Biz New Orleans February 2021

Page 1


Best Lawyers

1,018 individuals in 118 Specialties

Patrick Brennan and Kathryn Brennan McLeod, fourth generation restaurateurs

A Big Year for Brennans Celebrating 75 years, the iconic restaurant breaks into king cakes and looks to the future

Maritime in 2021 Industry operators share their predictions PG. 26 Need a Quick Career Change? You’ve got options. PG. 30 FEBRUARY 2021








February VOLUME 07 ISSUE 05






HEALTHCARE................ 24

How medical professionals are celebrating February as Heart Health Month MARITIME+PORTS....... 26

Industry operators express a mix of hope and concern for 2021.

IN THE BIZ GREAT WORKSPACES.........................................................72

Trahan Architects brings a distinct brand of mindful architecture and humanitarian collaboration to its New Orleans offices and award-winning projects around the globe

DINING........................... 14

A Louisiana father and daughter team embracing a new way of farming oysters are finding great success.

EDUCATION.. .................. 30

Looking to make a quick career change? The top programs to get you there

TOURISM. . ...................... 16

Audubon continues its free Community Connect Program despite financial challenges SPORTS .. ....................... 18

Brees transformed Saints, influence to carry on ENTREPRENEUR.......... 20

A chat with Gulf Coast Bank & Trust CEO Guy Williams includes tips for startups

GUEST. . ........................... 32

Humana’s market VP for its employer segment offers tips for whole body health

WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?. . .....................................76

Employee Mental Health? There’s an app for that.



Determined to Find the Sweet Spot

Best Lawyers

As Brennan’s restaurant celebrates its 75th year, the family’s fourth generation have begun to make their mark.

1,018 lawyers in 118 specialties and the 67 Lawyers of the Year — PLUS 5 lawyers share their toughest cases

ON THE JOB..........................................................................80

The first black-owned Carnival float service provider catering to clients throughout Louisiana, Crescent City Artists LLC moved its talents to porches this year.

ON THE COVER Patrick Brennan and Kathryn Brennan McLeod, fourth generation restaurateurs Portrait by Jeffery Johnston




Altered Reality

Publisher Todd Matherne EDITORIAL Managing Editor Kimberley Singletary Art Director Sarah George


and — for those that heeded the scientific and medical advice — that has meant much smaller gatherings, much simpler versions of honoring traditions, or even making new ones. It hasn’t been easy to forego the hugs, the trips, the raucous rooms of celebration, but most of us have recognized that it’s a necessity if we want to keep our community safe. But this is different. For most of the world, the celebrations ended Jan. 1., and this month holds no other special significance than maybe a Valentine’s Day celebration with a partner. For all of us, however, it brings another loss — one that seems more poignant because it’s not universally shared. It’s true that everywhere else it’s “just another Tuesday,” which is what has always made it extra special to be here. I experienced my first Carnival 10 years ago, and I’ve been struggling to fully explain to friends and family what it’s like ever since. I think it’s because you can’t, really. You have to be here. And if you weren’t, well, honestly, we felt sorry for you. That being said, I’ve far from given up on the season, and thankfully, I’m not alone. Outside of the social aspect, Carnival is a celebration of artistry, beauty and food, and all of those things are still with us! We’ve got house floats to see, king cakes to devour (including first-ever offerings by culinary institutions like Brennan’s and Galatoire’s), music to blast and ridiculous outfits to pull from overflowing costume bins and closets. It may not look like we’re used to, but the party will go on, and Lord knows we could all use it right now.

Digital Media Editor Kelly Massicot Associate News Editor Rich Collins Contributors Rhonda Bagby, Ashley McLellan, Chris Price, Jessica Rosgaard, Jennifer Gibson Schecter, Melanie Warner Spencer, Poppy Tooker, Keith Twitchell ADVERTISING Sales Manager Caitlin Sistrunk (504) 830-7252 Senior Account Executive Brennan Manale (504) 830-7298 Senior Account Executive Jessica Jaycox (504) 830-7255 RENAISSANCE PUBLISHING MARKETING Coordinator Abbie Dugruise PRODUCTION Manager Emily Andras Designer Rosa Balaguer CIRCULATION Subscriptions Jessica Armand Distribution John Holzer ADMINISTRATION Office Manager Mallary Wolfe Chief Executive Officer Todd Matherne For subscriptions, call (504) 830-7231

Happy Carnival Y’all!

2016 Bronze: Best Feature Layout 2017 Bronze: Best Daily Email 2017 Silver: Best Recurring Feature 2018 Gold: Most Improved Publication 2018 Silver: Best Recurring Feature 2019 Gold: Best Recurring Feature 2019 Gold: Best Explanatory Journalism 2020 Silver: Best Recurring Feature

Kimberley Singletary, Managing Editor

110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123 • Metairie, LA 70005 • (504) 828-1380 Biz New Orleans is published monthly by Renaissance Publishing, LLC, 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005; (504) 828-1380. Subscription rate: one year $24.95, two year $39.95, three year $49.95—foreign rates vary call for pricing. Postage paid at Metairie, LA, and additional mailing entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Biz New Orleans, 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005. Copyright 2021 Biz New Orleans. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. The trademark Biz New Orleans is registered. Biz New Orleans is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and artwork, even if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The opinions expressed in Biz New Orleans are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the magazine or owner.






all about annual meetings and the number of working days in February — an acknowledgment of the distraction of Carnival on business. Every year until this one, companies had to balance the celebration of Carnival with business productivity. This year, we will still all celebrate on February 16, but the days leading up to Fat Tuesday will not have the conflict of weeknight parades and short workdays. This Valentine’s Day you will not have to schedule your dinner reservations around a Bacchus parade or worry about a Super Bowl party interfering with first weekend celebrations. This year you have an open calendar to be productive, but it is also kind of sad. Carnival is part of the soul of New Orleans. It is something you cannot explain, you have to experience it, and for so many that experience will have to be put on pause this year. Sure, I will take advantage of the time and use it wisely to plan ahead, but I will surely miss my Friday luncheon, securing a location on the avenue and dancing the mambo in the street. Part of my soul will have to adjust and create a desire for next year’s revelry. Until we can all party in the streets, stay safe and keep moving forward. The soul of New Orleans needs us just as much as we need her. Todd Matherne




Caitlin Sistrunk Sales Manager

(504) 830-7252

Brennan Manale

Senior Account Executive (504) 830-7298

Jessica Jaycox

Senior Account Executive (504) 830-7255







Your presence at Wednesday’s rally makes you, in large part, responsible for what took place. If you care to regain the trust and support of this community, my suggestion is that you give much more consideration to all of your customers and employees when you engage in such reprehensible political activity. From a letter Louisiana State Rep. Royce Duplessis wrote to Donald Rouse, the co-owner of Rouse’s Enterprises LLC, after Rouse’s attendance at a pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C. just before the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

Expansion of Homeless Services Planned





CAN LOUISIANA ACHIEVE “HERD IMMUNITY”? Dr. Kathy Baumgarten, medical director of infection control and prevention at Ochsner Health, explains how a successful statewide vaccination program will help Louisiana achieve “herd immunity” – and get back to life as we once knew it.


THE WOMAN SAVING CARNIVAL 2021 Krewe of House Floats boasts thousands of registered participants reaching across the globe and partnerships with the City of New Orleans and WWL. A chat with the woman behind it all, Algiers Point resident Megan Boudreaux.


“This is a new phase for our organization, providing a brighter future for so many in need.” — Clarence Adams, CEO of Ozanam Inn, a nonprofit that has supported the homeless population in New Orleans since 1955. On Jan. 5, Ozanam Inn announced it had purchased a new facility at 2239 Poydras St., that will allow the organization to expand its bed capacity from 96 to 150. It will also expand its medical and dental services with a dedicated clinic suite to include four medical exam rooms and a large dental exam room, allowing Ozanam’s partners at LSU School of Medicine, Tulane University Medical School and LSU School of Dentistry the opportunity to provide basic healthcare to hundreds more individuals each year.


THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY IS TALKING ON BIZNEWORLEANS.COM Catch all the latest news, PLUS original reporting, people on the move, videos, weekly podcast and blogs, digital editions of the magazines and daily Morning Biz and afternoon newsletters. If it’s important to business in Southeast Louisiana, it's at


CAN AIRLINES RECOVER AFTER A TURBULENT YEAR? Will there be a recovery in 2021? How might air travel change forever? We talk to Chris Schaberg, Loyola University New Orleans professor and the author of a new book about airlines’ COVID-19 response, recovery and future.




In The Biz



DINING Father-daughter team finds

success with new way of farming oysters

TOURISM Despite financial struggles,

Audubon Nature Institute still offering free admission

SPORTS Brees’ influence will live on


Gulf Coast Bank & Trust, shares his thoughts on 2021


Oyster Innovators A Louisiana father and daughter team have embraced a relatively new way of farming oysters and finding great success. BY POPPY TOOKER





A native New Orleanian, Poppy Tooker has spent her life devoted to the cultural essence that food brings to Louisiana, a topic she explores weekly on her NPR-affiliated radio show, Louisiana Eats! From farmers markets to the homes and restaurants where our culinary traditions are revered and renewed, Poppy lends the voice of an insider to interested readers everywhere.

A SELF-DESCRIBED “OYSTER WHISPERER,” was working in the medical field when her Brandi Shelley is bringing change and father began cage farming in 2017. Her work innovation to a centuries-old Louisiana was restricted to weekends until finally, in fishery. Shelley’s family has farmed oysters 2019, she joined the family business full-time in Louisiana waterways for more than as co-owner and manager with her father. In the past year, Brandi Shelley has 50 years. In fact, Shelley Farms Premium Louisiana Oysters, headquartered in Port worked tirelessly to innovate and improve Sulphur, Louisiana, was the first oyster farm Shelley Farms’ operations, recently traveling to Canada to learn about off-bottom cultiin Plaquemines Parish. Cheap and plentiful since the early 19th vation there. After seeing and tasting the century, Louisiana oysters served as the results of depuration tanks used in Canadian workhorse of the nation’s oyster industry. In oyster cultivation, Shelley Farms acquired recent years, however, climate change, coastal a wet storage machine, the first of its kind erosion and man-made measures designed in Louisiana. Freshwater intrusion has become a to alleviate Mississippi River flooding have joined together to deal a near fatal blow to a constant problem for oysters harvested in local waters, diminishing the saltiness resource that once seemed endless. In addition to being an oyster fisherman, required for a good-tasting oyster. Two Shelley’s father, Terry, is the owner and or three days in wet storage dramatically operator of Terry Shelley Shucking House increases an oyster’s salty flavor, guaranteeing salty oysters 365 days a year. and Oyster Plant. The Shelleys aren’t the only ones in A longtime advocate for the industry, In the late 1990’s, he fought in the Louisiana Louisiana looking at oyster farming a little legislature to push forward his dual lease differently. The decline of Louisiana’s wild claim concept, which allows oyster leases to oyster fishery has also been a major focus be established on subsurface land belonging of Louisiana State University’s Sea Grant program. Committed to to oil companies, a practice that is developing aquaculture in now commonplace. briny estuaries where oysters Terry Shelley was quick to see a were previously plentiful, new kind of oyster farming called FAST GROWERS LSU built a $3 million oyster cage farming as a way to supplehatchery capable of producing ment his traditional oyster farming Did you know 1 billion oyster larvae annually business and jumped in in a big way, oyster farms purchase oysters on Grand Isle in 2015 with dedicating over 800 acres of oyster as tiny seeds? In funds from BP following the lease to the project, the first of its kind fact, 250,000 baby Deepwater Horizon disaster. in Plaquemines Parish. oysters together An aquaculture park was also With cage farming, floating cages only weigh half a created in adjacent waters for are suspended just under the water’s pound, but in 12 the cultivation of off-bottom surface, providing an ideal environ- to 18 months, the resulting harvest oysters. ment for growing oysters as the water will cover an acre In 2019, Brandi Shelley was column’s first 12 inches contain the and collectively tapped to become head of the most nutrients. The water itself weigh in at aquaculture subcommittee provides much of the unique floral 25,000 pounds. of Louisiana’s Wildlife and flavor of these special oysters, which reach maturity without ever touching a Fisheries Oyster Task Force. At the time, muddy bed. The floating cage method she said she was reluctant to step up, but encourages rapid growth, allowing oysters her father said, “You must do this! You’re a to mature in 12 months, compared to wild woman and a leader in this industry!” High praise indeed from a dad who reef oysters, which take two to three years to originaly thought the oyster business was reach market size. Compared to traditional oyster farming “no place for a girl.” n — which involves purchasing and then dumping large rocks onto a bed of oyster seeds — cage farming is cheaper and yields oysters year-round. Brandi Shelley said she always wanted to join the family business, but her father insisted that it was “not a place for a girl,” Catch Poppy Tooker on her radio show, urging her to go to college instead. Following “Louisiana Eats!” Saturdays at 3 p.m. and his advice, she earned a nursing degree and Mondays at 8 p.m. on WWNO 89.9 FM.




They All Asked For You Audubon continues its free Community Connect Program despite financial challenges BY JENNIFER GIBSON SCHECTER




access for our community is a crucial component of our work.” This is the third year for the program and in the previous two years, more than 70,400 visitors have participated. Dietz said that Audubon is committed to providing increased and equitable access to its facilities despite the financial hardships incurred because of COVID-19 admission restrictions. In the spring of 2020, Audubon had to lay off or furlough more than 500 employees. Dietz said they have been able to bring back some limited staff but have not been able to rehire a majority of those who were laid off. Audubon is budgeting “extremely conservatively” for 2021 and plans to reevaluate the budget over the course of the year depending on the impacts of the COVID-19 vaccine. Its marketing budget is one place that was trimmed, and they have paused most of their traditional advertising. Instead, Audubon is leveraging earned media opportunities and social media promotions, as well as partnerships. They are working closely with the City of New Orleans’ and Louisiana state’s tourism agencies to target the local market in 2021. As a nonprofit organization, Audubon Nature Institute has maintained its operations through the support of sponsors, donors, visitors and its staff, even welcoming new zoo animals — “Batata,” a rare male ocelot kitten in the Jaguar Jungle section, and “Kiburi” a male mandrill in the World of Primates. “We would like to thank our members, visitors and donors for their unwavering support during this difficult year,” said Dietz. “We are incredibly grateful to them, and because of their generosity Audubon’s animals can continue to receive outstanding care.” Tickets for the Community Connect Program and all other admission types must be reserved online in advance at to allow for timed admission and adherence to the COVID-19 capacity regulations. Masks are required for all visitors and staff. n


Jennifer Gibson Schecter was once a tourist in New Orleans herself and is now proud to call NOLA home. She also writes the Wednesday Tourism Blog on


offers, Audubon Nature Institute facilities are at the top of the list. The nationally acclaimed Audubon Zoo, Aquarium of the Americas, and Butterfly Garden and Insectarium are draws for tourists and incredible resources for locals. With that in mind, Audubon Nature Institute has announced the continuation of its Community Connect Program for 2021. The program has three components to help Orleans Parish residents gain free access to the zoo and the aquarium. The butterfly garden and insectarium is currently closed and in the process of relocating from its previous location at the U.S. Custom House to the aquarium. On Orleans Parish Appreciation Days, residents receive free admission to Audubon facilities for themselves and up to four guests with a valid government-issued photo ID. On the first Thursday of the month, Orleans Parish residents receive free admission to the aquarium, and on the third Wednesday of the month residents receive free admission to the zoo. The Audubon SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) Program provides Orleans Parish residents who receive SNAP benefits with free admission to the aquarium and zoo year-round, excluding special events. SNAP participants and up to four guests receive free admission with a valid ID that matches their SNAP card. The third component is the Audubon Museum Partner Pass, which is a partnership between Audubon and the New Orleans Public Library. Library cardholders may check out one of three passes within the library system, with each pass allowing free admission to the zoo and aquarium for up to two adults and seven children for a two-week period. This recommitment to providing free access to Audubon for the community comes after a year of extreme financial challenges. According to Rebecca Dietz, executive vice president of public affairs and general counsel of Audubon Nature Institute in a December interview, Audubon forecasted finishing 2020 with a net loss of over $6 million, compared to 2019’s net income of $362,000. “It was important for us to continue the Community Connect Program in 2021 because we believe that each of us has the power to impact the natural world — for better or for worse,” said Dietz. “We exist for better. Educating our community about the natural world through positive experiences that spark action is priceless and increasing




Adieu, Drew Brees transformed Saints, influence to carry on BY CHRIS PRICE




and nine playoff appearances and division titles. Along the way he collected several NFL and team records and accolades and is regarded as one of the best passers in league history and one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. Entering the 2020 NFL Playoffs, Brees holds the NFL records for career pass completions (7,142), career completion percentage (67.7%), career passing yards (80,358), consecutive games with a touchdown pass (54), single-season completion percentage (74.4%), single game completion percentage (96.7%), and 12 consecutive seasons with at least 4,000 passing yards. He is also second in career touchdown passes (571) and career pass attempts (10,551). He has led the NFL in passing yards a record seven times and touchdowns a record-tying four times. Amazingly, his five, 5,000-yard seasons are more than all other quarterbacks’ 5,000-yard seasons combined (4). Brees has been rewarded with 13 Pro Bowl appearances, the 2006 Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award, MVP of Super Bowl XLIV, the Associated Press’ Male Athlete of the Year and Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year in 2010, and the NFL Offensive Player of the Year in 2008 and 2011. As this was written before the playoffs began, he may add more laurels. A new era is on the horizon for the Black & Gold, but that doesn’t mean Brees’ influence on the team will be gone. Nothing is more symbolic of the effect Brees has had on the franchise and the city than the stage upon which he plays. The Superdome, which has sold out every game since 2006, has undergone three, multimillion-dollar renovations — $376 million in 2006, $40 million in 2016, $450 million to be completed in 2021 — that have transformed the stadium from nearly being abandoned in the early part of the century in favor of a more modern facility into again being one of the world’s most iconic and comfortable places to experience a game or special event. These renovations will keep the Saints in the Superdome until 2035, and the team has an option to extend that to 2055. Without Brees, it’s unlikely that that would be the case. For all of these reasons, I think it’s fair to refer to our Superdome as, “The House That Drew Built.” n I L LU ST R AT I O N BY T O N Y H E A L E Y

Chris Price is an award-winning journalist and public relations principal. When he’s not writing, he’s avid about music, the outdoors, and Saints, Ole Miss and Chelsea football. Price also authors the Friday Sports Column at


Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees — the greatest player in franchise history — is hanging up his helmet and pads for good. It’s the end of the best era of Saints football. For the last 15 years, Brees has been New Orleans’ field general, a transformational figure who joined the team when the city and the franchise were among the lowest points in their history. Brees made New Orleans, and the Saints, winners. There’s no more proof of that than the Vince Lombardi Trophy on display in the lobby of the team’s headquarters. Just after the last preseason game of the 2005 season, Hurricane Katrina devastated the city. That season the Saints played “home” games in Baton Rouge, San Antonio and New York City. As the nomad franchise went 3–13, the Big Easy was questioned as a viable NFL city. With the NFL and the State of Louisiana’s backing, the Superdome became a focal point of the city’s resurrection. Plans were made for the stadium — which had been used as a shelter of last resort before having parts of its roof blown away and being flooded — to be renovated and host a late September matchup with the archrival Atlanta Falcons. As the Dome was being rebuilt, so, too, were its main tenants. The Saints hired Head Coach Sean Payton, who chose to sign Brees over picking highly touted USC quarterback Matt Leinart. The move wasn’t a guaranteed success. In fact, the Saints were the only team in the NFL to take a chance on the first pick in the second round of the 2001 NFL Draft. The Miami Dolphins, the team Brees preferred to sign with, didn’t think he could properly recover from arthroscopic surgery, performed by Dr. James Andrews, to repair the torn labrum in his throwing shoulder. The Dolphins instead traded for Minnesota Vikings quarterback Daunte Culpepper, who was recovering from a serious knee injury. That one decision changed professional and college football. Brees signed a six-year, $60 million deal with the Saints on March 14, 2006, and immediately changed the perception of the Saints, leading them to their first NFC Championship. Miami Head Coach Nick Saban, frustrated in the NFL, left the Dolphins after the 2006 season to become the head coach at the University of Alabama, where he has won multiple National Championships. Since coming to NOLA, Brees has led the Saints to three NFC Championship games (2006, 2009 and 2018), a 31–17 victory over the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV,




Leaping Over a Low Bar In a recent chat with Gulf Coast Bank & Trust CEO Guy Williams, I found much to be excited about for 2021, along with some good tips for startups. BY KEITH TWITCHELL





Keith Twitchell spent 16 years running his own business before becoming president of the Committee for a Better New Orleans. He has observed, supported and participated in entrepreneurial ventures at the street, neighborhood, nonprofit, micro- and macro-business levels.

tions of your customers. It’s not what you FOR 2021 TO BE BETTER THAN LAST YEAR may be clearing the lowest bar ever, but want, it’s what they want.” This can sometimes be counterintuitive; there really are good reasons for optimism on many fronts. In the mind of Guy Williams, as one example, Williams cited the fact President and CEO of Gulf Coast Bank & that steaks are a top-selling menu item at Trust, entrepreneurs and small businesses Commander’s Palace, even though the restaurant is widely renowned for its seafood shouldn’t be afraid to have hope. Gulf Coast is one of the top SBA lenders and New Orleans specialty dishes. When it comes to securing funding, in Louisiana, so Williams and his team monitor the entrepreneurial terrain closely. Williams also stresses the importance of Even with the pandemic still gripping the including key partners and/or staff. “You have to have the right team,” Williams country, he sees positive trends in our region. One key tendency is in shopping patterns. explained, “and you have to be able to “Identify yourself as local,” he recommends demonstrate that team for potential lenders.” Also vital is showing that the business has to local businesses. “People are supporting local businesses, and anything that is some financial reserves. “ You’ve got to have enough cash to get distinctly local will benefit.” With coronavirus vaccinations underway, through the inevitable tough times,” he said. A focus on containing expenses is also Williams predicts that the region’s beleaguered tourism industry will rebound this helpful. “Save every penny you can,” he added. year. “I think travel is going to come back in a big way,” he said. “There is huge, pent-up “Buy used furniture and equipment. Your demand and everyone who likes to travel is customers don’t care if that big frying pan in your restaurant kitchen is used as long as going to travel.” He noted travel pricing is low right now, the meal tastes good.” As a general tip, Williams urges entrepreyet airlines, hotels and resorts are offering greater flexibility than ever, so those looking neurs to “get advice from people who want you to travel should consider booking trips now, to succeed. Ask your vendors and suppliers and tourism-related businesses should prepare what they are seeing in the marketplace. Talk to meet travelers’ needs. Looking at the antici- to your commercial insurance agent. These pated vaccine timing, he said that 2021 “might people have a stake in your success.” He also noted that “people who are profesactually be a good summer for tourism.” One 2020 development that Williams sionals in the business are a lot better at expects to continue, and expand this year giving advice than your family and friends.” The road to economic recovery may still is the shipping of local food products. As national food delivery companies emerged, be long and bumpy, but increasingly, the several local restaurants plugged their prod- pace is picking up. With all the restrictions ucts into the distribution chains successfully; in place last year, many people put aside Williams sees this as a definite growth sector money for spending this year. Wise entrepreneurs will keep an eye on national and local going forward. One surprising trend last year was that spending trends and position themselves to the number of business startups grew at a earn consumers’ saved-up dollars — and higher rate than usual. Williams attributed euros, pesos and yen. n that in part to “people [who] were lacking the opportunity to get a job, so they decided to take an idea they had and start a business.” He sees this continuing in the year ahead. For individuals launching new businesses, or seeking to scale up, Williams offered guidance on preparing to approach lenders. “You must have a business plan that makes economic sense,” he said. “This includes datadriven market research to demonstrate that there is a demand for your product or service.” On a related note, he added that entrepreneurs should “focus on meeting the expecta-





Q: WHAT LOCAL RESOURCES HAVE YOU USED? A: We use local roofing suppliers such as Travis Roofing Supply and Mid South Specialty Products, to name a couple. We also use local banking, including Fidelity.

Q: WHAT HAS BEEN THE BIGGEST BENEFIT OF BEING A POWER MEMBER? A: I’m new to the Fidelity POWER, this past year has been challenging to all industries. Looking into 2021 I’m excited for what POWER has to offer to women in various industries including business, culture and community.

Q: WHAT DOES POWER MEAN TO YOU? A: POWER means to me that every woman has the ability to lead, direct and influence others with their gifts, talents and resources. Being a powerful woman means being able to effectively make changes while managing people and issues. People don’t have to see you in the forefront but they will feel your presence when you walk into the room.




HEALTHCARE Medical facilites

celebrate National Heart Health month

MARITIME+PORTS Industry professionals

express a mix of hope and concern for the coming year

EDUCATION Looking to make a quick

career change? Options are plentiful.

GUEST Humana’s market VP shares

tips to protect your mental health


How are you recognizing February as Heart Health Month? EUGENE S. KOFMAN, M.D. INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGIST, TOURO For the month of February, we’ll be recognizing Heart Month by sharing the red through awareness and educational initiatives promoting heart-healthy lifestyles. Join us for our annual “Women’s Heart Health and Wine” and learn from our experts on how to keep your heart healthy. We’ll be sharing hearthealthy tips and recipes and will host a Facebook Live with a group of Touro’s heart care team to answer your questions. For more information, please visit

Keith C. Ferdinand, M.D. Gerald S. Berenson Endowed Chair in Preventive Cardiology Tulane University School of Medicine

“I will honor Heart Month by helping my patients and community focus on the need to control cardiovascular risk factors, es-




pecially hypertension, the most prevalent and potent risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Empowered patients help clinicians control hypertension, including in African Americans, for whom hypertension is more prevalent, severe and uncontrolled. During COVID-19, having a healthy heart and

optimal risk factor control may assist with avoiding the potential severe complications. Uncontrolled hypertension, high blood sugar, chronic kidney disease and heart disease do not cause COVID-19, but make infections with the coronavirus even more deadly.”

AHMAD JABBAR, M.D. INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGIST CARDIOVASCULAR INSTITUTE OF THE SOUTH Did you know that heart disease claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined? With heart disease accounting for 25% of deaths in our state, Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS) understands the great importance of education and Louisiana heart health. Knowing your risk factors and maintaining visits with your cardiologist are some of the best ways to ensure your ticker stays in tip-top shape.





February is a very special month for me. I get to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my wife and family. A week later, I get to celebrate again on my wedding anniversary. Many of us believe that the heart is the vault that holds the beautiful feeling we call love. What better occasion to raise awareness of heart health than this time of the year? It’s very important for our community to recognize the impact of heart disease so we can continue our efforts to prevent it, treat it and promote heart healthy living.

During February, we are conducting e-seminars and collaborating with local senior programs and healthy partners like the YMCA. We are AHA Heart Walk presenting sponsors with our partner, Ochsner Health, and fellow service district, Slidell Memorial Hospital. We are an accredited chest pain center and the only health system on the Northshore to offer everything from angioplasty, TAVR and open-heart surgery to cardiac rehabilitation, nutrition counseling and ongoing cardiology care.




Maritime Looks Ahead Industry operators express a mix of hope and concern for 2021. BY JESSICA ROSGAARD


economic impacts to the maritime industry. “The pandemic, and its ensuing oil slowdown or market turndown, decreased demand for petroleum products domestically and internationally,” said Josh Dixon, vice president of operations for Petroleum Service Corporation. Less demand for that meant there was less of that cargo being produced and then moved across the waterway system.” The maritime industry is an interlocking puzzle of companies, each providing a specific service or piece of the supply chain through various contracts. Petroleum Service Corporation provides manpower and expertise for dock operations — loading and unloading hazardous cargo, including oil and gas, on a vessel. The company operates four offices in Texas and one in Baton Rouge. “Less movement of those cargos ultimately resulted in a lower demand for the types of services that we provide,” Dixon said. Dixon, however, is cautiously optimistic about 2021. “We think there are some signs and indicators that have come up at the end of 2020 and kind of continued a little bit, but we’re still cautious about how quickly the business may turn around,” he said. “General consensus is that the vaccine may help things speed up a little bit. As people begin to get vaccinated hopefully that will in turn lead to higher consumption of those refined fuel products — [for] flights, airplanes, cruise ships. Once those things can get back to where they were pre-COVID-19, we will continue to see a pretty solid ramp up in our business and this industry…We’ve got to get people traveling again.” Ryan Peters is the director of Gulf inland crew management at Marquette Transportation Company, which operates towboats used to move material on barges.




We remain optimistic that the business will return to a much more profitable place, but as for the balance of 2021, I think the best we can hope for is that it remains flat. Lee Jackson, CEO of Jackson Offshore Operators

“The inland space for horsepower providers will remain challenged, specifically with the softening of the oil markets,” Peters said. “We’ve seen a material decrease in our opportunities to push liquid cargo. That being said, we are hopeful that the dry cargo space will offer more opportunity to help offset any impacts from the liquid sector.” It’s a mixed bag at Crescent Towing, which provides tugboats and crews for ship escort, docking and undocking from the mouth of the Mississippi River to Baton Rouge. Executive Vice President Keith Kettenring said the decreased demand for fossil fuels is impacting the tanker market. “[Fossil fuels are] quite a large piece of the deep-water traffic on the river, as we have several world-class refineries and storage facilities located between Plaquemines Parish and Baton Rouge,” he said. “This corridor supplies not only domestic but foreign buyers with gasoline, but low-sulfur diesel and jet fuel — much of which isn’t being consumed presently due to the pandemic and subsequent lock-down measures.” Kettenring noted that there has been an upside to the pandemic in that exports are

doing well. He said a weakened U.S. dollar is attracting more buyers for American products, which, in turn, creates more work for the shipping industry. “The grain producers ended 2020 strong, and the forecast for early 2021 is even better,” Kettenring said. “The dry bulk sector struggled in 2020 and gradually gained some momentum in the fourth quarter. The chemical producers are also taking advantage of the weak dollar and comparatively low cost of natural gas. This gives them a competitive edge on the world market, and as a result we have seen a good number of chemical tankers calling at the various terminals and tank farms along the river.” He noted that the prospect of a new container terminal in Violet, Louisiana will help keep the Port of South Louisiana competitive – good news for the industry. “This, along with the deepening of the Mississippi River, will bring more tonnage to our port and further grow our nation’s economy,” he said. “We could possibly see a doubling of ship calls for that segment, which means more tug and mooring jobs for our company.”





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Lee Jackson, CEO of Jackson Offshore Operators, an offshore transportation company with offices in Harvey, Louisiana and Houston, said he anticipates the level of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to remain flat, which means his business will also remain flat for 2021. “I think if we’re lucky we may see a marginal uptick toward the end of the year, maybe the fourth quarter of 2021, and then maybe in 2022 we’ll begin to see some more meaningful movement — that’s provided there isn’t some unforeseen obstacle that comes down the pike,” he said. “We remain optimistic that the business will return to a much more profitable place, but as for the balance of 2021 I think the best we can hope for is that it remains flat.” Jackson employs 160 people, and while he hasn’t had to lay anyone off in this downturn, he said he’s concerned for his employees and their families. “It’s about all of my employees who have families who need healthcare, that rely on Jackson Offshore,” he said. “Most of my clients have a long-term view on business and as such, most of my vessels have contracts that won’t end over the next few years, so we’re pretty solid from that vantage point. But, that said, it still puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the business.” In the midst of an economy that’s been hammered by a global pandemic, Jackson noted the maritime industry is also trying to navigate a shift toward renewables. “I’ve been in the maritime business well over 30 years, and this is the first time that I would say I’m really seeing a huge push into a more environmentally friendly business model and the maritime industry is going to have to play its part,” he said. That shift, for Jackson Offshore Operators, is all about powering our ships — continuing the move from basic diesel engines to diesel electric engines, and now a hybrid system that incorporates natural gas and/or a battery component. “Now you’ll find there is a true push for solutions,” Jackson said. “There’s so many different ways that the maritime industry can pivot, and the pivot would be using a much more environmentally friendly propulsion package where your emissions are not as dangerous to the environment.” Of course, that kind of change requires a big financial commitment — as in millions of dollars. “It’s not something we can just do on a whim, particularly when we’ve come off the last four or five years of a very depressed market,” Jackson said. “It’s going to take a partnership with major oil and gas companies to help us move to that place.” n

We think there are some signs and indicators that have come up in the end of 2020 and kind of continued a little bit, but we’re still cautious about how quickly the business may turn around. Josh Dixon, vice president of operations for Petroleum Service Corporation








The Louisiana Community & Technical Colleges System’s Reboot Your Career Program retrains those impacted by COVID-19 layoffs and closures for jobs on high-wage career pathways. Programs are offered in healthcare, transportation and logistics, IT, manufacturing, and construction, and credential training can be completed in 12 weeks or less. There is no application fee, and tuition is offered at a reduced rate or free for qualified individuals. To learn more, visit rebootyourcareer.

Nonprofits like Operation Spark and the New Orleans Career Center provide hands-on training for immediate opportunities, and highereducatioinstitutions like Loyola, Delgado and UNO offer continuing education programs that offer credentials and certifications. Online courses through sites like Coursera and Skillshare also provide a wide array of offerings. Once these programs are completed, partners like JOB1 and tools like WorkNOLA can be leveraged to find a great new job.


KAREN LOACH, M.ED. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR | CAREER SERVICES COORDINATOR NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA Northwestern State is one of nine schools in Louisiana affiliated with Compete LA, a statewide college completion initiative designed to help adults with some college credit complete their degrees. NSU also offers several online degree programs for working adults, including specialized postbaccalaureate certificates for professionals seeking credentials to advance their careers.



What are some popular programs available to someone looking to make a quick career change?


We offer training opportunities, with free or reduced tuition through our REBOOT Your Career program. These courses are targeted for careers in high-demand fields with high wages, like healthcare, and industrial. RPCC has programs for truck drivers, crane operators, riggers and carpenters, which take four weeks or less to complete, and online courses in network support, user support, internet security and web development are coming soon.

ARLANDA J. WILLIAMS, MPA VICE CHANCELLOR OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT & INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT DEAN OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION DELGADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Workforce Division at Delgado offers industrybased certifications in technology, health care, skills trades, mechatronics and many more. Our IT suite of courses lend to entry-, as well as mid-level employment, and we offer Agile Project Management training as well as Scrum master certifications. We work with our industry partners to determine what training is needed for a strong workforce.

JERRY BOLOGNA PRESIDENT & CEO JEDCO Many local colleges and universities are offering continuing education, certification programs and training. The University of New Orleans PaCE Program and Tulane University’s SOPA are great examples of this. There are also organizations devoted to training software developers, such as Operation Spark, and many two-year programs for skilled jobs in manufacturing, construction, healthcare and more. JEDCO can help connect you to the resources that best meet your needs.




Staying Physically Healthy by Protecting Your Mental Health Humana’s market vice president for its employer segment offers tips for whole body health. BY RHONDA BAGBY


before us today, taking care of ourselves and our families — both physically and mentally — is more important than ever. By focusing more on what we can control in our lives, we can be better equipped to face what we cannot. Poor mental health can adversely impact our ability to fight off disease and make good decisions. In fact, many chronic health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, weakened immunity, asthma, obesity and gastronomical problems are linked to poor mental health. One proven route to improving physical and mental health is through the simple act of practicing gratitude. Gratitude means deliberately expressing thankfulness, acknowledging life’s blessings and showing appreciation for what you have. Practicing gratitude regularly highlights the positives and shifts the focus from what is missing in life to what is present in life. As straightforward as it sounds, this simple practice is scientifically proven to heighten the quality of life for those who practice it regularly. Neuroscientist Glenn Fox, PhD, at the University of Southern California has dedicated his life to studying gratitude and how it improves our resilience, lowers stress and boosts overall health. Fox’s research discovered links between gratitude and chemical brain elements, such as oxytocin, which promote social connection. The benefits associated with gratitude often include better sleep, more exercise, reduced symptoms of physical pain, less inflammation, lower blood pressure and other positive physical




Rhonda Bagby is market vice president of Humana’s Employer Group Segment in Louisiana and Mississippi. She may be reached at

and mental benefits. Practicing gratitude can also make people happier, more resilient and help strengthen relationships. Gratitude can be seen in offering a simple “thank you” to someone who is not expecting it, a handwritten “thank you” note, or regularly writing thoughts in a gratitude journal. Even taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of each day to reflect on what you appreciate in life can be transformational. Experimenting with a few methods and finding one that works for you will create beneficial lifelong habits. This practice costs nothing to implement and is easily maintained, making it widely accessible to everyone. Give it a try and you might be surprised by the difference it makes in your mental and physical health. Staying healthy is a central goal for many people these days. By implementing new tactics to improve mental health, notable improvements in physical health will likely follow. Here are a few tips to help you create a healthy body and mind: • Practice gratitude regularly and deliberately. • Choose an exercise program that works for you to encourage the release of “feel good” brain chemicals like endorphins

and serotonin that ease anxiety and depression. • Eat a healthy diet and avoid skipping meals. • Maintain a consistent bedtime routine and normal sleep schedule that consists of at least seven hours of sleep each night to protect against depression, anxiety and stress that could be caused by lack of sleep. • Leverage your social circle and community resources to maintain connections and support. Taking care of ourselves has never been more important than it is today. By committing to prioritizing self-care, we can be better prepared to rise to the challenges before us. Once you make a decision to practice new health habits, hold yourself accountable to practicing the behavior without exception. Also, sharing with others that you have adopted new health habits can be an excellent way to maintain the discipline and determination to hold oneself accountable. It is never too late to make these sustainable changes, because while each is small, they collectively have life-changing impacts on our overall health and well-being. n



As Brennan’s restaurant celebrates its 75th year, the family’s fourth generation have begun to make their mark.

Determined to find


the Sweet Spot

Two of Brennan’s inaugural king cake offerings — the Chocolate “Black and Gold” Cake and “Pink Parade King Cake. The restaurant also offers a traditional king cake. All are available at Ralph Brennan restaurants, as well as a variety of local retailers, and can be shipped nationwide.

In 1956, 10 year’s after opening on Bourbon street, Brennan’s moved into its current pink hued home at 417 Royal Street.


