Nautilus Telegraph May 2015

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Once bitten… Seafarers warned on the continued risks of malaria 24-25

Class act for reps Nautilus launches refreshed training course for lay reps 21

NL nieuws Drie pagina’s met nieuws uit Nederland 36-38

Volume 48 | Number 05 | May 2015 | £3.50 €3.70

Maiden UK call for new RCCL giant call to Southampton last month F is the 168,666gt Royal Caribbean

Pictured right making a maiden

cruiseship Anthem of the Seas. Built by Meyer Werft in Germany, the Bahamas-flagged ship arrived in the UK port for a naming ceremony before beginning an inaugural European season cruising from Southampton to the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, and the Canary Islands. In November 2015, the vessel will move across the Atlantic to operate cruises to the Caribbean and Bahamas from New York. Anthem of the Seas can accommodate up to 4,905 passengers and 1,500 crew. Built at an estimated cost of US$940m, the vessel is described as the world’s most technologically advanced cruiseship. Picture: Gary Davies/Maritime Photographic

Industry warns on refugee boat crisis IMO to review rescue rules in response to growing concerns over merchant shipping safety


Nautilus International has joined a united shipping industry call for European Union member states to urgently tackle the growing humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean Sea. All sides of the industry came together to make an appeal for action following a series of horrific accidents over the past year in which thousands of refugees from Africa and the Middle East have died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean in unseaworthy ships and boats. The International Maritime Organisation has also decided to review the legal framework governing search and rescue in response to concerns that the safety of merchant ships and their crews is being put at risk in mass rescue incidents. In a joint letter to the leaders of all 28 EU member states, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), the International Chamber of Ship-

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ping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) warned that the crisis is spiralling out of control and that there is a serious risk of further catastrophic loss of life without urgent action. The letter called for EU member states to increase resources for SAR operations in the Mediterranean, arguing that it is unacceptable for the international community to increasingly rely on merchant ships and their crews to undertake more and more large-scale rescues. Merchant vessels rescued around 40,000 people last year, and that number is expected to rise dramatically, the letter added. In some cases, single rescues can involve ships taking many hundreds of people onboard, posing serious risks to the health and welfare of seafarers. Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson commented: ‘We have been here before. During my time with Bank Line the plight of Vietnamese refugees was an

ever-present reality and was responded to collectively with UN oversight. Why not the same this time? All governments should pitch in with resources and offers of settlement for refugees, as was done before. It is a tragic situation that needs urgent attention by the EU.’ The issue was discussed by delegates at the IMO’s legal committee last month, which agreed to review the legislation governing sea rescues by merchant shipping as a ‘matter of priority’. A report tabled at the meeting noted: ‘Search and rescue systems maintained by the shipping community [are] not designed for rescuing hundreds of thousands of people drifting on small, unseaworthy boats left in shipping lanes.’ In a speech to the meeting, IMO secretary-general Koji Sekimizu described the situation as ‘a real challenge for the shipping industry’ and warned that the number of rescue incidents that merchant

ships have to respond to could increase tenfold as a result of the ‘vacuum’ caused by the decision to terminate the Mare Nostrum SAR operation in place of the EU Frontex scheme launched earlier this year. Mr Sekimizu warned that the sheer size and scale of the situation in Europe is threatening to jeopardise the humanitarian principles governing rescue at sea. ‘Coastguards, navies and the rescue infrastructure as a whole are all being stretched to breaking point,’ he added. ‘The search and rescue system maintained by the shipping community is not designed for rescuing hundreds of thousands of people drifting on hundreds of small, unseaworthy boats left in shipping lanes.’ He welcomed the EU’s decision to adopt a 10-point plan of immediate actions to be taken in response to the crisis and said it ‘represents progress towards his primary goal of preventing unsafe, overloaded craft from taking to sea in the first place’.

Inside F The sum of it all

Nautilus member’s new role in passing on key skills to seafarers — page 19 F Cancer concern

Former MN officer seeks to raise awareness about prostate risks — page 23 F In the frame

Photographer’s new book features stunning images of seafarers at work — pages 30-31 F GM special

How you can play a full part in the Union’s most important conference — pages i-iv

24/04/2015 17:17

02 | telegraph | | May 2015


‘Hysteria fuelling criminalisation’ Seafarers victimised as a result of regulatory failings, Union tells conference


Nautilus assistant general secretary Marcel van den Broek presented a paper to last month’s International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations (IFSMA) general assembly calling for an end to the rising levels of criminalisation in the industry. He told the meeting seafarers are being scapegoated as a result of political demand, driven by public pressure and media hysteria — and all the more so in countries where there is an absence of independent accident investigation. ‘Criminal sanction is a convenient tool to divert attention away from regulatory failure or inadequacy,’ he added.

Mr van den Broek pointed out that the persecution of ships’ masters after an accident has been an issue for more than a century — when the UK authorities targeted Captain Lord of the Californian for failing to go to the aid of the Titanic. ‘After all, Captain Smith, master of the Titanic, went down with his ship so there was little mileage in targeting a dead man in an era that sought selfless examples of sacrifice,’ he said. ‘The targeting of Captain Lord was a deliberate action by the UK authorities to deflect criticism from the United States levelled at the then British Board of Trade and UK government.’ Little has changed since then,

except the regularity of criminal prosecutions against masters, he told the meeting. ‘In the last year we have witnessed such sentences as 16 years for the master of the Costa Concordia, 36 years for the master of the Sewol and eight years for the master of the Lamma IV. ‘Foolish individuals? Possibly, but criminals that are dangerous to society? Definitely not. These sentences satisfy the bloodlust of a public, brainwashed by 24-hour media, but they mask the failings of a bankrupt regulatory system neglected by politicians,’ he argued. Mr van den Broek said that whilst Nautilus would not defend the lack of professionalism by a

master, officer or any other seafarer, it was often the case that only the seafarers are prosecuted even when considerable responsibility for the consequence of their actions lies elsewhere. ‘When the interests of the company and the master do not coincide, the owner is only too ready to abandon the master to the courts and the mob in order to protect their own financial interests, as instructed by P&I Club lawyers,’ he added. He called for a robust response from the industry to each and every incident, to highlight the failings of regulation. ‘It is the law-makers that determine the actions of owners and set the levels of safety. It should not be masters that suffer for their failure.’

It’s all change for the Council... Shipwreck F

advice and information day for A members on the verge of retirement Nautilus has staged a special

— and is now considering holding similar events around the UK. Organised by the Nautilus Welfare Fund, the free event was held at the Union’s Mariners’ Park Estate in Wallasey and aimed to provide access to information and advice on all aspects of retirement. Welfare services manager Mick Howarth said there were more than 20 stalls at the event, reflecting such important issues as the latest pension changes, financial advice, how to keep active and healthy, the role of various seafaring charities in supporting mariners, and advice on local service providers. General secretary Mark Dickinson

described the event as a success. It will now be assessed in more detail by the Union and the Merchant Navy Welfare Board to see how it could be improved and repeated, he added. ‘We know 4,000 members will retire in the next 5 to 10 years, and that’s a very significant amount,’ he pointed out. ‘Retirement can be quite a traumatic experience for seafarers, so it is felt we could provide real value to members if we can give them advice and let them know what’s out there.’ Mr Dickinson paid tribute to retired member Clive Evans who put forward the idea for the event, as a result of his difficulties in finding relevant and useful information and guidance at the end of his seagoing career.

road for next two years

into force last month of a new Pensions are very much in the A convention which aims to set uniform news at present, and Nautilus F international rules for the prompt and and the Merchant Navy Officers’ Nautilus has welcomed the entry

Tributes to civil war heroism F

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Retirement advice day held at Mariners’ Park

rules are welcomed Pension experts hit the by Union

Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson is pictured right saying farewell to three longstanding members of the Union’s governing body — chief engineer Ian Nicholson, ETO Jim Stone and Captain Norman Martin — who stepped down at last month’s meeting. ‘We are sorry to see such stalwarts of the Council retiring after years of dedicated service on behalf of members,’ Mr Dickinson said. ‘Their knowledge and expertise will be greatly missed and they will be a very hard act to follow.’ g Full details of the Nautilus Council election results can be found on page 45 of this issue.

