Heirloom Audio Booklet Promo

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Read The Exciting Story Below To Find Out What Many Parents Have Already Discovered. And, If You Don’t Agree That It’s The Missing Link Between Christian Education And Christian Entertainment . . . . . . I’ll send you a crisp 10 dollar bill, straight from my own wallet! Dear Friend, If you’re looking for “5-Star” Christian entertainment your kids will love, this will be the most important message you will ever read Here’s why . . . The Adventures in Odyssey™ audio series has been a family favorite for decades. I think it’s because parents love Christian content that’s both safe and fun. We all trust Focus On The Family to “deliver” without being worried about what our kids are going to be exposed to. In fact, I think “Odyssey-style” audio programming has been so remarkable that it’s left many parents wanting more. That’s why I’m writing to you today . . . Here’s the story: The good news is that some very talented, former Adventures in Odyssey™ producers have created a brand new audio series for kids and adults that’s getting 5-star ratings across the country and sweeping the secular entertainment awards. And, like Adventures in Odyssey™ . . . this new audio series is true familyfriendly entertainment you can trust. It’s entertainment that’s strong on “worldview”, but is also a lot of fun. 2

By the way, these stories are very fast-moving . . . so we call them “Audio Adventures”. And we’re excited by the rave reviews they are getting by some of our favorite people: Chris Anthony (the voice of Chris on Adventures in Odyssey™) said this . . .

Chris Anthony (Adventures in Odyssey™)

“Wow! I haven’t been this excited since the beginning of Adventures in Odyssey™. What adventure! What excitement! What intrigue! Great acting. I am very excited about this production and I hope lots and lots of kids and adults all over the world get a chance to hear this. It’s not only educational but it’s entertaining.” Katie Leigh (Voice of Connie Kendall on Adventures in Odyssey™): “Executive Producer Bill Heid totally created a masterpiece. It’s exciting and wonderfully produced. I loved it!”

Katie Leigh (Adventures in Odyssey™)

Actor Kirk Cameron said that these “movies for the mind” are “so innovative and powerful... they could actually change America.” One listener actually described our new Audio Adventures as “Disney for the ears.”

Kirk Cameron

So why all the buzz? Why are the productions winning awards and getting 5 Star ratings by moms and dads across the country? Turn the page to find out why . . .

Superior Product Award -Home Educating Family Association


. . . 7 Reasons Parents Kids Love These Reason Number One: Fast Action. You won’t be getting slowly

read books on tape. Instead, you get Audio Adventures that your family experiences as full, high-energy “theater of the mind” audio with multidimensional sound. Not to mention big, swashbuckling stories that keep your kids gripped, engaged and on the edge of their seats. But in fact, they are . . .

Reason Number Two: “Character-driven” stories about great Christian heroes! What’s fun is, these real life heroes teach kids about

making Godly decisions when life gets tough. (That’s when our character is really tested after all.) So if you’re looking for true “inspiration” for yourself and your family... these Audio Adventures are for you.

Reason Number Three: “Listening and learning” with audio improves how a child’s brain works. This is very cool. Studies show it’s

true. With audio learning, the left hemisphere of the brain gets stimulated in a way that no other learning method can stimulate. This is an education breakthrough! And, once the left hemisphere is activated, research from Carnegie Mellon shows dramatic increases in verbal memory and fluency. Other studies show profound increases in the ability to use imagination. Lastly, researchers discovered that even the ability to focus improves with audio learning. (Who wouldn’t want more “focus” from their kids!)

With these very special “listen and learn” Audio Adventures, it’s our goal to unlock the hidden potential your child. And you know what? I’m convinced every child is at least twice as smart as parents think.

Reason Number Four: Kids need real history. Let’s face it, Christian history has almost disappeared completely from our culture. But it’s not just secular textbooks in school that have dropped all references to our faith. Nope. Christian history is now gone from movies, books, even coffee-shop conversations.

But the good news is that it’s now back in a way that will make you smile. And, I really believe our Audio Adventures provide the single easiest way in the world to give your kids a powerful Christian history lesson. (By the way... the best part about this is that they don’t 4

TRUST And Audio Adventures know they’re getting a history lesson... so they won’t cringe when you ask them to listen!)

Reason Number Five: Kids learn good manners and respect.

