Careers with STEM: Quantum

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TERM 3, 2022



Meet real-life role models


Quantum engineer

Discover your Quantum + X dream job p4

How to kickstart your quantum career today



WORK WITH CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY From space exploration to improving medical diagnosis and treatments, quantum science could change technology as we know it. At Sydney Quantum Academy, you'll become part of a vibrant and welcoming student community at the forefront of the fast-growing quantum tech industry. Our partner universities — UNSW Sydney, Macquarie University, the University of Sydney and UTS — offer access to world-class facilities and expertise, and a wide range of quantum units and courses. Our programs and scholarships provide critical industry experience and networking opportunities to ensure you’re positioned for an exciting career.

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Our Partners


classical information What happens when you take principles of quantum technology and apply the weird of finding out – and help mechanics? You can be a part know it in the process! revolutionise technology as we

peter tuturmner Academy

CEO, Sydney Quan


Meet our cover star Irene Fernández de Fuentes (pictured on the cover) studied physics at uni and went on to become one of the first PhD students to join the Sydney Quantum Academy on a Supplementary Scholarship. She’s now doing her PhD at UNSW Sydney, researching a novel design for quantum bits! Read her full story at

the most of the state's po sition as a quantum technology powerhouse, the NSW Government announced support for the establishment of the Sydney Quantum Acad emy (SQA) in 2019. The SQA is a partnership between four worldleading universities – Ma cquarie University, UNSW Sydney, Universi ty of Sydney and University of Technolog y Sydney. Our aim is to grow Australia’s quan tum economy. This will mean more high-qua lity careers for people with the right passion, sk ills and qualifications. If you dream of a quantum career but the path isn’t clear to you after rea ding these pages, reach out to us at SQA and we ’ll help you discover your quantum career potentia l! Peter Turner CEO, Sydney Quantum Ac



FOREWORD MSc and PhD (Physics), University of Toronto


ion All those diverse applicat u don’t need to be Yo t. en tal of need diversity ian to join the quantum a physicist or mathematic grows, so will the career workforce. As this field ur passion, chances are options – so whatever yo with quantum. you can find an overlap forefront of Australia has been at the earch since the quantum technology res home to one of the beginning and Sydney is quantum science and highest concentrations of world. Keen to make technology experts in the

Bachelor of Science (Physics and Maths), Dalhousie University

As this field grows, so will the career options – so whatever your passion, chances are you can find an overlap with quantum”

nt We need diverse tales mean we

Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo

Director, Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Bristol

uate, quantum hen I was an undergrad the fringes of computing was truly on people had heard research – back then, few ormation science. When of the term quantum inf was almost impossible I finished my studies, it antum stuff outside to imagine working on qu c university career. Less of a traditional academi s have really changed. than 20 years later, thing quantum are as broad The job opportunities in ions of the technology – as the potential applicat communications and, from sensors through to th on the hardware of course, computing, bo ally anywhere (but not and software sides. Basic ation technology is used every where!) that inform tential quantum today, there could be po ities are enormous; applications. The possibil the current community so much so that it is not generation of scientists, of experts, but the next urs – your generation – engineers and entreprene future of the field. that will really shape the

CEO, Sydney Quantum Academy

t x e n e h t n i Q e Putting th n o i t u l o v e r n informatio



= X + m u t n Qua ! b o j m a e r d r you ible by computers and ss po de ma rld wo a e, Ag al We live in the Digit rald a new ‘Quantum Age’, he to t se k loo we w, No . gy ss information technolo rtunities! – are almost limitle po op r ree ca d an – ns tio ca and the potential appli all. We’re the world of the very sm ss rne ha s gie olo hn tec scale of uantum physics that occurs at the the on sed ba s gie olo hn ysics, but talking tec d lasers use quantum ph an et ern int the rs, ute atoms. Comp created a stack of new recent discoveries have tum tech not to its full potential – rapidly. The rise of quan ng wi gro are ies nit rtu possibilities and oppo tury. Some wn of computing last cen da the to red pa com en has be invented. and many more are being y ead alr re he are s gie through technolo your passion to the world ng bri to ys wa ss dle en There are Kellett re are just a few! – Sarah quantum technologies. He



Quantum Tech + Computers =

Quantum computing


Your passion: creating cutting-edge computers Careers and earning potential: • Technical project mana ger ($115k to $130k) • Scientist, quantum ($9 0k to $120k) • Software team leader ($1 20k to $160k) The lowdown: Compute r companies around the world are looking to quan tum for the next big leap. You’ll work in a team to create new software and hardware solutions that make the future possible . Employers: Diraq, IBM, Microsoft, Google Quan tum AI, Silicon Quantum Co mputing, Max Kelsen, AW S.



