Read Careers with STEM: Indigenous 2021

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Create your dream career in your own hometown! p3 Tech + music = DIY deadly beats p5 Mission totally possible! Space gigs that don’t google mean leaving Software earth p12 engineer


y r t n u o C f o t n e m e Acknowledg


cts rs of the land and pay our respe ne ow al ion dit tra the of ip rsh ce d owne ledge the deep history of scien We acknowledge the rights an ow kn ac o als We . ing erg em d ent an nations to Indigenous elders past, pres of the Australian and Aotearoa les op Pe st Fir the of gy olo hn and tec

strong STEM connections


in environment we've been e've been observing the to e abl n rs. And we've bee for well over 60,000 yea extremely fragile, with is t tha ent live on a contin to live well that not only allowed us eco sustainable practices wealth. and share knowledge and in society, but to generate rld we wo y co-creators of the ver We see ourselves as the hin that wit ns ma importance of hu live in. We understand the , and ste wa our like nt, t's unpleasa world, both our impact tha iety. So soc a hin wit e anc bal create what it is that we need to s and thrive, but all life that live and live t tha us t jus it’s not ngs thi es lud inc es the inanimate. It thrives. And that includ . that people don't think live ore and tell us what happened bef ries Sto . nce scie Stories are about is ce . Every song, every dan what happens in the future about. g gin sin y're derstand what the hard science when you un the is re the , ries sto n ut the creatio Even when they talk abo . n in those that is incredible atio orm inf fic nti level of scie our for le sib ists who are respon We need to be the scient ry eve k, roc ry eve nt, every animal, t own industry. Every pla tha s one the ut abo ow d we even kn seed we know about. An out fig ure tinent and we're able to aren't native to this con ll. we as how to work wit h them ing is important in maintain Keeping language strong mean can ge gua lan e tems: to los Indigenous Knowledge Sys

Aunty Joan

Ngara Yura Project ne Selfe Officer Judicial Commission of, Programs NSW

that we can lose the kno wledge of a whole life cyc le of an insect. For the young ones at sch ool, my message is, I don 't care if you're into make-up, or bak ing, or keeping the unive rse clean and free of garbage, there is science behind all of tha t. And if you remember that, you know why a cake rises wh en you stick it in the oven. You know the properties that make that occur. That's science. It's every part of our life. Aborigin al people see the world in a way that's different. We see ourselves as connected. We need a jou rney where we walk togeth er and where the rest of the world understands and our ow n country starts to value what it is that we've got. — Aunty Joanne Selfe

Wherowhero ana te puāwai a Pōhutukawa Papaki mai te tai o Rāwhiti Nau mai ngā hihiri o Tama Ngā hihiri o Hine Raumati Taurikura e!



Robin hapi

chair, mĀori economic development advisory trustee, pŪhoro stem board, academy

s we release this inaugural issue during the time of sunshine and celebration, I reflect on the teachings of our tipuna (ancestor) Hine Raumati, one of the two wives of Tama-nui-te-rā (the Sun). Throughout the year, Tama-nui-te-rā travels between his two wives, Hine Takurua and Hine Raumati, and this helps us understand seasonal change. Hine Raumati resides on land and supports all of the various kai (food) that grows on Papatūānuku (Earth Mother). In traditional times, our tīpuna used their knowledge of Hine Raumati to guide their various tasks, from catching kahawai and kōura (crayfish), to cultivating and harvesting crops. Our cultural narratives have been passed down from generation to generation and as result, many of these pastimes and their associated practices remain alive today. Our tīpuna were expert scientists and had a deep metaphysical or spiritual connection to Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatūānuku. This meant that their relationship and interactions with the environment led to certain tikanga (customs) and behaviours that influenced their very existence. While we may live in a very different environment now, mātauranga Māori or Māori knowledge systems continue to have a significant influence on how we behave and what we do today. To our young people, I encourage you, as you explore STEM, to also equally explore and embrace your own traditional knowledge systems. This will vastly improve your understanding and relationship with the world and will have a profound impact on your ability to innovate. Our indigenous knowledge is powerful and requires leaders like yourselves to build on the knowledge left by your ancestors so that your descendents too will benefit from your legacy. Kia māia, kia toa, whāia ngā huarahi hei painga ki tō whānau; be brave, be strong and pursue those paths to benefit your whānau.



Ratima Hauraki

Korou apprentice

Dominic Leyland-Payne Korou ap prentice

: y it n u m m o c e h t in s r e Care supporting ahi kā

unities s and training opport es sin bu l ita dig g tin e and work iroa region) are crea The Korou Group (Te Wa — right around the region Where they liv as a team. Seeing their growth where it matters most over the 12-month

apprenticeship is amazing. A big focus over this time are our classes in te reo Māori (Mā ori language) and waiata (song), which help gro und our apprentices in their culture. With our strong connections as Māori to nature, there is roo m to learn about how STEM features in the nat ural world, and from there to cre ate and deliver that content to the world — in a sense, combining our her itage with technology, our passion for our community and building new futures for ourselves and our whānau. STEM is such a broad area, so our advice is to find something that you like to do and roll with it. Whatever you love — the sea, animals, creating digital content, dancing, telling sto ries — there is a way to inco rporate that into STEM. The options are limitles s. — Lee Grace and Eric Stark, General Managers, Korou Gro up


ou come in chasing that one dream, and they open your eyes to all these other possibilities. — Dominic Leyland-Payne, Korou apprentice The Korou Group started out as a group of local businesses who joined forces to create an innovative new apprenticeship program. Our apprentices are paired with professionals, and learn a whole range of skills including creating digital content, post production, game development, animation and adding after effects to existing content. While apprentices are with us, they have the opportunity to gain some qualifications, but more importantly, experience and a show reel — a CV of their work — which will allow them to pursue a career in the industry. Full-time paid employment is new for many of our rangatahi (young people) so they are learning life skills, how to communicate in work environments and how to work

Science Technology Engineering Maths What is your passion?

