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La teta que cre贸 al hombre The tit who created man Oil on wood 50x60cm

Sirena mecรกnica cabreada Pissed mechanical siren Oil on wood 50x40cm

Aprendi贸 a volar sola Learned to fly alone Oil on wood 50x35cm

Peluche ying-yang Teddy ying-yang Oil on wood 40x30cm

DalĂ­ tomato Oil on wood 40x30cm

ยกSopla burro- perro! ยกBlowing donkey-dog! Oil on wood 40x30cm

Autorretrato con cicatriz Selfportrait with scar Watercolor 40x30cm

El dios de los cojones largos The god of long balls Oil on wood 55x40cm

La mรกquina del espacio Spacemachine Oil on wood 55x40cm

Hannuman de cachondeo Oil on wood 110x70cm

Perro muhaidin Muhaid in dog Oil on wood 60x45cm

Chapada camping Oil on wood 50x40cm

Leche negra Black milk

Oil on wood 40x30cm

Piensa en oro y caerรก

Think in gold and will fall Oil on wood 50x40cm



Oil on canvas 100X70cm

Sistema digestivo de la mano Hand d igestive system Oil on wood 90x60cm

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