2003 Summer Remembrance

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summer 2003

Kalaupapa y









An Arizona Memorial Museum Association Publication









Photo by Ray Sandla

The Kalawao coastline where many of the inhabitants of the Hansen’s disease colony were literally dropped into the ocean and told to swim to shore.


EdiTor Ray Sandla


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Memorial Day 2003 It was a beautiful day to remember America’s heroes. Black Sheep Bruce Matheson left college December 8, 1941 to join the Marine Corps. Find out how he wound up in the South Pacific flying Corsairs in the legendary Black Sheep Squadron. Cover Story Kalaupapa, yesterday and today


Waiting for Another Miracle A Honolulu woman says her prayers to Father Damien, the Catholic priest who gave his life to care for Hansen’s disease patients in the late 1800’s, cured her of cancer. For Damien to reach sainthood, the Vatican must agree the miraculous recovery was truly a miracle. My Life of exile in Kalaupapa Olivia Robello Breitha was sent into exile in 1937. In the new preface to her book, she explains why it’s taken so long to come home. the Beauty of Kalaupapa A photographic journey through contemporary Kalaupapa.

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editor’s page Inside the park Member spotlight New and returning members

WriTErs Ray Sandla Olivia Robello Breitha Kendall McCreary PHoTograPHy Ray Sandla Hawaii State Archives The arizona Memorial Museum association is a non-profit cooperating association of the National Park service providing funding for interpretive and educational programs at the Uss Arizona Memorial, Kalaupapa National Historical Park on Molokai, Hawaii, and War in the Pacific National Historical Park on guam. Front cover photo of St. Philomena Church by Ray Sandla Back cover photo of Kalaupapa mule trail c. 1947, Hawaii State Archives

remembrance is a Quarterly Publication for Members of the arizona Memorial Museum association


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Letter from a friend The Pearl Harbor Memorial Fund is raising money to renovate and expand the USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Center and museum. Help is coming from all over the world. Dear sir,

Hawaii State Archives photo

Kalaupapa, c. 1905. By the time author Jack London and his wife visited the settlement in 1907, Kalaupapa was a bustling village. the population had reached an all-time high of 1174 in 1890.


alaupapa national Historical park was established in 1980 and is managed by both the national park service (nps) and the Hawaii state Department of Health. the bill which established the park, public Law 96-565, recognized the rights of the remaining population of patients to a remarkable degree. While promoting historical and archeological research and preservation, the bill guaranteed the patients individual privacy and the right to live at the settlement for as long as they wished. the arizona memorial museum association was asked by the nps to help support the park financially in 1987. Due to the restricted visitation (only 100 visitors are allowed per day) the park service felt it needed financial cooperation to help keep its educational mandate faithful to the original legislation. the relationship continues to grow. amma contributes over $50,000 annually to help maintain the wayside exhibits on the mule trail and other interpretive elements of the park. the association employs patients to operate the bookstore and is actively involved in renovating the structure. preserving and enhancing historical photographs and exhibits is also a major goal. amma has recently re-published patient Olivia robello Breitha’s memoirs and will continue to seek new outlets for the incredible stories the people have to tell. r e m e m b r a n c e

the pArK contains habitats for threatened and endangered Hawaiian plants, like the ‘awiwi (annual herb) and animals, such as the Hawaiian monk seal. the 10,000 acres include the peninsula itself and the three valleys of Waikolu, Waialeia, and Waihanau. 1,600 to 3,000 foot national natural Landmark cliffs border the valleys on three sides creating one of the most spectacular natural locations in the world. significant archeological remains date back 1,000 years and trace the history of human activity on the remote neck of land. the essential element of Kalaupapa though continues to be the people who live there. except on rare occasion, one doesn’t see much of the taciturn population. History has taught them to be wary of outsiders. Yet their spirit can be felt in every corner of the settlement. In a land without hope, they believed. In a place given up for dead, they survived. this issue of remembrance is dedicated to the courageous people of Kalaupapa.

I am an eighty year-old ex-member of the royal navy (1942-1947, now an old age pensioner, O.a.p.) my daughter paid a visit to pearl Harbour during march 2003 and went to see your uss Arizona museum. While there, she bought me a book, War in the Pacific, which was signed by the author, Jerome t. Hagen, thanking me for my service in the r.n. she also brought me some leaflets, which I found interesting. One of them was an appeal for funds for the museum with an envelope. as I live on my own (wife died 3 years ago) and live on my state pension, I just had to find twentyfive dollars to send to you. please accept the $25 (I wish it could have been more.) I still remember the attack on pearl Harbour, and I have several videos of the war in the pacific, including Tora, Tora, Tora, which I play many times. I also watched with horror the events of 9-11 as they unfolded on our tV screens. I was sick to the stomach when I saw them and was proud when the Queen ordered the american anthem to be played by the Guards Band outside the palace. We are still fighting side by side in the Gulf and I was with units of your fleet when we put the troops ashore on D-Day at normandy. I will close now and just say goodnight and God Bless america. Yours faithfully mr. Kenneth Barker West Yorkshire, England

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Civilian Pearl Harbor survivor dick rodby, who was ten in 1941, trades war stories with Adam schmolzi. Mr. rodby is now one of Adam’s pen pals. Photos courtesy of the schmolzi family

Photo by ray sandla

Caroline Lim receives the employer of the year Award from state House of representatives member Lynn Finnegan.

State acknowledges blind vendor leadership Citing a strong commitment to the blind and visually impaired community, Ho‘opono, the Vocational rehabilitation Division of the state of Hawaii Department of Human services, presented its prestigious “employer of the Year” award to the Arizona memorial’s Caroline Lim. “I want to thank Ho‘opono for what they’ve done for me,” said ms. Lim. “they gave me an opportunity to become independent and self-sufficient.” the food concession at the memorial employs 10-15 visual and hearing impaired individuals. ms. Lim hires

people that might normally have a hard time finding work. “this way I can help others with disabilities who are at a disadvantage when it comes to employment.” “When I got my blindness, I was in my 50’s already. I couldn’t get into any other field. Ho‘opono trained me and helped me get the job out here.” Ho‘opono, Hawaiian for “to make things right,” offers vocational training and employment opportunities through its Blind Vendor program.

Honoring a dream


he following are two letters from the schmolzi family of sedalia, missouri to civilian pearl Harbor survivor mr. Dick rodby. the schmolzi’s son, adam, has cystic fibrosis, a disease that causes life-threatening lung infections. When the Dream Factory, a missouri organization specializing in granting wishes to seriously ill children, found out he was a pearl Harbor history buff, adam was on his way to realizing a dream. mr. rodby gave adam a personalized tour of the park and later sent him a book signed by all the pearl Harbor survivors who work at the memorial. the schmolzi’s visited the uss Arizona memorial and other pearl Harbor sites in early may.

Dear Mr. Rodby, How are you? I got the package you sent me. Thank you! I like to read the book in the car and while I am doing my treatments. I have watched the movie 6 times. Would you write to me!? We can be pen pals. With Aloha, Adam Dear Mr. Rodby, I can’t tell you haw much that wonderful package meant to Adam. He was so thrilled... For you to remember us, and to go through the trouble of getting everyone to sign the book, well it really touched our hearts. Adam has asked numerous questions about you and has wondered what it must have been like for you the morning of December 7. We went back to the Arizona a few days later.

Park service ranger Beau Maddox helps Adam raise the flag at the Uss Arizona Memorial Visitor Center.

