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Bad Mothers


The extraordinary stories behind everyday lives

A new take on the genealogy genre Episode one increased SBS’s slot share by +103% Season Three coming soon

This captivating series follows ordinary people on life-changing journeys as they explore long-held family secrets, revealing hidden pasts, deceit and lies, and buried scandals. Each episode features the stories of two people, both convinced that a secret has prevented them from truly knowing their family history – and themselves. The host, popular Australian actress/presenter Noni Hazlehurst, introduces each participant and the background to their secret. Rigorous research helps resolve these gripping mysteries and uncovers everything from spies and bigamy to prison sentences and war crimes. Once the truth is revealed, the participants meet with Noni again and explain how they feel now the secret is exposed. The personal journeys are intense and emotional for those involved. For viewers, the twists and turns of each narrative make for compelling television that moves, shocks and surprises.


S1: 3 x 60’; S2: 3 x 60’; S3: 4 x 60’ (Total Episodes 10 x 60’)

Produced by Artemis Media for SBS TV (Australia) in association with Screen Australia, Screenwest and Lottery West


More info Contents

An intense, compelling twist on the often fluffy personalising of family history

The Sydney Morning Herald