Brennan family is as much a part of New Orleans’ culinary scene as crawfish and etouffee. It all started when a man named Owen Edward Brennan decided to open a French restaurant on Bourbon Street in 1946 called Brennan’s, and continued when members of the Brennan family opened one successful fine dining venture after another, including Commander’s Palace, which served as the training ground for world-famous chefs like Emeril Lagasse and Paul Prudhomme. Ralph Brennan, member of the family’s third generation, is currently the owner of five restaurants in New Orleans (Red Fish Grill, Ralph’s on the Park, café NOMA, Napoleon House and Brennan’s), and co-owner of two more with family members (Mr. B’s Bistro and Commander’s Palace). His company, Ralph Brennan Restaurant Group, also includes Ralph Brennan Catering & Events and Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen, located inside the Downtown Disney district in Florida. Brennan has also continuously served in leadership roles in the industry he loves, including as past president of the Louisiana Restaurant Association and past president of the National Restaurant Association. Last November, he became president of the Culinary Institute of America, whose campuses in New York, Napa Valley, San Antonio and Singapore train over 3,000 students training for roles in the culinary and hospitality industries. Of all his restaurants, however, Brennan’s has always held a special place in his heart. It was at that restaurant where Brennan would play as a child, and where he worked in high school. Just as he was graduating with an MBA from Tulane University, however, the Brennan family had a split, and Brennan’s cousins ended up taking over the restaurant while his father and aunts and uncles moved to Commander’s Palace. That break changed the trajectory of Brennan’s life. “The opportunity wasn’t [at Commander’s Palace] for me, so I became a certified public accountant. I went to work for a company called Pricewaterhouse in their New Orleans office. I did that for almost six years, and then my aunt offered me an opportunity to get back into the [family] business.” The loss of Brennan’s had hit him hard, so when the opportunity to purchase it came in 2013, he moved quickly. Since that point, two of his three children — Patrick Brennan and Kathryn Brennan McLeod — have followed him into the family business. Now, as New Orleans, and the world, approaches a year spent in the throes of a global pandemic that has had devastating effects on two of the city’s strongest economic drivers — tourism and hospitality — Biz New Orleans sat down with these three Brennans to talk about how this part of the fourth generation of Brennan’s is trying to move their family’s first restaurant — which celebrates 75 years in 2021 — forward, while still preserving the past. Oh, and all of this in the middle of possibly the toughest time our region’s restaurants have ever faced.



through the building and Dad had so many stories that I’d never heard before, because we’d never been in there. And hearing all these stories of his childhood and teens was really, really fun. Patrick We had pretty much the whole family, including Ella, who has since passed away — she was fired from there in 1973 — and she came in and we all sat. We were all in the King’s Room together. There’s a picture of us with the newspaper hanging on the wall there now. And she was telling us what it was like to open the place when her older brother passed away a few months before renovation was finished and they had to scramble, and the banks pulled all the loans. They had to scramble and figure out how to get money. I mean, it was incredible to hear the stories that we never really heard because no one really talked about Brennan’s. It was kind of a sore spot in the family. It’s been very nice to have that sore spot start to heal.

Ralph, did you encourage your kids to join the family business? Ralph Like I did, they both grew up with

“We’ve always tried to work together, and our supplier community is an important part of that group. I think we know that we are stronger together than we are apart.” RALPH BRENNAN


Kathryn and Patrick, Brennan’s meant a lot to your dad growing up, but what does it mean to you? What was it like walking into the restaurant after your dad became the owner? Kathryn I remember the first day we walked

a lot of exposure to the business, working summers in and around the business. Patrick started when he was about, what? Eight years old, Patrick, when you worked with Pam? Patrick Probably there. Ralph [Pam was] a pastry chef at Red Fish Grill and he befriended her during the preopening period, and he spent two weeks with her in the summer and he got the bug and then Kathryn worked at Red Fish, I know, for a while. We have another daughter who really is not interested, so it’s kind of the way it worked out in my family. We were all exposed to the business growing up and I got involved, obviously, and my two sisters, Riley’s at Commander’s and Cindy’s at Mr. B’s, and then I have a brother who’s not interested and he’s at Merrill Lynch. So, it was just sort of a natural thing. Kathryn But we had to go work somewhere else, too. Ralph Yeah, you did. You had to go and that was important. What I learned at Pricewaterhouse, working with other people, I think was very important to a family business. I think you have to go out and do something elsewhere before you come back into the business.

What are some of the changes you’ve helped bring in? Patrick After we took over Brennan’s, one

“We are still getting tons of calls from people who want to schedule weddings and big events. What I think will take a little longer to come back is corporate events.” KATHRYN BRENNAN MCLEOD

Patrick, let’s start with you. What attracted you to the family business? Patrick Well, honestly, I got attracted to the kitchen side of things. As my dad

of the things we wanted to change was the coffee service, the most important part of breakfast. As of about four years ago, instead of the big pot in the back of the kitchen that’s been sitting there all day, we do individual French presses for each person. Brennan’s is all about respecting the tradition, but also one step in the past, one step in the future. We’re using a local roastery, Congregation Coffee, they do a more modern blend, a lighter roast, and then we have French Market, which has made us our own chicory blend. I’m happy we can offer something more modern and more traditional. About the same time, you also added a cheese program? Patrick Yes, with the Bubbles at Brennan’s,

that we do at the courtyard happy hour. We just did a pairing of cheeses to go with the champagne. Kathryn, what was your journey into the family business like? Kathryn Well, similar to Patrick, I used to go

spend the day with my dad when I was little at the restaurants on Saturdays. And I just always loved being in the front of the house. And I guess the first time I really worked in the restaurant I must’ve been 13 or 14. I was a hostess at Red Fish Grill and I just enjoyed seeing people celebrate and enjoy themselves. I also kind of love the front of house aspect and seating and playing the game of how to have as many people enjoy themselves at the restaurant as we can.

told you, I started at... I was 8 or 9 years old working with the pastry chef and I just fell in love with it. I mean, it’s a wild, crazy business with something new every day. It’s fun because every day you get to see people enjoy the fruits of your labor. You literally make food, you bring it to someone, you get to see them eat it and enjoy themselves. So just that rush of watching somebody enjoy themselves is what’s always attracted me to this business. What was your path into the industry like? Patrick I started as a kid and once I got to high school, I was working at Ralph’s

on the Park. I was bouncing around different stations learning there, went off to college and then after college, spent a year cooking in Colorado, then I was at the Culinary Institute of America, the one in Napa Valley — great town. After graduation, I was planning on moving out of San Francisco and finding a restaurant to work at when I got a call from my dad that, he’d had the opportunity to buy Brennan’s. He hired me as a line cook and then after we opened, we lost a few of our sous chefs and about nine months to a year after we opened, I was promoted to sous chef and started off running our private event kitchen, doing all the groups we get in the private dining rooms upstairs.. After that, I’ve had a whole bunch of other titles, like beverage director. I’ve been front of house manager and I’m now working at our bakery, kind of running the show. Ralph You wear too many hats to have one title.

The co-owner of Brennan’s since 2013, Ralph Brennan was named chairman of the board of the Culinary Institute of America this past October. BIZNEWORLEANS.COM


Brennan’s large courtyard has been even more of an asset to the restaurant at a time when outdoor dining is considered safer. “I was actually talking with the general manager yesterday,” said Ralph Brennan, “trying to figure out a way to more permanently tent it so that we have it available year-round.”

Through high school I worked a lot with our sales department and our marketing department, and then I went away to college and I moved to New York. I did private parties and sales up there for three years. And then I got cold and I moved home, and I started working with my dad at Ralph’s on the Park and was a floor manager there. I’ve worked, I think, in almost all the restaurants. I’ve been a manager at Red Fish Grill, at Brennan’s, Ralph’s on the Park. I did about a year in our off-site catering program. I’ve been all over the place. Let’s talk about what’s been going on since last March. How has Brennan’s been carrying on with all of this? Ralph Well, let me just say we’ve been very fortunate because it’s more than

just Brennan’s, and it’s been good because we’ve been able to draw resources from all of the restaurants to help us get through. I think the most successful restaurant that we’ve had so far has been Ralph’s on the Park because of its location in Mid-City and the backbone of the customer base there is local. Red Fish Grill, Brennan’s and Napoleon House are all in the French Quarter and it’s been much more of a challenge there because so many of our guests there are visitors. So many restaurants turned to takeout? Did you do that? Kathryn We did do it at Ralph’s on the Park, but not at Brennan’s. Brennan’s

has done some smaller takeout things — like for New Year’s we did champagne and caviar takeout — and then we’ve done some different charity events where we’ve catered it via takeout, but we don’t have a full takeout menu at Brennan’s right now. Patrick We did curbside at Napoleon House and Ralph’s on the Park. We tried it everywhere, but those are the two that really made it. It’s been a little crazy trying to figure all that out, like what travels and what doesn’t. It’s a totally different style of preparing food than we are used to.

“We’re buying everything we can as local as we can, trying to help everyone out to make sure we’re all there on the other side of this.” PATRICK BRENNAN




Have you had been able to extend into outdoor space? Ralph We have worked within the locations

that we have, but Ralph’s On the Park has a gallery that wraps around the second floor and that’s been very popular. Brennan’s has a beautiful French Quarter courtyard, and I was actually talking with the general manager about it yesterday, trying to figure out a way to more permanently tent it so that we have it available year-round. We’ve applied for a couple of parklet permits at Napoleon House and at Brennan’s for some dining outside. It’s in process, but it’s taken a long time, but if you can pick up a few extra tables, that’s very important. Within the industry as a whole, have you seen a banding together during this time? Patrick For sure, my family going back

three generations has been very active in the Louisiana Restaurant Association and they have done a great job of trying to get everybody on the same page, and really communicating about the constantly changing restrictions. We’ve also been trying to help our suppliers as much as we can. We’re buying everything we can as local as we can, trying to help everyone out to make sure we’re all there on the other side of this. Ralph Let me just say — as I’ve obviously been around a little bit longer than the kids — our community, our restaurant community, our hospitality community is very close in New Orleans. We do compete, obviously, on a daily basis, but we also work together. Our goal was always to grow the market for New Orleans, and we’ve always worked together, and that’s paid off for [our restaurant community] numerous times over the last 15 or 20 years with events like Hurricane Katrina and then the pandemic and others, oil spills and things like that. We’ve always tried to work together, and our supplier community is an important part of that group. I think we know that we are stronger together than we are apart. What have you done to support your own staff during this difficult time? Patrick Well, we paid for everyone’s health

insurance for the first three months and we are still paying the employer portion for anybody who wants to stay on health insurance. We’ve also been doing staff meals that feed four out of Red Fish Grill twice a week. We’re doing about 100 to 120 a day, and then we’ve done all the big holidays. Really, we’re just tried to keep as many people employed as we can.

you’re going to still see that. I think we are going to need, at least for the near future, to be more cautious in what we do. But I think overall restaurants are going to still be those gathering places. I also think it’s going to provide some more interesting opportunities because I think people are getting accustomed to dining curbside to go, meals you can take home and consume at home and get that high quality restaurant experience at home. I think that’s one of the benefits that’s going to come out of this for the industry, that people are adjusting to a new style of eating.

Let’s talk king cakes! This is your 75th year in business but the first time doing king cakes? What’s that about? Why now? Patrick A couple of reasons, first we had the opportunity to buy a bakery in

Gert Town with almost all the equipment in it. We bought it to support the restaurants — we make all the bread for the muffulettas there, most of the bread we sell in the restaurants, and run our dessert program out of there. We added king cakes this year because we finally had the time and the opportunity to. We’ve done them for years for private events for our staff, and this year we were able to roll it out full-time. We’re staffing the whole program with people looking for hours in the company. One of our general managers popped in today and helped decorate cakes for a while. We’ve had cooks, we’ve had servers and bartenders. It’s been fun and a little hectic. Ralph: We’ve never really done it as a family in any of our family restaurants, my company, and [in] the Commander’s group or Mr. B’s or whatever, no one’s ever done king cakes before like this. We’ve done individual king cakes usually for groups that request them, but that’s it. And sometimes we put them on the regular dessert menu too, but never this kind of volume and [with] this kind of retail marketing. It’s been a whole new market for us.

What about on the event side? Do you think this will change the way people gather and celebrate even after the pandemic? Kathryn We are still getting tons of calls

Your 75th year is coming in a very difficult time but are there any plans to note this occasion? Kathryn I think we’re coming up with some creative ideas, but we make sure

from people who want to schedule weddings and big events. What I think will take a little bit longer to come back is the corporate events. New Orleans used to be such a hub for conventions and I’m just not sure how long it’s going to take for that market to come back. Patrick We’re going to have so many weddings. So many people have postponed their weddings. We’re going to have about a million weddings by the end of this year. We’re going to be seeing Monday night weddings. Ralph If you look at our private party bookings, is you’re seeing strength in the second half of 2021 and into 2022; there’s a lot of pent-up demand, and I think these vaccines that are coming out are critical and crucial to our guests’ comfort level as we go forward. If they believe that they’re safe, then I think it’s good for us.

we prioritize the health and safety of everybody first. So we’re probably waiting until hopefully the summer, depending on how the pandemic turns out, to do any sort of big celebrations.

What do you all see going forward for the industry as a whole and for our region? Ralph That’s a great question, because I think it will be different. I’m not

sure exactly how different yet. Restaurants are really gathering places where people can get together with their friends and share good times, and I think

So, is there a fifth generation of Brennans coming? Kathryn There are seven children... oh, six

about to be seven. Right? Patrick I’ve got No. 7 on the way in a couple of months. Well, my wife does, not me. The oldest member of that generation is four. Will you be encouraging them to get into the restaurant busines? Patrick Just like my dad did with us, we’re

After an extensive renovation, Brennan’s revealed its new look to diners in November of 2014.

going to make sure they get their education, they get out, they see the world before making any commitments. We don’t want them to feel like they have to do this because it’s not an industry for everyone. It’s crazy, we work all the time — we’re out working when you’re out partying. We’re not going to force it on any of them, but they will be welcome to join us if they want to. n




Best Lawyers

Lawyers of the Year Credit The Best Lawyers in America© is published by BL Rankings, LLC, Augusta, GA. and can be ordered directly from the publisher. For information call 803-648-0300; write 801 Broad Street Suite 950, Augusta GA 30901;email; or visit An online subscription to Best Lawyers® is available at

Administrative / Regulatory Law Victor J. Franckiewicz, Jr. Butler Snow

Disclaimer and Copyright BL Rankings, LLC has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All listed attorneys have been verified as being members in good standing with their respective state bar associations as of July 1, 2020, where that information is publicly available. Consumers should contact their state bar association for verification and additional information prior to securing legal services of any attorney. Copyright 2020 by BL Rankings, LLC, Augusta, GA All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of this list may be made without permission of BL Rankings, LLC No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of this list without permission. “The Best Lawyers in America” and “Best Lawyers” are registered trademarks of BL Rankings, LLC.

Admiralty and Maritime Law Paul M. Sterbcow Lewis, Kullman, Sterbcow & Abramson

Methodology for Best Lawyers® This list is excerpted from the 2021 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America©, the pre-eminent referral guide to the legal profession in the United States. Published since 1983, Best Lawyers lists attorneys in 148 specialties, representing all 50 states, who have been chosen through an exhaustive survey in which thousands of the nation’s top lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. The 2021 Edition of Best Lawyers is based on over 13 million evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers. The method used to compile Best Lawyers remains unchanged since the first edition was compiled almost 40 years ago. Lawyers are chosen for inclusion based solely on the vote of their peers. Listings cannot be bought, and no purchase is required to be included. In this regard, Best Lawyers remains the gold standard of reliability and integrity in lawyer ratings. The nomination pool for the 2021 Edition consisted of all lawyers whose names appeared in the previous edition of Best Lawyers, lawyers who were nominated since the previous survey, and new nominees solicited from listed attorneys. In general, lawyers were asked to vote only on nominees in their own specialty in their own jurisdiction. Lawyers in closely related specialties were asked to vote across specialties, as were lawyers in smaller jurisdictions. Where specialties are national or international in nature, lawyers were asked to vote nationally as well as locally. Voting lawyers were also given an opportunity to offer more detailed comments on nominees. Each year, half of the voting pool receives fax or email ballots; the other half is polled by phone. Voting lawyers were provided this general guideline for determining if a nominee should be listed among “the best”: “If you had a close friend or relative who needed a real estate lawyer (for example), and you could not handle the case yourself, to whom would you refer them?” All votes and comments were solicited with a guarantee of confidentiality­­—a critical factor in the viability and validity of Best Lawyers’ surveys. To ensure the rigor of the selection process, lawyers were urged to use only their highest standards when voting, and to evaluate each nominee based only on his or her individual merits. The additional comments were used to make more accurate comparisons between voting patterns and weight votes accordingly. Best Lawyers uses various methodological tools to identify and correct for anomalies in both the nomination and voting process. Ultimately, of course, a lawyer’s inclusion is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow attorneys. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, the breadth of the survey, the candor of the respondents, and the sophistication of the polling methodology largely correct for any biases. For all these reasons, Best Lawyers lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate and useful guide to the best lawyers in the United States available anywhere.