Another thing that grieves me is the fact that most kids today show very little respect and gratitude. That’s why each Audio Adventure teaches the importance of being thankful and respectful. We think it’s extremely important for kids to respect parents, grandparents and teachers. You know, we used to call this “obeying your elders”. Sounds old-fashioned, right? Well, it is, but the truth is, respect should NEVER, ever go out of style.

Reason Number Six: Very easy to use. These Audio Adventures come

on CD (2-CD sets) and are also downloadable. So just press play. It’s that easy. But it gets even better if you’re one of those parents that loves to discuss great, character building stories with their kids. Here’s why: For you, we also provide a discussion starter and parent interaction guide for each new Audio Adventure (I used to call it “curriculum”, but I think it scared some non-homeschooling parents off!)

Reason Number Seven: You need a break. It’s true. Probably the thing

parent’s love most about this new audio series is that just like Adventures in Odyssey™... our Audio Adventures are “content safe” for kids. They’re also a lot of fun so kids of all ages tend to get “caught up” and engaged in the stories. So . . . once you press play . . . if you need it . . . you’ll have some time for yourself. Time that can help you get everything else done that your hectic schedule demands. And maybe, just maybe, you can even find a little time to do something you love to do. So it’s a perfect tool to help you . . .


...Get Control On Crazy Days!

Let’s face it. Some days can have even the most loving parent pulling their hair out. Could be one child is sick or cranky, they’re at odds with each other, or it’s snowing or raining outside and they’re tearing the house apart. Doesn’t really matter. It happens! I can also tell you from the heart that the great myth in educating your kids is that you always have to work harder to get better results. The truth is (studies show this) it’s really a parent or a teacher’s love and passion for the subject matter that counts most. Kids are sharp. They see what’s important and what’s not important by watching you. They sense when you’re tense. It’s subtle . . . but they know! Let me repeat that: It’s a parent’s passion for teaching that wins the day! Listen, so many teaching courses and books about teaching children are just dead wrong here. The truth is, at the end of the day... your kids are going to love what you love! So why am I telling you all this? It’s simple. If you happen to be a homeschooler, you already know the “missing link” between great homeschool teaching and homeschooling teaching that falls flat on it’s face is your passion and your energy level. It’s an unfortunate secret some parents NEVER learn, no matter how many books they read or how “knowledgeable” of subject matter they become. And that means . . . 6

You Can’t Deliver A Great Teaching Performance If Your Batteries Are Drained! But most parents simply don’t realize that in a very real sense, every time they teach anything . . . they are “on stage” and are engaged in the most important “performances” of their lives. It’s true. What could be more important than teaching the next generation to love to learn? That is big . . . really big! So here’s the bottom line: Our new Audio Adventures are designed to be “plug and play” for any parent. Some parents are now saying it’s a “genius” way to teach your kids powerful life lessons while you get some quiet time to recharge your batteries and . . .

Instill A Strong Christian Worldview While Your Kids Have A Lot Of Fun Listening! This is the opposite of 99.9 percent of all programming on TV, radio and in the movies today when it comes to worldview. But you’ve got an alternative now . . . After years of research and study, my team has “cracked the code” on how to put together worldview training you can trust . . . with a fast-paced story that kids actually want to hear. And you know what? This can be a real “aha” moment for Christian parents who want a Christian mindset in their home that helps rather than hurts when it comes to raising strong, responsible kids. So keep reading. You’re going to love how this ends. Hint: I’m practically giving these productions away. You’ll find out why in a moment . . .

Perfect For Ages 4 And Up! • Kids love the exciting stories and engaging characters • Teens love the non-stop action and epic adventures • Parents love the biblical and moral values • Grandparents love the history and eternal truths 7

. . . Here’s What Parents Are Saying About The Way They Say We Cracked The “Christian Entertainment” Code: “What Heirloom Audio has done is incredible.

It is a dream come true for me as a parent and will bless my children more than I can imagine. God will see to that, I am certain.” - tammy m.

“Want family-friendly Christian entertainment you can trust? Look no further.” - lindsey c. “We have all girls and they LOVE every single product from you - we have them all and they listen to them again and again. Thank you for your wonderful ministry.” - kaia f. “Fantastic!!

Great historical adventures that build character and give anyone an excitement for history!” - tiffany w.

