Careers with STEM: Code 2017

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careers with stem term 4 2017

Code Careers


Game-changing jobs of tomorrow

Don’t know what to do? Our quiz has all the answers p20 The girl gamers challenging stereotypes p29 Uni, TAFE, online… Study computer science anywhere! p46

jump into today’s coolest tech jobs

[Artificial intelligence] [Creativity] [Cybersecurity] [Start-ups] [Culture]

{Careers with Maths}





g age what gh to know at a very youn ome of us are lucky enou me follow we finish high school. So job we want to do when ited by ts or family members, exc in the footsteps of paren ght be omplish, while others mi what we’ve seen them acc eration. s and creators of their gen motivated by the inventor is one that can eer car ur yo rney to find For many though, the jou because you don’t even a little worrying – e yb ma d an – ar cle un be just like you. to do. Don’t worry, I was nt wa u yo at wh ow kn t ye and it’s likely that rld of work is changing The good news is the wo n one career in your nity to pursue more tha rtu po op the ve ha l u’l yo ay is: “What skills thing to ask yourself tod nt rta po im e Th e. tim life for that journey, me navigate and prepare lp he to on us foc I uld sho fut ure?” myself to have an exciting ion sit po I can w ho d an ll that will equip , not just coding, is a ski Computationa l thinking ur passion – ustry. Combine it with yo ind y an in eer car a for u yo utions for every – and you can create sol be t gh mi t tha r ve ate wh ure, medicine to to fashion, art to agricult line of work; from music take you anywhere! ies are endless and can mining. The opportunit de inspire you s issue of Careers with Co I hope the profiles in thi le skill that a go – it’s an indispensab to give computer science . t your entire working life will help you throughou Sally-Ann Williams & Outreach Manager Engineering Community Zealand Google Australia & New

careers with stem term 4 2017

Code Careers


orrow Game-changing jobs of tom

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The girl gamers challenging stereotypes p29 Uni, TAFE, online… Study computer science anywhere! p46

2 2017 Careers with STEM Term

jump into today’s coolest tech jobs

Careerswith STE

security] [Start-ups] [Culture] [Artificial intelligence] [Creativity] [Cyber

Careers with

Maths Science Careers with

of tomorrow Game -changing jobs

Game-changing jobs of tomorrow

Why future jobs need science skills p4


Creating cool customer experiences

Ga me -ch


Careers with STEM Term 3 2017

jobs of tom orrow

Countdo to the firswn Aussie tma n in spacewo p29



discover maths everywhere Careerswith STEM

Careers with

Riding the nex wave oft surf tech p19

Find your ultimate career personality p6 Leadership opportunities from industry

Engineer ing

issue 2 2017

Don’t know what to do? Our quiz has all the answers p20

amazing jobs you never knew used numbers p6

creat amazing a betteer career future ideas!

Sports skills in action in the AFL p20

Ca reersw


] designer] [Business guru chef] [Fighter pilot] [Game [Human rights defender] [Master [Exploration] [Robotics]



[Food technology]

[ C yb er se c

ith ST EM

u r it y ] [ Sp or t s

How to build a bionic body p21 Get ad as a graahe duate intern p12


te c h ] [ Hea lt h

h ac k s ] [ D efen ce

jobs ] [ Rob ot ic



Discover new ideas, careers and study options What is Careers with Code?

Less than 5% of tertiary students worldwide choose to study computer science (CS) at uni, yet employment rates for CS graduates are higher than any other field. But CS isn’t just about becoming a developer or software engineer. CS is relevant to all jobs, whether you’re into fashion, film, farming or food, to name a few. Careers with Code lets you discover your passion – your ‘X’ – and combine it with CS to uncover the careers of the future, or create your own. Head to the quiz on p20 to kick-start your CS journey.


CS+ y it iv t a e r c Contents Are computer science an d coding the same thing? 6 Not exactl y, but they are linked

Coding at work

A day in the life of a co



Upwardly mobile!

10 We reveal the computer science powering your smartph one Google drive

12 These Googlers took a roundabout path to working at the company 7 paths to CS careers

From horse paddocks to high-rise apartment s, there are many ways to plug into coding

Get your quiz on

Are you ready to find you r computer science pathw ay?

Code in creative careers



22 Whether you realise it or not, almost every aspect of our social lives are touched by tec hnology

Let your creative mind run wild! Combining your passions with CS will open up exciting new opportunities.

Code your culture

26 Digital tech can help you explore different customs and bring our communities together Breaking the mould

28 These experts say findin g a problem and fixing it can put you on the road to success

Girl gamers

29 Get to this interactive exhibition recognising the work by women in the games industry Keeping the baddies at ba y 34

Cybersecurity is vital in the fight to secure public infras tructure

New world order

40 You may not have notice d, but robots have already taken over. An d it’s for the bet ter …

What does the bot say?

In the ver y near future , the majority of customer interactions will be managed by a chatbot, not a human


Course directory

48 Check out these ter tia ry institutions where you can study com puter science

CS+Artificial intelligence


e t-ups ar a. r of star ali A quarte regional Austr re. in mo founded 14 & 28 to read p to n r u T



Once the cornerstone of sci-fi movies, artificial intelligence promises to drive our cars, cure our health problems and lead us into a future where robots will be doing our most mundane and dangerous tasks.

{Careers with Code}


d n a e c n e i c s r Are computesame thing? coding the The answer is no. But do you know how they are linked?


hink about it this way: computer science is the study of all things related to computers. That means understanding everything from hardware, chips, circuits, processors and storage, to programming languages and theory. “A computer science degree can lead to a career as a software engineer,” says start-up investor Ben Metcalfe. “It means understanding design patterns, designing and architecting a system, and knowing what information and functionality should occur within the system.” A software engineer also deals with different ways of building functionality, problem-solving, which technologies to use, how to use them and why. Computer programming is understanding the set of languages used to talk to computers. Learning to code is like learning a new language, but instead of talking to other people, you’re instructing computers instead. A programmer – or coder – is given instructions and assigned parts of a system to build. Today, tech powers practically every industry in the world, so there are plenty of different careers on offer. Design, product and program management are just a just a few core roles needed that don’t involve writing code. “If you decided you want to try coding, there are many ways to learn – and you don’t have to be someone who’s been coding since you were six,” says Group Nine Media VP of product management, Lehua Sparrow. Her computer science degree took her down a different path: “I started in engineering, then discovered product and people management is where my passion lies.” Whatever your passions or interest, there’s a branch of computer science and a job out there - what are you waiting for? – Sukhjit Ghag

CS AND ERS DuINteGr PCroAgRraE mmer O C p Com

$56,000* gner phic Desi Web Gra ,000 5 $ 0


on Securi

ty Analyst

$86,000 anager Product M Soft ware 2,000 1 $0 cordin salaries ac *Median to Pa

{Careers with Code}



Melbourne School of Engineering


Transform the future with IT at Australia’s leading University* »»» Benefit from a globally recognised, industry-relevant curriculum »»» Develop advanced analytical, technical and communications skills valued by industry »»» Learn from world leading IT researchers »»» Access Australia’s leading start up incubator – the Melbourne Accelerator Program »»» Work on real-world industry and research projects »»» Undergraduate and graduate options available

Discover more: * Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016-2017 CRICOS No: 00116K


k r o w t a g n Codi

the same? Think again! is y da r’s de co y er ev k Thin

As a character rigger, Cara Gately (left) breathes life into animated creatures.

Donna Forlin: Director of Product Developmen t, The Yield

A day in the er life of a cod

6am 7am

Wake up and head to yog a. Grab some breakfast an d reply to emails before headi 8.15am Arrive at the office ng to the office. and check in with my team of 12 dev elopers, data scientists and business analysts. 9am Work on a product dem o of a new app we’re developing to hel p farmers keep track of growing condit ions. 10am Make a note of any sof tware issues with the developers an d get the app ready for release. 12pm Grab lunch, then 1.30pm Talk to the sales straight to a meeting. and marketing team about which adver tisers to contact. 2pm Call farmers to get the ir feedback and input on the produ ct. 3pm Check in with the progre ss of the app and also give the dev elopers any feedback from the farmers. 4pm Last check of my emails and phone messages to make sur e I haven’t missed any thing urgen t. 5pm Listen to a podcast wh ile I walk home. 6pm Cook dinner and unwin d. 9.30pm Time for bed.

r Cara Gately: CharacPte res Rigger, Rising Sun ictuakfast.

d eat bre Wake up, read a book an torbike. mo my Head to work on r, log on to gea ing rid Quickly ditch my up with my my computer and catch ahead. day the n colleagues to pla ital double dig or re atu 10am Load up the cre on in Autodesk Maya. I’ve been working thing – from working 10.45am I could be doing any urs for Japanese TV on enormous dinosa intricate details commercials to adding nes. to creatures in movie sce home for ad he d an e 12pm Jump on my bik a while with a book for lunch, chill out and enjoy a sandwich. ck my email to Go back to work and che 1pm need to be done. see if any urgent tasks looming, your day With deadlines always 12–16 hours long! can suddenly become ing amazing creatures 2.30pm When I’m not bring on tools and systems. to life, I’m working ps, processes I bury myself in Logic loo and Qt interfaces. re or digital Jump back to the creatu 4pm in the morning. double I was working on touches and small 5.30pm Add the finishing ature. details to the cre Ride home on my bike. 6pm for dinner and Make myself something 7pm e. play an Xbox One gam much Red Bull!) too d ha ’t pm Bed. (If I haven


8am 8.30am 9am


{Careers with Code}

Working with The Yield, an ag-tech solutions company, Donna Forlin’s (far right and above) goal is to make life easier for farmers.


UNSw sydney

Watching emojis come to life first company hanks to Tara Tjandra’s ian colleagues coding project, her Atlass rat at her than message her @GrumpyC their own nicknames @Tara, and customise to @TheBoss. too – everyone, right up n-tone selector Tara also developed a ski y messages. And for emojis in the compan not add emoji gender then, she thought, why some new emojis, too. modifiers? And create and use these “The idea was, we have sh them out and make emojis any way, let’s fle ndard,” Tara says. them of a really good sta rk it would be to “Let’s see how much wo personal.” make them better, more ojis are in use Tara’s customisable em munications at throughout internal com ’s largest tech Atlassian, and Australia them to clients. company will soon offer to life pretty much “I see my work coming o is a full-stack every day,” says Tara, wh ts from the back-end developer, taking projec end finishes. beginnings to the front-


ficult,” she says of “It wasn’t par ticularly dif ssaging code, “and I’m the custom-named me e done it in a quarter sure the others could’v senior developers of the time.” Her team’s ugh, encouraging were ver y suppor tive, tho offer new ideas. her to ask questions and solving that got It was a love of problemlor of Computer Tara into UNSW’s Bache first place. Science program in the s I got out of my ng thi t “One of the bes blem-solve, pro to ng degree was learni d techniques for goo and , ion learning to quest to communicate. finding things out – how at to ask and it made “It helped me learn wh k to people. If you me more confident to tal only go so far.” keep to yourself, you can alumni, and return Atlassian’s founders are luding to recruit. to campus frequently, inc 2016 and finished her Tara secured her job in work in January 2017. degree before starting friends at uni and a “I met some of my best Lauren Martin lot of them are here!” –

Bachelor of Computer y Science, UNSW sydne

Tutor, UNSW Sydney

Summer Scholar, NICTA

Gr aduate Developer, Atlassian

Engineer your career UNSW has produced Australia’s most successful software engineers, computer scientists and startup tech entrepreneurs, with five UNSW graduates featuring in the top 25 of the BRW Young Rich 2016 list. UNSW graduates have also created significant local tech companies Atlassian, Airtasker, Smart Sparrow, Compass and OpenLearning.

