crowded with people for dinner such as for the typical asado argentino (Argentine barbecue). So I also grew up listening to amazing stories and surrounded by very interesting people. Soon I realised that journalism was a very demanding profession as my father spent most of the day working in his office. In addition to this


ill. always close to the rider: Journalist Laura Meseguer

I mainly work on road cycling where I spend 70-80 days in races all over the year. I´m the editor of professional cycling at Pedalier magazine, a spanish cycling magazine and I work as reporter with Eurosport covering Vuelta a Andalucía, Tour de France and Vuelta a España. I´m the communications and protocol director of the sportive Mallorca 312 that takes place on april. One day event that needs an intensive year of preparations. And this year I started working with the belgian organisation City Mountainbike as communications officer. This is being my first ever contact with mountainbike and I´m already learning a lot of this discipline and enjoying working with an international group of people. I like the combination of all of these roles because allows me to do and develop different communication´s skills such as writing, making short interviews for television, long and deeper for the magazine, planning the content for Pedalier issues, reporting...And then go to the other “side” and become the

You grew up with a lot of journalists. What changed between then and now regarding the daily work? I started working in 2005 at the television department of Agencia EFE, the main press agency of spanish speaking countries. It was not long time ago, but you can already find some differences from then to today. Also my degree on Media Studies, it might have changed a lot in terms of content in the last years. The reason I think we can find it in the revolution of the social media. It has changed the way we communicate with each other and the way the information is given. Have you heard about the „New York Times Innovation Report“? Some Aspects are that the the Websites are getting less important and deep links also from facebook or google are getting more important. Some Journalists don’t have the knowledge about social media and don’t want to learn something about it, this are some reasons why it’s getting more difficult for classic newspapers to be competitive with new media. As a Journalist, can you agree to it? We need to find the mid-point. I´ve experienced that some people doesn´t even open the links you share on Twitter, for example, or that they prefer to read deeper stories that the ones that, at the end, you can resumen in 140 characters. Nowdays it´s very easy to segment and measure the market and see what your readers like to read the most. I do think journalists need to have at least a little knowledge on social media, but it´s very


You are not only working for Eurosport, what are your current projects?

one that creates the message that will be send to the media, manage a department and the logistics, etc.


he and his friends who used to come into our home were truly passionate and dedicated to their work. Since I was a child I have had a special love for communications. Photography, music, movies, writing and every single way you can express something with it. I attended media studies and my intention was not to focus on journalism. In 2006 my plan had been to move to Cuba for a couple of months for a course of Direction of Photography for the film industry. But I started working for a new company and I suddenly understood the power of sport and everything changed.



important not to miss the point of the principal objective of a journalist that it´s inform over of reaching more readers, followers, etc. One aspect in the Report is that a journalist also needs to be a social media journalist who discusses with the readers. Do you think that’s right and the classic journalism like your father is becoming extinct? It´s funny because nowdays we have more and more enginees to be informed but looks like the information is not as deeper and elaborated than before. I must recognized that I´m a lover of the classic journalism. Of course a lot of advances have been made and are key for our profession like internet, digital photography, retransmisions, etc.I still miss the way the stories where made 30 or 40 years ago. You had to work really hard to get some quotes, stories and informations. Today all the information is just one click away which, by other part, demands more of ouselves. How good is to hear a rider telling you a story he has never ever told before! My father always reminds me this quote from Ivan Rowan: “I once wrote an article that the intervieew liked a lot. I don´t know what I did wrong”. It´s just an example but I appreciate a lot this kind of lessons. Do you see social media like a curse or blessing? Is it a problem for you that some riders don’t give interviews anymore and just communicate via social media without any critical content? I don´t have that problem with cyclists. They´re always keen to talk with the press. It´s a very accesible sport in that sense. Is true that with the professionalizing of the sport, the appearance of the press officers, etc. sometimes makes it harder to find the time to talk with them. It depends on the team. A spanish colleague from El Periodico, Sergi López-Egea reminds me the time where teams haven´t have buses for their riders so you could talk with them at any time at the start or the end of a race. Do you use these networks for your information before an interview? Maybe to inform yourself about a rider? No but I read a lot from them in the press. I´m a very curious person and I always have a lot of questions to make about everything! Also, a good way to know a rider is to listen the stories told by those close to them and by the own rider. That´s why I like so much my job in Pedalier. I can sit down with a rider, normally not less than 40 minutes or an hour, and get to know him very well. My record is three hours with Pedro Horrillo and two hours and a half with Federico Martin Bahamontes! I really learn a lot from the people I interview.


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Soundcloud-Pioneers The FA-Cup-Winner Arsenal FC uses next to classic social media the radio platform Soundcloud. Richard Clarke, managing editor of Arsenal Media Group tells us something about his way to increase the number of fans.

I liked Soundcloud straight away after hearing about it on a podcast. Audio is sometimes overlooked as a content platform but, in football, there is still a strong tradition of it. We have always listened to games on the radio – most of us in England grew up that way. Its ability to embed into other platforms was crucial for me too. How was the start two months ago? How satisfied are you with your numbers of fans and engagement so far?