Was Winston Churchill G. A. Henty’s Biggest Fan? What Churchill Learned from Henty Could Very Well Have Saved Western Civilization. Each of these phenomenal audio adventures are based on the books of G.A. Henty – probably the greatest writer of historical fiction that ever lived. His more than 100 stories have inspired boys and girls of all ages for more than 150 years. The defining traits of G. A. Henty’s works were adventure, bravery, courage and Christian virtue. And his “high adventure” books of historical fiction were enormously popular in his day. There’s no wonder young Winston Churchill had a fascination with Henty.


You see, Churchill shared a kindred spirit with Henty. Both Henty’s and Churchill’s early careers followed similar paths. Both were in the fighting ranks and served as war correspondents. In fact, one of the key events that brought Churchill into national prominence is reminiscent of the adventures of Henty’s stories. While serving as a war correspondent, Churchill was captured by the Boers and held as a prisoner of war. His boldness and courage, however, rose to the occasion, and he escaped from his prison, traveling 300 miles through

“Amazing quality, amazing content. history to life like never before!” - aaron f.

Heirloom Audio brings

“Thank you for providing such great faith promoting, liberty defending, entertaining productions. We love Heirloom Audio!!!” - Elisabeth W.

“We love Heirloom Audio.

They are excellent quality!” - Jodie D.

“This product should be in every home in America.”

- Mark W.

The truth is, as these parents are testifying, these Audio Adventures can really make a difference in the lives of your kids. And, for moms and dads who care about Continued on page 10 . . .

enemy territory to reach safety. Churchill’s heroism in World War II became a remarkable “archetype” of Henty’s own heroes. For him, the Henty books he read as a young man provided a “template of commitment” to strength and courage… even a sense of destiny… that proved so vital to his life and role in history. Churchill recognized how these very same influences of his earlier life shaped and prepared him for this role. There is no doubt that the influences we encounter when we are young have a large part in shaping and forming who we are. This might give us good reason to stop and think about the influences that are at work in the lives of kids today. Obviously the stakes are high. What values are being inculcated, upheld and promoted in their lives? The truth is that God has hardwired us to become what we think about most of

the time. Jesus said it best, “As ye believe, so shall it be done unto you.” Belief and faith change our vision and allow us to see new possibilities. In a time when so many kids stumble in darkness, providing character building influences and experiences in your child’s life can be life changing. Churchill became the man he was in part due to the influence of Henty’s worldview. If we’re to expect the next generation to stand fast when they are called to service and leadership we must provide strong and deliberate influences. Trials will come, and our children’s character will be tested and revealed in those difficult times. Could there possibly be a more important task than the preparation of our kids for the challenges ahead? Our goal at Heirloom Audio is to provide tools that equip parents and grandparents for this great adventure.


Produced By Serious Christian Educators . . . For Serious Christian Families!”

what goes into the hearts and minds of their children . . . this really is an important breakthrough.

Produced By Serious Christian Educators . . . For Serious Christian Families! Are you looking for something like this? Are you looking for a likeminded company that wants to partner with you on the “family friendly” content side? If so, here’s what you should do right now. Check this out: I’ve spent everything I have on this project... heart, soul, almost every penny I had. And... it’s taken five years to put these Audio Adventures together. Which is why I truly believe your family will love them so much . . . Your family can listen to them without any financial risk on your part. Plus, if you decide later that this isn’t something that your family would benefit from, I will actually . . .

Pay You And Your Family Ten Dollars Just For Checking These New Audio Adventures Out And Listening To Them! I know that sounds like I’m going over the top on this. But I’m not. I really believe you and your family are going to love these Audio Adventures so I’m willing to do something just that crazy. I’ll actually refund your money and pay you 10 dollars just for your trouble if you decide later it’s not for you. 10

That’s Why I’ve Tried To Make Getting Started As Easy As Possible! To get started listening to the new Audio Adventures series simply return the form on page 23 of this booklet, call 877-327-0365 or go to www. heirloomaudio.com/order. It will take you to the website where you can order the special discount package. But read this first... Important: Once you’re on the site, you should use the coupon code on the back of this booklet to bypass the regular pricing system that my accountant set up. If you do... you’ll get a stunning 67% off. What am I up to here? Well, I’ve got an idea that you’re going to love. As a matter of fact, it could be . . .

