RPW Weekly Recap Volume 1 Issue 5 (Week 57)

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250DAYSAND COUNTING RPWUNIVERSE #1 WRESTLING SHOW IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT MAGZ Vol 1 Issue 5 April 2023 Title reign continues • New Randomiser Champion • REVOLUTION IS HERE? • NEW HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP! 05 issue www youtube com/Regentskid

The New Foundation Are OVER!


Kay almost breaks his own record

The main event on Woah

Warzone saw GMK vs Kay Ivyson with the stipulation that whoever lost the match would not be able to be part of a stable again With GMK grabbing the contract to take over TNF in an almost record breaking time (1:10) it meant that Kay Ivyson was kicked out of his group of 'brothers' in front of the world

GMK and co would later reveal that they are rebranding the team to 'Revolution' with surprising members such as the current US champ Drew Payne

Kay is now all alone as he is unable to team up with his former 'brother' Coke. There is a rematch on Woah Warzone where the stipulation will be that the loser will move to Toxic Thursday and will be unable to team up EVER AGAIN Things could go from bad to worse for Kay, or GMK might be out of the group he made already

RPWUniverse Magazine | Issue 05
GMK Celebrating his win
I l l u s t r a t i o n b y B r e t t
“I never get the respect I deserve in RPW.. I am the MOST EXCITING and most resilient superstar in this company and will prove it by becoming champion...”
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Sebs Hurt won an 8 man battle royale making him next in line for charmanders world heavyweight title on toxic thursday


Cebu is now a two time Intercontinental Champion, his first reign lasted just 42 days with 1 title defence. Cebu has made the claim saying "I will become the greatest ever IC champion, this belt belongs to me and i will prove it to the world by breaking all records with this run... no one can touch me."

Cebu hasn't had a run longer than a month and a bit in RPW and is looking to change that this time around, TT has a number of massive names all with eyes on this championship so it is going to be a challenge for him to retain it time and time again

He seems confident in his ability and prowess in the ring. Cebu is one of the bigger names in RPW and has the fans on his side during this run so it will be exciting to see how long he can hold it for this time around

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"This is my championship and I will show the world that it belongs with me."
New IC Champ Cebu celebrating his win against Leo and The Bear, Toxic


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The Reaper talking on becoming the RPW Universal Champion after getting back to back pins against Jocko


The US title drama is continuing week after week on the blue brand as former WHC Poke inches closer and closer to his title match vs Drew Payne. They had a non title match monday and Poke suckered Drew to follow him out of the ring and then connected with a right hand flattening Payne to the floor.

Drew Payne ultimately got the win over Poke to add more drama to the upcoming title match between the two rivals.

It is obvious these two do not like each other and both believe they are the right man to hold the US title on Woah Warzone and time will tell when they have their title match who the right man for the job truly is.

These two have made this US title a major belt with their rivalry, two big names going head to head each week has the fans eagerly anticipating this title match to decide who ultimately is the better superstar for the blue brand!


RK the commentator actually managed to get a win without the aid of Axel in his corner. In a triple threat vs Butch Brickley and Dwayne Murphy RK continues on some good form on Woah Warzone with another win!

RK for a title?

Many are speculating that with some good form, could we potentially see our General Manager with a title around his waist?

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Oliver 'Freakin' Kingzz is a champion once again on Friday's! One Winged Kingzz took the Hardcore Championship off Deano after a 78 day reign in the main event of FNF this week, giving Kingzz his first title since August 2022.

With a lot of eyes on his as the new champion now, the likes of team captain Lamin, Deano, Chase Cruise, Krish and more all think they can be the ones to take down the once longest reigning World Champion.


Kingzz now has his third title in RPW, witht he other two reigns being World Heavywight Title runs, this now tacks on another World Championship to his collection. Although he went beltless since August of 2022, he still maintained one of the best win % in all of RPW and was a dominant force throughout his Toxic Thursday Tenure.

Kingzz was quoted saying "KINGZZ ERA IS BACK!!! I AM THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!"

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Oliver 'Freakin' Kingzz has become a world champion for the third time, and we have seen him have his custom belt with him before in RPW. Well this reign is no different as he unveils a brand new look RPW Hardcore World Championship!

The Hardcore front panel design has remained in this new belt in the middle of the big gold front plate, behind a circle of diamonds. This is the first time we are seeing the prototype belt as the real one will be unveiled on Friday Night Fury.

Fans are eager to see the second iteration of Kingzz custom belt, rumours are saying this could be the new design going forward for the Hardcore title, with the champions logo on the strap to promote them more and show that the belt is theirs.

RPWUNIVERSE| 07 April 2023


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LAMIN - FNF TEAM CAPTAIN Team Captain Lamin with a dominant triple threat victory.


Bloodied Bald Brian shows unlimited resiliency as he kicks out time and time again, and eventually gets the win! Brian showed IMMENSE levels of heart and determination to get a big win against The Pack, he even had a tumble near the end of the match and everyone thought he was done for.. only to go and get the pinfall for The Bald Brothers!



Blanco with his first ever RPW Championship p a g e . 1 0 | A p r i l 2 0 2 3 #1 Wrestling
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One of, if not THE hottest rivalries in RPW right now is the one between KingLeb and Roddy Hall. Talk about two people who genuinely DO NOT LIKE EACHOTHER! Leb went out of his way to injure Roddy just days before the TWoF PLE, forcing Roddy out of action and almost making him miss the PLE altogether Roddy came back sooner than expected, with stitches in his forehead and cheek where the ladder had hit him weeks prior

Roddy is back with full vengeance and wasn't going to let that attack go without retaliation. Roddy has made it clear the only way to get back at Leb in this rivalry is to take his coveted FNF Tag Team Titles... but to do that he needed a tag partner!

Grayson Grix Lee When Leb saw the man standing opposite FatDad in the ring, he simply stated "wow " Roddy went all out in finding a partner to dethrone the tag champs, and landed on none other than the big man from Alaska, Grayson. A dominant rookie who has barely even stepped foot into RPW now has a great opportunity at his first title alongside Roddy who is also without his first in RPW as of yet.

Taking those tag titles off Leb is the ultimate way of saying "i am better than you " It is the nail in the coffin and will show that Roddy is not to be messed with!

FatDad beat Grayson in the 1v1 they had on FNF which saw both Leb and Roddy ejected from the arena due to causing a commotion on the outside of the ring mid match.

We will see where this rivalry leads to next week on Friday.

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