Adam wanted to see it one last time. He brought a lei and said a prayer before letting it go over the Arizona. It was a beautiful, emotional trip for all of us. Meeting you and the others at Pearl Harbor was an extra blessing from above. Thank you for your generosity & kindness. May God bless you and keep you safe. Love, Wendy & Russell Schmolzi

uss Arizona memorial loses a friend Historian and author wrote the definitive book on the civilian Pearl Harbor experience Lawrence rodriggs, a frequent guest and friend of the uss Arizona memorial, passed away may 14, 2003 at his home in newark, California. He was 70. mr. rodriggs’ lasting contribution to the historiography of pearl 2

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Harbor is his book, “We remember pearl Harbor,” a collection of memories by civilian pearl Harbor survivors. “this is the only book solely devoted to the civilian experience on December 7, 1941,” said Daniel martinez, national park service Chief Historian at the memorial. spurred on by his own family’s experience, mr. rodriggs spent years interviewing 2 0 0 3

people personally affected by the attack. mr. rodriggs acknowledged the influence of his father in his pursuit of civilian stories. “I probably became more intrigued with the subject because of my father’s refusal to discuss it.” Born on maui December 27, 1932, mr. rodriggs attended st. Louis College (high school) in Honolulu and san Jose state university,

earning a public relations degree in 1958. He worked for two years at pearl Harbor and the naval reserve before joining Blue Cross of California, where he worked for 30 years. mr. rodriggs is survived by his wife Jean, two sons michael and steven, his brother Bill and six grandchildren. everyone at the uss Arizona memorial extends their sympathy to the rodriggs family.

“I probably became more intrigued with the subject because of my father’s refusal to discuss it.” —Lawrence rodriggs r e m e m b r a n c e


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memorial partnership creates educational Junior ranger program


or those who lived it, they can never forget. For the sons, daughters, and grandchildren born since, they’ve been told to remember. Giving kids a way to relate to something that to them is ancient history, is what the Junior ranger program at the uss Arizona memorial is all about. amma education specialist Kendall mcCreary, national park service public affairs Officer Brad Baker, and illustrator alan Low have come up with an entertaining and informative way to help kids learn about the attack on pearl Harbor. Included in the Junior ranger booklet are mazes, puzzles, word games, flag identifications, and other tasks that rein-

force the things they see and hear about at the memorial. When they finish the booklet, kids are given a Junior ranger badge along with a certificate and stamp officially verifying their new status as national park service Junior rangers. the idea of a Junior ranger program is not new. national parks throughout the country have long traditions of established Junior ranger programs. However, a funded children’s program at the uss Arizona memorial presented unique challenges. How is a somber and tragic day like December 7, 1941

made relevant and memorable to kids today? By making history more appealing to children, amma and the national park service hope to foster an appreciation for the sacrifice and heroism shown that day that will live long after the visit to Hawaii is over. the arizona memorial museum association is proud to sponsor this worthwhile program and hopes all the kids that visit the memorial become Junior rangers!

Koa is the new mascot for the USS Arizona Memorial Junior Ranger program. Koa means “warrior” in Hawaiian and also stands for Knowledge Officer of the Arizona. The booklet is available for kids ages 7-12 at the Visitor Center.

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to order: email: ammaph@aol.com toll free: 1-888-485-1941 fax: 1-808-485-2747

Fly into history

Grumman F4F-3A A detailed model of the legendary airplane ensign Jim daniels flew off the deck of the Uss Enterprise december 7, 1941 in search of the Japanese fleet. directed to land at Ford Island due to darkness, ensign daniels was the only pilot of Fighting squadron six to avoid the hail of anti-aircraft fire from jumpy Pearl Harbor defenses and land safely. Member Price $11.61 (includes s&H) regular Price $12.95

olivia My Life of exile in Kalaupapa

For Members Only

recently reissued, the incredible story of one woman’s fight for survival through a lifetime of exile and hardship Member Price $9.76

(Includes s&H)

regular Price $10.95

remembering Pearl Harbor Written by Michael slackman, the foremost authority on the fascinating history of the construction of the Uss Arizona Memorial Member Price $16.06

Member polo shirt (White) s, M, L, XL $29.95 (includes s&H) Member windbreaker (dark navy) s, M, L, XL $34.95 (includes s&H)

(Includes s&H)

regular Price $17.70

The AMMA Bookstore online at arizonamemorial.org/bookstore

HH-53 helicopters from Marine Air Group squadron 24 perform missing man flyover during Memorial day ceremonies

Memorial Day 2003 honors United States Marine Corps


Above, Captain Mike Clawson pilots the Admiral towing and Barge fireboat tug Z-Five, courtesy of the Pearl Harbor naval station Commanding officer.

eremonies marking memorial Day at the uss Arizona memorial Visitor Center took on a distinctive scarlet and gold air this past may as the national park service honored the united states marines Corps. uss Arizona memorial Chief Historian Daniel martinez detailed the colorful and valiant history of the corps in an introduction to keynote speaker Bruce J. matheson. General matheson, a retired marine Corps Brigadier General, described his days with the famed VmF 214 fighter squadron in the south pacific during

World War II under the leadership of major Gregory “pappy� Boyington. a rifle salute by the marine Corps rifle Detail out of Kaneohe Bay marine Corps air station was followed by a missing man Flyover executed by members of the marine air Group squadron 24. the assembled crowd remembered and honored the sacrifices made by members of the u.s. marine Corps, and all the men and women of america’s armed services, as the last, somber notes of taps echoed over the calm waters of pearl Harbor.

All photos this page by ray sandla

Marine Forces Pacific Color Guard paraded Morning Colors at the Uss Arizona Memorial. r e m e m b r a n c e

the Uss Constellation provides a fitting backdrop for Memorial day ceremonies. the carrier was on its last stopover in Pearl Harbor as it is due for decommissioning in san diego on August 7 of this year. s u m m e r

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Black Sheep

the Adventures of Bruce Matheson of VMF 214

Photo courtesy Bruce Matheson

top, Boyington’s Black sheep, Marine Fighting squadron 214, in the solomon Islands, november, 1943. 2d Lt. Matheson under arrow. Left, 22 year old 2d Lt. Matheson.

“God have mercy on such as we.”

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The following are excerpts from a speech given by Bruce J. Matheson, a retired Marine Corps fighter pilot, on Memorial Day, 2003 at the USS Arizona Memorial this memorial is very important to me. the attack on pearl Harbor, now commemorated forever by the uss Arizona memorial, changed my life forever. It was almost exactly this time of day when the Japanese attacked pearl Harbor almost 62 years ago. It is impossible to realize what went on that day, and in that war, but I know that events like this will help to keep those memories alive in all of your hearts. On December 7, 1941, I was spending a quiet sunday afternoon with my girl friend – eventually to become my wife of 59 years – at the university of

Illinois. We were stunned by the radio announcing the Japanese attack. I left college the next morning and enlisted as a private in the marine Corps. Hundreds of thousands of college students from across the country did exactly the same thing. I arrived in the south pacific in June of 1943. I was 21 years old and a very junior second lieutenant of marines. the fighter pilot replacement pool that I joined had grown so large and the need for an “extra” fighter squadron was so great that we replacements eventually wound up as a group of 28 pilots commanded by major Gregory Boyington. We were given a number designation – VmF 214 – and after several weeks of training and flying togeth-

er we were sent up into combat. the average age of the pilots in 214 was slightly under 23. Boyington, at age 31, was considered by the rest of us to be a senior citizen. Boyington, of course, was far ahead of the rest of us in flight experience, both in terms of total hours and in combat. I can recall hanging on every word when he briefed us during training. We flew two tours of combat together in the northern solomon Islands. the first was directed against the Japanese bases in the Bougainville area. the second tour was fought in the skies above the huge Japanese installation at rabaul. During those two tours the Black sheep squadron destroyed, probably destroyed, or damaged over 200 Japanese Zero fighters. g s u m m e r

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Photos by ray sandla

right, Bruce Matheson takes time for fans after his speech at the Uss Arizona Memorial Visitor Center. Above, Mrs. Jo Matheson was the girl Bruce Matheson left behind when he went off to war at age 20. they married in 1944 and have been together ever since.

