Careers with Code US 2017

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Code with

issue 2 2017/2018


Game-changing jobs of tomorrow


Start coding on your phone today

tech jobs in robotics, ag-tech, design & more

Shape tomorrow’s world

Unbeatable skills for future careers

Why study CS?

You can add computer science skills to just about anything! CS+X: Adding computer science (CS) to your ‘X’ – your goals, interests and passion – prepares you for a future where we don’t even know what jobs will look like!

CS+ ART = Graphic Design

CS+ fashion = wearable electronics



= remote healthcare

CS+ sports

CS+ math = 3D animation

CS+ music = Streaming Apps

= better athlete performance


Step onto a new path As careers change, gaining skills in computer science has never been more important


omputer science (CS), the study of computers and their applications, is a field bursting with creative and economic potential. We recognize the incredible impact that computer scientists have in solving big, gnarly problems locally and globally. You don’t have to look further than the team that created an ear tag that tracks wandering cattle for farmers (p.23).

Choose your path

A common misconception is that CS is only important for tech industry jobs, but over 67% of all computing-related roles are in banking, agriculture and other non-tech fields. In fact, virtually any industry can benefit from the creative problem-solving tools that CS provides. Careers with Code aims to highlight CS role models across some of these industries and interest areas and to empower more students to create their own CS career pathway.

Ways to be inspired

From library-based classes to online resources and internships, you can start mapping a unique pathway to your dream job today. Check out the “career pathway” at the bottom of each profile page (e.g. p.16) to learn how people got to where they are today, and visit the directory on page 42 for a full list of take-action opportunities. Online at, you can watch videos of the people profiled in this magazine, order copies, and search over 100 CS programs, hackathons, internships, outreach activities and more. Finally, educators, librarians and school counselors are encouraged to visit to access CS education guides to facilitate student learning. Unlock your potential and imagination with CS today! Mo-Yun Lei Fong, Director of Engineering Education, Google 3

Women Techmakers Summit 2017

Over 67% of all computingrelated roles are in non-tech fields.”

>> extra copies from $1.95 >> videos and more >> p ractical class activities

{Careers with Code}

Discover new ideas, careers and study options What is Careers with Code?

Computer science provides important foundational skills for fast-growing careers. These skills can also be combined with subjects in the arts, science, law, design, business, sports and more. In a future characterized by rapid technological change, it is people with tech skills and the ability to move rapidly across different areas who will take on and make the jobs of the future. Careers with Code is your guide to the tools you can use to change the world around you.

ding o c h t i w Jobs kills pay s *

0 0 0 , 2 2 $more than pons’ti.tions that do

Contents Paths to code careers


Does tech advancement lead to job losses?


Find out what computer scientists really do; try coding on your phone; and locate a coding club near you

How computer science is changing the jobs of today and the careers of tomorrow

United States of STEM

Libraries give everyone the opportunity to learn coding

New innovators

How one tech organization is inspiring young teens to become catalysts for change

Mentors matter

Your chance to spend time at Google learning CS skills!

Get ahead

10 12

Unlock your CS career future


From code to plate


9 ways tech can change the world


Do what you want to do!


Computer science explained


Start coding


Your career starts here


Tech is all about solving the problems people face every day Computer scientists are helping to feed America’s 326 million hungry mouths

Think you can’t solve today’s biggest challenges from your computer? Think again!

Computer science skills allow you to create the career that you want Your guide to all the concepts, principles and technical terminology in CS

15 16

Meet the Googlers who pioneered a path to their dream job

Crack the code

Tag team


Programming is all about language and instruction – but you don’t need a computer to learn the basics There are so many ways to get into CS. Check out these cool clubs, camps and events

of CS grads had a starting salary of over $75,000 and 13% started at over $100,000. {Careers with Code}



CS+ agriculture


Planting a seed

Innovation is the new frontier of farming across the nation – and you can get involv ed now. Just ask these tee ns.

CS+ social good

CS+pop culture Setting trends

Tech’s coolest careers come from companies that create the stuff we love to consume.


Making a difference



Code for America makes tools that help people in need – and so can you.

30 36



Creating an experience

The way we use tech is an area where your st creativit y can soar. Ju ner! sig de be uTu Yo s thi ask


CS+the nation

Remaking our cities uter

Our cities rely on comp nsport, science expertise in tra . ing us energy and ho

Working for your country Help to serve, protect and improve our amazing country like this NASA roboticist.


{Careers with Code}

s r e e r a c e d Paths to co watch

ntists do? What do computer scie



You can try out coding on your phone 1. Enki (daily workout for development skills) 2. Pocket Programming


3. SoloLearn 4. Encode: Learn to Code 5. Khan Academy


Test Invent

You might already be doing CS!


: watch online atco m e. od careerswithc s eo /vid

{Careers with Code}

6. Coderbyte Quizzes 7. Codebox 8. Code School r 9. Codecademy: Code Hou


Making animations and videos




get started Camps / Classes / Clubs / Comps / Online / Games

Modding your games

Reading/ following recipes

you: at’s near ec Find out whco tory dir m/ .co de > careerswith >

find out if you are a codes r Your skill

Doing Sudoku


Work ethic

Creative thinking

Love to communicate 7

go further > Take an AP CS class. > Start or attend a code club, camp or hackathon. >G et your group coding together. > Check out classes at community colleges and universitie s. You’ll be surprised at how many are more than just coding. > Be proud. You are the most important part of your career. Do what you love and love what you do! … More details: p.42 or online at CareerswithCode.c om.

{Careers with Code}


Does tech advancement lead to job loss? Computer science skills prepare students for the jobs of the future


harmacy dispensing technician and student Nasiha Ahmed says when she first heard about automated dispensing robots, she worried how it would affect her job – but she found reality quite different. “At work, in the time I would usually spend locating a medicine, I was able to counsel my patient about her medication and, in that short time, was able to detect a common side effect and contact the doctor,” she says. “I was scared the robot would make me redundant, but now I’m more useful to my patients.” Nasiha’s workplace is one of many affected by the tech revolution. Technological change is transforming many jobs and creating entirely new career areas. Sectors already shifting with the growth of new technologies include retail, transport, insurance, sales and accounting. We use tools like machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) every time we rent or stream a Netflix movie, book a rideshare with Lyft, or talk to the virtual assistant on our phone. “Technology isn’t built in a vacuum; it’s built to solve real human problems. Someone has to translate between the two. I love playing that role,” says entrepreneur Rose Broome (See p.26). She started, which helps nonprofits, such as homeless shelters, raise funds online.

Designing a new beginning

So, does new tech mean more job losses? It’s an age-old concern, but a Deloitte report that

{Careers with Code}

looked at employment over 144 years found that new tech creates more jobs than it displaces, as well as reducing dull, dangerous, repetitive work. Technological change is also creating some amazing new job areas and driving job growth. Computing occupations are now the fastest growing and largest job category nationwide. “Learning computer science is crucial for students to prepare for future careers and adapt as technology evolves,” says Carina Box, director of outreach at “History shows that evolving technology always creates new jobs. A computer science education equips students to lead innovation in any field.”

Mix it up

You can combine computer science (CS) skills with almost any industry. Take retail, for example. About one-fifth of US retail is online, and Rose online sales hit $440 billion Broome in 2017. With virtual reality platforms for customized clothing, such as ELSE Corp, the fashion industry will also change. Transportation has been forever changed by ridesharing and, with self-driving cars and trucks just a few years away, there’s a huge demand for computing skills by auto manufacturers. Studying CS equips you with techniques that will be valuable for years to come and enables


How CS is changing the jobs of topodsitiaonyyou

you to adapt to a rapidly changing digital world.

ce will Learning computer scien jobs are created. w ne ver ate to take on wh nce (AI) and big Sales: Artificial intellige ople from lespe data can free admin sa iting to spend more tasks such as report wr mers. Analyzing time engaging with custo ta mining) helps customer databases (da mers faster and businesses reach custo are gives us provide better info. “Softw oint of our a full 360-degree viewp u, founder customers.” – Conrad Ch nchery of food delivery app Mu

All are welcome

CS is a field that’s open to anyone, says Texasbased undergraduate research student Matthew Nasiha Ahmed Montoya. Matthew grew up along the United States/Mexico border and dreamed of becoming an ER doctor. Now, he studies artificial intelligence at the University of Texas at El Paso. “My friends think computer science is a very math-intensive career. I am not a math person, but I’ve discovered anyone who can multiply has nothing to worry about,” Matthew says. “If you want to do something, go freakin’ make it happen. Learn as much as you can. Don’t be afraid to be wrong and do what you want to do.”