Nautilus has paid tribute to one of the forgotten heroes of the Spanish Civil War — Cardiff-born Captain Archibald Dickson, who rescued more than 2,600 people from Franco’s forces in 1939. National secretary Jonathan Havard helped to unveil a memorial plaque to Capt Dickson and the crew of the merchant vessel Stanbrook, paying tribute to their role in taking 2,639 republican men, women and children to safety in Algeria. Stanbrook was meant to be carrying a cargo of tobacco, oranges and saffron — but Capt Dickson later told how, after seeing the condition that the people on the dockside were in, he had decided from a humanitarian point of view to take them onboard. The memorial plaque was presented to the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Margaret Jones, by the Alicante Civic Commission for the Recovery of Historical Memory. Also present at the unveiling were Capt Dickson’s children, Arnold Dickson and Dorothy Richardson, together with David Lillystone

Mark Dickinson and Clive Evans at the retirement advice day last month

and Sandra Robinson, great grandchildren of the ship’s chief engineer Henry Lillystone. In a speech to the event, Mr Havard told how as many as 29 British-registered ships were sunk and at least 40 seafarers were killed in attacks on merchant vessels during the 1936-39 blockade of Spain. He said ‘the extraordinary heroism and sacrifice

of the seafarers serving on the blockade runners’ deserved to be remembered. ‘Stories like this — though tragically neglected — remain relevant today in the face of immense geopolitical instability and at a time when merchant seafarers are once again in the forefront of humanitarian work to rescue refugees in the Mediterranean,’ he stressed.

effective removal of ship wrecks. Developed in response to concerns over the increased complexity and cost of wreck removals, the convention seeks to provide greater legal certainty and transparency over the responsibility for dealing with wrecks within a country’s exclusive economic zone or equivalent 200nm zone. It places strict liability on owners for locating, marking and removing wrecks deemed to be a hazard and will require owners of ships of 300gt and above to have adequate insurance in place to cover the costs of wreck removal. Vessels will be required to carry state certificates to confirm that such arrangements are in place. The convention will also introduce a duty on the ship’s master or operator to report a maritime casualty resulting in a wreck to an ‘affected state’ — as well as requiring the affected state to warn mariners and others of the nature and location of the wreck. Affected states will be given the legal basis to remove, or have removed, wrecks that pose a danger or impediment to navigation or that may cause environmental damage, together with a right of direct action against insurers. Flag states which are party to the treaty include the UK, Germany, Denmark, Liberia, Nigeria, India and Antigua & Barbuda. Nautilus senior national secretary Allan Graveson commented: ‘This convention is a useful addition to the armoury of coastal states in combating substandard ship operation.’

Pension Fund are organising a series of UK-wide meetings to enable members to ‘meet the experts’ and hear about the latest developments. The joint member forums are being held around the country over the next two years and the next event will take place in May in Southampton. The venue will be: The Grand Harbour Hotel, West Quay Road, Southampton SO15 1AG. Two sessions will be held — the first on Monday 11 May 2015 at 1800hrs. Teas and coffees will be served on arrival before the meeting. After the event there will be the opportunity over canapés and a glass of wine, to meet the Nautilus and MNOPF representatives who can answer any questions. The second forum will be on Tuesday 12 May 2015 at 1000hrs. Tea

and coffee will be served on arrival and a light lunch will be served after the meeting. Members who would like to attend either event must register, ideally by logging onto the online registration system: z Monday 11 May 2015, 18:00: event/16186784107/ z Tuesday 12 May 2015, 09:30: event/16186968659/ z Alternatively, you can call +44 (0)1293 804 644. Further meetings have been scheduled for: September 2015, Aberdeen; January 2016, Dover; March 2016, Hull; June 2016, Cardiff; September 2016, London; January 2017, Glasgow; March 2017, Belfast; June 2017, Liverpool, and September 2017, Plymouth. Check the Nautilus website or future Telegraphs for venue details.

ROs honour Lusitania commemorate the centenary F of the sinking of the Cunard liner RMS Retired radio officers will

Lusitania with a month-long working radio station display onboard the former Liverpool Bar Lightship Planet. A special anniversary call sign of GB100MFA (Lusitania’s was MFA) has been allocated to the vessel for use during the event which will see members of the Radio Officers Association (ROA) and the Marine Radio Museum Society replicating

the call signals made by the Lusitania. Two radio stations will be operated — one for voice and one worked with Morse Code — while the lightship is berthed at Canning Dock from 1 to 31 May 2015. Planet will be open to the public, so they can see the radio in operation. Light refreshments will be available via an open air café daily from 1000hrs to 1800hrs. g More information on the website:

24/04/2015 14:57

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Argus honoured for Ebola work Auxiliary hospital ship Argus A have received top-level praise on The crew of the Royal Fleet

their return home from a six-month mission to West Africa to help combat the Ebola virus. The vessel arrived back in Falmouth last month after providing vital aviation and amphibious assistance and medical support to the Department for International Development-led effort against the spread of the deadly disease. The ship’s three Merlin helicopters from 820 Naval Air Squadron and a detachment of Royal Marines also helped to deliver equipment, supplies and food packages to remote areas of Sierra Leone during the deployment. Commanding officer Captain David Buck said the vessel had played a critically important role in Sierra Leone and he was extremely proud of what had been achieved. ‘Throughout her time in the region, she has provided a vital lift capability using embarked helicopters and force of Royal Marines to deliver vital supplies to the remotest areas of Sierra Leone. She has also provided medical reassurance to the deployed British personnel.’ Capt Buck said the mission had required a strong team effort from the RFA, RN and Royal Marines involved. ‘Their performance in delivering assistance to Sierra Leone has been testament to the ability of the Navy to operate globally with great effect,’ he added. He also paid tribute to the important and ‘unstinting support’ of family members during the deployment.

FERRY SAFETY: plans to improve the safety of passenger ferries on domestic routes were discussed at an International Maritime Organisation (IMO) conference in the Philippines last month. The meeting adopted a package of guidelines on the safe operation of coastal and inter-island passengerships, including issues such as secondhand ship sales, operating limits, conversions and modifications, and passenger counting and voyage planning.

Chief officer Dave Gatenby received the Admiralty certificate of commendation from Brigadier Andrew Hughes, Commander of UK Ebola Task Force,watched by Argus commanding officer Captain David Buck

The ship was awarded an Admiralty Board Letter of Commendation by defence secretary Michael Fallon in recognition of the contribution to operations in Sierra

Leone and previous deployments spanning back to 1982. The last similar award was made in 1939 to the family of Captain Edward Kennedy, who was killed when his

ship HMS Rawalpindi was sunk in action against German battleships. It is believed that this is the first time this award has been granted to an operational unit.

Union asks UK government to lead new efforts to cut ‘appalling’ death toll


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GETTING BETTER: last year witnessed a further improvement in the safety record of the world merchant fleet, the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) has revealed. The casualty rate has more than halved, in terms of both the number of vessels and tonnage, since 1997 —but while there has been a general downward trend in total loss frequency for most vessel types, it is not as marked in the containership sector or for ‘non cargo’ categories. The report also warned that there has been an overall increase in the rate of heavy weather and grounding related total losses. MASTER JAILED: a Russian shipmaster was jailed for 28 days last month after being found guilty of being over the legal limit for alcohol while in charge of the general cargoship Vita when it was docked in the UK port of King’s Lynn after a voyage from the Netherlands. West Norfolk magistrates told Captain Alexander Chuyko that he would be released from custody if he was able to pay a total of £1,315 in fines and costs, including a £50 victim surcharge.

Enclosed spaces safety drive call Nautilus International is calling for the UK to lead a ‘new and concerted drive to end the appalling litany’ of seafarer fatalities in enclosed spaces. The Union has written to shipping minister John Hayes following an incident in which two seafarers died in a cargo hold of the Carisbrooke Shipping general cargo vessel Sally Ann C in March. Investigations into the incident — which took place off the coast of west Africa — are underway, but it is known that the chief officer and chief engineer died after entering a hold where timber was stowed and the second officer had to be rescued after losing consciousness when he went to the aid of his colleagues. In a letter to the minister, Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson said the case followed a ‘very familiar pattern of one crew member collapsing in an oxygendeficient area, and two more being overcome after entering


the space without personal protection equipment in an attempt to rescue their colleagues’. Mr Dickinson said there is evidence to show that more seafarers die or are injured in enclosed spaces than through any other onboard work activity. ‘Changes in ship design and operation, the nature of cargoes, the increasing amounts of chemicals being carried, along with reduced manning levels and radical changes in crewing practices are all factors which have driven the increase in such incidents,’ he added. He warned the minister that simply continuing to warn seafarers of the dangers is not sufficient, and he urged the UK to lead European and international efforts to develop fresh approaches to the issue. Nautilus says mandatory training requirements are needed and IMO rules should also ensure that all ships are equipped with oxygen meters to ensure crew can

test the atmosphere in enclosed spaces. ‘Better consideration should be given during the design and build stages to address some of the inherent risks — and the arrangements for rescue in particular,’ Mr Dickinson added. ‘We believe that requirements for oxygen meters to be positioned at the entrance to enclosed spaces would reinforce to seafarers the potential risks that they face, as well as providing ready access to information about the state of such spaces.’ The Union is also calling for improvements to secure a much better standard of risk assessments — moving away from a generic assessment to one that addresses particular hazards or design features associated with each individual enclosed space. ‘The tragic accidents in enclosed spaces have resulted in a spate of investigation reports and resulting recommendations, as well as a steady flow of mate-

rial to reinforce the precautions that should be taken,’ Mr Dickinson told the minister. ‘However, the continued death toll should surely tell us that something is wrong with this approach. I hope you can support our aim to deliver innovative thinking to address the situation and to find improved ways of tackling some of the fundamental problems. We really cannot afford to continue witnessing the shocking scale of fatalities that blight the industry.’ z Three dock workers died in the Belgian port of Antwerp last month after entering the hold of a Hong Kong-flagged general cargoship to unload coal. International Transport Workers’ Federation president Paddy Crumlin commented: ‘Antwerp is a port where health and safety is taken very seriously, and, like the three men’s trade unions, we are confident that a full investigation will take place into what happened and how any resulting lessons can be implemented.’

