Isaiah bulletin november2015 lo res (3)

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Please Join Us on Saturday, November 14th at 8 as Brotherhood presents



Also this Month at Temple Isaiah November 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Sisterhood Rummage Sale

November 7th

Parents Association Family Fun Night

November 24th

Three Village Interfaith Service

Plus: Adult Education, Youth Activities, Book & Film Discussions, and more! Temple Isaiah Bulletin A Volume 51, Issue 3 A November 2015

Member Union for Reform Judaism

November 2015 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5776 Sunday


9 am-12 pm School/Youth Group 9 am-1 pm drop off Rummage 1:30-4 pm Rummage Sale 9:30-11 am Hebrew Course 9:30 am Family Ed K-2 grade 10:30-11:45 am Tanakh Study 1

4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 10 am-1 pm and 7-9 pm Sisterhood Rummage Sale 7:30 pm Caring Committee Mtg 8 pm Religious School Board Mtg at Cindys house

No Religious School 9 am-12 pm Teacher Faculty Day 1:30 pm Renaissance Grp Mtg

4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 8 pm Board of Trustees Mtg


8 9 am-12 pm Religious School Youth Group 9:30 am PA Mtg 9:30-11 am Hebrew Crash Course 10:30-11:45 am Tanakh Study


10 am-1 pm Sisterhood Rummage Sale

7:30 pm Jewish Noir Meet the Authors

3 4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 7-8:15 pm Adult Ed/ Best American President 7:30 pm How to Create a Meaningful Chanukah

9 4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 2 pm Book Discussion Group room 5


9 am-12 pm Religious School Youth Group 9 am-12 pm PA Book Fair 9:09am Brotherhood 9:30-11 am Hebrew Course 9:30 Am Family Ed 4th grade 10:30-11:45 am Tanakh Study 22

4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm PA Book Fair

No Religious School

4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 7:30 pm Ritual Committee Meeting


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


4 Veterans Day office closed

5 7-9 pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class



4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 7-8:15 pm Adult Ed/ Best American President

7-8:30 pm Sisterhood Olive Oil Tasting 7:30 pm Film Discussion Woody Allen



4:30-6:30 pm Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm PA Book Fair 7 pm Three Village Interfaith service


7-9 pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class

12 7-9 pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7 pm Sisterhood Mtg

19 Thanksgiving Day office closed





5:30 pm Pre Neg Nosh 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Candles: 4:28

8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10 am Shabbat Morning Service 8 pm Brotherhood Comedy Night

8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10 am Shabbat Morning Service



8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10 am Shabbat Morning Service

office closed 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service

Candles: 4:11



5 pm Tot Shabbat 6 pm Shabbat Dinner 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service Consecration/New member service

Candles: 4:16



7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service

Candles: 4:20

8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10 am Shabbat Morning Service 6-8:30 pm PA Family Fun Night Science Guy


27 Friday Ushers 6 Tuckman 13 Schiff 20 Snyder 27 TBD

30 2

Rabbi Sobel ‘s Reflections An Expression of Gratitude On Yom Kippur morning, I spoke about “gratitude”: how our Jewish tradition is deeply rooted in the value of expressing gratitude in concrete and meaningful ways. Each morning, we recite a prayer called: “Modeh Ani” – “I thank you.” When we recite “modeh ani,” we thank God for allowing us to awake once again to a new day, to live our lives with meaning and purpose, with joy and contentment, and to make a difference in this world. Not only are we to recite “modeh ani” each morning, we are to recite another blessing expressing thanks and gratitude that our body parts are in good working order. Good health is critical to support our mind and heart. There is another tradition of reciting 100 blessings a day: blessings for big things and small things alike: for smelling a lemon, seeing a rainbow, experiencing a beautiful act of nature, meeting a teacher, coming across another living creature. For all these things and more, we express our gratitude. Acknowledgement is the first step of showing gratitude, through our words and deeds. Whether it’s reciting motzi or birkat hamazon after we eat a meal in acknowledging God’s gifts or finding some special way to thank those in our lives who have served us well, either through a kind word or a gracious act, the proper social construct, acknowledgment, should be a part of our daily lives. When we experience a moment of meaning, a time of joy, something that should be acknowledged – do we take the time to express our gratitude and appreciation? We don’t need to make grand gestures: a phone call, a simple note, a lovely tip for a good server, a word to the manager when we received exceptional service, a donation in gratitude. We are a society that is so often used to complaining, that we don’t always hear the acknowledgement of what we did that was right or good. When we express gratitude and give thanks, we place ourselves in relationship to something greater than