The Biggest Bargain Of Your Life! It’s a “give away the farm” plan for the first 27 people that order: I’m going to actually double your order. That means you’ll get 2 sets of each production. Why am I doing this? The answer is simple. Our marketing budget is very small and “throwing in” the extra set is for you to give away if you’d like.

Special “Double Your Order” Offer Plus, you get even more . . . Audio Adventure Set Bonuses Right now, I’d like to send you the first four productions on CD featuring the amazing performances of Billy Boyd (Lord of the Rings), Skandar Keynes (Chronicles of Narnia), John Bell (The Hobbit), Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings & Mom’s Night Out), Chris Anthony (Adventures in Odyssey™) Kelsey Landsdowne (Curious George & Batman), and many more! You and your family will be absolutely enthralled by these amazing “movies for your mind.” Over 8 hours of edge-of-your-seat action and adventure! But I’m so excited about getting these into the hands of parents and grandparents who want to make a difference in the lives of their children, I’ll also include 5 special bonuses . . . 11

Cast includes:

. . . Here’s Everything You Get: The Dragon & The Raven

Billy Boyd The Lord of the Rings, Master & Commander

Joanne Froggatt Downton Abbey

The Danes have swept over every kingdom in England, laying waste to everything in their path. Join Edmund and the one man who is willing to stand against the invaders – the young King Alfred of Wessex. From standing in the shield-wall to sailing on the whale-road, Alfred and Edmund realize the nation’s only hope is to turn back to the God they have abandoned. Can the two young warriors turn the tide of the war and save their world? - $29.95 Value!

With Lee In Virginia Skandar Keynes

The Chronicles of Narnia

Cathy Sara Woman In Black, Topsy-Turvey

James Cosmo Braveheart,

The Chronicles of Narnia

John Rhys-Davies, The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones


Fifteen-year old Vincent Wingfield finds himself in a thrilling adventure when he joins the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia. He is soon fighting alongside many of the most famous Confederate generals, including Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and Robert E. Lee. General Lee’s steadfast sense of duty and his dauntless devotion to God inspire Vincent to take a stand for his country and his fellow man that could save his life. - $29.95 Value!

In Freedom’s Cause Can one mans faith and vision inspire a group of farmers, shepherds, and merchants to defeat the mightiest military force on the planet? William Wallace, by his undaunted courage and strength of character, forever changed the history of Scotland. His stand

against oppression – despite overwhelming odds – inspired the heroic leader who will eventually gain Scotland’s freedom, King Robert the Bruce. The source of Wallace’s fire was his faith in God. Join an all-star cast in this epic tale of freedom. - $29.95 Value!

Under Drake’s Flag

Cast continued:

Helen George Call The Midwife

Ned Hawkshaw is about to take the greatest adventure a boy

could ever imagine… with one of the most celebrated heroes in history – Sir Francis Drake! Ned fights off a shark attack, survives a shipwreck, engages in fierce battles on sea and land, and comes face to face with the Spanish Inquisition. Experience the swashbuckling tale that pits faith against fear, and helps Ned grow from a boy into a man. Live The Adventure® and board The Golden Hinde for an epic quest of courage on the high seas! - $29.95 Value!

Special Bonus #1 Four Complete Study Guide & Discussion Starter Sets Over 100 pages of discussion points, history-learning guides and storyrelated Bible studies. These downloadable study guides and discussion starters were designed by Christian educators as complete story curricula to complement each audio adventure. The study guides provide great ways to talk to your kids about the lessons learned in each audio adventure and how they can be incorporated into their dayto-day life. - $40 Value! More Bonuses on next page . . .

Brian Blessed Star Wars, Tarzan, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Sylvester McCoy Doctor Who VII, The Hobbit

John Bell The Hobbit

Sean Astin The Lord of the Rings

Kirk Cameron Fireproof, Left Behind Series


Cast continued:

Special Bonus #2:

All Four Award Winning Soundtracks

Chris Anthony Adventures in Odyssey™

Kelsey Lansdowne Curios George,

Batman: Arkham Origins

Jim Weiss, Greathall Productions

Honeysuckle Weeks Foyle’s War Lorna Doone

Brian Cox Braveheart, The Bourne Identity

Tom Baker Dr. Who

And many more! 14

You will receive high definition MP3 downloads of all the original music by Emmy-winning composer John Campbell for each audio adventure. We’re thrilled to be the first company releasing John Campbell’s scores as collectible soundtracks. - $20 Value!