Adam Brimo Founder and CEO, OpenLearning BE, Software Engineering, 2010

Explore course options


e l i b o m y l d r Upwa

vices ble of new functions, de pa ca d an r, pe ea ch r, le al to CS As technology gets sm ore powerful – all thanks m g in m co be e ar s ne ho like smartp


Apps are essentially software programs: they “understand” certain basic functions, such as sending a text or playing a game, and execute these as they receive your instructions. They’re coded in a variety of programming languages (like Microsoft’s Xamarin), depending on your phone’s operating system (OS) and what the app’s creator was working with. “If you see yourself as imagining what the future might be, coding is where you could help realise it,” says Professor Maurice Pagnucco from the UNSW Sydney. CS: Computer programs (code)


The phone’s OS (e.g. Android’s Nougat) is its most important software program, as it enables the phone to run and coordinate multiple programs at once. The central processing unit (CPU) executes a few lines of code from each app at a time, and how they’re cycled in and out is determined by the OS. CS: Software (code)


Another important program is your phone’s voice-activated assistant (e.g. Google Assistant), which translates your words into a digital signal, then uses its vocabulary and language software to recognise the signal and respond. CS: Software (code)


Touchscreens are capacitive, which means they’re equipped with electronic sensors that register where our electricity-conducting fingers touch the screen. These sensors send a signal to the microprocessor, which works out what you’re asking the phone’s software to do. CS: Electrical engineering (combining the technology of hardware and microprocessors)

{Careers with Code}



When you make a phone call, the sound waves – your voice – are converted into a digital signal by the phone’s microphone. This signal is transmitted to your friend’s phone, and then converted back to sound by their phone’s speaker. CS: Hardware (microphone)


Bluetooth technology, in the form of a tiny computer chip and transceiver, uses low-power radio waves (between 2.402 GHz and 2.480 GHz) to connect smartphones with – and send data to – other devices, like a car’s stereo, without using cables. CS: Computer chips, transceiver


The cloud (internet) servers that allow us to access and store music, emails and other data and programs can be divided into two parts: the software interface that we interact with; and the data server storing this information on a remote computer, like at a Google data centre. Once we make a request, the two systems communicate via the internet and enable you to access or download the information. CS: Distributed computing data storage


A smartphone’s built-in GPS receiver communicates via radio waves with at least three global positioning satellites to pinpoint your location. It then communicates the information to the phone’s software so you can see your location and get directions to your destination. CS: GPS satellites – Laura Boness


{Careers with Code}



GETTING SKILLS Gaining confidence in computing at uni motivated Amy Lo to switch from a biology research career to a job as tech lead at Google


he first job I wanted was to be a teacher – my parents were teachers in Hong Kong. Over time, I changed my mind and looked at a career in research; I was a good student and reading up on different science concepts was fun. At university I did a degree in bioinformatics, which required an honours thesis. When I started learning computing as part of my uni degree, I didn’t know what I was in for. It was so difficult I nearly quit half a semester into my degree, but after a chat with my lecturer I decided to stick it out. I ended up getting good grades at uni, which helped boost my confidence. My honours year showed me that while understanding how the human body works and finding breakthroughs would be really interesting, the research could also be tedious. To keep my options open I interviewed at several companies and ended up taking a job at a finance firm, a choice which led me to my path here at Google. The most meaningful project I’ve worked on was custom styling on the Google Maps Android API. It was a project that was asked for by developers for three years – no-one had gotten around to it because people thought it was too difficult. I worked alongside some great people in Seattle to make the concept happen, and then I worked with my team here in Sydney to get this feature working. At the end, I finally understood the code and we were able to create this feature that everyone wanted. It was also great to see the team working together and collaborating to make sure the feature was completed in time. It doesn’t matter when you start learning CS, if you want to learn it, you can. I know people who started learning computing in primary school, I started at university, and I have friends who started three years after working full-time in another field. If it’s something you’re interested in, then you should go for it.


To hear more about amy’s Computer science journey to google, visit

Bachelor of Engineering (Bioinformatics), UNSW Sydney

{Careers with Code}

It doesn’t matter when you start learning computer science, if you want to learn it, you can.”

Software developer, Optiver Asia Pacific


Technical lead, Google

Taking strides Shanika Kuruppu knows she has what it takes to be head and shoulders above the rest


spent way too long in my early years not being confident. I knew I was good at programming, but it still made me nervous that some people in my degree had been writing code for longer than I had. I always felt like I was behind and if I had extra experience, I’d be so much better. In hindsight, my lack of confidence was counterproductive. I now realise I have the competence to work with people who have many more decades of experience than me. The important thing is to learn from them, rather than be intimidated. I always thought I would be an engineer because I liked learning how mechanical things worked. One of the quirkiest things I’ve worked on is building my own keyboard. I designed the layout, laser-cut the frame, found all the parts, wired it up, wrote the code to detect the key presses and put it all together. There was a lot of soldering involved, and also debugging to figure out why pressing a key for one character made a different one show up on the screen. But in the end I got there, and now it’s the keyboard I use at home. I think the best way to learn CS is to find a problem that you really care about and use CS to build a solution to the problem. I’m lucky to already have my dream job, which is not only to be a Google engineer, but to deal with all the complexities of the Google infrastructure. I’m still learning a lot every day.

I know now I have the competence to work with people who have many more decades of experience than me.” Bachelor of Engineering/Commerce, University of Melbourne

visit To find out what helped shanika most in her career.

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (bioinformatics), University of Melbourne

Software engineer,


senior Software engineer, Google

{Careers with Code}


Homemade code

Regional Australia is chock-a-block with new knowledge, networks and ideas


ni student Luke de Bono, from the Glenning Valley in NSW, has a big goal: to bring the technology found in autonomous cars to household products – like his first product, an automated lawnmower. Luke’s passion for design led him to study industrial and product design at the University of Newcastle, and to cofound his own company, Elite Robotics. “The dream is for Elite Robotics to be the world leader in automation,” he says. Luke’s attitude is typical of the high aspirations of regional tech businesses. Around eight million Australians live in towns and regional centres. Startup incubators, co-working spaces and courses that combine computer science with industry experiences are injecting

excitement into regional areas. Take the UNE SMART Region Incubator in Armidale NSW, which connects researchers, business and start-ups focused on ag-tech. Simon Blyth is a tech entrepreneur and local of Inverell in northern NSW. He’s also managing director of LXGroup, an Internet of Things product development company with a focus on ag-tech. Simon started LXGroup with just $750 in the bank. “In the country, you need much less capital to survive on while you build your business. That’s a real advantage for start-ups building their enterprise through the UNE Incubator,” he says. Looking for opportunities near you? Visit Silicon Paddock – siliconpaddock. community – for more information.

From far left: Elite Robot ics co-founders, Luke De Bo no, Sahil Harriram and Nathan Ba rtlett.


AI. Software design. Database programming. Data science. App development. Networks... UNE’s Computer Science courses provide the foundation for you to thrive and adapt in this rapidly expanding field. With programs in software development, data science, and computational science, UNE’s innovative program provides a common core of essential skills while letting you choose your own specialisation. Got any questions? Call the UNE Future Students team on 1800 818 865 or email us at ▶

Computer Science

paths to CS careers

#1 Dominick Ng, Senior Software Engineer at Google Home town: Scone, NSW

From horse paddocks to high-rise apartments, there are many ways to plug into coding

I never did programming at school, having grown up in a small town in country NSW. After finishing school in 2006, moving to the city was a big adjustment. I decided to do a computer science degree at the University of Sydney. The first few years were challenging, but I put in the effort to learn what was needed and asked for help when I needed it as well. Now, I’m a senior software engineer at Google, working to make Chrome the best platform for developers. There are billions of people who are coming online for the first time in countries like India, but they’re on slower networks. Since the web is the best way for these people to connect online, my team is working to let developers create websites that behave like apps – giving users the benefits of apps in a smaller package. I feel privileged to be where I am now, particularly since I had no background in programming before uni. It goes to show that with enough hard work, you can go from anywhere – even a country town – to working for one of the coolest tech companies in the world.


SENIOR software engineer, Google


#2 LIAM CARNEY, INTERN AT TELSTRA Home town: Armidale, NSW When Liam Carney first arrived at his Telstra internship in Sydney, he raised eyebrows for completing his work too quickly. “I was given a task and I finished it in 20 minutes by writing some code,” he says. “It was supposed to take me two weeks.” However, Liam decided that corporate life in the city was not for him – he’s much more comfortable living the laid-back lifestyle in Armidale, NSW, where he’s studying a Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of New England. Liam chose Armidale over big city life for its lifestyle and location, but also because the small city is fully NBN fibred and has a vibrant tech culture that is proving a fertile ground for innovative start-ups. Rural areas are ripe for technical innovation, he says. At a recent hackathon called Agmentation, run by

the University of New England SMART Region Incubator, Liam and other students set to work on agricultural challenges, such as automatically detecting and responding to quad bike flips, and networking farms that span across tens of thousands of hectares. The country is also a great place to run an online business, says Liam. He found his skills were in high demand and now has a business partner based in Thailand. Their projects range from smart LED wearables for police to finding ways to reduce wastage in jewellery manufacturing offcuts. An endless curiosity seems to drive most of Liam’s decisions. “When I was 12, my grandfather gave me three books – How Things Work, Volumes 1, 2 and 3,” he says. “I finished them in a few weeks.” And he’s been figuring stuff out ever since. – Chloe Walker


Bachelor of Computer Science, University of New England Intern, Telstra

Freelance IT consultant

{Careers with Maths}




City Vs regional




ering, Bachelor of Engine ng), (Software Engineeri University of Waikato ed PhD Computer-assist education, University of Waikato

Founder, Code Avengers

It was cricket that sparked the idea for Code Avengers, an online education company that teaches people to code. The brainchild of Michael Walmsley, the concept was formed when he asked his brother (who couldn’t code) to help develop some online cricket scoring software. “I pointed my brother to different resources on the web and he found them boring,” Michael says. It was then that Walmsley realised the online market was lacking fun courses to teach code. At the time, Michael was finishing his PhD at the University of Waikato, so he decided to focus on Code Avengers. “Now well over a million students all around the world have used our courses,” he says. Michael says it’s extremely satisfying to meet computer science graduates who first learnt to code five or six years ago on Code Avengers. “I wanted to be innovative, try and push new ground, and have the biggest impact I possibly could with the time that I have here on this earth,” Michael enthuses. – Ruth Beran

Tom Lochore’s Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours degree has set him up on the path to his dream job and a successful career in the IT industry. Tom works as a Project Manager at Datacom, an IT services company, where his job is not just about computer science, it’s about bringing value to people and creating real-world results. “I get really invested in the outcome of my work and I love making a positive difference in people’s lives.” “The practical elements of the University of Waikato’s course really helped prepare me for the work I would later do in the industry. I recommend students get involved with Waikato’s Summer Research Scholarships because they give you great work experience.” Visit to apply to start study in 2018.


#4 John Mills, WiseTech Global Home town: Sydney, NSW While at high school, I worked casually at KFC for five years – this gave me great teamwork experience, but when I was growing up I always wanted to get into video game development and design. While in uni, I joined the BiG IT Society where I met a lot of people who also had a passion for tech. From there I was introduced to the ACS Foundation and that’s where I got my first job in the IT industry, organising and hosting the BiG Day In events. After a year at the ACS Foundation, I wanted to have some more technical experience so I applied for a job as a developer at WiseTech Global, working on its logistics software, CargoWise One. My advice to students who want to learn CS is to play around with it; try writing applications or games in your spare time. There are so many resources and tutorials online that you can take advantage of.


