Careers with STEM: Science 2020

Page 1




Personality quiz: Discover your dream job p12

Uni not for you? Find new career pathways p14

Accelerator scientist


TERM 1, 2020



amazing women in nuclear science p10


Shaping our future urself – and Build a bright future for yo career the world – with a science


nity we are faced with s part of a global commu ists and and the role of our scient , considerable challenges l shape wil t tha ons ring the soluti engineers is key to delive our future. iver t the next 10 years will del There are predictions tha nge what it’s cha l wil t tha gy olo hn s in tec significant advancement engineers to steer need our scientists and l wil we n; ma hu be like to ht direction. us thoughtfully in the rig improvements contribute to substantial to ue tin Science will con ve our precious and better ways to preser in health and prosperity people on our planet. environment for all the eer in STEM. e to be considering a car tim It is a truly amazing thand, it is ence science at work firs Until you see and experi eed, ndous capacity (and ind difficult to grasp its treme our world. responsibility) to improve nted ut some of ANSTO’s tale abo d rea Take a moment to ineering as a eng and e enc sci d o have use professionals, women wh ng rki in business eers: an engineer now wo springboard in their car lyses pollutants ana nmental scientist who development; an enviro o uses wh ist ent instrument sci in the atmosphere; and an lications. app ral ltu icu agr dical and nanotechnology for biome rking ng researchers who are wo Explore the profiles of you e ers div oss to solve problems acr passionately to use STEM disciplines and sectors. ineering and science, technology, eng Keep in mind that within es to stimulate wide range of sub-disciplin mathematics, there are a all the time. ing erg -disciplines are em your interest. And new sub only can we t tha n ies on the horizo There are career possibilit m. invent the imagine – perhaps you’ll the eavour, it is about seeing end ific ent sci any As in EM can ST in the questions. A career possibilities, and asking take you any where. or mystify t intrig ue you, excite you Think about the areas tha ure (and fut r make every day count, you you – then, dive in and ) is in your hands. perhaps that of our planet Penny Dobson, Deputy

Chair, ANSTO Board

what is

careers with stem?

Order copies online from $1.95


students he Careers with STEM magazines help year, we discover the careers of the future. Each STEM the of each deliver four magazines across eering and disciplines (Science, Technology, Engin rsecurity Cybe as such ns editio ial spec Maths), plus require will and Economics. While 75% of future jobs are uates grad ol scho STEM skills, just 16% of highthe of Many ralia. Aust in ees enrolling in STEM degr with skills STEM ine comb will ge emer careers that Computer other areas. We call it STEM + X. Like Maths + and ing Science + Education = tech learn STEM + X your find To ings. Design = smar ter build om EM.c ithST ersw Care and more, visit


TERM 4, 2019




re Softwa r enginee

Security engineer

Meet the team behind Google Photos



How to score a gig in gaming








It is a truly azing time to be consideram in g a career in STEM”





Flip the magazine over to read our special digital retail edition

What’s inside? e P6 Infographic: Where ar


the jobs in STEM? ive P8 Keeping science inclus t 15 P10 Up and atom! Mieee e women in nuclear sc nc P12 Quiz: Which science should I study? ! P14 Don’t forget VET s Non-uni STEM pathway P30 Study directory


STEM +wayXs to=combine Looking for ur science (STEM) with yo passion (X)? Start here! Science + … P16 Solving crime P18 Global Warming


P22 Food & Farming P26 Resources


There are already amazing women across all STEM industries who are just waiting to support you as you start your career in STEM.” Shakila Fernando, ANSTO Graduate

Get even more Careers with STEM online! CAREERSwithSTEM.COM

Find quizzes, news, STEM profiles and heaps more. Plus, you can sign up to receive Careers with STEM emails every week! Follow us on social! @careerswithstem @careers.with.stem


The world needs protecting. QUT Science


CRICOS No: 00213J



Where are the jobs in STEM? STEM graduates work across the economy in a wide variety of industries and occupations

there are about

13 million people in the australian workforce approximately

2.3 million are stem employees working in






121,300 60,400 53,300 25,300 24,200

21% 12% 13.5% 11.3% 6.3%

55% work as professionals 18% as managers

are university educated

have vocational education & training (vet) qualifications only

30,000 are employed as laboratory research scientists


the last 5 years has seen



16.5% growth in stem employment


growth in stem employment is



160% higher than non-stem employment




of all stem graduates are employed in the private sector









of stem graduates are business owners


designated stem occupations




2,800 new jobs in hydrogen export by 2030 National Hydrogen Strategy election promise $100 million Solar plants producing clean hydrogen for export

JOBS IN MARINE SCIENCE The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Annual Budget: $47 million Staff: 244 53 Research Scientists 58 Research Support 12 Postdoctoral Fellows

GrainCorp Employees: 6,500 employees Annual Revenue: $2.2 billion Popular Degrees: B.Eng | B.Sc Location: WA, QLD, NSW, VIC




New Jobs: 30,000 by 2030 Australian Space Agency: $47.7 million Space Infrastructure Fund: $19.5 million Space Discovery Centre: $6 million

Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Annual Budget: $1,292 million Total staff: 5,190 1,533 Research scientists 2,115 Research staff

JOBS IN SNOW Australian Antarctic Division Annual Budget: $252.9 million (2018-19) Total staff: 200 70 Research scientists 60 Other research staff


For sources and more info head to

Defence Science & Technology (DST) Budget: $408 million Employees: 2,300 Jobs throughout Australia Predominantly scientists, engineers, IT specialists & technicians.



e c n e i c s g n i p e e K inclusive S

cience has amazing storie s to tell; it explains everyt hing from the anatomy of ou r bodies to the chaos of the universe. Like histor y, it’s not per fect, and can skip over com genders and individuals munities, . Not many science textbo oks mention that hea lth pioneer Floren ce Nightingale was in lov e with a woman, or that Sa lly Rid e, the first American wo man in space and director of the Ca liforni a Space Institute, shared her life and work passions with her life pa rtner Tam O’Shaughness y. In everyt hing we do as humans, diversity of per spective is vital to help facilitate un derstanding – research has shown that diverse teams are more likely to ma ke scientific breakthroughs – and there’s a lot that we need to do to ensure equ ity of queer and sexua l minority represent ation in science. For exa mple Science Advances reported in 201 8 that sexua l minorities are less likely to persist in STEM fields aft er graduating – alt houg h mentorship and support from faculties can ma ke a difference. – He ather Catchpole

Bee cool can remember, From as early as he knew he wanted Faelan Mourmourakis animals to work with doing lan says it feels unreal to be ow a zoology researcher, Fae t firs I n whe 12 ut a kid. “I was abo what he dreamed about as doing be to t wan I , ‘yes t and I though learned the word ‘zoologist’, by ave beh and k thin how honeybees that,’” he says. Faelan studies isions based on the bees have to make dec re whe s ent conducting experim are capable of he’s found that honeybees different signals. As a result, much bigger, “I feel lucky to be par t of a really complex mental tasks. r research is only nce,” he says. “Even if you important puzzle that is scie ed – it’s still duc ounts of research being pro a speck in the massive am a very cool feeling.” science, as a transgender Despite Faelan’s passion for ays been smooth – he scientist his path has not alw transphobia during his experienced homophobia and ere were par ts where I undergraduate degree. “Th just drop out and leave,” considered whether I should t group of other LGBTQ he says. But having a suppor erence, and that’s what scientists made all the diff ocate for diversity in adv encourages him to be an saw there were other I n whe STEM today. “I know it helped me feel a lot less LGBTQ scientists in my field nger people, especially lonely. If I can do that for you great.” – Joanna Khan trans scientists, then that’s



Volunteer at animal shelters and on zoo logy research projects

Bachelor of Science (Zoology), Western Sydney University

Masters of Science (Zoology), Macquarie University


Working together

Increase visibility

to smash Here’s our top 5 list EM heteronormative ST stereoty pes!