ourselves. Our prayers of thanksgiving and mindfulness carve channels of gratitude on our hearts, and the more frequently we carve those channels, the more easily our spirits flow in those directions. Sometimes we offer words of gratitude because we are already feeling grateful. And sometimes we come to feel grateful because we are offering words of gratitude. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those whom we are all so thankful for making Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah so beautiful, special and meaningful: Everyone in the office: Penny Gentile, Morgan Shapiro and Irva Steinweis, without your support, hard work and efforts, TI could not function. Moises Lopez and Pam Shulder, who make sure everything is set up and functioning behind the scenes. Dean Rosenzweig, the VP’s, the Board of Trustees and all the Committee Chairs and Committee members – your countless volunteer hours, time and energy are essential to our sacred work. Shari Countess and the Ritual Committee – the High Holy Days demand more time, energy and effort than anyone can possibly imagine. Shari does it all with ease, polish and a smile. To Cantor Harris and Stephen Goldstein for your beautiful and meaningful music. To everyone who read Torah and participated in the services. To Rabbi Karol, Rabbi Fisher, Suzanne Dulin and the Chai Notes for the meaningful programs on Yom Kippur (and the Chai Notes did a terrific job on Simchat Torah as well!). To Danielle Goldstein for leading a very special discussion on Selichot. To Matthew Mazer for “pinch-hitting” and playing cello on Kol Nidre. To all of the ushers, and those who baked and “schlepped” and helped in so many ways. For all of you and so much more, I say: “Modeh Ani!” (If I have inadvertently left someone off this list, during this period of forgiveness, I ask your forgiveness).


Sustaining Members & Friends of Temple Isaiah 2015 Please help us to maintain Temple Isaiah as a house of worship, a house of learning, and a house of assembly by becoming a Sustaining Member in 2015. It is here where you celebrate life-cycle events, and it is here where you will find support when you need it. It is with your strong financial support that Temple Isaiah will continue to provide education, worship services, and support for people who are experiencing loss, crisis, or illness. Please join our growing list of Sustaining Members! Silver Chai

Circle of Hope (cont)

Chaverim (cont)

Chai or Multiple

Claire Baer

Norma & Paul Michael

Sue & Dean Rosenzweig

Michele Albohn & Alissa Laffer

Renaissance Group

Phyllis Sterne

Alice Ames

Circle of Enrichment

Joan Korins & Dan Stenzler

Myra & Alan Rosofsky

Jayne Cohen

Linda Barancik

Lisa & Doug Walters

Phyllis & Dan Turner

Shari & Alan Countess

Diane & Steve Weitzman

Sylvia Feingold

Barbara & Jerry Fine Cynthia & David Lippe


Iris & David Schiff

Jeffrey Anker

Mitzvah Partner

Penny & Ciro Gentile

Gloria & Mark Snyder

Leah & Howie Block

Clara Davis Adelson

Carole Ann Gordon

Doris & Leo Dvorken

Judy Albano

Marian Guarlnick

Circle of Growth

Ilene & Ivan Ensler

Eileen & Joe Donnelly

Bonnie & Steve Katz


Suzanne Gabrielsen

Shelley & Howard Fleit

Carl Kravitz

Paula & Steve Bennett

Anita & Stewart Gaffan

Elise Frank & George Sterman

Nancy & Kevin Linden

Eileen & Adam Fisher

Irene & Bernie Gische

Rose French

Margaret & Jay Schoenfeld

Ruth & Marc Fisher

Barbara Goldberg

Cara Harth-Klein & Peter Klein

Ilene & Dion Shea

Linda & Rich Stopsky

Barbara & Gary Kamen

Pam Shulder

Irva & Saul Steinweis

Laurie & Leon Klempner

Cherie & Michael Trachtenberg

Martin Tanzer

Circle of Hope

Dreania & Micheal LeVine

Sue & Rich Tuckman

Barbara & Richard Wright

Suzan & Alfred Goldhaber

Cindy Morris

Marge & Paul Weiser

Rabbi Stephen Karol

Marion & Theo Pavlides

Barbara & Bob Yarmus

Randee Kanter & Pat Urquhart

Amy & Mort Rosen

Marcia & Lawrence Yellin


Platinum Chai ($5,400 or above) Golden Chai ($3,600-$5,399) Silver Chai ($1,800-$3,599) Circle of Enrichment ($1,018-


Pamela Feldman


Circle of Growth ($540-$1,017) Circle of Hope ($360-$539) Chaverim ($180-$359) Mitzvah Partner ($118-$179) Chai or Multiple ($18-$117)