#5 Hannah Craighead, Victoria University of Wellington Home town: Blenheim, NZ Hannah Craighead will have an enviable problem when she graduates with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Software. “There’s too many things that I could do!” she says. She has already interned at Google (twice!); tutored at Victoria University of Wellington; and completed a stint at Snapper, a contactless smartcard ticketing systems company. “My dream job would be to work on Google Translate,” says Hannah, who has a passion for languages, having studied French and linguistics. And she will soon be off to South Korea as part of her Google Women Techmakers Scholarship. Her advice to others in software engineering? Apply for everything. “You won’t get them all, but you don’t get the ones you don’t apply for.” – Ruth Beran

in Bachelor of Science gy, Information Technolo n Diploma in Informational Technology Professio Pr actice, UTS Intern, ACS Foundation Associate developer WiseTech Global

, Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering), Victoria University of Wellington

Intern, Google


#6 MEGAN DYKE, Deloitte Home town: Gippsland, Vic Careers rarely follow a straight line. It’s important to embrace every opportunity you can to find out what you enjoy, what’s important to you, and get a broad skill set. While at university I completed four holiday placements. One was at Deloitte, working in Technology Strategy and Architecture consulting – I’m currently working there on an IT sourcing project. It’s unlike anything I learnt at university, but still an opportunity to apply logical problem-solving. There are thousands of different CS jobs out there for you to choose. I encourage everyone to get as much hands-on experience as you can – it’s the best opportunity to learn and gain confidence. Bachelor of Engineering/ Commerce, Monash University


#7 JC Hong, CBA

on a lot of different ideas When I was younger I had n m a doctor to a fashio what I wanted to do – fro th joined the Commonweal designer. But instead I ineer. now I’m a sof tware eng Bank as a graduate and ny ma realised there are so When I started in CS, I rn lea take and I’m willing to different paths you can my . I didn’t even do CS for and explore new skills 4 unit maths, textiles and HSC; I studied English, – that’s it. Not many CS design, and visual arts arts background! graduates come from an ss/ Bachelor of Busine Science (Information Technology), UTS

business analyst, Deloitte


Software Engineer, CBA


W Home town: Sydney, NS

{Careers with Maths}


Amazing careers in tech


1 Information architect

These non-coders make sure that you easily find the information you need on a website by structuring, labelling and organising content. Median pay: $132,686* Degree: Bachelor’s degree in IT or computer science CS used: Human-computer interaction

4 User interface (UI) designer From computers

to home appliance s, UI designers mak e sure that a device’s screen, buttons and icons are simple to use. Median pay: $67,3 03* Degree: Bachelo r degree in digital media, com munication or computer science CS used: Cognitiv e systems

ome jobs There are plenty of awes all day. that don’t require coding y at all! Some hardly require an

hacker 2 Growth a buzzword, growth

Far from just l knowhow to hackers use their digita ways to grow ive ect eff st find the mo p a product. businesses and develo ,631* $75 y: pa Median ree in deg ’s lor che Ba e: Degre ine onl an or digital marketing g kin hac h wt gro in course raction CS used: Web data ext

3 Mobile app designer These des

igners create the look and feel of mobile apps and websites so that it is an enjoyable experi ence for the user. Median pay: $61,250 * Degree: Bachelor’s deg ree in information technolog y or computer science with a major in mobile applications CS used: Web development

5 User experience (UX) designer These design

ers improve the accessibility, usability and user satisfaction of a produc t by carefully designing its branding, function and layout. Median pay: $74,794* Degree: Bachelor deg ree in communication design , design computing or multimedi a design CS used: Wireframing

6 System administrator

When tech goes wrong in an organisation, system administrators are there to fix it, whether it’s troubleshooting software or creating firewalls. Median pay: $68,790* Degree: Bachelor degree in information technology CS used: System configuration

ter cal wrikno 7 Technithe whow ir technical

These writers use nuals, report s, to write instruction ma ss releases. pre website copy and ,806* $76 y: pa n Media munications, com in ree deg lor che Ba Degree: such as a, are cal hni journalism or a tec or science e enc sci er put com engineering, choose to write about! CS used: Any area you

9xData analyst Wheth

8 Search engine ) optimisation (SEO consultant bsite’s

er it’s sales figures or transportation costs, data analysts collect and use data to help businesses ma ke bet ter decisions and solve pro blems. Median pay: $58,023* Degree: Bachelor deg ree in applied analytics or data science CS used: Data scaping

se a we SEO consultants optimi hly in a search hig ks ran it t tha so t conten users to find. for y eas engine, making it * Median pay: $58,958 rmation info in ree Degree: Bachelor deg e enc sci er put com or technology g CS used: Link buildin

{Careers with Code}


*Salary according to


Animation draws on coding skills for future filmmaker Jessica D’Ali has a bright future ahead of her in movies


ess D’Ali says she’s been obsessed with animated films for as long as she can remember. Now she’s living the dream, learning digital animation skills at the UTS Animal Logic Academy, with mentors from the Australian studio that produced such hits as Happy Feet and The Lego Movie. Growing up, Jess always watched the ‘Behind the Scenes’ sections of her favourite movies. “When I got to Year 9, there was an IT elective that had a small section on animation, so I jumped at the chance,” she says. After school, Jess landed a place in UTS’s prestigious Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) Co-operative Scholarship, where she spent two semesters

interning in IT roles at Westpac and WiseTech Global. Then Jess heard about the partnership between UTS and Animal Logic to offer the industry-led Masters in Animation and Visualisation degree, and she knew it was her best chance to get into an industry she has always loved. She learnt to code and soon realised these new skills were intrinsic to the animation industry. Now, she’s working with animation artists to develop content for emerging augmented reality and virtual reality platforms like the Oculus Rift and the new Apple ARKit. “I hope to continue on to work in the film industry in animation and eventually I’d like to get into one of the big studios in America,” she says. Bachelor of internships at The BIT scholarship is a flagship Information Westpac and gy olo hn Tec program attracting high-calibre students eTech global e Wis tiv ra ope CoUTS , expecting an ATAR of 85+. Successful hip rs la Scho n Masters in Animatio students receive $49,500 (2017) over UTS and Visualisation, em y the three-year program. – Fran Molloy Animal Logic Acad




! n o z i u q Get your

n rights, g. If you’re into huma– AKA coding, din co t ou ab ew kn u yo er science u thought Forget everything youre or even music, then you’re into computthway pa lt retail therapy, cu e not kidding! Get ready to find your CS AKA cool stuff. We’r


GET STARTED! A: You live to help make change. What’s your numero uno?


#2 Earth goals

Hacking hero

+ Matchmaker

Solution skills

CS+ Your country

CS+ Cybersecurity l safe You want people to fee d the an rity online. Cybersecu s ait aw gy future of technolo d fin d an 34 you! Turn to page d. how to get starte

Finding the right combo between technologies of today and traditional cultures is your vibe. Pa ge 26 has all you to need to know for your next ste p. Follow for inspo.

Watch Bram Bonne’s TEDx talk for inspo.

{Careers with Code}

y Communeidt mind





B: you are all about creating the future? #1 you love Robots

Shake p things u

Ready for change CS+ artificial intelligence

w BFF. AI is leading Make page 40 your ne , disrupting and the way in transforming s and skills for all creating jobs, solution board. the industries. Get on

Follow for inspo.


#2 long live PEOPLE POWER On trend

Born leader

CS+ Disruptors All about ideas Visit for inspo.

So you’ve got an idea that’s off-the-charts good? Get inspired by our Careers with Code entrepreneurs – the peeps who are wearing their CS hat to lead the way in new areas in technology. Check out page 28 for pro tips.

Market leader Watch Austin Evans at work


CS+ creativity You’re all about the latest tech. From the music you stream to the games you play and the gear you wear, it’s all about delivery to the masses. Get the social lowdown on page 22.

{Careers with Code}


Code in creative careers we What we wear and how

play is made with code

hether it’s fashion design; an artificial-intelligence assistant on your smartphone; augmented reality in the form of Snapchat filters; or tools for creating artworks, almost every aspect of our social lives are permeated by technology. While she’s now a rising tech star, this wasn’t always the case for Charne Esterhuizen – when her father moved the family from South Africa to Australia for work, they slept on mattresses on the floor, as they adjusted to their new life in the nation’s capital. “I grew up in Carletonville, a farm town in South Africa, so Canberra is the biggest city I have ever lived in,” says the 24-year-old designer. “We immigrated when I was 16 years old because of safety and also for bigger opportunities.” Super friendly and talking a mile a minute, Charne takes the same unstoppable attitude her father had in relocating their family to following her own dream career path – as a fashion designer for the label she founded, MAAK Clothing. “It doesn’t matter if anyone tells you that you can’t do something – if you have the passion and drive to change the world, then why not do it and prove everyone wrong,” she says. Ultimately, this eco-designer, who works with 3D-printed materials, wants to use bioprinting techniques to ensure her fashion label has an environmental footprint of zero. “Consumers of today buy for one occasion and fast fashion is so accessible,” she explains. “With the need to keep up with weekly trends, it makes it hard to recycle and upcycle garments. “We have doubled our waste from the last 20 years and I want to fight back, using bioprinting technology to create a fabric grown from cells that is beneficial for the environment.” Charne taught herself CAD (computer-aided design) to print the butterflies that make up her dress “fabric”, and used 3D animation to figure out how to connect the pieces together. The Canberra-based design graduate has shown her anklelength, 3D-printed dress at Canada’s Vancouver Fashion Week. “For one butterfly to be printed it takes five and a half hours ... and the dress consists of 130 to 150 butterflies,” she laughs. Skills like understanding how people use technology (usability), graphic design and 3D printing are in growing demand. You don’t need to be an expert – all the information is online, right at your fingertips. The opportunities to teach yourself have never been better. – Heather Catchpole

{Careers with Code}




Love your work

Michael Szewczyk gets paid to play games


’ve always had an interest in computers and how they work. There’s something magical about the first time you write a program and then have it perform exactly how you wanted it to. The thing that turned computers into what I wanted to do as a career was realising I could take apart programs other people had made and see how they worked. Suddenly these mysterious programs that did complex things became readable and something I could learn from. In my day-to-day job at Prettygreat, a cool little start-up that makes mobile phone games, I do a lot of programming and I design the code systems that all our games run on. I’m most proud of our latest title, Crash Club. It’s a real-time multiplayer game – you’re playing with people all over the world, so as you can imagine it can make things quite tricky. If you want to work in the games industry, then make a simple game in your own time; if you want to work in robotics, build robots – this shows you’re passionate and interested, and you’re immediately ahead of most other applicants. My dream job is the one I’m in right now. I get to do the thing I love and I spend every day with some of my closest friends. There’s no dress code – shoes are optional and board shorts are standard workplace attire. We don’t even have meetings, we just try out ideas and make the best games that we possibly can.

cs+ creativity Make it Yourself Tinkercad: tinkercad.

com Ruby on Rails (app dev elopment): rubyonrai Udemy UX design cou rse: bit .ly/UdemyU X


Academy of Interactive Entertainment:


Bachelor of IT and Cre ative Industries, QUT: bit .ly/ QUT_I

TCI WebUX, free Open2Stu dy course: bit .ly/ WebU X_O2S



Instagram: maak_clothing


ttygreat --------------------------pre -----Mobile app developer Lead UX designer $92

$49k– $120k*


Senior Sof tware Engine er/Developer/ Programmer $72k–$130 k

Fashion designer $40k–

*Salaries acc ording to


Pay Scale.c om

bachelor of it/Creative Industries, QUT


SENIOR programmer, Halfbrick


Lead programmer, Krome studios Technical director, Prettygreat

{Careers with Code}



uLugtoht thd o Fthoirsotdfor fknoowr ledge le Yaya A ative voice help develop an innovir controlled wheelcha when she aya Lu was 11-years-old r. “I called nto me t firs approached her e, if you teach me him up and said, ‘Graem give you food.’” robotics, our family will Dr Graeme nd frie ily Long-time fam mentor, a’s Yay be to Faulkner agreed him food e giv eed ind and her family did our and has – he is now their neighb night. ry eve dinner with them d together on rke wo a Graeme and Yay ber of years, robotics projects for a num LEGO Mindstorms their kit of choice being a voiceNXT (pictured left). Then designed won she ir cha controlled wheel CREST award her the prestigious Gold she presented a and 12, from CSIRO in 20 the 5th Biomedical paper on the project at Conference in Engineering International still in Year 10. Bangkok, while she was t I was a ugh tho “A lot of people 14, she was 20 In a. Yay graduate!” says ng Australian of a state finalist in the You


Bachelor’s of Software Engineering (Honours), ANU

Academic Tutor, ANU Software Engineering Intern, Google

the Year Awards, in recognition of her achievements. engineering Now studying sof tware gineering and at the ANU College of En a is taking a Computer Science, Yay focus on humanbreak from robotics to other words, user centred computing – in ly completed an experience. She recent Sydney. “The best internship at Google in e was how they thing about the experienc ployees,” she treated us like actual em with as much says. “We were treated tware developer.” respect as a senior sof , tutoring, or When she’s not studying ricular activities working on her extra-cur find Yaya and side projects, you can e. “On Thursday playing piano and ukulel cook together, nights my friends and I and we sing along and I bring my ukulele – Chloe Walker and have a good time.”