BOX DANGERS: a leading marine insurer has urged the shipping industry to do more to manage the risks arising from the new generation of large containerships. Phillip Emmanuel, of the TT Club, said the industry needs to address such issues as berthing and the capability of tugs, mooring lines and bollards, as well as cutting the number of ship collisions with crane booms. SUPPLY WARNING: the container shipping sector is failing to heed the lessons of the slump it created by a flurry of orders in 2006 and 2007, analysts warned last month. A report from Drewry Maritime Research said a surge in orders for vessels of at least 18,000TEU is threatening to push back the date at which supply and demand will be in reasonable balance. APPY DAYS: Lloyd’s Register and the UK P&I Club have launched three new pocket checklist mobile apps to help seafarers reduce the risk of their ships failing port state control inspections. Available to download for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, the apps cover the most common causes of detentions, fire safety and pollution prevention. CARNIVAL BOOST: the Carnival Corporation has confirmed plans to order nine ‘next generation’ cruiseships from Meyer Werft and Fincanteri. The new vessels will enter into service over four years, starting from 2019. Carnival said design details and information on which fleets the ships will join will be made available at a later date. STRANDED CREW: trade unions in Bahrain are working on behalf of 16 seafarers stranded onboard a Mongolian-flagged tanker which has been banned from leaving the country because of unpaid debts. The Filipino and Indian crew claim they have not been paid since last October. SALVAGE MERGER: Svitzer and Titan Salvage are merging to form a new wreck removal and emergency response company, Ardent, operating out of Houston, Texas. Overall staffing levels will be cut by around 25%, but the companies say many of these posts have already gone. LYSBLINK SCRAPPED: Lysblink Seaways, the UK-flagged cargoship that ran aground off the west coast of Scotland in February, is to be scrapped, after owner DFDS decided last month that it is too badly damaged for repair.

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04 | telegraph | | May 2015


shortreports WAGES WARNING: UK wages growth remains weak — and too dependent on low oil prices, the TUC warned last month. General secretary Frances O’Grady said workers had been through the longest period of falling real wages since Queen Victoria was on the throne. ‘We need a government that builds a far more stable foundation for decent wage growth than we’ve had in the last five years,’ she added. ‘This should include a much higher minimum wage and stronger rights for people with zero-hours contracts.’ PARTNERSHIP CALL: Nautilus is seeking nominations from members working on Foreland Shipping vessels to serve on the Partnership at Work committee. Industrial organiser Derek Byrne encouraged members to participate in the consultative body and said Nautilus believes the PAW agreement has worked very well in maintaining excellent industrial relations in the company. EUROPEAN ASPIRATIONS: a pay and conditions claim has been submitted on behalf of members employed by P&O Maritime Services and serving onboard European Supporter. The claim is for a substantial pay rise above inflation and for a resolution of other outstanding contractual matters. FAIR PAY: members employed by Fairmont Shipping Vancouver and serving onboard MOL vessels are being consulted on a pay and conditions offer from the company. The offer includes a 1% pay increase and members had until the end of April to accept or reject the package. GSMG ACCEPT: members employed by GMSG have accepted a 1% increase in pay as the best that could be achieved through negotiation. WESTERN INCREASE: members employed by Western Ferries have voted to accept the company’s offer for a 2% increase in pay.

Pictured above are Nautilus ship visitor Peter Jager (left) and senior assistant organiser Lee Moon (right) meeting members Arends Michel and Captain Pieter Roodakker onboard the inland waterways cargo vessel Panda during a series of ship visits last month

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‘Most crew happy with life at sea’ Seafarer supply survey shows pay and promotion prospects as key factors


The majority of seafarers are happy with their lives at sea and say they have witnessed big improvements in basic pay and internet access in recent years, according to the preliminary results of new research. Feedback gathered from more than 500 seafarers who took part in a survey as part of research into maritime labour market trends shows that ‘happy ships’, timely wage payments and career promotion opportunities are the most important factors influencing their decision to stay with their current employers. The survey was conducted to provide background information for the latest BIMCO/ICS Manpower Report on global supply and demand for seafarers, by gathering their views on life at sea and the pros and cons of their work. Two-thirds of the seafarers who have responded to the survey so far, representing over 40

nationalities, said they were confident that it would take them less than three months to secure another job in the industry if they chose to leave their current company. Researchers said the feedback has underlined the importance and value that seafarers place on their training and skills. But it has also highlighted the impact of increased regulation and paperwork. One seafarer responded: ‘This is a great career, but an increasingly technical and administrative one. So it is no longer as much an adventure as simply a job — albeit one with the possibility of adventure!’ The new Manpower Report aims to reflect opinions from a wider number of maritime professionals with knowledge of the ‘sharp end’ — including lecturers at maritime education and training institutions, manning agents, seafaring unions, and port welfare workers. The MET survey

has just been launched, seeking views on the status of the current recruitment and training intake, training standards, training techniques, and implementation of the latest amendments to the STCW Convention. Aron Sørensen, chief marine technical officer at BIMCO, commented: ‘This survey has provided us with insight into the views of seafarers today. Understanding the key issues for seafarers is especially valuable when attracting and recruiting talented young people to the shipping industry.’ Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson commented: ‘We have been actively supporting this research and we welcome its attempt to get under the skin of the statistics on seafarer supply and demand by taking a deeper look at the factors which influence recruitment and retention of maritime professionals. ‘The findings so far are fasci-

nating and we would argue that they support our contention that ship owners and managers need to be more responsive to the concerns raised by their seafarers if they wish to attract and retain the increasingly scarce high calibre personnel needed to operate ever-more sophisticated ships,’ he added. ‘Our research has identified a number of areas where members’ job satisfaction levels increased over the past 10 years (including accommodation, opportunities for promotion, pay, provision of training, and general morale) — but contact with home and family had declined, and the importance of email and internet access loomed large in this connection. ‘In short, while some elements appear to have improved, there is no room for complacency and the industry needs to do much more if it is serious about resolving the skills shortage,’ Mr Dickinson stressed.

TUC alarm at plans to curb strike votes

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Nautilus industrial organiser Paul Schroder is pictured meeting members employed by Hanson Ship Management and serving onboard the Arco Dee (left) and Arco Dart (right). The visits were part of a series being undertaken by the Union, and Mr Schroder hopes to be able to visit all ships in the fleet, with more visits are planned for later in the year.

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The TUC has warned that the Conservative Party could effectively outlaw strike action if it is re-elected to government in this month’s UK general election. Currently, union members who have voted in a formal ballot can take ongoing strike action until the issue is resolved. But under plans outlined in the Conservative manifesto, the vote would lapse after three or six months and members would need to be balloted again and again while employers can drag out negotiations. The Conservative manifesto also outlines plans to set a minimum turnout of 40% for trade unions’ ballots to be valid — a policy which, if applied to the House of Commons, would mean a large number of MPs would have failed to win their seats at

the last election. The manifesto states: ‘Strikes should only ever be the result of a clear, positive decision based on a ballot in which at least half the workforce has voted. This turnout threshold will be an important and fair step to rebalance the interests of employers, employees, the public and the rights of trade unions.’ TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said the policy will make it almost impossible for unions to call a legal strike. ‘No other mainstream political party in the democratic world has suggested such a fundamental attack on this basic human right,’ she said. ‘David Cameron has admitted that Britain needs a pay rise, but he wants to stop workers doing anything about it.’

DFDS makes ‘final’ offer Lisa Carr is pictured with F DFDS vice-president of HR and

Nautilus industrial organiser

Crewing, Gemma Griffin, and liaison officer Mark Miller during pay and conditions talks last month. Following the talks, the company tabled a ‘full and final’ offer to the Union, including a 2% pay rise effective from 1 January. DFDS is also proposing to increase the current pension contribution by 0.5% this year and

by a further 0.5% in January 2016. The offer includes an increase in the maximum cap of travel expenses, to £164 with effect from 1 May. The company acknowledged that the offer does not meet all the elements of the Union’s claim, but said it was continuing to face ‘a highly challenging trading environment’ on the Channel. Members will now be consulted on the package.

24/04/2015 17:46

May 2015 | | telegraph | 05


STUC backs call on CalMac jobs Conference told of concern as tendering process gets under way once again


Delegates attending last month’s Scottish TUC conference have backed a Nautilus call for a new campaign to defend jobs and conditions in the Caledonian MacBrayne fleet. Moving the motion, national secretary Steve Doran said the threat to Scotland’s lifeline services and the associated concern over safety, jobs and working conditions is back on the agenda again and is as strong now as it has ever been. ‘With the process of tendering for the Western Isles and Clyde services now under way, there are fresh worries about the future if the operation changes hands when the new contract kicks in in October next year,’ he said. Only two bidders have been confirmed, Mr Doran added, one of them being Serco, which took over the Northern Isles ferry contract in 2012. ‘Although the CalMac unions have managed to fight off the risk of routes being cherry-picked by ensuring that the tender keeps the services bundled together and have managed to secure measures to protect pensions and terms and conditions in the short term, there is no guarantee of security beyond the first year of a new contract,’ he said.