Jo Lackenby wants to set the story straight about nuclear science


ts visibility 1. 500 Queer Scientis ca mpaig n 500queer y scholarsh ips 2. @STEMforEqua lit US M on Tw itter 3. Follow @LGBTSTE amazing 4. Be inspired by the with bacteria at iGEM team work ing , includi ng team Un iversity of Sydney dent Fa had leader and science stu ms for Marria ge Al i, fou nder of Musli _FB Equa lity EM Out! is an event 5. Queer Ca reers: ST alia and Out for from Engineers Austr EMout Australia Bachelor of Engineeri ng (Environmental Eng (Honours), Universityineering major) of Wollongong OPAL Regulatory an d Licensing Officer, AN ST


yths and misconceptions abo und when it comes to nuclear scie nce – but engineer Jo Lackenby wants to change that. Jo is the regulat ory and licensing officer at ANSTO’s (Austra lian Nuclear Science and Technology Org anisation) OPAL nuclear reactor, where she makes sure everyone is following the rule s. Nuclear science is the study of the par ticles with in an atom, and how they can be used in other are as of STEM. “We produce about 85% of Australia’s nuc lear medicine, which is use d for diagnosing illnesses and for treatment,” Jo explains. medicine techniques are use Nuclear d in about a third of medica l procedures, such as radiation in cancer treatme nt. Jo says she has been interes ted in nuclear science sinc e high school “maybe because it’s slightly mysteri ous and unknown”. And she wants to spark that curiosi in others. “My interest is in ty communicating nuclear scie nce to encourage a diverse workforce, who can then also go out and communicate. Stu dies show diversity in any organisation leads to better outcomes, and I think anybod y who wants to be in STEM should have access to it, irre spective of their backgroun d or identity.” – Joanna Kha n PhD in Geotechnica Engineering, Univers l ity of Wollongong

President of Wome in Nuclear Austr alnia

Science impacts almost everything we do, and scientists are working on the front line, solving real-world problems. Read about everyday science professionals whose work forms an important part of our daily lives on The Girls in STEM Toolkit (The GiST).

Consultant Engineer, Geo-Environmental Engineering 2019 Superstar of STEM, STA

From interesting articles, to events, activities and meet-ups, to a career quiz and examples of women doing great things in STEM, The GiST has something for those passionate about science, or just beginning to think about it.

Visit or check us out on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. © Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated.



m a e T A e h t Meet


O hing stereotypes – at ANST as sm d an – ing rk wo all e These 15 women ar



On diversity: “If we’re goin g to solve many of the world’s big science cha llenges, we need to bring together different per spectives to foster innovation. Better gender bala nce in STEM will ultimately lead to better solu tions.”

Job highlight: “Working with people who are not only bright but also driven and kee n to make an impact through science and engineering. Bei ng in a stimulating environ ment and helping our clients to find a solution to their problems.”

ATUN ZAWADZKI RADIOCHEMIST Words of wisdom: “There is so much to discover and to lear n in science. Don’t miss out ! You will be rewarded with an exciting career.”

HELEN MAYNARD-CASELY SENIOR INSTRUMENT SCIENTIST On diversity: “Science is about trying to solve problems. If you just try and solve with one type of person, then you are probably not going to get the best solution s. We need all types of people and approa ches.”

MARIANNE MORTON CHIEF INFORMATION AND DIGITAL OFFICER Job low-down: “I have a team of highly specialised people who ensure the infrastructure, applications and computing needs of ANSTO are met and maintained for the needs of the organisation today as well as continually planning for the needs of the organisation into the future.”

MADHURA MANOHAR ACCELERATOR SCIENTIST Job low-down: “I use a par ticle accelerator to assess samples for res earch areas such as air pollution, energy sto rage, zoology and many other disciplines imp acting health, the environment and innova tion.”


SHAKILA FERNANDO GRADUATE (CHEMIST & INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT) ent I feel when Job highlight: “The fulfillm the potential I know the work that I do has the way we to change lives and change globe.” the treat some cancers across

KATIE SIZELAND RESEARCH PROGRAM MANAGER, HUMAN HEALTH Job low-down: “I use ligh t one million times brighter than the Sun travellin g at close to the speed of light to look at the structure of collagen and explore medical materi als such as collagen scaffolds for tissue enginee ring and regeneration.”


PENNY DOBSON DEPUTY CHAIR AND NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ANSTO BOARD Words of wisdom: “Just do it! There are no magic answers for you ng women or men – you have to do the study and want to do it. You can make almost any career happen if you want it enough and are prepared to work enough .”

KRISTEN PATCHETT LEAD, STRATEGIC INTEGRATION nded by amazing Job highlight: “I am surrou ntist looking at people, whether it be a scie elopments, to dev g dru ing potential life-sav nuclear reactor or operators of Australia’s only smashing STEM the CEO who is committed roof.” diversity stats through the


Job low-down: “My day to day job involves looking at samples which can be tubes of mud, wood samples , prawns or even echidna quills. I look at these things to work out what they are ma de of using a cool instrument called an Itrax cor e scanner.”

HAYAT CHAMTIE SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER Job highlight: “I love bein g challenged with a good problem to solv e. The various projects that I’m invo lved with in my job keep me stimulated and allow me to learn something new eve ry day.”

CASSANDRA CASEY MMUNICATIONS GENERAL MANAGER CO MENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGE Words of wisdom: “The women I work with at ANSTO are smart, passion ate and focused on making a contribution towards a mo re sustainable world. Look for a role where you can add the greatest value, and then lean in and make every day count.”

ZHAOMING ZHANG PRINCIPAL RESEARCH SCIENTIST ea Words of wisdom: “Pursu in. ted career that you are interes why son rea There is absolutely no g and women cannot have a fulfillin M.” STE in successful career

VANESSA PETERSON SENIOR PRINCIPAL RESEARCH AND NEUTRON SCATTERING INSTRUMENT SCIENTIST Job low-down: “I perform research, often in the form of experimental measu rements, to understand the arrangeme nt and motion of atoms that make up things. This und erstanding helps direct ways to improve the function of things, and make them perform better or do something new and useful. One of the thin gs I study is lithium-ion batteries, with the aim of und erstanding how we can make them hold more charge and last longer.”