We are approaching 700,000 subscribers in 11 months which is very healthy. The engagement is excellent when embedded into Facebook or Twitter. For example we have had 280,000 plays of our commentary clips from the FA Cup final. We have maybe six clips over 100,000 plays. How is the feedback of the fans? There are some devotees that really like it. But I think most listen out of other social media. I am not sure they know they are actually playing a Soundcloud file. But that is fine.


What was the main idea to launch a SoundCloud account? When did you thought about it the first time?


ill. official profile of Arsenal on Soundcloud



How many employees do you have who are working with the channel? How is the time expenses compared with other channels? I run it personally. I tend to take on a new platform every year and I take control just to learn how to do it myself. Then I pass it onto my team. It is very cheap and easy to turn around. We are make audio content already – podcasts, match commentary – so we just use that many along with interviews etc With which kind of content do you fill SoundCloud mainly – does some content work better than other? We clip off goal shouts from our online commentary on Arsenal games and, 30 minutes after the final whistle, embed them in Twitter and Facebook. They get between 40,000 and 270,000 plays. Our podcast gets 4000 and other interviews can get 7,000. We also use it to announce the teams on matchday. Are you planning new content or a change for the new season? Yes I am planning a special weekly Arsenal Stories feature next season called #2pmAtTheCannons. I will link this with a Twitter account @2pmAtTheCannons and website. Hopefully these 1 minute fan stories will be turned into a book. Is it important that the SoundCloud channel gets supported by the other social media channels and the content will be shared?



This is crucial. I have worried about how much traffic content gets if it is only place in Soundcloud. In fairness the response has been OK that way but the embeddable nature of the platform is crucial to its growth. Can you analyze SoundCloud similar good like you can do it on Facebook? How is the demography? Is it international like Facebook and Twitter or is it more popular in Europe?


The analytics in Soundcloud are very good. Our content is very popular in the USA and the Far East. Obviously the UK is very high too. Do you recognize an increase of mobile for SoundCloud, too? Soundcloud is streamed only right now so that makes mobile use tricky. People might be reluctant to use up bandwidth. If it turned its attention to

ill. Richard Clarke, Managing Editor - Arsenal Media Group

downloads that would be beneficial as a mobile product. Lets take a look in the future: Do you think that in future other clubs will start with SoundCloud, too? Maybe. I like to think we are pioneers in football clubs using Soundcloud. Others might have used it before us but I hope we have done it better. Certainly more consistenly. It fits with football and the content we are using so it is straightforward. We are not monetizing and that is what brings in other interested parties. I am a bit upset that the most recent update means you can’t record straight from your phone on to the platform – it means we won’t announce our team on Soundcloud next season. Do other Premier League Clubs use Soundcloud and could it also be interesting for smaller clubs? I don’t think too many other clubs use it. Certainly not consistently. It might be better for smaller clubs as video involves more cost, trained editors and more time. I edit our audio with free software and turn it around very quickly.




ill. digital change of the european champions



Cycling on TV On July 5th the Tour de France started, one of the biggest bike race in the world. Because of that we want to take a closer look at the in Germany once popular sport and the ebb in German reporting. Our colleague Andy Eyring talked to the 7-time German champion and ARD expert Andreas Walzer.



ill. Andreas Walzer (right):


On July 5th, started the Tour de France, the biggest cycling race in the world. For this reason, we would like to take a closer look at the in Germany once-popular sport and the ebb in the German reporting. The fact that the doping scandals have torn a deep wound should be clear, but is there still hope for the German cycling? And how is it actually handled in social media, is the barometer still on doping shitstorm, or perhaps positive synergy. Our colleague Andy Eyring asked the 7-time German champion and ARD – television expert Andreas Walzer. On 5th July, the largest bike race started in Great Britain. 22 teams with a total of 198 riders set out on the 3664 km long route across France with the aim to arrive so successfully as possible to the Champs Elysee in Paris. Since the 2011th Tour the public television station ARD transmits no longer

live from the Tour de France. Only Eurosport transmits in Germany all stages and so they got in 2013 the most audience for nine years. Doesn’t have so many averted from cycling, as it was felt? Indeed Euro Sport reached 0.43 million people per stage, which corresponds to a market share of 4.4 percent. Had the ARD now made a​​ mistake, or was it a necessary step and a sign in the fight against doping? Surely you can find in all cases that Euro Sport benefited strongly from it. The former roadcycling racer Andreas Walzer was 20012011 expert for the Tour de France and Tour of Germany, now he cares for the Koblenz bicycle manufacturer Canyon the professional teams Katusha and Movistar in terms of material. „The ARD has never been so close turn back to cycling coverage“. There are several reasons that speak for


a re-entry, eg. Germany has with Marcel Kittel and John Degenkolb again young rider who can get the trust back. Secondly, the interest of the audience seems not quite as torn as the ARD feared after the „Doping Tour“ of 2011. For Andreas Walzer the reasons of dropping cycling out are indeed understandable, but advocates to stiffen not only the sport of cycling. „Football has also a doping problem, therefore cycling transferred again.“ Thus sloppy as Walzer puts it, it certainly hits the nerve of many cycling fans. If and when the ARD will coverage again, remains to be seen, but for Walzer is an entry in 2015 very likely. The Racers play their own part in this, with Marcel Kittel, André Greipel and Tony Martin German rider won 5 stages.