Special Bonus #3: Beautiful Poster Art From Each Of Our Audio Dramas

Beautiful, printable copies of some of the most challenging and motivational quotes from each audio adventure. Simply download the high resolution PDFs, print and frame for timeless inspiration. - $20 Value!

Special Bonus #4:

Four Limited Edition Henty Collector Coins You will receive all four of our ultimate Henty collector’s coins (one for each drama) featuring iconic representations of each of our audio adventures. Ornately designed, masterfully engraved, and sure to inspire. Each coin is valued at $29.95 and captures the spirit of G.A. Henty’s literary works. Total value of the coins is $120!

Special Bonus #5:

Digital downloads of each Audio Adventure - $80 Value!

There’s No Risk To You! Get the introductory set of 4 Audio Adventures and all the free bonuses worth an amazing $420! Your order will be rush-shipped by FedEx to you. Then, take your time and listen to them with your kids to decide if you think they are worth it. If, at any time, you decide the Audio Adventures don’t meet your needs - for any reason – simply return the set for a full refund. And, I’ll add an extra $10.00 just for trusting me on this. No questions asked. No hassles either. Your word is gold here. These new Audio Adventures are really “Must-Listening” for kids whose parents value character-building entertainment. It “infuses” and instills an attitude of adventure into your kids hearts and minds. And, their thinking, their feelings and their actions begin to operate with focused determination. It’s like giving them a flashlight to explore a cave when the rest of the world seems to be stumbling about in darkness. Get this introductory CD set and then take your time to check it out with the kids. You don’t risk a penny. And you stand to receive an extra $10.00 just for checking it out. That’s an extremely generous “golden rule” offer you can only get from a company that wants your kids to use their unique, God-given abilities to have fun and make the world a better place. (By the way, not many companies are so convinced their product will “deliver” that they will offer such a confident guarantee.)

Best Time To Start This Adventure Is Now! But don’t wait around if you think this is something your family is going to love. Here’s why: There are only 27 of these Family Audio Adventure packages available. The reason is that we didn’t want this “giving away the farm” thing to get out of hand. Which means this is definitely a limited . . . one-time offer. My accountant objected to the price reduction and I didn’t even tell him about all the bonuses you get if you act quickly. (I know I need an accountant and all that, but sometimes he is a real pain.) So here are three easy ways to order...


Three Easy Ways To Order For Fastest Service: Go to www.heirloomaudio.com/order to order with our 24-hour secure online order form. You’ll need the discount code on the back cover to unlock the site and get your “Double Your Order” discount if you’re among the first 27 to order! For Fast Service: Have your credit card ready and call our Priority Order Hotline and tell one of our friendly staff members you want to order Heirloom Audio’s Four Audio Adventure Set with all free bonuses. They’ll take care of the rest. The number to call is 1-877-327-0365. To Order By Check Or Money Order: Fill out the “Order By Mail” form on page 23 and send it along with your payment of $97.00 (free shipping and handling) for Heirloom Audio’s 4 Audio Adventure Set.This is a total value of $420 – and you can get it all with this limited-time introductory offer of just $97. And we’ll pay the shipping (a $6.95 value)! Remember, there is no risk – so order today!

For Raising Kids With Character,

Bill Heid

Bill Heid Executive Producer, Heirloom Audio Productions

P.S. In addition to the big discount on the package price of the Audio Adventure set, I’ve also loaded up this offer with a ton of other bonuses for you and your kids. These bonuses in the “goodies package” I’ve gotten ready for you is really going to make it all worthwhile. But again, I’m not sure I can continue to do this for in the future. P.P.S. Remember, you’re protected by our “Golden Rule” guarantee. Order the Audio Adventures. Listen with your kids for at least 20 minutes a day. If you’re not 100% delighted, return them for a full refund. Plus, I’ll pay you an extra $10.00 for your trouble. No questions asked. No hassles, either. Because that’s how I would want to be treated by others. P.P.P.S. One last thing. I almost forgot to tell you the most important part. We have 4 more Audio Adventures in various stages of development for 2016. Our intention is to (Lord willing) produce 4 per year for the next 25 years. I’m looking for families that want a reliable, long term partner. Will you join me?