A Musical Note from the Cantor Remembering Naomi Shemer The emotional strains of Naomi Shemer’s Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold) were first heard in an Israeli song festival in May 1967. Weeks later, the song was in the hearts of soldiers called up to battle in the Six-Day War. And within days, the songs prophecy had come true as Jerusalem’s holy places were redeemed and the city was reunited in the most dramatic victory in the Six-Day War. Israeli song-writer Naomi Shemer’s personal vision of a spiritual and physical return to a “Jerusalem of gold, of copper and light” is practically as well known as the Israeli national anthem (Hatikvah – The Hope). Ms. Shemer herself is legendary in the Israeli music scene. A prolific producer of songs, she was awarded the Israel Prize in 1983 for her contribution in the field of music. For over forty years, Naomi Shemer’s songs have captured the emotions of the country and attracted wide audiences. Usually she appeared in concert alone playing the piano and singing her own melodies. Ms. Shemer was born in Kvustat Kinneret, a kibbutz on the banks of the Sea of Galilee, in 1930. She learned to play the piano in her childhood. She studied as a concert pianist in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, later returning to the kibbutz where she taught music and wrote her earliest songs. With the Bible as her text and Sea of Galilee as her inspiration, she wrote songs using a 4,000 year old language to bring her modern Israel to life. Her earlier

songs reflect the excitement of the pioneering era in Israel. Ms Shemer said that it was an exciting time and that she tried to capture that in her music. She was 18 years old when Israel became a state. Although war and conflict was often the subject of her songs, a longing for peace is always evident. She grew up under the shadow of Syrian bunkers in the Golan Heights, describing the persistence of the settlers down in the Jordan Valley in her moving song “The Eucalyptus Grove” one of the many classics which are associated with her. In her song Machar (Tomorrow), she still dreamt of peace: “Tomorrow; if not today/Tomorrow perhaps we will set sail / from the shores of Eilat to the Ivory Coast / and on the old destroyers / Oranges will be loaded.” In addition to Yerushalayim Shel Zahav and Machar, Naomi Shemer has written these hits: Shiru Shel Abba, Al Kol Eileh, Shar Hare Golan and Chorshat Ha-Eucalyptus. Although her music is international, the Hebrew language did not limit her audiences. This doesn’t bother a musician who says that she viewed the country as family, her family. “When I write I have in mind this community with whom I can share my lines and perhaps something between the lines,” she said. Israelis respond eagerly to her message as do those outside of Israel. Although no longer with us, her words and music live on. Cantor-Educator Scott Harris

Cantor Michael Trachtenberg’s New Contact Information Address: 8801 SW 51st Place, Cooper City, Florida 33328 • Email: • Cell: 516-480-1189


P ostings

from the

Parents ’ Association

YOU’RE INVITED TO JOIN THE TEMPLE ISAIAH PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Please join us for “Fire & Ice,” presented by the Science Guy, November 7th from 6-8:45


Pizza &

dessert will be served. Admission is a dollar per person & a can (non-perishable donation for the food pantry). Looking for Chanukah gifts? Our annual Scholastic Book Fair will be held on Sunday November 22nd and Monday November 23rd during religious school hours. A large selection of Jewish-themed books and books by Jewish authors will be sold. If you would like to be involved with the Parents’ Association, please e-mail us, Nancy Linden & Ilene Horan, at & We’re the co-chairs of the Parents’ Association and we’re looking forward to meeting you! Our next meeting is November 15th!

SAVE THE DATES!!! 11/7: Family Fun Night: 6-8:45


“Science Guy” presents “Fire & Ice.” Pizza will be served!

11/22-11/23: Scholastic Book Fair Just in time for Chanukah shopping!

1/9/16: Bingo Night 6-8


Pizza & snacks will be served!

The Rabbi Adam D. Fisher Library Our Temple library is open one half-hour before each Erev Shabbat Service. If you are available to volunteer, please call Barbara Yarmus at 9812709.

Renaissance Club Attention Seniors! Our Renaissance Club meets once a month at the Temple. You are invited to come, make new friends, and share your ideas for speakers, outings, and events. Our next meeting is Sunday, November 8th at 1:30 pm. Please call Lillian Goldstein at 862-1747 for more information.



on in the

Youth Group

TISBY is up and running! We enjoyed our first activity of the year – everyone’s favorite – Chopped! We met up with old friends and had many new faces as well, as we cooked up some crazy dishes with interesting ingredients. Great job everyone! We have so many fun activities cooked up for the year including social action activities, cooking, art, sports and much more! We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!!! Emily and the TISBY E-Board

Celebrate Shabbat with Rabbi Sharon Sobel & Cantor Scott Harris!

Music, Story, Challah, Juice, Shabbat Fun for Children Ages 0-6 and their families! Everyone Welcome!

2015 – 2016 Dates (all programs take place on Friday @ 5:00 November 20 December 11 January 15


February 12 March 18 April 15

May 20 June 17

Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Members of Temple Isaiah’s Social Action Committee and other volunteers staff the Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen at St. James Catholic Church (429 Route 25A in Setauket). Please note the times: set-up will be from 1:15 - 2


dinner will be

served at 3 pm, and all clean-up should be done by 5 pm.


Live Musical Shabbat Service &

Congregational Dinner Welcome to New Members & Consecration of New Students Open to All New Members of Temple Isaiah

Friday, November 20th, at 7:30 pm Come enjoy this special evening! Dinner will consist of chicken, salad, challah, and beverages provided by Temple Isaiah. Bring-your-own, pot-luck side dishes and desserts.

