Governor Christie Proposal to Support Drug Rehab in New Jersey

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Christie said that there were approximately 7,000 non-violent drug offenders currently housed in state prisons, and with this proposal, those inmates could be transferred to drug addiction rehabs, helping to relieve the overcrowding situation in state prisons. Christie first proposed the idea at his annual State of the State address in January. "I propose mandatory treatment for every non-violent offender with a drug abuse problem in New Jersey, not just a select few," Christie said at the time. "It will send a clear message to those who have fallen victim to the disease of drug abuse — we want to help you, not throw you away."

For drug rehab in New Jersey to work effectively, Christie is absolutely spot on with his proposal. Drug treatment as opposed to incarceration is a far better way to deal with the growing drug problem, and drug abuse rehab facilities are far better equipped to properly rehabilitate nonviolent drug offenders than state prisons currently are. The proposal still has a ways to go before gaining approval, however. The state House of Representatives and state Senate will no doubt wrangle over details included in the proposal, but here’s hoping that common sense prevails in state government for once. 12 Palms Recovery Center firmly believes that each addict deserves a chance at recovery, and stands together with drug rehab in New Jersey in its fight. For more information about the drug treatment offered at 12 Palms, please call 1(866) 331-6779, or visit us at

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