What is STEM? STEM jobs are growing 1.9 times faster than other jobs, and they may not be what you think. Using the STEM + ‘X’ formula, where ‘X’ is your passion or an opportunity, discover how to connect technology with music, maths with art, science with business, engineering with health outcomes and many more. 3

P04 Be creative P08 Meet STEM stars P10 Build healthy commun it

P12 Reach for the stars


P14 Look after the land P17 Start a business INDIGENOUS



Incorporating First Nations culture and knowledge into art


th STEM Here’s why you should stick wi r? ree ca ve ati cre a of ng mi ea Dr

wondering how STEM fits the world of arts, but are l technology to f you’re set on working in all the time. Think: digita lls ski EM ST use ts tis in, read on. Ar dge fashion, designing , 3D printing for cutting-e up with cool ways ma ke music or art works or specia l effects, coming vie mo me eso aw ng ati websites, cre roles that work behind mention all of the STEM to t No ce lly. ua vis a dat t to presen s, digita l animators, scien ry — like sound engineer ust ind s art the in s ne the sce Chilton ng designers. — Gemma communicators and lighti


First Nations artists express their connection to their culture in their arts practice. Art and stories weave in knowledge of plants, animals and caring for country. Songs celebrate the stars, sky and seasons. This heritage may be used by future First Nation producers in art and music projects. Under Western Law, these projects may create copyright works and material which the artist will own. First Nation artists should ensure they know their rights and manage their projects that represent stories of heritage. They should also seek the prior informed consent from Indigenous knowledge holders, give attribution and respect the integrity of the information shared. The Australia Council for the Arts has a guide, Protocols for using First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property in the Arts to assist people working on Indigenous projects. — Terri Janke and Charisma Cubillo

McEnteer e r oo M u a r a h W Te h Josep t + designer latest digital Digital artis

wing in my n school, I was told off for dra paying not gly min see maths book and hnolog y, tec s ard tow ted vita attention. I gra er than rath so design and creative activities, it. h wit fight the current I just went ggle because I found uni even more of a stru there and out get par t of me just wanted to hways are not pat ion cat make stuff. Formal edu ieve that bel y ngl stro I r eve for everyone, how ch and selflearning, unlearning, resear ental and education are the most fundam I now work for pivotal skills for your future. igner, using the myself as an artist and a des

I @adventure_designer

read lots of books and learn to self study

enjoy failing fast and indentifying the lessons in it participate in short courses that support and build your skills

learn how to build and work with a team to achieve an objective

technologies like VR and 3D prin ting, infusing my own background in Māori design. It’s important Indigenous peo ple are better represented in STEM as we hav e natural knowledge and intuitive insight to bring to the table. Indigenous people’s gre atest strength is the inherent spiritual connec tion with the natural world and perceived realities. This allows us to tap into a whole other wavelength of creativity, imagination, hum an connection and understanding, which can help heal the world. My advice is that whatever you’re dreaming of doing, keep at it. Your tale nt is there, often we just need to quieten the mind and the ego to unleash it.


See Joe’s work at



hecklist Choosi n g h ig h scho ol elective These sub s? on the rig jects w il l set you ht path to a career in ST EM + A r ts: ✔ Compute r science ✔ Maths ✔ Med ia ✔ Desig n

Listen to Mad Proppa De “You Mob” ly’s umob

theralladly Nate Wea Mad Proppa De

Gumbaynggirr & Gamilaroi man

Hip Hop artist,

ntry in Armidale, music rowing up on Gumbaynggirr cou at grandparents were was always around me. My gre und Australia — my aro r tou both musicians, they used to ty a few things. Dus Slim great grandfather even taught Countr y Music th wor Tam We used to travel to the h the whole mob and my Festival almost every year wit e a band set up and do aunties and uncles would hav pretty talented. some busking, they were all have a go at it, I really When it came time for me to rted making beats and took to the digital stuff. I sta and wrote my first few loops using all the programs raps back in the early 2000s.


Artist / Mentor, Beyond Empathy

Now as well as making my own music I run workshops around New South Wales as Mad Proppa Deadly. We’ve fitted out a caravan into a mo bile music learning hub so we can get into the communities and provide kids free access to learn the digital audio workstation and make beats in their own time too. Music and dance and art is embedded in our culture. One of our main goals is connecting these sto rytellers to this modern-day technolog y. There’s so much more to wor king in music than being a hug e rap star or something. You could be a producer, the sound guy at a festival — there are a lot of pathways into music, and the main thing is to be consistent and work at it and really focus on yourself and what you have to offer.

Professional Development Grant 2020 recipient, Australia Council for the Arts


Founder / Managing Director, Mad Proppa Deadly Indigenous Corporation



Creating meaningful design Freedom to be creative in physical and digital space has led Hori Te Ariki Mataki to create a thriving design business based in Māori tūpuna (ancestors)


a Māori creative riki Creative is a kaupap ltimedia design agency specialising in mu of Māori ge ita that harnesses the her Te Ariki ri Ho by 7 tūpuna. Founded in 200 ysical design ph d an l ita Mataki, it combines dig ing to animation and that takes cultural think from an Indigenous creates designs that stem point of view. nd in illustration, “Because I had a backgrou ving, I put together animation artistry and car munity’s logo that a pitch for the local com — I think it took three combined these elements it was the start, and weeks and I got $100 — but the logo today,” says the community still uses the business to a staff Hori. He has since grown next generation in of 17 and is training up the ernships and outreach digital skills through int to schools. re getting “A lot of the work we we al ion was about taking tradit and s rie sto Māori elements and n der mo a bringing them into ate por context, like cor branding and interior

Hori Te Ariki Mataki digital crea tive

design. I could see the ben efits around my job were in acquisition, and I needed to replicate my skills in others so I could grow the business.” The team now work with other businesses as an incubator of Māori digita l creative excellence, and gained a government grant of more than $250,000 for this and the digital apprenticeships they offer. Their work can be seen fro m the coastal highway through Kaikō ura, a beachside park at Brighton, the Otago Museu m, and in websites and apps. Hori’s aim is to use tech to communicate cultural and social values . “Māori have traditions around respecting people and their whakapapa (genealogy), but the digita l era is like the Wild West. We want to build som ething that has the same narrative our tradit ional stories had around how to behave and how to treat each other in a new form. That’s what we ’re doing with the grant, so kids can read these sto ries much like they would read about Māui.”