Gender Equ it at ANSTO y

A NSTO is on e of Austral ia’s bi ggest research or publ ic ga n isations. It has an award-w in n in g plan in place over the nex t fo u r years to increa se ge equ ity, w ith nder a goal of 50 :50 overal l representa tion by 2030 , and m in imu m 40 % females an d 40% males in leadersh ip roles th is ye ar.



e c n e i c s h c i h W ? y d u t s I d l u sho ich area to focus on? Love science but not sure wh your path Take our quiz to help choose



A. Working with people to ine improve health and medic in B. Travelling and working nts me natural environ C. Improving technology (e.g. super-fast jet planes ) D. In the open air (who needs an office !)




hoosing a science specia lisation can be super difficult. We’ve simplified your choice with our sci ence career quiz. Tell us a bit about yourself, and our career personality test wi ll give you a starting point for your fut ure career. But remember, where you sta rt might not be where you end up and tha t’s totally cool!

A. Working with patients. Medicine is cool but I’d prefer to stick with research B. Working alone in a lab, I want to be out in the world! C. Working on small-scale commercial projects, I want to look at big picture issues D. Working alone. Boring



A. Dynamic and creatively

B. Caring and empathetic


C. Logical and no-nonsense D. Curious and fun-loving



A. I’m good at it, but I’m not a massive fan B. I love maths! C. I can get by ok in maths but I don’t particularly enjoy it D. I never want to see a textbook again





B. Life C. Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

ke. Kaboom! A. Mentos in a bot tle of Co into my citizen B. Logging birds or insects science app gazing C. Backyard star and planet pe sco through my tele stals D. Collecting beautiful cry n) ope m the ing ash sm d (an

D. Planet Ear th



Check out our list of every single science career we can think of here:


A. Create a new type of foo B. Cure cancer C. Travel to Mars D. Combat climate change


results Mostly As Chemistry They say Chemistry is the link between all the sciences because it has such valuable transferable skills. You’ll learn about the nature of substances, how they behave, how they change or react to create new substances; whether that’s cosmetics, medicines, or nanoparticles!

Mostly Ds Mostly Bs

Mostly Cs



Earth & Environmental Science

Consider biology if you’re interested in all things living; from human bodies to bacteria! You could be working with animals as a zoologist, with the natural environment as an environmental scientist, or as an engineer improving medical technologies.

Before you jump to conclusions, this does not mean you’re destined to be a physicist. Whether you›re aspiring to be the next Einstein or not, studying physics gives you the toolkit to understanding and solving problems in a way that is useful to a whole range of careers.

Whether you want to understand the history of life on Earth, create sustainable new resources, or understand past and future climate change, there’s a bunch of great careers in geology, climate science and forestry to name a few. The best part? Your open air office.

Find out how we’re unlearning the world’s greatest challenges.



By utilising core drilling technology and innovative 3D mapping approaches, our researchers are examining the history and effects of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef.



Don’t forget VET!

Uni not for you? Consider these alternative pathways to STEM

ne. Fortunately, there are niversity isn’t for everyo study STEM that don’t heaps of opportunities to talking about vocational involve a degree. We’re T. – otherwise known as VE education and training with ion tat sul igned in con VET qualifications are des n tha n s-o nd ha d to be more industry and courses ten ng rni lea ce cti pra of u get a lot university degrees, so yo e. orc rkf wo the ng enteri the skills required before

– but you might find yo urself working as an en gineering technician or a CA D dra fter. If you like maths you can help start your career as a bookkeeper, accounta nt or auditor. Science bof fins can study laborator y technolo gy and if tech is your thi ng, there are IT courses in eve ryt hing from networking and software development to game design and digita l media. Whatever your career pla ns, a VET qualification cou ld be a va luable building blo ck in getting you where you want to go. It’s good to kn ow your options, so while you’re exploring courses don’t forget VET! – Ch loe Wa lker


Fast-track your career three to four years long, VET

are While bachelor degrees o years, little as six months to tw as e tak can s on ati fic quali can be u yo s an you do. That me depending on the course e what sur t no e u’r faster, or if yo qualified and work-ready iod. per r rte sho a er try it out ov you want to do, you can ons as build on your qualificati Plus, with VET you can or es, earn recognition of pri you go. And, in some cas on uni... #winning! learning if you do decide

u study within VET? What STEM areas can yost popular choice. You won’t

mo Engineering is by far the a degree eer – for that you need gin en d become a qualifie


STEM pathways in VET

1. Health

Study: Certificate III in Pathology Collection Job: Pathology assistants work for medical labs performing a range of tasks including extracting, collecting and labelling patient samples. Pay: $41K–$57K

3. Science

Study: Diploma of Labora tory Technology Job: Lab assistants help wit h operating and maintaining lab tools and equipment, data recording, preparing experim ents and more. Pay: $39K–$ 57K

4. Engineering

Study: Diploma of Electro nics and Communications Engineering Job: This course could lan d you a job as an engineering technician, and could also go towards an engineering degree if you want to further your stu dy and qualifications. Pay: $47K–$105k

5. Finance

Study: Certificate IV in Financial Services Job: Work as an accounts officer or bookkeeper, or use this as a stepping stone to other jobs or qualifications in the financial services sector. Pay: $26K–$56K*



2. Tech

of Cyber Securit y Study: Advanced Diploma als protect digital sion fes Job: Cybersecurity pro grams from attacks. systems, net works and pro Pay: $59K–$104K

HSC / Certificate III in IT

Microsoft Traineeship Program / Certificate IV in IT

IT support role, MOQdigital


Learning from experience E

liza Greenwood grew up tinkering with computers, but it wasn’t until late in high school that she realised she could turn her hobby into a career. Growing up, Eliza’s dad – who also works in IT – taught her how to use operating systems like Linux and Windows, and as a teenager, she would build Minecraft servers with her friends. Then, in Year 11, Eliza completed a Certificate III in IT as part of her HSC. The work experience she completed as part of the Certificate opened her eyes to career possibilities she hadn’t ever thought about before. “That’s when it clicked and I thought, I want a career in this,” she says. During work experience at a local IT company, Eliza did a range of tasks such as installing operating systems, troubleshooting and general maintenance. “It was basic IT stuff, but it was interesting.”