Antitrust Law Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker Appellate Practice Thomas M. Flanagan Flanagan Partners Arbitration Ronald J. Sholes Adams and Reese Banking and Finance Law William T. Finn Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law Rudy J. Cerone McGlinchey Stafford Bet-the-Company Litigation Judy Y. Barrasso Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer Commercial Finance Law Steven C. Serio Fishman Haygood

Corporate Compliance Law F. Rivers Lelong, Jr. Jones Walker

Labor Law Management Keith M. Pyburn Jr. Fisher Phillips

Corporate Law Andrew Sullivan Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer

Land Use and Zoning Law Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert

Criminal Defense: General Practice Harry Rosenberg Phelps Dunbar Criminal Defense: White-Collar William Gibbens Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Katherine Conklin McGlinchey Stafford Employment Law Individuals Robert B. Landry III Robert B. Landry III Employment Law Management Thomas J. McGoey II Liskow & Lewis Energy Law Ewell E. Eagan, Jr. Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan Environmental Law Robert B. McNeal Liskow & Lewis Equipment Finance Law Sterling Scott Willis Fishman Haygood

Legal Malpractice Law - Defendants William E. Wright, Jr. Deutsch Kerrigan Litigation - Antitrust David G. Radlauer Jones Walker Litigation - Banking and Finance Robert B. Bieck, Jr. Jones Walker Litigation Bankruptcy Tristan E. Manthey Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey Litigation Construction H. Bruce Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn Litigation Environmental John M. Wilson Liskow & Lewis Litigation - ERISA Robert W. Rachal Jackson Lewis Litigation - Insurance Deirdre C. McGlinchey McGlinchey Stafford

Family Law Steven J. Lane Herman Herman & Katz

Litigation Intellectual Property Raymond G. Areaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux

Financial Services Regulation Law Robert Paul Thibeaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux

Litigation - Labor and Employment Greg Guidry Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart

Gaming Law J. Kelly Duncan Jones Walker

Litigation - Real Estate Charles L. Stern, Jr. Steeg Law Firm

Commercial Transactions / UCC Law Edward T. Suffern Jr. Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern

Health Care Law Margaret M. Silverstein Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz

Construction Law Denise C. Puente Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn

Insurance Law Wayne J. Lee Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann

Litigation - Securities George C. Freeman III Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver Litigation - Trusts and Estates Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker

Litigation and Controversy - Tax Cheryl M. Kornick Liskow & Lewis Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Defendants Celeste Coco-Ewing Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Plaintiffs Leonard A. Davis Herman Herman & Katz Mediation M. Nan Alessandra Phelps Dunbar Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants C. Wm. Bradley, Jr. Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs James C. Klick Herman Herman & Katz Mergers and Acquisitions Law Joseph L. Caverly Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann

Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law John T. Balhoff II Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert Nonprofit / Charities Law Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert Oil and Gas Law M. Hampton Carver Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux Personal Injury Litigation Defendants Susan B. Kohn Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs Gerald E. Meunier Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer Product Liability Litigation Defendants Richard E. Sarver Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs Rodney P. Vincent Plotkin, Vincent & Jaffe

Professional Malpractice Law Defendants Gus A. Fritchie III Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore Project Finance Law E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall Railroad Law Patrick A. Talley, Jr. Phelps Dunbar Real Estate Law Elwood F. Cahill, Jr. Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert Securities / Capital Markets Law Maureen Gershanik Fishman Haygood Securities Regulation Kenneth J. Najder Jones Walker Tax Law Robert S. Angelico Liskow & Lewis Trusts and Estates Miriam Wogan Henry Jones Walker Utilities Law Alan C. Wolf Phelps Dunbar Venture Capital Law Mark A. Fullmer Phelps Dunbar

Philip S. Brooks Brooks Gelpi Haasé 504-224-6723 Michael M. Butterworth Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Colin Cambre Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 David L. Carrigee Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Bertrand M. Cass Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Charles A. Cerise Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Kathleen K. Charvet Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Alanson T. Chenault Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 504-702-1710 Richard A. Chopin Chopin Law Firm 504-475-2429 Miles P. Clements Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Katharine R. Colletta Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Richard Cozad Schouest, Bamdas, Soshea, & BenMaier 504-561-0323

Best Lawyers 2021

Administrative / Regulatory Law

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Philip O. Bergeron Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Victor J. Franckiewicz Butler Snow 504-299-7700 David A. Marcello Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Admiralty and Maritime Law

Donald R. Abaunza Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Robert B. Acomb Johnson, Yacoubian & Paysse 504-528-3001 Michael H. Bagot Wagner, Bagot & Rayer 504-525-2141 L. Etienne Balart Jones Walker 504-582-8000 William Baldwin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Robert J. Barbier Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

E. Gregg Barrios Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Francis J. Barry Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Richard D. Bertram Jones Walker 504-582-8000 David S. Bland Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani 504-528-3088 Wilton E. Bland Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000 John A. Bolles Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Alan G. Brackett Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000

Christopher O. Davis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Laurence R. DeBuys Patrick Miller 504-527-5400 Sidney W. Degan Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333 Scott E. Delacroix Delacroix Law Firm 985-630-8040 Timothy DePaula Murphy Rogers Sloss Gambel & Tompkins 504-523-0400 Thomas P. Diaz Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Johnny L. Domiano Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 J. Kelly Duncan Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Michael J. Ecuyer Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 John Fay Fay Nelson & Fay 504-354-8360 S. Gene Fendler Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Delos E. Flint Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Thomas D. Forbes Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Joshua S. Force Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 George J. Fowler Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Kenneth Gelpi Brooks Gelpi Haasé 504-224-6723 Glenn G. Goodier Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Jeremy T. Grabill Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Christopher M. Hannan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Michael Harowski Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 504-702-1710 Timothy W. Hassinger Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Don K. Haycraft Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Gary A. Hemphill Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Russ M. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Peter L. Hilbert Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Daniel J. Hoerner Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000 Grady S. Hurley Jones Walker 504-582-8000 R. Keith Jarrett Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 R. Scott Jenkins Jones Walker 504-582-8000 George B. Jurgens King & Jurgens 504-582-3800 Jason R. Kenney Staines & Eppling 504-838-0019 J. Fredrick Kessenich Daigle Fisse & Kessenich 985-871-0800 Kenneth M. Klemm Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Neal J. Kling Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Edwin C. Laizer Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Mark D. Latham Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Kevin J. LaVie Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

David B. Lawton Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Beau E. LeBlanc Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani 504-528-3088

J. Dwight LeBlanc Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 J. Dwight LeBlanc Frilot 504-599-8000

Edward F. LeBreton Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Charles E. Leche Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 David W. Leefe Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Walter J. Leger Leger & Shaw 504-588-9043 Walter J. Leger Leger & Shaw 504-588-9043

Terrence Lestelle Lestelle & Lestelle, Attorneys at law 504-828-1224

Francis V. Liantonio Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Luis E. Llamas Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Walter P. Maestri Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Kevin A. Marks Melchiode Marks King 504-336-2880 Robert P. McCleskey Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Micheal A. McGlone Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Evans Martin McLeod Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Michael W. McMahon Daigle Fisse & Kessenich 985-871-0800

Matthew A. Moeller The Moeller Firm (504) 224-9122 Thomas Kent Morrison Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

André Mouledoux Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000

Stewart F. Peck Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Devin C. Reid Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

David L. Reisman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Michael R.C. Riess Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

William J. Riviere Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Antonio J. Rodriguez Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 504-702-1710

James T. Rogers Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Kent B. Ryan The Miller Law Firm 504-684-5044 Kelly T. Scalise Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Benjamin O. Schupp McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

William B. Schwartz Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 David B. Sharpe Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

James R. Silverstein Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Stephanie D. Skinner The Miller Law Firm 504-684-5044 Mark J. Spansel Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Robert J. Stefani King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Paul M. Sterbcow Lewis, Kullman, Sterbcow & Abramson 504-588-1500 Norman C. Sullivan Frilot 504-599-8000

Dean A. Sutherland Jeansonne & Remondet 504-524-7333

Frederick Swaim Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Daniel Tadros Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Charles R. Talley Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Peter M. Thomson Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Jefferson R. Tillery Jones Walker 504-582-8000 BIZNEWORLEANS.COM



Best Lawyers

Celeste Coco-Ewing

The ability to “work across the aisle” is a must for this product liability and toxic tort attorney. By Keith Twitchell Portrait By Mike Lirette





product liability and toxic tort cases


Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver


21 years in practice


BA Tulane University; JD Tulane University Law School

The intersection of policy, legislation and the law has long fascinated Celeste Coco-Ewing, and her experiences in each have contributed to her success in the complex litigation that typifies her legal practice today. Raised in Marksville, Louisiana — “the uppermost corner of Cajun country,” as she described it – CocoEwing moved to New Orleans to attend Tulane University. After graduation, she spent five years in Washington, D.C., working on the legislative staff of Sen. John Breaux. “He was part of a centrist movement that actually got legislation done,” recalled Coco-Ewing. “Having that experience of seeing people work across the aisle with respect has been something I’ve tried to carry into my practice.” After returning to New Orleans, “entering the legal profession felt like the logical next step” for CocoEwing. She graduated from Tulane Law School, then clerked for Judge Dennis in the 5th Circuit. Today, Coco-Ewing specializes in product liability and toxic tort cases for Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver law firm. However, one interesting stop along the way was serving as president and CEO of the Bureau of Governmental Research, a local research and policy nonprofit. Coco-Ewing summed up her legal philosophy as “work hard, fight fair,” noting that when attorneys on both sides play by the rules, clients on both sides benefit. Less time spent fighting over trivial details means less expense for clients, and cases move more rapidly through the appeals process when they are grounded in facts and sound legal principles. The complex nature of many of her cases helps keep Coco-Ewing fascinated by her work. For one, it requires collaboration across specialties and geographies, as she is often involved in multi-district litigation. “I really enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth, building these collegial relationships with lawyers all across the nation,” she said. It also challenges her personally. “I like how many parts of yourself you have to bring to the table,” she added. “You have to be able to communicate well, tell stories, persuade and work well with others.” These skills were a great asset during one of CocoEwing’s most challenging cases, a multi-district trial regarding a particular medical device. While cases had been filed all over the country, she worked on the first “bellwether case” that combined the discovery phases of all the litigation and set the initial precedents. “There was a lot at stake for both sides,” explained Coco-Ewing. “It was a very high-intensity trial.” Not surprisingly, she and her team prevailed.

Jason P. Waguespack Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Raymond T. Waid Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Rodger Wheaton Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Conrad S.P. Williams Lewis, Kullman, Sterbcow & Abramson 504-588-1500 Brett D. Wise Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Jon W. Wise Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

James E. Wright Jones Walker 504-582-8000

William Pitard Wynne Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Wayne Zeringue Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Antitrust Law

Craig L. Caesar Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Alexander M. McIntyre Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

David G. Radlauer Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Appellate Practice

Kelly Brechtel Becker Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Kim M. Boyle Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Peter J. Butler Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Sidney W. Degan Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Harold J. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Thomas M. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Michael R. Fontham Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Harry Simms Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Russ M. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Stephen J. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Stephen H. Kupperman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Patrick S. McGoey Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin 504-680-6050

Joseph L. McReynolds Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Christopher K. Ralston Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Jeffrey E. Richardson Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Isaac H. Ryan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Martin A. Stern Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Jennifer L. Thornton Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Arbitration

E. Phelps Gay Christovich & Kearney 504-561-5700 Corinne A. Morrison Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

William R. Pitts William R. Pitts 504-831-5050

Ronald J. Sholes Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 H. Bruce Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Banking and Finance Law

Lee R. Adler Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Bart C. Bacigalupi Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

J. Patrick Beauchamp McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

William Blake Bennett Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 G. Wogan Bernard Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Roy E. Blossman Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Susanne Cambre Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090

Robin B. Cheatham Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Ryan T. Christiansen Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Philip deV. Claverie Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Anthony Dunbar Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

William T. Finn Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Louis Y. Fishman Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

William H. Hines Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Henry A. King King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Lisa E. Maurer Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Alvin C. Miester Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Randy Opotowsky Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

J. Marshall Page Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Daniel T. Pancamo Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

William H. Patrick Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 Leon J. Reymond Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Amy Scafidel Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Robert M. Steeg Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Robert J. Stefani King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

James A. Stuckey Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Susan G. Talley Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Frank A. Tessier Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Robert Paul Thibeaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Susan M. Tyler Jones Walker 504-582-8000

John D. Werner Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Sterling Scott Willis Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

John D. Wogan Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Benjamin Woodruff Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law

Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Edward H. Arnold Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Brent B. Barriere Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Ashley Belleau Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Alicia M. Bendana Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160 Christopher T. Caplinger Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Rudy J. Cerone McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Robin B. Cheatham Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Douglas S. Draper Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300

John M. Duck Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

William T. Finn Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

J. David Forsyth Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500

Elizabeth J. Futrell Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Jan M. Hayden Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Lisa Merz Hedrick Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Sessions Ault Hootsell Butler Snow 504-299-7700

Patrick Johnson Akerman 504-586-1241 Philip K. Jones Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Benjamin W. Kadden Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Omer F. Kuebel Locke Lord 504-558-5100

Fernand L. Laudumiey Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Tristan E. Manthey Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300

R. Lewis McHenry Jones Walker 504-582-8000 David J. Messina Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark A. Mintz Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Cherie Nobles Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300

William H. Patrick Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 Stewart F. Peck Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Patrick M. Shelby Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Stephen P. Strohschein Hinshaw & Culbertson 504-904-8061

R. Patrick Vance Jones Walker 504-582-8000

David F. Waguespack Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Michael Q. Walshe Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Bet-the-Company Litigation

Judy Y. Barrasso Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Brent B. Barriere Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Edward Hart Bergin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 James A. Brown Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Ewell E. Eagan Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Larry Feldman McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Thomas M. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235 George C. Freeman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Harry Simms Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Pauline F. Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Grady S. Hurley Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Stephen H. Kupperman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Wayne J. Lee Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Daniel Lund Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Joseph Maselli PlauchĂŠ Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

John Wilson Reed Glass & Reed 504-581-9083 Harry Rosenberg Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Kyle Schonekas Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin 504-680-6050

Danny G. Shaw ShawADR 985-789-0701

Richard T. Simmons Hailey McNamara Hall Larmann & Papale 504-836-6500

Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Charles L. Stern Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

James R. Swanson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Walter C. Thompson Barkley & Thompson 504-595-3350

Steven W. Usdin Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

R. Patrick Vance Jones Walker 504-582-8000 John M. Wilson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Phillip A. Wittmann Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Biotechnology and Life Sciences Practice

Daniel T. Pancamo Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Brian A. Cowan Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Michael L. Eckstein Eckstein Law Firm 504-527-0701

Edward N. George Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000



Best Lawyers Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Jerome J. Reso Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Andrew Sullivan Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Scott T. Whittaker Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Benjamin Woodruff Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Karl J. Zimmermann Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law

Michael L. Eckstein Eckstein Law Firm 504-527-0701

Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Robert A. Kutcher Richard Kutcher Tygier & Luminais 504-830-3838 William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Laura Walker Plunkett Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Jerome J. Reso Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Karl J. Zimmermann Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Commercial Finance Law

Chad P. Morrow Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Amy Scafidel Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Steven C. Serio Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252



Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Robert M. Steeg Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199 Commercial Litigation

Ryan Acomb Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson 504-581-3838

Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Jack M. Alltmont Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500 John C. Anjier Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Raymond G. Areaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Michael Balascio Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

John T. Balhoff Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Brian Ballay Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Robert E. Barkley Barkley & Thompson 504-595-3350

Judy Y. Barrasso Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Brent B. Barriere Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Walter F. Becker Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark R. Beebe Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Alicia M. Bendana Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160

Thomas M. Benjamin Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Edward Hart Bergin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 David F. Bienvenu Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

David S. Bland Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani 504-528-3088


Kim M. Boyle Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

C. Wm. Bradley Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 Sean P. Brady Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Brandon C. Briscoe Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

James A. Brown Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Stephen G. Bullock Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Jason W. Burge Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Judy Burnthorn Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Peter J. Butler Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 Craig L. Caesar Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

David L. Carrigee Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Daniel J. Caruso Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Thomas A. Casey Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Jimmy A. Castex Castex Esnard 504-262-9880

Charles A. Cerise Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Celeste Coco-Ewing Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Steven W. Copley Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Thomas J. Cortazzo Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith 504-322-4100 Robert E. Couhig Couhig Partners 504-588-1288 E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Robert Daigre Burgos & Associates 504-488-3722

M. Taylor Darden Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Leonard A. Davis Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Lawrence R. DeMarcay Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 George Denegre Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Johnny L. Domiano Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Anthony Dunbar Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Richard G. Duplantier Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Ewell E. Eagan Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Matt J. Farley Krebs Farley & Dry 504-299-3570

Larry Feldman McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

William T. Finn Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Madeleine Fischer Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Harold J. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Thomas M. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235 Delos E. Flint Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Joshua S. Force Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

George J. Fowler Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Philip A. Franco Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

George C. Freeman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Covert J. Geary Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Edward N. George Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Richard A. Goins Sutterfield & Webb 504-598-2715

Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Jeremy T. Grabill Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Tim Gray Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Steven F. Griffith Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

A. Gregory Grimsal Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

James C. Gulotta Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Alida C. Hainkel Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Paul D. Hale Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Harry Simms Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Pauline F. Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Fred L. Herman Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Maury A. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Peter L. Hilbert Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Douglas R. Holmes Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Shannon Skelton Holtzman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Warren Horn Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300

Grady S. Hurley Jones Walker 504-582-8000 James K. Irvin Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000

Craig Isenberg Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

John W. Joyce Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Benjamin W. Kadden Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 McNeil Kemmerly Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500 Robert E. Kerrigan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Cheryl M. Kornick Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Keith A. Kornman Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333 David J. Krebs Krebs Farley & Dry 504-299-3570 Stephen H. Kupperman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Robert A. Kutcher Richard Kutcher Tygier & Luminais 504-830-3838 Kent A. Lambert Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Martin E. Landrieu Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Katie E. Lasky Lasky Murphy 504-603-1500 Andrew R. Lee Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Wayne J. Lee Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Walter J. Leger Leger & Shaw 504-588-9043 Luis E. Llamas Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Heather Lonian Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Joseph J. Lowenthal Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Lynn M. Luker Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Daniel Lund Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Thomas J. Lutkewitte Favret, Demarest, Russo, Lutkewitte & Schaumburg 504-561-1006 Charles D. Marshall Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Joseph Maselli PlauchĂŠ Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

Paul J. Masinter Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Donald C. Massey Couhig Partners 504-588-1288 Ryan M. McCabe Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090

Lance C. McCardle Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Patrick S. McGoey Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin 504-680-6050

Don S. McKinney Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Anne E. Medo Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Carey L. Menasco Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Stephen L. Miles Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070

Allen C. Miller Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Loretta G. Mince Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Corinne A. Morrison Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Leann Opotowsky Moses Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Sean P. Mount Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Philip D. Nizialek Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Joe B. Norman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Eric R Nowak Harrell Nowak 504-522-7885

John F. Olinde Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

C. Lawrence Orlansky Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200




Best Lawyers

Elizabeth Haecker Ryan

Tackling an alleged petroleum pipeline damage case provided this general civil litigation attorney with a window into the maritime industry. By Keith Twitchell Portrait By Mike Lirette





General Civic Litigation


Coats Rose


30 years in practice


BA Tulane University; JD Tulane University School of Law

For Elizabeth Haecker Ryan, the path to her profession was not a direct one. Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, Ryan came to New Orleans to attend Tulane University’s Newcomb College. After graduation, she entered the Tulane School of Architecture, though she recognized quickly this was not her field. After some time selling antiques at Mannheim Galleries, she considered her affinities for writing, researching and public speaking, and decided that “law school seemed like the logical next step.” Upon graduating from Tulane Law School, she clerked for a federal judge, which provided an excellent vantage point for observing the styles of different law firms. Knowing which firms best matched her priorities and personality helped her identify the right situations for her; as a result, she has only worked for three firms in her three-plus decade career. Ryan is currently a director at the New Orleans office of Coats Rose, a Texas-based firm. Ryan is admitted to the bar in Louisiana, Texas, multiple federal district courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court. Her practice is in general civil litigation, with specialties as varied as maritime, environmental, and pharmaceutical and medical device law. Acknowledging that it may sound “old school,” Ryan gives great weight to legal ethics and courtesy. “I endeavor to ensure that everything I do falls within the ethical guidelines of the profession,” she stated. “I love the law and the study of the law, and I hope that courtesy can be resurrected in the profession with training and by setting an example.” Ryan also performs mediation and arbitration work, which she finds particularly rewarding. “Being able to bring people to resolution without the expense and angst of going to trial can save a lot of emotional wear and tear,” she explained. “If I can help people avoid that, I’m happy to do it.” Ryan’s varied expertise has served her well in particularly complex litigation. One of her most challenging cases related to alleged petroleum pipeline damage, which required wading through a lot of technical information from the industry, as well as factoring in legal issues pertaining to offshore structures and even international maritime law. “The case offered a fascinating window into that industry,” recalled Ryan, “and it was rewarding to observe another legal system’s concepts on a significant issue, even though it can be quite a tortured path to follow.” Drawing on her history with winding paths, Ryan navigated the case to a successful resolution.

