Using the 12-Step approach at an alcohol treatment facility

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Using the 12-Step approach at an alcohol treatment facility

12 Palms Recovery Center believes that the foundation for any quality treatment plan should revolve around the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, working in conjunction with other successful options.

For anyone who has ever experienced the devastation caused by the disease of alcoholism, they know all too well the damage it inflicts on their lives and the lives of their family and loved ones. Before the middle of the 20th century, alcohol treatment essentially consisted of taking a person who couldn’t control their drinking and locking them up in an institution, oftentimes an asylum.

When Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 by Bill W. and Dr. Bob, together they worked on a new and innovative way of a long-term recovery from alcohol abuse, and in 1939 introduced the 12 Steps in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. Soon after, some alcohol treatment centers started drastically changing alcohol treatment plans to incorporate the 12 Steps into their suite of treatment options. Today, there are a number of critics out there who claim that the AA model, and specifically the 12 Steps, is outdated and no longer effective. 12 Palms Recovery Center believes exactly the opposite.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida alcohol rehab that believes strongly in the 12 Steps of AA, in fact their entire recovery program revolves around the 12 Steps. With a full suite of treatment options that include a wide variety of the latest alcohol treatment modalities, 12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida rehabilitation center where 12 steps of action is the key to a successful long-term recovery. With a dedicated staff of counselors, therapists and house technicians who are all recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, 12 Palms Recovery Center offers a unique alcohol treatment plan that utilizes group counseling sessions, peer-to-peer groups, personal one-on-one therapy, treatment for dual diagnosis clients, attendance at daily AA meetings and intense study sessions that delve into the 12 Steps of recovery. With their education as well as their experiences in their own addiction and recovery, counselors and therapists can quickly gain the trust of their clients and work towards a personalized alcohol treatment plan for each client that gives them the best chance for success in long-term sobriety.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida rehabilitation center that encourages each client to be proactive with their recovery. Each client at 12 Palms actively starts working the 12 Steps into their daily lives from the moment they arrive, and are given opportunities throughout their stay to see how working the 12 Steps into their lives will have a long-lasting positive effect. Many other Florida alcohol rehab facilities may teach the 12 Steps, but clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center live them, right from day one.

Alcohol treatment may come in many different forms these days, but at 12 Palms Recovery Center, the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, in combination with other treatment modalities, is the treatment plan that will lead to quality long-term sobriety. For more information, please call 1(866) 331-6779, or visit us at

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