On-the-job training Towards the end of the HSC Eliza started thinking about studying the Certificate IV in IT to build on what she had already learned. Then she found out about the Microsoft Traineeship Program, which pairs aspiring IT professionals with Microsoft partner businesses for on-the-job training while earning a Certificate IV. “I didn’t think I’d actually get it, but you never know if you don’t try,” says Eliza. The program is highly competitive, with 4000 applicants competing for just over 80 traineeships at 40 companies. Eliza went through a series of interviews before

ending with an in-person interview with her host employer, MOQdigital. She made the cut and started working with MOQ’s Managed Services team on the support desk in February last year while spending one day a week studying at TAFE. As an outgoing person, the thing Eliza loves most about her job is the customer contact. “Not only do you get to solve problems, but you also get to build a relationship with the customers,” she says. “It’s not just about fixing their computers.” In between taking helpdesk calls, Eliza has also completed 12 extra certifications through Microsoft and CISCO – another perk of the job. Once her traineeship is complete she is thinking about going back to full-time study to complete a Diploma or Advanced Diploma and specialising in networking. One thing is for sure – taking a chance has paid off. “I’m glad I took the opportunity. There’s a lot of learning in work experience.” – Chloe Walker

eliza greenwood it support role, moqdigital

not only do you get to solve problems, but you also get to build a relationship with the customers.” 15

To get there:

Not every STEM career needs to start with a degree – Eliza Greenwood got her first qualification while she was still in high school









s r e p p o t s e m Cri t sic science is really all abou en for in er re ca a at wh er ov Disc

I and Bones feature elevision shows like CS do it all, but Dr Kari super-scientists who can . to find in the rea l world Pitts says they are hard , nts gunshot residue, pai Kari’s knowledge in glass, nerals makes her one of mi d arson accelerants, soils an ensic scientists in the WA the most experienced for dence lab – but she Match your ChemCentre physical evi e. typ reo ste electives od wo lly Ho t still falls short of tha re Biology • Chemistry we ws sho lar pu po e Kari says som Physics • Forensic Science • ms of techniques, relatively accurate in ter d Mathematical Methods an es am efr with tim but took artistic license • Computer Science to d Dr Kari Pitts, loves solving use “I . me cri the crimes IRL , not on the TV what results reveal about l of paint and tel ple sam a e tak ld cou y joke the anded,” she says. As a Senior Chemist an that the person was left-h d Mineralogist, Kari’s job sti ll delivers real world the variety she loves. “M ost Forensic science in the che of the time, y, tor ora lab mical it’s taking the evidence, nt analysing it using Kari works in a governme s rie ust ind in a large number of scient employed ific instruments, but forensic scientists are sics, drug detection, en for l an ita d then reporting those res dig y, log ico including tox ults and n. tio interpreting them,” she s, and accident investiga say food and pharmaceutical s. n’t in chemistr y, but did She is sometimes called At school, Kari excelled on to explain tive work. This led her her results and their me eti rep o int ked loc be to an ing want to the jur y or at y str judge in crimina l tria ls. and forensic chemi Ka to a degree in analy tical ri an d her fellow chemists also get out of stern Australia. the lab a couple of Curtin University in We o als t bu y, chemistr times a year for training “I liked the theory and the with the police y and the nit mu com bom the p b squad or arson branch. hel to using the theory And, as a senior analyst, Kari travel s. s justice system,” she say to international 13 years ago, conferences and meeting Kari joined ChemCentre s as we ll. in forensic science. Kari recommends that asp after a Masters and PhD irin g forensic y scientists learn the base took the opportunit sci Severa l years later, she en ce firs – t– nce ide whether that be chemistr l and mineral ev y, to expand her skills to soi bio log y, ph r ysics ste Ma or computer science. “Fo ntoring and a rensics is the this involved internal me icing on the top – it’s no Geology. t the stuff you’re of Philosophy in Applied going to be doing day-to -day,” she says. – Nadine Cranenburgh

r of Sci Cur tin University, Bachelo r of Forensic Science: Deakin University, Bachelo iDeakin icSc rens ney, Bachelor Syd logy hno University of Tec e: enc Sci ic of Forens

science+solving BS crime JO K–$ 85K


mphil (applied geology), curtin university MSC and PHD (Forensic Science), UWA

science+solving crime study ence:

Chemist: $50 Toxicologist: $39K–$102K 80K Forensic engineer: $63K–$ K–$133K $59 : lyst ana y urit Information sec *Salaries according to paysca


Bachelor of SCIENCE (HONS) Forensic and AnalyticalChemistry, Curtin University


Senior Chemist and Mineralogist, Forensic Science Laboratory, ChemCentre



Solving mysteries People in crime shows ca the time of death, bu n just look at a body and tell t in real life it’s not so easy... sity of PhD candidate at the Univer amara Garrett-Rickman, a ompose dec ies dies how human bod Technology Sydney (UTS) stu to it. re mo re’s honomy – so she gets the – a field called forensic tap some just are e enc al and insect interfer “Temperature, weather, anim . of the factors,” says Samara outside in an donor bodies are placed hum , ate stig In order to inve ch centre and in the grounds of the resear the natural environment with how DNA letonisation. Samara studies allowed to break down to ske e tim of death. ing methods for telling the changes over time, improv tralia usand missing persons in Aus There are currently 2500 tho s in ugh hro akt bre human remains – so – along with 500 unidentified with ains rem tch ma go a long way to help forensic taphonomy could work. ilies closure. It’s important fam give missing persons and


Samara initially started stu dying medicine but was dra wn to the puzzle-solving nature of fore nsics. She transferred to a Bac helor of Forensic Biology (Honours) at UTS before starting her PhD . “Forensics is cool. When I found out you can develop fingerprints off paper that has been in a swi mming pool and still get iden tification information, my mind was blown,” Samara says. – Che rese Sonkkila Bachelor of Health Science, The University of Auckland

Bachelor of Science (flexible major), UTS

Bachelor of Forensic Biology in Biomedical Science (Honours), UTS

To get there:

Samara Garrett-Rickma is doing a PhD in forensic n biology

PhD in Forensic Taphonomy, UTS

Study science or maths at Australia’s #1 young uni Choose UTS for practical and research inspired learning, working on real projects in modern, state of the art labs. Visit to learn more about your UTS Science degree options.

17 UTS CRICOS 00099F










e g n a h c r o f g Workin ted ly the biggest issue limate change is undoub that many young of our time, and it’s one ut solving. Climate people are passionate abo from temperatures resulting change refers the rising sed cau y gel lar s emission increasing green house gas erg y. en for oil d an l h as coa by burning fossil fuels suc er getting hotter and weath Essentially, the world is . re extreme as a result patterns are becoming mo are the opportunities so t The problem is big, bu EM careers are among the to ma ke a difference. ST are alia, which means there fastest-growing in Austr nt me ern gov big ryone from plenty of ways to help eve ir the uce red ns anisatio departments to small org se their sustainability. rea inc d an int tpr carbon foo ing a data scientist and This might involve becom ing in clean energ y, or advising ban ks on invest rking ral scientist, actively wo working as an agricu ltu t use tha ds ble farming metho to create more sustaina l. nutrients in soi less water and increase


dr amy prendergast palaeoclimate scientis t how our climate change compares to what happened in the past,” she says. Amy studied a breadt h of subjects at school, inc luding histor y, which she says gave her the most fle xibilit y to study science at university and find her passion. “It’s a good idea to keep your high school studie s quite broad. When I went into uni, I didn’t rea lise I was going to become a scientist and I wouldn’t have been able to do that un les s I kept my study options open,” she says. – Alana Schetzer

solutions Ancient climate, modern may do in the fut ure,

ge To see what climate chan As to the past for answers. ks loo ast erg Dr Amy Prend ty rsi ive Un the at rks wo who a pa laeoclimate scientist, te ma at what the Earth ’s cli of Melbourne, Amy looks llions) of years ago. mi was like thousands (even or occur over millennium “Climate fluctuation can nd sta der un to rs, so you need tens of thousands of yea

Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne

Bachelor of Science (Honours), University of Melbourne

PhD, University of Cambridge

mckenzie fellow, university of melbourne

protest are taking to the streets to le op pe g un yo of r be m nu too? An increasing global warming as a career, ht fig t no hy W n. tio ac ate for clim



ience / Bachelor ey: Bachelor of Sc University of Sydn ulture) ric (Ag s die Advanced Stu ure ult ric r of Science Melbourne: Bachelo of ty rsi Unive elbEnviroSci iM /Un ience) (Environmental Sc of Coastal and r elo ch wcastle: Ba The University of Ne ari .ly/UONM neSci Marine Science: bit ce y: Bachelor of Scien rsity of Technolog ive Un d lan ns ci ee oS vir Qu ience) (Environmental Sc

l Warming science+GloObBaS J -$ 83K Agronomist: $38K tist: $39K-$77K Environmental scien 3K-$ 97K Marine Biologist: $3 4K-$101K Meteorologist: $3


Match your electives

> Mathematics > Environmental Science or Earth Science > Agricultural Practices/Science > Plant Production Systems


STEM careers to fight global warming

Want to save the world? Check out our top 5 planet-saving careers

#2 #1

Job : Agricultural scientist, agritech entrepreneur, gen eticist Agriculture is one of the wor ld’s biggest greenhouse gas em itters, but with a growing global pop ulation – and many people goin g hungry – the need to come up with innovative solution s to imp rove sustainability and efficiency in farming is super urgent. The world of farming offers STEM car eer opportunities in everyth ing from genetics to plant biology and cutting-edge agritech.

ther Read the wea

tist Jobs : Meteorologist or climate scien ut witho ge We can’t fight climate chan understanding how climate and weather science systems work, so meteorology or climate change te clima a for e choic r caree would be a fab is one of the gy orolo Mete of au Bure alia’s Austr activist. Graduate a s country’s top STEM employers, and offer rgraduate unde an Meteorologist Program, for peeps with maths. or ics phys in or postgraduate degree majoring


Feed the wo rld


Look into the past

Job: Palaeoclimatologist, palaeo-environmental scientist Climate change is impacting us now, but looking into the distant past could be a solution. Palaeoclimatologists like Amy Prendergast look at climate over time to help predict the effects of climate change in the future.

Invent the solution!

Job : Tech entrepreneur tech evolves at breakneck It’s the entrepreneur era : as vate and disrupt with cool pace, opportunities to inno Solving climate change will e. new ideas are everywher rt, passionate people. require smart ideas from sma eurial route? Stick with Keen on taking the entrepren r passion and find mentors! computer science, follow you



Green power guru

Job: Renewable energy engineer The development and use of alternative energy sources to fossil fuels will be so important to combat dangerous climate change and decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions. Unis like the Australian National University and UNSW Sydney offer engineering degrees majoring in renewable energy or specifically photovoltaics and solar energy. – Gemma Chilton



s r e w s n a e h t s Algae ha QUT PhD candidate Mardi McNeil studies a type of algae that can reveal insights into the past, present and future of the reef


hen Mardi McNeil decided to embark on a career change, she was sure about one thing: “I wanted a job that was interesting and fun, and I didn’t want to be stuck behind a desk all day!” A passionate scuba diver, Mardi’s dream job involved lots of fieldwork out at sea, so studying a Bachelor of Applied Science with a major in environmental science was the perfect fit. Afterwards she “wasn’t ready to finish studying”, so she enrolled in an Honours year, followed by a PhD. Mardi’s research is on a particular type of green macroalgae, Halimeda. She’s part of a team at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) carrying out the first ever assessment of how Halimeda affects the marine ecosystem in the Great Barrier Reef. There’s been heaps of research into how coral reefs affect the flow of carbon and nutrients like nitrogen in the ocean, but Mardi says, “that’s only part of the story”. There’s still a lot that can be learnt from algae.

WHAT THE WATER TELLS US Mardi says that to model the modern reef environment, we need to understand how carbon and nutrients are stored and released and how algae contributes to this complex cycle. The algae not only illuminates the present and future, but also the ‘geological past’. So, what does algae and living organisms, have to do with geology? “On the outside,

science helps you understand how the world works and teaches critical thinking”

Mardi’s office is pretty spectacular


To get there:


skeleton but it has a hard n, ee gr d an y sh is Halimeda is fle d this skeleton (a mineral), an at ne to Th . es ns lim ai pl of e ex mad cord,” Mardi re il ss like fo – e st th t the pa preser ved in access info abou n ca s er ch ar means rese vels. tures and pH le ocean tempera

A is UNDER THE SEt challenges of studying Halimedad

es an One of the bigg of 30 metres – found at depths y! lly sk ca ri o pi to ty s is it’ that mples a diving for sa ub sc e y el ng at ra a un e rt us unfo e team at Mardi and th s This means th om autonomou fr , es pl llect sam to ) es on dr g in of devices to co k swimm in (th es cl hi ve underwater ed vehicles. s at QUT and remotely operat e last eight year th t en its sp s ha Mardi also fully adm e to study. She ac pl t ne ea yo gr er a ev s says it’ e. “I think towards scienc derstand to being biased e helps you un nc ie sc e us ca be l thinking,” should study it teaches critica d an ks or w ld how the wor ssa Fedunik she says. – Lari

Business owner in wholesale trade

Bachelor of Applied Science (environmental science /geoscience), QUT

Summer Research Internship (Marine Science), QUT & university of sydney PhD (Marine Geoscience), QUT

Bachelor of Science (Honours), QUT



Healing our reefs Professor Bill Leggat is on a mission to understand – and reverse – damage to coral reefs


Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology), James Cook University Lecturer, James Cook University

PhD (Marine Biology), James Cook University

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Queensland

To get there:

ill Leggat spent many happy childhood trips visiting Coffs Harbour on the NSW mid-north coast, snorkelling and marvelling at the marine animals. “It made me fall in love with our oceans, which was what inspired me to study marine biology,” says Bill, who’s now an Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle. During his uni studies, Bill decided to gain extra skills to really stand out in his huge cohort, so he began to explore biochemistry and molecular biology. This meant examining how marine systems work, from the tiniest cells to the whole ecosystem. “It’s about linking those systems,” says Bill. He studied giant clams and coral during his Honours year and PhD and now he’s leading research into the impacts of global warming on reefs. Recently, Bill and a team of Aussie researchers found that marine heatwaves pose a much greater threat to corals than previously thought. As well as coral bleaching, the heatwaves cause bioerosion of coral skeletons, which results in mass coral mortality. “It’s a huge challenge to see the ecosystems that I love become more and more degraded,” he says. Bill’s major goal for his team’s research is to heal our reefs. “We want to help make decisions to allow corals to overcome anthropogenic [human-caused] stresses and see how we can restore impacted sites.” – Larissa Fedunik

Associate Professor, Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle

Associate Professor, James Cook University










e t i b h t i w s r e e r Ca

ngry for STEM grads hu is try us ind e Th u? en m on the career Science + food and farming volving consumer d to eat, but with ever-e like food security eople have always neede s and modern challenges ent pm elo dev h tec w ne but static. Here, behaviour, ustry has been anything ind ng mi far d an d foo to face, the practices on traditional and modern production h Tec Ag of t pac im the we look at and research. ion, production, farming careers in hea lth, nutrit



art farm Old Macdonald had a smnnel-wearing

fla Forget the tractor-driving rs are harvesting me far stereotype – next-gen ble tech! Than ks to data and rocking weara systems creating satellite geo-positioning rs to engage in quality opportunities for farme ral gigs are no longer control off-site, agricu ltu olve a host of new – and on ly land-bound and inv ents. exciting – tech developm ckers, animals with fitness tra What’s new? Monitoring re data, sha d an re sto soilmapp to using apps like CSIRO’s ic om gen ng usi nd –a d feeding automated milking – an e ssi Au th Wi ps! cro of e etic cod tools to eva luate the gen a’s 93 percent of Australi growers producing almost ses ply, anything that increa daily domestic food sup productivit y is key. Solid smarts in app and What skills are needed? ), data Ar tificia l Intelligence (AI software development, ! science and engineering

Company watch!