It is no wonder that the teams and riders want to sell as well in the social networks, this medium has become one of the fastest and most direct communication tools in terms of fan and public resonance. Nowhere you can see faster and more bluntly, who is doing bad. Even worse is when simple reviews turn into „shit storms“. The last German doping shit storm was in the Olympic Games in Sochhi with the positive finding of the biathlete Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle. The allegations and accusations were so extreme that Sachenbacher-Stehle has closed her own Facebook fan page. Through social media not only as before, the media and their representatives can align pressures on athletes, but also private individuals and in masses can do. In a sport that has not exactly covered itself with glory in recent years, you would be able to ask how the current mood among cycling fans is. In fact, the mood of fans seems to be a positive, though shit storm can be very difficult to avoid, especially if you like Jan Ulrich caused a drunk driving accident. Generally, you can speak of a positive mood, especially in other countries, such as talking about England. The first three days of the Tour de France were not only exciting because of the battles, but also very impressive in terms of spectators along the course. The fascination of the Tour de France seems not to pull off, especially outside of Germany.



The cycling has changed since the active career of Andreas Walzer, not only that professionalization has occurred and the cycling has into a regular industry, also new media has been invented that allows the teams and drivers, without the help of traditional media to present themselves. „Among the teams is occurred an internal contest for social media dominance“ A competition for attention and fans, the Team Sky with 488k fans on Facebook and on Twitter 286k wins before the Trek Factory Racing Team. You just have to say that these numbers are from first of July and provided that Team Sky have increased to over 508k fans on Facebook and 308k followers on Twitter during the tour. The professionalism has been shown also in terms of social media effect, the marketing departments track their online strategies and press officer post live from the events. „The importance of social media has been definitely identified, but no rider is forbidden to post what he wants. We only give guidelines regarding to material and sponsors out to the riders. The interaction with sponsors and teams usually works very good. „Even the tour organization itself

increasingly uses the possibilities of social media. On the dedicated page „Social Corner“ you can see anything about the tour, learn the riders and teams. Of particular interest is the real-time tracking tweeting from the actual location. You can see exactly who and especially where somebody just lets go of a Tweet. In addition, there are rankings where you can see exactly who or which team is most frequently mentioned.

ill. Team Sky made a very good job on social media





In this graphic you can see the changes made during the Tour de France.(1.7.-1.8.14) Team Sky still have the yellow Jersey of social media reach. Tinkoff Saxo climbed compare to their fans the highest hill and got 55.822 Fans more than before the Tour. AG2R La Mondiale was also really on fire and overtook 3 other teams and got our green social media jersey. The young guns IAM Cycling and NetApp Endura are head to head in their first Tour de France but IAM Cycling gets with 23 more fans the white jersey.

12 *The numbers were collected on 01.08.2014


Schalke's Facebook world As the first German football team FC Schalke 04 startet the Global Page structure on Facebook. Now they are able to post country specific. Tobias Schmidt explains his strategy to RESULT employee Florian Gress.

Schalke can drag a quite very positive interim

conclusion. „We note that several countryspecific posts have a significantly higher rate than previous public engagement multilingual posts about a similar topic. And there are many fans, who have explicitly thanked us that we speak in their own language. They feel enormously valued „Schmidt explained the initial success of the chosen strategy. This naturally raises the question how many Global Pages you send into the race. „In the first step we have defined the relevant markets for Schalke 04 in our club. Then we


„We are very pleased with the Global Pages structure“ sums up Tobias Schmidt, Head of Club Media of Schalke 04, to the Global pages structure of the Champions League starter. „About four months ago we introduced japanese language in the first step to became the first country via Facebook with countryspecific content,“ Schmidt told the „Digital Sports Media“ magazine. „Since then, the number of fans already risen in that short time by about 40%. Since the beginning of July we added with English, Spanish and Russian three language areas more. „


ill. Schalke 04 International



looked at the Facebook Insights precisely: Where are our fans come from? Fans from which countries interact intensively with the club? „, The first approaches of the Königsblauen. „In the end we decided to offer our Facebook page in the first phase in five languages: German, English, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. The Spanish-speaking countries currently comprises 17 different countries, the English-speaking 15 countries. There are also Japan and Russia“. But how does this strategy work technically? „Each defined country has a specific page within the Global Pages structure with its own administration and its own statistics, but it outwardly always accumulated an overall fan number,“ Schmidt explained the procedure. „Each of these pages is also completely selfsufficient, both in terms of the content as well as on optics such as the cover image. The German site is the actual„Global Page“. With the Global Pages tool administrators are entitled to assign the languages to the right page. IP controlled the fan gets shown the page that is assigned to his country. „Nevertheless, it is left to the interested parties themselves, which contents are displayed to them, they can choose about the region selection in their preferences in which language they receive Schalke 04 content. All pages within the Global Pages structure are controlled via a Facebook URL.