al questions

leg Law: Tech helps people ask islation for

gh leg while AI searches throu s have more time yer law ing an answers – me ts. “Lawyers will to spend with their clien think like a law yer. teach the computer to w jobs.” – Andrew Legal tech will bring ne Intelligence Arruda, founder of ROSS n

lf a millio Medicine: AI can “read” ha less than

rs in medical research pape gnoses and dia t es gg su a minute and oes AI really possible treatments. “D t like a doctor. understand cancer? No cancer based on But can it see signs of out? Absolutely.” how cancer is talked ab d founder of an t – Tim Estes, presiden ning aso Re l AI company Digita

Make it work for you

Colleen Lewis – an assistant professor in CS at Harvey Mudd College – says she hates computers, but she still loves making them do things. “There are a lot of bits that make up CS – you can pick out your favorite,” she says. Learning Assistant Alliance web developer Ian Her Many Horses (p.33) is based in Lafayette, Colorado, where he develops tools that analyze student data from all over the world. Ian believes CS lets you follow your dreams. “Pursuing a project that is real and meaningful to you makes it a rewarding process,” he says. – Fran Molloy


a student’ Teaching: AI can look at adjust the

and responses to questions ers – so teachers sw an on d se ba y difficult rall concepts. ove g can focus on explainin hniques to tec g “AI can use data-minin e those us n the , identify critical skills nneth Ke – .” es urs co to design better n ma hu of sor fes R. Koedinger, pro gy, olo ch psy d an on cti era computer int rsity Carnegie Mellon Unive

“Lea rn ing the foun dation of codi ng ha s helped me impr at math, brea ki ng ove dow n problems st ep by step. I’m also a competitive fig ur e skater and a blac k belt in tae kwon and I would love to do, develop an app to improve in my tw favorite spor ts in o the futu re.” – Anish a Mukherjee (12), CoderDojo club pr ogrammer

nsing and big Agriculture: Remote se re efficiently. d mo data will help us grow foo to develop ce en sci “We use computer to help ery ag im ret models that interp re effectively.” farmers grow crops mo ote sensing – Demir Devecigil, rem te Corporation research lead, The Clima

glasses” with Entertainment: “Smart will bust open

reality augmented and virtual t. “It’s going to create rke the employment ma ve jobs.” – Robert millions of really creati ormation Group Scoble, futurist, Transf


{Careers with Code}


s e t a t S d e t i n U of STEM the Libraries give everyone ng opportunity to learn codi



space here’s an easy access, open g and where you can learn codin e road. it’s probably just down th some “Coding can take you to wesha Ghosh, incredible places,” says An ular Seven, an who is part of the Spectac cipating all-girl coding group parti ation Global at the Destination Imagin essee. Finals in Knoxville, Tenn ey CoderDojo Anwesha attends TriVall unty library in at her local Alameda Co ramming skills. Dublin, CA, to learn prog freedom to grow “There is so much creative es revolve around in coding because our liv love having technology,” she says. “I ss possibilities a blank screen, with endle w.” for creating something ne ol The growth of after-scho tional computing programs, na hackathons coding competitions, and er scientists has given young comput ogramming, and more chances to start pr l-world to apply their skills to rea e start at public situations. Many of thes yone can join. or school libraries and an bal nonprofit Anwesha’s club, run by glo nothing. These CoderDojo, costs little or ere’s a chance clubs are spaces where th in a social, to develop computing skills that promotes constructive atmosphere -box thinking. teamwork and out-of-the first responders Teams create apps to aid develop ideas in disaster relief efforts, to dress sustainable for a “fishackathon” to ad , or to generate fisheries around the globe e exploration. strategies for NASA’s spac

{Careers with Code}

“I think it’s cool how Mom found this club because I wanted to continue coding. Right now, we’re doing Python. We’ve been learning the basics – loops, variables, strings. Sometimes I tell my friends, and they are like, ‘Wow, that’s cool,’ and want to do that.” – Elise Bryant (16), From lef t: Drew Bryant , above, 2nd from left, Girls Who Elise Bryant, Annie Pe nnell, Code club programmer Tina Young, Iyanna Mil ler, and Emily Chau.


There is so much ow creative freedom to rgrlives in coding because ou logy. revolve around techknoscreen, I love having a blanilities for with endless possib new.” creating something Gina Bravo is program de velopment and coordination libraria n at San Diego Public Library, which runs programs in science, technology, enginee ring, and math (STEM) through the Sally Ride Science program. “It’s not a tradit ional class you would get in school or co llege; it’s about mentorship and training,” Gina says. The Libraries Ready to Co de program, created by Google and th e American Library Association, can he lp your libraries get started with CS progra ms – in school or out. “Libraries are pres ent in nearly every community across the country and can provide classes that aren’t available during the school day,” sa ys Hai Hong of Google’s Computer Science Education team. Software engineer Annie Pennell (3rd from left, main picture), a mentor for Girls Who Code at Oakland Pu blic Library in California, starts her clubs off with a “rose and thorn” exercise: each member shares a positive experience from the past week, areas they’d like to improve, an d something they’re excited about in th e coming week. “If you’re interested in co ding, don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it – especially yourself! ” she adds. – Ka ra Norton

Get started!

Visit your local rary to see what’s available or searlib these programs: libraries Ready toch Co CoderDojo / Careerswde / Girls Who Code / 11

{Careers with Code}


Sparking a passion for computer science F

ive students and one volunteer are standing in a huddle in an El Paso, Texas, middle school, arms intersecting, forming a tangled web of interlocked hands. “It’s called the human knot,” says Matthew Montoya, a University of Texas at El Paso computer science major, and the project lead of his college’s computer science mentoring program, part of Google’s igniteCS. “There’s no clear way out. We have to rely on a blend of communication and problem solving to unravel this challenge as a team,” he explains. It’s all part of Google’s igniteCS initiative, which has provided resources to 2,500 undergraduate students so far, spearheading CS volunteer programs in colleges and inspiring students in elementary, middle and high schools. “We want to get them excited about CS and transition them into the world of designing and coming up with solutions to code,” Matthew explains. The most rewarding part of being a mentor, he says, is helping “spark that ‘aha’ moment when you know a student is truly interested and engaged.” Often, this epiphany marks the start of a long-term CS journey. Siddharth Subramanian is a mentor for the igniteCS program SparkCS at California State University East Bay, and he says one of the best parts about CS today is that young students “don’t need to be an academic prodigy, have a fancy computer or a family background in computer science.” Instead – and with programs like igniteCS – students have more of an opportunity today to “dive into the world of software and see what exciting things await.”

{Careers with Code}

ts interested in en ud st e at du ra rg de Un teCS program can ni ig e th r fo ng ri ee volunt gniteCS apply online at olers interested in Middle and High Scho program nearby can finding an igniteCSCS .com email ignite @google 12

Mentors matter Spend some time at Google this summer! You don’t have to be a coding whiz to apply

“Computer scienc e is a field that has im mense opportun ities. Even if you have never ta ken a prog ra m m ing class, you ca n th rive here.” Jay Little, CSSI student

Which one of these sounds like your summer? A) Vegging out on the couch B) Spending lazy afternoons in the sun C) Working at the local fast-food restaurant What if there were another choice? D) Being inside the Googleplex and experiencing what it’s like to be a Googler for a few weeks


very summer, more than 200 graduating high school seniors get a chance to live the life as part of Google’s Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI), a three-week tech program designed to mentor students from diverse backgrounds to be software engineers. The program aims to boost students’ confidence in technology, which means you don’t have to be a coding expert to apply. “My school did not have any computer science programs or classes,” says Jay Little, now a CS student at the University of Alabama. The Google CSSI program was his first exposure to any CS instruction. Today, Jay is a CS undergrad and is also pursuing an MBA. “I gained the confidence and reassurance I needed to pursue the field,” he says. “There’s hardly any job out there that does not involve computer science,” says Google software engineer and CSSI lead instructor, Riccardo Crepaldi. “Computer science is a discipline that gives you a huge advantage, a head start.”

Google staffers such as Riccardo mentor the students. “It feels like summer camp,” he says. The first two weeks are hands-on coding while instructors guide students on how to build a web application using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Beyond teaching coding, mentors also convey immediate skills, such as how to craft a resume and interview techniques. In the final week, the class is split into groups. Students define a project based on a shared interest, and then they bring that vision to life. “At the end, we got to show off our final projects to an auditorium full of Googlers,” says CSSI alum, Kenechi Ufondu, who now works at Google as a software engineer. “It was awesome getting to know other computer science students from across the country. The bonds I formed during CSSI have followed me throughout my career.” If you’re interested in applying for CSSI, visit, or go to our directory on page 42 to find more summer coding activities.


Above: Participants of CSSI exploring virtual reality through Google Cardboard.