Natural Evolution Fo


Th is Aussie compa ny is the first in the wo rld to com mercially pro duce flour from green bananas usi ng cuttin g-edge tech. Packed with natural-resista nt sta rch, the gluten and sugar-free flour can improve gut hea lth and lower cho lesterol. The compa ny sou rce s the bananas from local, reg ional suppliers who can gai n income from excess product. Wi n, win!


Match your electives


> Biology > Food Science & Technology > Agricultural Practices/Science > Plant Production Systems

cs+FOOD&FARMING STUDY Bachelor of Food Sci

ence and Human Nutrit ion, University of Newcast le Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Agriculture), University of Sydney Bachelor of Applied Sci ence (Agriculture and Business), University of Tasmania

cs+FOOD&FARMING JOBS Agronomist: $49K– $84K Dietitian or Nutritionist: $43K– $78K Farm Manager: $45K–A $86K Food technologist: $49K– $93K* *Source: salaries accord ing to

Food security = job security

One of the biggest bal challenges facing the glo ry ust food and farming ind aining is food security – maint and water d foo to adequate access change, changing world te ma cli t ins when up aga s. wt h and finite resource markets, popu lation gro sing rea inc an y pla to ed on And with Australia positi d we’ll ate innovation, it’s estim role in driving industry and. dem et me ds each year to need 2000 agricu lture gra in weed and drought What’s new? Innovation decline and sustainable suppression, pollinator gies practical adaptation strate development, along with the e -grown meat – to ensur – like GM crops and lab . threatened communities viability of resources in nds Engineers with backgrou What skills are needed? e have becom in hea lth and agricu lture in developing er aft ght increasingly sou ief teams. nations and disaster-rel

Karthik Gopi PhD researcher, ANSTO

Food science 2.0

Healt hy eating used to me an stocking up on fresh fruit and veg but thanks to inn ovation in food processin g, supermarkets are now pac ked with packaged produ cts boasting equally powerfu l hea lth benefits. Food scientists are ma ximisin g nutritional intake, uppin ga products shelf life and me eting increasing deman d for better-for-you foods. An d with Australia ran ked sixth in the global food securi ty index for excellence in food knowledge, global consum ers are eating it up. What’s new? Ser vicing customer-led dietar y requirements with clean , green and ground-brea king food innovation! Compan ies like The Might y Socie ty are blowing up the plantbased dairy market with their ground-brea king ‘mylk’ product made from split peas. What skills are needed? Strong science smarts – think: microbiolog y, bio chemistr y and chemistr y– along with an advanced understanding of maths and nutrition.

od Teccahreers Humacens sbehinod STfEMF’s o food and farming Meet the fa

have been growing n the past few years there y, and now the source  concerns over food securit nt too. Consumers are and origin of food is importa it d is coming from, whether interested in where their foo ed par pre and nt me e environ has been produced in a saf are investing in ries ust ind l era Sev y. sustainabl ins of their produce. orig the technologies to help prove


Bachelor environmental management, UNSW

Bachelor seafood traceability (Hons), ANSTO (with UNSW and Macquarie University)


“I’m currently doing a PhD on seafood traceability, look ing at determining both the sou rce and origin of seafood distributed around Austral ia. With the help of indust ry par tners, I visit different site s around NSW collecting sam ples, before preparing them for analysis – cleaning, drying and grinding them – in a lab. Ana lyses gives us lots of data to play with and then it’s up to us to decipher what it all means !” PhD in seafood traceability, ANSTO (with UNSW, Macquarie University, the national measurement institute and industry partners)









Jennie Brand-Miller Professor of human nu tr University of Sydneyition,

Max Corral CSIRO Molecular biologist,


y research looks at novel and greener technologies to tackle agricultural issues regarding pests – like insects – and diseases – such as fungi that attack crops! I mostly work in the lab, but do a little bit of bioinformatics for data analysis. At the moment I’m growing fungi in plates and treating them with specific molecules to see if it decreases growth. “Eventually I’d love to contribute to a technology that farmers could use that would be both safe to the environment and beneficial to organisms.” – Cassie Steel and biochemistry, Bachelor of biologyof Orleans University logy PhD in molecular bio nt pla chemistry, University Masters in bio d an ity ia of Western Austr al biochemistry, Univers of Otago

of nutrition! We studies under the umbrella do lots of different types of feed people we ere do acute studies wh [The Charles Perkins Centre] hormone and lin insu ine their blood glucose, different foods and determ volunteers ise dom ran we ere rvention studies wh responses. Along with inte GI versus conventional. to one of two diets – like, 00 people who had three-year study in over 2,3 “Recently we completed a e at preventing type 2 diet was the most effectiv prediabetes to see which about them… yet !” amazing, but I can’t tell you diabetes. The results were


Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Food Science and Technology, UNSW PhD, UNSW

Professor of human nutrition, University of Sydney and Charles Perkins Centre

e c n ie c s d o o f in b o j a How to cook up Food (careers) pyramid Serves 1 Study ingredients: Chemistry Biology Biochemistry Nutrition science Maths Engineering

A list of job titles to search for a healthy, balanced food and farming career.

food security

Biosecurity officer Sustainable food analyst Food processing engineer Food scientist Food engineer

And the method? As a start, look into courses like these: 1. Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Agriculture), The University of Sydney 2. Bachelor of Food Technology (Honours), The University of Queensland

Food technologist Food microbiologist Food product developer Food engineer • Packaging technologist Sensory scientist • Nutritionist


3. Bachelor of Agriculture, University of New England

Biomaterials production manager Energy farmer

4. VET courses – animal tech, dairy production, horticulture, irrigation, seafood processing, viticulture and so many more!