Ariki Creative design at the nge Christchurch bus intercha

Diploma of M Āori Studies, Ara Institute, formerly CPIT

Bachelor of Graphic Design (Animation), Ara Institute


Founder / Designer, Ariki Creative

Co-Founder, Te Ao Hangarau

mixed realitry storytelld eCabrogal woman


t an Environmental scientiswering people to tell po em is de Mikaela Ja nology gmented reality tech their stories using au

de mikaelaenja tal environm scientist & tech founder

ntry in the rowing up on my traditional cou ney, I always Syd of ions nat ing Dharug-speak scape, and felt a connection with the land environmental I decided to study a degree in logy, Sydney. biology at University of Techno the with Since graduating, I worked I went rs. yea 21 National Park Ser vice for how out k wor to y teg into planning and stra s in nce erie exp t bes the we can show people sure the the parks while also making itage are protected. her l ura cult and environment Augmented Reality It was 2012 when I first saw berra.That night an idea (AR) at the University of Can we used mobile technologies if t came into my head — wha l Owners telling stories of our to view holograms of Traditiona cultural places? ame Kakadu when my partner bec Around that time I moved to ing fac was I blem pro the I realised the park manager there and


Bachelor of Environmental Biology (Coastal and Marine Systems), UTS

Park Ranger


about not fully understandin g the stories on my own country was being faced by other Abo riginal and Torres Strait Islander people around Austral ia. So from Kakadu we built this application called Indigital Storytelling. We had to learn how to use drones to do photo mapping of cultural places so we could use image recogn ition technologies for the AR to see the sites, the n we had to work with developers to help us bui ld the app. We built it and it was ver y pop ular — we ended up at the United Nations in New York, talking about the work we’d done! While it was beautiful conten t and created a lot of impact, it was too expens ive. I partnered with Microsoft and Telstra to look at how we reshape workflows so it doesn’t cost so much money for people to use the technology to tell stories and preser ve language. We ended up building a platform that empowers other people to create their own content. My dream is to make sure the 400 million First Peoples around the wor ld have access to a digital futu re. Founder and CEO, Indigital

Masters of Applied Cybernetics, ANU



6 STEM Stars

Maru Nihoniho Game development founder, Metia Interactive NgĀi Tahu, Te WhĀnau Ā Apanui and NgĀti Porou

ure and s Māori, I am inspired by my cult heritage. my ut motivated to learn more abo ri (the Māo Ao Te rate Making games that incorpo my to tion nec con at Māori world view) is a gre to tell that are culture. We have a lot of stories ies with an stor se tho tell unique and we can love to play games ld wou I er gam a authentic voice. As this is why I am making that feature Māori stories — s the Māori world in a Guardian Maia as it incorporate important elements of our fictional way but holds onto the way of introducing all players culture. Guardian Maia is my get into business or tech, and to Te Ao Māori. If you want to it. Tell your stories, make you’re passionate about it, do life and design your future. your innovative ideas come to


These 6 peeps bust all of the STEM stereotypes



#2 I

Amohia talyst IT Aleisha ve loper, Ca Software De ngi Te Ātihaunui-Ā-PĀpĀra

find that my work in open-s ource sof tware fits nicely alongside Māori values, which revolve around openness, collaborati on, teamwork and the sharing of ideas and resources . I also have the honour of working with other Māori in tech who inspire and teach me every day. There will be times that being Indigenous in this industry is difficult and exh austing. My advice would be to find your people, your community and lean on them. I love the work I do, but I stick around for the amazing people I get to do tha t work alongside.

#3 egie CelesteecCtoar,rn Indigitek

Program Dir a Birrigubba + South Se n Islander woma


STEM sisters T

work to promote the essa and Celeste Carnegie and Indigenous youth participation of women rofit Indigitek and in STEM through non-p anisation, CSIRO. org ce Australia’s nationa l scien

hool? Were you into STEM at sc sporty at school. I was a

y Celeste: We were both ver always my career path. I s wa t tha netball player, so me. ology was an option for never thought that techn . lds fie EM ST in ng worki Tessa: This is my first job ial sciences and my At school I rea lly liked soc sh. gli favourite subject was En

Program facilitator, national centre of indigenous excellence

What’s a typical day in your


? C: My job is to engage wi th communities and support them to build pla tforms using emerging and existing tech. T: I work for the Young Indigenous Women’s ST EM Academy so a big part of my role is working with Indigenous women across all age groups and havin g those conversations aro und how STEM can loo k in our communities. A typ ica l day for me includes engaging in exciting ya rns with my team and communities and being around different people like scientists and technologis ts and hearing about the ir work, so it’s always ver y interesting!

indigenous STEAM program producer, Museum of applied arts and sciences


program producer, girl geek academy

Guardian Maia Gameplay trailer:



Tamina Pitt

Software engineer, Go ogle Wuthathi + Meriam Wo man


ineering at uni I did hile I was studying computer eng er thought I would nev I three internships at Google. t kind of role I wha idea no end up working there and had rnships really solidified my wanted for my future. The inte r. I’ve been working with desire to be a software enginee ut a year now. My team is the Google Maps team for abo ctions experience when responsible for delivering the dire writing code and design docs. you use Maps, which involves nce as a kid. I chose I was really into maths and scie at way to create new gre a engineering as I thought it was uni e problems. Graduating from solv to ls technology and use your skil est bigg my of one I’ve done, but it’s also was one of the hardest things r nde Isla it Stra res Tor Aboriginal and accomplishments. Wearing the ud. pro me feel really sash when I graduated made


Corey Tutt


Founder, Deadly Science Kamilaroi Man n want to inspire and I want to lear the and grow with my culture into igenous future. I hope to see more Ind way. the ing people in STEM and lead rest the so y stor I also want to tell our and ed gift how see of Australia can nce wonderful we are. Deadly Scie ote rem to es urc reso M STE provides u/ rg.a ce.o cien dlys dea . schools

I @corey_tutt

Read more:

Tech jobs sound like they’re more people-oriented tha you might think… n


C: Technology is just the tool, it’s not the outcome . Our strengths are rea lly engagement — it is a ski ll set. T: It’s a big part of STEM . In order to research an d to form inquiries you need to be able to work with people .

Tessa Carneg

Academic Coordinator ie , CSIRO Birrigubba + South Se Why should there be mo a IslandeR woman and women in STEM? re young Indigenous people

T: I think the perspectives are different. C: They're ma le, pa le an d sta le! We’re the comple te opposite. T: The great thing about STEM and the pathways into STEM is that it can look different from person-to-person an d the roles are so varied across industry. C: Many products, softw are and apps that we use weren’t built by us and with us in mi nd. If you look at Ar tificia l Intelligence, it’s ver y important to ha ve different perspectives bu ilt into the algorithms behind this. If it doesn’t include us, the n it doesn’t include our perspectives , and that’s dangerous.