{Careers with Code}

s r o t a v o n n i New


in South LA, they n ho at ck ha a up t se gy chnolo When Teens Exploring Te at this is where true innovation is happening th aimed to show the world


“We use cod in g as the cata lyst that ca n ta ke you ng men of color a nd tu rn them into te ch nolog y leaders who bu ild positive com mu n ities.” – Oscar Men jivar, founder, TXT

{Careers with Code}



the next outh Los Angeles could be vision of Silicon Valley. That’s the trepreneur Oscar Menjivar, a social en and business founder. hnology and Oscar was working in tec cruised on with his education and could have rned his life around career, satisfied he had tu uggle with addiction after watching friends str ated The Cube – and crime. Instead, he cre in LA, where young a space on Grand Avenue technology – and the men of color learn to create y (TXT) program. Teens Exploring Technolog Oscar attributes No stranger to hardship, ool to the mentorship graduating from high sch He then completed of his coach, Mr. Wonders. ience and a Master a Bachelor of Computer Sc y. of Educational Technolog for young men of n tio iza TXT is an organ h grades from lowcolor between 7th and 11t TXT’s programs, kids income communities. In e potential leaders. are curious and innovativ each other,” says “These kids want to help ip creed that they Oscar. “We have a leadersh ch other accountable. live by, and they keep ea


CS areas of thencfe pruoftesusironeals

computer scie spiration share their career in



Yixin Song, Sofi “What I really love is solving coding problems, fixing bugs, and coming up with good ideas,” Yixin Song explains.



Phil Wagner, Google “Learning CS enables u you to explore what yo t ou ab ate are passion – whether that’s music or medicine – in ways it may have been difficult to before,” Phil says.

“One day I was speaking to 60 kids and only five knew what a website was. That was very alarming because technology provided me with a path out of poverty.” Without the mentorship of his coach, says Oscar, he wouldn’t have been able to help another 1,000 children. Of those, Oscar hopes 50 will come back as mentors/ volunteers and change thousands of other lives, creating change in the system. TXT runs programs like the Summer Coding Leadership Academy, a 12-week intensive CS and entrepreneurship program. They also run hackathons in community spaces. “Mentors from the tech sector outside of South LA come in to help at our hackathons, and they are able to get a sense of the love a community has for each other. When they see other people helping themselves, it removes barriers,” says Oscar. – Heather Catchpole


Cloud compuniticonlogr Pauline Koh, Tech

Pauline develops programs to support film animators and special effects technicians. “I didn’t choose the cloud life, the cloud life chose me,” she jokes.

#4 Cybersecurity George R. Jackson, EnvisionRX

l be a shortage of George believes there wil nals for years. “The cybersecurity professio t and protect. Also good guys have to preven educate,” he says. to repair, clean up, and

Find out more about TXT at

Read more on 15

{Careers with Code}


Karina Canales

Get ahead

Sales insights manager at Google

pioneered Meet the Googlers who job a path to their dream

Google goals Karina’s love of computers led her from a small town in Peru to her goal working for a global tech company


hen I was nine years old, I discovered computers through a course I took at school. It was love at first sight. I was living in a small town in Peru and I didn’t have a computer at home, so I used all my allowance to rent one. By the time I was 13, I had made my own website! When I turned 15, I asked my parents if I could have a computer for my birthday instead of a party. My first computer was secondhand, but it was the best present I ever received. It was one of the reasons I studied systems engineering in college. I then moved to the United States, undertook an MBA, and was lucky enough to land a summer internship with the sales team at Google, and never left! I’m now a sales insights manager in Google’s online advertising team. People think CS is scary, but it’s actually really fun. Think about your favorite video game! It was probably overwhelming at first when you didn’t know how to play it, but once you figured the game out, it became the best thing ever.


Went to San Antonio de Padua High School, Lima, Peru

{Careers with Code}

Did a Bachelor of Systems Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria in Peru Works as a sales insights manager at Google

is an ambassador for technolochicas program 16

DID an MBA, wharton School of Business, Pennsylvania, pA

tools for tech

in the science and servingog er ut mp co in ee gr de t manager at Go le After earning a uc od pr a w no is n so u.s. army, jamal ea lve my career hed on to computer hen I was 12, I was switc r gave me his old science when my brothe before . I had used computers computer from college at my d ha we the first one that at school, but this was rked wo ine ch to how the ma house. I was intrigued as es. tiv ec rsp pe are and softw from both the hardware very of e on s wa I , CS t abou When I started learning ar cle d school, and I was not few in my community an le op pe ve. Now, I am around on the impact I could ha s to change the world. who use CS in their job


I plan to evo As technology evolves, s m fro college, where I wa in tech as well. I went the in es rol gy leadership studying CS, to technolo d ool for my MBA, worke sch to ck military. I went ba le. og and now Go at a start-up, then Intel, about n help someone learn ca I en wh I am inspired ppiness p that furthers their ha a new tech product or ap spends aware that not everyone and productivity. I am CS ny but I find there are ma their career using CS, lives. le’s op applied to other pe innovations that can be

Maegan Clawges UX engineer at YouTube ’s check out maegan profile on p.31

Jamal Eason

Product manager at Google

Did a BS, United States Military Academy (West Point)

EARNED A MASTERS in information technology, university of maryland university college

worked in product management and business development roles, intel. 17

Completed an mba, harvard business school

Scored a job as product manager, Google

{Careers with Code}




e d o c e h t k c a r C future with a quiz unlock your careerssions and interests that matches your pa er science with a love of comput



Q2 It’s the weekend! Your fave thing to do is... A: Invent new ways to spy on the family dog.

rogramming, coding, computer science – you name it – offer more than just a bit of fun keyboard action. There are lots of opportunities to combine your passion with coding and turn it into a super-successful career. Not sure where, or how, to start? Be like Dorothy and follow the yellow brick road (or the red, green, or blue one). Answer our questions and discover what the future might have in store for you. Get. Excited.

B: Take your mom’s old phone apart and put it back together. C: Build 3D puzzles. D: Get out in the garden. It’s a beautiful day! E: Watch documentaries. All day. Every day.

Q1 It’s career day at

F: Think about creating an app that gets you to your baseball game. On time. With your helmet. And bat.

school and you...

A: Head straight to the desk where the naval officer is sitting.


B: Can’t wait to talk through your idea for driverless bikes. C: Wanna find the “Working in TV Production” info desk. Pronto.

A: A spy. B: Wall-E. s, Inc. C: Sully from Monster

D: Have 100 questions ready for the job peeps from the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).

D: A cow.

E: Ask if any of your friends want to go first. You’re always thinking of others.

F: A smartphone.

F: Start wondering how you could turn this whole Career Day into an easy-touse app.

l. E: A giant peace symbo

Q3 You’ve already

chosen your Halloween costume. You’re going as...

A: U.S. history and government/ Computer science.

Q4 Your best

B: Design tech/Metal shop.

subjects in school are...

C: Drama/Computer science. D: Life lab/Home ec. E: Foreign language/Social science. F: Design tech/Math.

{Careers with Code}





answers! It’s time to check your answers and tally your colors. If you got... MOSTLY A You’re all about national pride and the concept of keeping America safe. From protecting the country from cyber terrorists to developing defense technologies, computer science is huge when it comes to national security. You could be one of them with CS + The Nation, p.34.

Banner. A: The Star-Spangled song. B: The Divergent theme in Me” C: “You’ve Got a Friend . an wm by Randy Ne

MOSTLY B You’re crazy for what future cities will look like… Aerial roads? Building structures? How new energy will be generated? Engineers use tech to help everything from the roads we’ll drive on and the houses we’ll live in, to the smart energy systems that will be used to build all of it. The possibilities are endless for a CS + Sustainable Development career, p.36.

5 Q Your fave song is...

MOSTLY C Pop culture is your thing. You know all the latest hacks in video, 3D, and visual technology. From Netflix and Hulu to Pixar and your fave music videos, all you see is created using computer science. Yep! A fun future awaits with a CS + Pop Culture combo, p20.

Cyrus. D: “The Climb” by Miley E: “Heal the World” by Jackson.


F: “Selfie” by The Chainsmokers.

MOSTLY D You’re not quite Martha Stewart, but the whole “garden to table” concept is not new to you. Your dream is for a future where cattle tracking apps are totally a thing for farmers to help monitor ranches; and drones and sensors are available to help decipher soil conditions, growing healthier, and affordable food for all. CS + Agriculture, p.22 = winning.

MOSTLY E Your compassion (combined with your coding skills) means you’re totally committed to fostering social justice in the world. For inspo, think Fereshteh and her coding school for Afghan girls (p.33). Or Jen Aprahamian who, through her work with Code for America, helps those with social challenges get help easily (p.27). CS + Social Good rule.

MOSTLY F Your smartphone is permanently attached to your hand. Scrolling through new games and playing around with tech is your fave thing to do. Making it user-friendly? Ultimate goals. From cool apps to in-phone camera tips and designing hacks for driverless cars, finding the fun in usable tech is the future. CS + Usability, p.30, is it!