Future proof yourself Interested in using data to solve the world’s greatest challenges? Want a future career as a Tech Entrepreneur, Database Administrator and Developer, Policy Analyst or Data Scientist? There is a global shortage of data analytics graduates. With a Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics degree from The Australian National University, you will be competitively positioned to inform business, government and the commercial sector in critical, data decision-making that comprises knowledge of computing, statistics and social science. To find out more search - ANU Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics.

ANUwith College {Careers Maths} of Engineering & Computer Science 24

Why little r e t t a m s g n thi CBA

Charisse Co is determined to improve your life, one small step at a time



ou’re out enjoying lunch with your friends, but when you try to pay at the end of the meal it turns out the cafe won’t split the bill. And, of course, no-one has cash on them. What do you do? This is the type of situation Commonwealth Bank (CBA) iOS developer Charisse Co has to think about. Her job is to make the bank’s smartphone apps more useful and innovative. Take the cafe scenario; an expense-sharing add-on to CBA’s app means the person who pays the bill can then keep track of who in the group has paid their share. The CommBank Labs app, part of CBA’s Innovation Lab, offers customers the chance to become part of new developments in digital banking. One of its goals is to help find ways for users to more easily manage the smaller details when it comes to their finances. “We look at things like gamification – using the elements of games design – to help make saving money easier,” Charisse explains. For example, you’re buying something that costs $9.50. You could pay the exact amount, or you can take advantage of the Savings Jar program, round it up to $10 and have that 50 cents change put into a savings account. Over time those bits of loose change add up, and one day when you’re short of cash you can access that hoard for emergencies. Another idea being explored is a Savings Challenge, which compares your current spending habits to how they’ve looked over the past three months, so you can keep track of how well you’re doing at saving. For Charisse, who picked CS because of her love of maths, having the chance to play around with the code of these apps is exciting, but also a little daunting sometimes. “In my first week working with the CBA code base, it scared me because I didn’t want to break anything,” she says. Now, she knows it’s about giving it a go and seeing what happens. “Don’t be scared to try things out. I did CS without knowing anything about coding and I ended up really enjoying it.” – Bianca Nogrady

Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Adelaide


Graduate Software Engineer, CBA

{Careers with Code}


Code Your Culture Digital technology can help you explore your customs and bring your community together


hen Dean Foley first stepped into the start-up world, he noticed a lack of training and mentorship programs for Indigenous Australians interested in digital technology. “I wanted to launch an event that would not only teach Indigenous entrepreneurs key skills and provide a way to collaborate, but also to prove to the world that they existed,” says Dean. Dean founded Australia’s first Indigenous Startup Weekend, where, over two days, participants learnt the skills needed for running a successful business, from designing a business model to pitching ideas to seasoned entrepreneurs. “Empowering the Indigenous community will help to change the landscape of Australia,” he says. Entrepreneurship was a “lightbulb moment” for Dean, who initially worked as an air intelligence analyst in the Royal Australian Air Force, inspired by his grandfather’s war service. “I got low grades, and was looking at uni but I didn’t feel I was that smart. I was looking to drop out, but my teacher told me to finish year 12.” Dean then did a graduate certificate in business administration at Griffith University, a Master of Business Marketing at QUT and an MBA at Griffith University before founding Barayamal (Black Swan) Indigenous Startup Accelerator to help people get their new businesses up and running within three months. For University of Queensland student Phillip Harris, Barayamal has played a key role in the development of Aartbi – an online platform connecting artists and musicians from Darwin. “I have a lot of faith in my idea and Barayamal is helping make it a reality by keeping me grounded and working with me to get my idea into action,” says Phillip. – Gemma Conroy

Cs+ your country Make it Yourself

eroes Join Tech Girl s are Superh Start social good. Visit Google’s and build mobile apps for at look a s and basics, or take with code to get some idea . ition pet com k in the outbac FIRST Australia’s Robots



Bachelor of Applied Scie (Indigenous Professional Practices), Cur tin University

Bachelor of Information Development), Technology (Web Design and g gon University of Wollon reneurship and Innovation), Bachelor of Business (Entrep logy hno Auckland University of Tec tudy free online course, Open2S User Experience for the Web

------------------------------------Twi--tter: @IndigenousDX

FOLLOW--------------------------------------HOT JOBS


Facebook: DigitalMaoriFo


,509-$93,164* Application developer, $48 23 Web designer $39,465-$81,8 4-$161,032 ,40 Small business owner $47 9-$129,367 Technical consultant $55,30 *Sal aries

Watch Dean Foley talk about his entrepreneurial path at

according to PayS

{Careers with Code}


Inspiring next gen

Telling stories Mikaela Jade is bringing ancient stories to life using augmented reality with her mobile app, Indigital Storytelling. The app is helping elders pass down traditional knowledge to the digitally savvy younger generation. When visiting a cultural site, the user can point their smartphone camera at rock art or other features to access a story told by a traditional landowner. The app works without an internet connection, allowing remote communities to learn about their heritage and tell their stories. Visit for more.

Making friends at Facebook. Hanging out at Google. A trip to Uber HQ. These were just some of the activities for a group of Māori students on a whirlwind visit to California, the centrepiece of Āmua Ao or “Future World” – a program designed to inspire Māori students and show them where their STEM studies could take them. Fourteen-year-old Tremaine Hughes, a Ngāti Maniapoto boy from Te Kuiti, south of Hamilton, says the program “got me motivated and excited”. “We had to learn about entrepreneurship and technology and also about asking questions,” he says. As well as visiting the Silicon Valley tech giants, the group (pictured right) took a trip to Stanford University in San Francisco, where they met Maia Wikaira, a Māori student awarded a prestigious Fulbright Fellowship to study environmental law. “I felt motivated and proud that our people are out there and doing things,” says Tremaine. At Victoria University of Wellington, the Te Rōpū Āwhina Whānau program

provides support and mentorship for Māori and Pasifika students enrolled in computer science at university. Abletech web developer Naiki Pohe-Lomax says that mentoring other students in the program gives them the confidence to flourish in their careers. “Being both Māori and female in this degree was very daunting,” says Naiki. “As a mentor, helping other students to succeed is important to me.” – Gemma Conroy and Jon Brock

tep ThaePittnwanetsxtotuss e her Tamin e world tech skills to change th

knew was that hen I was younger, all I world! Growing up, I wanted to change the have a large impact on I saw how companies can ideas. I realised that the world through simple my dreams, through this is how I could realise ideas. technology and using my ineering at univeristy, I studied electrical eng sn’t for me. As par t of it, but quickly realised it wa and ory computing course, I had to do an introduct and ng eri ine eng ter pu I loved it! I changed to com ce. sin r eve it ing lov n have bee e, I worked in a team ogl Go at ed ern int I When and we had to create our with two other interns out of my depth. I had own mobile app. I felt so skill set! In the end, to learn a completely new re really proud of. we did something we we ays aims to have a At Google, the work alw user, and in some way positive impact on the life. This extends to my improve their quality of man, ll. I’m an Indigenous wo personal passion as we a positive impact on the and my goal is to have as I know I can use my ide Indigenous community. to benefit Indigenous Watch Tamina’ Summer Trainee improve and journey at bits ple peo ng eri ine Eng careers-video . EP) all (ST for am life gr of Pro quality



ering Bachelor of Engine ng), eri ine Eng r ute mp (Co UNSW sydney

Intern, Google


{Careers with Code}


Breaking the mould

ding, you’ll be surprised co r fo e st ta a t ge u yo Once unities are on offer by how many job opport


e and general manager of Th ryce Eldredge, co-founder ce en sci ter pu erested in com Rural Network, became int ork a problem. The Rural Netw ve through the desire to sol ”, ard ebo tic “supermarket no is an online version of the to outsource tasks to those ies nit mu helping people in rural com d says it was in a farming business an with the skills. He grew up that industry. in going to have a career obvious that he was always rtages in sho t we faced with labour “Seeing the problems tha online peeran have a crack at building rural areas, that made me tsource and ou le community to help peop to-peer marketplace and al area,” he says. complete tasks in their loc o want to learn Bryce advises students wh ital tech to learn by computer science and dig t people are facing doing. “Find a problem tha that problem,” he and build something to fix ng will be the most says. “This type of learni valuable in your life.” et), one of the Paolo Gava (pictured, ins sic Platform, founders of the Zimrii Mu ts who are interested in recommends that studen earch in your free time technology “do a lot of res ging very, very rapidly”. because things are chan rs and had industry for almost 20 yea He has worked in the IT technology, in ha o understanding Blockc started doing research int hnology tec in ha nder Mo Jalloh. Blockc before meeting his co-fou s, which ord rec of tinually growing list allows the creation of a con y. ured via cryptograph are linked together and sec s can present Blockchain tech so artist Zimrii, for example, uses tures such as fea er ordings, alongside oth evidence of copyright rec effectively. es ess ians to run their busin analytics that allow music on – she is uti sol a o using technology as Nicole Buskiewicz is als platform t en em Advoc8, a political engag the founder and CEO of ta to be da the th vocacy professionals wi designed to empower ad . ers ak ing with decision-m more effective when engag ations for ment and government rel Nicole worked in govern interested ite qu r, she has always been nearly a decade; howeve erest in int thing that prompted my in technology. “The other pany was com sed rting a technology-ba computer science and sta used to be ld cou und how technology says. having an idea, really, aro she ” ry, ust lly in the advocacy ind like u’d do things better, specifica yo if e lin on nty of short courses d de Nicole says there are ple en att e Sh . d software engineering es de to get a taste for coding an en att the last year where most of an all-female hackathon ople; her advice ves’, rather than ‘tech’ pe were ‘hustlers’ and ‘creati is to go for it. ce en studying computer sci to students interested in ut it, there abo it, if you’re passionate “If you’re thinking about ss ne Bo ura ll open for you,”– La are so many doors that wi

{Careers with Code}


The Rural Network’s Bryce Eldredge with family dog Bundy.

CS+ start-ups Make it Yourself

Check out some of the online options availab le through Coder Academy, Treeho use, Khan Academy, Code Avengers and more – you can learn to code, build an app or website, or even how to start your own busine ss.


Bachelor of Commerc e/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science), UN SW Sydney Bachelor of Commerc e and Bachelor of Computer Science, Mo nash University Certificate IV in Progra mming, TA FE NSW



Use social media to get your name and idea out there, or even to find more inform ation: check out hashta gs like #B2B, #entrepreneurs, #innovation and #st art up on Twitter and Instagram to find people starting businesses, and combine them wit h #DIY or #tutorial to find adv ice.


