October 2024 Newsletter

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Candy Drive! October1-20

We need your help to make some spooky fun for our families!

Please donate only from the list. Items will come directly to Redeemer and are appropriate for our kids. Th k f it !!

FridayOctober25 5:45-8:00pm Halloween Carnival Games, Spooky Organ Concert and More!

Wear your favorite costume and join us for dinner, games, crafts, CANDY, and especially for the fan-favorite Pipe Screams concert- a selection of spooky music on the organ that's fun for all ages! RSVP is not required- bring a friend!

AspartofourannualStewardshipDrive,duringthemonthofOctober, wewillonceagainbegatheringinsmallgroupsatchurch,inpeople’s homes,andinlocalgatheringspotsforfellowship,relationship building,prayeranddreamingaboutthefutureofourcongregation.


Sundays at Redeemer

“The Difficult Words of Jesus - Meanings and Contexts”

-Led by Ed Scherlacher with Don Noland.

Inspired by Amy-Jill Levine’s book “The Difficult Words of Jesus,” this class will review sayings of Jesus that have been misinterpreted and used to marginalize “others” in history.

“The Difficult Words of Jesus - Meanings and Contexts”

“From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians” Sundays 10 am | Conference Room | Through October 13

Come join us to watch and discuss a multi-part PBS documentary on the early church. Shaped by theologians and historians this series is an intellectual and visual guide to the new and controversial historical evidence which challenges familiar assumptions about the life of Jesus and the epic rise of Christianity.

Be Still and Journey, Open to anyone interested

Led by Pat Cornwell | Sundays 10 AM | Room 119

“Shaped by the Word, The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation” by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. For those who hunger for a deeper relationship with God and often struggle with barriers that keep us from being able to meditate and listen to God.

J.O.Y. Choir

J O Y is an ensemble for Just Our Youth, grades 6-12 We’ll meet on Sunday mornings 9:00-9:30 am Joining voices in fellowship and praise, you will make friends and memories while serving God, our congregation and community

Wednesdays at Redeemer

Beginning at 4:45 PM, we will offer a tasty, nutritious meal for you and your family. Dinner Service will conclude at 6:15 PM.

4:00 PM Early Bird Bible Study | Reception 4:45 PM Dinner | Sims Atrium

6:00 PM Pastor's Class | Rudisill Hall

“SingingtheChurchʼsHistory” In-personandonline

EverySundaymorning,wesingwordsthathaveahistory Yetmanyofourhymnsaresofamiliarthatwerarely noticewherethewordscomefrom.Aswesingtogether,wearesingingchurchhistory,and,asasingingchurch, wehaveahistory Thisclasswillexplorethatstory Throughsingingandexaminingthewordsofourhymns,we willlearnchurchhistory,rightdowntotoday,whileenrichingourhymnsingingwithglimpsesintothelivesand contextsofthosewhowrotethem.Everyoneiswelcome,butbringyoursingingvoice!

6:00 PM Seraphim | Room 204

7:00 PM Redeemer Ringers | Room 202

7:30 PM Redeemer Choir | Hinely Hall

Baptism at Redeemer

Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:

At Redeemer, we hold Baptism Festivals, special Sundays designated for baptisms when several families may be celebrating a baptism at the same time. Please inquire for more details on how scheduling works and to get the Baptism registration form.

Upcoming Festival Dates

Sunday, December 29 at either service

Sunday, February 16 at either service

Saturday, April 19, 2023 at the Family Easter Vigil Service, 11 am or the evening Easter Vigil Service at 7 pm

Sunday, May 25, 2023 at either service


Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Groupingupbaptismson certaindaysallowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismandtruly highlightitasaspecialevent,ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewitha differentfocus.

Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrow upwithfriendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbond thatcanfollowthemthroughoutlife.