Our skipper, Greg Boyington, was shot down on January 3, 1944 but he miraculously survived brutal treatment while a prisoner of war and he returned to a very happy Black sheep squadron welcome in October of 1945 in san Francisco. One of the reasons for our success was the wonderful F4u Corsair. most of us who became Black sheep had never flown the Corsair before we got overseas. I had never seen one. at that time the Corsair was the fastest fighter plane in the world. One of our proudest accomplishments is that we never lost a dive bomber or torpedo bomber to a Zero while they were being escorted by the Black sheep. VmF 214 was the only squadron to receive a presidential unit Citation on its own. a portion of that citation reads, “Frequently outnumbered but never outfought, marine Fighting squadron 214 achieved an outstanding combat record.” I consider myself very fortunate to have survived. On this memorial Day I pay tribute to the 12 of our Black sheep whose luck ran out in the south pacific – 60 years ago. Of the original 49 pilots from our two combat tours – 16 of us are left. the loss of a fighter pilot in the solomons was always over enemy territory. We fought as much as 200 miles from home. the loss was neither spectacular nor was it obvious. Frustratingly, almost none of our lost pilots were seen going down and therefore their situation could never be documented. there was no wreckage. there were no 8

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remains. there was nothing left of our lost Black sheep but the void that was left in our hearts. I know you are familiar with the touching poem written by John mcrae in 1915 to describe the awful beauty of the graves of the thousands of of British soldiers killed in the terrible trench warfare early in World War I. “In Flanders Fields the poppies blow. Beneath the crosses – row on row.” But fighter pilots have no Flanders Fields. they have no crosses. all they leave behind are the warm memories that are held dear by their families and their friends – like us. I can assure you that these memories are forever etched in our hearts and minds – and our lost sheep will never be forgotten. In 1976 television came calling. someone contacted Boyington and he agreed to serve as technical advisor on a tV series to be entitled – of course – Baa Baa Black sheep. Our intelligence officer, Frank Walton, was so incensed over the way the squadron’s pilots were portrayed in the tV series, that he wrote a book. In the preface, Frank wrote, “In 1976 a television show appeared entitled Baa Baa Black sheep, allegedly based on the World War II exploits of the famed VmF 214 – the Black sheep squadron of marine fighter pilots. It was a hoked-up, phony, typical Hollywood type production depicting the Black sheep as a bunch of brawling bums who were fugitives from court-martial.” Walton went on: “not only was nothing further from the facts but such false allegations had a detrimental effect on the profes-

sional careers of a number of former Black sheep. these lawyers, college professors, businessmen, governmental officials, artists, engineers and career marine Corps officers did not appreciate the label bums and misfits. nor certainly did the widows, mothers, fathers, and children of those Black sheep who had given their lives in the service of their country.” there were many wars fought by marines before World War II and there have been many wars fought by marines since. But I like to think that the conflict which began at this historic and hallowed site found the marine Corps at its very best. Because of the way we were formed into a squadron – commanded by a former Flying tiger who was not a favorite of most of the senior officers – and not even having our own ground crew – we decided that an appropriate nickname for ourselves would be “the Black sheep.” senator John mcCain – himself a prisoner of war in Vietnam – said in a recent speech, “War is awful. War is wretched beyond description, and only a fool or a fraud could sentimentalize its cruel reality. Whatever is won in war – it is the loss the veteran remembers.” thank you all for helping all of us remember those Black sheep who made the supreme sacrifice. as rudyard Kipling wrote: “We are poor little lambs who have lost our way We are little black sheep who have gone astray Gentlemen rankers out on a spree Damned from here to eternity God have mercy on such as we.” v r e m e m b r a n c e

Kalaupapa Father damien

The Belgian priest may be canonized if the Vatican rules a Honolulu woman’s recent cancer recovery was a miracle

My Life of exile in Kalaupapa Olivia Robello-Breitha’s new preface to her book about Hansen’s disease and the process of healing

the Beauty of Kalaupapa Kalaupapa today contains the physical features of a turbulent past





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Photo: Ray Sandla

Father damien was buried under the pandanus tree where he spent his first night on the island, and next to the church he helped build.

Waiting for another miracle Kalaupapa and the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts hold their breath

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By ray sandla On april 16, 2003, an official roman Catholic Church investigative tribunal completed its inquiry into allegations that a Honolulu woman received the miraculous intercession of Father Damien de Veuster in her fight with cancer. relying on the testimony of doctors, local priests, and the woman’s family, a 190page report was handed to the postulator General of Damien’s sainthood cause, the rev. emilio Vega Garcia. 2 0 0 3

rev. Garcia traveled immediately to rome to hand the document to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of saints. Depending on how the Vatican views the evidence, the report could symbolize the last step in a process, started in 1936, leading to Father Damien’s canonization. Damien the man Joseph De Veuster (b. 1840) took the name Damien, a Flemish derivation of the roman Damian, a saint in the fourth century, upon his induction into the religious life. answering a call from the Hawaiian islands for priests and nuns,

one of the many beautiful stained glass windows in st. Francis Church, built in 1908 directly across from the landing in Kalaupapa where barges continue to unload supplies today. r e m e m b r a n c e

“It doesn’t matter what people say, God knows Father Damien was a saint.” Anonymous Visitor Kalaupapa Bookstore

Damien took his seriously ill brother’s place on the voyage to Hawaii and landed in 1864. For nine years on the Big Island of Hawaii, Damien developed a fluency in the Hawaiian language and a general resourcefulness that would greatly assist him in acquiring the trust of the Hawaiians he would serve so diligently for the rest of his life. an appeal by a newspaper editorial for “a noble Christian” to go to Kalaupapa to “console” the people there drew Damien’s attention. In 1873, armed only with his prayer book, Damien landed at Kalawao. Separating Sickness

Hawaii State Archives photos

Introduced into the islands as early as 1830, leprosy was just one of many deadly diseases to decimate the Hawaiian population. Captain Cook estimated there were close to 300,00 Hawaiians in 1778. By the end of the 19th century, the Hawaiian population had been reduced to 31,000. With no known cure, the disease soon to be known as Ma‘i Ho‘oka‘awale, the separating sickness, spread rapidly throughout the islands, causing a panic. By 1865 plans were made to isolate the victims to the remote makanalua peninsula on the island of molokai. In 1866, the first

Kalawao c. 1890 with siloama Church in the foreground and st. Philomena behind.