Maru Nihoniho

Girl gamers

Elissa Harris

Lisy Kane

A fun, interactive ex hibition recognises the ground by women in the game breaking work s industry


he days of gaming being a boys-only zone are well and truly over. Nearl y half of all gamers are women and, according to the Australian Burea u of Statistics, the number of women working in the industry rose from 8.7% in 2011–12 to 15% in 2015 –16. But there is stil l a long way to go, and incidents like Gamerga te – where female gam ers and developers in the US were harassed and threatened for speaking out against sexism – giv e the industry a bad reputa tion. An exhibition at the Austr alian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) cal led Code Breakers: Wome n in Games aims to change that. Ten female programmers, producers , designers and directors from Australia and New Zealand are featured, and visitors can play their gam es, which range from big studio releases like Little Big Planet and Tricky Towers through to more experimental titles. As programmer Elissa Harris says in the exhibition, “One of the mo st important things for a child growing up is see ing people who look like them doing the things the y want to be doing.” More diversity behind the scenes also leads to mo re diversity in the games the mselves. Protagonists in games used to be mainly men – now there is more variety, in culture and rac e, as well as gender. For example, Maru Nihoniho’ s Metio Interactive produc es games with Māori charac ters, and players can cho ose to play in English or Te Re o Māori. And the good news is, Au stralia is ahead of the curve when it comes to being inclusive. Lisy Ka ne was the first female hir e at League of Geeks in 2014; now the team is 35% wo men. “The video game industry has definitely identified the gender imbalance problem,” she says. “They’ve accepted it and taken it on board and want to improve it.” Code Breakers is at AC MI until November 5. Pla y the games online at acm – Chloe Walke r


{Careers with Code}



Got a problem? Call ‘the Fixer’


ily life difficulty setting of da e th n w do rn tu ps ap s Jerome Marson’ ation,” he says. “It’s rewarding and it is innov

s blem that gobbled up heap ver had an annoying pro it, fy pli n’t know how to sim of your time, but you did rhaps you need to have a automate it, or solve it? Pe coding or programming? closer look at a career in ms, complex scientific proble Coding doesn’t only solve SA. ire to work at CSIRO or NA and you don’t have to asp that lls e you problem-solving ski A career in coding can giv urs ho hundreds of thousands of end up saving businesses llars. ndreds of thousands of do – which means saving hu Jerome Marson has been Telstra domain specialist ing ost two years and his cod working at Telstra for alm apps of l in developing a number skills have been essentia efficiency. to streamline workplace make d to get across is you can “The biggest thing I wante sta es ff to le problems, which enabl solutions for smaller-sca taking ier,” says Jerome. “I find do their jobs better, or eas .” on is incredibly rewarding away that daily frustrati k that n 30,000 staff, and a tas Telstra employs more tha ok for bo e was finding a room to used to take up a lot of tim had , on ht size, in the right locati meetings that was the rig e. d available at the right tim the right technology, an are to fig ure out what floors “It can be quite daunting e. om available,” explains Jer available, which rooms are uld wo t o developed an app tha He was part of a team wh in a matter of seconds. find an appropriate room dieval Bachelor of Arts, Me udies, St n der Mo rly and Ea The University of Queensland

{Careers with Code}

“It’s very cess.” t was quite a manual pro [digitising] something tha a in its ali str st used apps in Au Telstra has one of the mo ir the ge na helps customers ma Telstra 24x7 App, which usage. services and track data y –it’s essing it every single da “Millions of people are acc ws sho It e. country,” says Jerom one of the top apps in the ing eth som ate e opportunity to cre how coders had a uniqu de and reach. with significant magnitu ludes e is helping to develop inc Other applications Jerom lty fau nt me ra employees to docu one which enables Telst or jog a it – while out on equipment when they see instantly log the issue. d commuting to work – an mers to escalate problems custo Another app allows staff or see y the lstra services when might be having with Te ial setting. hear about them in a soc , you ve been a real pain to do t “Something that migh ha bile,” says Jerome. can just do it on your mo y, h companies in the countr tec As one of the leading joys en e om Jer . ve amount of coders Telstra employs a massi ing com er aft y munity, especiall being part of this large com in d ste ere int students who were from the small group of he was at school. computer science when secure high, it’s one of the most is “Demand [for coders] r yo Pr y nn nt,” he says. – Pe job industries at the mome n Master of Informatione Technology, Swinbur University of Technology

Gr aduate Diploma of Education, UQ


domain specialist, Telstr a

the University of Adelaide

Make your city easier to live in how to solve urban problems using technology


smart person is someone with information at their fingertips who knows how to use it. A smart city is kind of the same thing, only much bigger and more complex. “Smart city thinking makes good use of technology and information to make cities work better, to make them easier to navigate, to make them safer, and to make them healthier,” says Associate Professor Nick Falkner. It goes hand-in-hand with the ‘Internet of Things’; the digital duplicate of the ‘real’ city that enables us to explore, develop, create and improve it. A smart city idea might be a virtual overlay that helps visitors explore Adelaide’s laneway culture, or Bluetooth beacons to highlight historical landmarks in the riverbank precinct.

It could be a smartcard that allows the elderly to add extra seconds to pedestrian crossing lights, or a sensor laser-based system that can tell us what’s happening with traffic on certain roads. Nick is director of the Australian Smart Cities Consortium; a University of Adelaide initiative bringing together researchers and students in computing, engineering, urban design and many other areas to work with entrepreneurs, and local and state governments. It’s a unique opportunity for students in computer science or engineering and software engineering to put their skills to work solving real-world problems. “There has never been a better time to learn computer science because students can get their ideas into reality and out there straight away.” – Bianca Nogrady

Professor Nick Falkner is leading an initiative to make ‘smart cities’ an every day reality in Australia.

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. .. d e e c c u s t s ir f ’t Ifre isynootua dirdtyowonrd for serial entrepreneur Alborz Fallah UQ



lborz Fallah is no stranger to failure. He has had 17 businesses since he started his first ad-based website at the age of 12. Long before platforms like Tumblr and Blogger existed, he created and ran, which had more than 40,000 users at its peak. Alborz has had a web design company and a computer store, and various other projects that either closed quietly or were sold. Then, earlier this year, he sold a half-share of a website he started in 2006 to Channel Nine for $35 million. Alborz was a student at the University of Queensland, studying a Bachelor of Information Technology/Arts degree, when he launched Now he’s back at the university, helping out budding businessowners as the Entrepreneur in Residence at the UQ Idea Hub. He’s there every couple of weeks to answer questions from students about

{Careers with Code}


the issues of running a start-up. “I usually go in at least two days a week just to work in the labs for the day because I really like the atmosphere,” he says. The serial entrepreneur first started learning code at the age of 6 or 7, starting with QBasic, moving on to Java and Pascal and eventually PHP. “I was never a great programmer,” Alborz says. “My whole philosophy was to get a minimal viable product out – I wanted to just get it to work.” He’s a big believer in learning through failure, and says that anyone with an idea for a digital business should buy a domain name and hosting and get started. “Chances are you’ll fail, and that’s OK,” he says. “I think the best advice I can give is not to be discouraged. Don’t get stuck on an idea – if it doesn’t work, move on to the next thing.” – Chloe Walker


Turning to the tech of tomorrow CBA is using cutting-edge emerging technology to bring the future forward



app on your smartphone, o you’ve got your bank’s ur balance, pay bills, and you use it to check yo y. That’s all there is to maybe save a bit of mone g. Financial institutions banking tech, right? Wron s trying tech trends and are alway are on the cutting edge of e to fiv ght change in the next to predict how banking mi ificial art m augmented reality and 10 years. Everything fro le. tab and drones are on the intelligence to blockchain ve, as frontline of this new wa Jesse Arundell is on the ing erg Consultant for the Em a Senior Open Innovation A). Commonwealth Bank (CB Technology team at the says. the future forward,” Jesse Their mission? “To bring of ce en look like? In the abs But what does that future : ng thi going for the next best a crystal ball, the CBA is es. ye plo tion of their 52,000 em tapping into the imagina ry ng locked away in an ivo “Instead of innovation bei my n, tio few within the organisa tower or given to a select se. Jes s one to be innovative,” say role is to empower every at gre e already delivered som This crowdsourcing has ngs thi ke ma technologies can help ideas on how emerging its customers. better for the bank and lity technologies, such as For example, mixed rea l world a way to bring the digita Microsoft’s HoloLens, are ing eth e knew there was som into the ‘real’ world. “W how gy, we just didn’t know magic about this technolo ins. pla ucts of CBA,” Jesse ex best to use it in the constr to the bank ’s staff. So they put the question nted e back was people who wa One of the ideas that cam to s sse nce could use these gla home and contents insura d for in their house to insure an help them work out what home, ur yo m on, walk through how much. Simply pop the y. lic ons that are on the po and record all the possessi could ing technology, but how Drones are another emerg u.) yo to y y can’t deliver mone a bank use them? (No, the rk wo to d th cameras can be use Well, drones equipped wi ers, ast dis al s been done by natur out how much damage ha . ing how their crops are far or to help farmers look at – a new way of securely Then there’s blockchain en h as a transaction bet we recording information, suc d ste need for a centra l tru two parties, without the ck of the details. source of truth to keep tra ing, Jesse says. “It’s And that’s just the beginn where rth industrial revolution bringing for ward the fou lly ua act and efficient, and we every thing’s connected dy gra No lot better.” – Bianca understand the world a 33

Bachelor of Commerce/Arts, macquarie University consultant, CBA

intern, CBA senior consultant, CBA

{Careers with Code}


Keeping the baddies at bay Cybersecurity is more than just preventing our smartphones and computers from being hacked. It’s also vital in the fight to secure public infrastructure


and crowds of people are t’s a stormy winter’s night rain in a rush to reach the battling fierce wind and thout warning the city is comfort of their homes. Wi aos ins come to a halt and ch plunged into darkness. Tra ed pp tra ages full of commuters are sweeps the streets. Carri . on nk their horns in frustrati in tunnels and drivers ho ed get tar a is It e. lur wer fai But this is no ordinary po nals. cture grid by cyber crimi tru ras inf y’s cit attack on the s more like the plot of a While this scenario sound . it could happen in real life Hollywood blockbuster, to le rab lne vu t’s tha cture It’s not just our infrastru s the that runs on software ha ng thi ery Ev s. cyber attack d. That means our phones, potential of being hacke increasing ounts, but also the evercomputers and bank acc rk. we use at home and in wo number of smart devices re mo ‘Internet Of Things’ that’s And with the rise of the ile you might not be too problematic than ever. Wh , art fridge being hijacked concerned about your sm puddle rite ice cream into a sad transforming your favou ration about the city’s water filt on the kitchen floor, what ople alive? t in hospitals keeping pe plants? Or the equipmen their all around the world doing Luckily, there are people me lco these kinds of threats. We best to keep us safe from s’ and ty; a world of ‘bug bountie to the world cybersecuri of rs’ battling like the forces ‘black and white hat hacke ers mm ty program invites progra good and evil. A bug boun , nies. These programmers to legally hack into compa ir skills hat hackers, are using the sometimes called white the in d security flaws (bugs) for good. Their job is to fin the fixed, making it harder for software so they can be ckers to exploit them. destructive (black hat) ha

Working in security has opened many doors for him and now he wants to he lp others succeed. Natha nie l’s charity ‘Hackers Helping Hackers’ mentors young pe ople on their journey to becom ing security consultants , sending them to conferen ces and creating network s. But cybersecurity isn’t all about hacking. Fatemah Beydoun, who runs her own company educating software developers in cod e security, is quick to po int out how diverse the field is. “There are so many dif fer ent roles, from forensics to aw areness managers. And we need people with all kinds of skills to fill the m.” If you are interested in com puters, but also like marketing and communic ations, you might ma ke a great awareness manager, educ ating people on cyber saf ety. Or if you’re torn bet ween computers and law, why no t combine both to become a policy compliance office r? The opportunities are en dless and all you need is a little imagination and the wi llingness to learn to find an exciting career that suits your skills. – Anna Koefe r

al think like a crimein roes, of these modern-day he

Nathaniel Wa kelam is on gram e. He taught himself to pro keeping our software saf o int he was legally hacking at the age of 14 and by 18, y gh money to pay his wa businesses, earning enou through university. e aking something, it’s lik “I like the challenge of bre w] fla ing finding [a security a big puzzle. And it’s excit u have person to discover it. Yo because you’re the first but not want to be one.” to think like a crimina l,

{Careers with Code}


CS+ rity u c e s r Make it Yourself cybe

urity: out cybersec learn more ab d an y da to d ar te Why not get st urity Course ec rs be Cy y/ on tutorial: bit.l with this Py th lf to program se ur yo h ac Or te Program thon at ADFA SW Canberra r Securit y, UN be Cy d an g mputin dney Bachelor of Co nce), UNSW Sy omputer Scie (C e nc ie Sc sity Bachelor of Deakin Univer ber Securit y, ty Bachelor of Cy si IT Univer r Securit y, RM FE QLD Master of Cybe k Securit y, TA or oma in Netw pl Di ed nc m/ va co Ad .openlearning. neering, w w w gi En y rit cu Se Open Learning courses/sec, , Cybersecurity Introduction to X ed X, ecurityed


study options --------kthi ---------Site: w w w.hac te: Hack This

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Websi ing Network, rl s Programm Facebook: Gi ork ammingNet w @Girl sProgr TedxCyber; y/ t.l Talks bi YouTube: TEDx rSecrets s, Cyber Secret

---------ec--ia------ts -lis ------er and Information Security Sp ----e-----ua-yb 0* /C IT 00 4, te in th from $7

Grad Directorate: ralian Signal s Pathway, Aust $120,000 yst: $54,000,000 Securit y anal $88,000-$150 : y consultant Senior securit *S alaries ac co

rding to PayS

hot jobs

“I had no idea what I wanted to do career wise when I was in high school, so it really was my interest in computers

and technology that encouraged me to undertake a Bachelor of Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering. I never expected to land such a cool and exciting job straight out of university, but working at an intelligence agency has proved to be just that. I was surprised when I saw ASIO’s advertisement for the Technical Intelligence Graduate Program, as I hadn’t considered ASIO as a technology-based career – I guess that shows the diversity of roles that a technical career can offer.