How can STEM create jobs for

Indigenous youth? C: Right now we don’t kn ow what the jobs are. ST EM education builds narratives aroun d those jobs. T: It’s also an opportunit y to create jobs for yours elf and create your own pat hways bec ause it’s an industry of inn ovation. You can create what you want your job to look lik e. – Heather Catchpole

associate degree of business administration, australian catholic university

client engagement officer, australian tax office


academic co-ordinator, CSIRO



n i s e l o r M E T S ! Emergency t s a f … g n i d a e health are spr You don’t have to be a doctor to land a job in health. There are loads of cool, alternative STEM opportunities that can make just as much of a difference


for are hitting up Dr Google n an era where 78% of us gtin cut t on, it’s no secret tha hea lth-related informati ed nis tio olu lthcare have rev edge developments in hea d use medicine. Gone are an e sum the way we seek, con an hea lth role meant doing the days when scoring a ’s ere Th s. ub scr suiting up in epic medical degree and for ch ear res d an practice loads of room in medical ls, engineers and even na sio fes pro h scientists, tec maths grads. + g opportunities in STEM Here, we look at excitin lth hea ox e-b you with out-of-th medicine, and prescribe as y nit mu good for your com pat hways that are just as ssie Steel Ca — . they are your career


Health crusader

est roianneofwfir st

adoon woman Roianne West is a Kalkigenous health Ind smashing barriers in lth with the local Aboriginal hea started out as a health worker ther, twin sister and I are ser vice 25 years ago. My bro ses, but we are the first nur third-generation registered cy of trained. We inherited a lega generation that is university more is It m. Mu outcomes from making a difference to health . tural obligation than a job for us, it is our cul Strait gress of Aboriginal and Torres Con The of CEO My role as ers and es is to represent our memb Islander Nurses and Midwiv nursing vent people from coming into lobby for the issues that pre the in their degrees and staying and midwifery, completing te. workforce once they gradua helping things in my career has been ing ard One of the most rew ing see to lth hea in k they cannot wor people switch from thinking and d war a into g there. Walkin the possibilities that are out re, so they feel safe in a place whe ple peo r you connecting with nce. ere diff of ld wor a kes ma felt safe historically, people have not , nce scie ool and wasn’t strong in I did not do really well in sch d ine erm . But I am passionate, det so I had to work a lot harder your is a great way to give back to lth and driven. Aboriginal hea ls, pita hos in nurse, I have worked community. As a registered unit. s nsic fore the n policy, and eve universities, health ser vices, it. for go and you thrown at Take every opportunity that’s

professor peoples health

ga Australia is approachin of about nursing shor tage crisis owing gr 85,000 nurses by 2025, 30.* to 123,000 nurses by 20



Bachelor of Nursing, Deakin University

The next-gen doctor's

kit Sure stethoscopes will always come in handy, but these days health experts need a long list of 21st century skil ls and gear to do their thing. If health is your calling, you may need to become fluent in one or all of the following: Skills:

• Coding • Engineering • Dat a analytics • Research • Problem-solving • Virtual Reality (VR) • Robotics • Programming • Biomecha nics


• VR tech • Software • Artific ial Intelligence (AI) • Holographics • Data Telehea lth capabilities

Master of Mental Health Nursing, University of Southern Queensland

Foundation Professor and Director of First Peoples Health Unit, Griffith University

PhD, James Cook University

CEO, The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives


ting brain controlled Mahonri Owen is creafor amputees prosthetics


haven’t always been a student with the best grades, but I always wanted to do something to help people. After high school I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this, but I liked physics and maths so I jumped into a mechanical engineering degree. I had a two year [missionary] experience during my undergrad in South Africa which taught me how I can use what I have to help other people. I came back with renewed energy for engineering and started a Masters project about brain-controlled prosthetics — literally Star Wars-type stuff. I’ve had to learn coding, neuroscience, biomechanics, mechatronics and a real melting pot of disciplines. I took signals from the brain, and learnt what they meant. I then used them to control mechanical devices — in this case a prosthetic hand. The next step is to get them developed, marketed and to people so we can hopefully improve people’s lives, specifically amputees. With only 2% of the STEM workforce in New Zealand made up of Māori or Pacific Islanders, it wasn’t until even a few years ago I realised that it’s alright for me to be a Māori doctor in engineering and that I should feel comfortable there. Keen to get into a similar field? Just know that it’s ok to be Māori and it’s ok to be a doctor in engineering! TEDx:

Mahonri Owen

Doctoral Researcher University of Waikato,

Er, what s h I study?ould K icks

tar t considerin you r health career g some by h ig h scho of the follow in g ol elective s: ✔ Science (Ph ysics, B io lo g y) ✔ Computi n g applica tions ✔ Desig n Tech nolog y ✔ Maths

Bachelor of Engineeri ng (Mechanical) (Honours), University Master of Engineeri of Waikato ng (Br ain Controlled Prosthetics) (Honours ), University of Waika PhD Engineering (Mech to Automation Engineeri atronics, Robotics and stakeholder ng), University of Wa ikato relationships manager pŪhoro stem academ , y

helping hand

Family ties Inspired and supporte d doctors Jason Tuhoe by their whĀnau (family), and both passionate abouJamie-Lee Rahiri are t MĀori health


jason tuhoe & jamie-lee rahiri Doctors

y journey began at Hato Pao ra College where I became interested in health due to the experiences of ill health within my own whānau. At that tim e, the only science subject that was tau ght was biolog y — the rest (physics and chemistry) was by correspon dence. I pretty much had to teach my self how to light a Bunsen burner and set my tripod up. I finally applied for medicine after completing the Cer tificate in Health Sciences at the University of Aucklan d under the Māori and Pacific Admission Schem e. My whānau has been (and continues to be) my main source of inspiration. I completed my training in General Practice and have been pra cticing as a GP for seven years and am also invo lved in training doctors to become GPs. I am passionate about Māori health and challengin g the health system to provide bet ter care for our people. – Jason Tuhoe


As a young girl in Tokoroa I love d visiting my doctor for check-ups. I was raised by my mother who was hardworking and alw ays ensured I had educational opportunities. We left Tokoroa and came to Tāmaki Makaurau whe re my mum completed a Bachelor of Spo rt Science. Seeing her go to uni and many of her lectures inspired me to pursue my dream of bec oming a doctor. I was heavily involved in com petitive waka ama (outigger canoes) and it was here I met one of my mentors, Dr Matire Har wood. We both took par t in the NZ Waka Am a Worlds campaign in 2008 and also medalled! Through her guidance I began to work tow ards gaining university entrance and app lying for medicine at the University of Aucklan d. I have been so fortunate to continue my jou rney with Matire who recently supervised my PhD in surger y. I am currently working toward s becoming a surgeon and am passionate about Māori health in surger y. – Jamie-L ee Rahiri



d l r o w s i h t Out of STEM careers for astronauts

p to the ace career’ we often jum hen we hear the words ‘sp tion and sta ce working out of a spa stereotype ­— an astronaut But what t. dse hea l via an impressive talking to mission contro ace osp aer or s sic g skilled up in astrophy tback or ou an if we told you that gettin ali str Au job working in the a u yo d lan ld cou ing engineer e Steel from your laptop? – Cassi mapping the Milky Way…