142 patients were left to fend for themselves on the rocky shores of Kalawao, the easternmost district. the settlement soon gained notoriety as a place of lawlessness and depravity. While missions of protestants, mormons and Catholics achieved moderate success alleviating the suffering of the people, the situation was still seen by many as desperate. Striking Act of Martyrdom For 16 years, Father Damien served as confessor, construction engineer, lobbyist and doctor for the afflicted on molokai. He built dormitories, hospitals, churches and coffins. He cared for the sick by learning how to dress sores and prescribe medicine. But most of all, he brought international attention

and concern to the patients. robert Louis stevenson might have summed it up best when he said, “It was his part, by one striking act of martyrdom, to direct all men’s eyes on that distressful country. at a blow, and with the price of his life, he made the place illustrious and public. It brought money; it brought...the sisters; it brought supervision.... If ever any man brought reforms, and died to bring them, it was he.” When finally diagnosed with the disease in 1888, Damien said, “I am gently going to my grave. It is the will of God and I thank Him very much for letting me die of the same disease and in the same way [as my patients.] I am very satisfied and very happy.”

tHe LIFe And tIMes oF FAtHer dAMIen Father Damien’s journey from Belgian postulate to Hawaiian saint





Father damien born in tremeloo, Belgium to middle-class farming family

First group of leprosy victims left at Kalawao side of Kalaupapa to fend for themselves

Father damien responds to call for help and decides to dedicate his life to Kalaupapa

damien passes away after a long fight against Hansen’s disease, as it is now known






Beatification process started as damien’s body is exhumed and taken to Belgium

Pope Paul VI states damien now venerated, the first step toward sainthood

“Blessed damien” beatified by Pope John Paul II, the second step toward canonization

Honolulu woman claims miraculous cancer cure after praying at the tomb of Father damien

Vatican debates merits of miracle claim; Pope will ultimately decide sainthood cause

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My life of

eXILe in Kalaupapa


t is now almost fifteen years since the first publication of

this book. I am getting to the age where every day is a blessing and thoughts of the past surround me. thoughts of the future,

too. If I’ve learned anything in all these years of turmoil and despair it is that with each day comes another chance to make life better, not just for myself, but for others as well. Photo courtesy Olivia Robello Breitha

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It amazes me every time someone writes to me or visits my home after reading my life story. so many people from all over the world have told me how grateful they are that I put my experiences down on paper. they say it brings them strength in their own lives to hear about the struggles of another person, to observe how someone else has managed the cards dealt to them and remained in the game. One lady told me how she hated her parents all her life because they gave her away when she was a baby. she learned later on that they were Hansen’s Disease patients here in Kalaupapa. “after I read your book,” she said, “I realized for the first time what their lives must have been like and that the state gave them no choice but to give me up. thank you for helping me to understand.” maybe this is the only thing we can really give to other people that ends up meaning anything at all, our honest story. It was never my intention to share so many intimate and disturbing aspects of my life with total strangers. many times I wanted to quit the whole business and keep all my pain inside, where it belonged, hidden away from the world. Why bother? People have their own problems. Who cares what I’ve been through anyway? It took many years and the patient help of family and friends to

convince me that it was only by opening up that I could come to some kind of peace with myself, with our fearful society, and with the generations of government and health care authorities that helped to institutionalize that fear. I think that expressing myself through this book has helped make me a more caring and understanding person. I know I’m less angry than I was before, which is a

an uncertain future, of budget cuts and a dwindling patient population, this is the place where, God willing, I hope to remain. I have lived on this remote peninsula since the s.s. Hawaii delivered me here on June 30, 1937. I was a number then, #3306. this is my patient identification number to this day. But I am not just a number now. I have finally regained the sense of dignity that was taken

“What was once a prison is a paradise to me now. Despite the threat of an uncertain future...this is the place where, God willing, I hope to remain.” good thing. these past few years, as things have started to change for people with leprosy, I began to travel. I have visited Blessed Father Damien’s grave in Belgium, participated in the World Health Organization’s “Leprosy awareness month” at the united nations in new York, even gone on a cruise to alaska for my 85th birthday. and yet, it’s a funny thing. However long I am away I yearn to get back to this world of mine, this Kalaupapa. What once was a prison is a paradise to me now. Despite the threat of

from me when I was just a child. It’s taken a long time for me to feel this way again. I’m glad I stuck it out. –olivia robello Breitha KaLaupapa, mOLOKaI May, 2003 Olivia Robello Breitha’s book “My Life of Exile in Kalaupapa” was recently re-published by the Arizona Memorial Museum Association (AMMA) and is available at the AMMA bookstores in Kalaupapa, the USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Center, and online at arizonamemorial.org/bookstore.

Photo by Ray Sandla

the natural beauty of the rugged Kalaupapa coastline belies the heartache and loneliness that have occurred there over the past 100 years.

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K a L au pa pa the first thing that strikes the visitor to Kalaupapa is the sheer beauty of the place. From the awesome cliffs that crowd the Kalaupapa side, to the incredible breaking waves of Kalawao, this part of Hawaii has been suspended in time. the peninsula of Kalaupapa is divided into three districts: Kalawao on the eastern shore, makanalua, running from Kahiu point in the north to the mountains, and Kalaupapa to the east.

Above: Mother Marianne led the first group of nuns that came to the island at the pleading of Father damien. Mother Marianne had planned to stay only a few years but wound up, like so many others, never leaving. right: Kanaana Hou, or new Canaan, Church in Kalaupapa is the sister church of siloama in Kalawao. Plans for extensive renovation are currently underway by the national Park service and the United Church of Christ.

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Left: the Protestant siloama Church near Kalawao was originally constructed in 1871, but has undergone several remodels over the years.

While much suffering and deprivation occurred here, many volunteers came to the colony trying to make life better for the inhabitants. the contradictions and emotions felt here are intense. From protestant, mormon, and Catholic missionaries to private citizens such as Joseph Dutton, who tended to the patients for 44 years, the area is crowded with representations of the best of human intentions.

the statue of Father Maxim Andre, one of the many compassionate benefactors of the patients, on the grounds of st. Francis Church, reads simply, “died Kalaupapa January 1, 1927. Born France.� r e m e m b r a n c e

While in Kalaupapa please visit us

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A n

A r i z o n a

M e m o r i a l

M u s e u m

A s s o c i a t i o n

P r o j e c t

Just a mule ride away


eave a legacy

for future generations

COmmemOrate YOur HerO One of our members wrote us recently, “We must keep the memory of the attack on pearl Harbor alive for today’s children and generations to come. I will use your publications...when I guest lecture high school and college history classes.” By including our association in your will or estate plan, you will help ensure that the heroes, events and lessons surrounding that “day of infamy” will not be forgotten. Your legacy will support our ongoing educational work for 1.5 million annual visitors and additional millions worldwide - while permanently honoring a loved one and others who gave their lives at pearl Harbor.

1 arizona memorial place Honolulu, Hawaii 96818

To receive a free brochure about preparing a will and the benefits of leaving a memorial legacy for our important work, return the reply card, e-mail us at remembrance@hawaii.rr.com, or call Pete Viele, Vice-President of Development, at (808) 485-2075. The Arizona Memorial Museum Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the support of the USS Arizona Memorial and other National Parks in the Pacific through visitor services, publications and educational activities.