Managing Multiple Pages in parallel is of course much more effort.


„The biggest change or extension is the addition of other languages. We have translation teams for each language. The teams are not only for Facebook, but also responsible for our further international club media appearances and are the competent persons and responsible editors for social media, Schmidt said in an interview with the Digital Sports Media Magazine and explained the procedure with an example: „the Japanese team is responsible for both, the Japanese Facebook page, and our Japanese website and our Japanese Twitter channel. In addition, a larger effort in the areas of administration,

ill Schalke 04 and the different Global Pages

especially in the distribution of different content and in graphics“. In addition to the technical effort the club also tries to vary the content on the individual pages. „We believe that we can increase the commitment rate substantially only at specific target groups speech. It is no secret that our key players Atsuto Uchida, the „David Beckham of Japan“, or Jefferson Farfan help in this case. On the Japanese side we see more Likes, Shares and Comments when we use Atsuto Uchida. But we also pay heavily on specific local regulations and practices. Schmidt adds: It will of course always be content that we replicate 1:1 on all sides. And: Even within the Global Pages structure, we continue to work with targeted posts, eg arrangements for holidays, which affects only one. A key question for anyone interested in the


However, not only follower numbers on Facebook is on the rise, also on Twitter the „Königsblauen“ reached on July 11, the 200,000 followers mark. No wonder, that the Bundesliga club is also active internationally. The English Channel (@s04_en) currently stands at nearly 2,500 followers, while the Japanese account has even 66.500 followers.



strategy is now, is this also a solution for my club? „We can recommend Global Pages as a construct for clubs whose Facebook fans have either a high degree of internationality or have foreign players in their ranks that are popular in their home countries “ says Schmidt, who is firmly convinced that for Schalke itself, the move has definitely paid off and is especially worthwhile yet. These Global Pages can also represent multinational partners and sponsors of clubs, „stressed the head of Club Media.“ Global Pages are another important lever in the implementation of Club Media in our target markets. So the Japanese fans have for example no more language barrier when they come in the „Schalke Cosmos“ „After they were informed on the Japanese website, Facebook page and Twitter channel they can order the jersey of their favourite players in the Japanese online store“, Schmidt rounded out the advantages of this strategy.

Ill. Every Schalke fan can change his region preferences



Polish Football Federation Jakub Kwiatowski, Public relations officer speaks about the evolution of the polish football federation

ill. Twitter-Profile of the polish football agency



What are the experiences of PZPN and its Digital Media presence so far? The Polish Football Association (PZPN) is present in most social media. We have accounts on Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter. But definitely more materials appear on our accounts on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


The profile on Facebook “Łączy nas piłka „ was created in 2011. The Department of Communications and Media, which is responsible today for the activities in social media, was established in December 2012. When we took the profile under the control, it had 18,000 fans. Today, this number is more than 170,000, so in 1,5 year we have increased an amount of our fans in approximately 10 times. Which department is responsible for the activities in Social Media and do you coordinate internally activities across the departments (e.g. ticket sales, marketing activities, press statements, etc.?

The Department of Communications is responsible for the all activities in social channels as also coordinates the social media activities of other departments. Have you implemented any internal Social Media Guidelines (e.g. for players, staff, etc.)? We didn’t implement any internal regulations for workers or the players regarding their presence and activities in social media. Do you focus on fan growth or are interaction rates (e.g. responses, likes, etc.) most important in the dialogue with your fan base? Our main goal was primarily to build the coverage. As mentioned above, we were able to extend the range in 10 times. Besides, we try to interact with our fans: build dialogue with them, give information, but also organize all kinds of competitions for the fans.


to the fans. Did the growth on the Social Media channels impact the traffic (visits, page impressions) on the website? If yes, how? Of course, the traffic that is generated in social channels is reflected on the number of our corporate website’s visitors. In social media we provide links to the unique materials, leading to our website. Besides, three months ago we have launched a completely new website PZPN.PL. The new service is definitely more modern and eye-catching, that attracts more users.