{Careers with Code}


Entertain us! Get your ticket to an amazing media industry



ovies excite your imagination, music gives life a soundtrack, and podcasts allow you to broaden your mindset. While musicians, actors and radio hosts are the faces of the content you love, there is a vast network of software engineers and programmers who code the tech that selects, streams, and perfects your favorite media. “If you are interested in music, film, animation or education, there’s a place for you in computer science,” says Faithful Uchenna Okoye, an incoming software engineer at Pandora Media and Master of CS grad from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. “Are you a writer?” she asks. “You can build a tool that allows users to click through your story in a compelling way. Are you an animator? You can create content for virtual reality or work in computer graphics development. The opportunities are endless.” Popular music today – from indie rock to hip-hop to house – wouldn’t be the same without innovations in computer science and technology. Audio sequencers and MIDI are all standard operating equipment for performers like Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, DJ Calvin Harris, and electronic music duo Chromeo. “I view a lot of musicians as natural entrepreneurs,” says Victor Anyirah, creator of the iOS app Voice - Be Heard. Partnering with recording companies, Victor, who studied CS at the University of Texas at Dallas, was able to incorporate music streaming into his app. “It was odd that the videos required so much video production when the content that truly mattered was the audio,” says Victor. “I wanted to reduce the amount of time and work it took to create spoken word and other impactful audio content.” – Kara Norton

in music, If you are interested ation, there’s film, animation or educ puter science.” a place for you in com

{Careers with Code}


CS+pop culture Creators make apps, games, and platforms using tech, providing users with new ways to access media, increase connectivity, and communicate.


Combine art, design and film courses with computer science, and keep studying math – it’s used in many aspects of visual design. Careers in the entertainment and social media industries will increasingly use machine learning, artificial intelligence and data skills, too.


Marvel Entertainment | Grammy | The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Graphic artist, animator $35,000–$73,000 Front-end developer/engineer $45,000–$100,000 Social media marketing manager $32,000–$76,000 [Source:]



ters Pixar’s cutest charac of me so fe li to g in br Gini Santos helps to my helped in my career are

died to an interest in art; I stu y journey started with for g sin rti ve d worked in ad be a graphics artist an in on ati im An g my Master’s of about five years. Durin uter ross a course in comp ac me New York Cit y, I ca in the kid a as on ati tching anim animation. I grew up wa k for it, too, it. I guess I had a knac Philippines and I loved ed at Pixar. my Master’s got me hir because the reel from d I just an released at the time, Toy Story had just been rk. wn away by their wo remember getting blo y like find myself in a compan I never imagined I would reer ca my de ma in Finding Nemo kes Pixar! Working on Dory ma at wh of on ati out the motiv because it taught me ab irky persona. ve; she had a really qu this character seem ali



Studied Fine Arts at the University of Santo Tomas with a major in Advertising

Three things that have d what erest in characters an love for design, my int y, doing da To e. us I t tools tha motivates them, and the ing your us t’s tha er eth easier; wh things on your own is ays ur computer. We’re alw phone, or drawing on yo and ills t already have these sk looking for people tha u yo at ng. To just share wh have some sort of traini thing. nt do is the really importa t touches something tha co, Co t, My current projec lot a t tha l fee I ich is family. we all can relate to, wh and relate to the struggles, to le ab be of people will excited to finish it and the triumphs. I’m pretty ry. just watch the whole sto

Completed a Master of Fine Arts at the School for Visual Arts, New York 21

Majored in Computer Arts

Works as a supervising animator at Pixar

{Careers with Code}


A wide field From big data to giant robots, computers are changing agriculture in a big way



estled in California’s Central Valley, the breadbasket of the country, a tractor rolls through a field with nobody at the wheel. But it’s not an accident – it’s a robot! Built by Blue River Technology, this robotic tractor uses a technique called machine learning. The equipment learns how to tell weeds from crops, and how to tell healthy plants from those that are struggling. The company says farmers will use 90% fewer chemicals by only spraying the plants that need it. It’s a tricky technique, but it’s one that Blue River thinks is worth mastering. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, investment in companies like Blue River Technology creates about 60,000 new jobs a year in agriculture, engineering, and business. Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, Dr. Laura Boykin is fixing bugs – literally. “I help farmers in East Africa grow more food for their families. Viruses and insects are killing plants that feed 800 million people. Our job is to help,” she says. The Phoenix, Arizona, native works in computational biology. By collecting and profiling the DNA of pests, she and her research team help find better ways to control them. CS and agriculture might seem an unlikely combination at first, but it’s one of the places where computing makes the biggest difference. From fields to factories, the number of coders and farmers working together is only going to grow. – Rockwell McGellin

CS+ agriculture Farmers and computer scientists are using data, math and coding skills to make farming greener, more productive, and more efficient.


Combine ag. studies with bioinformatics, computational biology, agribusiness, automation or robotics.


John Deere | Monsanto | USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture)


Bioinformatician $48,447–$107,939

If you want to get a job and you like biology, learn to program.” – Dr. Laura Boykin,

Agricultural engineer $39,150–$93,701 Automation engineer $53,807–$99,401

computational biologist

{Careers with Code}



tag team

le face every day op pe ms le ob pr e th g lvin y move about Tech is all about so for cattle because the collars wouldn’t work potentially eriff u got a call from the sh hat would you do if yo se? ily’s cows were loo telling you that your fam away? a were four-hour drive And what if those cows bein family fel ppened to the Schie This is exactly what ha ann, Bailee ssm drew and Jackie Ma in Kimball, Minnesota. An local high all n, an and Casey Gohm and Abbey Schiefelbein, about it. ng thi me so ed they could do cid de , nts de stu l oo sch of Minnesota’s Science Through the University if they ge, they set out to see of Agriculture Challen ns like tio eti mp Co . ion tech solut could come up with a lve dents the chance to so this, run by 4-H, give stu rs nto ir local kids with me real problems. They pa address d provide resources to across the country, an unity. challenges in their comm . like a perfect challenge ed em Catching cows se Natural of t en rtm pa De nnesota’s With a mentor from Mi track wild adapted collars used to Resources, the students ey then realized that the moose populations. Th


than moose and could in a much tighter herd the GPS next tracker repurposed eir damage the collars. Th rs, and lla co g do led from GPS-enab er eiv rec ll ce d an ip ch ws’ ear tags. h their device to the co they were able to attac t up a safe the animal. You can se “The tracker pinpoints rt comes as leaves the zone, an ale zone, and if the animal ssmann. m member Andrew Ma a text message,” says tea e you us e the victories, beca “We learned to celebrat year17ys sa ht on the first try,” don’t get every thing rig old Abbey Schiefelbein. s attitude Minnesota 4-H thinks thi Dorothy Freeman from s the ros ac ure ult n ever as agric is more important tha people. re mo d fee to s ha h tech and U.S. becomes more hig n ca make g need for people who “There is such a stron , and realize ople who can be brave mistakes. We need pe mething rt of coming up with so that failure is just a pa ckwell McGellin brilliant,” she says. – Ro

ms? 4-H runs Love solving proble the country. programs across /f ind rg h.o Check out 4-


From left: Bailee Schiefelbein, Casey Gohmann and Sheri Gohmann.


{Careers with Code}


e t a l p o t e d from co feed America’s to g in lp he e ar ts is nt ie Computer sc ths 326 million hungry mou

Understanding the land Making the most of every acre involves knowing what’s going on under the soil’s surface. Everything from soil chemistry to water levels and the health of individual plants is useful data for farming. Programmers help farmers using sensors in the ground and drones in the sky. Better data means more efficient irrigation, less fertilizer, and higher yields. CS USED: GIS (Geographical Information Systems), autonomous vehicles, remote sensing FIND OUT MORE: Watch a National Geographic video on YouTube about remote sensing and drones in farming at

rangleeanrapsp Code w y you might us

Just the best! Compute

r vision is a field of CS devoted to teaching computers to recognize images in the same wa y that people do. By installing came ras and computer vision systems on food production lines, computer scientis ts can help sort the good produce from the bad, and remove defective products before they’re packed and sh ipped. CS USED: Machine lea rning, computer vision, robotics FIND OUT MORE: Se e if Google’s neural networks can rec ognize your drawings at k_Doodling

In the same wa y fit, farmers are or a smart watch to sta wealth of data from using tech to gather a the movement of their animals, such as individual animals. herds and the health of , embedded CS USED: Data science systems programming eck out the FIND OUT MORE: Ch with wildlife same technology used at WF_Species


Understanding the sky

{Careers with Code}

Even in today’s high-tech world, crops need basics such as sunshine and water to grow. Computer scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service work with some of the most powerful supercomputers and the most accurate simulations in the world to help pick the best times to plant and harvest. CS USED: Simulations, computer modeling FIND OUT MORE: Check out to play with a real-time weather simulation of our planet.