ASIO has supported my programming interests and provided me with relevant training and a technical mentor for my current role in Cyber Security. I made the right choice in joining ASIO’s Technical Intelligence Graduate Program and I am excited by the opportunities my career offers.” Sophie - Technical Intelligence Graduate


Find out more information about the varied and exciting roles we offer in the field of technology at {Careers with Code}

The graduate program has been brilliant in introducing me to the Organisation and allowing me a broad insight into the different roles ASIO offers, while undertaking hands on technical work. From early on in the Program, I was working to contribute to interesting and unique intelligence problems – I can honestly say that my work is making a difference in keeping Australia safe.

<CS+ CYBERSECURITY> Shishira Skanda (below) and her team (left) built an app that won the best project prize at Monash’s Graduate Study Expo in 2016.

r e p o l e v e d m Fro to protector deloitte

t her r coding skills to preven he g in us is da an Sk ra Shishi ing leaked or stolen be om fr n io at rm fo in s’ client


s. I science and mathematic “At school, I always liked ng, rni lea ed joy university, I en was logically inclined. At s. say systems,” she building and breaking IT e of ilt a number of apps. On bu ira At university, Shish sor sen n tio mo a th ty system wi these is Pi-Watch, a securi le op pe the of eos ages and vid and camera to capture im ture asks, ‘Do you want to cap p ap e at your doorstep. Th it’s a if d an is it o You can see wh image or stream video?’. er. lat k bac e com a call and say friend you can give them lps he It D. FIE t built ICONI She was part of team tha s vices, like shopping centre ser al loc d foreign students fin . age gu lan al to speak the loc or GPs, without needing with ples of what can be done ex These are just a few am is ure fut the s nk d Shishira thi computer science skills an ry. ust ind IT to get into the bright for kids that want that, bigger and bigger. Beyond get to “Security is going s ter pu com ing bin example, com there are lots of jobs, for s. say she ts,” ters with clien and creativity or compu ut the has surprised Shishira abo t tha s One of the thing rn. lea to ult fic dif on that IT is IT industry is the percepti it, of ng ha the get but if you “I wouldn’t say IT is easy, e. tim e fre ur yo in d you’ll do it you’ll enjoy it so much an t no e u’r yo ere rtunities wh IT has so many job oppo ple, design or working am ex for expected to code, earch.” with clients or doing res t an industry by itself; it’s no is “The IT industry le other industry. Most peop an industry inside every ing olv ev it’s it’s not and think it’s very tough, but s rri Ha over time.” – Claire

ngoing ‘healthy competiti on’ with her brother was the reason Shishira Skanda first tried computer gam es. Once she discovered she could ma ke computers do things through coding , she was hooked. In the ninth grade, Shish ira had an opportunity to take a new subject. The op tions: economics, physical education and computer programming. She chose computer programming out of pure curiosity. “That was my first step tow ards coding and after tha t there was no turning bac k,” she says. Fast-forward many years and Shishira is now an analyst with Deloitte’s Cy ber Risk Advisory team. They help industries across Au stralia with their security. “We work with our clien ts to understand what the y want to do with their IT systems and where securi ty issues may be. We look at what information they ha ve and how to stop it leakin g or being stolen,” she say s. “I love looking at security issues and working backwards to find the gap in the developing space that led to the vulnerabilit y. I also work with softw are development teams to he lp them see new threats coming so that they can make the ir work more secure.” Whether hackers are try ing to pick on someone or steal money, there’s a battle goi ng on every day. Sometimes these security issues make front page ne ws, like when hackers take ov er computers and blackma il people, demanding Bitcoi n in return for giving file s back. How did Shishira end up in this exciting career? Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and information Sciences), MSRIT, India

{Careers with Code}

Masters of Information Technology, Monash University


Summer Internship, Deloitte

Graduate Analyst, Deloitte


By studying cybersecurity you’ll gain expertise in secure programming techniques and cryptographic mechanisms and learn about the hacker mindset so you can evaluate security risks. You’ll also understand the role of security in society and the ethics of issues relating to cybersecurity such as the balance between privacy and safety.



Set sail

ke reer in code? Then ta Never fathomed a ca ights onboard some of Sean Bly’s ins gest

an ions are made in the str ometimes career decis sailing his Italy, on holiday from places. Sean Bly was in tw in ne orks and saw an ad for a degree coaching job, when he epted. plied for it and was acc security. He instantly ap duate de it into ANZ Bank’s Gra A few years later he ma st. as a security risk analy Program. He now works rity guru? ecu ers cyb to ch coa ling Wait a minute – from sai Sean says. “And at school interesting,” “I always found maths subjects.” puting and cybersecurity at uni I really enjoyed com also he t on a sporting career. Bu After uni, Sean set sail . rts spo er at he wanted in life aft began thinking about wh ked loo ity cur nge,” he says. “Cyberse .” “I was looking for a cha eer car l coo lly happy to say, it’s a rea to ver y interesting. And I’m ses ces pro trials internal security In his role at ANZ, Sean card details. like contact and credit protect customer data an feels g your career course, Se When it comes to chartin to you. ng on what’s most interesti it’s best to decide based . A career is rry you want to do, don’t wo “If you’re not sure what at you’re Wh s. change course sometime like a sailing trip – you’ll rris Ha ire to be your forever.” – Cla doing now doesn’t have


Bachelor of Computing/Business (Banking/Finance), Monash University


Sailed full-time and coached sailors with 9/18/2017 11:19:12 AM Yachting Victoria

Master of Networks and Security, Monash University

Graduate Program and Governance Analyst, Security and Technology Risk services team, ANZ

IF (

still coaches for the Tasmanian District Laser Association


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It’s our differences that make us great. Find out more > about us > careers > graduate intern program


Kickstart your career

Link into the COUNTRY’S premier to meet your future workmates TECH network and employers


ant to know the most in-demand IT jobs, the various paths you can take to get them , and also have access to a network of expe rts who’ll help kickstar t your career? Then you need to be a part of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), the peak body representing Australi a’s IT sector. With more than 22,000 current members , the ACS is also the accrediting body for mor e than 950 different IT courses at universities, TAFEs and colleges. “Institutions apply to have their cour ses recognised by the ACS,” explains Allyn Radford, ACS ’s Director of Education. “We check they’re teaching relevant industry skills. We also run an internship program for post graduate students at particular sites, such as the Universit y of Melbourne.”


It’s a very exciting time to move into the IT industry – especially in the areas of data scie nce and cybersecurity. “We’re seeing a lot of demand acro ss both sectors and that’s not likely to go away in the near future,” Allyn says. Worldwide, there’s currently an estim ated shor tage of around one million cybersecurity prof essionals. This shor tage is also reflected in the Australian job market, which means graduates are being offered excellen t star ting salaries. “As a result we are seeing a strong shift by institutions to meet that demand by offering mor e degrees in cybersecurity and data science,” he says.

Combine your passions

There’s also a growing demand for individuals who are multifaceted – so it’s a huge bonus if you’re able to combine data science or cybersecurity know ledge and expertise with a solid understanding of a particula r industry sector.


“Employers are always looking for talented individuals who have these hybrid skill sets,” Allyn says. “They want people who can do core computer science and coding, but who can also understand the data ecosystem they’re working in a bit more broadly. “For example, if you work in cybersec urity for the health sector, then the implications are very different to what they might mean if you work in finance or in retail.” There are several routes to a care er in technology. Did you know many people who work in IT don’t even have a degree? “You can take lots of different path ways into the industry,” Allyn explains. “Whether that’s thro ugh a private provider, through vocational education and training (VET) courses, or through the higher education sect or. “The key is to identify what you’re interested in and then find the best opportunities to learn the skills you need.”


While some universities include ACS student membership through their IT programs, students from any accredited course can join. They’ll then have access to Young IT Professionals events, which are held all around Australia. Recent seminar topics have inclu ded Net working and Future of ICT (Information and Com munications Technology) Careers; Preparing the Digital Wor kforce of the Future; and Cybersecurity in the Global Aren a. “These connections can help buil d very strong relationships in the industry – whic h is ultimately where you’re going to get a job,” Ally n says. “Making those connections, getting some professional development and keeping up with the latest trends in the industry can help students prepare for that transition from education into employment. ” – Fran Molloy

{Careers with Code}



New world order You may not have noticed, but robots have already taken over {Careers with Code}


y maths tutor, Amy, is very encouraging. If I answer correctly, she says I’m awesome. If I fail, she’ll tell me where I’ve gone wrong, explaining it clearly using examples, video and step-by-step suggestions. We’ve kind of become friends, which is weird, because Amy is an artificial intelligence (AI) tutor, the brainchild of Raphael Nolden, a University of Canterbury lecturer and medical physicist turned AI developer. “I believe that teachers and AI working together will be the most effective way of teaching,” says Raphael. “There are many things that humans are better at and many things our AI system can do better, so I think them working together in a symbiotic relationship will be the best way for students to learn.” Amy is one of many AIs changing the way we learn, work and relax. AI lives inside your phone, helping your camera to recognise faces, making text suggestions in your messaging apps, learning your handwriting and drawing style. AI and machine learning are also changing careers. A Google-sponsored report in August found that within 30 years, automation will affect every job in Australia. But it’s not so much that the robots will replace us – instead, expect to have a handy AI or robot colleague to take over many of the more monotonous tasks, from stocking shelves to helping doctors with diagnoses. On the other hand, AI still needs people to train it to get better. US-based customer representative Sarah Seiwert works with an AI to help answer student queries about upcoming exams. Not only did the AI, DigitalGenius, make it faster for her to choose the right response, the AI was learning from her answers. “That was a ‘wow’ moment for me. It’s been studying and learning my patterns.” “I am not convinced that artificial intelligence is going to replace us,” she told The New York Times. “You can’t program intuition, a gut instinct. So the AI might get very intelligent, but I hope as a human I continue to get intelligent and not stand at a standstill.” – Heather Catchpole

ial ic If t r A + S C e intelligenc

what does the bot say?

Make it Yourself

Talk to an AI cleverbot.c om Make a chatbo t without codin g chat fuel .co Get maths tu m toring from Am y

----------------------AI course, Sc hool of

study options

Computer Sc ience and IT, RMIT University Machine learn ing foundatio University of ns, Washington Mechatronics engineering, UN SW Sydney


Facebook : Co de.facebook .com YouTube: Elon Musk is sc ared of AI ,but Neil deGrasse Tyso n is not. bit .ly/A I_CreepyOrN ot

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elow right is just part of a weird conversation between two Google home internet devices – equipped with the Google assistant – who carried on a chatbot-only conversation for a couple months at the beginning of 2017. The bots talked early ’90s song lyrics, the nature of everything, and love. But AI talk isn’t always so benign, and, in August 2017, Facebook shut down two bots, Alice and Bob, after they developed their own language. Programmed initially to learn negotiating skills in trading objects like balls and hats, the bots quickly developed their own shorthand, and since the Facebook team couldn’t understand it, they shut it down. Bots have been around for decades. Take Cleverbot, developed in 1988 and online since 1997, which has carried out over 200 million conversations with people

online. Its answers – which rely on a kind of ‘fuzzy logic’ that see it frequently seguing into new conversational territory – are spookily on point. Take its attitude towards humanity. It so resembles a human in the way it processes information, that it has passed the ‘Turing test’ – the measure of how close AI is to human thought – made famous by the Blade Runner films.