Live Klezmer Band! The Chai Notes

Cost: $18 per family For more information please contact Jayne Cohen at RSVP by 11/16/15 to Penny at

Make New FRiends! Special Oneg to follow



from the

Caring Committee

Please Help Us Help Those In Need Temple Isaiah’s newly re-invigorated Caring Committee has identified three priorities for our work for this coming year: 1. To offer comfort and support during times of death, shiva, bereavement 2. To assist and support those who are experiencing illness and those who are elderly 3. To connect with our Temple Isaiah College/University students We invite you to join us for our next Caring Committee meeting on: Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:30


RSVP to Penny at Please watch this space in upcoming bulletins and eblasts for more information regarding the Caring Committee and our work! We will be offering a Shiva Minyan Leader Training Workshop, Visiting the Sick Training and more! Suzanne Dulin & Preston Schoenfeld, Caring Committee Co-Chairs

Three Village Clergy Association Community Interfaith Thanksgiving service Tuesday, November 24




The Three Village Clergy Association will be offering its annual Community Interfaith Thanksgiving service on Tuesday, November 24 at 7:00


at Caroline Church of Brookhaven (Episcopal) in East Setauket (1

Dyke Road). Our 2015 service theme is “Our Welcome Table.” We will share scripture, reflections and song. Offerings collected during the service will be donated to a local organization whose work resonates with our theme. Our combined choirs will offer a choral anthem. Please come join us to celebrate the gifts of our religious diversity. We hope you will be able to remain after the service to enjoy refreshments and conversation in the Caroline fellowship space.





Meaningful Chanukah

Join us on November 10, 2015 at 7:30


Facilitated by Iris Schiff

A Share

Chanukah a memorable and meaningful holiday.

A Learn

your Chanukah traditions, and hear how others celebrate to make how to avoid rushing through candle-lighting to get to the opening

of the presents.

A Receive handouts and ideas for both the youngest and oldest in your family! A fabulous session for everyone!


Proudly Presents Our 50th Anniversary

Honor Scroll

Thank You to these Generous Members of our Community

Jubilee Gold

Guardian SappHire

patron Silver

Suzan & Fred Goldhaber Cynthia Wong Lippe & David Lippe

Irva & Saul Steinweis Lori & Howard Stern Cantor Michael & Cherie Trachtenberg Joy & Ron Wender Rabbi Harvey & Maddie Witman

Hanita & Gregory Alexander Cynthia & Allan Braun Jayne Cohen Shari & Alan Countess Eileen & Joe Donnelly Pam Feldman Rose French Suzanne Gabrielsen Anita & Stewart Gaffan The Gentile Family Harriet Martin The Querido Family Celeste & Allen Sachs Robin Schiffman The Schoenfeld Family Pam Shulder Elise Frank & George Sterman

leGacy diamond Jaime & Hilton Adler Randee Kanter & Patricia Urquhart Gloria & Mark Snyder Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

everlaStinG emerald In Memory of Tony Guida

cHampion ruby Ilene & Ivan Ensler Iris & David Schiff The Schneider Family Marge & Paul Weiser

Guardian SappHire Janine & Bruce Day and Mona & Mark Saidens Linda & Rodger Jonas Honey & Arnie Katz The Klempner Family

tribute bronze Judith Albano The Bennett Family Barbara & Jerry Fine Rabbi Adam & Eileen Fisher Perri Fitterman & Lawrence Lieblich Essie & Mark Freilach Carole-Ann Gordon The Kamen Family Rabbi Stephen Karol Nancy & Douglas Lee Beverly Lowitt Norma & Paul Michael Nancy & Aaron Neiman Myra & Alan Rosofsky Cheryl & Lee Silberman Phyllis Sterne Phyllis & Daniel Turner Diane & Stephen Weitzman Susan & Dean Rosenzweig


Proudly Presents Our 50th Anniversary

Honor Scroll

Thank You to these Generous Members of our Community

Jubilee Gold

cHampion ruby

Guardian SappHire

East Bay Mechanical Shalom Memorial Chapels Temple Isaiah Board of Directors

Rosenberg & Gluck LLP Temple Isaiah Sisterhood Village Times Herald

leGacy diamond

Guardian SappHire

Schnippers Quality Kitchen Scientific Exterminating Siena Wealth Advisory Group Stafford Associates Watermill Caterers

Domansky Family Foundation Hilton Garden Inn Marriott Wind Watch Temple Isaiah Brotherhood