Crossing the country

All about trust Most of us don’t even thi

nk about the technology behind how we pay for grocerie s, and that trust is all tha nks to cybersecurit y. America ns make more than 12 0 billion electronic transactions per year, and cybersecu rit y experts keep that syste m safe. They’re constan tly checking for flaws in co de, running penetratio n tests, and keeping one step ahead of cybercrime. CS USED: Cybersecu rit y, ethical hacking, pe netration testing, social enginee ring FIND OUT MORE: Learn about cybersecurit y on YouTube at Code

Stocking shelves

your local How much bread does milk? Does ch store need? How mu or holidays? ds en that change on week or if a storm y, da What if it’s a really hot ain ch s that is coming? The supply ed are incredibly bring you what you ne the help of data complex, and without tions are scientists, these ques er. sw impossible to an gineering, CS USED: Database en logistics engineering e how store FIND OUT MORE: Se en after an shelves stay stocked ev /Shelf_ Stock epic hurricane at

Getting stuck in traffic on the way to school is one thing, but it’s even worse if you’ve got a trailer full of perishable vegetables. City planners and freight companies are turning to real-time data and simulations to find the quickest route from A to B. CS USED: Simulation and modeling, real-time data analysis FIND OUT MORE: Try out a real traffic model at

Living smarter From

coffee pots to plant po ts (yes, really), objects in our ho mes are getting brainier thanks to the Internet of Things. Although the y look like the regular appliances the y’re replacing, inside every smart devic e is a tiny computer. They might be connected to controls, that let yo u start your A/C from the Internet, or to sensors, that let you see exactly what tem perature the food in your oven is, fro m anywhere in the house. Creative coders come up with the cool ideas that make this work. CS USED: Embedded systems programming FIND OUT MORE: Me et the plant pot that keeps your lea fy friends healthy at Plant

Creative cooking With the help of a massive library of all the world’s recipes, right down to the chemistry of which foods taste good together, data scientists are teaching IBM’s Watson supercomputer to cook. By looking at what flavors and ingredients have been used together before, Watson tries to “predict” new combinations that might work well – and the results are often surprising. Watson is now predicting financial markets and helping doctors diagnose illnesses. CS USED: Natural language learning, expert systems, neural networks FIND OUT MORE: You can try generating some recipes based on ingredients Watson predicts might go well together at 25

{Careers with Code}


Coding for change Computer scientists are the new superheroes saving the world



hen Dylan Acosta, a caretaker from Marin County, California, was looking for a job, he was living out of a car with his girlfriend. Struggling to afford healthy food, Dylan knew he needed grocery assistance, but was reluctant to apply. With the help of, an online service helping people apply for food stamps in less than 10 minutes, Dylan was able to access good-quality food without worrying about the cost. Instead of visiting an office in person and filling out complicated forms, members of the online service can apply for grocery assistance on their smartphone anytime, anywhere. CalFresh is an initiative of Code for America – a nonprofit that uses tech to help the public access government services more easily. Currently, it helps more than 100 local governments deliver services, whether it’s providing volunteers for the fire department or helping people with a criminal record to make a fresh start. Government services aren’t the only ones gaining a boost from socially conscious coders. Rose Broome, an entrepreneur with a background in data science, is helping homeless people get on their feet with HandUp, a crowdfunding platform where users donate directly to people in need. Members connect with an organization to help raise funds towards a specific goal, such as paying for winter clothing. The organization can select a member and make a donation towards their goal. “Computer science can tackle any issue or topic you care about, from poverty to climate change,” says Rose. “If you want to make a difference in the world, study computer science.” – Gemma Conroy

{Careers with Code}

CS+social good From tackling climate change to feeding the hungry, computer scientists working in social good find jobs with nonprofits, the government, and even start their own life-changing companies!


Get involved with a community group tackling local social issues. Volunteers can skill up across many areas. You can also study data science or computer science at a university or community college, do some entrepreneurial courses or intern at a start-up to get some business skills.


Code for America | Feeding America | UNICEF USA


App developer $48,000–$98,000 Program manager, nonprofit $35,000–$73,000 Information technology consultant $47,000–$120,000 [Source:]


follow JEN


breaking barriers cess sier for people to ac ea it s ke ma an mi ha st mo Jen Apra when they need them government services

use I wanted to self how to code beca my t gh tau I , kid a s hen I wa duated from high r. But by the time I gra ne sig de me -ga eo vid be a creating video ding stretched beyond co of e lov my ed liz rea school, I web applications that de for America building Co at rk wo I w No s. game re easily. vernment services mo new help people access go pler to use by building sim ps ap for America’s wn do ak bre Every day, I make Code lps This he t what the user needs. ces. features and figuring ou gain government servi to ing try e y’r the en wh e fac , le ork op rw lots of pape some barriers pe interview or filling out an for ice off an r. to ute ing Instead of go smartphone or comp se services using their people can access the r is how to adapt to I’ve learned in my caree ng thi nt rta po im st The mo w you can apply this ssion and figure out ho pa ur yo d Fin . ns tio ua new sit to push yourself to ce. You’re more likely ien sc r ute mp co to st intere that makes you happy. e working on a project u’r yo if s ng thi w ne rn lea



Completed a Bachelor of arts in Economicsl and Internationa Studies, University of Dayton

finished a Master of Science in Software Engineering, DePaul University 27

Worked as a Developer-in- e Residence/Full-tim Instructor, General Assembly

Loves her work as a Software Engineer, Code for America

{Careers with Code}



ways tech 2 can change the world

Planning a better life

day’s biggest challenges to e lv so t n’ ca u yo k in Th ink again! from your computer? Th

CS USED: DATA MINING Every day, people living in poverty face overwhelming challenges, from accessing clean drinking water to earning enough to feed their family. Poverty Stoplight is an online survey that helps families by pinpointing their priorities, whether it’s finding affordable schooling or better jobs.


Clean design

CS USED: COMPUTERAIDED DESIGN Inspired to clean up your neighborhood but not sure where to put all those bottles and cans? Interior design company Urban Hub is helping local communities by providing free downloadable designs that can be turned into your own recycling bin using any 3D printer. The bins can be joined together to create a recycling hub anytime, anywhere.




{Careers with Code}

Ready for anythingPPING

CS USED: CRISIS MA a fire When you’re caught in to nt rta po or storm, it’s im cess ac d an have a clear plan to on ati to up-to-date inform p Ma s stay safe. Google Crisi by makes planning easier ation orm inf e im l-t rea providing tes and to find evacuation rou p can locate shelters. The ma d. are also be easily sh


Mapping for good

CS USED: DIGITAL MAPPING Keeping track of endangered chimpanzees deep in the jungles of Africa is not easy. To protect 85% of chimps and their habitats, the Jane Goodall Institute teamed with Google to create a digital map that gives researchers a closer look at the impact of deforestation and a better idea of the areas that need the most attention. They also developed a free online course to help school children make a positive impact in their own communities.


Skill source

CS USED: MACHINE LEARNING After living in Ghana an d other African countries, and managin g a call center in Mumbai, entrepreneur Leila Janah was inspired to combat glo bal poverty. In 2008, she founded the nonprofit company Samasource that trains and employs underprivileg ed men and women in machine-learn ing projects for clients such as Wa lmart and Getty Images, so they can ea rn a living wage.


Talk it up

CS USED: SPEECH RECOGNITION Talkitt is an app that helps people with speech and motor disorders speak clearly with their own voice with the help of a smartphone or tablet. Speech recognition translates the user’s unique voice patterns into clear speech, enabling them to talk freely and enjoy a more independent life.


Health alert

CS USED: MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT When life is stressful, it can be difficult to remember to take me dication and visit the doctor, particu larly when good healthcare is out of reach. CareMessage is an ap p that helps more than one mi llion people self-manage their healt h through the power of text mess aging. By texting reminders, docto rs can stay up to date with their pa tients without the need for in-person visits.



Empowering survivors

CS USED: ENCRYPTION It is estimated that less than 20% of college sexual assault survivors report the incidents. Online reporting tool Callisto is making it easier for victims to alert the authorities of a sexual assault with the option of remaining anonymous. Using a matching system, Callisto can easily track down offenders and immediately report them to the authorities.

Big data, big impact

CS USED: OPEN SOURCE DATA Bayes Impact uses the power of data to help disadvantaged people access better healthcare, education and housing. The nonprofit start-up builds open source software that matches unemployed people with job opportunities and prevents overcrowding in hospitals. Bayes Impact has teamed up with organizations such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the California Department of Justice.


{Careers with Code}


Design the future

As new tech is developed, there’s a strong need for people who can make tech easy to use



ser-centered intuitive design is vital to many of Google’s products. A user-experience (UX) designer for Google’s G-Suite, for example, focuses on design efforts to create a great experience for people on the go who need to check their emails on smartphones or tablets. UX designers working on G-Suite recently introduced a new feature called SmartReply, which generates suggested email responses that simplify emailing on the go and save time. UX design careers, which can range from technical artists and game designers to software engineers, are in high demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities in web development are expected to increase 13% through 2020. These types of jobs combine strengths such as programming languages, problem-solving, math skills, art and even psychology. Lucy Guo, founder of Scale API and previously a product designer at Snapchat, says the field is very rewarding because “you have a direct impact on products that benefit people’s lives.” In the field of making tech work better for people, CS professionals benefit from being both the technical brains and creative forces behind user-friendly features. And in turn, their users also benefit. – Renee Morad

CS+usability Professionals who work in computer science and UX design can go on to become technical artists, UX designers, software engineers and more.


