Res-Q | Summer 2018

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Stay Healthy on Vacation
Energy? SUMMER 2018 PAGE 6 PAGE 4
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When you engage in activities that cause you to sweat excessively, you may need to supplement with magnesium to prevent a deficiency, as well as help ward off dehydration.


Make sure you have energy to enjoy both work and play during the warm summer months.


This heart-healthy multi-vitamin is a great choice to fill the gaps created by a diet that is less than perfect.

(But…mmmmm, gotta love those picnics!)

Keep your heart healthy for summer fun

Dehydration and your Hear t

Hydration is key to optimal heart health in warmer weather

True or false. On a hot humid day, an active person can become dehydrated in just 15 minutes. If you guessed true, you are correct! But what you might not realize is dehydration takes a toll on your heart. “If you are dehydrated, your blood volume decreases, so vessel walls do not stretch as much as they should,” explains cardiologist Jeffrey Shapiro, M.D., who serves on the medical advisory board for Res-Q Natural Supplements. “Pressure sensors in your blood vessels sense this and send messages to your brain to increase heart rate. For people with existing heart conditions, this spells disaster.”

Increased heart rate isn’t the only problem. Dehydration also causes high blood pressure. That’s because dehydration reduces blood volume and your body compensates by retaining more sodium, which in turn raises blood pressure. Furthermore, your blood consists of mostly water, so the amount circulating through your body decreases when you are dehydrated. This thickens the blood and makes it more difficult to effectively

circulate. All of this together compromises the amount of blood your heart pumps with each beat. That means less blood and oxygen gets pumped through your body.

Finally, if dehydration is extreme, it can cause orthostatic changes where your blood pressure actually drops quickly, leading to dizziness and lightheadedness.

So how much water do you need to stay hydrated? Some situations where you should drink more water include:

• You are exercising

• You are sweating due to heat

• You have diabetes or heart disease

• You show signs of dehydration (thirst, dark-colored urine, dry skin, fatigue, dizziness)

Take care to hydrate and you can safely enjoy the warmth summer brings.


Want to Have the

Best Vacation Ever?

Stay healthy and energized so you can make memories that last a lifetime.

No one wants to get sick on vacation. If someone so much as sneezes near you in the days leading up to a big trip, you want to run the other way. The good news is there are things you can do to keep yourself healthy, so you can enjoy your entire vacation experience.

Hands off, germs!

Washing your hands is the single-most important way you can protect yourself from germs. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them in most situations, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Do it frequently – and make it a habit to wash your hands as soon as you walk in the door from being out in a public place such as a park or a boardwalk. Be sure to sanitize your hands frequently too if you’re on a plane or cruise ship.

Keep dreaming

If you are not well rested, your body isn’t ready to fight infections. Don’t be tempted to stray from your normal sleeping routine just to get things done before you leave. Sleep experts say you really need 7-8 hours nightly; any less than that is leaving you more prone to infection, not to mention heart disease, weight gain and diabetes. If you’re having trouble falling and staying asleep, a natural supplement like Res-Q PM can help you drift off –and you won’t feel groggy in the morning. Make sure to bring it with you too if you have a hard time sleeping when you are away from home.

Stop stressing

Stress can wear you down and leave you susceptible to getting sick, so try not to sweat the small stuff. You can also take Res-Q Stress Blocker, which helps your body adapt better to stress of all kinds, including everyday tension, an acute situation and even chronic illness.


’-fend yourself

Studies show people with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to get colds, so you might want to consider a vitamin D supplement like Res-Q Vital D3 or a multi-vitamin supplement such as Res-Q Heart360. Many people think they get enough sunshine in the summer to compensate for a vitamin D deficiency, but that’s not always true.

Take care of your gut

Most people are unaware that the large majority of your immune system is located in your gut. “An imbalance of gut bacteria can lead to digestive issues and make your body more susceptible to infections and disease,” says Melissa Josselson, N.D. “Res-Q ProBiotic increases your ‘good’ bacteria, which helps to both relieve and prevent these issues.” Plus, taking a probiotic can help ease the digestive upset that can come from eating different foods than you normally eat, which is something most of us do when we’re on vacation.

Stay energized

There’s a difference between a relaxing vacation where you lounge around on the beach and a trip where you trek across Europe or through a national park. If your summer plans involve the latter, you’re going to need stamina to get the most out of each day. Eat a balance of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats to stay energized. A B complex vitamin, like Res-Q Ultimate B Complex, can help you convert all of these macros into fuel to keep you going. Stay hydrated, too. Being dehydrated is a common reason for fatigue.