Me: What is huma y’s future? AI: I really don’tnit know. Death? Me: Or love? AI: Do you think the only difference between hu man and robot is that ro bo don’t know love? Na t h, impossible. Think about it.


In her app-y place

ny lives – and also the he iPhone changed ma duate, Isha Pandya. career path of Telstra gra sted in grad, I wasn’t that intere “As I was doing my under business s. “I was interested in the programming,” she say out and I t time the iPhone came side of things. Around tha create apps.” realised that anyone can s living ine course, Isha (who wa After completing an onl It would eloped a calendar app. in India at the time) dev r with use the e vid also pro store meetings, notes and e vid pro to app an o created daily forecasts. She als s. nu me h tomers wit potential restaurant cus ed into stralia, and was accept Au to ved Isha then mo duates. ion Program for new gra Telstra’s Summer Vacat ping apps y and experience develo She believes her histor gram. was accepted into the pro was part of the reason she web and at Telstra she works on In her current position e that her thrives on the challeng mobile development, and zzle,” she says. job offers. “It’s like a pu sted, Isha have initially been intere Although she may not between the even mentors children now loves coding. She code. “When I started 16 and teaches them to to 6 of s age n tio ured,” she says. Master of Informaute mming it was ver y struct gra r pro ng , mp ng rni (Co eri lea gy ine olo Eng hn Tec Bachelor of y learn it as a game.” rsity gy, en kids learn coding, the ience), La Trobe Unive wh , Sc ow “N Information Technolo hons. India the government hackat Gujarat University, Isha also par ticipates in Telstr a e presentations from Telstr a Summer on sessions also includ aduate progr am dsgr han ese Th o teach Vacation Progr am s, such as Amazon, wh other tech organisation Pryor their systems. – Penny par ticipants how to use



{Careers with Code}


University of Melbourne

Pitch perfect Coming up with a great idea is just the beginning. The key is how you sell it

From left: University of Melbourne’s Kuan (Jack) Qian and Kailun Zhang.


aunching a successful technology business is not just about perfecting your product – you also need to be able to sell the idea to investors and customers. For University of Melbourne students, Kailun Zhang, Kuan (Jack) Qian and Matilda Stevenson, their team’s business pitch was so effective that they represented Australia in the international finals of Microsoft’s Imagine Cup competition in Seattle earlier this year. The competition gives university students around the world the opportunity to test their pitching skills in front of company executives. Kailun and Jack, who are both studying the Master of Information Technology, worked with Matilda, a Bachelor of Science (Computing and Software Systems) student, to design and build their entry. The trio came up with the idea to connect food producers directly with consumers using mixed reality technology during a hackathon hosted by the university. Shoppers could scan items in the supermarket with their phones or virtual reality (VR) headwear, then an app, called SourceLink, would provide interactive information not included on the label, such as the story of how the product was made or additional health details. Users could also send feedback straight to the producer. Kailun says the Master of Information Technology course helped her prepare for the competition by honing

{Careers with Code}

her project management and teamwork skills. “There is a lot of group work in the course, which helps with things like communication skills and breaking a big task into smaller parts,” she says. “I had to learn a new platform very quickly for the hackathon, so it helped to learn from other students.” There are two parts to the international finals. The first is a technology showcase, where each team has a booth to demonstrate how their project works. The second part is the pitch, where they have a few minutes to convince the judges that their product could be the next big thing. “It was a great experience to learn about the other side – it’s not only about the technology,” says Jack. – Chloe Walker 42

Wellington Victoria University of

Robots in disguise of a team Michael Pearson is part e humble family that is transforming th hicle car into a self-driving ve

did a single comp ers in Year 12, and then I pap p com el lev Year 13 summer ment isn’t Michael he says. Over the Year 12/ 13,” ar Ye in igh-level software develop er pap tware developer at robotics, particularly o started working as a sof als he , Pearson’s thing. He’s into ak bre unications, a rdware. He has company Database Comm d ase n-b gto where software meets ha llin We ’s National Instruments his first year of university. competed in New Zealand job which continued into his of r de Me – an internet yea ry mpetition eve n got an internship at Tra the on ars Pe Autonomous Robotics Co d has continued eering degree as part of the in the summer of 2015, an te– bsi we n tio auc Bachelor of Software Engin ugh it’s eight hours a llington’s team – even tho a web developer for about as re the ng rki wo Victoria University of We is we do ty studies. ree. “A lot of the robotics week during his universi not strictly part of his deg d cte ne con mmer of Tech it’s t tha e d making sur is very close with the Su ty rsi ive un e “Th controlling the motors, an s on. dents in internships,” say ff I really enjoy,” says Pears program, which places stu correctly, and that’s the stu ort er of nsp mm tra Su to the car gh ot ou rob thr to build a Trade Me job my got “I . on ars Pe This year the challenge is tacle sly grown and m one position in an obs d through that I’ve obviou an m, gra pro h Tec passengers (little cubes) fro d roads and how the tools on, while avoiding blocke about how industry works lot a rnt lea course to an end destinati ry.” iversity are used in indust The team is provided with that we’re learning at un and obeying speed limits. ate ign du des gra to der s un ed of ne t mber computer, bu While Victoria offers a nu sensors and an onboard ng and artificial rni and computer science – lea ing ine ch eer ma gin en ing in lud s jor ma ree deg the software – inc s. eering, Electronic and navigate its surrounding including Software Engin intelligence – so the car can in e nc aphics, ige ell int ial ific ect of art Engineering, Computer Gr ms ste Sy r ute mp Co “There’s definitely an asp car is For example, arson. “At each step, the ence – changes are afoot. Sci r ute mp Co d an what we’re doing,” says Pe on it eering will ing and find the best soluti jor in Cybersecurity Engin ma ree deg w ne a trained to see how it’s do same t to regulatory approval. it’s given. It’s exactly the be on offer in 2018, subjec can within the time that the of ct advantages to e som order to train feels there are some distin on ars Pe algorithm that’s used in ach both e is that it is easy to appro elligence systems that are studying at Victoria. On cutting-edge artificial int , there’s always Microsoft.” turers at Victoria. “At Vic lec d an ts den stu being used at Google and e nc at the same level d in the artificial intellige y to meet people who are nit rtu po op the “I’ve always been intereste ff of stu together and collaborate. w we can apply that sort as you and want to work aspect and particularly ho l, oo sch h hig at lance right.” – Ruth Beran . While still I think they’ve got that ba to robotics,” says Pearson 100 t firs my all did “I s. rsity course Pearson took some unive



{Careers with Code}


From wearables to insideables


reaking computers, radios and remote-controlled cars might seem like a sure-fire way to annoy your family, right? Luckily, Samy Movassaghi, a telecommunication and computer science expert at CSIRO, has a very easygoing family. “From the age of 10, I caused a lot of damage around the house. I would take things apart because I wanted to understand how they worked,” she says. This desire to understand how things functioned and how different pieces of technology talk to one another has sparked an interesting career. After school, Samy studied electronics and telecommunications at university. She’s built a robot, taught herself to code and took part in hackathons. At the HealthHack Hackathon, Samy and her team designed a system that used sensors and machine learning to predict if a hospital patient was getting stressed.

And now, inspired by how fireflies can swarm together and communicate when it’s time to light up, Samy wants to design a network of sensors for the human body. Not ‘wearables’ but ‘insideables’ could be the way we all track our own health in the future. “These small sensors measure vitals like heart rate, blood sugar, blood pressure and communicate the collected data to a ‘central controller’, just like a brain,” she says. Sensors, artificial intelligence, machine learning may all sound pretty out there and technical. But Samy reckons anyone, especially girls, can get into computers and electronics. “I can understand that sometimes it feels scary to try something new like coding. But I remind the students that I teach to code, that everything takes time, like learning a new game such as soccer or volleyball.” – Claire Harris

Inspired by how fireflies communicate, Samy Movassaghi is now using that knowledge to help make us healthier.


Get creative ld boy in an magine an eight-year-o off to sleep to his g ftin oncology ward dri his favourite bedtime mother’s voice reading e 200km away. story – yet she is at hom rio is thanks to na sce This comfor ting guy called ikki, a little penguin-shaped igence, which a form of artificial intell an ingenious as ed has been programm ot, and who is soon portable companion rob children’s hospital. to be trialled in a major s of treatment, While undergoing month se little robots at these kids will have the ngs like play their side to do neat thi n to take and eve d an computer games . record their temperature s of success nd usa It is one of the tho igence (AI), a field stories in artificial intell ng minds a mix of of work that offers you e. Look around, it’s creativity and challeng s to self-drive cars. everywhere from Fitbit are coming’ And despite the ‘robots d ’00s – this hysteria of the ’90s an


as many jobs as it technology is creating Ross Campbell. takes away, says PwC’s st rapid changes “We are seeing the mo r seen, much faster in work that we’ve eve olution,’’ he says. than in the industrial rev down to personal Ross reckons it comes xious or you can choice: you can get an truckload of get curious and grab the will bring. opportunities this shift cs will take “Automation and roboti cess-t ype work of away the mundane, pro and will free you calculating lot s of data on in new and up to use that informati s. dif ferent ways,’’ he say ay life is also ryd eve in ion cat AI appli l continue for really exciting and it wil generations to come. like play for “It’s almost going to be ts … working this generation of studen at doesn’t out what works and wh do with it,’’ and seeing what you can d says Ross. – Michele Tyd

A cute companion robot called ikki is being trialled in a number of children’s hospitals.

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Main: FIRST Robotics participants in Sydney. Below: Āmua Ao program participants at Google in Silicon Valley.

What’s on? Here’s where to get your hands dirty in robotics, engineering and coding activities near you

1 FIRST Robotics Type: Event, competition Where: Global URL: first-robotics-competition/ What is it? FIRST Robotics is a wild ride through all of the areas that come together in computer science: from coding your own robot to communications, project management, media skills and engineering. With a focus on community, personal achievement, teamwork and gracious professionalism, it’s also an awesome opportunity to have more fun than you can poke a wireframe at.

{Careers with Code}

2 Techgirls are 3 Type: Online course superheroes Where: Online Type: Event, competition Where: Australia & New Zealand URL: What is it? Girls-only teams compete to design and build apps that create community change. From matching job-hunting teens with pets to walk to facilitating reading reviews in schools, it’s an amazing program that lets you find your inner superpower. Code-tastic!


URL: What is it? Start learning to code right now with one of the fun courses designed for all ages. Learn from short video clips and work your way through the free lessons to complete the games and challenges. Already know a bit? Choose the accelerated course to speed through. aims to reach students of all backgrounds regardless of skill-level, and increase access for female and underrepresented minorities to computer science.

4 Hour of Code Type: Event, tutorial Where: Global URL: What is it? Choose from hundreds of one-hour coding tutorials designed for all ages with familiar faces like Wonder Woman or characters from Star Wars. Hour of Code is held during Computer Science Education Week each year but anyone can take part or even host an event in their local community so keep an eye out for all sorts of fun coding activities. To host, simply choose your tutorial and an hour, and Hour of Code organises the rest – no coding knowledge required!

5 PC4G (Programming Challenge For Girls) Type: Event, competition Where: New Zealand (and Melbourne) URL: What is it? PC4G is an annual one-day event to introduce junior high school girls (Year 10) to programming. Girls participate as teams of two. No experience is necessary, as PC4G events include tutorials, which teach you about the programming language, Alice, used in the competition.

6 iSTEM Type: Course Where: High schools in NSW URL: What is it? iSTEM is a subject developed for Year 9 and 10 students teaching science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in an integrated way. Real-world project and problem-based learning engages teams of students in areas such as aerospace and mechatronics and exposes them to technology, including 3D printers, virtual reality and drones. The elective is a School Developed Board Endorsed Course and is included on students’ academic record in NSW.

7 Careers with STEM Type: Magazine, plus much more Where: Online, print URL: What is it? Be inspired to combine your passion with STEM to create an exciting career! Learn where science and engineering can take you, hear from people working on some of the most exciting and innovative projects across Australia and find out where you can learn more. Already waiting for the next mag? Stay up-to-date on the latest STEM news, hot career tips and online inspo by following the socials.