Get familiar with coding languages such as Python and Java, study math as well as visual and creative courses like writing, visual design, art and graphics programming.

intern... | Pixar | Google


Technical artist $41,000–$100,000

you have a direct impact on products that benefit people’s lives”

{Careers with Code}

Software engineer $58,000–$120,000 UX designer $49,000–$100,000 [Source:]


follow maegan @MaeganClawges

e UX engineer at YouTub

r e t c a r a h c e iv creat

e arts om journalism and th fr d ve mo s ge aw elling Cl yt or Maegan d still loves st an e, nc ie sc er ut mp into co but I didn’t know h school, I loved math,



Worked as a Windows UX intern for four months

Worked as A dataactive er visualiZation andFrint cisco intern at San anGA TE SF d an le nic ro Ch

Works at YouTube as a UX Engineer

hen I was in hig until college. One of my about computer science ss in computer ommended I take a cla rec s sor fes pro n ma sh fre classes. journalism and design science in addition to my lizing public ua vis e lov I . t storytelling I get really excited abou writing. it, and I also really enjoy data to help others digest YouTube, eriences, writing code for Today, I design digital exp focuses job tools, and making art. My building prototypes and videos. ing tch ces for creating and wa on building new experien d en ntstly algorithms, fro The CS skills I use are mo ckground in ideo processing. My ba e/v development and imag laborate col me lp he h Adobe tools design and familiarity wit YouTube. we work on the future of closely with my team as r are mentors, helped me in my caree Three things that have lanced unities, and having a ba being involved with comm g code. itin to be social while still wr lifestyle that allows me of friends, lp he today without the I wouldn’t be where I am d social an l ua vis a of the field. I am de tsi ou d an h tec in both my friends ough assignments with learner, so working thr boration, lla co r ou excel. Through in CS really helped me nversations nfident in technical co I also became more co inspiration o draw a ton of creative and environments. I als conversations and am energized by my from my artistic friends ustry give ind ips outside of the tech with them. My friendsh d the an ty various facets of socie me a perspective into ion. struggles of our generat

what is your ux design? Making life easier for the user is what it’s all about


n a typical workday, Bugi Kaigwa, a technical artist for Visual Concepts Entertainment, creates character rigs for the NBA 2K games. “It’s like being a puppeteer to 3D characters, making them moveable in animation,” he says. Technical artists work in the video game industry as liaisons between programmers and artists working on video games. Bugi took a nontraditional path that led him to this role, studying finance and graphics. His advice: while the role is a blend of problem-solving, art, and psychology, you also need solid math skills. “Linear algebra is essential to my job,” he says.

Technical artist Bugi Kaigwa doing a motion capture test.


{Careers with Code}


! o d o t t n a w u o y t a h w o D to many different jobs ss ce ac u yo ve gi s ill sk Computer science


reams Chase your d front-end


Kenechi Ufondu, le software engineer, Goog

always Since I was a kid, I have e idea of Th . de wanted to write co people’s de ma t tha creating things . I also had me to d ale pe lives easier ap ctronics, and an interest in building ele eriment still build circuits and exp hobby. a with microcontrollers as ogle’s Go for In college, I applied Institute er mm Su Computer Science SI is CS in. t go I d (CSSI) program an /CSS ML HT t gh tau re amazing. We we t to show off and Javascript, then go auditorium of our final projects to an formed have Googlers. The bonds I t my career. followed me throughou gineer, I As a Google software en ople use pe t tha help build products designing e lud inc ks every day. My tas eting with and writing code and me n projects. other teammates to pla le is to My advice to young peop leb Ce rate the believe in your dreams. the table; perspective you bring to those by the future will be built ently. fer dif nk who are able to thi at SI CS th Get involved wi

Read these profiles an d more at CareerswithCode.Co m {Careers with Code}


Solve problems

Angelica Pando, back-e nd software engineer, Goog le

The beautiful thing abou t CS is that you can apply it anywhere. I think everyone, no matter what their pa ssion or focus, should know a little bit about CS. My first experience wit h CS was building websites and user interfaces, and I hated it! Once I lea rned the skills of back-end programming, I began to love it. I realized CS is more ab out puzzle solving and logical think ing than troubleshooting. It also involved a lot more math than I origin ally thought. A large aspect of my job is writing and reviewing code. I also do data analysis for a potential solution , or I’ll compare different solutions to the same problem. My dream career is to make a lasting impact at Google and eve ntually build my own all-out feminis t start-up. Start with Google Intern ships at


follow Fereshteh



Build opportunities for women

Fereshteh Forough, founder and CEO of Code to Inspire I was born as an Afghan refugee in Iran and moved to Herat, Afghanistan, in 2002. There, I received a Bachelor in CS in Herat before doing a Master in Database Management Systems at Technical University Berlin, Germany. I love problem solving and the creativity of CS – you can make what you think, and that’s very powerful. Knowledge is power and technology is a tool for this empowerment. It will empower people to solve local issues. I’m very excited about the work I am doing with Code to Inspire. I love to see our students become future tech CEOs and entrepreneurs in Afghanistan and be part of the decision-making process of the community. I always wanted to give back to my country in any possible way and, at this moment, being the founder of the first coding school for girls in Afghanistan is very rewarding. Get inspired at


Hack health

Shaun Mhonde, web developer at ManageBGL


eloper I work as a junior web dev ny that for ManageBGL, a compa gement develops diabetes mana project tools. The most rewarding L – an tBG I’ve worked on is Predic ar sug od blo t app that can predic to nt tie pa the levels, enabling hours adjust their insulin dose of the lot a s ate evi ahead. It all ving diaha h wit es com t stress tha d money. betes and saves time an IT I would love to start an who rs, the company with my bro , ing eer gin en study biochemical , nce ige ell int ial ific robotics and art ve siti po ng ati cre of with the vision ntry of change in our home cou fair, but un be can e Lif e. Zimbabw skills, the if you have faith in your lf. rest will take care of itse at s Try out health hack

Improve education

Ian Her Many Horses, research associate at CU – Boulder Growing up on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, my aspirations ranged from being a lawyer to being an inventor. After 8th grade, I took a web design class and I’ve been hooked on writing code ever since. I went on to study computer science and, later, education at the University of Colorado, where I still work as a research associate in coalition with Learning Assistant Alliance. The main goal of my work is to get schools to implement CS in the K–12 curriculum. Even if a student wants to pursue art, CS will be helpful to them. We live in a world where it is a necessary skill. Start your school code club at


{Careers with Code}


Code for your country Create tech that helps citizens nationwide



{Careers with Code}

here are many ways computer scientists work for their country, whether it’s preventing cyber attacks, supporting spaceflight missions or helping hurricane-ravaged communities get back on their feet. Whatever your passion, you can almost certainly realize your ideals through a job for Uncle Sam. It’s not all glory – government gigs, either directly or through a contract position, may only be open to US citizens and may pay less than similar jobs at private companies. But the chance to apply your skills to a mission close to your heart offers perks money can’t buy. One coding pro who should know is Marshal Schwartz.

Marshal left the commercial world six years ago to take a job at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) . Marshal had been living in New York when terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, and he was inspired by FEMA’s boots-on-the-ground response to the catastrophe. Now, as a data management analyst at the agency, he creates maps that guide disaster response teams to hotspots in a disaster zone, and designs apps that allow survivors to request assistance. “FEMA helps people who are sometimes dealing with the worst days of their lives,” he says. “I really feel like I make a difference.” – Alla Katsnelson


follow NASA @NASA

CS+the nation Coders develop software, create apps or analyze data in a range of fields, from food and agriculture to military defense.


Courses in IT, information systems, computer science or engineering.