Teaching Assistant, Physics, UNSW

Rongomaiwahine, NgĀti Rakaipaka & NgĀti Kahungunu



’ve always been into science, so after high school I went straight to Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) to do a degree in maths and physics, and then went overseas before starting a Masters at the University of Canterbury. At Canterbury, my Masters was in cosmology — the origin and development of the universe — and specifically looked at inflation in cosmology [universe expansion after the Big Bang]. I followed that with a PhD in which I worked on detecting neutrinos [particles tinier than an atom] with a telescope in Antarctica. These days I’m teaching within the Science and Society program at VUW, where I talk about climate change, science and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge and ways of knowing), and issues within science that are important to our culture. I am the chairperson of the Society of Māori Astronomy Research and Traditions (SMART), there, I am dedicated to the collation and the revitalisation of Māori astronomical star lore and Maramataka (the Māori lunar calendar). One of the highlights of my job is the fact that I sometimes work with kids, creating astronomy programs. I love watching how the Māori kids really engage with the people that we hire and our volunteers, because these people are able to talk about the stars and talk about our mātauranga Māori in a way that is specific to our people.

Bachelor of science, Victoria University of Wellington Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington

PhD (Astrophysics) UNSW

ible ousto Choose fr n, there is no pro om these b le m. h ig h to get sta r ted in sp school electives ace caree rs: ✔ Ph ysics ✔ Chem is tr y ✔ Maths (Un it 3 or 4) ✔ Computi n g applica ti ons ✔ Ear th a nd Space S ci e nce ✔ Env iron mental Sci ence

maths when I was younger, wasn’t great at science and in the sky. In high school, but I always had an interest rted to understand the a light bulb went off, and I sta ) and fell in love ths language of the universe (ma spare time I solve my in with solving problems. Now is basically how science puzzles on an app — which research works. be found at my computer On a typical work day I can to understand what's going looking at stellar data trying astrophysicist though, on in our Milky Way. Being an observing stars my ‘9am I work at night too. When I'm ’ and I drink lots of tea 6am to 5pm’ is more like ‘4pm to to stay awake. Indigenous science Bringing together Western and ctive on the universe. has given me a great perspe t astronomers, so our Indigenous people are our firs s deep — it’s in our blood. astronomical knowledge run ld benefit greatly from Astronomy in Australia wou open space for providing a more inclusive and demia. aca Indigenous people to join in

PhD, University of Canterbury

Chairperson of the Society of M Āori Astronomy Research and Traditions



Astronomy Guide, Sydney Observatory


Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Astrophysics) UNSW

just reserved Next-gen space careers aren’t headed to Mars

Mission T otally Pos s H

Professor Āmua Rangi MĀt tion

y ple are becoming increasingl think that across the world, peo s and tion ocia dge bases and the ass interested in Indigenous knowle world. the of rest environment and the connections they have with the ing 'Liv , site our on ori language We had a web series in the Mā we and es, tim lion mil viewed over one by the Stars', that has been It’s e. pag ok ebo Fac the ple following now have about 30,000 peo ition to thought that I’d been in a pos er nev I . act imp l having a rea It’s been really good. influence that many people. nal wider purpose to share traditio I’ve always been part of the to and ion ulat y with the general pop Māori knowledge of astronom and ible ess acc it information, making be part of disseminating the ay. tod meaningful to people ated Māori astronomy is not an isol The traditional knowledge of , fishing, y but it’s relevant to hunting study; it’s not just astronom all people. y holistic, and is relevant to farming and history. It’s ver nds e of ocean in myths and lege You don’t traverse that expans is it — country without science and live and thrive here in the g, and perspective and understandin l embedded within our cultura of nt poi ous igen ries. From an Ind has a richness that is full of sto d. use and unless it’s shared view, science has no benefit


Fifth genera MĀori astronomer Tūhoe man

master of arts, victor ia university of welling ton

Associate Dean Postgr Te Ar a TĀtar a, waikaaduate / to uni

PhD, massey university

PM prize and callagh an medal for science contribu tions



author, matariki, living by the stars



s I kid I was seriously into dinosaur s, but developed an interest in physics and astrono my in high school. I did a Bachelor of Science (Physics ) at the University of Sydney, but eventually became mor e interested in the maths side, which led to a PhD in Mathematical Statistics at the University of Tech nology, Sydney. I’m based out of Cornell University in New Jersey, USA, working on developing an algo rithm for interpreting large volumes of data from astrono mical observations, trying to analyse the grow th of the universe from stellar observations. Mornings you’ll find me doing rese arch and algorithm development, the middle of my day is for emails and meetings and I use the afternoons to cover any further ideas that I can gain from reading scientific literature. With more Indigenous representatio n, we will be able to provide the benefits of STEM to those Indigenous communities that need them the most. This will include better education, employment opp ortunities and greater access to health facilities.

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physics), University of Sydney Early Career Develo pm ent Fel lowship, mbunna Institute for Indigeno us Education and Ju Research

Master of Science (Honours), UTS

Gudjal Man

Fulbright Postdocto ra Fellow, Cornell Universityl , USA




The coolest pl worked is in Centralace I’ve on Arrernte country Australia million-year-old impaon the 142 Tnorala. Hearing its ct crater, story was one of thetraditional incredible experience most I spent hours lying ins in my life. of the crater, lookin the middle g up at the astonishing sky." — Karlie Noon, Astron and Gamilaraay woma omy Ambassador Read Karlie’s career n profile at



y r t n u o C r o f g Carin

gement ve deep expertise in land mana ha le op pe us no ige Ind rs, ne As traditional land ow


chantelle murray women ranger coordinator

Ranger Administration Officer, Kimberley Land Council

Working on Country Ranger, Kimberley Land Council

Ngurrara Women Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council

d animal surveys ire management, plant an guages is all in lan and teaching traditional Rangers in the ara urr a day’s work for the Ng rn Australia. Kimberley region of Weste t the rangers do,” tha ff stu “There is heaps of nator Chantelle says women ranger coordi stuff every day in this Murray. “We all learn new t about it.” A big part job and that is the best par rging their traditional of the rangers’ work is me techniques to take knowledge with Western kilometres of country, care of over 77,000 square gement to conserving from feral animal mana biodiversity. how jilas (living One project is exploring akwater waterholes) waterholes) and jumus (so r systems. Working in connect with groundwate d the Ngurrara partnership with Shell an rangers use stories and Traditional Owners, the them locate these songs from elders to help her data about water gat waterholes so they can quality and quantity. ducting plant and The rangers are also con Canning Stock Route, animal surveys along the