Depending on our needs, we run the marketing campaign on Facebook. Their aims could be different. The campaign may be only for image-building, as it was, when new Nike match kit were presented. We also strive to promote special events, such as Final of the Polish Cup. This campaign was designed to encourage fans to come to the National Stadium for the final match. Can Facebook or Social Media in general, become a “revenue” generator for PZPN? If yes, do you plan to implement? Our social media channels are further developing. Of course, over time, they may be a source of potential revenue, but it is still too early today. However, the channel „Łączy nas piłka“ on Youtube already brings small profits. Which Content works best for the online community fans of ‚PZPN’? Definitely, the most popular are the videos, which are created during the Polish national team’s training camps. We have our own film crew, that accompanies the first representation and U-21 during training camps. Due to the fact, that we direct interact with the players, we can produce unique materials, which any other media cannot suggest. It happens, that because of its uniqueness, our materials are translated by other media. The best example is the movie, which has generated more than 2.5 million hits on YT last year. The video of the goalkeeper Artur Boruc keeping the goal during the training was among the 10 most watched videos by Polish Youtube users in 2013. Does PZPN provide any mobile offering (Apps, etc.) to the fans? At the moment, there is no mobile application, addressed to the fans, but we are working on creating such service and within a few months a special application has to go

We always note an increasing interest to our social media profiles, when there are matches of representation. Important matches, involving our team, attract the fans, which reflects into increasing of our social accounts’ popularity. Does PZPN offer any other (new media) channel to interact with the fan base (e.g. Google+, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)? In addition to Facebook, Twitter (pzpn_pl) and Youtube ((Łączy nas piłka) accounts are our basic channels to reach our fans. Do you offer specific content for each individual channel, or do you use cross-posting across the platforms? At the moment we use the same content that is distributed through all our social accounts. But videos on YouTube are the most popular content. They are later also promoted on Twitter, Facebook and our website. What will be the next “big” thing on Digital Media? Do you think new platforms will appear? The development of social media is very dynamic. Certainly social media will evolve towards even greater interaction with their users. Looking at the dynamic development of the Internet in recent years, we certainly cannot exclude the possibility of an entirely new platform that will change the process of communication. Can you share with us your digital media planning for the season 2013/ 2014? In next months we are going to launch an entirely new online platform, targeted primarily to fans. It will be a very powerful service, which will include information about the native football, but also will have a social character. In addition, on this service it will be possible to buy tickets for the matches, organizing by our association. It will be definitely a very attractive product that has to meet with the great interest from the side of fans.


Do you execute specific campaigns or marketing or sponsorship activities throughout the season?


ill. Jakub Kwiatowski

How is your experience on the correlation of fan growth in your social media channels and sporting success (ie. good form, great matches, strong ticket sales, etc.)?



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Beko BBL: Top Performer After one season with the “Beko BBL: Top Performer” Jonathan Müller, head of social media sums up his experices with the “Top Performer” application.

Müller, responsibly for the area social media has summarized the Beko BBL app. The TOP Performing-Voting is one of the most successful content on our Facebook page. The number of interactions shows how the fans support their players and the partners can connect their brands with the sport. „Another positive effect lies in the reporting of the regional media. Some newspapers have taken the Votings and winners to occasion to write own articles about the players. Another important aspect which deposits on our aim


The season 2013/14 is finished – it was the first time when the BBL have searched monthly the „TOP PERFORMER“. In the game are only one player per club. It is a vote on the Facebook page of the league. The big plus of this action: Because all 18 teams send exactly one player in the game, every association is motivated to support his own players. No miracle that this voting is supported over and over again by all Facebook pages of the teams. „We are impressed with which passion the community have taken part“, Jonathan


ill. official website of Beko BBL



is to put the heads of the league in the focus.“ Like by every action on Facebook, the aim is also defined clearly: „Our most important job – on-line as well as off-line – is to inspire new fans for our sport.“ Therefore it matters that the fans are integrated directly. „We haven’t nominated 18 candidates for every month, but have submitted 18 proposals to the fans and have asked this in a „qualifying round“ to confirm the choice or to correct“, Müller explains the procedure of the action. „We would like to bring the German Basketball-Community (approx. four millions) on Facebook together. An important factor is, the players as identification figures of the league. This is why the communication is all about the players.“ Müller further: „With the Beko BBL TOP PERFORMER we connect this communication aim with the need of the fans to discuss the achievement of their stars. Belsana sport stands for „performance“. Therefore, it lay near to choose the best players by the community and in connection with the partners.“ In many of our issues, we have a wide variety of variants to choose a player of the game. This action stands out by a few special features: The fans are already involved on the

ill. monthly the fans can vote their „Top - Performer“.



one hand in the pre-selection of candidates voting and on the other hand, a player from each club is represented, so that even those fans are motivated to participate. Even when the team just go through a difficult athletic time.


ill. Darius Adams is the Top Performer at the moment ill. Beko BBL tries to interact good as possible to their fans

EXPERT I SPOX.COM In a series of RESULT Sports, the team inquiries about the social media activities of sports magazines and online portals. Our employee Florian Gress discussed with Benjamin Wahlen, responsible for social media of how important social media became for journalism.

ill. Over 127.000 Facebook user follow


Because we just go on organic growth, we are very pleased with the number of our Facebook fans. Our users are active, share, comment, like and show that they are interested in our content and posts. Unlike some other portals, we think that it is not worthwhile to buy fans - the bounce rate is insanely high and the activities vanishingly small. Due to the Facebook algorithm there will be a negative impact on the overall performance of our appearance. In exceptional cases we have

already advertised, that was very specific matters, for example in the transmission of a particular NBA match. Our main goal is to reach our fans, inform and entertain. In addition, we want to present the brand appealing. The fact that the economic aspect and it generate clicks on our website also plays an important role.