Steve Doran addresses Scottish TUC delegates Picture: Louis Flood

‘While we got a ministerial commitment to establish a Working Group to examine the long-standing concerns over our members’ pensions, important questions remain to be resolved on the issue of liability for their existing pension rights,’ he told the meeting. ‘And we still need to nail down other important issues, including honouring collective bargaining agreements and delivering much-need seafarer training programmes.’ Mr Doran said Nautilus remains convinced that a strong case could be made to the European Commission to show that

the ‘unnecessary, unpopular and extraordinarily expensive’ tendering process was not required and, at the very least, the Scottish government should be making maximum use of the contract terms to offer a 12-year package that would deliver greater stability and help to safeguard investment in ships, seafarer training and infrastructure. ‘Underpinning all of this is the very real threat posed by low-cost cowboy operators using poorlypaid and poorly-trained foreign crews,’ he added. ‘We’ve seen so much of the shipping industry dragged into the gutter by shoddy substandard practices — and it

remains an outrage that there are companies running ferries in UK waters with seafarers paid at well below the UK national minimum wage.’ RMT delegate George Lonie warned that members ‘will not be sitting back to face the inevitable — we will ballot to retain our terms and conditions and defend these lifeline services’. z Caledonian MacBrayne has created 20 new officer positions as part of a programme to reduce excess leave and to cover seasonal demand in the sailing timetable. The move has been welcomed by Nautilus national ferry officer Micky Smyth, who paid tribute to the work done by liaison officers in negotiations with the company in the callback working party. He said management has given a commitment to ensure that all deck officer requests for leave will be granted by 30 September 2015. However, he added, the Union has requested that the deadline is extended for engineer officers while the company seeks to recruit to ensure cover for chief engineers and second engineers. Nautilus officials are planning a series of ship visits before the next joint meeting between the company and the liaison officer committee on 14 May.

Nautilus has called for the

competition and social dumping in the shipping industry. In a submission to the Commission’s mid-term review of its maritime transport strategy last month, the Union warned that more must be done to ensure that the EU has the maritime skills and experience it requires for the future. The consultation was carried out by Brussels to gather industry views on its maritime policy programme, which sets strategic aims for the next three years. Nautilus says it welcomes some of the measures adopted under the EU state aid guidelines, but it argued that more should be done to provide disincentives to ‘low-skill, low-cost crewing practices’. It said the Commission should recognise that investment in technology, skills and quality can deliver a competitive edge —

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especially at a time of increased environmental regulation and greater public and political expectations — and to preserve these skills in a globalised economy, government support for training is needed. The Union’s submission stated that new approaches are required to deal with the unfair competition that arises from social dumping of low-cost crews in EU waters. It said Europe should stop trying to erode or remove other countries’ positive measures — like the US Jones Act — and instead focus on implementing EU measures which underpin and support maritime industries and services. More work should be done to further enhance seafarers’ working conditions, Nautilus argued, as this would improve the recruitment and retention of highly skilled seafarers. Action should include the mandatory application of the IMO/ILO guidelines for the fair treatment of seafarers and the adoption by member states of the ILO Seafarers’ ID Convention 185.

RFA DEVELOPED: members employed by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have voted to accept the Future Development Policy — a package of changes to members’ terms and conditions. Industrial organiser Jonathan Havard expressed disappointment at the low turnout in the consultation, but said that it would allow Nautilus to concentrate on the forthcoming pay and conditions review in which the Union plans to concentrate on the specific areas of concern raised by members during the negotiation process. STRESS CALL: the TUC has urged employers to do more to enforce good practice in workplace mental health policy following a significant increase in levels of stress being experienced by staff. Many employers do not deal with mental health issues and this may lead to many people losing their job, and even worse, failing to find new work as a result of the stigma associated with mental health issues, it warned. HEYN OFFER: members employed by Heyn Engineering Solutions and serving onboard RV Corystes are being consulted on a pay and conditions offer. The package includes a pay increase of 0.5% and the company stated that the offer reflected the way in which finances had been affected by the recent commitment to staff training. Members have until Friday 8 May to accept or reject the offer. STENA ACCEPTANCE: an offer including a 3% increase in pay over two years has been agreed by Nautilus on behalf of members employed by Stena Line. The agreement follows a series of ship visits undertaken by national ferry organiser Micky Smyth and in consultation with the liaison officers. ORKNEY TALKS: Nautilus industrial organiser Paul Schroder has met with Orkney Council and other unions to discuss members’ pay and conditions claim. A further meeting has been planned for Monday 11 May and members will be informed when a formal response to this meeting has been received. PRINCE MEETING: a pay and conditions review meeting has been organised on behalf of members employed by P&O Maritime and serving onboard Prince Madog. The meeting will take place on Friday 8 May and members will be informed when a response is received. SUPPORTING AGREEMENT: members employed by LCT Support Service (Newhaven) have accepted a 2% pay offer. The deal also includes a commitment for increments to be paid to the lowest paid employees to ensure pay parity with other staff.

EU urged to do more to protect maritime skills European Commission to beef F up its maritime policies to tackle unfair


FISHER FINALISED: members serving with James Fisher have voted to accept the company’s offer of a 3% increase in pay, together with a bonus scheme for officers and improvements to sick pay.

Nautilus national ferry officer Micky Smyth is pictured with members Andrew Kerswell and Stephen Spence during a visit to the P&O Ferries IT technical office at Larne Harbour last month The Tube, 86 North Street Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 8RA


Nautilus industrial organiser Lisa Carr is pictured with Eion Lyons and Simon Cox of Absolute Shipping during pay talks last month. Following the meeting, the company tabled a 2% pay offer, effective from 1 April 2015. Nautilus is consulting members on the proposals and has recommended acceptance. Results will be known early this month.

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24/04/2015 17:46

06 | telegraph | | May 2015


shortreports OCEAN JOBS: members employed by Ocean Supply have been informed that the company is looking to make a number of voluntary redundancies following the lay-up of the Ocean Sun and scrapping of the Ocean Swift. The company said that the current economic environment and its impact on the North Sea had forced it to review manning levels in an attempt to reduce operating costs. A claim has also been submitted to the company as part of the annual pay and conditions review, seeking an above-RPI increase and for leave to be liquidated half yearly as opposed to the current annual agreement. GULF TRAINING: Nautilus industrial organiser Gary Leech has received confirmation about revalidation of STCW certification for members employed by GulfMark Guernsey. The company confirmed that as the training is statutory it is the individual’s responsibility to complete it. However, GulfMark said that it has been working with Petrofac in Aberdeen to ensure there are courses available which are time- and cost-effective. BIBBY CLAIM: a pay and conditions claim has been submitted on behalf of members employed by Bibby Ship Management on the BP Offshore vessels agreement. The claim includes an above-RPI pay rise, the introduction of a paternity and maternity policy, an increase in the food allowance and a review of pay differentials created by the previous review. Industrial organiser Derek Byrne is seeking a meeting to discuss the claim. CABOTAGE CALL: the International Transport Workers’ Federation has launched a new task force which seeks to protect the rights of Latin American and Caribbean workers in the offshore oil and gas sector. The ITF Americas Regional Offshore Oil and Gas Task Force Group will campaign to retain and secure national cabotage and continental shelf jurisdiction in the offshore oil and gas sector. MAERSK MEETING: a pay and conditions offer from Maersk Offshore for members serving onboard offshore supply vessels has been rejected by those who voted. The offer included 0.5% increase in pay. National secretary Steve Doran is now seeking a meeting with the company to discuss the potential for a revised offer. BIBBY DELIVERY: the Norwegian yard Kleven Verft has delivered the new 4,744gt offshore construction vessel Olympic Bibby. Purpose-built for subsea inspection, maintenance and repair work, the vessel is on long-term charter to Bibby Offshore and its first job will be in the UK sector of the North Sea. NKOSSA OFFER: members employed by Maersk Offshore and serving onboard Nkossa II have voted to reject the company’s pay and conditions offer. The offer included 1.5% increase in pay and national secretary Steve Doran is now seeking a meeting with the company to discuss the rejection. BOURBON KIDNAP: French operator Bourbon has confirmed that three seafarers were kidnapped from the crewboat Surfer 1440 off the Nigerian coast last month.

support vessel Harkand Da Vinci, A one of a pair of DSVs that have been Pictured right is the 8,691gt dive

contracted to work for Maersk Oil in the North Sea. The Marshall Islands-flagged vessel will be working with Harkand Atlantis to provide well tie-ins, structure installation, piling, flexible flowline lay and flexible riser installation services. The two vessels are both equipped with state-of-the-art saturation diving systems, 140t active heave-compensated cranes and Super Mohawk ROV spreads. The 12-month contract also covers pre-commissioning, riser recovery, decommissioning and inspection, repair and maintenance work.

Unions warn over offshore job cuts Scottish TUC call for action to defend conditions and protect future of UKCS


Short-term cuts in the North Sea could jeopardise the long-term future of the sector, Nautilus warned the Scottish TUC conference last month. Nautilus proposed a motion calling for the STUC to lobby for measures to incentivise investment in new developments and ensure that the current slump is not used as an excuse for companies to erode safety standards and reduce employment and training levels. This was unanimously agreed by delegates. Industrial organiser Gary Leech told the conference that whilst low petrol prices may be

Nautilus has warned that a

oil and gas operators, highlights the inadequacy of UK SAR provision. The £60m contract was drawn up because changes in national SAR provision mean that the industry’s two-hour rescue time limit cannot be guaranteed in parts of the central North Sea and the platform where the Jigsaw helicopter has been based is being decommissioned.