Helen Wardlow hoMe: Kansas City, Missouri FAMILy: 5 children, 12 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren hoBBIeS: “Play in the dirt”

gardening, reading, painting, quilting

the experience

Helen Wardlow joined AMMA in May, 2003

Why It’s Important December 7, 1941...is a day that affected the lives of thousands. We lost a part of a generation during World War II, and the kids in school nowadays know so little of the war years and subsequent events. We have to preserve the memorial as a reminder of what happened, and as a memorial to all those who lost their lives; not only at pearl Harbor, but throughout the pacific. the national Cemetery [national memorial Cemetery of the pacific at punchbowl Crater] is one of the most beautiful, peaceful places I’ve ever visited. so many, so young...lives snuffed out in an flash. Who knows what those men would have become had they lived. the memorials must be preserved.

r e m e m b r a n c e

I have written to mr. [richard] Fiske to thank him for his informative lecture, and to tell him how much he touched my core. I could visualize the events and almost cried as I could sense the fear he had that day. I wondered if I would have been frozen in place, or would I have had the guts to move and do something to help others. most of the men were under 25 years of age, and they had to react instantly and grow up fast to save themselves and their buddies. things in the 40’s were quite different than the present time. We respected and obeyed our parents and teachers. December 7th was the only time in my life I saw my father cry after we heard the news on the radio. the memorial is beautiful and most everyone is reverent there. You can see the list of casualties, watch the drops of oil come to the surface leaving a rainbow of color. You hear the flag flapping in the breeze. people talk in quiet tones.

peacefulness and to pray for the departed souls that they may rest in peace. above all to give thanks that through their sacrifices we live in peace. I’ve made five trips to Hawaii and the Arizona is always on the top of the list of things to see and do. I’ve watched the area expand, vegetation become lush, and the crowds increase. It is a sacred place.

“The Arizona draws me like a magnet.” the navy does a great job with the shuttles. they are to be commended for their work and helpfulness. I’ve had a fun life so far and plan to keep on going as long as possible. my most exciting vacation has been a raft trip down the Grand Canyon at age 59. Was a thrill a minute! thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak out.

the Future the Arizona draws me like a magnet. to see its beauty, feel its s u m m e r

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T h a n k

m e m b e r s h i p


y o u !

& returnInG memBers marCH aprIL maY June 2003

A Jorge Abalos artesia, nm richard Abrams mogadore, OH rosenelle Adkins pikeville, KY tim Akers elkhart, Ks Dominic Albi Boca raton, FL Marc Aldrich sioux Falls, sD Christopher Alex Hickory, nC Debra Alexander-Moody allen, tX tory Allan Orem, ut tony Allen roselle, IL Susan Allgood topeka, Ks Bryan Altshuller Ontario,Canada heather Ambler stanton, Ca Darrell Ames ewa Beach, HI Lawrence Anderson Woburn, ma eric Anderson arlington Heights, IL richard Andrejcak midlothian, Va Kevin Anthony Dearborn Heights, mI Julie Anzaldua sugarland, tX robert Arend Kanarraville, ut patricia Armstrong traverse City, mI Anne Armstrong Chelsea, mI roy Arnold tracy, Ca Murugan Arumugam Grand Island, nY robert Ashcraft Coshocton, OH huguette Atherton Haddon twp, nJ Lynn Atterbery ponca City, OK edward Aubin Bloomingdale, IL Joey Auler anderson, In Jon Austin minneapolis, mn B Linda Babin Denham springs, La John Babina norwalk, Ct Ferdinand Bachl Brooklyn, mI Walter Bacon LaVerne, Ca Dusty Bailes ronald, Wa Douglas Baker Hickory Corners, mI Douglas Baker Vancouver, Wa Clayton Ball rochester, nH Brian Barch Ludlou, ma Sheila Barger Las Vegas, nV G. Danny Barnett Borger, tX Salvatore Barranco roanoke, Va Joe Barron Chula Vista, Ca ronald Barry Winfield, IL Steve Baruloch Bakersfield, Ca richard Bastuba Bad axe, mI Stewart Bateshansky Coronado, Ca Anthony Beckerley Granville, OH Daniel Beer Bloomington, IL Gary Beito Honolulu, HI Michael Belk Lancaster, sC Benavides Family albuquerque, nm Charlie & Christi Benz Granite Bay, Ca todd Berhow Virginia Beach, Va David Bethard richmond, Ca hunter Blackmon Bronx, nY 1 8

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horace Blehr Victorville, Ca raymond Bois alexandria, Va otto Bonaventure Wenonah, nJ edna Bordelon Loranger, La Sharon Bostick Waco, tX Michael Boulier spring Lake, nC James Bowden Columbus, ms timothy Boyce West simsbury, Ct Kenneth Boyd toledo, OH robert Boyle, Jr. pleasanton, Ca Joanne Bramer Louisville, KY Gary Brandon san Lorenzo, Ca W.C. Brandon Centralia, tX James Braswell Jr. Gastonia, nC Anita Brice penfield, nY Skip & Joyce Britt milwaukee, WI Joan Brock Fayetteville, nC Clinton Brown Drexel, mO tom Brust Dellwood, mn Ian Bryant mount pleasant, mI Gary Buckingham Laurel, mD Ben Buikema Barrington, IL Bryan Bulkley evansville, In J. Andrews Bulluck Winnetka, IL Bruce Burgstahler sandy, ut Walter Burke n reading, ma Shawn Burkhart Crestline, OH Steven Burrows alpine, ut Carol Buschke Vancouver, Wa Louis Bushnell santa ana, Ca Charles Butcher simi Valley, Ca Jennifer Butticci Waipahu, HI C Jane Caffey Brentwood, Ca John Callahan plymouth, mn Sam & Marcia Callejas Fennville, mI John Campbell Jr. Wabash, In victoria Canario san Diego, Ca Lorenzo Capes, Sr. Cherry Valley, IL Neil Caplice monsey, nY Donald Capps Birmingham, aL Joseph Cardoza tulare, Ca Barbara Carhart mishawaka, In James Carley mahopac, nY thomas Carley Las Vegas, nV Louis Carrubba staten Island, nY Curtis Carter Ledgewood, nJ pamela Carter Fairview Heights, IL erin Carter roseville, Ca L. Frank Castor sault ste. marie, mI vincenzo Cefalu madison, WI Chris Cetti rescue, Ca Marie Chan san Francisco, Ca Bradley Chandler Griffith, In rebecca Chapman round Hill, Va Linda Cheechou Vacaville, Ca peichin Cheng Diamond Bar, Ca Soodong Choi Long Grove, IL

Abdul Cholil east Java, Indonesia Alex Chomat miami, FL rachel Choroski san Francisco, Ca Mo yin Chu Jamaica plain, ma Dean Church albany, Or Maudie Clark Idabel, OK Denise Clemens tomball, tX Walter & Carol Cleven Chelmsford, ma David Coburn Indianapolis, In richard Cochrane massapequa, nY William Coffee Vassar, Ks Steven Cohen Chicago, IL Steven Cohen Wallingford, Ct Chris Colclough Ontario Canada Melissa Collins alamo, Ga Joseph Collins utica, IL Matthew Collins II Crystal Lake, IL robert Colombo ridgewood, nJ Donald Colpitts Lynn, ma richard Condon swanton, OH Shannon Conklin n. Ft. myers, FL Dan Connolly santa Clara, Ca J. W. Connolly natick, ma William Conover Wake Forest, nC George Conroy Quebec, Canada Glenn Conyers III american Canyon, Ca Champ Cook Houston, tX richard Cook petersburg, KY William Corley milton, ma ed Corry Orange park, FL Larry Costa Buena park, Ca Michael Cox albuquerque, nm Susette Coyle Hoboken, nJ Krystal Crawford Hesperia, Ca William Creekmuir atlanta, Ga robert Cross thousand Oaks, Ca Billy Cross Bushland, tX J. Michael Crowe santa monica, Ca William Cylkowski mascoutah, IL Leo Czajkowski trumbull, Ct D rick Danning Wanwatosa, WI Donna Danyo allen park, mI phillip Davis sugar Hill, Ga Debbie Davis Kansasville, WI Gerald Day providence, ut Andrew DeAngelo Centreville, De Scott Decker Boulder, CO Daniel & Melanie DeFeo Kansas City, mO Shawn Dempsey Huntsville, ar David Denemark Keystone Hgts., FL ted Dettmer Chesterfield, mO terry Diedrich Orlando, FL Michael DiGiovanni san Clemente, Ca Floyd Dihel Lake Bulff, IL Marian DiLorenzo Fort Washington, mD Dave & Marci Dionne Bristol, Ct Suzanne Dolney stillwater, mn r e m e m b r a n c e