Also on Google+ is active. How satisfied are you with your appearance on this platform? In November we are represented for three years on g+ and have also very satisfactory 55k


Hello Mr. Wahlen, currently stands at more than 127k Facebook „Likes“. How satisfied are you with this number? What do you consider the main goal of your social media presence on Facebook?



followers. However, the difference between Facebook and g+ is still huge, whether one compares the number of users, the range or activities. It is positive that almost no trolls are active here, what the monitors of comments simplifies considerably. Also the handling of g+ is pleasant and simple. The connection to YouTube is very intersting, because we link directly to g+ and present our own video content. So g+ is quite important for us.



How is your experience with Twitter?


On Twitter we are active since January 2008 and currently we have 29k followers - In August 2012, we were still at (only) 10k followers. So here we have a remarkable jump behind us, which is largely thanks to our „Twitter Guru“ Patrick Völkner who invests a lot of time, love and know-how to our Twitter page. Unlike Facebook or g+ we mainly want to increase the awareness and visibility of the brand here by witty and funny tweets as well as the accompaniment of live events.

ill. Benjamin Wahlen is the head of social media at

Make you sure that you make different content between the platforms? Or do you operate mostly with cross-postings?

You often read about that online news portals are dependent on their own social media presences, is there a large number of visits on your own online site only via the Facebook and Co.? Do you recognize a dependence for

We produce different contributions for the individual channels. Especially on Twitter, we act with text posts and rather less with photos or videos. On other channels photos and videos turn more successful. With Facebook and g+, the procedure is relatively similar, because these platforms are also comparable from the presentation. On our Instagram account spoxdaily we publish only images from the world of sports that seem to us particularly funny or entertaining. From time to time we will introduce our editors to allow the readers also have a look behind the scenes.

both the generated traffic to, and the success of each individual contribution in the foreground. A detailed analysis is very important to understand the different platforms. This is especially true for Facebook, where the ever-changing algorithm always has to adapt again, and works only if you have a very flexible team behind it.

The fact that the social media presence in the generation of clicks plays an important role, this is also true. When we see a noticeable slump of our social media numbers in a few days, this already gives us cause to concern and action. We will get together internally and try to adapt a strategy. You can’t speak about a dependency in our case. Do you operate some special social media activities in regular intervals? Have you planned anything for the Fifa Worldchampionship and do you use Facebook apps?

This means that you analyze the posts and which content worked best? We have analysis tools with which we analyze each platform individually. Here are

We want to not only inform, but also entertain. We‘ve completed numerous competitions on Facebook - even with the help of specially


ill. is also active on Twitter.

Commenting management is very important. One must be able lead a shitstorm and act accordingly. For example, a really harmless intentioned post about Tim Wiese was misunderstood and caused a number of complaints. Then we had a sorry post, which was very well received by the users at the end. In another case, we have clearly positioned and placed behind the post, because we couldn’t see something wrong with it. You need for such situations simply a good instinct.

What is the importance of the integration of other accounts of clubs or players on the various

The integration of social media is no longer an integral part of the editorial every day. Especially on Twitter are a lot of information and news disseminated. Accordingly, our editors are also at any time online on Twitter and follow the clubs, players and other journalists. We also build directly tweets or posts in our articles. The fact that we also keep a watchful eye on the performances of the competition is clear.


Now we come again to a frequently sad chapter of social networks, the so-called Shit Storms. Do you already have to make experiences in this direction in the past? And if, how was it?

platforms in the daily editorial coverage as a research tool?


programmed apps. We had video puzzles and other actions. When we asked the audience at the live broadcast of an NBA Game to send us photos of how they watch the game, we received hundreds of pictures and we were surprised how many submissions we received. During the World Cup we have already given away jerseys and made games on Facebook as part of our webshow „Go! Brasil“.



Social Media World Cup The German team made a good job on the pitch, but also on social media networks the performance was champions like. It was THE event of the year, the football World Cup in Brazil! Not only german TV channels (ARD and ZDF) ran on TV from record to record, the social networks represented a gigantic number after another. To mention just a few quick examples: 350 million people took part in discussions about the World Cup between June 12 and July 13. They generated three trillion interactions, like posts, comments and „Likes“. As the most active country Brazil turned out.