Thomas P. Owen Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 G. Bruce Parkerson Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

Richard G. Passler Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 David L. Patrón Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Dwight C. Paulsen Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Joseph C. Peiffer Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway 504-523-2434 Maura Z. Pelleteri Pugh Accardo 504-799-4500

H. Minor Pipes Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070

Charles M. Pisano Roedel Parsons Koch Blache Balhoff & McCollister 504-566-1801 Denise C. Puente Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Christopher K. Ralston Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Kirk Reasonover Reasonover & Berg 504-613-4941

Robert L. Redfearn Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 David E. Redmann Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Carol W. Reisman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Stephen W. Rider McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Antonio J. Rodriguez Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 504-702-1710 Robert S. Rooth Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Harry Rosenberg Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

William M. Ross Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Gregory F. Rouchell Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Deborah B. Rouen Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Elizabeth A. Roussel Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Isaac H. Ryan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Richard E. Sarver Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Ellie T. Schilling Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin 504-680-6050 Kyle Schonekas Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin 504-680-6050

Danny G. Shaw ShawADR 985-789-0701

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Kyle Wallace Siegel Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Howard E. Sinor Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Randall A. Smith Smith & Fawer 504-525-2200

Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Robert S. Stassi Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Charles L. Stern Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Mark C. Surprenant Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

James R. Swanson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Lynn E. Swanson Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 Brent A. Talbot Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Walter C. Thompson Barkley & Thompson 504-595-3350

Jennifer L. Thornton Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

William D. Treeby Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Steven W. Usdin Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 R. Patrick Vance Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Brett S. Venn Jones Walker 504-582-8000 David F. Waguespack Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Michael Q. Walshe Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker 504-582-8000 John M. Wilson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Gerard Wimberly Akerman 504-586-1241 Rachel Wendt Wisdom Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Anne Derbes Wittmann Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Phillip A. Wittmann Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Matthew A. Woolf Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 William E. Wright Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Laurie Briggs Young Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Commercial Transactions / UCC Law

Edward H. Arnold Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Susanne Cambre Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090 E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Anthony Dunbar Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 M. Claire Durio Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Stephen I. Dwyer Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090

Michael L. Eckstein Eckstein Law Firm 504-527-0701

William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Richard B. Montgomery Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Randy Opotowsky Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199 Robert M. Steeg Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Edward T. Suffern Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090

Marion Welborn Weinstock Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Construction Law

Keith J. Bergeron Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Michael S. Blackwell Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Elizabeth L. Gordon Shields Mott 504-581-4445 Benjamin R. Grau Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Matthew C. Guy Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Benjamin Janke Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Jay H. Kern Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

David Kurtz Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Michael D. Lane Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

Christopher K. LeMieux Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

Daniel Lund Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Gerald A. Melchiode Melchiode Marks King 504-336-2880

Michael E. Botnick Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Mark W. Mercante Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 985-819-8400

Robert J. Burvant King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

James A. Prather Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 985-674-6680

Terrence L. Brennan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Jimmy A. Castex Castex Esnard 504-262-9880 Adrian A. D’Arcy Shields Mott 504-581-4445

Jessica R. Derenbecker Shields Mott 504-581-4445

John M. Dubreuil Daigle Fisse & Kessenich 985-871-0800

Richard G. Duplantier Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Matt Emmons Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 985-819-8400 Mark W. Frilot Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 985-819-8400

Paul L. Peyronnin Paul L. Peyronnin 504-895-3143

Denise C. Puente Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Richard P. Richter Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Michael R.C. Riess Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

Gary J. Rouse Couhig Partners 504-588-1288

Michael R. Schneider Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Charles F. Seemann Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Danny G. Shaw ShawADR 985-789-0701

Lloyd N. Shields Shields Mott 504-581-4445

H. Bruce Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Howard E. Sinor Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Kelly E. Theard Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Richard J. Tyler Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Andrew G. Vicknair Shields Mott 504-581-4445 Douglass Wynne Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Consumer Law

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Consumer Protection Law

Allan Kanner Kanner & Whiteley 504-524-5777

Conlee S. Whiteley Kanner & Whiteley 504-524-5777 Copyright Law

Charles C. Garvey Garvey, Smith & Nehrbass, Patent Attorneys 504-835-2000

Bernard F. Meroney Intellectual Property Consulting 504-322-7166 Corporate Compliance Law

Walter F. Becker Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

F. Rivers Lelong Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Michael W. Magner Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Corporate Governance Law

F. Rivers Lelong Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Corporate Law

Raymond G. Areaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

William R. Bishop Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Joseph L. Caverly Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Anthony M. DiLeo Anthony M. DiLeo 504-274-0087

Louis Y. Fishman Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Mark A. Fullmer Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Edward N. George Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Curtis R. Hearn Jones Walker 504-582-8000

William H. Hines Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Michael D. Landry Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

F. Rivers Lelong Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Kenneth J. Najder Jones Walker 504-582-8000 J. Marshall Page Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leon J. Reymond Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Leon J. Reymond Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

David C. Rieveschl Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Albert Saulsbury Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Steven C. Serio Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Robert M. Steeg Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199



Best Lawyers Andrew Sullivan Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Robert M. Walmsley Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Scott T. Whittaker Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 John D. Wogan Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Criminal Defense: General Practice

Robert S. Glass Glass & Reed 504-581-9083

John Wilson Reed Glass & Reed 504-581-9083 Harry Rosenberg Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Richard T. Simmons Hailey McNamara Hall Larmann & Papale 504-836-6500 Criminal Defense: White-Collar

Walter F. Becker Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Matthew S. Chester Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 William Gibbens Schonekas, Evans, McGoey & McEachin 504-680-6050 Robert S. Glass Glass & Reed 504-581-9083 Pauline F. Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 John Wilson Reed Glass & Reed 504-581-9083 Harry Rosenberg Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Richard T. Simmons Hailey McNamara Hall Larmann & Papale 504-836-6500 Jason Rogers Williams Jason Rogers Williams & Associates 504-585-1413 DUI / DWI Defense

Martin E. Regan Regan Law 504-522-7260

Economic Development Law

Christopher J. Kane Adams and Reese 504-581-3234



Lee C. Reid Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Education Law

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Elder Law

Joel A. Mendler Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Patrick K. Reso Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 985-269-7220 John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Rose S. Sher Jones Walker 504-582-8000 John F. Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Electronic Discovery and Information Management Law

Jimmy Irwin Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Rudolph R. Ramelli Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Charles F. Seemann Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Randye C. Snyder Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

RenĂŠ E. Thorne Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

Employment Law Individuals

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 I. Harold Koretzky Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Robert B. Landry Robert B. Landry III 504-345-1220

William H. Reinhardt Blue Williams 504-831-4091 Louis L. Robein Robein, Urann, Spencer, Picard & Cangemi 504-885-9994

David M. Whitaker Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Employment Law Management

H. Mark Adams Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

M. Nan Alessandra Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law

Magdalen Blessey Bickford McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Jane E. Armstrong Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Hilton S. Bell Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000

Timothy P. Brechtel Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Susan K. Chambers Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Katherine Conklin McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Michael E. Guarisco Guarisco, Cordes & Lala 504-587-7007 Seale Pylate Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Robert W. Rachal Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755


Stephen P. Beiser McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Kim M. Boyle Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Walter W. Christy Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303 Brandon Davis Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Susan Fahey Desmond Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

Anthony M. DiLeo Anthony M. DiLeo 504-274-0087

Monique Gougisha Doucette Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840

Brooke Duncan Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Russell L. Foster Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Steven F. Griffith Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Greg Guidry Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Edward F. Harold Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Thomas P. Hubert Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Steven Hymowitz Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Clyde H. Jacob Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Tracy E. Kern Jones Walker 504-582-8000

S. Mark Klyza The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

Kathryn M. Knight Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Jennifer F. Kogos Jones Walker 504-582-8000

I. Harold Koretzky Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Leslie A. Lanusse Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Joseph F. Lavigne Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Frederic Theodore Le Clercq Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Sidney F. Lewis Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Julie D. Livaudais Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark N. Mallery Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840

Ernest R. Malone The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

Christopher S. Mann Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Eve B. Masinter Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Thomas J. McGoey Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Loretta G. Mince Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Christopher E. Moore Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Ellis B. Murov Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Sarah Voorhies Myers Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Foster P. Nash Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Erin Pelleteri Howser Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Keith M. Pyburn Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Robert W. Rachal Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

William H. Reinhardt Blue Williams 504-831-4091

Joanne Rinardo Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Elizabeth A. Roussel Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Timothy H. Scott Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Charles F. Seemann Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 G. Phillip Shuler Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Robert F. Spencer The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

Lauren L. Tafaro Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

RenĂŠ E. Thorne Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

Patrick J. Veters Jones Walker 504-582-8000

David M. Whitaker Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Christine M. White Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Energy Law

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Kelly Brechtel Becker Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Miles P. Clements Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Ewell E. Eagan Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Ernest L. Edwards Ernest L. Edwards Jr., Attorney at Law 504-450-4226

Matthew J. Fantaci Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Michael R. Fontham Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

C. Peck Hayne Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Aimee W. Hebert Kelly Hart & Hallman 504-522-1812 Cheryl M. Kornick Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

James E. Lapeze Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Francis V. Liantonio Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Walter P. Maestri Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Charles D. Marshall Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000

Korey Nelson Burns Charest 469-904-4550

Cynthia A. Nicholson Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Joe B. Norman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Edward B. Poitevent Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Jane C. Raiford Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Alan C. Wolf Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Paul L. Zimmering Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Adam Zuckerman Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Energy Regulatory Law

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Noel J. Darce Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Daniel T. Pancamo Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Entertainment Law Motion Pictures and Television

Suzette Toledano Toledano Entertainment & Arts Law 504-525-2552

Entertainment Law Music

Suzette Toledano Toledano Entertainment & Arts Law 504-525-2552 Environmental Law

Tad Bartlett Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 Louis E. Buatt Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Bessie Antin Daschbach Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 Robert E. Holden Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Eric E. Jarrell King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Greg L. Johnson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Mary S. Johnson Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544

Terrence K. Knister Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Mark D. Latham Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Robert B. McNeal Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Stanley A. Millan Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Chad J. Mollere Johnson Gray McNamara 504-525-4649

Jane C. Raiford Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Richard E. Sarver Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Ronald J. Sholes Adams and Reese 504-581-3234




Best Lawyers

Greg Latham

A case involving the rights to an antimicrobial stethoscope required all pieces to fall into place perfectly. By Rich Collins Portrait By Mike Lirette





Intellectual Property


Intellectual Property Consulting


22 years in practice


BS University of Illinois; JD Tulane University School of Law

Greg Latham, founder and managing director of Intellectual Property Consulting LLC, said one of his toughest cases demonstrates the value of preparation. Latham’s firm specializes in trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, entertainment, software, internet law and other intellectual property issues. In 2017, Latham was hired to represent a client in a dispute over the inventor rights of an antimicrobial stethoscope. The game plan, said Latham, was to essentially win the case before any litigation began. “In our world, the toughest part of the case is often what happens before you get to the courthouse,” he said. “It’s all of the strategy that gets wrapped into a case before anyone even knows there is a case.” Latham’s client, a medical device company, was developing a “new and improved” stethoscope. Meanwhile, a doctor who had worked with the company in the past claimed that the idea was his. For Latham, the challenge was to define what kind of fight there was going to be and where it would take place. “The other side wanted this case to be about a confidentiality agreement. They said their client signed an agreement, and my client breached it by pursuing this invention,” he said. “They wanted the fight to be in state court in their hometown where they had political connections. We wanted the case to be about patents and for it to be in federal court, where political connections aren’t nearly as important.” The doctor’s team hurried to file a state court action while Latham’s team began a multi-step process to get the case moved to federal court. The first step was filing a patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and speeding up a process that can often take a year. Latham needed it done in 90 days. “The application had to be drafted well enough that they would grant a patent, which is a challenge,” he said. “And then, assuming we could get the patent, we had to convince a federal judge to take over the case.” Latham said the whole process is like a line of dominoes. “If even one doesn’t fall correctly, you’re not going to get to the end,” he said. “Everything has to happen perfectly and, in this particular case, it did.” Latham said the patent office “put [his client] at the front of the line” and granted a patent for the stethoscope. A federal judge took the case and “within a couple of weeks, and the matter was resolved on terms that were very beneficial to our client.” This case was especially gratifying, said Latham, because all the preparation paid off perfectly, which he said doesn’t happen every time. “As you can imagine, often one of those dominoes doesn’t fall and then you have to regroup and re-analyze,” he said. “But we are pretty proud about how it all worked out.”

Mark C. Surprenant Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Patrick A. Talley Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Equipment Finance Law Edward H. Arnold Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 James A. Stuckey Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Robert Paul Thibeaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Susan M. Tyler Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Sterling Scott Willis Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law William M. Ross Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 William E. Wright Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Family Law Jeffrey M. Hoffman Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160 Steven J. Lane Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Robert C. Lowe Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160 Mark J. Mansfield Tranchina & Mansfield 985-892-1313 David M. Prados Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160 Philip R. Riegel Mr. Philip Riegel Jr., Attorney at Law 504-834-5345 Kermit L. Roux Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Frank P. Tranchina Tranchina & Mansfield 985-892-1313

Family Law Arbitration Mark J. Mansfield Tranchina & Mansfield 985-892-1313 Frank P. Tranchina Tranchina & Mansfield 985-892-1313 Family Law Mediation Mark J. Mansfield Tranchina & Mansfield 985-892-1313 Financial Services Regulation Law Roy E. Blossman Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Robin B. Cheatham Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Frank A. Tessier Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Robert Paul Thibeaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Franchise Law Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Nicole S. Tygier Richard Kutcher Tygier & Luminais 504-830-3838 Gaming Law William Blake Bennett Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 J. Kelly Duncan Jones Walker 504-582-8000 C. Lawrence Orlansky Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Government Contracts Daniel T. Plunkett McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Government Relations Practice

E. Paige Sensenbrenner Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Health Care Law

Allison C. Bell Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Philip O. Bergeron Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Anthony M. DiLeo Anthony M. DiLeo 504-274-0087 Cecile L. Gordon Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Normand F. Pizza Milling Benson Woodward 985-871-3924

E. Paige Sensenbrenner Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Margaret M. Silverstein Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Peter E. Sperling Frilot 504-599-8000

Jack M. Stolier Sullivan Stolier & Schulze 504-561-1044

Danielle Trostorff Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Amy Winters Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Immigration Law

Malvern C. Burnett Law Offices of Malvern C. Burnett 504-586-1922

David A.M. Ware Ware Immigration 504-830-5900 Information Technology Law

Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Insurance Law

Andrea L. Albert Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 985-674-6680 Michael H. Bagot Wagner, Bagot & Rayer 504-525-2141

Judy Y. Barrasso Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Lauren Fajoni Bartlett Loeb Law Firm 985-778-0220 David S. Bland Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani 504-528-3088

Doris T. Bobadilla Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Peter A. Bourgeois Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802

Christine M. Calogero Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Daniel J. Caruso Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Max J. Cohen Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160

Martha Young Curtis Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Chris A. D’Amour Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Sidney W. Degan Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Elia Diaz-Yaeger Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Richard N. Dicharry Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Richard G. Duplantier Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Céleste D. Elliott Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Leah Nunn Engelhardt Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 George D. Fagan Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500

Madeleine Fischer Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Caitlin Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Harold J. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Joshua S. Force Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Darryl J. Foster Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 Jason P. Franco Jason Philip Franco 504-390-2337 Gus A. Fritchie Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 A. Kirk Gasperecz Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Catherine Fornias Giarrusso Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070 John Jerry Glas Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Pablo Gonzalez Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 James W. Hailey Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith 504-322-4100 George B. Hall Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Stephen P. Hall Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Lambert J. Hassinger Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 William H. Hines Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Warren Horn Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 James K. Irvin Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000 Mary S. Johnson Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544 Katherine Karam Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Douglas M. Kleeman Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Keith A. Kornman Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333 Leslie A. Lanusse Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Edward F. LeBreton Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Wayne J. Lee Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Thear J. Lemoine Brown Sims 504-569-1007 Jeffrey Scott Loeb Loeb Law Firm 985-778-0220

Lisa L. Maher Couhig Partners 504-588-1288

David M. Melancon Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Stephen L. Miles Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070

Kim E. Moore Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Sean P. Mount Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Philip D. Nizialek Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

David W. O’Quinn Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 H. Minor Pipes Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070

Andrew L. Plauché Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

James A. Prather Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 985-674-6680

McDonald Provosty Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

International Arbitration Commercial

Thomas K. Foutz TomFoutzADR 504-237-3183 International Arbitration Governmental

Thomas K. Foutz TomFoutzADR 504-237-3183 International Mergers and Acquisitions

John M. Duck Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 International Trade and Finance Law

William H. Hines Jones Walker 504-582-8000

J. Marshall Page Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Scott T. Zander Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Labor Law Management

Marshall M. Redmon Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

H. Mark Adams Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Shaundra Schudmak Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Magdalen Blessey Bickford McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Kermit L. Roux Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Jay Russell Sever Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 David A. Strauss Strauss Massey Dinneen 504-380-0290

Dean A. Sutherland Jeansonne & Remondet 504-524-7333

Quentin F. Urquhart Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Steven W. Usdin Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Jason P. Waguespack Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Matthew A. Woolf Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Stephen P. Beiser McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Walter W. Christy Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Susan Fahey Desmond Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

Brooke Duncan Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Greg Guidry Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Edward F. Harold Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Jane H. Heidingsfelder Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Thomas P. Hubert Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Steven Hymowitz Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840



Best Lawyers

Clyde H. Jacob Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

S. Mark Klyza The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 I. Harold Koretzky Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Joseph F. Lavigne Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Sidney F. Lewis Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Julie D. Livaudais Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark N. Mallery Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840

Ernest R. Malone The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

Eve B. Masinter Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Thomas J. McGoey Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Christopher E. Moore Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Ellis B. Murov Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Keith M. Pyburn Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

William H. Reinhardt Blue Williams 504-831-4091

Elizabeth A. Roussel Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Timothy H. Scott Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Charles F. Seemann Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 G. Phillip Shuler Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Robert F. Spencer The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

David M. Whitaker Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Labor Law - Union

I. Harold Koretzky Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800



David M. Whitaker Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Land Use and Zoning Law

Richard Cortizas Jones Walker 504-582-8000

James T. Dunne Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 David J. Halpern Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Karen T. Holzenthal Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Rose McCabe LeBreton Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

David A. Marcello Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Marie A. Moore Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Richard P. Richter Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Legal Malpractice Law - Defendants

W. Paul Andersson Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500

James A. Brown Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Judy Burnthorn Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 David S. Daly Frilot 504-599-8000

Gus A. Fritchie Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Daniel Lund Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

C. Lawrence Orlansky Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

William M. Ross Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580


Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 William E. Wright Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Leisure and Hospitality Law

Michael R. Schneider Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Litigation - Antitrust

Mark R. Beebe Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

James A. Brown Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Craig L. Caesar Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

John M. Landis Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Wayne J. Lee Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Alexander M. McIntyre Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

David G. Radlauer Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Litigation - Banking and Finance

Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Robert B. Bieck Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

William T. Finn Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Joshua S. Force Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

A. Gregory Grimsal Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Robert S. Rooth Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Frank A. Tessier Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

R. Patrick Vance Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Litigation Bankruptcy

Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Edward H. Arnold Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Alicia M. Bendana Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160 Christopher T. Caplinger Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Douglas S. Draper Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 Matt J. Farley Krebs Farley & Dry 504-299-3570

J. David Forsyth Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500

Elizabeth J. Futrell Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Jan M. Hayden Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Sessions Ault Hootsell Butler Snow 504-299-7700

Patrick Johnson Akerman 504-586-1241 Philip K. Jones Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Benjamin W. Kadden Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 John M. Landis Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Tristan E. Manthey Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 Cherie Nobles Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 William H. Patrick Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 Stewart F. Peck Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Patrick M. Shelby Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Charles L. Stern Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199 Stephen P. Strohschein Hinshaw & Culbertson 504-904-8061 R. Patrick Vance Jones Walker 504-582-8000 David F. Waguespack Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Litigation Construction

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Michael H. Bagot Wagner, Bagot & Rayer 504-525-2141 Keith J. Bergeron Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Michael S. Blackwell Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300 David S. Bland Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani 504-528-3088 Darnell Bludworth Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Terrence L. Brennan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Daniel J. Caruso Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Jimmy A. Castex Castex Esnard 504-262-9880

Leonard A. Davis Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Jessica R. Derenbecker Shields Mott 504-581-4445

Harold J. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Mark W. Frilot Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 985-819-8400