Quantum Tech + Business =


ing technology and Your passion: develop rld taking it into the real wo potential: Careers and earning • Founder of a startup ) ($100 to $100M or more! nt manager me lop ve de • Commercial ($90k to $130k) t officer • Innovation hub projec ($100k to $125k) help a startup The lowdown: You can quantum device company develop a new self and start your – or invent a device your mers, improve your own. You’ll talk to custo a global company. products and could create ovation hub that Or you can work in an inn The sky is the limit! supports tech startups. own business, join Employers: Create your antum Brilliance a startup like Q-CTRL, Qu innovation hub like or Archer, or work in an The Quantum Terminal.

5 cool quantum appl ications

#3 Quantum Tech + Health =

Medtech innovator

Your passion: improvin g health and wellbeing Careers and earning potential: • Project manager – quan tum devices ($100k to $120k) • Product designer ($100 k to $140k) • Medical device assessor ($85k to $100k) The lowdown: Keep up with new advances and share ideas about how they can improve people’s he alth. In the future, quantum sensors could detect diseases earlier – your work is to bring those technologies to doctors and hospitals. Employers: Governme nt (Health) or med-tech startup


Here are some more examp where quantum technology les of fields could have, a major impact: has had, or

1 Ultra-secure communications

The main application of qu tum physics in the communications secan tor protection and ultra-secure is for data processing and transmissioninformation . Hello, cyber security of tomorrow!

2 Next-gen chemis

try Quantum computers could he or simulate complex natural lp to model a huge advantage in developphenomena – and medical treatments. ing new drugs 3 Sensitive sensor

By applying quantum physics,s vastly improve how we measu we could and interact with the world arore, detect (and beyond!) – think next-ge und us smarter autonomous vehicle n GPS, s and superpowerful telescopes.

4 tackling climat

Quantum could play a role ine change climate change solutions, inc developing luding delivering more efficient energ next-generation batteries for y storage or the future, with little or no ca the vehicles of rbon footprint.

Quantum Tech + Security =

Cyber expert

5 AI 2.0

What do you get when you mbine superpowerful quantum computico ng with the exciting emerging fie algorithms learning and artificial intelligeld of machine our best and brightest resea nce (AI)? Well, rchers are busy figuring it out – and maybe you will join them one day!

Your passion: keeping Australia safe Careers and earning potential: • Software developer ($9 0k to $130k) • Researcher, quantum cry ptography ($90k to $120k) • Senior consultant, quan tum ($120k to $160k) The lowdown: Work wi th banks and defence to develop ultra-secure quantum key distributio n networks that can spot hackers wh o would otherwise go undetected . You could also help develop strate gies supporting quantum technology ad option. You’ll stay ahead of the trends and collaborate to use techn ology to keep Australia safe. Employers: Quintessen ceLabs, Government (Defence), CSIRO.





reers in quantum Meet three people with cool ca

#1 Quantum coder Marika Kieferova is developing programs for quantum computers that don’t yet exist attended a lot s a high school student, Marika er science camps. of physics, maths and comput ,” she says. “While “I loved the camp community students, I decided to I wasn’t one of the brightest still keep up if I worked study physics, hoping I could hard enough.” rika has shown that Fast-forward to today and Ma Having completed she can more than keep up. rsity, she is now her PhD at Macquarie Unive scientist who a leading quantum computing with per forming combines lecturing students University of cutting-edge research at the e Quantum AI. ogl Go Technolog y Sydney and g on fun projects rkin wo “What matters to me is at we know about the that push the boundary of wh ntum computing,” power and limitations of qua on quantum algorithms says Marika, who is focusing understand how we in her current work. “I try to ntum computers would program and apply qua once we have them.” for her group, Currently recruiting students ntum researcher qua g din Marika’s advice to any bud possible: “Mathematics is to learn as much maths as computing and there is is the language of quantum always more to learn.”




What matters to me is working on projects that push th e bo un dary of what we know about quantu m computing”

r of science Bachelor and maste University, Slovakia s niu me Co ), ics ys (Ph low, Postdoctoral felgy Sydney olo University of Techn

ity of Waterloo PhD (Physics), Univers ity & Macquarie Univers Lecturer, Universityy of Technology Sydne


Quantum Consultant, Zapata Computing Research Scientist, Google Quantum AI


#2 Qubit creator

Maja Cassidy is building the (qu)bits to power next-gen quantum computers ’t tackle certain complex f even a supercomputer can puter could – in theory. calculations, a quantum com most advanced quantum The problem is that even the now suffer errors that computers in the world right ic units of quantum scramble their output. The bas are a bit flaky. data they use, called qubits, demy expert and Maja – a Sydney Quantum Aca for Microsoft Quantum principal research manager remedy: making better in Sydney – is working on a ineering qubits and qubits. She leads a team eng onics and sof tware. integrating qubits with electr ething, then plan it, “The process to imagine som y rewarding,” she says. build it and see it work is ver ’s Bachelor of Maja enrolled in UNSW Sydney ering), because it Engineering (Electrical Engine s a ‘platform’ degree involved lots of maths and wa careers. But she soon for a wide range of potential – and quantum devices developed a love for physics nours research project. in par ticular – during her Ho ping imaging Maja did take on a PhD develo , but she couldn’t resist sensors for cancer detection the beauty and depth the pull of quantum: “I missed she says. of understanding it offers,”