Geoengineer • Insect farmer Water resource scientist • Soil scientist Data scientist • Agricultural engineer Crop scientist • Genetisist





katie tooley yst, DST human sciences anal “I loved reading the literatu re and looking for gaps in the science and designing pro jects around that.” Katie followed up her degree with Honours and a PhD in physiology, then took on sev eral research jobs before landing her current gig at DST 10 years ago. She says while mo st health science research is around treating illnesses, wor king in Defence has offered a uni que opportunity to focus on preventative health and imp roving the health of ‘well’ people. Her research has shown som e early positive signs of usin g probiotics to enhance cog nition – a big plus for sold iers on the bat tlefield – but she warns that doesn’t mean taking a probiotic will help you do bet ter in your nex t exam. In fac t, she says some off-the-shelf pro biotics could even do harm. Thankfully, research like Kat ie’s is adding to the pool of knowledge that could not only benefit our defence forc e, but eventually be used in mainst ream health – just like the many other defence innovations, like GPS and drones, that have found civilian applications. – Gemma Chilton


degree at the University of During her Health Science ch. re was a lot more to resear Adelaide, Katie realised the loved and ls pita hos in g jects workin She took up a couple of pro ch do a lot by working in resear it. “I quickly realised you can and in a lab,” she says.

i love looking nce for gaps in the scie and designing projects around that”

Bachelor of Health Science (HONS), University of Adelaide

your going on right now, inside id you know there’s a war , out it of bacteria are fighting gut ? Well kind of – armies gut stines. It’s called your trying to colonise your inte lth ject of a lot of emerging hea sub the microbiome, and it’s ). one an hum own army (the science – including for our of this scientists at the forefront the of one is Katie Tooley gut the how g dyin stu ’s earch. She relatively young field of res cesses pro ve niti cog ce uen infl can microbiome is linked to and for Defence Science and ks wor She ry. mo me as such ent par is t of Australia’s Departm Technology (DST), which ntme ern second largest gov of Defence and is Australia’s . ion sat funded science organi w she wanted to work in Katie says she always kne to take. but wasn’t sure what path something health-related, row nar y ver a d “ha she s she say Coming out of high school, ”. like ed lab look idea of what working in a ck in a n and the idea of being stu rso -pe ple peo a te qui “I’m .” me to cultures didn’t appeal lab with test tubes and cell

PhD, Physiology, University of Adelaide

Research Officer, Women’s and Children’s Health Research Institute

Katie Tooley is researching how good bacteria in the gu t can improve cognition for ou r defence force

Research Fellow, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia

Defending the good guys

Human Sciences Analyst, DST


To get there: 25









Acing our s t e s s a ) l a r u (nat Images of open-cut mines or trucks laden with sand may not make you think of science and technology but Australia operates some of the safest, most efficient and environmentally focused mines in the world a and a major big industry in Australi he resources sector is a companies science skills. Australian employer of people with as many of the l and aluminium as well mine resources like coa bot h economically resources — those that are world ’s ‘new and critical’ technology. d and important for fut ure important, difficult to fin of everyday items rt pa and lithium, are nts me ele th ear e rar e Some, lik ducts better. For ers can ma ke existing pro oth ile wh s car d an es like phon are more powerfu l de with newer materials ma es bin tur ne pla le, examp ent and our climate. is better for the environm ich wh nt, icie eff l fue d an cu lar innovators s sector have been specta Scientists in the resource s that have improved ny world-first technologie for decades, creating ma : ted a lot of money. Think productivit y and genera


• Wearable technology th at detects driver fatigue (biggest ca use of accidents) • Autonomous vehicles (Rio Tinto currently has 70 autonomous trucks, trains and drills operating in the Pilbara region of Western Australia)


• Bacteria to extract minerals and fix contaminated sites



• Earth-observation sate llites to detect underground resources stom-shaped drilling • 3D metal printing of cu e and cost parts reducing tim

SCIENCE +RESOUR CES JOB Geologis t: $40K– $ S 119K Environ mental s cientist: $ 51K– $ 9 Chemist: 5K $ 36K– $ 8 2K *Source: salaries to paysca according

• Digital and X-ray technology to analyse ores during processing

Curtin Un iversity – B Metallurg achelor of Scienc e y) UBSciExtM (Extractive Griffith U niversity et – Environ mental S cience LDEnvSci Murdoch Universit y – Bachelor (Mineral of Scienc Science) e BSciMin


gical Bachelor of Metallur iversity Engineering, Curtin Un

Want to know where a science career could take you? Find out

gist, Gr aduate Metallur Newmont Goldcorp

As the resources sector evolves with new technology — such as employing robots instead of humans in dangerous areas — new jobs will emerge. Artificial Intelligence (AI), IT security, satellite, sensor, software and data science skills are already in demand. Jenny Do, graduate metallurgist with Newmont Goldcorp, recommends students consider the resources industry because it is creating vast wealth and thousands of jobs for Australia. “It’s an essential industry for the future, without mining there’s no technology,” she says. “Australia’s mining industry is one of the most forward-thinking and environmentally robust. As developing countries expand and upgrade their infrastructure, they will require huge amounts of mined minerals,” Jenny continues. To unlock the potential from Australia’s resources, science graduates from all sorts of fields will be required. They will be working with mining and exploration companies, consultancy firms, government agencies and other businesses (like IT, laboratory testing or research and development). “Science really opens the doors for career opportunities and there is more demand for graduates in the resource sector right now,” Jenny says. “I use and see science every day; from chemistry, physics, geology and metallurgy to environmental and psychology,” she says.

Opportunity calls

Dr Suzanne Burling, a senior hydrometallurgist with ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) found that mining offered her an interesting change to academic research in organometallic chemistry (the study of compounds and reactions involving metal-carbon bonds). “Mining was a work opportunity that came along as a result of my transferable chemistry skills,” she says. “BHP saw my potential and gave me on-the-job training in metallurgy which ultimately led to my career change and becoming a hydrometallurgist.” Suzanne now manages a team at ANSTO conducting applied research using computers and laboratory tests to advise clients on how best to process mined rocks to extract the valuable metals inside, like lithium, a major component of batteries. “The mining and resources industry has such a breadth of careers, from operations on site through to high-end technology development, there’s a place for anyone with an interest in STEM,” says Suzanne. – Claire Harris

the mining and resources industry has such a breadth of careers”



RESOURCES: refers to mining , oil and gas development, mining ser vice s and the people and communities around them including those working in trades and professions wit h businesses, governments and research organisation s.

Bachelor of Science, University of Sydney

dr suzanne bu senior hydrometallu rling rgist, ansto

PhD Organometallic Chemistry, University of Sydney

Postdoctoral Researcher, UK

Senior Chemist, BHP

jenny Do t, graduate metallurgis rp co ld Go Newmont

Senior Hydrometallurgist, ANSTO

Resources rising


G: speaks to the companies and operations focused on exploration and extraction of resources including metals, oils and precious stones.










gold hunt

Bachelor of Science (Geology/Earth Science) (Honours), The University of Western Australia


Elissa Edward Exploration Geologist

Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Curtin University

ation geologist with lissa Edward is an explor stern Australia. She Sandfire Resources in We ld (sometimes she camps drills for rocks in the fie th data in the office to out) and experiments wi might be resources understand where there a reckons creativit y adds underground. And Elissa d. gol d an per cop for nting lot of va lue to her job hu damenta l scientific fun are re the gh ou “A lth so much variety in the is re processes to follow, the l, which I find exciting!” way we reach our end goa le combing through drill ho she says. “I’m currently den hid te ica t might ind data to target oddities tha create my own projects can I t tha e minerals. I lov and follow my creativit y.” her on, five days off and on Elissa works nine days , ing be outdoors: bushwalk days off she will usually th wi She also catches up snorkelling, bike riding. and “veg out” on the couch, to e friends and takes tim she loves to travel.