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Elizabeth L. Gordon Shields Mott 504-581-4445 Benjamin R. Grau Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Steven F. Griffith Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Lambert J. Hassinger Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Peter L. Hilbert Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Grady S. Hurley Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Brian D. Katz Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Jay H. Kern Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

David J. Krebs Krebs Farley & Dry 504-299-3570

David Kurtz Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Michael D. Lane Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

Christopher K. LeMieux Riess LeMieux 504-581-3300

Daniel Lund Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Joseph L. McReynolds Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Gerald A. Melchiode Melchiode Marks King 504-336-2880

Mark W. Mercante Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 985-819-8400

Maura Z. Pelleteri Pugh Accardo 504-799-4500 Paul L. Peyronnin Paul L. Peyronnin 504-895-3143

H. Minor Pipes Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070

Jeffrey K. Prattini Shields Mott 504-581-4445

Denise C. Puente Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 James T. Rogers Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Gary J. Rouse Couhig Partners 504-588-1288

Charles F. Seemann Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Danny G. Shaw ShawADR 985-789-0701

Lloyd N. Shields Shields Mott 504-581-4445

H. Bruce Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Howard E. Sinor Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Kelly E. Theard Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Richard J. Tyler Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Richard Vale Blue Williams 504-831-4091

John W. Waters Bienvenu, Foster, Ryan & O’Bannon 504-322-1375

Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Nicholas Wehlen Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Douglass Wynne Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Litigation Environmental

Jennifer Adams Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Charles A. Cerise Adams and Reese 504-581-3234




Best Lawyers

Christopher J. Kane

In order to create a “mega plastics complex,” this attorney collaborated with the Port of New Orleans, New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, and city and state entities. By Rich Collins Portrait By Mike Lirette





Economic development, transportation, construction and government relations


Adams & Reese


17 years in practice


BA and MBA Christian Brothers University; JD Loyola University New Orleans College of Law

Chris Kane, a partner at Adams and Reese, specializes in economic development, transportation, construction and government relations. One of his toughest cases involved all three of these industries. In 2008, while the city was still recovering from Hurricane Katrina, Christian Jensen — president of the Jensen Companies — enlisted Kane’s help to convert several industrial properties in the Ninth Ward into a packaging facility that would also become the new home for the Jensen family business, Transportation Consultants, Inc. “Christian, who happens to be my cousin, came to us and said they wanted to transport raw plastic manufactured in Louisiana and Texas to New Orleans by rail and package it for international shipping,” said Kane. “The problem is we had nowhere to do it.” The team collaborated with the Port of New Orleans, the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, the city, the state and other players to identify property that could accommodate the project. They ultimately set their sights on an industrial parcel owned by the port, located between Alvar Street and France Road in the Ninth Ward. Selling the idea took a lot of work. “The port at the time wasn’t of the mindset to sell,” said Kane. “They knew that real estate was hard to come by, and even though the property was out of commerce, it may come back. We walked them through the plan and wound up convincing them.” The first phase of the project, which totaled 150,000 square feet, was completed in 2010. Post-Katrina, “GO Zone” tax incentives were a key part of the equation. Then, in 2014, it was time to expand. “We went back to the port to ask about the property next door,” said Kane. “The land was owned by the port, and the building was owned by New Orleans Cold Storage. We bought all of it.” That neighboring site was home to a 60,000 squarefoot building. TCI added another 200,000 square feet, but the expansion still wasn’t complete. “Christian said, ‘I don’t have time to build another new warehouse. We need to find an existing property that has good rail access,’” said Kane. “I told him ‘I’m not Walt Disney, I can’t just do that,’ … but we went back to the port and we leased the Esplanade Wharf and the Gov. Nicholls Wharf from them.” The wharves added an additional 250,000 square feet to what’s become colloquially known as the “mega plastics complex.” Jensen’s vision has been realized: The team converted underused real estate into a packaging facility that competes with similar operations in Houston. The undertaking took years of work, but the result has been worth it, said Kane, who said he is proud that the project has brought much-needed tax revenue and jobs to the city.

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Miles P. Clements Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Bessie Antin Daschbach Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 Leonard A. Davis Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Scott E. Delacroix Delacroix Law Firm 985-630-8040

Kathleen F. Drew Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Tim Gray Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

James C. Gulotta Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Peter L. Hilbert Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Robert E. Holden Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Kevin E. Huddell Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 Greg L. Johnson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Mary S. Johnson Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544

Robert E. Kerrigan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

James E. Lapeze Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Robert B. McNeal Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Kerry J. Miller Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Glen M. Pilié Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Loulan J. Pitre Kelly Hart & Hallman 504-522-1812

Andrew L. Plauché Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

Jane C. Raiford Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Elizabeth Haecker Ryan Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Howard E. Sinor Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark J. Spansel Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 A. Wendel Stout Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Mark C. Surprenant Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Patrick A. Talley Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

William D. Treeby Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Quentin F. Urquhart Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

John M. Wilson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Phillip A. Wittmann Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Litigation - ERISA

Stacey C. S. Cerrone Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Nicole A. Eichberger Proskauer Rose 504-310-4088

Covert J. Geary Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Ellis B. Murov Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Keith M. Pyburn Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Robert W. Rachal Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 René E. Thorne Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

Litigation - First Amendment Mary Ellen Roy Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 James R. Swanson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Litigation - Health Care

Don S. McKinney Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Litigation Insurance

Ryan Acomb Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson 504-581-3838 Judy Y. Barrasso Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 David F. Bienvenu Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Robert L. Bonnaffons Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500 Dan Centner Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway 504-523-2434 Jaimmé A. Collins Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Sidney W. Degan Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333 Leah Nunn Engelhardt Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Pablo Gonzalez Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 David Groome Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 George B. Hall Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Stephen P. Hall Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 John W. Joyce Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Katherine Karam Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Robert E. Kerrigan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Deirdre C. McGlinchey McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Stephen L. Miles Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070 Joseph B. Morton Mitchell & Associates 504-291-3364 Sean P. Mount Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 James R. Nieset Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson 504-581-3838 Thomas Richard Richard Kutcher Tygier & Luminais 504-830-3838 James T. Rogers Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Seth A. Schmeeckle Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Jay Russell Sever Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Robert I. Siegel Gieger, Laborde & Laperouse 504-561-0400

Frederick Swaim Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802

Quentin F. Urquhart Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Steven W. Usdin Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Matthew A. Woolf Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Litigation Intellectual Property

Raymond G. Areaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Len R. Brignac King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Stephen G. Bullock Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Harry Simms Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 David L. Patrón Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Mary Ellen Roy Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

H. Mark Adams Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Litigation - Labor and Employment

M. Nan Alessandra Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Michelle I. Anderson Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303 Stephen P. Beiser McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Magdalen Blessey Bickford McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Kim M. Boyle Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Andrew P. Burnside Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 H. Michael Bush Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Walter W. Christy Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303 Renee Culotta Frilot 504-599-8000

Brandon Davis Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Susan Fahey Desmond Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

Leslie W. Ehret Frilot 504-599-8000

George D. Fagan Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500

Steven F. Griffith Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Greg Guidry Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Edward F. Harold Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Jane H. Heidingsfelder Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Thomas P. Hubert Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Steven Hymowitz Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Clyde H. Jacob Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Leslie A. Lanusse Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Joseph F. Lavigne Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Frederic Theodore Le Clercq Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Julie D. Livaudais Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Christopher S. Mann Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Eve B. Masinter Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Thomas J. McGoey Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Christopher E. Moore Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Ellis B. Murov Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Sarah Voorhies Myers Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

David M. Korn Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Robert B. Bieck Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Litigation - Municipal

William D. Aaron Aaron & Gianna 504-569-1800

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Seth M. Nehrbass Garvey, Smith & Nehrbass, Patent Attorneys 504-835-2000

Kathlyn Perez Kathlyn Perez 504-451-2394

Keith M. Pyburn Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

William H. Reinhardt Blue Williams 504-831-4091

Charles F. Seemann Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

I. Harold Koretzky Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Litigation - Mergers and Acquisitions

Erin Pelleteri Howser Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Maura Z. Pelleteri Pugh Accardo 504-799-4500

Kathryn M. Knight Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Jennifer F. Kogos Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

James R. Swanson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Joanne Rinardo Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Richard P. Richter Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Stephen G.A. Myers Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

Tracy E. Kern Jones Walker 504-582-8000

S. Mark Klyza The Kullman Firm 504-524-4162

Litigation - Land Use and Zoning

Timothy H. Scott Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

G. Phillip Shuler Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

René E. Thorne Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755

David M. Whitaker Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Christopher Williams Williams Litigation 504-308-1438

Rachel Wendt Wisdom Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Litigation - Patent

Litigation - Real Estate

Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Ashley Belleau Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Elwood F. Cahill Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Dan Centner Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway 504-523-2434 E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Katie Dysart Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Joshua S. Force Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Philip A. Franco Adams and Reese 504-581-3234



Best Lawyers Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

A. Gregory Grimsal Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Harry Simms Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Neal J. Kling Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Robert A. Kutcher Richard Kutcher Tygier & Luminais 504-830-3838 William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Rose McCabe LeBreton Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Alvin C. Miester Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Richard B. Montgomery Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Randy Opotowsky Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Richard P. Richter Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Charles L. Stern Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Robert Paul Thibeaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Litigation Regulatory Enforcement (SEC, Telecom, Energy)

Edward Hart Bergin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Robert B. Bieck Jones Walker 504-582-8000



Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Litigation - Securities

John C. Anjier Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Mark R. Beebe Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Thomas M. Benjamin Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 Jamie L. Berger Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Robert B. Bieck Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Litigation - Trusts and Estates

Hirschel T. Abbott Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Ricardo A. Aguilar McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

James A. Brown Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

David F. Edwards Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Miriam Wogan Henry Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

F. Kelleher Riess Hickey & Riess, Attorneys at Law 504-525-1120

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Litigation and Controversy - Tax

George Denegre Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 George C. Freeman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Stephen H. Kupperman Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Paul J. Masinter Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Lance C. McCardle Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 C. Lawrence Orlansky Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Kirk Reasonover Reasonover & Berg 504-613-4941 Richard C. Stanley Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 James R. Swanson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Nicholas Wehlen Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200


Jesse R. Adams Jones Walker 504-582-8000

William M. Backstrom Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Hilton S. Bell Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000

Andre B. Burvant Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Jaye A. Calhoun Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Michael E. Guarisco Guarisco, Cordes & Lala 504-587-7007

James K. Irvin Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000

Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Cheryl M. Kornick Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

F. Kelleher Riess Hickey & Riess, Attorneys at Law 504-525-1120

Paul H. Waldman Paul H. Waldman, Attorney at Law 504-220-2576

Edward Dirk Wegmann Jones Walker 504-582-8000 John J. Weiler Weiler & Rees 504-524-2944

Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Defendants

Charles H. Abbott Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383 Neil C. Abramson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Barbara L. Arras Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Kay Baxter Foley & Mansfield 504-302-4800

C. Wm. Bradley Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Thomas A. Casey Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Celeste Coco-Ewing Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Timothy F. Daniels Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Scott E. Delacroix Delacroix Law Firm 985-630-8040

Robert E. Dille Maron Marvel Bradley Anderson & Tardy 504-684-5100 Mark C. Dodart Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Robert S. Emmett Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Madeleine Fischer Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Darryl J. Foster Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Jason P. Franco Jason Philip Franco 504-390-2337

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 William B. Gaudet Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

John Jerry Glas Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Tim Gray Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

James C. Gulotta Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

William C. Harrison Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Warren Horn Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300

John F. Olinde Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 James K. Ordeneaux PlauchĂŠ Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

Craig Isenberg Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Thomas P. Owen Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Robert E. Kerrigan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Maura Z. Pelleteri Pugh Accardo 504-799-4500

Mary S. Johnson Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544

Susan B. Kohn Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Keith A. Kornman Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Allen J. Krouse Frilot 504-599-8000

Kent A. Lambert Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Francis V. Liantonio Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Jill T. Losch Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544

Lynn M. Luker Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Amy L. Maccherone Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Chris O. Massenburg Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880 Mark L. McNamara Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Kerry J. Miller Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Chad J. Mollere Johnson Gray McNamara 504-525-4649

Kim E. Moore Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

Joseph B. Morton Mitchell & Associates 504-291-3364 Sean P. Mount Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Stephen G.A. Myers Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Claire A. Noonan Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

Dwight C. Paulsen Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Michael R. Phillips Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Charles M. Pisano Roedel Parsons Koch Blache Balhoff & McCollister 504-566-1801 David E. Redmann Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 David L. Reisman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Jeffrey E. Richardson Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Jeanette S. Riggins Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880 Peter J. Rotolo Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Isaac H. Ryan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Shannon S. Sale McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Richard E. Sarver Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Seth A. Schmeeckle Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Ronald J. Sholes Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Robert I. Siegel Gieger, Laborde & Laperouse 504-561-0400 Lea Ann Smith Butler Snow 504-299-7700 Martin A. Stern Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 A. Wendel Stout Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Max Swetman Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880 Patrick A. Talley Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Quentin F. Urquhart Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Roland M. Vandenweghe Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

John W. Waters Bienvenu, Foster, Ryan & O’Bannon 504-322-1375 Kevin J. Webb Litchfield Cavo 985-869-8715

David M. Whitaker Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Forrest Ren Wilkes Cosmich Simmons & Brown 504-262-0040 Charles B. Wilmore Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Rachel Wendt Wisdom Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Plaintiffs

John T. Balhoff Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Allan Berger Allan Berger & Associates 504-618-1581

Christopher T. Chocheles Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Robert E. Couhig Couhig Partners 504-588-1288

Leonard A. Davis Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Ernest L. Edwards Ernest L. Edwards Jr., Attorney at Law 504-450-4226

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 M. H. Gertler Gertler Law Firm 504-581-6411

Soren E. Gisleson Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800




Best Lawyers

Walter J. Leger Jr.

A legal legend looks back on what he calls “maybe one of the most important cases in the history of litigation.” By Rich Collins Portrait By Mike Lirette





Maritime, Admiralty, Class Actions


Leger & Shaw


45 years in practice


BA Louisiana State University; JD Tulane University School of Law

Walter Leger Jr. is a larger-than-life legal legend who has been at the helm of many high-profile cases in Louisiana and beyond. When the Bright Field cargo ship collided with the Riverwalk Marketplace in 1996, Leger represented the affected businesses in a lawsuit. In the aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, he represented the Louisiana parishes that suffered damages. Currently, he’s working for families and businesses affected by the 2019 Hard Rock Hotel collapse. Leger has also worked on national class action cases related to opioids, breast implants, lead paint and more. Asked to cite his toughest case, though, Leger chose the sprawling national tobacco litigation of the late 1990s that resulted in a record-setting $250 billion class action settlement between the nation’s four largest tobacco companies and the attorneys general of 46 states. “That’s the most interesting one I’ve done and maybe one of the most important cases in the history of litigation, I believe,” said Leger, who helped represent Richard Ieyoub, the then-attorney general of Louisiana, and the state of California in the landmark legal action. Until that point, U.S. tobacco companies had fought and won hundreds of lawsuits, but their winning record finally ended after a national team of lawyers made their case over several years by leveraging new scientific evidence, changing public perception of the industry, and a fair amount of leaked documents. “When we filed the suit initially, the tobacco companies had like an 805-to-0 record,” said Leger. “They had never lost a case. They defended themselves on the grounds that people smoked because of free will. But, in 1993 or so, the American Psychiatric Association adjusted its view of nicotine and cigarette smoking. They said it was more addictive than any known substance consumed by man. More than heroin or cocaine. So, we filed suit on behalf of states and smokers on the basis that free will was not a factor and that the cigarette companies had conspired for 50 years to make their cigarettes more addictive.” As a result of the landmark settlement, tobacco companies agreed to restrict their advertising, fund anti-smoking campaigns and, most importantly, pay hundreds of billions to states to cover the costs of providing healthcare to citizens suffering from smoking-related illnesses. Two decades later, there are concerns about how states have used their windfalls. The American Lung Association reports, for instance, that North Carolina used most of its portion to support the tobacco industry. But there’s no doubt the settlement was a watershed moment. Not bad for a decade’s work, although the fight might not be over. The tobacco settlement may have changed the landscape, but the industry is still making and marketing dangerous products. “How about e-cigarettes, guys?” said Leger. “It’s not burning tobacco but it’s still addicting people, and the nicotine itself is a toxin. There’s nothing good about them.”

Russ M. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Stephen J. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Anthony D. Irpino Irpino Law Firm 504-525-1500

Gladstone N. Jones Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 Allan Kanner Kanner & Whiteley 504-524-5777

M. Palmer Lambert Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Gerald E. Meunier Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Jeremy Z. Soso The Lambert Firm 504-581-1750

J. Christopher Zainey The Lambert Firm 504-581-1750 Media Law

Mary Ellen Roy Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Mediation

M. Nan Alessandra Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

J. Gregg Collins Gregg Collins Mediation Arbitration 504-616-7535

Thomas K. Foutz TomFoutzADR 504-237-3183

E. Phelps Gay Christovich & Kearney 504-561-5700

William R. Pitts William R. Pitts 504-831-5050

H. Bruce Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030 Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants

Kurt S. Blankenship Blue Williams 504-831-4091

C. Wm. Bradley Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Joy Goldberg Braun Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500

Kathryn M. Caraway Caraway LeBlanc 504-566-1912 Richard S. Crisler Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 Guy C. Curry Curry, Caviness & Webb 504-524-8556 Charles F. Gay Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Guice A. Giambrone Blue Williams 504-831-4091 Michael Luquet Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 Stephen M. Pizzo Blue Williams 504-831-4091 E. Paige Sensenbrenner Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Karen Sher Karen Sher 504-486-5600 Peter E. Sperling Frilot 504-599-8000 Lydia Toso Adams Hoefer Holwadel 504-581-2606 Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs

Allan Berger Allan Berger & Associates 504-618-1581

David A. Bowling The Bowling Law Firm (866) 416-3889 Robert J. David Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Michael J. Ecuyer Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Richard Gallagher Gallagher & Westholtz 504-887-2220 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 James C. Klick Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Jeffrey A. Mitchell Cochran Firm Metairie 504-309-5000 Nelson Wagar Wagar Hickman Law 985-888-8740 Harry T. Widmann Harry T. Widmann & Associates 504-834-2799

Harry T. Widmann Harry T. Widmann & Associates 504-834-2799 Mergers and Acquisitions Law

Joseph L. Caverly Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Louis Y. Fishman Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Mark A. Fullmer Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Maureen Gershanik Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 Curtis R. Hearn Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Matthew P. Miller Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Leon J. Reymond Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 David C. Rieveschl Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Albert Saulsbury Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Scott T. Whittaker Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Karl J. Zimmermann Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Mining Law

John Y. Pearce Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law

John T. Balhoff Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 G. Wogan Bernard Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Municipal Law

William D. Aaron Aaron & Gianna 504-569-1800 David A. Marcello Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Natural Resources Law

Charles D. Marshall Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000 John Y. Pearce Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Nonprofit / Charities Law

Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Joel A. Mendler Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Carole Cukell Neff Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500 Jerome J. Reso Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Leon H. Rittenberg Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Oil and Gas Law

M. Hampton Carver Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Katharine R. Colletta Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 M. Taylor Darden Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Nancy Scott Degan Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Ernest L. Edwards Ernest L. Edwards Jr., Attorney at Law 504-450-4226

Matthew J. Fantaci Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Harold J. Flanagan Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

C. Peck Hayne Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Aimee W. Hebert Kelly Hart & Hallman 504-522-1812

Kenneth M. Klemm Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

James E. Lapeze Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Anthony Marino Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Charles D. Marshall Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000 Robert B. McNeal Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Cynthia A. Nicholson Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Robert B. Nolan Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Joe B. Norman Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Scott A. O’Connor Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 David L. Patrón Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