Ace Hardware Arthur Matarazzo, CFS Bernice Kornfield-Premisler, Psychotherapist Brookhaven Opticians Capital One Bank Elegant Eating Federmann Financial Advisors Flowerfield Celebrations I. J. Morris Jeffrey Hendel Financial Services McKan Construction Corporation Meadow Club MCN Distributors Nesconset Bagel Café O Sole Mio PJ Cinemas Port Jefferson Hearing, Dr. John Martinetti Renzo’s Restaurant & Pizzeria Wiggs Opticians

everlaStinG emerald Fricke Memorials Joey’s Z Pita Café New Horizon Graphics in Memory of Tony Guida Syzygy Creative Studios

cHampion ruby Davidow, Davidow, Siegel & Stern Four D Landscaping FPF Construction Harold I. Guberman, Attorney at Law M. Cary General Contracting Mercedes-Benz of Smithtown Villa Sorrento

tribute bronze Bush Wholesalers Farm Ridge Foods Good Steer Jeffrey Dubin, CPA PC Joseph Kent Salon North Shore Jewish Center Symmetry Hair Temple Isaiah Book Group Temple Isaiah Parents Association Village Chemists of Setauket

patron Silver Butcher Boy Prime Meats Island Packaging Lake Grove Diner Setauket Seafood Strathmore Bagels Taormina Ristorante & Pizzeria


The Proothi Family Benjamin Jackson

The Sobel Family Heather Marie Sarah Melissa Makis Jules Xavier George

L’Do r V ’D Katherine Nicole Zoe Elizabeth Sydney Gabriella Samanth Lynn


From Generati on r

The Weiser Family Lana Julia Sela Carly Jaden Elliot Leo


The Leonoff Family Matthew Rachel

The Fastenberg Family Nathan Samuel Dylan

The Ensler Family Lauren Jason Rebecca

The Donnelly Family Brianna Emma Isaiah Joshua Oliver Audrey

The Baum Family Ethan Jordan

en ot G


The Sama Family Hope The Steinweis Family Lily Brooke Scarlett Rebecca

The Shulder Family David Jillian Alexa Ethan Alex

The Sanabia Family Michael Naomi

The Rosenzweig Family Emma Clara Harrison Jacob

The Lowitt Family Randi Ross Gary Sharon Raymond Seth Eli

Te m p l e I s a i a h B r ot her hood Pr es ent s

Stony Brook Seawolves

F o o tb a l l


Shmoozing With Sisterhood Coming Soon: Olive Oil Tasting & Paint Party Fundraiser

Golden Jubilee Committee and most generous event

Olive Oil Tasting: Wednesday, November 18th 7-8:30 pm – Social Hall.

donors for a fantastic 50th Anniversary weekend.

The olive tree is one of the “Seven Species” of the

Sisterhood thanks all of our temple leadership, con-

Torah and a staple food in ancient Israel. It was and

gregants and sisterhood members (and bakers!) who

still is prized for its spiritual and medicinal prop-

shared their skills and talents to make everything

erties. Join us to learn more and get some healthy

such a resounding success. We thoroughly enjoyed

Hanukah food ideas. A variety of premium olive oils

the musical scholar in residence programming fea-

will be available for purchase. Get some shopping

turing the very talented Alan Goodis. The Saturday

done while having a good time with your friends.

night dinner dance was very special and a delight

Premium olive oil makes a wonderful gift. RSVP

for all.

through the Temple office, or to Paula Bennett

Temple Isaiah Sisterhood would like to thank the TI

If the November bulletin reaches your computer by the last week in October, don’t forget that Sunday November 1st is drop off day for rummage. The sale

or Eileen Donnelly. Sponsored by Sisterhood and “The Crushed Olive.”

are always needed. Otherwise we would like to thank

Paint Party Fundraiser with Wine: Wednesday December 2nd 7-9 pm – Social Hall.

our rummage volunteers for all their efforts. More

Invite your friends, have some fun and participate

detail in December’s Schmoozing with Sisterhood.

in a Mitzvah simultaneously! Take home a beautiful

Save the dates:

finished painting to enjoy! Artist Melissa Digiose

Sisterhood’s Annual Fall Rummage Sale Begins Sunday, November 2nd Drop off 9am-1pm in the Social Hall

Temple Isaiah!

is November 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Rummage helpers

It’s time to clean out our closets, basements and garages to get better organized. Collect that gently used unwanted stuff that is taking up premium real estate in your personal storage areas and help Sisterhood help our Temple community. Our rummage sales are Sisterhood’s largest fund raiser, with proceeds are used to provide camp scholarships for our religious school students, needed items/repair funds for our Temple, holiday gift donations for our Templesponsored families in need, and special programs.

Tuesday is also Election Day! Don’t forget to vote!

of MD Design Studio in Mount Sinai is coming to

Melissa provides all the supplies, canvasses, paint, brushes, easels, aprons, etc. Melissa will teach all participants how to paint their own version of Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night. No art talent is necessary! Proceeds after expenses will be donated to Temple Isaiah’s camp scholarship fund. Help Temple Isaiah’s religious school students attend a URJ camp. Register through the Temple office, or Paula Bennett at or Eileen Donnelly at ($45pp includes free glass of wine and light refreshments). Space is limited so register early. Very Sincerely Yours, Paula Bennett and Eileen Donnelly TI Sisterhood Co-Presidents


B reaking Bread With Brotherhood Keep the Date: Comedy Night is Saturday, November 14th! We hope you will be able to join us for Comedy Night

is because someone had an idea. Together we can

on Saturday, November 14th. I can assure you that

make them happen.

you will have a great time! If you’ve never been to a comedy club, or don’t feel like schlepping to one, this is the event for you. Feel free to invite your friends and neighbors. You don’t have to be Jewish to get the jokes! Tickets are $35

If you haven’t paid your dues yet please send them in or bring them to the meeting. Dues are still $40, payable to Temple Isaiah Brotherhood. There are no dues for first year members.

in advance and $40 at the door. Please see the ad

I look forward to seeing you at Comedy Night or on

elsewhere in the Bulletin for details and to RSVP.