About 57% of all Brazilians on Facebook attended the contributions around the World Cup. Comparable records also broke the short message


RESULT Sports, 15.07.2014

service Twitter. There, for a total of 672 million tweets # WORLDCUP2014 were counted. 4 Not only athletic, but also in the social networks the DFB team worked really good. Just around 3,405,867 follower the official appearances of the world champion were able to increase. This alone to 1.73 million new fans on Facebook (over 3.90 million fans) and 0,43 million followers on Twitter (total 0.90 million followers). But the greatest advance made the Germans in China: on SinaWeibo the Germans reached 1,590,945 new followers! „We had the goal to present the team and the DFB like a world champion


on social media.“ said Ralf Köttker, Director of Communications & Public Relations of the DFB. „The team has of course created us the foundation with their successful performances in Brazil. At the end not only of sporting titles, but also in the social media area it is a great result. Also on Facebook, on Twitter, Instagram and all other channels of the DFB. We are pleased with the development, but also see that the potential is far from exhausted. „ But no matter: In order to achieve these numbers, we had to invest a lot of time. „The effort of time and staff during the tournament phase was of course much higher than usual. The higher stroke rate during the World Cup was worth, „said Köttker after the tournament in Brazil. At the top we have achieved with our contributions around 51 million people daily. Individual contributions have reached distances of nearly 20 million. The total range was the day after the World Cup final even more than 70 million. „

So much for the changes in the social networks of the official associations. But no question that at the World Cup the performances of the players were at the forefront. Hardly a world championship game was run on German TV without a few Facebook posts or tweets by a player were displayed. Therefore, we have summarized for you on the following pages the best posts of the World Cup weeks.



The Brazilians can be satisfied with their growth

on the digital platforms, as well. Overall, the World Cup fourth reported a very ordinary value with 2,796,482 digital reach. The podium completes the Mexicans despite out in the 1/8 final, which may also be satisfied with a digital enhanced coverage of 2,541,205 users. With 0.827 million new followers on Twitter, they are only number 1 in the television ratings, but also in the social networks, the football boom of the United States made itself felt. With 1,344,768 new users reach the team of Klinsmann is number 5 in the ranking. On Instagram they are with 228 430 new followers on the account, which rises from all the most.

RESULT Sports, 15.07.2014



Social Wall

After the great 4:0 victory against Portugal of the DFB Team the German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the team in the cabin.



Poldi gets also a selfie with chancellor Angela Merkel.


Also the US President Barack Obama had to watch how his team lost against

But the 4:0 victory wasn‘t really surprising considering Mesut Oezils niece crossed all fingers ‌

the germans. He watched the game in the Air Force One on his flight to Minneapolis.


Rihanna didn‘t really cared about. She supported the germans from beginning. Mesut Özil thanked her via twitter: „Thank you for the support!;)“

It was THE scandal of World Cup 2014: Luis Suarez bite Chiellini of Italy in the shoulder, He was subsequently blocked because the referee hadn‘t seen it. Days later he thanked for the support of his fans and posted on Facebook a photo with his family. But in addition to the lock until the end of October, also his sponsors skip payment to him. Three weeks later, he moved to FC Barcelona.

A very big player was kicked out in the quarterfinals - with six goals in the account James Rodriguez (COL) left the tournament. Opponent David Luiz (BRA) was so impressed by his performance that he invited the Brazilian



Christian Ronaldo was eliminated in the qualifying round and had much more time for other things.

fans to applause for James.



Neymar couldn‘t participate in the semi final but his speak inspired the brasilian people so much. 11.2 million click - wow



Another classic for the ages: Mertesacker interview on ZDF and the famous „Eistonne“. Funnily enough, days later, Mertesacker was missing in a training - the reason? Curiously, he was missing due to a flu - maybe three days Eistonne were too much?


How good the mood was in the team shows us Poldi again. He just immitates his friend Schweini during the press conference

Andre Schürrle shows just before the semi final that he can inspire people not only on the field.


In the States they were so impressed by our 7:1 against Brazil that they

goood“ he tweeted on his channel

illuminate the Empire State Building.

Sepp Blatter congratulated after the game Miro Klose to his World Cup scoring record. The FIFA President was very active on Twitter.



Could not believe the 7:1. The Belgium striker Romelu Lukaku „Ooh myyy

But even after a landslide victory Mesut Özil hasn‘t forgotten the losers: Via twitter he addressed words of encouragement to the Brazilian people to not lose their pride



After the 7-1 against Brazil Thomas Müller was excited to watch the other semi final ARG-NED.



But what our guys can do, also can do the argentines in the social networks as well. Leo Messi also posed after the 1/8 finals against Switzerland via Selfie with Di Maria and Lavezzi.


… and Poldi rounded with the second Merkel Selfie of the tournament after the final, his social media activities such as how he began. The fans like it: Almost 1:30 million „Likes“ got this post

… at the end Germany got the cup. The player let mostly the picture speak


Facebook La Liga

Serie A

1. Bundesliga



Premier League

31 *The numbers were collected on 01.08.2014.