J. Santi Dramko Watauga, tX paula Driscoll Zeeland, mI Joan Droll Golden, CO Anthony Dudynski Bronx, nY Michael Dwyer Fairfax, Va e,F Jacob ebertz Woodbury, mn Betty eck Coos Bay, Or Andrew edwards Quartersite, aZ Jerome ehlers Glencoe, mn Marshall elizer Brentwood, tn Grace ellis Kansas City, mO victor encinas apache Junction, aZ Frank engelsbel Concord, Ca John english Grosse pointe, mI robert english papillion, ne thomas epperson spokane, Wa Justin Fahs st. Louis, mO Adele Farina Bronx, nY richard Fettens novi, mI Carl Field Choteau, mt James Figueroa Cambridge, ma Daniel Fillmore Waldorf, mD Nathan Finch portsmouth, rI JoAnne Fiscalini san Luis Obispo, Ca William Fishlinger manhasset, nY richard Fiske Honolulu, HI ed Fitzgerald naperville, IL Maureen Fitzpatrick san marcos, Ca Jacqueline Flagg suffield, Ct Karen Fleming Kailua, HI Lindsey Fleming Jr. naperville, IL William Fleming Jr. pindle, Ca Leslie Frank Colorado springs, CO edwin Free Indianapolis, In Lawrence Friedman stockton, Ca Gaylon Fruit tallahassee, FL Star Fuji tualatin, Or ed Fuller Laguna Hills, Ca edward Furman Lansdale, pa Jean Fushi Chicago, IL G Ann Gabhart Lathrup Village, mI Ken Gabrielse sheboygan, WI Candy Gann pittsburg, Ca thomas Ganousis O’Fallon, mO Ken Garabrandt Dennison, OH Lisa Gardner Cheyenne, WY Stephen Garrett Vancouver, Wa Michael Garrison Corona, Ca thomas Garry Grove City, pa Frank Gartland Baltimore, mD Chris Geackel montgomery, aL John Geiser state College, pa Louis George Dover, nH Dennis George plattsburgh, nY James Giarrusso Jr.Lawrence, ma Charles Gibb Jr. newark, De Charles & Carole Gillespie Fredericksburg, tX Stephen Gilman Warwick, rI Joseph Godfrey Brooksville, FL Larrie Goetz monsey, nY Sharon Goldberg hoffman suffern, nY Steven Goncalves avenel, nJ Michael Gorman Yonkers, nY Jeff Goza milwaukee, WI Merl Grabowski newbury, Vt r e m e m b r a n c e

Gary Graham Glacier, Wa David Graham Oklahoma City, OK Barry Gramm niceville, FL ron and Marquita Graves northbridge, ma Michael & Jennifer Graves Chaska, mn Fred Green Crowley, tX robert Greene Brighton, ma terry Greer monroe, Ga rodney Greer Inverness, FL John Griffith san Jose, Ca Lynn Grose Loma, CO ronald Gunnell sLC, ut robert Gutsche tomah, WI h,I Brad hagberg Fenton, mO Jeff hahn Boca raton, FL Frank halasz plantation, FL phillip hall Olympia, Wa Sydney hall West richland, Wa ronald hamm rowlett, tX richard hanawalt Ventura, Ca richard & pat hangach Livonia, mI Mark harmen Lubbock, tX Mark harrington Wernersville, pa richard harris spanish Fork, ut James hartsfield Jr. Indianapolis, In Bill haskins newbury park, Ca Kathy hass Germantown, mD Jeff hasselberger tucson, aZ Colleen hawes soddy Daisy, tn Bruce hayes rockford, IL Allen haynie pasadena, tX Gerard healey Highlands ranch, CO James heaslet Oceanside, Ca robert hedges Burnsville, mn eugene heins san Diego, Ca Frank henderson Charlotte, nC G. thomas henderson estacada, Or William hendrix Colonial Beach, Va James henegar LaVergne, tn Scott herman Honolulu, HI Charles & Mona hesler Dallas, tX Bill heus Kiel, WI John hill Woodland, Ca Andrew hill Helotes, tX Greg hindmon Cedartown, Ga James hoffmanColona, IL Jason hollifield spruce pine, nC Doyle holmes san Clemente, Ca howard holmes Jackson, mI Scott holmes mt. pleasant, mI robert and Susan holstrom marion, nY ronnie hooke south Houston, tX Judy horne pearland, tX edward houck Oxford, mI Winnie huang new York, nY Kenneth huggins Honolulu, HI John hughes mogadore, OH thomas hughes Batesville, In Betty hughes Wilkins mt. Olive, nC terry hui san Francisco, Ca victor huie Daly City, Ca Martin hungerman, Jr. pittsburgh, pa Jack hunter La Verne, Ca rodney hutchins morrisonville, nY richard huxford roselle park, nJ Kenneth hydock suffolk, Va

Luigi Iannucci Yorktown Hgts, nY ray Ingram Birmingham, aL J,K Charles Jackson Brentwood, Ca Daniel Jaicks n. Charleston, sC Lynn James san pedro, Ca vince Janicek meridian, ID robert Jaworski Greensboro, Ga Mark Jayne santa rosa, Ca Brian Jessup salt Lake City, ut MaryKay Jimenez pueblo, CO Joseph Jimenez Bayshore, nY Knut Johansen Halden, norway Katie Johnson Chattanooga, tn Craig Johnson Haure, mt William Johnson, Sr. Gloucester City, nJ Merle Johnston altadena, Ca edward Jolley Framingham, ma Steven Jones arvada, CO Kenneth & Christine Jones Clinton, ms Mark Jones romford essex, england Stephen Jones Canal Fulton, OH Kenneth Josephs Chicago, IL Byron Jowett Virginia Beach, Va Lou Jug auburn, Ca yoshinori Kajihara saijyou tyou, Japan Margaret Kaltmayer Granite City, IL Judithann Kashuba Houston, tX Katrina Keenhold anchorage, aK Dalton Keese Jr. Granbury, tX Jeff Kellogg Greenwood Village, CO Jerry Kelly reistertown, mD John Kennedy Bedford, ma Carrie Kennedy middletown, OH Stephen Kenny Oakton, Va Justine Kimbler Belleville, mI John Kind Honolulu, HI ray King Jackson, mI ted Kirsch el Cerrito, Ca Joji Kiuchi Kanagawa, Japan Michel Klabo Boca raton, FL Christopher Klave La mesa, Ca roger Klick West Linn, Or rebecca Klungreseter Huntington Beach, Ca Gary Knott arlington, tX valerie Koepnick monroe, Wa George & Judy Kole park ridge, nJ Alan Kopp sherman Oaks, Ca William Kopras Wintersville, OH Arthur Kowalski san Diego, Ca Joan Kozeniesky Cedar Grove, nJ harold Krabacher Waynesville, OH James Kraemer Cold spring, mn John Kreyenhagen media, pa Martin Kroll st. Charles, IL David Kruchek parker, CO John Kubenski Jamestown, nD L Dusty La Beaux san antonio, tX rick & Sandy Lamb plover, WI Arthur Lambert tucson, aZ ed Lang noblesville, In Jesus Darila Lara Freedom, Ca John Larochelle manchester, nH Keith Larson Bloomington, mn Joseph Lasagna texarkana, ar Annette Lauber Jasper, tX James Laucht Baltimore, mD s u m m e r