November 22nd. As always, if you have any thoughts,

To make it easier for those of you with young children to attend Comedy Night, on-site babysitting is available courtesy of our Senior Youth Group. We’re also getting a group together to see the Stony

ideas, suggestions, or comments, or if you’d like to be added to our email list, please email me at or call 981-5128 evenings. I wish you a joyous Thanksgiving.

Brook Seawolves football game vs. Albany on Satur-

Jay Schoenfeld

day November 21. Game time is 1:00. Tickets are

Brotherhood President

$10. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please see the flyer in the Bulletin for details and to RSVP.

P.S. Although there are no Brotherhood events scheduled for November 3rd, please remember to vote on

Our monthly Brotherhood meeting will take place on

Election Day. We’ll be electing County and Town

Sunday, November 22nd. Come have a bagel, meet

officials, and judges for many levels of our court

some of your fellow congregants and hear about what

system. Our local elected leaders (and judges) make

we’re doing. Better yet, come with ideas about what

many decisions that impact our quality of life. Please

else we could do. Everything that Brotherhood does

participate and make your voice heard.



Media Watch Israel Israel’s Moral Imperative 1. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi calls for expanding peace with Israel to more Arab countries. 2. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly.  He focused

on the dangers of the nuclear agreement with Iran, including the deal’s huge cash windfall to the

aggressive terrorist state, Iran’s genocidal threat to Jews and Israel, and the UN silence with which it has

been met, and made his case that Israel’s self-defense also defends the West. Full video of speech here: netanyahu-address-un-general-assembly 3. Rare 3,000-year-old King David era seal discovered in Temple Mount Sifting Project, by 10-year old

Russian volunteer. Sifting-Project-419024 4. Palestinian Authority’s President Abbas declares that “filthy” Israeli feet have no right to desecrate his

holy sites, including the Temple Mount and Church of the Holy Sepulchre. their-filthy-feet-416307 5. “The United States and Israel are weeks away from reaching a draft agreement on a co-production of

Israel’s air defense system called David’s Sling that the two countries jointly developed...”

Larry Weber


Adult Education Shabbat Morning Torah Study

Every Saturday: 8:30 am – 9:30 am Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel No RSVP necessary Join the lively discussion as we take our time to study the Hebrew Bible, line-byline, phrase-by-phrase. No prior knowledge is necessary. Newcomers are always welcome! Coffee and a light breakfast are provided. Great friends, food and conversation!

Adult Education

“Temple Isaiah Reads” Book Discussion Groups Daytime Group: Mondays at 2 pm November 16th

Snow in August, by Pete Hamil

Watch our weekly eblasts for the December date and book selection. Evening Group: Wednesday at 7:30 pm Facilitator: Carole-Ann Gordon November 25th Watch our weekly eblasts for the December date and book selection.

Adult Bar/Bat Mitvah & Confirmation Class

Thursdays: 7 – 9 pm. (already in session, new registrants are welcome!) Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel This is a Two-Year program for all who have: • Never celebrated becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah as a teenager (for any reason) • For anyone who was never called to the Torah • For anyone who would like to learn Hebrew and more about Jewish practice/observance and belief • For those who HAVE celebrated Bar/Bat Mitzvah but would like to learn more! • For those who are not Jewish and would like to increase their Jewish knowledge This is a wonderful opportunity to bond with fellow congregants and engage with our tradition in deep and meaningful ways. Yearly Fee to cover Hebrew Instruction, Books and Materials: $500.00/year (limited financial assistance is available to those in need. Please speak with Rabbi Sobel in confidence). Contact Rabbi Sobel directly if you are interested in joining:

How to Create a Meaningful Chanukah

November 10th: 7:30 pm Iris Schiff Share your Chanukah traditions, and hear how others celebrate to make Chanukah a memorable and meaningful holiday. Learn how to avoid rushing through candle-lighting to get to the opening of presents! There will be ideas and handouts for the youngest and oldest in your family.

Hebrew Crash Course

Sundays: 9:30 – 11 am November 1st, 15th & 22nd Library Carole-Ann Gordon This is a great way to learn to read Hebrew or to review your aleph-bet. All materials are provided.