John Y. Pearce Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Loulan J. Pitre Kelly Hart & Hallman 504-522-1812

Edward B. Poitevent Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Carl D. Rosenblum Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Charles R. Talley Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Patrick A. Talley Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Adam Zuckerman Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Patent Law

Charles C. Garvey Garvey, Smith & Nehrbass, Patent Attorneys 504-835-2000

Greg Latham Intellectual Property Consulting 504-322-7166

Seth M. Nehrbass Garvey, Smith & Nehrbass, Patent Attorneys 504-835-2000 Personal Injury Litigation Defendants

Ryan Acomb Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson 504-581-3838

W. Raley Alford Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Michael R. Allweiss Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160

John G. Alsobrook Ostendorf, Tate, Barnett, & Wells 504-324-2244

W. Paul Andersson Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500

Adrianne L. Baumgartner Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson 985-893-4790

Bradley R. Belsome Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

David F. Bienvenu Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Mark N. Bodin McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Ewell E. Eagan Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Richard B. Eason Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 S. Gene Fendler Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Debra J. Fischman Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Darryl J. Foster Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Gus A. Fritchie Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 William B. Gaudet Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Charles F. Gay Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Terry Christovich Gay Christovich & Kearney 504-561-5700

John Jerry Glas Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 David Groome Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Matthew C. Guy Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

William C. Harrison Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Don K. Haycraft Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Peter L. Hilbert Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

C. Wm. Bradley Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Grady S. Hurley Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Kathleen K. Charvet Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802

George B. Jurgens King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Bertrand M. Cass Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Darrell K. Cherry Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Timothy F. Daniels Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Sidney W. Degan Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Joseph Devall Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Mary S. Johnson Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544

Joshua G. Keller Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Robert E. Kerrigan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Megan C. Kiefer Kiefer & Kiefer 504-828-3313

Susan B. Kohn Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Edwin C. Laizer Adams and Reese 504-581-3234



Best Lawyers Charles E. Leche Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Wayne J. Lee Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 David W. Leefe Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Raymond C. Lewis Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Jill T. Losch Johnson Gray McNamara 985-246-6544

Daniel Lund Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Janet L. MacDonell Janet L. MacDonell 985-867-9971 Walter P. Maestri Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

S. Suzanne Mahoney Johnson Gray McNamara 504-525-4649

Kathleen A. Manning McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Joseph Maselli Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

Joseph L. McReynolds Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Douglas J. Moore Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Sean P. Mount Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Howard L. Murphy Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Stephen G.A. Myers Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Foster P. Nash Degan, Blanchard & Nash 504-529-3333

Robert B. Nolan Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Colvin Norwood McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

James K. Ordeneaux Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142 Erin Fury Parkinson McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Dwight C. Paulsen Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 David E. Redmann Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300



Edward J. Rice Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Jeffrey E. Richardson Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Deborah B. Rouen Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Kermit L. Roux Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Isaac H. Ryan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Kent B. Ryan The Miller Law Firm 504-684-5044

Seth A. Schmeeckle Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

William B. Schwartz Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Charles F. Seemann Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Scott C. Seiler Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Ronald J. Sholes Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Mark C. Surprenant Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Kristopher T. Wilson Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Jefferson R. Tillery Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Quentin F. Urquhart Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Roland M. Vandenweghe Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

David E. Walle Bienvenu, Foster, Ryan & O’Bannon 504-322-1375 Charles B. Wilmore Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Phillip A. Wittmann Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Marc J. Yellin Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Craig D. Ball Craig D. Ball 713-320-6066 Allan Berger Allan Berger & Associates 504-618-1581 Darnell Bludworth Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Loyd J. Bourgeois Loyd J. Bourgeois 985-441-3448 Charles C. Bourque St. Martin & Bourque 985-876-3891 David A. Bowling The Bowling Law Firm 866-416-3889 Joseph E. Cain Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Kathleen K. Charvet Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Christopher T. Chocheles Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Martha Young Curtis Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Robert J. David Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Stevan C. Dittman Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Michael J. Ecuyer Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Debra J. Fischman Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Joshua S. Force Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Thomas A. Gennusa Gennusa & Piacun 504-455-0442 Louis L. Gertler Gertler Law Firm 504-581-6411

Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs

M. H. Gertler Gertler Law Firm 504-581-6411

John T. Balhoff Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Mark P. Glago Glago Williams 504-599-8666

Bradley Aldrich Smiley Law Firm (504) 822-2222


Soren E. Gisleson Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Fred L. Herman Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Maury A. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Russ M. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Stephen J. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Peter L. Hilbert Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Anthony D. Irpino Irpino Law Firm 504-525-1500 Brian D. Katz Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Megan C. Kiefer Kiefer & Kiefer 504-828-3313 Frank E. Lamothe Lamothe Law Firm 504-291-8146 Ryan O. Luminais Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Thomas J. Madigan Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Richard M. Martin Lamothe Law Firm 504-291-8146 Kevin M. McGlone Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Glenn McGovern Glenn C. McGovern 504-456-3610 Gerald E. Meunier Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304 Stephen B. Murray Murray Law Firm 504-525-8100 Louis L. Plotkin Plotkin, Vincent & Jaffe 855-473-1833 Amanda Russo Schenck Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Seth Smiley Smiley Law Firm (504) 822-2222 Jeremy Z. Soso The Lambert Firm 504-581-1750 Rodney P. Vincent Plotkin, Vincent & Jaffe 855-473-1833

Irving J. Warshauer Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer 504-522-2304

James M. Williams Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006

Jason Rogers Williams Jason Rogers Williams & Associates 504-585-1413 Product Liability Litigation Defendants

Michael H. Abraham Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Francis Philip Accardo Pugh Accardo 504-799-4500

Jennifer Adams Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Judy Y. Barrasso Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Kay Baxter Foley & Mansfield 504-302-4800

C. Wm. Bradley Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Joy Goldberg Braun Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500

Kelly E. Brilleaux Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Brigid Brown Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Francis H. Brown McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Camala E. Capodice Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 David L. Carrigee Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900

Jimmy A. Castex Castex Esnard 504-262-9880

Charles A. Cerise Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Darrell K. Cherry Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Celeste Coco-Ewing Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Jaimmé A. Collins Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Steven W. Copley Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Bruce A. Cranner Talley, Anthony, Hughes & Knight 985-624-5010

Richard S. Crisler Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

Timothy F. Daniels Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

Kenneth M. Klemm Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Susan B. Kohn Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Edwin C. Laizer Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Scott E. Delacroix Delacroix Law Firm 985-630-8040

Arthur W. Landry Arthur W. Landry and Jeanne Andry Landry 504-581-4334

Richard G. Duplantier Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802

Michael D. Lonegrass Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802

Robert S. Emmett Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Janet L. MacDonell Janet L. MacDonell 985-867-9971

Kathleen F. Drew Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Richard B. Eason Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Madeleine Fischer Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Darryl J. Foster Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300

James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Charles F. Gay Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Terry Christovich Gay Christovich & Kearney 504-561-5700 Alan H. Goodman Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

William C. Harrison Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Lambert J. Hassinger Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Gary Hebert McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Craig Isenberg Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Kelly G. Juneau Rookard Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Robert E. Kerrigan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Charles E. Leche Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Lynn M. Luker Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580

Kathleen A. Manning McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Joseph Maselli Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142

Chris O. Massenburg Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880

Deirdre C. McGlinchey McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Joseph L. McReynolds Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 David M. Melancon Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Kerry J. Miller Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Douglas J. Moore Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Kim E. Moore Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Stephen G.A. Myers Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Robert B. Nolan Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Claire A. Noonan Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Colvin Norwood McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200



Best Lawyers Patrick O’Cain McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 David W. O’Quinn Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 John F. Olinde Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Barbara Ormsby Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 G. Bruce Parkerson Plauché Maselli Parkerson 504-582-1142 Dwight C. Paulsen Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 David E. Redmann Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Edward J. Rice Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Peter J. Rotolo Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Deborah B. Rouen Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Elizabeth Haecker Ryan Coats Rose 504-299-3070 Isaac H. Ryan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Richard E. Sarver Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Scott C. Seiler Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Tyson B. Shofstahl Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Stanton E. Shuler Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500 Kyle Wallace Siegel Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 James R. Silverstein Kean Miller 504-585-3050 John W. Sinnott Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Meera U. Sossamon Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 A. Wendel Stout Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141



Norman C. Sullivan Frilot 504-599-8000 Mark C. Surprenant Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Max Swetman Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880 Brent A. Talbot Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Brandie Thibodeaux Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880 Quentin F. Urquhart Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Nelson Wagar Wagar Hickman Law 985-888-8740 Marc J. Yellin Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs

Helen Babin Gertler Law Firm 504-581-6411

Emile Bagneris Bagneris Law Firm 504-810-3995 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Louis L. Gertler Gertler Law Firm 504-581-6411 M. H. Gertler Gertler Law Firm 504-581-6411

Roy C. Cheatwood Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Beverly Aloisio DeLaune Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Richard G. Duplantier Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Gus A. Fritchie Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 James M. Garner Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Karen Holland Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Amelia Williams Koch Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Frederic Theodore Le Clercq Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Melissa M. Lessell Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Joseph L. McReynolds Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Charlotte Meade Meade Young (504) 416-3975 Marshall M. Redmon Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Stephen J. Herman Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Elizabeth Haecker Ryan Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Louis L. Plotkin Plotkin, Vincent & Jaffe 855-473-1833

Danny G. Shaw ShawADR 985-789-0701

John W. Redmann Law Office of John W. Redmann 504-500-5000 Rodney P. Vincent Plotkin, Vincent & Jaffe 855-473-1833 Professional Malpractice Law Defendants

Keith J. Bergeron Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

C. Wm. Bradley Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea 504-596-6300 Terrence L. Brennan Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 James A. Brown Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979


John Stewart Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Kelly E. Theard Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Edward W. Trapolin Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 William E. Wright Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Professional Malpractice Law Plaintiffs Donald E. McKay Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500 Stephen R. Rue Stephen Rue & Associates 504-475-6695

Project Finance Law

E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 William H. Hines Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Susan G. Talley Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Public Finance Law

Lisa E. Maurer Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 David M. Wolf Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Railroad Law

Blake G. Arata Rome, Arata, Baxley & Stelly 504-522-9980 Timothy F. Daniels Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Harry Simms Hardin Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Joseph M. Miller Davis, Saunders & Miller 985-612-3070 C. Perrin Rome Rome, Arata, Baxley & Stelly 504-522-9980 Benjamin B. Saunders Davis, Saunders & Miller 985-612-3070 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Brent A. Talbot Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Patrick A. Talley Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Real Estate Law

Marguerite L. Adams Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Lee R. Adler Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 G. Wogan Bernard Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Roy E. Blossman Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 James L. Breaux Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Elwood F. Cahill Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Susanne Cambre Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090

Ryan T. Christiansen Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Philip deV. Claverie Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Philip deV. Claverie Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

R. Keith Colvin Jones Walker 504-582-8000

James R. Conway James R Conway III, Attorney at Law 504-838-0093 E. Howell Crosby Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Victoria M. de Lisle Locke Lord 504-558-5100

Anthony Dunbar Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

James T. Dunne Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 M. Claire Durio Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Stephen I. Dwyer Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090 Gary J. Elkins Elkins 504-529-3600

Lillian E. Eyrich Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

William H. Hines Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Karen T. Holzenthal Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Brian R. Johnson Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Paul C. Kitziger Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Neal J. Kling Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Rose McCabe LeBreton Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

F. Rivers Lelong Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Jon F. Leyens Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 A. Kelton Longwell Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Tyler Marquette Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 David A. Martinez Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Steve Marx Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006

R. Lewis McHenry Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Conrad Meyer Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006

Alvin C. Miester Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Richard B. Montgomery Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Marie A. Moore Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Chad P. Morrow Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Robert Mouton Locke Lord 504-558-5100

George Mueller Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Randy Opotowsky Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Anne E. Raymond Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Leon J. Reymond Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Richard P. Richter Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Megan C. Riess Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Michael R. Schneider Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Steven C. Serio Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Philip B. Sherman Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Robert M. Steeg Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Charles L. Stern Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

James A. Stuckey Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Edward T. Suffern Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern 504-838-9090

Susan G. Talley Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Robert Paul Thibeaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800 Peter S. Title Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500

Suzette Toledano Toledano Entertainment & Arts Law 504-525-2552 Nicole S. Tygier Richard Kutcher Tygier & Luminais 504-830-3838 Susan M. Tyler Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Sabrina C. Vickers Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Emile A. Wagner Law Offices of Emile A. Wagner, III 504-250-0895

Marion Welborn Weinstock Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Scott T. Whittaker Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Sterling Scott Willis Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Reinsurance Law

Pablo Gonzalez Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Marshall M. Redmon Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Securities / Capital Markets Law

John C. Anjier Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979



Best Lawyers Thomas M. Benjamin Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 Louis Y. Fishman Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Mark A. Fullmer Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Maureen Gershanik Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Curtis R. Hearn Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Kenneth J. Najder Jones Walker 504-582-8000

David C. Rieveschl Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Albert Saulsbury Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

John D. Werner Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Securities Regulation

Mark A. Fullmer Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Maureen Gershanik Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Kenneth J. Najder Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Albert Saulsbury Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Securitization and Structured Finance Law

Lee R. Adler Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Leopold Z. Sher Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Marion Welborn Weinstock Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Tax Law

Jesse R. Adams Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Robert S. Angelico Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

William M. Backstrom Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Hilton S. Bell Milling Benson Woodward 504-569-7000

Timothy P. Brechtel Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Susan J. Burkenstock Elkins 504-529-3600 66


Andre B. Burvant Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Jaye A. Calhoun Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Susan K. Chambers Jones Walker 504-582-8000

John W. Colbert Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 J. Grant Coleman King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Paul D. Cordes Guarisco, Cordes & Lala 504-587-7007

David F. Edwards Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Gary J. Elkins Elkins 504-529-3600

Mark S. Embree Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

James C. Exnicios Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Mandy Mendoza Gagliardi Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Michael E. Guarisco Guarisco, Cordes & Lala 504-587-7007

Jonathan R. Katz Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Cheryl M. Kornick Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Caroline D. Lafourcade Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 William H. Langenstein Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Matthew Mantle Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Donald H. McDaniel Perez, McDaniel, Faust & Adams 504-309-3848 Matthew P. Miller Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900

Robert L. Perez Perez, McDaniel, Faust & Adams 504-309-3848

Rudolph R. Ramelli Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Jerome J. Reso Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900


F. Kelleher Riess Hickey & Riess, Attorneys at Law 504-525-1120 Richard J. Roth Roth Law Firm 504-525-7792

John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 David R. Sherman Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006

John F. Shreves Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn 504-569-2030

Carli Beckett Simpson Roth Law Firm 504-525-7792

Mark S. Stein Lowe, Stein, Hoffman, Allweiss & Hauver 504-517-8160

Andrew Sullivan Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Daniel Walter Roth Law Firm 504-525-7792

Christian N. Weiler Weiler & Rees 504-524-2944

John J. Weiler Weiler & Rees 504-524-2944

Robert L. Wollfarth Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Karl J. Zimmermann Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Technology Law

Raymond G. Areaux Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier, Finn, Blossman & Areaux 504-585-3800

Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Trade Secrets Law

Bryan C. Reuter Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Trademark Law

Greg Latham Intellectual Property Consulting 504-322-7166

Transportation Law

Christopher O. Davis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Kenneth M. Klemm Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Benjamin Slater Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000 Harry T. Widmann Harry T. Widmann & Associates 504-834-2799 Trusts and Estates

Hirschel T. Abbott Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Marguerite L. Adams Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Rose S. Sher Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Andrew Sullivan Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900

John D. Wogan Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 Utilities Law

Noel J. Darce Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Daniel T. Pancamo Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Dana Shelton Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

J. Marshall Page Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Venture Capital Law

Workers’ Compensation Law Claimants

Alan C. Wolf Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Joseph L. Caverly Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Mark A. Fullmer Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Curtis R. Hearn Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Scott T. Whittaker Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Richard B. Eason Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Richard B. Eason Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Donald E. McKay Leake & Andersson 504-585-7500

David F. Edwards Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Gary J. Elkins Elkins 504-529-3600 Mark S. Embree Adams and Reese 504-581-3234 Deborah C. Faust Perez, McDaniel, Faust & Adams 504-309-3848 Miriam Wogan Henry Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Steven I. Klein Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Joel A. Mendler Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Carole Cukell Neff Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel 504-582-1500 Robert L. Perez Perez, McDaniel, Faust & Adams 504-309-3848 Laura Walker Plunkett Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Jerome J. Reso Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Patrick K. Reso Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 985-269-7220 F. Kelleher Riess Hickey & Riess, Attorneys at Law 504-525-1120 Leon H. Rittenberg Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Brianne S. Rome Rome Law 504-432-9367 John A. Rouchell Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900

Ones to Watch

These awards are recognitions given to attorneys who are earlier in their careers for outstanding professional excellence in private practice in the United States. Our “Ones to Watch” recipients typically have been in practice for 5-9 years.