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The Nautilus motion was composited with motions from the RMT and Unite unions. The RMT stated that the industry had made a knee-jerk reaction to the downturn by delaying and cancelling projects, laying off workers, extending working hours and attacking conditions of service. The RMT delegate said that the current threat to jobs and terms and conditions in the offshore sector highlighted a failure to require oil companies to make contingency plans. He called on the STUC and the Scottish Energy Task Force to do all it can to protect jobs, safety and employment rights.

new helicopter search and F rescue service, funded by North Sea

ASET International Oil and Gas Training Academy is acknowledged worldwide as a leading Centre of Excellence in training in the following areas:

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UK Continental Shelf as a global centre of oil and gas production. The government must introduce incentives for investment in new developments and ensure that safety and training standards are protected. ‘Operators should be working with unions to preserve jobs and skills and to sustain safety standards rather than imposing opportunistic, unsustainable and unworkable changes on workers’ conditions,’ Mr Leech said. ‘This industry is an essential industry,’ he concluded. ‘Essential for the economic health of the nation and the security of the UK’s energy supplies.’

SAR ‘shortfall’


Simulator) Training meets IADC & IMO Guidelines.

good for Scottish car drivers, they are a sign of the critical situation facing workers in the offshore sector. ‘Thousands of jobs have been lost since the slump in oil prices began,’ he said. ‘With oil majors such as Shell, Chevron and BP not only axing their own staff but also cutting contractors as well. ‘Short-term cuts — especially the loss of skilled and experienced staff or anything that shaves away at safety margins — will threaten the long-term future of the sector and put its prospects in peril,’ Mr Leech added. ‘It’s clear that fundamental action is required to keep the

Pictured left to right are: Paul Willis and Diane Smart from Seacor Marine; Nautilus industrial organiser Lisa Carr; and BPOS liaison officers Chris Sterry, Keith Edmunds and Ed Milligan. The meeting discussed this year’s BPOS pay claim , which included a request for an above-RPI pay rise and 24/7 internet access. A formal response is awaited.

Concern over big increase in serious safety zone incidents about an rise in serious marine F incidents within 500m installation Nautilus has voiced concern

safety zones in the North Sea. According to the Marine Safety Forum (MSF), there have been 25 high potential incidents and collisions in the past 40 months — and there were nearly as many cases in the first quarter of this year as in the whole of 2014. MSF says the incidents are posing ‘a serious threat to installation integrity and the safety of personnel onboard’ and it is working with Step

Change in Safety in a bid to tackle the problem. Common factors cited by MSF include communications between installations and vessels, lack of marine awareness and competency on vessels and platforms, crane operations, time alongside installation, hose work management, dropped objects and the administrative burden on vessel crews. It also highlights Health & Safety Executive concerns about the increased risk of installation damage posed by the growth in the size and

power of support vessels in recent years. And it suggests some cases involve the failure by shipmasters and bridge teams to conform with procedural requirements. Nautilus senior national secretary Allan Graveson said he was concerned about the frequency of incidents. ‘However,’ he added, ‘the MSF communication is functional and ignores human factors such as an experienced and ageing workforce retiring, and working a minimum of 84 hours a week in changing and hazardous weather conditions.’

24/04/2015 17:29

May 2015 | | telegraph | 07


ABP starts pilot training scheme End of an era for Weymouth from Weymouth have come A to an end with the final sailing to Cross-channel ferry services

Guernsey of the Condor Express, pictured above. Condor Ferries has switched its operations to Poole following the delivery of its new vessel, Condor Liberation, which is said to be too big for Weymouth. Condor Ferries had to issue an apology to customers last month following a series of problems with the £50m Condor Liberation which was promised to deliver ‘a new era in sea travel’. The company had to bring in a

chartered ship to support freight services and used Condor Express to run the fast ferry services between Poole and the Channel Islands during the Easter period. Company officials met Jersey’s economic development department to discuss the problems and the contingency plans for the services. Company chairman Russell Kew said Condor had managed to maintain services. ‘We have naturally been disappointed by the start which Condor Liberation has had,’ he added. Picture: Paul Dallaway

Company fined for breaking US emission rules has been fined almost A US$300,000 after one of its vessels

A ship management company

was found to have broken the Californian clean air regulations during 17 calls to ports in the state. The offences came to light when an inspector from the California Air Resources Board visited the vessel in Los Angeles and asked the chief engineer if he was aware of the revised 2009 regulations which require ships to switch main engine, auxiliary engines and auxiliary boilers to lowsulphur fuel in regulated waters. The chief engineer said he was only aware of the requirement to switch auxiliary engines to low-sulphur fuel, in line with regulations that were introduced in January 2007. The master was unable to find the 2009 requirement within the ship’s safety management system (SMS) and subsequent investigations showed that the ship had called at Californian ports 17 times over a two-year period without switching over the main engine or the auxiliary boilers. A penalty of $283,500 was imposed on the shipowner for failure to switch fuel during the 17 port

calls. The owner claimed against the manager, maintaining that the manager had been negligent. The International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) said the manager had sent a fleet circular to all vessels, setting out the change in regulations and asking that it be displayed in a prominent position. The manager therefore initially rejected the claim on the grounds that it had resulted from crew negligence, which was excluded under the BIMCO management agreement. ‘The owners, however, did not accept this rejection, maintaining that the manager had failed to update the SMS,’ the club noted. ‘As it was considered unlikely that the manager would successfully defend a claim resulting from its failure to update the SMS, the claim was paid in full.’ Nautilus senior national secretary Allan Graveson commented: ‘Ship management companies have to recognise the importance of the SMS — “send a circular” is simply not good enough today. The owner has paid for a management service, and it should be provided.’

UK ports company creates apprenticeship programme to combat shortage


Problems in finding suitably skilled and experienced seafarers have prompted Associated British Ports (ABP) to launch a new apprenticeship scheme for marine pilots. The company is extending its existing marine operations apprenticeship scheme to create a five-year pilot training programme, based at its South Wales ports. ABP says it aims to take on four pilot apprentices a year — with the aim of filling pilotage posts in South Wales, the Humber and shortsea ports from 2020 onwards. Training and authorisation procedures will be consistent with the National Occupational Standards for marine pilotage and in line with the Port Marine Safety Code Guide to Good Practices and the principles of IMO

Resolution A960. ‘ABP has on occasions and in some locations experienced a shortage of suitable qualified candidates wanting to become pilots,’ said ABP marine training manager Captain Martin Gough. ‘However, in recognising how long it takes to train a pilot and in consideration of the age profile of our current 180 pilots, in conjunction with the decreasing numbers of Merchant Navy officers, the company recognised a long-term solution was required in order to maintain the highest standards of marine pilotage within ABP’s 21 ports.’ The pilotage scheme adds an extra two years of training to the marine operations apprenticeship, which was developed by ABP in 2012. It now employs nine apprentices on that scheme and is looking to double that number with 2015’s intake.

The first and third years of the scheme involve on-the-job training within the ports’ shore-based marine operations. The second year is spent at South Tyneside College, where the apprentices complete a professional diploma in shipping and maritime studies, based on the Merchant Navy OOW HNC level papers and the Chief Mates’ course HND level papers. Pilot apprentices will spent their final two years gaining workplace experience and training, tripping with pilots and spending time on merchant ships and tugs to gain full knowledge and understanding of towage operations in harbours. They will also spend time onboard ro-ro and containerships that use ABP ports. ‘We have an agreement with the shipping companies that they will spend periods onboard as a supernumerary undertaking a planned

trading programme that allows then to gain an understanding of normal working patterns, but focussed on the port entry navigational requirements,’ Capt Gough explained. ‘Throughout the five years of their training they will be completing a range of IOSH, RYA and STCW training courses, as well as obtaining the SQA Diploma,’ he added. ‘The final phase of the pilotage training must be undertaken in the pilotage district in which they are going to work as the CHA of that district is the only authority that can issue their first authorisation as a marine pilot.’ ABP says it is also recruiting two external candidates with unrestricted OOW certificates, who will help to trial the two years of focused pilotage training starting in January 2016 and ‘fine tune’ the composition of the pilotage apprenticeship.

Dutch ship delivers record stone cargo to Ipswich port A

Pictured right is the Dutchflagged general cargoship Arklow Bridge delivering the largest cargo of stone ever shipped to the UK port of Ipswich. The 5,065gt vessel carried 8,229 tonnes of stone from Belfast to Lafarge Tarmac’s state-ofthe-art asphalt plant at Cliff Quay in the Suffolk port — almost 1,000 tonnes more than the previous record cargo. Materials for the construction industry represented around 30% of the port’s total tonnage in 2014.

