RPW Magazine: 59 Minutes

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Poke has no relation to Syndicate, he is a new man and will never wear a mask again ever He has nightmares to this day and Syndicate mask haunts him daily H A R D W O R K I S T H E M A I N K E Y T O S U C C E S S THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK HUMAN POKEDEX PAGE 3 PAGE 3




Poke made his debut in Regents Pro Wrestling on March 7th 2022 Week 1 of RPW In his debut he featured in the first ever match in a fatal four way against Staticblack, Crazywildboy and Gorevek He ended up winning and claimed the first ever title in RPW the RPW Toxic Championship

Poke spent the early days of his career focused in the tag team division as he teamed up with Gorevek and created 'The Alliance' This historic tag team would eventually go down in history as they won the RPW Tag Team Championships at Case in The Chamber on April 3rd 2022 They would go on to win their next 9 tag team matches and defend their titles 3 times before losing them at Beach Bash They were the longest reigning tag team champions with a streak of 63 days which was un heard of in the early days of RPW

In RPW Lives first ever show Poke once again became a first ever champion as he claimed the RPW Television Championship He would hold it for 14 days before losing it to Norm



Poke has appeared at a PPV a record 15 times, main eventing 4 times His first PPV appearance was Case in the Chamber where he had two matches The Alliance becoming Tag Champions and also main evented in the chamber match but lost to Killro Poke's most memorable PPV moment was finally winning the World Heavyweight Champion at RegentsRumble

Poke now holds joint most championships in RPW at 6 and has the most appearances at 85



Approaching RegentsRumble saw a debut of a new persona for Poke as he came out as 'Syndicate' The Man in the Mask Poke had built up this persona for days behind the scenes and everyone was excited as they saw a brand new attire, logo and persona walking down the ramp ready to enter the Rumble Everyone had high expectations for this new persona coming into the PPV as before this Poke had never held a major championship in RPW

Syndicate faced off against Lamin and Branden Bombs for the RPW World Heavyweight Championship and for the first time in his career Poke lifted the Major Championship in RPW Excitement, exhilaration, electrified a sell out PPV arena exploded to celebrate one of the biggest names in RPW finally achieve the boyhood dream

Sadly for Syndicate, it didn't last long In fact it broke a record of the shortest ever title reign when Vinu came running down the ramp and cashed in his MITB briefcase to challenge Syndicate for the title he had just won Syndicate lost the World Heavyweight Title after just 59 minutes


Series 1 Awards

To end off series 1 of RPW there was an awards ceremony held to celebrate all of the amazing and wonderful moments, superstars and stables of RPW during 2022 Awards ranged from things such as superstar of the year, attire of the year, stable of the year, moment of the year and more Poke, being a day one superstar and one of the biggest and brightest names in RPW during series 1, was nominated for multiple awards on the day. He walked away with 2, both linked to his time with the World Heavyweight Championship


RegentsRumble is a PLE to both cherish and abandon for Poke

He was walking into this show as a new man, quite literally, as he entered the stage behind the mask of a new persona, 'Syndicate.'

This new persona saw a change in the mood and mind of Poke as he went from being a beloved fan favourite to an enigmatic mystery for the Rumble. The new persona worked wonders as we finally saw Syndicate fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming RPW World Heabyweight Champion Things would take a turn for the worst however as he would achieve a record no one would want RPW's shortest Title Reign at just 59 minutes

The cash in from Vinu meant that Poke's boy hood dream, just became his life long nightmare


The second award poke would win would be the 'Rivalry of the Year' award All other nominees were two superstars who didn't get along during series 1, for Poke however, his biggest rival was the title itself Poke had a total of four title matches prior to RegentsRumble, no matter how many defeats he picked up he always managed to stay in the fight for the WHC and always told himself and others that he would some day accomplish his dream

After many tries and fails, countless ups and downs, he finally got his hands on the gold albeit for 59 minutes

An amazing rivalry spanning a total of 8 months saw him walk away with his second award of the night, and rightfully so as it was a magnificent moment in his career.

What does the future hold?

With Poke being drafted back to Woah Warzone he has parted ways with the WHC altogether as that championship is now a part of Toxic Thursdays Poke has made it clear he wants a push for the US title next as he has never lifted it in his career

I'm sure we will see Poke going after the Universal Title at some point as he has joint most titles in RPW history (6) and the most appearances of any superstar at 85. He is hard working, determined and committed to being the best he can be one thing we do know, is we wont see Poke in a mask any time soon or will we?

R P W M A G A Z I N E MAR 2023
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