Adult Education Jewish Noir Book Talk

Wednesday, November 4th: 7:30 pm Rabbi Adam D. Fisher Library Several contributing authors to this collection of short stories will be present at the evening’s discussion/book signing, including Rabbi Fisher.

Woody Allen’s “Crimes and Misdemeanors”: Film Discussion

Wednesday, November 10th: 7:30 – 9 pm This is the first in a series that introduces the newest addition to the Adam D. Fisher Library DVD Collection of Jewish Films, reflecting Jewish values, ethics and beliefs. We guarantee an enlightening and lively discussion.

Early Morning Study with Rabbi Adam D. Fisher Tuesday Mornings: 6:30 – 7:30 am

Tanakh Study with Rabbi Stephen Karol

Sunday Mornings: 10:30 am – 11:45 am November 1st, 15th, 22nd December 6th, 13th, 20th Location: Jefferson’s Ferry in South Setauket. Card Room on Second Floor. This year, we will be reading and discussing two of the most important yet unknown books in the Hebrew Bible—Ezra and Nehemiah. More than anyone else, these two men were responsible for the reestablishment of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem after the destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian Exile. Without their policies and influence, there is no telling what would have happened to our ancestors during that crucial period in Jewish history. We are still affected by their accomplishments— especially when we read the Torah in public. All you need for Tanakh Study are a copy of the English translation of the Hebrew Bible and the willingness to share your interpretations of the text. Knowledge of Hebrew and previous experience with studying the Bible are not prerequisites.

The Best American President for the Jews Tuesdays Evenings: 7 – 8:15 November 10th, 17th, 24th December 1st, 8th, 15th Rabbi Stephen Karol


Abraham Lincoln is consistently rated as the best or one of the top five presidents in American history. But, more than any other president, he was responsible for policies and relationships that benefited American Jews. Based on two recent books about Lincoln and the Jews, this course will open your eyes and give you the chance to learn something just for the sake of learning. Topics will include: Some of his best friends WERE Jewish, If it weren’t for Lincoln’s bad feet, Evil General Grant, Rabbis instead of Ministers, the Push for a Christian Nation, Lincoln as Jewish Hero or Villain, Lincoln’s Jewish Soul, and Lincoln’s Amazing Legacy.

RSVP to Penny for all courses:


As You Journey Through Bereavement A Support Group Can Help

General Bereavement Support Group The mutual support of a bereavement group can play an important role in emotional well-being. Bereavement groups allow those who have lost a loved one to share their struggles and feelings with others who have experienced a similar loss. The group is facilitated by a trained clergy-person and a board-certified chaplain. Persons of all faiths and no faith will find these groups comfortable and respectful.

8 Week Group Meets Weekly on Thursdays 7 - 8:30 pm November 16, 2015 through January 4, 2016 New 8 Week Sessions to Follow Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 380 Nicolls Rd. in East Setauket Call 631-751-0297 to register Free of Charge 20

RSVP to Penny:


Simchas & Tzures Whether you have happy news (simchas) or sad

If you would like one of our rabbis to officiate

news (tzures), we hope you will share it with us.

at a funeral, please speak to Rabbi Sobel before

Rabbi Sobel likes to know about births, engage-

scheduling. Our sanctuary is available for funeral

ments, weddings, and other happy occasions, as

or memorial services. If you call the Temple about

well as hospitalizations, sicknesses, or deaths.

a funeral and have to leave a message with the

Please let us know of any hospitalizations, so

answering service, please mention that you are

Rabbi or Cantor can arrange to visit, or at least

calling regarding a funeral.


Condolences A

To Betsy Ziegler on the death of her mother Eudys Fishman.


To Lisa, Evan and Jordan Walters on the death of their, husband and father Douglas Walters.


To Abe Trenk on the death of his sister Shirley Vilinsky.

Welcome New Members A A A

Joshua, Abigail & Ethan Rothenberg Stephanie Bonvissuto Eric, Doreen, Ethan & Jordan Baum

Congratulations A

To Sharon and Larry Epstein on the birth of their granddaughter Estelle Harper.


To Sharon and Larry Epstein on the birth of their granddaughter Estelle Harper.


To Morgan & David Antwork on the birth of their son Riley Sawyer.

Sunshine Funds

Beautification Fund

It’s always the "right time" to make a contribution to your Temple. It might be in honor of a living person or a recent event, or in memory of someone or something, or anything you want. Donations can be made over the phone, by email, or through the USPS. However you send the information, your donation can be added to your monthly Temple Isaiah invoice for easy bookkeeping. Sunshine cards require a minimum contribution of ten dollars.

The purpose of the Beautification Fund is to generate money to renovate and beautify our synagogue. All monies will go into a fund dedicated to this purpose.

Minimum contribution is $10 Prayer Book: $45 Chumash: $60 Tree of Life Leaf: $118 Pew Plaque: $500 Memorial Board Plaque: $250 Please call the office for more information regarding the above contributions.