Master was over the drink limit (€2,100) after being found guilty of operating F a ship while almost five times over the legal alcohol An Indian master has been fined NZ$3,000

limit. Captain Parmod Kumar failed a police breath test after the pilot of his vessel, the 37,707dwt bulk carrier African Harrier, raised concerns that he was under the influence of alcohol as the ship prepared to leave the port of Tauranga on 22 March this year. The test showed a reading of 1,229mg of alcohol per litre of breath, against the limit of 250mg set down in New Zealand’s Maritime Transport Act. The Bahamas-flagged vessel had arrived in the

We are able to offer competitive, specially negotiated fares for all types of air travel, be it UK Domestic, European or Worldwide.

port two days earlier, to unload a cargo of fertiliser from Canada. Capt Kumar’s lawyer, Nicholas Dutch, said the master had been at sea for 47 days in a voyage that had been close to a cyclone in its later stages. He had gone ashore on the day after the vessel arrived, but was called back when loading finished earlier than expected. Mr Dutch argued that the risks were minimised because the ship would have been taken out by the pilot before the first or second officer took the con. But Capt Kumar — who had 20 years of seagoing experience and five as a master — was legally in charge of the ship by being on the bridge when he

should have gone to bed, he added. Judge Robert Wolff told Capt Kumar that while the ship had not left the berth, the consequences of his offending were significant in terms of potential risk to the other 22 crew, the public and to the environment. Maritime NZ director Keith Manch said the prosecution and sentence should send a strong message to the maritime industry. ‘This sort of conduct by the master of a vessel cannot be tolerated,’ he added. ‘The vast majority of masters take their responsibilities very seriously but in this case it was clear that firm action was required.’

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24/04/2015 16:29

08 | telegraph | | May 2015


Yachts deliver aid after Cyclone Pam Captain tells of ‘incredible pride’ at mission to provide humanitarian relief by Michael Howorth

Nautilus training to P take place in Palma national secretary Jonathan A Havard and senior assistant Pictured above are Nautilus

organiser Danny McGowan manning a stall at the Dovaston crew show in Palma last month Superyacht crew were invited to speak to the Union representatives about the way in which Nautilus supports seafarers in the sector and a large number joined at the show and directly after. Mr McGowan explained that two important benefits to superyacht members are the Service Record Book and professional training. The Union’s next free training course is planned for 3 June, in

Palma, covering the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 and how it specifically applies to the yacht sector. ‘What does the MLC mean for you?’ is being run in partnership with Dovaston Crew and D&B Services, and will address how MLC has affected accommodation and employment standards across the yachting world since it came into force in August 2013. g It is free to all members but accommodation and travel will be at the attendees’ own expense. To register for a place, or for further information, contact Danny at

Deliveries down, but orders are up 30m loa and over delivered H last year was down by 12% from 2012 The number of superyachts of

and 2% from 2013, a new report has revealed. However, there are signs that numbers are on the increase once again. Figures published by the SuperYacht Company last month showed that shipyards worldwide delivered 156 superyachts over 30m last year — compared with 159 in 2013 and 179 in 2012. ‘This drop in deliveries is a direct result of the fact that nearly all of the yachts delivered in 2014 were sold during the financial crisis,’ the report notes. Motor yachts accounted for 89% of total deliveries last year, and a total of 17 sailing yachts were delivered, accounting for 11%. The average size of a new motor yacht was 43.36m, while

the average length of a sailing yacht rose by 2.08m to 43.62m. The largest yacht delivered in 2014 was the 140m Ocean Victory, built in Italy by Fincantieri. Italian yards had the biggest share of the €3.8bn market, with the value of their deliveries totalling some €1.4bn. German yards were in second place, followed by the Netherlands and the UK. The SuperYacht Company said it had evidence of an increase in the market, with 181 new projects for yachts over 30m recorded last year — up by 13.8% compared to 2013. ‘The largest project announced to the public was the 116m expedition superyacht under construction at Kleven in Norway,’ it said. ‘However, we are aware of a new confidential project over 140m.’

When Cyclone Pam ripped its way across the 80 islands of Vanuatu it left a fearful trail of destruction in its wake. An estimated 3,300 people were left homeless and 24 lost their lives. Two superyachts have been working in the area on humanitarian aid projects — the 51m fast shadow boat Umbra, fresh from refit in New Zealand, and the 73m Dragonfly. Dragonfly has cruised the beautiful and remote areas of Vanuatu extensively over the past two years. Her captain, Mike Gregory, said: ‘We were shocked and saddened to see the devastation caused, and we know that the resources we have onboard can make a huge difference and will ultimately save lives.’ His yacht was deployed to the area on the owner’s orders, covering 1,600nm in four days, and was tasked by the Vanuatu government to supply aid and provide a medical response to the Shepherd Islands, NE of Efate, where Port Vila is located. This area has seen between 80% to 100% of homes destroyed and has no access to fresh water, food or shelter.

Umbra helps to deliver aid to the cyclone-ravaged islands of Vanuatu Picture: Frank and Peggy Photography

‘I am incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved,’ Capt Gregory added. ‘The boat, the crew and the support — both at sea and ashore — have been absolutely fantastic. We’ve delivered over 62,000 litres of water, seen and treated over 250 casualties, arranged and facilitated three medevacs and delivered in excess of five tonnes of medical and food aid to those who need it the most.’

Other yacht captains have also been seeking to provide support to Vanuatu. Captain Chris Andreason is the master of the 82m Kibo and he has joined others to donate to a fund administered by superyacht management agents Y.Co. ‘I would be happy to donate a day’s pay to the relief effort, and perhaps this could go across yachting under the title “A Day’s Pay to Save” or similar?’ he sug-

gested. ‘Yachts are generally happy to help, and knowing that other crew are actively involved in the actual on-the-ground work may help bring this to life. ‘I wish there were more opportunities for yacht owners and crew to give something back to those less fortunate in society Capt Andreason added, ‘so maybe here at least is something that could play a part.’

New London show deemed a success a brand new luxury yacht, jet F and prestige car show in London. Held Last month saw the launch of


The 50m classic motor yacht Malahne is pictured above after completing what has been described as one of the most ambitious restorations of its kind. Designed by Charles Nicholson and built by Camper & Nicholsons in 1937, Malahne is one of a small number of pre-war motor yachts to have survived into the 21st century.

The vessel’s original elegance has been reinstated, whilst being modernised to be fully classed by Lloyd’s Register and compliant with the MCA Large Yacht Code (LY3). The meticulous work was carried out at the Pendennis Shipyard, Falmouth, with classic yacht experts G. L. Watson providing design expertise.

in Old Billingsgate and St Katharine Docks for three days, the event was attended by more than 6,400 people. Superyacht builders and brokers taking part included Abeking & Rasmussen, Amels, Benetti, Blohm + Voss, Ferretti, Fincantieri, Holland Jachtbouw, Lürssen Yachts, Nobiskrug, Pendennis, Sunseeker, and Sunrise Yachts. ‘London is already a major player in the superyacht market,’ explained

Captain Adrian McCort, MD of the management company Watkins Superyachts. ‘All of the major superyacht brokers have offices here, as do several shipyards,’ he added. ‘What I want this event to do is showcase London as the place to do business, where clients can be met and projects discussed.’ ‘I think London has been crying out for such an event,’ said Patrick Coote, sales and marketing director of Blohm + Voss. ‘There was a gap in the market and an event in London makes a lot of sense.’

Viking moves office to FOR YACHT CREW meet rise in NZ work


Zealand team has moved into a F new and bigger office in the heart of Viking Recruitment’s New

Nautilus has established a dedicated phoneline in Antibes to offer advice and assistance:

+33 (0)9 62 61 61 40 Nautilus International, in strategic partnership with D&B Services, 3 Bd. D’Aguillon, 06600 Antibes, France.

08_yachts.indd 8

Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter to meet increased demand for crews from the southern hemisphere. Located in the Orams Marine precinct, the office is close to Auckland’s port and major marinas and boosts Viking’s role as New Zealand’s only MLC-compliant maritime recruitment company.

‘Superyacht and cruise activity in Auckland is getting bigger and busier and we are now well placed to meet the additional demand for recruitment support,’ said managing director Andrew Howarth. ‘Increasingly, yacht owners are recognising that having the right crew is a key element to enjoying their ownership experience and are investing accordingly in the recruitment process.’

24/04/2015 17:18

May 2015 | | telegraph | 09


Owners treating seamen as ‘boys’ Back pay claims filed after checks find contracts in breach of ITF agreements

P Making a drama out of ITF inspector’s work… Nautilus/ITF inspector Tommy A Molloy as he develops the script A playwright is shadowing

for a production about the plight of abandoned seafarers. Newcastle-based Paddy Campbell’s play will be the last of three he has been commissioned to write as the resident artist for Live Theatre, and he has accompanied Mr Molloy on several ship visits to see how he polices some of the 17,000 ITF agreements on seafarers’ conditions. The idea for the play was sparked by Mr Molloy’s success in recovering unpaid wages for

abandoned seafarers onboard the bulk carrier Donald Duckling last year. But Mr Campbell also has strong personal roots in the shipping industry — his father was a master in the Merchant Navy and at one point worked for Faversham Ships, and it was he who suggested contacting Mr Molloy. Mr Campbell will also be using some of his own experiences of time spent at sea on one of his father’s vessels as he develops the script. ‘Tommy has so many stories, I should stick him in the play,’ he added.