Big Mission

software to Tamar Cohen writes ts who are support NASA scientyisbodies remotely exploring planetar to expand

lping place to work! We’re he ASA is a phenomenal so much still to ’s t our universe. There human knowledge abou rking and wo th wi and many challenges DS – discover in our oceans xG d lle ca My primary project is who are le mapping under water. op pe lps he Systems. xGDS ta Da nd ou Gr ion rat Explo ize and work with data. rch to visualize, organ ea res y tar ne pla ing do my dad at IBM and l, I went to the lab with When I was a young gir mming class in high e computer. I took progra played on the mainfram e math. ced math classes as I lov school along with advan language and ort course in a software Some people take a sh more to learn. lot a erts, but really there’s consider themselves exp and mentors. ps shi formal education, intern There is a big benefit to to get you ps ap d an are great games re the e, tim an me the In are. Don’t be afraid to logic and building softw g din an rst de un d rte sta school, at home and itely ask any mentors at try stuff out, and defin suggestions and tips. in your neighborhood for



NASA | FBI Teen Academy FEMA Corps | Federal Reserve


Computer scientist, Defense Information Systems Agency $95,000–$120,000 Senior ground systems engineer $110,000–$160,000

Did a BS in CS at g Cornell’s Engineerin School, Ithaca, NY

Programmer analyst, US Court of Federal Claims $50,000–$125,000

employed as a lead 3D graphics software engineer, Sony



received an MA in Visual IT at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Works for SGT, Inc as a senior computer scientist for NASA

{Careers with Code}


Building a sustainable society takes to save Think you have what it computer the planet? If you’re into science, you just might



e world? ver dreamed of saving th perhero, right? Sounds like a job for a su s, and head for Forget the cape and tight stead. Saving your local coding club in pulation growth and the planet from hunger, po a day’s work for people climate change are all in le development. with careers in sustainab ndquist (pictured, Students like Marchelle Lu science with a quest to right) combine computer re sustainable planet. create a healthier and mo lle designed a prototype Using Tinkercad, Marche e pollution in Singapore. park she hopes will reduc twork of parks that Marchelle imagined a ne utilized new technologies. dy hot. Solar energy “Green” careers are alrea arly 25% over the past jobs, for example, are up ne jobs in the United year to more than 260,000 mix environmental States. Green professionals rdship and innovation. responsibility, social stewa ills are your blank “Computer and coding sk impact on the world,” canvas to having a huge ris Dolendo. As says software engineer Ch r of, a founding creative office allows online Chris created an app that rs the option of merchants to give custome purchases to charity. donating a portion of their needs diversity to Chris believes technology lve the problems of our be able to address and so tter your background, planet. She says, “No ma follow your race, gender, or ethnicity, that is your gift to the excitement. Chances are, gift.” – Sukhjit Ghag world, and we need your

{Careers with Code}

CS+SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Building sustainable cities requires many different skills, and CS is at the heart. You need to understand technology, but you also need to consider human behavior and the social aspects of how we share this planet.


Courses in software engineering, data modelling, project management, engineering design and business skills.


Sprout by Design | Business for Social Responsibility | Department of Energy | Earthwatch Institute


Data scientist $63,000–$130,000 Project engineer $50,000–$94,000 Research scientist $47,000–$120,000 [Source:]


follow marchelle @Marchellelq

Guardian of Our Planet t Marchelle Lundquisna ble society ai st su is building a on my mind for as limate change has been r. So, I decided to be long as I can remembe career path lets me part of the solution. My s create a future with les develop technology to t. ne pla on our suffering for everyone ce skills in computer scien my xed fle dy ea I’ve alr ity bil passion for sustaina in combination with my gy lumbia’s civic technolo Co through ADI Foundry, b application for initiative. We built a we m an ts to visualize data fro tis en environmental sci New the ng mi roa r vehicle autonomous underwate York Harbor. n Oyster Project, which It’s all part of the Billio rine ecosystem and to aims to improve the ma r. clean water in the harbo


Presented at Asia/Environment Student Research Conference

Field work Dr. Cheryl McCarthy designs automated weed control systems that use machine-based image recognition to identify weeds in crops


early every week, I’m out on farms, hundreds of miles away from anywhere, where you can see nothing around but dirt or crops. We have a research center here, which is all about applying engineering to agriculture. I am coding absolutely every day – and when I’m not coding, I’m out in the field implementing my code to actually do something.

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics), University of Southern Queensland 37

My work includes the use of machine vision, imaging spectrometry and drone aerial photography to identify weeds in crops and spot-spray them. This technique saves farmers money and reduces toxic loads on soils because it uses a fraction of the chemical herbicide needed for other methods, such as broadcast spraying or aerial crop-dusting.



First girl in high school programming class

Intern for Sprout by Design

CS + Sustainable Development major, Columbia University

Research Fellow, National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, USQ

{Careers with Code}


e c n e i c s r e t u Comp explained C

AI: Artificial Intelligence This branch of CS makes computers that learn from their environment in order to accomplish a task. They are called AI because they are based on the ways we believe human intelligence works. Examples include speech and image recognition – and IBM’s famous supercomputer Watson, which beat humans in a game of Jeopardy in 2011.

omputer science is one of the most exciting disciplines in the world. In this highdemand field, you study computers and their interaction with data and with people. You might learn how compute rs work, how to program and design computer softw are and, most importantly, how to acce ss and manipulate data. Learning CS prepares yo u for some of the most sought after jobs in the wo rld. You can pick up the langu age of CS by coming to grips with some techn ical terms. Read these definitions of some key CS terms to learn more about some exciting conc epts for future CS jobs! Students at Harvey Mud d College have chimed in with some tips for would -be CS students across the United States!

computer program The set of instructions, often written in code, that tells a comp uter what to do. A computer program is usually formed by groups of algorithm s. For example, a computer program writt en by a programmer or software engineer tel ls your phone how to send and receive tex t messages and how to display your me ssages.

Algorithm steps or actions you An algorithm is a list of A recipe is a kind of do to complete a task. orithms often include algorithm. Computer alg te) and steps that steps that repeat (itera logic or comparison). make a decision (using

binary This is a way to present information using only two options – usually 1 and 0, often meaning yes or no. It’s a simple way to build and program computers that are just two values for digital signals – on or off. Different combinations of on or off signals build up to become the complex algorithims we use every day, such as opening an app on your phone or how the map knows where you are.


Cloud Computing

Computational Thinking

ent ways to This covers some dif fer out things and systematically think ab lly. These include solve problems logica action, creating pattern-matching, abstr , finding patterns step-by-step algorithms ways to make one that repeat and finding le problems. solution work for multip

The cloud refers to things you can access with the Internet. Cloud computing is basically Internet-based computing that allows you to use other powerful computers, algorithms or data outside of your own local computer. For example, Gmail is cloud computing that allows you to read and write emails in your account that are not on your computer.

{Careers with Code}



“fields” tion (data) organized in A collection of informa d, and rte it can be accessed, so and “records” so that t. ee such as a spreadsh updated by a program,

Object-Oriented Programming

Debugging When you debug your computer program, you go through to find any mistakes you have made in a program that stop it from giving the correct response.

Natural Language Processing

This kind of program doesn’t run one way through a series of logical steps, but instead relies on modules of data called objects which have their own attributes and behaviors, and can be pieced together in a modular way. Examples are programs like C++, Java, Python, and Ruby.

Parallel and Distributed Computing

This area of CS involves the ways that computers can process, understand, respond to and manipulate human language. Programs that spell check and grammar check documents are good examples, and so is Siri, Apple’s voice-based virtual assistant.

This involves a group of computers on a network that work tog ether to achieve the same task. The compute r processors can eithe r share one memory syste m (parallel) or share messages between ind ividual computer memories (distributed ). It can be used to perform huge computi ng tasks – for example , to calculate astronomy problems.

Machine Language

SQL: Structured Query Language

This is the lowest level of code that a computer’s brain (or CPU – central processing unit) can understand, and all the instructions are in numbers, so it’s very hard for humans to understand. Usually you program in a higher-level programming language, like C++, Python, or Java, and it gets translated into machine language for the computer to understand.

This was the most in-demand programming language in the world in 2017, according to Coding Dojo. SQL stands for structured query language and is used mostly to communicate with and manipulate databases. SQL is used globally on websites across the Internet.


{Careers with Code}


g n i d o c t r a t S

Programming is about language and instruction – and you don’t need a computer to learn the basics

get to the source Programming relies on the literal interpretation of instructions and the ability to adapt those instructions on the fly.

Getting literal

Tell me about it

1. Choose one of the drawings and explain it to a friend. Have them work with paper or an app drawing tool to create the drawing you describe. The communication must be one-way. (They can’t ask any questions.) Give them about five minutes and then check how they did.


Computers are programmed using a language – such as Python, Java or SQL – and they follow instructions to the letter. Most software systems are too big for one person to develop. One way to encourage others to contribute is through open-source software, where a program is made publicly available and several people can try to improve it and share their improvements with the community. Many programming languages themselves, including Python, Java, PHP and Ruby on Rails, are all open source.

Write about it

2. Now do the same, but this time use a written description of the same photo for step 1. Ask someone else to read your description and edit it for clarity. Give the revised description to a different friend and ask them to draw the image. 3. There will now be three versions of the image: the original, the first attempt and the second attempt from the revised description. Did the edited description improve the outcome or make it worse? Is it helpful to have different people work on a description?


You will need: • Cards with pictures, such as the ones shown on the opposite page • Blank card, paper or a drawing app on your phone • Grid-lined paper • Pencil, paper and ruler

What’s it all about?