8 FIRST LEGO League Type: Event, competition Where: Australia, various URL: first-lego-league/ What is it? Compete in teams of up to 10 students to build, program and then compete with your robot to solve a real-world challenge. Each year the competition theme is based on a modern science and engineering problem, ranging from food safety and climate change to senior citizens and nanotechnology! Join teams from your area for a fun and exciting competition day to battle it out!

9 National Computer Science School Challenge Type: Event, competition Where: Australia, online URL: What is it? Don’t know how to code yet? No worries. Learn to program as you compete online with other high school students across the country. If you think you’ve got the basics down give one of the harder or even mind-bendingly difficult challenges a go! Either way you’ll learn to code in Python and gain your computing superpower.


10 Australian STEM Video Game Challenge Type: Event, competition Where: Australia, online URL: What is it? The national competition for students in Years 5-12 sees teams design and build their own working educational video game! It’s completely free and you can create your game in teams using whichever platform you like. Build it around the yearly STEM theme. Stuck for ideas? The themes come with plenty of starting points and inspiration so no excuses!

11 ICAS Digital Technologies Type: Competition, written Where: Australia URL: digital-technologies What is it? A multiple choice quiz that lets you put your tech knowledge to the test. Compete with students from

across the country in digital technology skills ranging from databases and networks to programming, spreadsheets and graphics.

12 Robogals Type: Competition, written Where: Global URL: who-what-why/ What is it? Robogals inspires primary to secondary school girls with free and fun engineering and technology workshops. The workshops are run by volunteers from local universities and young professionals, giving girls access to visible role models in the STEM fields. Visit the website to find your local chapter or keep an eye out for one of their regional programs.

{Careers with Code}


Study options Here are just some of the courses where you can study computer science and build skills in another field at the same time. This is a partial list; for up-to-date info go to

New Zealand CS + be creative Auckland University of Technology >>>Creative Technologies (Hons) University of Auckland >>>Music/Science University of Canterbury >>>Arts (Digital Humanities) University of Lincoln >>>Arts (Animation Hons) University of Otago >>>Arts (Computer Science) University of Waikato >>>Computer Graphic Design Victoria University of Wellington >>>Design Innovation

CS + make games and apps Auckland University of Technology >>> Computer and Information Sciences (Computational Intelligence) University of Lincoln >>>Science (Games Computing)

CS + work in law and business University of Auckland >>>Commerce/Science >>>Science/Laws (Hons) University of Canterbury >>> Commerce in Information Systems University of Otago >>> Commerce/Science (Information Science)

{Careers with Code}

CS + be a scientist

Polytechnics and Institutes of Technology also offer CS:

Auckland University of Technology >>> Mathematical Sciences/ Science (Astronomy)

>Ara Institute >Bay of Plenty Polytechnic >Eastern Institute of Technology >Manukau Institute of Technology >Northland Polytechnic >Open Polytechnic >Otago Polytechnic >Tai Poutini Polytechnic >Whitireia Community Polytechnic > Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) > Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) > Universal College of Learning (UCOL) > Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) > Wellington Institute of Technology (Weltec) > Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) >Unitec New Zealand

Massey University >>>Science (Computer Science) University of Auckland >>>Computer Science >>>Information Systems University of Canterbury >>> Computer Science University of Waikato >>> Computing and Mathematical Sciences (Computer Science) Victoria University of Wellington >>>Science

CS + work in health University of Auckland >>>Science (Bioinformatics)

Australia CS + be creative

arts, visual arts, digital design… Australian Catholic University >>>Digital Media

CS + build or engineer

Australian National University >>>Software Engineering/Arts

University of Auckland >>>Software Engineering

Charles Darwin University >>> Creative Arts and Industries (New Media Design/IT)

University of Canterbury >>> Computer Engineering >>> Electrical and Electronic Engineering >>> Software Engineering University of Waikato >>> Engineering (Hons) (Software Engineering) Victoria University of Wellington >>>Engineering (Hons)


CQ University Australia >>>Digital Media Deakin University >>>Information Systems/Arts Griffith University >>>IT/Multimedia Murdoch University >>> Games Software Design and Production

QUT >>> Creative Industries/ Information Technology

University of South Australia >>> Information Technology (Games and Entertainment Design)

University of Tasmania >>> Economics/Information and Communication Technology

Southern Cross University >>>Media (Media Design)

University of the Sunshine Coast >>>Serious Games Design

Torrens University Australia >>> Digital Media (Interaction Design)

University of Wollongong >>> Computer Science (Multimedia and Game Development/ Mobile Computing)

University of Wollongong >>> Business & Information Technology (Hons)

University of Canberra >>>Web Design and Production University of Melbourne >>>Design (Digital Technologies)

Victoria University of Wellington >>>Interactive Media

University of Wollongong >>>Creative Arts/Computer Science

CS + law and business

UNSW Sydney >>> Computer Science & Digital Media University of Technology, Sydney >>> Information Technology Co-operative Scholarship Victoria University of Wellington >>>Creative Arts Industries Western Sydney University >>>Design and Technology

CS + make games and apps

design, software, interactivity… Australian National University >>> Software Engineering >>> Applied Data Analytics Charles Sturt University >>>CS (Games Programming) CQ University Australia >>> IT (Mobile Application Development and Security) Edith Cowan University >>>Design (Games and Interactivity) Federation University Australia >>> Information Technology (Games Development) Murdoch University >>> Science (Mobile/Web App Development) QUT >>> Business/Games and Interactive Environments >>> Games and Interactive Environments RMIT University >>> Information Technology (Games and Graphics Programming) Southern Cross University >>> Information Technology (Interactive Media) Torrens University Australia >>> Digital Media (3D Design and Animation) University of Melbourne >>> Science (Computing and Software Systems) University of Queensland >>> Information Technology (User Experience Design)

UNSW Business School >>>Commerce/Information Systems Victoria University of Wellington >>> IT (Network and Systems Computing) Western Sydney University >>>Information Systems

finance, management, systems development…

CS + be a scientist

Australian Catholic University >>>IT/Business Administration Australian National University >>>Information Technology/Law

Australian National University >>> Advanced Computing (Research and Development) >>>Information Technology

Charles Sturt University >>>IT (Business Services)

Charles Darwin University >>>Information Technology

CQ University Australia >>>Business (Information Systems)

Federation University Australia >>>Information Technology

Deakin University >>>Criminology/IT Security

Griffith University >>> Science/Information Technology

Edith Cowan University >>>Science (Cyber Security) Federation University Australia >>> Information Technology (Professional Practice)

physics, chemistry, mathematics…

La Trobe University >>>Information Technology Macquarie University >>> Science (Decision Science)

Flinders University >>> IT (Network and Cybersecurity Systems)

Monash University >>>Computer Science >>>Information Technology

James Cook University >>> Business (Business Intelligence & Information Systems)

Murdoch University >>> Science (Computer Science + Maths and Statistics)

La Trobe University >>>Commerce/Science >>>Laws/Science

QUT >>>Information Technology

Murdoch University >>> C yber Forensics and Information Security >>> Internetworking and Network Security QUT >>> Information Technology/Laws

RMIT University >>>Computer Science >>>Information Technology Swinburne University of Technology >>>Computer Science

Swinburne University of Technology >>> Information and Communication Technology

University of Adelaide >>>Computer Science >>> Computer Science (Advanced) >>> Mathematical and Computer Sciences

University of New England >>>Computer Science/Laws

University of Canberra >>>Information Technology

University of Newcastle >>> Information Technology/Business

University of Melbourne >>> Science (Computing and Software Systems) >>>Science (Data Science)

University of Notre Dame >>> Commerce/Communications & Media University of South Australia >>> Information Technology (Enterprise Business Solutions) University of Southern Queensland >>>Commerce/IT


University of New England >>> Computer Science (Data Science) University of Newcastle >>>Information Technology >>> Mathematics/Computer Science

{Careers with Code}


University of Queensland >>>Information Technology

Charles Darwin University >>>Software Engineering (Hons)

University of Queensland >>> Engineering (Hons) (Software)

University of South Australia >>>Information Technology

Charles Sturt University >>>IT (Network Eng)

University of Sydney >>> Computer Science and Technology >>>Information Technologies

Curtin University >>> Engineering (Electronic & Communication)/Science (CS)

University of South Australia >>> Information Technology (Software Development)

University of Technology, Sydney >>> Computing Science >>> Advanced Science (Advanced Materials and Data Science) >>>Science in Analytics

Edith Cowan University >>>Engineering (Mechatronics)

University of Sydney >>>Engineering (Hons) (Software)

Flinders University >>>Engineering (Software)

University of Tasmania >>>Engineering (Biomedical)

Griffith University >>>Engineering (Microelectronics)

University of Western Australia >>>Science (Engineering Science)

James Cook University >>> Engineering (Hons) (Electronic Systems & Internet of Things)

University of Wollongong >>> Engineering (Computer)

University of Western Australia >>>Science (Data Science) University of Wollongong >>>Computer Science & Science UNSW Sydney >>>Computer Science/Science Victoria University of Wellington >>>Science

CS + work in health

medical, bioinformatics, lab science… Australian National University >>> IT/Medical Science Deakin University >>> Information Systems/ Health Sciences James Cook University >>> Sport and Exercise Science RMIT University >>> Biomedical Science University of Wollongong >>>Health Informatics

CS + build or engineer robotics, systems, mechatronic… Australian National University >>>Software Engineering (Hons)

University of Southern Queensland >>>Engineering (Computer Systems)

UNSW Sydney >>>Bioinformatics Engineering >>>Computer Engineering >>>Software Engineering

Macquarie University >>>Engineering (Software) Monash University >>>Engineering (Hons)

CS + be a teacher

QUT >>> Engineering (Hons) (Computer and Software Systems)

Early childhood, primary, secondary… Flinders University >>> Computer Science (Teaching)

Swinburne University of Technology >>> Engineering (Hons) (Robotics and Mechatronics)

Macquarie University >>>Education/Science (Computing)

University of Adelaide >>> Engineering (Hons) (Software) University of Canberra >>> Engineering (Hons) (Network and Software Engineering)

Here’s a few colleges and TAFEs that also offer CS:

University of Melbourne >>> Science (Mechatronics Systems); Master of Engineering (Mechatronics) >>> Science (Computing and Software Systems) Master of Engineering (Software)

>ACIT >Box Hill Institute >Chisholm Institute >General Assembly >Holmesglen >Kangan Institute >Melbourne Institute of Technology >North Metropolitan TAFE >SAE Institute + TAFE NSW & SA

University of New England >>> Computer Science (Software Development)

Order additional copies of the mag at cost price!

The 2017 Careers with Code guide is proudly supported by Google. Thanks to all of the Googlers who helped out with this guide: Sally-Ann Williams, Marie Efstathiou and many more! Careers with Code 2017 is a publication of Refraction Media. Copyright © 2017 Refraction Media, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. This issue went to press on October 5, 2017. Printed in Australia by BlueStar Print. Subscribe and order copies: Cover image by Lauren Trompp Produced & published by Refraction Media

{Careers with Code}

CEO and Publisher: Karen Taylor Head of Content: Heather Catchpole Production Editor: John Roper Art Director: Jon Wolfgang Miller Digital Content Editor: Elise Roberts National Integration Manager: Kym Gleeson Corporate Patnerships Manager: Tania Pettitt Publishing Coordinator: Valeria di Mauro Sub-editor: Ewan Corness Proofreader: Leanne Croker Photographers: Ben Ashmole, Brenton Edwards, Lauren Trompp; Grant Turner, Writers: Ruth Beran, Laura Boness, Heather Catchpole, Gemma Conroy, Pippa Duffy, Sukhjit Ghag, Claire Harris, Anna Koefer, Lauren Martin, Fran Molloy, Bianca Nogrady,


Penny Pryor, Michele Tydd, Chloe Walker EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING OFFICES: 100 Harris Street, Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia Email: Advertising enquiries: contact Karen Taylor-Brown at or +612 9188 5459 Postal address: PO Box 38, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Sydney, Australia Visit for complete directory, quizzes, videos and much more. Sign up for regular newsletters

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