In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries mhouck@redeemer org 770-778-7085



WekickedoffanewyearofSundaySchoolinSeptemberwithaSingandPlayDay!The DadBandledusinsomefavoritesongs,andwedecoratedspecialpillowcasesto remindustoSHINEbybeingwhoGodCREATEDusTOBEeverymorning.

Then,westartedoffourclassroomswithagegroupsfromTwo-year-old’sthrough5th grade,learnedandworshippedwithRejoicingSpirits,hadaFaithSteppingStoneclass forourTwo-year-old’s,andstartedtheBibleAdventureClassforourThirdgraders.

Thereisstillplentyoftimetoregisterorsignupasavolunteer!Connectingwithkids andtheBibleisagreatwaytogroundyourweek.

Thisyear’sChristmasProgramandFamilyAdventCelebrationwillbeSunday, December8 RehearsalswillbeduringSundaySchoolonOct 20,Nov 3,10,17, and24withadressrehearsalSat Dec 7th Participantsmustberegisteredfor SundaySchool,soifyouhaven'tyet,pleaseregisteratthislink Wecollaborate forthiseventwithRedeemer’sChildren’sMusicMinistry,andcan’twaitto explorethisancientandbeautifulstorywithyourkids!

Lord’sSupperRetreatMarch22,2025 GoshenValleyGiftDrive FamilyRetreatatLutheranchMarch14-16,2025


RejoicingSpirits RejoicingSpirits

Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth!

—Psalm 98:4

What is Rejoicing Spirits?

Rejoicing Spirits is a worship service for people of all ages and abilities. It is worship that encourages all to share their gifts in a comfortable, shush-free setting where difference is celebrated and ‘can’t’ is thrown out the window.

Should I go to Rejoicing Spirits?

YES! We are all beloved children of God with strengths and weaknesses. People with disabilities and their caregivers need the support of their faith community. Come to be a friend and make some amazing new friends!

Do I have to choose between RS and my fave Redeemer service?

NO! RS is once per month, and occurs during Faith Formation Hour. You might miss part of your adult Faith Formation class, but next week you can tell them all about Rejoicing Spirits!


September 22

October 20

November 17

December 15

Rejoicing Spirits is back from our summer break! We can't wait to hear about your summer adventures and how you've been growing in faith. Mark your calendar now!! 10:15-10:45 am in Rudisill Hall

Join us for Worship on Zoom or in person!

Upcoming Events

The Tolkien Group

The Tolkien Group gathered for our annual Fellowship Reunion over the summer We’ve been meeting every Thursday by Zoom since the beginning of the pandemic and have been lucky enough to gather in person, once a year, since it’s been safe. The number of our Fellowship has waxed and waned across these 4+ years. Most of us are Redeemer members, but we also have a few non-members, as we consider ourselves on an Evangelism Quest. You can see a photo of our Fellowship below. The photo is not just our nerdy Fellowship, but also of those who love us and tolerate our nerdiness. Of course, everyone’s favorite hobbit, Mary Clara, was also in attendance. Also pictured below is a sample of our delicious fare, Eye of Sauron dip!

Women’s Retreat 2024

Single Room $329 /person

Double Room $240 /person*

*Scholarships Available!

If you are in need of care, please click the links below. Care can include rides, meals, encouragement cards, visitation, or other forms.

This weekend we welcome the Rev. Patti Axel as our guest retreat leader She is a Certified Spiritual Director, an ELCA Coach, and a Coach Coordinator for the Southeastern Synod Pr Patti is a contemplative and mystic; she loves to introduce others to the contemplative life because of the resilient benefits for a life of faith and a more peaceful

focus on life in general Sharing different ways of prayer and spiritual disciplines is her way of warding off the stressors of the often frenetic pace of the world around us.

We’re looking for Congregational Care volunteers to offer support, care, and prayer to our congregation! If you are interested in this ministry, please scan the QR code above for more information or email Dn. Mary at mhouck@redeemer.org To register, CLICK HERE or email Dn.

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