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Charles Lavery alamosa, CO Michele Lawson plantation, FL Scott Leavitt Hayward, Ca ronald Lee torrance, Ca Mark Lee elk Grove, Ca James Lehman, Jr. Johnstown, pa A. Arturo Leis ridgeland, ms robert and Joyce Leonetti tabernacle, nJ r. Letoile Coconut Creek, FL Michael Lewis Canyon, tX rod Lewis san antonio, tX William Lewis Fort Wayne, In Janis Ley sault ste. marie, mI Antonio Leyesa Baton rouge, La peter Liakos Franklin, ma Fred Liddell tigard, Or robert Light santa Barbara, Ca Dennis Linkens Queensbury, nY Curt Linker Ormond Beach, FL John & Stacy Lippert park City, ut Karen Little Canyon Lake, tX harold Lockwood new Laguna, nm vincent LoGiudice White plains, nY Jon Long san Francisco, Ca tim Lougheed Littleton, CO Aaron Love spokane, Wa elizabeth Lyda Fairport, nY M richard Macchia Foster, rI robert MacFarlane monroe, nY ralph Mahalak, Jr. monroe, mI William Malcom surf City, nC James Manalla metairie, La Carol Maniscalchi staten Island, nY Margaux Mann Bellaine, tX Larry Maples stanford, KY robert Marcus north egremont, ma Nicholas Marrano Farmingville, nY robert Marshall Bruni, tX Arthur Marsilia tewksbury, ma Gary Martin Buena park, Ca robert Martin Fernandina Beach, FL Nicholas Martino toms river, nJ timothy Mason Whites Creek, tn Stephen Matthews margam Village,u.K. Debra Mauldin naples, FL Donald Maxey Greenwood, In Charice Mayfield sandy, Or CM McCann Odessa, tX Danielle McClusky Grain Valley, mO Art McCorkle new Castle, In Keith McCown portland, Or Debra McDonald manchester, Ct Jacqueline McDougall edinburgh, scotland Barry McDowell Carlsbad, nm Kathryn McDuff arvada, CO Angel Mcelfresh toledo, OH robert McFarland aiea, HI victoria McGill royal Oak, mI Janean McLaughlin Lucas, tX David McLaws st. George, ut William McLoughlin ponte Vedra Beach, FL richard McMahon, Jr. river Forest, IL Scott Mcpherson sultan, Wa C. raul Medina alamo, tX patricia Medland Queensland, australia trudi Medrano Woodland Hills, Ca Charles Megowan Ventura, Ca 2 0

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James Mencias Los angeles, Ca ed Mendence san Jose, Ca Mario Menna tarpon springs, FL James Merica Fairfax, Va Susan Merrill Brighton, CO Michael Messner summit, nJ richard Michalek Kent, Wa Marvin Michelman Oradell, nJ patrick Mickel Kaneohe, HI Ann Mickel tampa, FL Kevin Mignone Woodsburgh, nY tim Miholich Chandler, aZ edward Miller philadelphia, pa randy Miller north richland Hills, tX Gail MillerWoburn, ma Shelley Miller provo, ut Gary & Kristi Miller Frontenac, Ks Mark Miller Canton, OH Debbie Mills monarville, nY robert Minshew reno, nV Guy Mitchell Violet, La pat Mitchell elgin, IL John Mitchell san Juan Capistrano, Ca William Moates, Sr. Fort smith, ar Michael Mofle san antonio, tX edward Molnar Jr,. Carver, mn Jerry Moore apO, ae ronald Moorman ames, Ia Leonard Moreau Lake nebagamon, WI Breton Morgan MD southside, WV Dean Morra auburn, Ca J. thomas Morrical aledo, IL John Morrison Kissimme, FL G.e. Morrissey Waterford, nY Craig & Marissa Morse Lake mary, FL roger Morton Colorado springs, CO Gary Moudfraus pacifica, Ca William Mundy Collierville, tn Fred Murphy taylorsville, ut William Myers Kokomo, In N,o Chiyoko Nakazawa Gardena, Ca thomas Neary newark, De Jeff Neeson ashdown, ar randy Nelson Draper, ut robert Newman massilon, OH thomas Newsome Henderson, nV Audrey Ney union, KY William Nicgorski Lexington, sC peter Nick prairie View, IL paul Nickerson stoneham, ma Merrill Nicoll allen, tX robert Noble nashville, tn Kara Noble Westfield, ma Allen Nolan tahleguah, OK Nicholas Nowicki Las Vegas, nV Michael oakes Livonia, mI Sue & terry o’Brien Dublin, OH Felicitas ocampo Fresno, Ca Nicholas oducado, Jr. Kapolei, HI Frederick okula Bristol, Ct evelyn olivari tewksbury, ma richard olive summit, nJ Mary oliver evansville, In rita oliveri Hasbrouch Heights, nJ Sylvia olsen Ontario, Ca Karen o’Mara Livonia, mI John o’Neal seminole, OK

Calvin oshiro Honolulu, HI John o’Sullivan Woodlands, tX Lawrence o’toole III melbourne, FL Chuck ousley Laguna niguel, Ca p Brandon pabloOakdale, mn Joseph paccioretti Jr. Quincy, ma terry pace Justin, tX Mike pacelli alta Loma, Ca richard pagoria tempe, aZ Joseph palazzone trenton, nJ Garrett palmer petaluma, Ca robert panazzolo Carteret, nJ tom pappas Dayton, mD philip parisi south Daytona, FL K. parker London, england George parker Grand rapids, mn perry parks DeWitt, mI Daryl parks Bolingbrook, IL John parmer Williamston, mI earl parris summerville, Ga Danny parsons mesa, aZ robert paton plano, tX William pavone, Jr. ronKonKoma, nY paul pawlak southlake, tX James pemberton Cheshire, u.K. John pence mount airy, mD Frederick pepple Wapakoneta, OH Myrna peterson Owatonna, mn Michael petrini malden, ma rosalyn pham Baltimore, mD Steve phillips Dallas Center, Ia Lawrence piekarsky Wayne, nJ Michael pilatos newport Beach, Ca Joyce pinkley alamo, tX Glenn pittluck Crystal Lake, IL Keith plavec peoria, IL William plikerd newark, OH Jeffery poff roanoke, Va Bob & ellen poleski Franklin, WI Charles pollack Byrn mawr, pa Brian & Danene poole Homer, nY Melvin post philomath, Or Joseph potter st. Helena, Ca Lance poulsen port Charlotte, FL tim power Cody, WY Christopher powers miami, FL Susan pratt peoria, aZ Diana pratt new alexandria, pa Irving presser Coral springs, FL ralph presutti Boca raton, FL peter prugo north Hills, Ca Leona pryor Overland park, Ks ralph purcell Bridgeton, mO William purcell Las Vegas, nV David purchiaroni troy, mI Joe & Bunny pynchon Boise, ID r richard ragan Klamath Falls, Or robert ramm Inver Grove Heights, mn Frank randall san Francisco, Ca edwin rankin marion, nC J. Scott raymond Logan, ut roger reedy saratoga, Ca Dennis rees Loveland, OH hilary reeves macon, Ga James reid pittsburgh, pa richard rhoads Hillsboro, OH r e m e m b r a n c e

