2 minute read



A wedding-phobic woman is magically transported to a world in which she is married

All her life, Haley has been terrified of getting married, so when her doctor boyfriend Scott suddenly proposes to her at a party, Haley’s instinct is to run! But sometimes destiny has a funny way of catching up with you. Hiding out at her grandmother’s house, Haley tries on a mysterious antique wedding veil… and finds herself magically transported into a reality where she said ‘yes’ to Scott! Suddenly, Haley is living the life of a married mother of two, with all the childrearing craziness that entails. Unless she can find that antique wedding veil again, she could become trapped in her marital nightmare forever. Except that the more she experiences it, the more Hayley realizes that married life could actually be just what she’s looking for. Soon the question isn’t whether she can find her way back to her own reality; it’s ‘does she really want to?’ TV MOVIE / ROMANTIC COMEDY

1 x 90’

Written by Jennifer Edwards, Amy Taylor Directed by Rhonda F. Baraka Starring Rachel Hendrix, James Austin Kerr, Olivia Laine Welch, Luke Speakman Produced by Reel One Entertainment for M6 (France)


A relationship self-help guru just can’t help herself in this hilarious romantic comedy

How do you get over a broken heart? Just ask Miranda! She’s the founder of her own ‘Breakup Boot Camp’, a successful health and wellness business that helps the rejected and dejected move on. Miranda can help the unlucky-in-love because she knows exactly what it feels like; she was once unceremoniously dumped herself. Now however she’s a fiercely independent woman whose happiness is never defined by her relationship status, and whose life is guided by one golden rule – never date anyone who’s on the rebound!

But then she meets the newly-single journalist Ben, and her own self-help philosophy is put to the test. Instantly attracted to her new client, Miranda knows that falling in love with Ben isn’t just unprofessional, it puts her at risk of breaking the golden rule! When Ben’s editor asks him to write an expose on Miranda’s business for the next issue, things only get more complicated. Can this self-help guru help herself to find love? TV MOVIE / ROMANTIC COMEDY

1 x 90’

Written by Nina Weinman Directed by Terry Ingram Starring Italia Ricci, Ryan Paevey Produced by Lighthouse Pictures for Hallmark (US)

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