Administrative / Regulatory Law

Justin A. Swaim Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Antitrust Law

Molly L. Wells Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Appellate Practice

Viviana Aldous Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Chloé M. Chetta Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Camille E. Gauthier Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235 Charles King Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Kathryn Munson Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford 504-523-1580 Molly L. Wells Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Micah Zeno Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Banking and Finance Law Aimee Andrepont Decuir Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Lacey Rochester Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Joseph T. Wilson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 F. Christopher Wootten Coats Rose 504-299-3070 Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law Michael E. Landis Heller, Draper, Patrick, Horn & Manthey 504-299-3300 Lacey Rochester Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law James W. Thurman Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Natalie White Locke Lord 504-558-5100 Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Travis A. Beaton Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Edward F. Bukaty Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Annie G. McBride Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Civil Rights Law Kristen D. Amond Mills & Amond 504-383-0332 Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law

Edward F. Bukaty Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Commercial Litigation

Lauren Brink Adams Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Ashley Arnold Addison Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Bryce M. Addison Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Viviana Aldous Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Kristen D. Amond Mills & Amond 504-383-0332

John T. Arnold Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500

Alex S. Aughtry Reasonover & Berg 504-613-4941

Nicole Babb Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Andrew J. Baer Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Ashley E. Bane Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 504-702-1710

Gerard J. Gaudet Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Camille E. Gauthier Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235 James H. Gilbert Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Harrison Golden Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

John R. Guenard Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Ashley J. Heilprin Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Elise M. Henry Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Elizabeth S. Horn Akerman 504-586-1241

Marcus B. Hunter Kuchler Polk Weiner 504-592-0691

Matthew C. Juneau Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Nicole C. Katz Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Robert Keller Salley Hite Mercer & Resor 504-566-8800 Allison B. Kingsmill Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Caroline F. Bordelon Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Arthur R. Kraatz Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Timothy G. Byrd McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Laurence LeSueur Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Stephen F. Butterfield Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

Lindsay Calhoun Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Meghan E. Carter Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Mark J. Chaney McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Chloé M. Chetta Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Joshua P. Clayton Clayton Law Firm 985-863-3065

Robert J. Dressel Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Sarah Edwards McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

David A. Freedman Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Peyton C. Lambert Locke Lord 504-558-5100

Patrick J. Lorio Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070 Todd Magee Riviere Abel 985-447-7440

Amy L. McIntire Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Amanda Gammon Morse Kiefer & Kiefer 504-828-3313 G. Robert Parrott Adams and Reese 504-581-3234

Nicholas R. Pitre Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Destinee F. Ramos Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Lindsay E. Reeves Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500

James D. Rhorer Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Alex B. Rothenberg Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 E. Blair Schilling Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Janelle E. Sharer Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Madison Sharko Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Thomas Eamon Slattery Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Matthew R. Slaughter Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Christopher W. Swanson Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500

Heather Kirk Trosclair Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Christopher K. Ulfers Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Rebekka C. Veith Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Lance Waters Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Molly L. Wells Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Natalie White Locke Lord 504-558-5100

Leopoldo J. Yanez Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Jacob D. Young Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006

Micah Zeno Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 R. Ethan Zubic Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Construction Law Laura E. Avery Shields Mott 504-581-4445

Nicole Babb Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Caroline F. Bordelon Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Jennifer A. David Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Melanie Donahue Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 985-674-6680 Matthew J. Guy Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 985-819-8400

Mia Lewis Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Nicholas R. Pitre Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

James D. Rhorer Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Brian S. Schaps Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Elliot Scharfenberg Krebs Farley & Dry 504-299-3570

Jeffrey J. Siemann Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Corporate Governance and Compliance Law Carolyn Buckley King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Edward F. Bukaty Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Patrick R. Follette Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Vanessa W. Graf Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Carson M. Haddow Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Tina Campbell Hebert Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 R. Chauvin Kean Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Thomas D. Kimball Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Elisabeth B. LeBlanc Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Annie G. McBride Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Sarah E. Sullivan Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Jane Y. White Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Natalie White Locke Lord 504-558-5100

Patrick Willis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Jacob D. Young Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Criminal Defense: White-Collar Elizabeth S. Horn Akerman 504-586-1241

Patrick Willis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200

Michael J. O’Brien Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Corporate Law

Stuart D. Kottle Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Victoria Bagot Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Barbra Barnett Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Travis A. Beaton Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Brett Beter Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Carolyn Buckley King & Jurgens 504-582-3800

Edward F. Bukaty Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200

Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law

Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Lindsey H. Chopin Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Jennifer Rigterink Proskauer Rose 504-310-4088 Rebekka C. Veith Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Energy Law

Erin Bambrick Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Tyler Moore Kostal Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Hillary Barnett Lambert McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Annie G. McBride Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Kari M. Rosamond Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Rachel M. Scarafia Kean Miller 504-585-3050

Justin A. Swaim Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 John T. Arnold Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500

Environmental Law Lauren R. Bridges Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Lindsay E. Reeves Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500 E. Blair Schilling Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Financial Services Regulation Law

Sarah Edwards McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200 Government Relations Practice

Annie G. McBride Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Molly Stanga Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Health Care Law

Isabel Bonilla-Mathé Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Christopher G. Otten Glago Williams 504-599-8666 Insurance Law

Sloan L. Abernathy Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141 Bryce M. Addison Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Alex S. Aughtry Reasonover & Berg 504-613-4941 Andrew J. Baer Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303

Caroline F. Bordelon Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Blake Bourgeois Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802

Stephen F. Butterfield Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Laura C. Cannon Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070 Caroline F. Crosby Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Trevor M. Cutaiar Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000 Jennifer A. David Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Michael R. Dodson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Emmitt L. Dubose Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Jay Farmer Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Marianne Wise Fletchinger Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Meghan F. Grant Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235

Alexis P. Joachim Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070

Stuart D. Kottle Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Laurence LeSueur Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Patrick J. Lorio Pipes Miles Beckman 504-322-7070 Sean M. McAllister Loeb Law Firm 985-778-0220

Amanda Gammon Morse Kiefer & Kiefer 504-828-3313

Ryan D. O’Connor Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Christopher G. Otten Glago Williams 504-599-8666 Thomas H. Peyton Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311

Kevin R. Sloan Gauthier Murphy & Houghtaling 504-456-8600

Christopher K. Ulfers Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Nicholas Zotti Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer 800-637-9176 R. Ethan Zubic Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 BIZNEWORLEANS.COM


Best Lawyers

Intellectual Property Law Paula Estrada de Martin Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Adriano Pacifici Intellectual Property Consulting 504-322-7166 Labor and Employment Law Employee Michael R. Dodson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Juan C. Obregon Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Labor and Employment Law Management Minia E. Bremenstul Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Lindsey H. Chopin Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Jason A. Culotta Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Michael R. Dodson Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Gillian Egan Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Michael A. Foley Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Camille E. Gauthier Flanagan Partners 504-569-0235 Amanda Wingfield Goldman Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Javier Jalice Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Rachael Jeanfreau Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 William Brian London Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303 Ellen C. Rains Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840 Litigation - Banking and Finance David A. Freedman Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Camalla Kimbrough Guyton Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Leopoldo J. Yanez Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 68


Litigation Construction

Laura E. Avery Shields Mott 504-581-4445

Nicole Babb Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Jessica C. Engler Kean Miller 504-585-3050

David A. Freedman Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Mia Lewis Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Elliot Scharfenberg Krebs Farley & Dry 504-299-3570

Matthew R. Slaughter Phelps Dunbar 504-566-1311 Litigation Environmental

Meaghan M. Donovan Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Daniel J. Dysart Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

David A. Freedman Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100 Melissa Fuller Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Tyler Moore Kostal Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Rebekka C. Veith Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Litigation Intellectual Property Stephen Kepper Intellectual Property Consulting 504-322-7166 E. Blair Schilling Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Litigation - Labor and Employment Ashley Arnold Addison Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Amanda Wingfield Goldman Jackson Lewis 504-208-1755 Atoyia S. Harris Proskauer Rose 504-310-4088

Rachael Jeanfreau Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800 William Brian London Fisher Phillips 504-522-3303 FEBRUARY 2021

Matthew M. McCluer Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson 504-619-1800

Micah Zeno Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111

Ellen C. Rains Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 504-648-3840

Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Plaintiffs

Amy L. McIntire Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Janelle E. Sharer Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Litigation - Real Estate

Armand E. Samuels Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

R. Ethan Zubic Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Litigation - Securities Shaun McFall Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700 Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Defendants

Matthew J. Averill Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Carlos A. Benach Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100

Kelsey Bonnaffons Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 504-525-6802 Philip Dore Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Daniel J. Dysart Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Melissa Fuller Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Marcus B. Hunter Kuchler Polk Weiner 504-592-0691 McCann LeFeve Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Shaun McFall Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Shelly K. Napolitano Maron Marvel Bradley Anderson & Tardy 504-684-5100 Meghan B. Senter Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880

Charles King Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892 Amanda Klevorn Burns Charest 469-904-4550

E. Blair Schilling Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Matthew A. Sherman Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Christopher W. Swanson Jones, Swanson, Huddell & Garrison 504-523-2500

Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants Brittany K. Sloan Frilot 504-599-8000

Mergers and Acquisitions Law

George Casanova Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Carson M. Haddow Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Annie G. McBride Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Clinton H. Smith Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Patrick Willis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Oil and Gas Law

Rachel M. Scarafia Kean Miller 504-585-3050 Patent Law

Stephen Kepper Intellectual Property Consulting 504-322-7166 Personal Injury Litigation Defendants

Troy L. Bell Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Cassie Preston Gailmor Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

McCann LeFeve Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Laura A. Leggette Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Meghan B. Senter Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880

Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs Alexandra Faia Herman Herman & Katz 504-581-4892

Barry W. Sartin Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Kevin R. Sloan Gauthier Murphy & Houghtaling 504-456-8600

Jacob D. Young Chehardy, Sherman, Williams, Murray, Recile, Stakelum & Hayes 504-217-2006 Product Liability Litigation Defendants

Daniel J. Dysart Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252 Melissa Fuller Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Perrey S. Lee Kuchler Polk Weiner 504-592-0691 McCann LeFeve Forman Watkins & Krutz 504-799-4383

Shaun McFall Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver 504-589-9700

Shelly K. Napolitano Maron Marvel Bradley Anderson & Tardy 504-684-5100 Meghan B. Senter Manning Gross + Massenburg 504-535-2880

Ali Spindler Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore 504-310-2100 Project Finance Law

Tina Campbell Hebert Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Public Finance Law

Hillary Barnett Lambert McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Real Estate Law

Travis A. Beaton Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert 504-299-2100

Edward F. Bukaty Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 W. Peter Connick Butler Snow 504-299-7700

Margaret V. Glass Steeg Law Firm 504-582-1199

Carson M. Haddow Fishman Haygood 504-586-5252

Tina Campbell Hebert Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Nicole C. Katz Chaffe McCall 504-585-7000

Hillary Barnett Lambert McGlinchey Stafford 504-586-1200

Armand E. Samuels Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Jane Y. White Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Patrick Willis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 504-566-5200 Joseph T. Wilson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979 F. Christopher Wootten Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Securities / Capital Markets Law Clinton H. Smith Jones Walker 504-582-8000

Securities Regulation

Edward F. Bukaty Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann 504-581-3200 Clinton H. Smith Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Tax Law

Tyler J. Arbour Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990

George Casanova Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Hugh C. Seligman Jones Walker 504-582-8000 F. Christopher Wootten Coats Rose 504-299-3070

Transportation Law Bryce M. Addison Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Ashley E. Bane Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 504-702-1710 Jay Farmer Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Marianne Wise Fletchinger Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Jason M. Freas Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith 985-674-6680 Cassie Preston Gailmor Deutsch Kerrigan 504-581-5141

Phoebe A. Hathorn Frilot 504-599-8000

J. Edward McAuliffe Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000

Destinee F. Ramos Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard 504-568-1990 Eric Winder Sella Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000

Christopher K. Ulfers Jones Walker 504-582-8000 Hansford P. Wogan Jones Walker 504-582-8000

R. Ethan Zubic Gordon, Arata, Montgomery, Barnett, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan 504-582-1111 Trusts and Estates

George Casanova Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer 504-569-2900 Christie Lee Tournet Christie Tournet & Associates 985-951-2177 Joseph T. Wilson Liskow & Lewis 504-581-7979

Workers’ Compensation Law Employers Lindsay F. Louapre Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000 Simone H. Yoder Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett 504-595-3000







WORKSPACES Trahan Architects’ office space is an

expression of its thoughtful approach to space

WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT? Employee mental health?

There’s an app for that.

ON THE JOB Crescent City Artists brings their

artistry from parades to porches


The Dao of Design Trahan Architects brings a distinct brand of mindful architecture and humanitarian collaboration to its New Orleans offices and award-winning projects around the globe BY MELANIE WARNER SPENCER PHOTOS BY SARA ESSEX BRADLEY


Orleans-based Trahan Architects can be found all over the world, but most of New Orleans knows the firm from its 2006 role as lead architects for the Mercedes-Benz Superdome renovation, a role it has kept for the current renovation. With offices in New Orleans and New York, the 28-year-old global architectural firm, founded by Victor F. “Trey” Trahan III, is firmly rooted in an artistic and mindful design ethos. The firm’s website explains how this lofty ambition is achieved: “We use the tools of our architectural practice — artistic expression, technical innovation and the mindful selection of materials — in our search for designs that are socially impactful, sincerely sustainable and aesthetically sublime.” Tackling projects in hospitality, academia, culture, conservation and residential, to name a few, Trahan has been recognized nationally by the American Institute of Architects — grabbing the title of the AIA’s top design firm in the nation in 2019 — as well as on the local, regional and international levels for its striking and sophisticated, decidedly elegant work. For its own offices at 701 Poydras St., the team sought to create a space that expresses its design philosophy, while keeping in mind the needs of the staff and the firm’s diverse clientele across the globe. Trahan Architects Director of Communications Julia LeBlanc says the firm wanted “an open collaboration where each person’s contributions are shared and credited to support the operations of the firm and our clients.”




For its 4,591-squarefoot office space at 701 Poydras St., Trahan Architects sought to create a space that expresses its design philosophy of “peace architecture,” while keeping in mind the needs of the staff and the firm’s diverse clientele across the globe.

The circular, collaborative desk configuration is described by Director of Communicaitons Julia LeBlanc as “the physical embodiment of our collaborative approach to design.” Trahan Architects’ projects range from hospitality and academia to culture and conservation, as well as residential.




New Orleans office 2013 SQUARE FOOTAGE

4,591 square feet NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES

32 (at New Orleans and New York locations) PERSON IN CHARGE

Victor F. “Trey” Trahan III, FAIA ARCHITECT



Shiro Tsujimura, Genta Ishizuka, Shozo Michikawaw, Trey Trahan, Ha Manh Thang STANDOUT FEATURE

Circular collaborative desk configuration

One of the design team’s biggest challenges was getting the acoustics right in such a large space. One solution was to install absorptive panels in the conference room. Furnishings and artwork featured throughout the offices are by Shiro Tsujimura, Genta Ishizuka, Shozo Michikawaw, Trey Trahan and Ha Manh Thang.

The 4,591-square-foot, light-infused space presented many of the challenges typical of a large office, but one in particular that will be all too familiar to anyone who works in such an environment. “The biggest challenge was using a respectful and mindful approach to the issues associated with acoustics,” says LeBlanc. Guests to Trahan’s offices are likely to notice the circular configuration of the desks. LeBlanc describes this as a signature of the company and “the physical embodiment of our collaborative approach to design.” This collaborative approach is considered in every aspect of the firm’s creative




endeavors and business relationships and is designed to help set the firm apart from its competition. “We elevate and respect each colleague’s unique voice as an equal contributor,” says LeBlanc. “This also extends to our clients, consultants and skilled laborers who we partner with.” The clean, minimalist design and cream and white color palette of the office space is delicately punctuated by low-slung, black Barcelona lounge chairs, art by Shiro Tsujimura, Genta Ishizuka, Shozo Michikawaw and Ha Manh Thang, as well as works by Trahan. This Zen-like interior

We begin as humanitarians who have chosen architecture as our profession. Julia LeBlanc, Trahan Architects director of communications

landscape echoes the firm’s equally Zenlike company culture and business philosophy. “Trahan Architects is sophisticated, discerning , ecologically sensitive, community-minded and engaged as collaborators,” says LeBlanc. “We begin as humanitarians who have chosen architecture as our profession. We wish to serve all socioeconomic sectors of the community, and to continue our practice of ‘Peace Architecture,’ approaching design with kindness and equality.” n




Employee Mental Health? There’s an app for that. BY ASHLEY MCLELLAN


extraordinary levels of stress became a part of daily life for so many, more employers are looking for new ways to help address their employees’ mental health and productivity, and now, there’s an app for that, and it was created right here in our region. Called simply “Happy,” this new mental health wellness app aims to reach individuals, businesses and employers, musicians, healthcare workers, and nonprofits working to improve the quality of people’s lives. The company behind the peer-support app was recently announced as the winner of the New Orleans Business Alliance’s Health Innovators Challenge for its work in alleviating social isolation. The title came with a prize of $36,000 the company intends to use toward expanding its national markets even further. Founder and CEO Jeremy Fischbach launched Happy at the end of 2018, after a long period of testing, adjusting and development. “A lot of work had been done before [the app was meaningfully launched to the public],” he said. “We spent a good year building out all the underlying tech. For us the more time-consuming piece has been building out a national network of peers.” Happy maintains an extended group of “support givers” who provide a 24-7 network of peers with backgrounds in mental health, counseling or social work. A conversation with a support giver is just a phone call away for subscribers, who pay $12 for every 30 minutes of interaction after an initial free trial call. The demand for mental healthcare was high even before the pandemic. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control, “Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. adults aged 18 or older (18.3% of the population or 44.7 million people) reported a mental illness in 2016. In addition, 71% of adults reported at least one symptom of stress, such as a headache or feeling overwhelmed or anxious.”




Jeremy Fischbach launched the emotional wellness app Happy in 2018, with the goal of bringing 24-7 mental health outreach to peer groups across the United States. Created in New Orleans, the company recently earned recognition from the New Orleans Business Alliance for its work in alleviating social isolation.

Everyone needs emotional support. We have callers of all ages, races, every possible struggle of life. Jeremy Fischbach CEO and Founder of Happy

Mental health challenges have been proven to affect an employee’s productivity, contribute to additional time off, and increase medical insurance costs, which Happy noted leads to $500 billion in lost productivity. Fischbach, who moved to New Orleans in 2014, counts the extended network of support givers he has formed as something more than employees, in addition to the close-knit team

of professionals that helped to develop and grow the company from the beginning. “ We have several thousand support givers that have made it through the vetting process; at any time, a couple hundred are active, depending on what time of day it is, or if we have recently added a new mental health partnership. It is a challenging logistical operation. It’s a little like Uber, except there’s no geographical constraint.”

Happy currently has partnerships with multiple healthcare providers and nonprofits including Centene/WellCare — the largest managed Medicaid plan in the country — to support their largest plan in Florida as they respond to the ongoing pandemic; the American Nurses Association, to help with their effort to support frontline workers; Mental Health America; and the American Heart Association. Support givers receive specialized training and continuing education as Happy partners with new providers, for example receiving information on how to aid nurses on the front line who have been dealing with the effects of the pandemic on patients in the emergency room and beyond. Additionally, support givers must maintain a high rating of emotional response in order to continue to provide care to callers, an easy, yet still difficult metric to achieve, according to Fischbach. “Increasingly, as Happy expands from direct-to-consumer to more of a business-tobusiness strategy — working with hospitals, insurance companies and assisted living facilities — we have increased the threshold of experience. Now, all of our support givers have to have a background in health care, as social workers or nurses. Some have crisis line support experience. The unique part of the process is the evaluation on how emotionally supportive someone is, and we only hire those that score in the top 10%. Happy has a unique mission to create the largest group of the most emotionally supportive people in the country. Support givers have to maintain a high rating of 4.75 out of 5. After thousands of calls, we have an average rating of 4.8.” Fischbach said the company’s client list continues to become more diverse. “Everyone needs emotional support,” he said. “We have callers of all ages, races, every possible struggle of life. As we partner with new organizations, we educate our support givers on any potential issues that might arrive. For example, we are doing specific trainings for a partnership we are building with the Indian Health Services to provide help for tribes, and so we have training on cultural competency and other issues.” For employers, Fischbach said providing employees with tailored mental health support can mean the difference between having a workforce that is stagnant and having a team of people who are motivated to work, be productive and are overall healthier and happier.

BY THE NUMBERS Mental health issues can greatly affect businesses and their employees. Poor mental health and stress can negatively affect: • Employee job performance and productivity;

Happy works with employers to tailor services to their unique company needs, number of employees and emotional IQ goals. Services include offering access to the app for 24-7 support for a set period of time, from one month to one year or more; workshops to help a company address goals regarding the desired workplace culture; and assessments on employers and employees and what they need to do to accomplish desired workplace changes. Prices are built upon each company’s size, goals and services used.

“Right now, people can work in a lot of different places; back in the day, your job just paid your bills,” he said. “More and more employees are expecting — given how much time we spend at work — for our job to satisfy that need for [a fulfillment of overall well-being] too. A supportive culture is where employees are taught to better support each other. That’s a place people will want to work. Plus, in terms of the bottom line, you can ask more of your employees [because they know you support them].” n

• Engagement with one’s work; • Communication with coworkers; and • Physical capability and daily functioning. According to Happy: 86% of users of the app felt less anxious after calls 93% felt happier after call 45% reported immediate improvement in mood.

The Happy app relies on the skills of thousands of trained “support givers” that provide personalized assistance over the phone in a wide array of common stressors. The cost to users is $12 per 30 minutes, but employers can request a tailor made plan that meets the needs of their employees.


To find out more about Happy, visit



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Home Sweet Float The first black-owned Carnival float service provider catering to clients throughout Louisiana, Crescent City Artists LLC moved its talents to porches this year. PHOTO BY RYAN HODGSON-RIGSBEE


building Carnival floats, but never like this. On Dec. 26, they received their first order for a house float, and less than two weeks later they were booked up, with 52 floats on their “to do” list and a growing waiting list. Seen here, Rene Pierre, a graduate of Xavier University’s fine arts program who gained acclaim for his hand-made miniature floats, works on a Buddha-themed house float for a house on Carrollton Avenue. Residents can keep their creations and have them repainted for anniversaries, birthdays, or next year’s Carni val. n

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