Michael rice anaheim Hills, Ca David richards manchester, mI James richards stockbridge, Ga James and helen ries Keenesburg, CO Matthew roach Cedar rapids, Ia olivia robello Breitha Kalaupapa, HI Chuck roberts so. Charleston, WV Joseph robinson Honea path, sC robert robinson milford, Ct Melissa rocker Ft. Lauderdale, FL Amy rocker La Jolla, Ca Kristie romero Covina, Ca Conrad & Meredith rond Vallejo, Ca tom & Sharon rose Largo, FL James rose Indiapolis, In ed ross Dana point, Ca Garry roth sterling, CO Jennifer roy Geneva, IL tony rubalcava Hillsboro, Or Lee ruffin mililani, HI David ruffner Loris, sC Martin ruiz salem, Or James and ellen rush Grand Forks, nD Keith russell Greenfield, In evan russell Jr. West Chester, pa Susan rypien Ogden, ut S edean Saito Honolulu, HI Leonard Salcedo Laguna Hills, Ca David Sampson Vienna, Va paul Sanborn Havertown, pa Michael Sanders prescott Valley, aZ ray Sandla Honolulu, HI William Santora toms river, nD Nancy Sapp Las Vegas, nV edward Schaier Cantonment, FL paul Scheib new York, nY Mark Schmidt Cheswick, pa thomas Schott Lafayette, In Brice & Judith Schou thomas, OK Anthony Schramel Oakdale, mn Marilyn Schroder Onawa, Ia Carl Schultheis Jr. King of prussia, pa Donald Schupp Louisville, KY Grae Schuster Lincoln, ne richard Scott Wichita, Ks virginia Secrest east alton, IL Darwin Seni abendeen, Wa Amanda Serrano Hollister, Ca philip Sewell Ijamsville, mD Scott Seyler prescott, aZ edward Shank n. royalton, OH ron Sharp Littleton, CO James & Dorothy Shearn Hawthorne, nJ Charles Shepley Chesterfield, mO Betty Sherer Glendora, Ca takeo Shibui tokyo, Japan Carl Shimbo Canton, mI David Shipcott sacramento, Ca Michael Short Cardington, OH Joseph Silva, Jr. new Bedford, ma Mark Silverman Cortlandt manor, nY r.e. Simpson Leesburg, FL Marcella Simpson Huntington, Ct Gordon Sisk III Knoxville, tn Chris Smith Wilmette, IL Stan Smith Wrightwood, Ca Kevin & Clare Smith portland, tX r e m e m b r a n c e

Leslie Smith Liverpool, nY Lindnel Smith troy, mI robert Smith Orange park, FL David Smith south plainfield, nJ Barbara Smith san Diego, Ca James Smith steeleville, IL Glen & pam Smith Ventura, Ca robert Smith, Jr. Warren, nJ Jeffrey Snodgrass Grand Haven, mI Michael Snow rodeo, Ca David Socha santa Clarita, Ca e.t. Sonnleitner Oshkosh, WI Anthony Spotts Gardnerville, nV Mark Stallo southlake, tX Luanne Stanley phelan, Ca Noreen Steele Forestview, IL Mark Stegelman Cosper, WY Don Stevens Glendale, aZ James Stew santa Fe, nm Christine Steward Williamsville, nY rick Stimac Highlands ranch, CO randal Stone Greensboro, nC Michael Stratton Holton, In patrick Studer Beaumont, Ca Mauricio Suarez encino, Ca randy Sullivan Dundee, mI Marcus & orly Sultan Brooklyn, nY Michael Summers Derby, england Sam & Jeanette Sutherland Denver, CO Shane Switzer Las Vegas, nV Joseph Syler utica, mI t,U,v Michael tanguay menominee, mI Stephen tartamella anaheim, Ca John tate Fitchburg, ma Gamal tawfik Jonesboro, Ga robert taylor Fall river, ma Dorsie tennant Wellington, OH peter tennis albertson, nY Donald tensing st. Louis, mO Brian Brown teresa Brownnapa, Ca robert tetrick addison, IL Arthur thomas new Harmony, In Michael thomas austin, tX edward thomas Omaha, ne roger thompson Brunswick, Ga Mary thompson Warren, mI Sanford thompson Kapolei, HI Nathalie thomson Oklahoma City, OK Bryce thornberg Hurricane, ut russ tilsner rowlett, tX Michael & Joy tolentino Long Beach, Ca Jeffrey tom san Francisco, Ca Fred trello Coraopolis, pa oliver trowbridge pearl river, La takamatsu tsugumasa sapporo, Japan Mary tune the Woodlands, tX Samuel & Brenda turner silver spring, mD David turner Jonesboro, In Dimos tzavaris Lawrence, Ks henry Urban, Jr. redding, Ca Bonnie valdez Chino, Ca peter van houton Beaverton, Or Joanne vanaken Bath, nY Justin vance Honolulu, HI John vanderhooven Hidden Hills, Ca e. richard vanhook rochester, nY Bruce vapnitsky alpharetta, Ga

William vargo sandy, ut edward vega rialto, Ca Joseph verderosa sI, nY David & Melisa vetsch Huron, sD pasquale vitagliano Brightwaters, nY Stokiasa vitezslav prague, Czech republic vincent vlach riverside, Ca paul vleck Chandler, aZ ronald vogel southampton, nJ Gloria volle rocky river, OH Debbie Waddell Jacksonville, Or robert Wagner Harrison, mt W,y,Z Jeri Waite Chesterville, OH John Wajer Clinton twp, mI Grant Walker Grants pass, Or robert Walter e. Hanover, nJ Melvin Walters rocklin, Ca Derreck Walters Fairfield, Ca William Ward sebastian, FL Donna Wardarske minneapolis, mn helen Wardlow Kansas City, mO Douglas Watson parker, CO Linda Watts newport, tn Candis Webb Benton, ar Duncan Webb Boerne, tX rose Webb Denver, CO Jeff Wegehaupt milwaukee, WI Max Wei mason, OH Arthur Wells Chico, Ca Jeff & Debbie Werneke neosho, mO S. White County tipperary, Ireland Michael White West Bend, WI John White, DDS Beaumont, tX Shirley Whittemore tucson, aZ Scott Wiegman Ft. Wayne, In David Wight solvang, Ca p. Wilken algonquin, IL James Williams tewksbury, ma ed Williams arlington, tX David Williams Bridgewater, nJ Lawrence Willis easton, mD Sean Wilson Brooklyn, nY vera Wilson Crofton, KY Matthew Wilson Berwyn, IL Mark & Stacey Wilson Louisville, KY John Wirth Lake Forest, Ca richard Withrow Grand Jct, CO eugene Wong Windsor, Ct Calvin Wood Livermore, Ca Scott & Sharon Woodall acworth, Ga Denise Woodruff st. Louis, mO Charles Woods Garden Grove, Ca Darrel Woodworth anchorage, aK robert Wootten Kansas City, mO Martin Wormuth modesto, Ca Chris Wrench Christmas Valley, Or ralph Wright Willow, aK James Wright summer, Wa Donald Wu medford, nJ peter Wyckoff sunland, Ca Anthony yanik Brook park, OH Wilson ye Burbank, Ca tsushima yutaka tokyo, Japan Janet Zaleski Lower Burrell, pa Lori Zamyslicky Carson City, nV William Ziegler mt. top, pa emil & Keiko Zilka Jr. tarentum, pa s u m m e r

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1 Arizona Memorial place honolulu, hawaii 96818

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