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Page 172

WHEN DO YOU USE IT? Tailoring sometimes makes use of hair canvas on collars, lapels, roll lines, hems and even larger jobs like the entire jacket front, if the design requires extra support. To apply hair canvas, you can either padstitch (page 126) it to the garment fabric to keep its shape or follow machine-tailoring methods to apply it by machine. Hair canvas works for wide waistbands on skirts and trousers. It’s impossible to flatten seams in hair canvas, so the seam allowances need to be trimmed from hair canvas interfacing pieces before you apply it to the garment fabric.

Tips + Notes Layer hair canvas for extra stiffness.

HOW TO WORK WITH HAIR CANVAS Preshrink hair canvas by spraying it with water and pressing it dry.

SEWING SEAMS IN HAIR CANVAS To sew seams in hair canvas, use abutted seams (page 8) or lap the edges and zigzag, then trim off the extra seam allowances.

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