The process to imagine something, then plan it, build it and see it work is very rewarding” ering Bachelor of EngineUN SW sydney ), ng eri ine Eng (Electrical founding advisor, Iridia

& PhD Master of science s), (Applied Physic Harvard University Research Fellow, y University of Sydne

, Postdoctoral Fellow Technology Delft University of Manager, Principal Research Microsoft Quantum

#3 Error corrector Juan Pablo Bonilla Ataides shows that following your passion for physics from an early age can set you on an exciting career journey on a project at the t age 15, Pablo was working he published his first University of Sydney. At 21, breaking. scientific paper. It was ground with code that had For the paper, Pablo fiddled in quantum computing. been used to correct errors chers, he tweaked the Working with university resear snuff out errors. It has code, doubling its ability to the world. since been used widely around California-based by Pablo has been snapped up he is working on startup PsiQuantum. There, a quantum computer quantum error correction for hnologies. that will run on light-based tec whatever comes next: And he’s looking for ward to h this will take me but “I’m not sure down which pat up!” – Ben Skuse I'm excited to see where I end



I’m not sure do which path this will wn take me but I’m excite d to see where I end up !” summer Research Scholar, UNSW sydney

Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Physics and Maths), University of Sydney


Intern Quantum Architect, PsiQuantum


Get quantum career inspo in your feeds on the daily @sydneyquantum Sydney Quantum Academy mainly features quantum experts on its IG grid, so follow them for mentors and career role models.

science and technology? tum an qu in r ree ca a t ou ab ed Inspir ur way d information to get you on yo an s rce ou res re mo me so are Here

Macquarie University • Bachelor of Science (Physics major) UNSW Sydney •B achelor of Engineering (Honours) (Quantum Engineering) •B achelor of Advanced Science (Honours) (Advanced Physics major) •B achelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/ Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Advanced Physics major) University of Sydney • Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science (Physics) • Bachelor of Science (Physics major) •B achelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Physics major)

Score a scholarship If you’re studying at one of SQA’s partner universities you can apply for an SQA Undergraduate Research Scholarship and do a six-week project supervised by a leading quantum researcher.

Postgraduate courses •M aster of Science in Quantum Technology, Australian National University •M aster of Research, Macquarie University •M aster of Quantum Technologies, The University of Queensland


Short course •Q uantum Information Processing, The University of Melbourne

Technical Sales/Marketing

Data Scientist Quantum Algorithm Developer

clear as quantum This podcast series from the Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems features conversations with Australian quantum scientists. @SydneyQuantum Over on Twitter, Sydney Quantum Academy will keep you up to date with its events, announcements and all things quantum. Q-CTRL Check out the YT channel of Aussie software company Q-CTRL for cool insights into quantum tech.

CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEER Cryogenics Engineer/Scientist Applications/Solutions Architect


Test/Measurement Engineer

Software Programmer



Check out SQfeArs prog rams

m Academy of Sydney Quantu ds and ents, underg ra for school stud internsh ips e also faci litat n ca d an g s, ad postgr u're considerin partners. If yo ry st D du Ph in A ith SQ w the s, there's also fu rther stud ie se the ex perts ow Br . m ra og Scholarship pr d mentors r website to fin section on thei rested in s. If you’re inte and role model up! em th t hi antu m, a career in qu rg .o m tu an qu Visit sydney eers /qua nt um-car

Theoretical Physicist

UTS •B achelor of Computing Science (Honours) (Quantum Information Science major) •B achelor of Advanced Science (Quantum Technology major) (New in 2023!) • Bachelor of Science (Physics major) (New!)

Circuit Designer

Meet the meQuanics Available on Spotify, tune in to this Aussie podcast for regular updates on the latest developments in quantum technologies.

Flip over for careers with engineering!


System Assembly/Maintenance Technician

Undergraduate degrees

Product Sales/ Marketing

There are so many pathways into a quantum career. Here are some options for after high school, and beyond!

According to CSIRO data, quantum science and l technology have the potentia d an s job w to create 16,000 ne al nu an generate $4 billion in revenue by 2040. Wondering ? be what your future role might Here’s a list of quantum sector jobs to get you inspired and r! ree excited about your future ca


Study pathways

Discover more quantum jobs



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