Field Assistant, Sandfire Resources

Exploration Geologist, Sandfire Resources

Searching for copper and gold takes more than just luck… geochemistry and creativity are needed too!

re? What did it take to get he str y were Elissa’s


mi At school, science and che s chemistr y because it ha ed lov “I ts. jec sub favourite y wa . Learning about the str uct ure and cer tainty und d controls the world aro an chemistr y constr ucts ng.” azi am s I ever knew, wa us, in more aspects than in n tio uta rep gained a Elissa was such a fan, she ay ryd eve in y str ut chemi her family for talking abo p. soa in ave beh s ain bon ch life, for example, how car

“Then in Year 10, I met the wonderf ul Suzy Urbaniak (now at CoRE Learning Foundation), and my geo log y journey began,” she say s. For students thinking abo ut a resources career, Eli ssa says there are “a ridicu lou s amount” of opportunit ies awaiting them. “We always need ent hu siastic people, and someon e with passion and willin gness to learn and listen will always be at the top of the wanted list!” she says. – Claire Harris

There is so much variety in the way we reach our end goal, which I find exciting!”


2020 NSW Training Awards Be Recognised

Be recognised for your passion and skills in your vocational education and training journey and APPLY TODAY! NSW award categories include: • Apprentice of the Year • Trainee of the Year • School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year • Vocational Student of the Year • VET in Schools Student of the Year • VET Trainer/Teacher of the Year • Industry Collaboration Award • Small Training Provider of the Year • Large Training Provider of the Year • Medium Employer of the Year • Large Employer of the Year Visit, phone 1800 306 999 or follow us for updates! @nswtrainingawards If you are from another state or territory visit the Australian Training Awards for a list of eligible award categories at

NSW Ambassadors: Jemasin Joyce, 2019 National Runner-Up and NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year and Samuel Heffernan, 2019 NSW Trainee of the Year






Page 18

Page 22

Charles Sturt University >> Environmental Science

CQ University Australia >> Agriculture

Flinders University >> Science (Environmental Science)

Charles Sturt University >> Conservation Biology

QUT >> Science (Environmental Science)

>> Plant Science

RMIT >> Environmental Science University of Adelaide >> Science (Energy Geoscience) University of Newcastle >> Coastal and Marine Science >> E nvironmental Science and Management (Marine Science)

SCIENCE+SOLVING CRIME Page 16 CQ University >> Accident Forensics Deakin University >> Forensic Science Flinders University >> Science (Forensic and Analytical Science) Griffith University >> Forensic Science

UNSW >> S cience (Physics)/ Engineering (Renewable Energy Engineering) University of Sydney >> Science (Environmental Studies) University of Wollongong >> Science (Environment) UTS >> Science (Honours) (Environmental Science) Western Sydney University >> Science (Environmental Science)

Edith Cowan University >> Sustainability La Trobe University >> Agricultural Science Macquarie University >> Environment Monash University >> Science Advanced – Global Challenges (Hons) Murdoch University >> Science (Crop and Pasture Science) QUT >> Science (Biological Sciences) University of South Australia >> Sustainable Environments (Hons) University of Sydney >> Science & Advanced Studies (Agriculture) >> Science (Plant Production) >> Science (Soil Science and Hydrology) University of Melbourne >> Environmental Science University of Newcastle >> Science (Plant Biology)

QUT >> Science (Chemistry)

UNSW >> Environmental Management

Swinburne University of Technology >> Health Science (Psychology and Forensic Science)

University of Tasmania >> Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies >> Applied Science (Environmental Science)

UTS >> Forensic Science >> Medical Science

UTS >> Biotechnology >> Environmental Biology

Western Sydney University >> Science (Forensic Science)

Western Sydney University >> Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security


University of Canberra >> Applied Science (Forensic Studies)

Did you know on ly EM 32% of Austra lia’s STni? workforce went to u ative n See page 14 for a lter s STEM ca reer path


u ld ta ke you? co ee gr de r ou y e er h Wonderi ng w ap on page 7 m er re ca M E T S r ou Check out SCIENCE+RESOURCES Page 26 ANU >> S cience (Resource and Environmental Management) Curtin University >> Science (Mining) Deakin University >> E nvironmental Science (Environmental Management and Sustainability) Edith Cowan University >> Sustainability Federation University >> Science (Mineral Processing) Macquarie >> Science (Environmental Management) Murdoch University >> Science (Mineral Science) QUT >> Science (Earth Science) University of Adelaide >> Science (Mineral Geoscience) University of Newcastle >> Science (Sustainable Resource Management) University of New England >> Sustainability University of Sydney >> Science (Geology and Geophysics)

University of Queensland Agribusiness >> Graduate Cer tificate in ia University of South Austral ironmental Science >> Graduate Diploma in Env ensland University of Southern Que ronomy) Ast and s ysic (Ph e enc >> Sci

Produced and published by: Refraction Media Co-founder, CEO & Publisher: Karen Taylor-Brown Co-founder, CEO & Head of Content: Heather Catchpole

Deputy Editor: Pippa Duffy

UTS >> Science (Analytics)

Editorial Assistants: Larissa Fedunik and Cherese Sonkkila


Flinders University >> Nanotechnology

Cover image: Lauren Trompp

University of the Sunshine Coast >> Environmental Management

WA School of Mines >> Exploration Geophysics

Cur tin University logy >> Food Science and Techno

This issue went to press on 16 January 2020. Printed in Australia by BlueStar Web.

Managing Editor: Gemma Chilton

UNSW Sydney >> Environmental Management

sity Australian National Univer tion nica mu Com e enc >> Sci

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

University of Southern Queensland >> Science (Environment and Sustainability)

University of Western Australia >> Science (Natural Resource Management)

Graduate dipl

Careers with STEM: Science 2020 is a publication and trademark of Refraction Media. Copyright Š 2020 Refraction Media, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. If you would like to reproduce anything from this magazine, email: info@

Digital Editor: Cassie Steel Art Director: Katherine Power

Issue editorial advisors: Bridget Murphy, ANSTO, Joanne Lackenby, ANSTO, Katie Sizeland, ANSTO, Lisa Harvey-Smith, Women in STEM Ambassador, Suzanne Urbaniak, Kent Street Senior High School, Vanda Northwood, University of Sydney Writers: Alana Schetzer, Brendan Fitzpatrick, Cassie Steel, Cherese Sonkkila, Chloe Walker, Claire Harris, Eliza Brockwell, Gemma Chilton, Heather Catchpole, Jo Khan, Larissa Fedunik, Matthew Brace, Nadine Cranenburgh


University of Sydney es >> Brain and Mind Scienc University of Tasmania rine and Antarctic >> Graduate Diploma of Ma Science tralia University of Western Aus tion nica mu Com e >> Scienc

Flip for STEM: Ca reers witheta il Dig ita l R 31

EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Email: or +612 9188 5459 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 38, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Sydney, Australia ISSN 2209-1076

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