12 Great Reasons To Buy “Audio Adventures” For Your Kids Or Grandkids! 1. Audio Adventures are guaranteed to hold your child’s attention for hours because they are fun and extremely engaging 2. Audio Adventures support attention span and focus 3. Audio Adventures teach Christian history in a fun and exciting way – kids begin to love history instead of dreading it 4. Audio Adventures support vocabulary and comprehension and fluency 5. Audio Adventures teach children strong moral values and biblical decision-making 6. Audio Adventures support listening ability and conversation skills 7. Audio Adventures helps support dynamic memory and retention 8. Audio Adventures provide real heroes for Christian kids 9. Audio Adventures can unlock your child’s mental potential and can even improve grades in school 10. Audio Adventures help children develop creativity and imagination 11. Audio Adventures teach children how to apply their faith in practical “real-life” situations 12. Turn ordinary drive time into family fun and adventure time 17

Why It Is So Essential To Give Your Kids Wholesome Entertainment . . .


nce upon a time, we as parents and grandparents told great stories to our kids. In modern times your kids are being bombarded with thousands of media messages every day, and all of these messages, all of these stories, have a moral. But what morals are your kids really learning today? What are these stories teaching them? As humans, we are wired for stories. It’s why we enjoy watching movies, TV shows, and reading books. That’s all good. But wait! It’s not all good, and that’s the problem. In ancient Israel, God commanded parents to tell their children the stories of how He rescued them. But when Israel stopped telling their story, they forgot their heritage. And when they forgot, they lost everything. The same is true today, when we lose our story, our history, we lose our heritage. And we once again, risk losing everything! But here’s the good news: We’ve got great stories from our history.


Stories that capture kid’s imaginations, stories that teach them while entertaining them. Stories of real heroes and real courage. Today we use the term hero loosely. You know a real hero isn’t someone who can sink a basketball or someone who can recite a few lines in front of a camera, or even someone that can sing a high note. These people may be admirable, but they aren’t real heroes. Our history is rich with amazing stories about true heroes. Men and women who risked it all and gave their lives for a cause greater than themselves. Heroes who showed us what courage, faith and commitment really mean. Heroes who though they were flawed made the right decisions when the day came. The lives of these heroes are a blueprint for all of us. And most importantly, a blueprint for the day when our kids are faced with life’s tough decisions. This is the passion

in their mind and their hearts. It of every production at Heirloom becomes part of them and they Audio. To help busy moms actually start to live the and dads, even adventure. grandparents, tell The lives of these great stories about heroes are a blueprint These aren’t audio true heroes. for all of us. And books. We’ve assembled most importantly, a team of the very best How do we do it? writers, actors, sound Our unique active a blueprint for the designers and music listening formula day when our kids composers in the world creates audio are faced with life’s adventures that tough decisions. This to bring real heroes and real history to life! instantly transport is the passion of your child into Once upon a time kids every production at the heart of the heard great stories. It’s Heirloom Audio. story. Why is this so time to tell great stories important? Because once again. It’s time to capture the no other story telling medium can hearts, minds and imaginations of awaken the imagination. No other the next generation. And maybe story telling medium can make we can help them live their lives stories come alive like a captivating as true Christian heroes. So please, audio drama adventure! don’t wait to return the order form That’s because kids participate and on page 23 or call 877-327-0365 are engaged in the story when and take advantage of the special they listen. They picture the stories introductory offer! 19

True life Christian heroes for Christian kids

Audio Adventure: Powerful New

Form Of Entertainment For Christian Families That Teaches And Motivates Courage, Faith And Commitment

Transport your family back in time and take your family on an incredible journey!