Shipping industry confidence falls on tonnage surplus fears the shipping industry have A slumped to the lowest level for

Overall confidence levels in

two-and-a-half years — and overtonnaging fears are the biggest factor, according to a new survey from maritime accountants Moore Stephens. Its report shows that average confidence levels stood at 5.5 on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in February this year — compared with the record high of 6.8 when the regular survey was launched in May 2008. Charterers recorded the biggest fall in confidence, down to 3.9

from 5.4 in the previous survey. Confidence on the part of owners was also down (from 5.5 to 5.4), but optimism among managers was slightly up, from 6.1 to 6.2. Moore Stephens partner Richard Greiner commented: ‘Overtonnaging is not so much the elephant in the room as the room itself. It is a major factor in the collapse of freight rates. Elsewhere, everything from continuing problems in the world economy to the imposition of sanctions (most recently those involving Russia) has helped neither the confidence nor the performance of the markets.’

Nautilus/ITF inspector Tommy Molloy has raised concern over a series of ship inspections in which he had uncovered cases of experienced seamen being employed as ‘boys’. During checks onboard the 16,807gt general cargoship Dimitrios K he found one rating aged 42 and another aged 21 who were both being paid as deck boys. ‘The ITF agreement for the vessel stipulates that any rating over the age of 21 years is considered to be a man and shall not be paid any less than an Ordinary Seaman’s wage,’ he explained. ‘So the difference in pay from the date they joined was claimed for these men.’ In total, he recovered US$64,589 in owed wages for the crew of the Marshall Islandsflagged vessel, after also discovering that the normal weekly working hours were identified on contracts of employment as 48 hours when the ITF agreement stipulated 40 hours.

‘The additional hourly overtime rates were not as per the agreement and in fact no overtime records were kept,’ Mr Molloy added. ‘In such circumstances the agreement states that a specified number of hours’ overtime shall be claimed for each man.’ Mr Molloy said inspections regularly reveal cases of middle-aged men being employed and paid as boys. Only five days after the Dimitrios K case, he claimed US$31,021 in respect of owed wages from the owners of the Maltese-flagged bulk carrier Aghia Marina. ‘This included outstanding balances from the previous month, but once again there were two deck ratings over the age of 21 being paid as deck boys and two mess men over the age of 21 being paid as catering boys,’ he explained. ‘The company were very cooperative and paid the differences and issued new contracts of employment straight away.’ The same situation was identified a few

days later on the Panama-flagged bulker Seabiscuit. ‘Once again a mess man was being paid as a catering boy and again, the matter was rectified immediately,’ Mr Molloy said. ‘But it seems the ITF agreement is not being read properly when contracts of employment are being drawn up by crewing agents in third party countries.’ In another case last month, he found a 25-year-old seafarer employed as an engine trainee onboard a Maltese-flagged tanker on a salary of just US$394 a month, although his seaman’s book was issued in 2012 and various certificates gained whilst training ranged from 2011 to 2013. The hourly overtime rate on his eight-month contract as trainee —which he was not being paid anyway — was only US$1.21. The company agreed to pay an overtime claim of $81.49 filed by Mr Molloy and said it would consider a further request for the man to be given a new contract as a wiper.

Trawler skipper fined after ferry collision which collided with a ferry at F anchor off the coast of Northern

The skipper of a fishing vessel

Ireland last year has been fined £2,500 and ordered to pay £231 costs after being found guilty of failing to keep a proper lookout. A County Court hearing last month was told that the fishing vessel Onward N336 collided with the 14,759gt Seatruck Ferries vessel Clipper Pennant in thick fog off Carlingford Lough as it headed back from fishing grounds last September. The vessel’s skipper, Lindsay Haugh, pleaded guilty to unlawful conduct endangering ships, structures or individuals, contrary to section 58 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, by failing to monitor the recognised VHF channels, failing to view radar in reduced visibility and failing to keep a proper lookout. Following the case, Maritime & Coastguard Agency consultant surveyor David Carlisle commented:

‘This was a serious avoidable incident. Mr Haugh did not keep an effective watch in what was serious reduced visibility, nor did he observe the warning signals sounded from the Clipper Pennant.’ z In another case last month, a fishing vessel skipper was fined £5,000 plus costs of £2,536 after colliding with a River Tyne breakwater in December 2013. South Shields Magistrates Court heard that Robert Trueman’s vessel, Grenaa Star, had struck the breakwater shortly after leaving the North Shields Fish Quay. He pleaded guilty to failing to keep a good lookout. Following the case, MCA official David Fuller said it had been a serious avoidable incident. ‘Over-dependence on autopilots is dangerous, especially in confined waters,’ he stressed, ‘and in addition, to ensure safety at sea it is essential to maintain a proper lookout at all times.’

Masters’ award for RFA officer officer (E) Joseph Deakin is A pictured being presented with Royal Fleet Auxiliary third

the Master Mariners Award by the Captain Sam Judah, of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners, onboard HQS Wellington. The award is presented annually by the HCMM to the officer or rating judged to have made an

outstanding contribution to the RFA during the previous year. Mr Deakin was nominated by the captain and chief engineer of RFA Wave Ruler for ‘outstanding performance onboard across all aspects of his duties’. He was also commended for his ability, drive, determination and desire to reach the very top of his profession.

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24/04/2015 16:29

10 | telegraph | | May 2015


Mission launches free wi-fi service for visiting crews launched a free wi-fi service F at Workington in NW England —

The Mission to Seafarers has

accessible throughout the port, onboard ship and ashore. The new service was the idea of port chaplain Geoff Moore, who said he was ‘overjoyed’ that the plan had come to fruition. Workington does not have a seafarers’ centre, he explained, and the wi-fi service could go some way to making up for this, allowing visiting mariners to contact family and friends using their own smartphones or tablets. Geoff has been working on the project with MtS colleagues and other partners for over 12 months. Funding for the equipment came largely from a UK Merchant Navy Welfare Board grant, and the equipment was fitted for free by the local firm David Allen IT Solutions. The service is being run from port authority premises. Creating a wireless internet

network across the port was a substantial undertaking, given the large area to be covered and the security considerations related to any wi-fi system. Care was taken over the location of equipment and cabling so the system would be fully weatherproof and did not impede the day-to-day operations of the port. Ken Peters, the MtS director of justice and public affairs, said the Mission was delighted that the David Allen company had delivered a robust system with cutting-edge technology. ‘Loneliness and isolation are very serious problems for crews, who can be at sea for 10 to 12 months a year,’ he added. ‘Talking to your loved ones for support is something all of us on land take for granted. This new system will make a real difference to the quality of seafarers’ lives every day, making their stay in the Port of Workington a welcome one.’

Industry ‘facing a challenging time’ a ‘challenging’ time ahead F — with growing concern about the

The shipping industry is facing

impact of a further slowdown in global growth and substantial over-capacity in key sectors, a new report warns. Research published by Debtwire Analytics last month said the surplus of tonnage in container and dry bulk trades is combining with intense combination to put pressure on freight rates and to force companies to reassess their operating models and cost structures. The study says container shipping has been hit particularly hard by the slowdown in trade and over-capacity problems look set to continue, with the orderbook standing at around

20% of the existing fleet. It says the dry bulk sector is experiencing its worst downturn in more than 30 years, with reduced demand for commodities helping to drive freight rates down by as much as 65% year-on-year. However, the report notes a positive picture in the tanker trade — with demand surging on the back of increased use of floating storage by oil majors and energy traders. Time charter rates for some tankers have increased by as much as 80%, it says. The LNG segment is under pressure as demand disappoints and the fleet continues to grow, but LPG rates have hit record highs on the back of strong utilisation — although the size of the orderbook ‘spells trouble ahead’.

Lairdside Maritime Centre

‘FoCs used to break ship recycling rules’ Report claims owners exploit loopholes to have ships broken up on beaches


European shipowners are exploiting the flag of convenience system to circumvent rules that seek to ensure the safe recycling of old ships, a new report has claimed. An analysis published by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform warns that attempts to use flag state jurisdiction to improve global standards of vessel recycling will fail unless new measures are introduced to close the loopholes created by the FoC system. The report notes that more than 70% of end-of-life ships end up in beaching yards in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan and that EU owners account for around one-third of the tonnage going to substandard breaking facilities in south Asia.