At the end of grade 12 my dre am of wearing a ranger uniform and cruising around in a 4W D changed when I stumbled across a CSIRO Indigenous cadetship program in Brisbane. The cad etship was my stepping stone from life as a student to that of a res ear cher. Completing a PhD in Quantit ative Marine Science was the mo st challenging time of my life but at the same time my skills gre w so much because it pushed me out of my comfort zone. I got the wor d ‘spirit’ tattooed on my foot as a con stant reminder of what it too k to complete. It is an experience that shapes you and stays with you for life ! I’m currently working in the space of Coastal Indigenous Livelihoods. and helping to set up a new Indigenous Science and Eng agement program at the CSIRO. It will focus on co-developing opp ortunities and undertake cut ting edge scie nce by — and with — Aborigi nal and Torres Strait Islanders. I’m par ticu larly interested in mapping out the questions involved with set ting up a com munity-run enterprise in the blue economy. Keen for a career as a research scientist? Be adaptable and resilient and make sure you find a mentor!


ter cass hun social–ecological Indigenous researcher, CSIRO

d, which is ties to Far Nor th Queenslan 've always had strong family grandparents and s ent par my family. My where I’m working and raising nji and my Yala u Kuk h bot grandparents are grew up in the region — my ag Island in the Torres Strait. grandmother is from Mabui high school something I set out to do. At Being a researcher was not ting wri ents with Bunsen burners and I wasn’t inspired by experim I could e aus bec ted to be a park ranger lengthy reports. Instead, I wan tect the environment! work outdoors and help pro


Bachelor of Environmental Science, Griffith University

Fisheries stock assessment modelling project (Honours), University of Queensland

Quantitative Marine Science, Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, University of Tasmania


Indigenous Social Ecological Researcher, CSIRO


Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous, Uni of Canberra

Ngurrara rangers protecting bilbies

Bradley Moggridge Kamilaroi water scientist

an 1,850-km track that run s from Halls Creek to Willuna. Ngurrara mana ge 10 wells in their area. “Our partners help us wit h the science stuff, like identifying animals, and we bring the cultural knowledge that we alread y have,” says Chantelle. “Blending these two world s paints a clearer picture of how we can pro tect our country and the threatened species within our land.” When she isn’t out on cou ntry, Chantelle is helping the women ranger s develop their career goals and connect them with mentors that can help them take the right steps. “Having that mentoring really helped me see outside the box and learn more,” she say s. — Gemma Conroy


PhD Candidate, Uni of Canberra Master of Science, University of technology, sydney

blending two worlds paints a clearer picture of how we can protect our country”

Indigenous Water Research Specialist, CSIRO



Bachelor of Science, Australian Catholic University

the Kamilaroi Nation aama, I am a proud Murri from g in Canberra on Ngunnawal (north-west NSW), now livin li in Kamilaroi) place is Country. My cultural water (ga Boobera Lagoon. is in Kamilaroi and Indigenous As a scientist, my expertise er is the environment. Gali or wat cultural values of water and st drie the is for Australia as it always going to be a key topic icy pol er wat But much of our inhabited continent on Earth. settler laws, without nial colo ugh thro was developed n people or without using or eve consultation with Aboriginal of nds usa tho with — dge considering traditional knowle dry old continent. this of n atio erv obs of s tion genera rted early with my many sta t My career path as a scientis my and as a dux of geology after questions needing answers, l nta me geology to environ HSC, I was off. I changed from longer felt morally no I n whe science at university loration for uranium on comfortable undertaking exp in a national park. someone else’s country and rogeology and groundwater I completed a Masters in hyd me to research Aboriginal management which allowed tionship with groundwater. rela peoples’ knowledge of and water of the Great Artesian This included how the ancient ly, ern Australia and moves slow Basin recharges in north-east from ging har ion years, disc deep underground, for two mill Kamilaroi country. in in bas rn the sou springs in the Aboriginal knowledge and This became the basis for the tralian curriculum 'Wet Rocks'. groundwater part of the Aus of the importance of There is growing recognition into science managing dge wle embedding Indigenous kno to been given a great platform our natural resources. I have RO CSI the being awarded further tell my story through nder STEM Professional Isla it Stra res Aboriginal and Tor 2019 and also ACT Tall Poppy Career Achievement award for of the Year for Science 2019. unit in Australia – the I led the only Aboriginal water the NSW government. I was in Aboriginal Water Initiative with te Professor in Indigenous recently appointed as Associa pleting my PhD at the Water Science while also com ind that, as always, I will do University of Canberra and beh e ple to ensure the impact I hav what’s best for Kamilaroi peo the oss acr el trav to n lucky is culturally sound. I have bee l the oldest water stories as wel of e som to n liste country and water stories and journey, as travel the globe telling my raising the voice of Kamilaroi.


The business of sustainability Jason Mika (Ngāi Tūhoe, Whakatōhea, Ngāti Awa and Ngāti Kahungunu) is working to conserve and protect the ocean


the challenge is helping everyone on the journey” ensuring a sustainable fut ure for fisheries and ocean-based businesses and the wellbeing of ou r oceans and people. One of the first objective s was to understand what an economic model based on kaitia kitanga might look like. To do thi s, he explores what this concept might mean in modern times, and reache s out to Māori businesses that are already implementing this guard ianship approach. “Part of the challenge is helping everyone along on the journey,” Jason say s. Which has meant taking into account Mā ori and Pā kehā (non-Māor i New Zealander) knowled ge, the aspirations and va lues of all involved gro ups, and to explore and develop Māori theories of sustainability and va lue. Applied to the marine eco nomy, this has the potentia l to have long-t erm positive impacts on Māori lives now and int o the fut ure. Jason hopes that this res earch leads to the development of models that can be applied more broad ly, to other business es: “It has the potentia l to be a universa l concept.” One which cou ld see a sustainability approach towards our environment help business and people to thrive. — Cassie Hart