These are not audio books, which are recordings of a text being read. Nor are they audio drama (sometimes called radio theater), which is a dramatized, purely acoustic performance with no visual component. Although a breakthrough at the time, audio dramas depend pretty much on dialogue, music and sound effects to help the listener imagine the characters and story. However this newest genre, Active Listening Audio Adventures, are fast-moving audio dramas with stories and action designed to keep the listener captivated by the story. Quickly paced and plot-rich use of powerful sound effects makes this new listening format truly unique. Parents love it because it truly “captures” the imagination of children. Some describe it as 3-D sound effects. These movies that you listen to ignite your children’s imaginations (and yours)! Studies show these audio adventures actually improve comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary and attention span! And by telling compelling stories of Christian heroes through Audio Adventures kids experience profound truth that is imbedded in the history pages. It changes their lives in profound ways. Jesus told parables, or


stories, when he wanted to convey profound truths. Audio Adventures provide parents with powerful ways to communicate Biblical morals and values and do it in a way that’s big, and fun and exciting, like Steven Spielberg likes to do in his swashbuckler movies. Show your kids or grandkids a God-centered view of history so that they know who the real heroes are. You’ll be imbedding in them the moral roots that once made our nation so strong – and create true Christian heroes. There’s no better time than right now for our children to learn such timeless truths. Return the order form on page 23 or call 877-327-0365.

V O I C E A RT S ™ AWA R D S NOMI NATI ONS The “Academy Awards” of voice over and story telling


3 Options To Choose From: It’s Easy! For Fastest Service: Go to www.heirloomaudio.com/order and fill out our secure 24-hour online order form. Be sure to enter the coupon code on the back cover to secure the best pricing, plus all your free bonuses! For Fast Service: Call the Priority Order Hotline. Provide your coupon code and credit card, and our friendly staff will take care of the rest. The number to call is 877-327-0365. Most Convenient Way to Order: Return the form on the opposite page today along with your payment of $97.00 (free shipping and handling) and we’ll FedEx your Heirloom Audio’s 4 Audio Adventure Set with all the free bonuses, right away! P.O. Box 362 • Thomson, IL 61285 • 877-327-0365

ALL-Your-Money-Back Lifetime Guarantee! Because this Audio Adventure learning system is so incredibly effective… and because it is a true chemical-free way of improving attention span and learning… it is being sold with the most unusual guarantee in the world. Check this out: Let your child listen to an Adventure each day for 20 minutes. (More if you like!) Then watch and listen to your child each day to see and hear real tangible learning results… attention span… vocabulary… fluency… even a better attitude… right before your eyes. You will be thrilled with your child’s safe, rapid and dramatic increase in mental focus, attention span, vocabulary and fluency. However, if you are not satisfied, simply return the Audio Adventure learning system (The 4 Audio Adventures) with a short note about how your child used the program (for 20 minutes a day) and followed the easy instructions (you simply let them “listen and learn” each day) and then “Heirloom Audio” (the only learning company authorized to make this promise) will send you... all your money back and another $10 on top of that! And guess what? This is not a 10-day guarantee. This is not a 30-day guarantee. This is not even a 90-day guarantee. This is a lifetime guarantee! How can Heirloom Audio offer a Lifetime... all-your-money back guarantee on the Listen and Learn program? Well, you can only make that type of guarantee… if… you are 100% certain your system is going to unlock the natural hidden learning potential of every child that participates.


no-risk order form

Swashbuckler Entertainment That Inspires Your Kids to Become Today’s Heroes! YES! I want to instill faith, courage and commitment in my children while they are enthralled in Audio Adventures about amazing characters from history! I’m convinced of the importance of imbedding the right kind of biblical values in my children’s minds – so that when their character is truly tested they’ll come out the other side having made the right decision – always! I understand not only will I receive the four introductory CD’s, but FREE MP3 downloads of each production, plus all the other special bonuses – the soundtracks, the poster art, the study/discussion guides, and the four unique limited-edition collector coins (a total value of $420) – all for just $97! And, after listening for just 20 minutes a day if I’m not thrilled with my child’s developmental progress and character as described in the guarantee on the opposite page, not only will you refund the full purchase price, but send me $10 on top of that!

FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING! Be among the first 27 people to order and you’ll actually get two sets of everything! Please choose your method of payment: □ My check for $97 made out to Heirloom Audio is enclosed, OR □ I prefer to pay with credit card. □ MasterCard □ VISA □ AMEX □ Discover Card # Expiration Date / Security Code Name on Card Signature There’s no need to write your name and address as it is written on the reverse side of this form. Please just include your area code and phone number ( ) in case of problems and your email address (for instant shipping notification) and your discount code (from reverse side) Return this entire page to Heirloom Audio Productions P.O. Box 362 • Thomson, IL 61285 • 877-327-0365


2200 Illinois Rt. 84 Thomson, IL 61285



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