To assist in this goal, a wall sculpture has been commissioned. This permanent work of art provides the opportunity to commemorate your support for Temple Isaiah. Plaques of different sizes will be available in the following categories: CONTRIBUTOR........ $250 per year for 3 years SPONSOR................. $500 per year for 3 years PATRON................. $1000 per year for 3 years BENEFACTOR......... $2500 per year for 3 years To make a contribution, or if you have any questions, please call the office at 751-8518.


Sunshine Funds & Other Donations Beautification Fund

Music Fund

In memory of Rene Spivak Irva & Saul Steinweis

In In In In In In

Camp Fund In In In In In

memory of Fay Kaminsky Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Jerry Kaminsky Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Ida Weitzman Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Joseph Weitzman Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Howard Bernstein Randee Silberfeld

Fund to Feed the Hungry In In In In In In In

memory of Ralph Hoffman Diane & Jerome Cymerman memory of Rene Spivak Amy & Mort Rosen memory of Alvin Plotkin Amy & Mort Rosen memory of Douglas Walters Amy & Mort Rosen honor of Dahlia Cate Tina Dunayer & Harold Guberman memory of Eudys Fishman Tina Dunayer & Harold Guberman memory of Sidney Stenzler Joan Korins & Dan Stenzler

Israel Fund In memory of Lilian Lieblich Lawrence Lieblich & Perri Fitterman

Joseph Karol Youth Scholarship Fund In memory of Jack Greenland Claire Baer

Oneg Fund In memory of Naomi Leffert Essie & Mark Freilach

memory of Louis Baron Judith Albano memory of Annette Friedman Myra & Alan Rosofsky memory of Leon Agatstein Marge & Paul Weiser memory of Eleanore Agatstein Marge & Paul Weiser memory of Gloria Stoller Tamara & Gerald Stoller memory of Douglas Walters Barbara, Richard & Jacob Wright

Rabbi Adam D. Fisher Library In memory of Max and Rose Kamenetzky The Kamen Family

Rabbi Karol Youth Lounge Fund In memory of David Flinker Lillian Goldstein In memory of Rene Spivak Tina Dunayer & Harold Guberman

Rabbi Sobel’s Discretionary Fund In In In In In In In In In In

memory of Leonard Koenig Ellen & Mark Koenig memory of Shirley Rivkin Ilene & Ivan Ensler memory of Leah Tepper Ellie Tepper memory of Harry James Tina & Randall James memory of Max Rosenzweig Arlene Gitter memory of Richard Mazzola Honey & Arnie Katz memory of Max Lacoff Marshall Lacoff memory of Jesse Leitner Rhoda Lieberman honor of Estelle Harper Sharon & Larry Epstein memory of Ida Shapiro Doris & leo Dvorken


Sunshine Funds & Other Donations Rabbi Harvey Witman Religious School Fund In In In In

memory of Douglas Walters Irva & Saul Steinweis memory of Jennie Frankenstein Gerstein Family memory of Sylvia Turner Phyllis & Daniel Turner memory of Roslyn Feldman Pam Feldman

Special Projects Fund In memory of Eudys Fishman Marge & Paul Weiser In memory of Jack Hollander Paul Rosenthal

Tikkun Olam Fund In memory of Ben & Anne Horowitz The Kamen Family

Vivian Kohn Fund In memory of Jean Olken Diane & Stephen Weitzman

Worship Fund In memory of Morris Lieblich Lawrence Lieblich & Perri Fitterman

Youth Group Fund In memory of Douglas Walters Carole-Ann Gordon


Visit our Websites for Special Offers

Gift Certificates Available

Dr. Kneessy

Dr. Adler

Dr. Coccaro

179 Belle Meade Road, East Setauket, NY 11733


SPS: 631-751-4400 v Spa: 631.751.2693 v

Randy DeStefano Managing Partner of Nesconset Bagel Cafe

(516) 971-8035 Old fashioned hand-rolled, water kettled & baked to perfection A tradition since 1986 248 Smithtown Blvd. Nesconset, NY 11767

(631) 366-2362 (P) (631) 366-2363 (F)



Office (631) 751-0196 Cell (631) 807-7162

Bernice Kornfield Premisler LCSW Psychotherapist 764 RT. 25A SETAUKET, NY 11733

18 27


Rabbi—Sharon L. Sobel

Parents' Association Co-Chairs—Nancy Linden

Cantor-Educator––Scott Harris

& Ilene Horan

Temple President—Dean Rosenzweig

Youth Group Advisors—Emily Gergen

Sisterhood Co-Presidents—Paula Bennett

Youth Group President—Rebecca Schneider

& Eileen Donnelly

Rabbi Emeritus—Stephen A. Karol

Brotherhood President—Jay Schoenfeld

Rabbi Emeritus—Adam D. Fisher Cantor Emeritus—Michael F. Trachtenberg

Temple Isaiah A 1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790 (631) 751- 8518 A A Bulletin designed by Gary Kamen and edited by Adam Mandelbaum

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