Premier League

La Liga

Serie A

1. Bundesliga


Instagram FA Premier League

1. Bundesliga



Serie A

La Liga

33 *The numbers were collected on 01.08.2014




Ice Hockey Top 25

The three big Russian Ice Hockey clubs are still in front with SKA Sankt Petersburg in the lead and HC Spartak Moscow and KHL Medvescak Zagreb behind. But it’s getting closer for the second rank. Zagreb is just 62 fans behind Moscow and are increasing more fans than Moscow per month. In case of that we can expect a change for the second place next month. Even AIK Stockholm made a huge step compare to the others and increased more than 14k fans just on Facebook more than 14k fans just on Facebook

34 *The numbers were collected on 01.08.2014



Let’s take a look on the Basketball Top 25 in Europe. No miracle that Real Madrid is still in front and also got 917k fans more in just one month. The second club is also a big player with 2.975.932 digital reach. We speak about Regal FC Barcelona which just have profiles on Facebook and Twitter. EA7-Emporio Armani Milano made also a good job last month and got over 31k more fans.


Basketball Top 25

35 *The numbers were collected on 01.08.2014




Hanball Top 25

FC Barcelona is with 3.676.273 fans and followers far in front. PSG Handball from France is in second position but with more than 3 million fans behind Barcelona. They have a overall digital reach of 486.724 at the moment and are still growing very good. Also on Instagram PSG Handball made a good job last month and could win more than 1,4k followers.

36 *The numbers were collected on 01.08.2014


Final Words

We can rightly speak of the authenticity of the banal. To let the fans take part of the private moments of the players even when behind an agency is infected, certain plans posts with the player - this goal should be achieved. That not always highly exciting moments of crackling atmosphere has become come part of the concept. How can you see it? Even meaningless pictures of postings of the German DFB players will be showered with likes by the ecstatic cheering people. Mesut Özil’s final cheering – he is measured by the number of fans the most successful German Player in the social networks received over 2 million likes and a range of over 40 million - an excellent value. As a well-known Spokesperson and media adviser of a top trainer told in an interview it was the „first Social Media World Cup „. He is likely keeping right…

In previous World Cups the Athletes remained only the path in front of the TV camera or an (authorized) Press interview to emerge from the relative anonymity of the DFB collective. Dependent to the performance the fans can only get a limited extent of pictures of the idols. That Mesut Özil favorite animal is the lion that Lukas Podolski operates a foundation and Kevin Grosskreutz, Julian Draxler and Benedikt Höwedes shared a bungalow in Campo Bahia - were not to known easily. Whether this information are important for the development of World Cup, may be confidently doubts. But they are useful too, to get a better picture of the athletes. In this case it is clear that the sponsors and companies want to use the authenticity of social media to communicate their products. That this approach works, may like to be proven. However, it is to assume that the strategy of the large business and their advertising strategists has worked. And now? The fans around the world were succumbed to the fascination of the first „Social Media Worldcup“. How future World Championships go cannot be predicted with certainty. If good behaviour and only excellent posts will be rewarded by fans may be doubted confidently . The proximity to the idols will be continue the particular feature. To participate at the life of the stars in moments of extreme effort, pain, success and loss is also in four years a socially acceptable motive.


THE magazine for the digital sports business. This magazine is published monthly and is dedicated to the use, applications, use, and developments and trends in the digital media in sports. As ‚digital media‘ we denote the mobile communication, the different platforms of social networks and websites. The magazine is produced in close cooperation between the doctrine and practice, and published by the RESULT sport. EDITORIAL Mario Leo Founder and General Manager RESULT Sports Hubert Raschka Managing Partner RESULT Sports Florian Gress Social Media Manager RESULT Sports Hanna Kavalevich Project Manager RESULT Sports Andy Eyring Project Manager RESULT Sports Dennis Wegner Haimspiel Media Robert Burkhardt Freelancer SUBSCRIPTIONS You can subscribe to our website or simply send a message to Alternatively, or for any other questions please call +49 (0) 89/5454 0789


Banality versus authenticity



The 2014 World Cup is over but the decisive moments will be remembered by fans around the globe- they were not as usual from the press photographers shot, but this time also by the players themselves in form of „Selfies“ and authentic instantaneous recordings at the moment of greatest joy. The Players have shaped the coverage of the World Cup and Media Business by their own contentwillingly the journalist used the material of the players, officials and organizations to integrate it uncritically in into their own offering. This applies to traditional media such as TV, print and radio as much as the digital offerings in the media landscape. These were not only images that were burned collective in our memory. Adidas has set with #AllinOrNothing literally everything on one Card, Mercedes and Germany were #bereitwienie, Sport 1 tried it with „wirfür4“.

Digital Sports Media Munich, August 2014



• The Club Media Report sums up all digital club media within weekly- or monthly reports. Where are your visitors from? Which kind of wishes and preferences has your online community? Are there synergies between Web&Mobile or Web&Social? • List of all official appearences incl. web, mobile and social media profiles • optional: Ad- and banners- Reporting • optional: Ticketing and Shop • In addition to a concise and analytical overview in graphics and tabular form, individuell channels are holistically reviewd and RESULT recommomandation integrated.

Your contact for more information: Mario Leo E:

„Digital Sports Media“ is a magazine of RESULT Sports

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