ing stones to get to ason has had many stepp ior lecturer at Massey where he is today, a sen nagement and University’s School of Ma au, and project leader for Director of Te Au Rangah t , Whai Oranga; a projec Whai Rawa, Whai Mana an ng and growi focused on establishing e economy. rin ma ed bas Indigenousmanagement Jason started out studying s d an continued his studie at Waiariki Poly technic, ia tor to and later at Vic at the University of Waika thought he might he int and Massey. At one po t he rea lised his rea l become an economist, bu ip. ent and entrepreneursh interest lay in managem ms see it ge, ori herita With strong ties to his Mā d a way to blend his fin uld wo he t inevitable tha Māori knowledge. management skills with ly at the front of his One concept that is firm our responsibility to ga; an mind is that of kaitia kit our natural resources, provide guardianship for to his recent work with and our people. Applied ans our responsibility for Sustainable Seas, that me

Computer Studies & Business Studies, Waiariki Polytechnic

Bachelor of Management Studies, University of Waikato

iakitanga Understanding Kagait is par t of a complex, social,

iakitan The traditional concept of kait ished l system that has been establ itua spir cultural, economic and d and lan h wit n) (cla ū iwi (tribe) and hap through long association of g of din tan ers und an e hav tanga is to waters. To understand kaitiaki us. und aro ld wor the relating to te ao Māori perspectives of tection. cribed as guardianship or pro des n bee has ga Kaitiakitan the is to guard, but depending on The basic meaning of ‘tiaki’

Master of Public Policy (Merit), Victoria University

Doctor of Philosophy, Massey University

context in which it is used, it also means to preserve, keep, conserve, nurture, protect and watch over. The prefix ‘kai’ with the verb ‘tiaki’ denotes the agent of the action of ‘tiaki’. Therefore, a kaitiaki is a guardian, keeper, preserver, conservator or protector. The addition of ‘tanga’ denotes preservation, conservation and protection. Kaitiakitanga is based on traditional Māori world views and includes the conservation, replenishment and sustainability of the environment. It is about safeguarding the future. More Mātauranga Māori:



Watch the ful l interv iew /c/careersw: ith


ay Liam Ridganew d Director, Co-founder NGNY, Indigitek, IndigiGig

Nyaagu (NGNY) an Aboriginal am co-founder of Ngakkan ek, an Aboriginal and Torres owned digital agency; Indigit people in tech; and IndigiGig, Strait Islander community of y ous talent in the gig-econom a startup that finds Indigen iver del to ia tral Aus h corporate and connects the talent wit . ts and internal requirements jec pro ir the to s online ser vice le mb stu you , ore bef ss ine When you've never run a bus found that my first business I y! rne jou the ugh thro way your to community. I think one of just wasn't connected enough entrepreneur is being 100% the key things about being an have. bought into the idea that you



Gumbaynggirr & Wakka Wakka man

s s e in s u B f o e r a Taking c Want to work for yourself? Here’s how

one of the key things about being an entrepreneur is being 100% bought into the idea that you have”


are growing faster than tartups (new businesses) highest rates in the world ever before: at one of the Aotearoa (New Zealand), in Australia and also in ate s than 20 employees cre where businesses with les esses sin bu h tec al wealth. Big 28% of the country’s annu n ow egr hom are some major like Atlassian and Xero cess. suc ir the re sha repreneurs success stories. Four ent


top tips for being an entrepreneur Adele: “It’s important to remember that there is never just one way to do things.”

Lesley: “Have a yarn with someone who is doing it. Do you r research to make sure that you r idea is going to connect to the mar ket.”

Liam: “You have to be so resilient about the fact that you're will ing to take it from start to finish, no matter what it takes.”



Ngāti Kahungunu & Ngāti Maniapoto, T ūhoe woman

Adele Hauwai Social entrepreneur


Learn sign language!

didn’t go about learning things in what is considered the typical fashion. As someone with mental health challenges, and who has dealt with epilepsy for 27 years, I have experienced the stigma of not being like others. It has given me an awareness that many people are struggling with invisible challenges. While a lot of the work I do involves technology, I am most interested in the social entrepreneurial perspective — all my work is focused on helping communities and whānau (extended family), on making the world a better place. At present my main focuses are SeeCom, which merges sign language and technology; Mana Digital, empowering whānau through technology; and Healing Innovation Hub which is creating holistic health and wellbeing resources. My work is geared to helping others to grow and improve. I blend Māori concepts and language with tech, as this keeps our culture and people alive and growing.

Degrees in Business, Special Education, and Sign Language

Founder/CEO of SeeCom and Talk Medicine

Healing Innovation Hub CEO Board Member

Lesley Woodhouse

Dar ug woman

CEO, Wingaru Education ernment, I saw all these hile working for the NSW Gov g fantastic resources that communities who were makin could shelves. I thought that if we would end up just sitting on create p into schools, we could hel get these kinds of resources to ple work with Aboriginal peo leaders who would be able to

Get the full story: / indigiSTEM


find solutions. t ut making Aboriginal conten Wingaru Education is all abo are ts duc pro ool and primary sch more accessible. Our early offer wherever they are. We also in log can s all digital, so kid can ple peo and s ace for workpl cultural awareness training omy ron ast nal rigi Abo from ing access information on everyth idoos. to the science behind didger tions knowledge for future genera Being able to preser ve that on act imp an g ud that we are makin is really important. I am pro . ture nal people and cul how Australia values Aborigi

Bachelor of Laws, UTS

u& Ngā Raur oman w Te Ātiawa

Project Officer, UTS


Senior Project Officer, NSW Department of Education

wrie MirianadeLo r, 1Centre,

CEO & Foun and customer onboarding ware auto decisioning Soft began y path into the tech industry to way a for g kin when I started loo sonally per had I nt poi n solve a par ticular pai experienced. g businesses I’m passionate about enablin n onboarding to have a great experience whe eeing trade credit with a new supplier and agr ering in minutes’ terms, ‘onboarding and ord essentially. eone So I thought, how about som erience? exp ital dig ter facilitates a way bet . I’m doing me be to out ed That someone turn



Bachelor of business, auckland university of technology

Mana Digital Board of Directors

strategy and planning manager, asb bank


CEO, Wingaru Education

this because I hate filling out application forms, but I know to apply for credit requires this necessary step! Painfu l as it is. When I really started lookin g into the problem, I discovered that it went so much deeper than I’d ever though t possible and began to see how tech could be a game changer. It’s so easy to get stu ck in a rut of doing things the way you’ve always done them, but it’s crucial in bus iness to keep innovating, finding new and bet ter ways to do things. The journey of a tech founde r is a constant and difficult one, but it’s also infinitely rewarding as both a learnin g experience and a lifestyle. founder and ceo, 1 centre


! M E T S n i d e t r a t Get s

ere handy for reference wh me so it p po d an ge pa s thi Cut out

follow up!