Follow all of these tips and you’ll stay healthy to enjoy your summer travels both near and far.



Distance the He’s Ready to Orosine keeps him powered up to the finish line.

Larry Caldwell, 56, of Medford Lakes, NJ, went to the gym religiously and ate right; yet in his mid-40s he still found himself carrying around an extra 40 pounds. Then he discovered P90X, the intense workout program advertised on TV. He dropped the weight and got into fantastic shape in what he describes as a “humbling experience.” But after time passed, boredom set in, as it often does when you do the same workout routine over and over again.

That’s when he learned about obstacle course races. “Someone introduced me to mud runs and I was hooked instantly,” he says. He did his first one and never looked back. “It’s all about seeing if you have the physical and mental capacity to get through it at first; after that it’s all about improving your technique and ultimately your finish time.”

It’s the latter that led him to Res-Q Orosine. “As a competitive obstacle course race athlete, Orosine is exactly what I want to help endure the grueling extreme training and races,” he says. “I take it 30 minutes before an intense training session and before every race. I absolutely notice the difference in sustained energy and performance. It gives

me a nice, slow steady burn that fuels me through an entire race – and I don’t crash afterward.”

Caldwell is not your run-of-the-mill weekend warrior – and you’ll never find him in the gym anymore. He has obstacles set up in his backyard so he can train daily, and he’s even hired a speed coach to help improve his finish times. “I don’t put just anything in my body,” he says. “When it comes to supplements, I do a lot of research. I’m sort of a purist and Res-Q Orosine is the only thing I use. Other than that, I rely on my daily training to prepare me.”

He’s viewed almost as a pioneer of the sport, having competed for five years. “I’m one of the old-timers,” Caldwell jokes in reference to both his longevity in the sport and his age in a field that’s dominated by 20 to 30-year-olds. He doesn’t plan to let that stop him anytime soon – in fact, he expects to get even better this season due to the hardcore training schedule he’s following.

He’ll travel from New England to Washington, D.C., this season on his quest to get more races – and better times – under his belt.

Happy muddy trails to you, Larry!

Res-Q Orosine Get the Details

Res-Q Orosine is an effective supplement to support multiple areas of heart health. It works directly on your cells to improve the delivery of oxygen and blood to your heart. When you take Orosine, your cells repair themselves and receive more oxygen, leading to improved energy and muscle efficiency, and lower blood pressure too.*

Orosine is exactly what I want to help endure the grueling extreme training and races. I absolutely notice the difference in sustained energy and performance.



• Helps boost testosterone level*

• Supports a healthy prostate gland*

• Increases libido and energy*

• Promotes focus and endurance*

Men over 40 have different health concerns than men in their 20s and 30s. PrimeRx was formulated to address those concerns, including lower testosterone level, performance issues, enlarged prostate symptoms, lack of energy, decreased muscle mass, negative mood changes and diminished ability to cope with stress.

Here’s a look at the ingredients and what they do:

Ashwagandha root extract

• Made with patented KSM-66® ashwagandha, a powerful herb

• Proven in clinical studies to naturally boost testosterone level*

• Shown to heighten sexual and athletic performance*

Tribulus terrestris extract

• Made from an herbaceous plant that grows wild in dry climates

• Increases stamina, libido and sexual function for men*

• Supports muscle strength and structure*

Gynostemma leaf extract or jiaogulan

• Adaptogenic herb made from a climbing vine in the cucumber family

• Helps build lean muscle and reduces muscle fatigue*


Calling All Men 40+

Feeling past your prime? Fix it fast!

Bet you never said those words in your 20s or 30s. You probably had more energy, less stress and felt better about your six-pack abs back then, too. Oh wait, those rock-hard abs are gone now?

Let’s be honest, once you hit 40 you start to notice some changes in your body. That’s because men in their 40s may begin to experience symptoms of testosterone deficiency called andropause. Close to 50 percent of men aged 45 and older have clinically low levels of this primary sex and anabolic hormone. This can make a man feel weak and depressed, plus it drains sex drive and can negatively affect heart and brain health, too.

Low testosterone level isn’t the only thing affecting the health and vitality of middle-aged men. Signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate can also appear as early as your mid-40s, the most annoying symptom of which is frequent urination, especially at night. This sleep disruption can affect so many aspects of your life because it can make you feel unfocused, unmotivated, unhappy and just plain unwell.

So, what’s a guy to do? There are lots of natural supplements on the market that target these problems individually. Brand new Res-Q PrimeRx for Men targets both conditions in one formula, plus combines other ingredients that promote total body wellness for men.