A computer will carry out instructions to the letter, even if they are ridiculous, and a small error can cause big problems. Imagine the consequences of an error in the computer program for a satellite launch, a nuclear power plant or the signals on a railroad track! The more complex the program, the more errors there are likely to be. This became a major issue when the U.S. was working on the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), or “Star Wars”, program – a computer-controlled system that was intended to form a defense against a nuclear attack by the then Soviet Union in the 1980s. Some scientists claimed that it could never work because of the complexity of the software required. Software needs to be tested to find as many bugs as possible (see box, right), and it wasn’t be feasible to test the system because missiles needed to be fired at the U.S. in order to know that it worked!

if you’d like to find more activities for intro CS, check out the teacher notes at

{Careers with Code}


Did You Know? Errors are commonly called “bugs”;

learn to code for free online

in one early mechanical computer, a fault was caused by an actual bug, when a moth found its way into an electrical relay. “Debugging” is when you find and remove bugs; normally this is done by editing a computer program, not removing actual insects!

Thanks to for the inspiration for this activity. Get more online: 41

{Careers with Code}

Your career starts here There are so many ways to get into CS. Check out these ideas...

Get skills and study online

Find a STEM opportunity near you > The Connectory >

Spend 20 hours learning to code > Code Studio > Ages 4–18, worldwide >

Discover events, ideas and opportunities at every level > TechPrep >

Try games for tomorrow’s programmers > Blockly > All ages >

Find STEM summer programs and colleges > Teenlife >

Create art, music, games and more as you learn to program > Pencil Code > All ages >

Get all of the resources in this guide and more > Careers with Code > All of Google’s CS Education Resources > Google for Education >

Have some fun in hackathons, competitions, coding events Enter a global online science and engineering competition > Google Science Fair > Ages 13–18, worldwide > Take part in a competition for college scholarships > The Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology > High school students (grades 9–12), regional and national levels > Get a one-hour introduction to computer science > Hour of Code > Age 6+, worldwide > Take on other students around the world in a coding challenge > Google Code Jam > Age 13+, worldwide > Go for gold and the chance to represent the U.S. > USA Computing Olympiad > Pre-college students, nationwide >

Access tech courses on Python, 3D printing, Minecraft and more > Tech Rocket > Ages 10–18 > Make a website, learn SQL and more in eight different programming languages > Codecademy > All ages > Watch YouTube videos on essential coding concepts > CodeNow > All ages > Learn to create animations, games and stories from Scratch > Scratch > Ages 8–16 > Use your imagination making animated movies and simple video games > Alice > Students > Build your own game or program with just a few lines of code > Small Basic > Ages 10–16 > Take your pick of free tech topics – cryptography, algorithms, information theory… > Khan Academy > All ages >

Meet up with peeps through networks, camps, social media Find role models > Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing >

Test yourself against other students around the world > Microsoft’s Imagine Cup > Age 16+, worldwide >

Find mentors in other technical women > Anita Borg Institute > Local events: > The Systers community:

Find a computer science competition > American Computer Science League > Pre-college students, worldwide >

Learn to code with Microsoft > DigiGirlz High Tech Camp > Girls, age 13+, locations around the U.S. >

Check with your parents before going online

{Careers with Code}


Spend your summer at the hottest tech companies in the world > Girls Who Code Immersion Program > Girls, ages 15–17, at leading tech companies around the U.S. > Choose from game design camps, webdesign camps, robotics camps and more > ID Tech Camps > Ages 6–18, locations around the U.S. > Become a technolochica, meet others and get info about opportunities > NCWIT’s TECHNOLOchicas > Latinas, nationwide > Workshops for the new generation of coders > Black Girls CODE > AfricanAmerican girls, locations around the U.S. > Host a coding party at your house or school > Made with Code > Female high school students, nationwide > Become a coding ninja through community-based programming clubs > CoderDojo > Ages 7–17, worldwide >

Boost your career with internships, scholarships, tips Scholarships, job opportunities and mentoring for girls and women > NCWIT Aspirations in Computing > K–12 through to higher education, national > Enrichment programs, online learning, mentorships and more > MIT MOSTEC > Free for high school seniors, nationwide > Find success in tech > #YesWeCode > For students from underrepresented backgrounds, nationwide > Prep for the tech industry > All Star Code > Map out your computing career path > Anita Borg Institute > Explore internships in computer science around the nation > > Apply for an internship at Google > Google Careers >


Get the big picture and visit regularly for ideas

<DIRECTORY> You can also apply for computer scholarship through Google > Google for Education >

Get others involved in coding – start a hack club > Hack Club > All students >

Find encouragement to pursue careers in STEM > Microsoft Careers >

Create and edit female-focused Wikipedia pages > Girls Only Edit-a-Thon > Girls, all ages >

Microsoft has a 12-week summer internship program for college freshmen and sophomores >

Take part in a social media makeover and take on cyberbullying > Social Media Makeover > All students, nationwide >

Read interview tips from Microsoft – they will help outside of computer science, too! > Work for the social company > Facebook > Discover opportunities for students and recent grads > Ford > Get a high-tech career with a human touch > Dolby > Look out for fall, spring and summer internships for current students > Under Armour > Apply for an internship with Apple > Jobs at Apple > Get equipped for a Bachelor’s degree at a college or university > Dell Scholars Program > Cyber Corps: Get scholarships for service> National Science Foundation >

Sign up to be a coding mentor or find someone who can help you > hack.pledge() > All ages, nationwide > Sign up to support diversity in computing > > All ages, nationwide > Make a difference in your local community > IgniteCS > College students >

Get inspiration from blogs, movies AND MORE Get a bunch of resources and information on standards > Computer Science Teachers Association > Design a project, learn from mentors, and explore cool and unexpected career paths with code > Made with Code > Meet some inspiring Latina mentors > TECHNOlochicas >

Help others through mentoring, social change, school visits

Visit NCWIT for plenty of resources for counselors > NCWIT C4C >

Get a laptop, find a location and start a coding club at your school > Google CS First > Ages 9–14, online resources >

Watch inspiring speakers and get posters for your classroom > >

Help others learn to code > Khan Academy > All ages, nationwide >

Interviews with hs-college age women > ReigningIt >

Careers with Code is published by Refraction Media and proudly brought to you by Google. Thanks to all of the Googlers who made this happen: Abby Bouchon Daniels, Adam Feldman, Andrea Cohan, Chris Stephenson, Hai Hong, Haviva Kohl, Jennifer Wang, Liza Roesch, Maggie Johnson, Mo Fong, Phil Wagner, Sally Ann Williams, Ty Sheppard. And to our other partners: Angela Cleveland, Jane Krauss, Marijke Visser Careers with Code 2017 is a publication of Refraction Media © Refraction Media 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without permission. If you would like to reproduce anything from this magazine email: This issue went to press on 4 August 2017

Printed in USA by Publication Printers Order copies: Publisher: Karen Taylor Editor: Heather Catchpole Production Manager: John Roper Digital Editor: Elise Roberts Publishing Coordinator: Valeria di Mauro Art Director: Kat Power Sub-editors: Rachel Wallace, Emily Lippencott Proofreader: Virginia Bernard Illustrations: Robert Ricov Photographers: Tom Kubik, Steven Branstetter Writers: Heather Catchpole, Gemma Conroy,

Watch “What most schools don’t teach” video > Read interviews with women in IT – their advice and how they got there > NCWIT Entrepreneurial Heroes > Follow The Fosters’ journey creating an app called Fost & Found for foster kids to find each other, resources and homes > The Fosters > Watch Yara Shahidi, who teamed up with with to create a fun, SMS text message game for girls > Science Sleuth > Read about Katherine Johnson, who calculated the trajectory for Project Mercury and the 1969 Apollo 11 flight to the Moon > Wikipedia > en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Katherine_Johnson And read about 16-year-old Victoria Pannell, whose app concept to stop sex trafficking won #YesWeCode’s first-ever hackathon > Victoria Pannell’s real-life story > Also, check out the girls who invented the Tampon Run video game > Girls Who Code > Did you know that 1940s movie star Hedy Lamarr invented radio guidance tech for the military in WWII? > Famous Women Inventors > >> order copies >> read online >> info for educators + more

Sukhjit Ghag, Fran Molloy, Rockwell McGellin, Renee Morad, Kara Norton EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING OFFICES: Refraction Media 100 Harris St, Sydney, Australia +61 2 9699 8999 PO Box 38, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2008 Get more online: Follow us

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of resources at the time of publication. This is by no means an exhaustive list – there are plenty of other great options around. To find out more, go to

“Expressing myself and the decisions I make while coding is something I often do at NASA, and I’m thankful to igniteCS for helping me develop this skill.” Hannah Hopkins IgniteCS volunteer 2016–2017; Computer Science graduate from the University of North Alabama; Student trainee at NASA

igniteCS provides an opportunity for undergraduate computer science students to volunteer in their local communities, sparking CS passion in the next generation through mentorship. To learn more about Google’s igniteCS program and see how you can get involved, visit

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