Connect with these peeps to help you on your STEM journey: Stalk STEM socials Get inspo from an edu-tech entrepreneur @MikaelaJade Load up on fun space facts with social savvy astrophysicist @astrokirsten Keep up-to-date on all things Deadly Science with @corey_tutt Fill your feed with stars by following @KarlieNoon Keep connected with the Indigenous STEM community with @indigiTek Load up on digital opportunities with @Indigital For all things career and mentoring hit up @careertrackers


Celebrate the Māori community’s STEM achievements and potential via @Puhorostem_academy LOL along with Māori astronomer @JoshKirkley Load up on Indigenous astronomy knowledge @Livingbythestars Seek out academic support from @te_rau_tauawhi Be inspired by pathways and stories from @curiousmindsnz Follow a STEM-centric museum with strong roots in Māori culture @TePapa Look out for jobs at @MaoriPacificJob

Find study options isor for tertiary

Hit up your careers adv online study options, or check out, es. urs resources like tafeco and .co ide gooduniversitiesgu z. Most grad t.n ov d.g lan studyinnewzea days where schools host annual open estions, so you can ask ALL the qu letters is a great signing up to their news . way to receive reminders a three-year ng Uni not for you? Baggi ly way to on the ’t Bachelor’s degree isn ere are Th ! EM ST in kickstart a career t equip tha ays hw pat ve ati loads of altern ne te skills eded grads with the immedia to land a job. d Training Vocational Education an grads with ing ipp equ on s (VET) focuse ed to: the practical skills need first time the for e orc • join the workf er a break • rejoin the workforce aft sen field cho • upgrade skills in their eer • move into a different car ion cat edu • enter higher via off-the-job VET may be completed and Institutes FE TA as h institutions suc echnics, but of Technology and Polyt ips and also through apprenticesh fications are traineeships, where quali employment completed alongside paid nment. iro in a real workplace env of private p hea a You can also find including s, rse cou colleges and short out a list eck Ch s. rse free coding cou rces and ou res ing cod of hackathons, more here CareerswithST coding-resources/


Careers with STEM: Indigenous 2021 is a publication and trademark of Refraction Media. Copyright © 2021 Refraction Media, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. If you would like to reproduce anything from this magazine, email: We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the rights of all Indigenous peoples and their connection to their traditional lands. This issue went to press on 4 February 2021. Printed in Australia by IVE.

Cover image: Lauren Trompp Produced and published by: Refraction Media Co-founder, CEO & Publisher: Karen Taylor-Brown Co-founder, CEO & Head of Content: Heather Catchpole Production: Kat Power (Art Director), Gemma Chilton (Managing Editor), Cassie Steel (Digital Editor), Pippa Duffy (Deputy Editor). Illustrations: Lara Went, Yukul Art; Ariki Creative Design: Maddison Rutter-Malley, Blackfisch Photography: Joseph Mayers, Blackfisch Issue editorial advisors: Alex Brown, Google; Celeste Carnegie, Indigitek; Tessa Carnegie, CSIRO; Marie Efstathiou, Google; Hinerangi Edwards, AATEA; Owen Mahonri, Pūhoro STEM Academy; Naomi Manu, Pūhoro STEM Academy; Hope Perkins, University of Melbourne; Tameeka Tighe, CSIRO; Angie Ross, Children's Ground.

SUBSCRIBE AND ORDER COPIES: EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Email: or +612 9188 5459 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 38, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Sydney, Australia ISSN 2209-1076


Discover more #1 Indigitek

Indigitek is a community of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people who are continuing a proud tradition of Indigenous innovation and entrepreneurship in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Get involved with the community, events and programs.

#2 Pūhoro STEM Academy Seek out scholarships

More great resources Australian Computing Academy Children's Ground CORE Education CS Unplugged Deadly Science Hangarau Matihiko National Centre for Indigenous Excellence Tech Girls Movement Foundation

There are 986 scholarsh ip opportunities for Abori ginal and Torres Strait Islander stu dents in Australia RN. Some parti cularly cool STEM examples? • The University of Melbo urne DST scholarships for Indigeno us students in STEM • CSIRO Indigenous ST EM Education Project • The University of Notre Dame’s Aboriginal Healt h Scien ce Pathway Scholarship • The University of South Australia’s Gavin Wanganeen Abori ginal STEM scholarship • The University of Melbo urne Telstra Technology & Inn ovation Scholarships Massey University’s Pū horo STEM Academy supports Māori to study and enter careers in STEM. Yo u can also check out financial suppo rt through: • Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust STEM Scholarships • Māori Education Trust: Postgraduate Scholarship (STEM) • The University of Auckl and Pacific Academic Excellence Sch olarship

Launched in 2016, Pūhoro was developed in response to national low engagement of Māori in STEM-related career pathways that subsequently leads to lower numbers of Māori representation in science and technology industries in Aotearoa. Pūhoro seeks to change this space and recognises that a STEM workforce is required for an innovation-focused future society.

#3 Careers with STEM is packed with pathway info, practical next steps and quizzes to find role models and career ideas. Discover how you can combine STEM with your passion, sign up for our newsletters and follow us on socials to catch employment opportunities and industry news. Oh, and memes.

#4 Young Indigenous Women’s STEM Academy

For Year 8 Indigenous women in Blacktown, Penrith or Central Coast (NSW), or Perth (WA) interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: join the Academy to succeed in an exciting STEM career and become part of a deadly network of Indigenous women.

#5 Victorian Indigenous Engineering Winter School

The Victorian Indigenous Engineering Winter School is an exciting program for Year 10, 11 and 12 Indigenous students that will expand your perspective on engineering. Find out more about the 2021 program here:

Find a mentor

Bagging a real-life mento r you can bounce ideas off is a great way to get ideas and support. Your careers adv isor or local uni and TA FE outreach pro grams can be a great resource when loo king for someone to connect with. You can als o connect through or Te Puni Kōkiri

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