Read below to learn how it works.

• Promotes healthy sexual function*

• Protects the body and mind from stress*

Saw palmetto berry

• Derived from the fruit of the saw palmetto plant

• Inhibits testosterone from binding to and stimulating prostate cells*

• Helps reduce the multiplication of prostatic cells, the cause of enlarged prostate*

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract

• Made from Ginkgo biloba tree leaves

• Acts as an aphrodisiac to support libido*

• Supports healthy erectile function*

Epimedium extract

• Derived from epimedium, a flowering plant; also called horny goat weed

• Promotes healthy circulation to support erectile function*

• Shown to help increase testosterone level*


• Naturally-occurring amino acid

• Improves sexual desire and satisfaction*

• Helps defend against erectile dysfunction and male infertility*


• Naturally-occurring amino acid

• Helps increase sperm count and motility*

• Improves sexual dysfunction, depression and fatigue*


• Trace mineral derived from fruits and vegetables

• Promotes natural boost in testosterone*

• Aids muscle growth and coordination*

Vitamin D & Zinc

• Deficiency is linked to low testosterone

• Promotes strong, healthy bones

“Not tonight, honey.”
Close to 50 percent of men aged 45 and older have clinically low levels of testosterone.

STRESS: Does it ever stop?

Americans are more stressed today than ever. As a result, stress-related disorders are on the rise and high levels of everyday stress are taking a serious toll on health.

We all experience stress in life, but how you cope significantly impacts your quality of life and long-term health. Let’s take a look at some of the most common stressors in each decade and learn ways to support the body during these challenging times.


The 20s is a decade of transition for many, from crazy school years to adulthood. College or graduate school can mean poor food choices, excess alcohol consumption and lack of sleep, all physical stressors on the body. Facing an uncertain future can cause anxiety.


The 30s can be marked by increased stability, but also significant change. Work-life balance can become challenging. For example, working parents often run around non-stop from work, to home, to their children’s activities. In this decade it’s more common to skimp on sleep and skip meals, which act as physical stressors on the body.


Career, finances, and family obligations are typically present in your 40s. A midlife crisis can creep up and personal health issues are more likely to become a concern.


Personal health problems and health issues affecting family are common in your 50s. By this age, emotional stress has likely taken a toll. The body also experiences physical changes that can also stress the body, such as menopause in women, andropause in men (see more on p. 8), slowed metabolism and weight gain. The need for adrenal support is especially important.


60s 70s

The 60s can be a time of transition as retirement age is often near. Cognitive decline can become apparent. Most people by this age are on medications that can have significant side effects. Some medications deplete nutrients and create deficiencies, which act as a physical stressor on the body.

Cognitive decline is more significant. Medications continue to have stressful complications. Health issues are likely to prevail. Sleep is more likely to be disrupted. Emotional stressors such as grieving the loss of a loved one are likely and take a toll on the body.

Natural Ways to Fight Stress at All Ages

Take a Supplement

Adaptogens help your body adapt to physical and emotional stress and increase your resistance against its harmful effects. Res-Q Stress Blocker is a powerful blend of herbal adaptogens that can be used during any decade.

Eat Right

Avoid or limit foods that stress or harm the body such as trans-fat, refined sugar and vegetable oils.

Keep blood sugar stable. Blood sugar fluctuations act as a physical stressor and can lead to symptoms of anxiety and fatigue.

Avoid deficiencies. The majority of Americans are deficient in essential omega-3 fatty acids. Medications and poor diet can also deplete the body of vital nutrients. Replenish nutrients with the following supplements: omega-3s such as Res-Q 1250, a multivitamin like Res-Q Heart360 and Res-Q Mg.

About the Author

Get Moving

Regular exercise is a wonderful stress reliever and combats many harmful effects of stress.

Don’t Forget to Dream

Sleeping 6-8 hours per night is essential for your adrenal glands to recover from stress and protects against the harmful effects of stress.

Find Your Bliss

Take time for yourself each day – even if it’s 10 minutes. Participate in activities that bring you joy. During times of transition, find new hobbies or interests to fill your days. Surround yourself with positive people during times of stress.

Dr. Melissa Josselson earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh. She then earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree (N.D.) from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, a 4-year graduate-level naturopathic medical school and one of five accredited schools in the U.S.

*The statements within have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Check out all the details on page 8. This product is great for men 40+ with symptoms of andropause or low testosterone. Ladies, don’t feel left out. A new product just for you will be released this fall. Stay tuned! New Men’s Health Product Inside!
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