The research reveals that while 22% of the world fleet flies an EU state’s flag while in service, barely 8% of those sold for breaking are registered in the EU. Around 40% of the ships being beached in south Asia are being imported under FoCs on the port state control black or grey lists, it adds, and many operators are taking advantage of special ‘last voyage’ discount rates offered by such registers. The report says European owners are using these mechanisms to evade new legislation such as the EU Ship Recycling Regulation and the International Maritime Organisation’s Hong Kong Convention and undermine the ‘polluter pays’ principle. It argues that a new approach, going beyond flag state jurisdiction, is urgently

required to close the loopholes created by the FoC system. ‘The lack of political will at the international level to directly hold shipowners accountable or impose obligations on the states where shipowners are located has so far hindered any effective legislative solution to the shipbreaking problem,’ the study says. The lobby group argues that the EU has a particular responsibility to tackle the issue, as it is the single largest market sending end-of-life ships for dirty and dangerous shipbreaking. It has written to EU environment commissioner Karmenu Vella to highlight the scale of the problem and to call for economic incentives to be introduced to ensure that owners use modern and environmentally sound ship

recycling facilities. ‘The EU is at risk of failing to fulfil its promise of reversing the current trend where Europe’s ship owners can profit from dirty and dangerous shipbreaking,’ NGO Shipbreaking Platform director Patrizia Heidegger warned. z The Dutch dredging company Boskalis has been praised by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform for its work to develop a ship recycling policy and to use a Mexican facility to ensure the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of three old dredgers. ‘This is a best practice example,’ Ms Heidegger commented.‘Boskalis has shown how a shipowner can quickly improve ship recycling practices by taking the matter in one’s own hands. Other shipping companies should follow suit.’

Piracy rises for the first time in four years increased by 10% in the first A quarter of this year, reversing a Worldwide pirate attacks

decline which has been running for more than four years. New figures released by the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) last month show a total of 54 attacks between January and April, compared with 49 over the same period in 2014. The report also reveals a sharp rise in the number of seafarers being taken hostage — 140 in the first three months of this year, three times as many as in the same period last year. A total of 13 seafarers were assaulted, five kidnapped, three injured and one killed. The IMB said it was particularly concerned about the number of tankers being hijacked in SE Asia — running at a rate of at least one every two weeks — and it called for a ‘robust and coordinated regional response’ to counter the risk that ‘the attacks and violence could increase if left unabated’.

The Power Up technical team and Promacon contractors in front of Logos Hope Picture: Sam Vieritz

Major overhaul for charity ship overhaul the charity ship Logos A Hope has come to an end at the Keppel A major technical project to

Shipyard in Singapore. Technicians and crew spent a total of 190,000 man hours on the Power Up project to replace two of the generators on the 12,519gt vessel, as well as replacing the main switchboard

to cope with the increased electrical load and installing a heat recovery system. Work on the 42-year-old ship also saw the replacement of the alternator on a third generator, upgrading the bow thruster motor and controls, upgrading the cooling system for the main engines, and the replacement of

the floor in the galley. The new systems will save an estimated €300,000 a year in the Logos Hope’s operating costs. Crewed by a volunteer staff of 400, the Malteseflagged vessel is used by the charity GBA Ships to provide educational literature and humanitarian aid to developing nations.

Nun on the run for seafarers’ welfare habit to raise money for seafarer D welfare. Sister M. Augustine Peters, A nun has got into the running

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10-11_news.indd 10

pictured right, will be taking part in the Dorchester Lions Club Fun Run this month in support of the Catholic maritime charity Apostleship of the Sea. This will be the 31st run for charity that Sr Augustine — who is in her 70s — has undertaken, and she will be appearing in her habit and trainers on 10 May as she pounds the pavements of Dorchester. The Apostleship has also recruited a trainee doctor to its fundraising squad. Kathryn Hogan, who is a final

year medical student from Yorkshire, will be running the Edinburgh Festival Full Marathon on 31 May — her first race at this distance. Kathryn commented: ‘Seafarers’ work can be lonely and dangerous and they can spend up to a year away at sea. Although not everyone might personally know a seafarer we all rely on them for shipping our goods, especially with Great Britain being an island. This is a great cause!’ f To sponsor Kathryn, please visit And to show support for Sr Augustine, please go to www.

24/04/2015 17:31

May 2015 | | telegraph | 11


Red Funnel officers help pupils’ hovercraft project to take off members have helped a team A of UK school children to launch a Two Nautilus International

working prototype radio-controlled hovercraft as part of a project to encourage young people to enjoy science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects. Red Funnel chief officers Matthew Parker and Jodi Le Breton have been STEMNET ‘ambassadors’ at Sandown Bay Academy in the Isle of Wight for the past two years — using their

Industry warned on crew comms Owners are urged to act to meet expectations of ‘digital-native’ seafarers


The shipping industry needs to shake up its approach to crew connectivity to ensure that it meets the expectations of ‘tech-savvy, digital-native’ seafarers, a communications expert warned last month. Brent Bruun, executive vicepresident of mobile broadband at KVH Industries, told the CMA Shipping conference in Stamford, Connecticut, that attracting and retaining quality crew is a major challenge and seafarers are demanding much better onboard access. Crew members not only want good communications connections to home, Mr Bruun said, they also want to access social media and the internet at sea as well as having access to news,

movies, music and TV entertainment — ‘all of which must be licensed’. They also want better training and professional development, he pointed out. ‘The shipping industry needs to change how it thinks about connectivity and content delivery,’ Mr Bruun warned. Operators are facing ‘exploding demand’ for broadband connectivity at sea accessed via mobile devices, he stressed. Trends on land that are forcing cellphone companies to sell access by the gigabyte are starting to transfer to maritime services, Mr Bruun explained. Services for data access at sea need to address increasing operational demand and the threat that crew’s broadband data usage could overwhelm a vessel’s data network.

‘Simply adding bandwidth capacity and data speed is not enough, as there are always new ways to fill up that capacity,’ he added. Ship operators also want greater transparency when it comes to understanding how much data is being used and how much is needed, Mr Bruun noted. Owners and operators want clarity in usage trends, he pointed out, and they also want to better understand the implications of data use. Mr Bruun said there was a growing trend towards the use of multicasting, where one transmission sends files to all vessels. These are cached on an onboard server for immediate access by all onboard, dramatically reducing the crew’s demand for bandwidth.

z Inmarsat has announced a new

service ‘to bring Hollywood to the high seas’ — offering films, TV shows, sports and news content for on-demand offline viewing by crew. Fleet Media is initially available on XpressLink and will soon be offered across the wider Inmarsat Maritime portfolio. Inmarsat Maritime president Ronald Spithout described the service as ‘revolutionary’ and said it would offer ‘a game-changing differentiating factor’ in recruitment and retention. ‘While life at sea has historically been socially isolated, this service bridges that gap, allowing seafarers to be more integrated and connected with their lives ashore than ever before,’ he added. ‘Fleet Media brings life on land to those living at sea.’

professional skills and experience to enthuse the pupils. Jodi and Matthew spent two months helping Year Nine pupils to research, design and build a working radio controlled hovercraft. They were able to use their technical knowledge of Red Funnel vessels, past and present, to give advice about the aerodynamics and skirt system of the hovercraft. ‘It’s been really fulfilling working with the young people on the project,’

said Matthew. ‘This challenge in particular has been interesting because I can use my working knowledge of boats and some of my personal experience with remote controlled vehicles. The team has been great.’ The pupils recently successfully carried out the first flight of their hovercraft — which will face its ultimate test in June, when the group of 10 boys will race it against other schools on the Isle of Wight.

Training package to reduce ECA risks been produced in response to F concern over the increasing number of A new training programme has

machinery space fuel leakages when vessels are switching to low sulphur fuel to comply with emission control regulations. The new Videotel package — titled The Practical Management and Switching of Marine Fuels — details best practice measures for implementing fuel oil changeover procedures on ships operating in Emission Control Areas (ECAs). It is available in a range of formats, all accompanied by a PDF workbook. It covers issues including whether the vessel will require fuel oil service

or day tank modifications; whether a crew needs to establish a fuel oil system inspection and maintenance schedule; how to check that all sensors, controls and alarms are operational; and how to ensure that fuel oil switching is done outside busy traffic lanes and designated ECAs. ‘It is critical that crews are aware of best practice when switching heavy marine fuel oil to low sulphur fuel because without proper training, serious operational problems can occur impairing a ship’s performance or even, in a worst case scenario, damaging a ship’s main or auxiliary engines,’ Videotel CEO Nigel Cleave stressed.

‘Perfect storm’ threat capacity and improved road F and rail infrastructure to handle the

Failure to provide sufficient port

growth in world seaborne trade could create the ‘perfect storm’ for shipping, shippers warned last month. Speaking at the Eurocoke Summit in Amsterdam, Global Shippers’ Forum secretary-general Chris Welsh said changing international trade patterns are posing ‘unprecedented challenges to the transport system’ — particularly in and around port areas.

He urged the industry and regulators to work together to avoid the potential for supply chain disruption as a result of larger containerships, new maritime alliance configurations, vessel bunching, port congestion, labour disputes and a lack of inland haulage. Attention needs to focus on supply chain contingency plans, Mr Welsh said, and regulators should ask more searching questions about the impact of ‘mega-vessel’ shipping alliances.

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24/04/2015 16:48

12 | telegraph | | May 2015


IMO warned over fire safety plans Paper proposes smoke visibility standards at half the level of those ashore an investigation last month F after the Italian-flagged tanker

Authorities in the US launched

SN Federica, pictured above, ran aground off the coast of Texas. The fully-laden 72,344dwt vessel was safely refloated 13 hours after grounding while transiting into the Galveston Fairway. Emergency response procedures

were put into action after the master reported damage to the forepeak of the vessel, leading to an ingress of water. However, checks by US Coast Guard experts determined that the tanker was not taking on water and there was no pollution. The reported ingress of water was found to have come from the vessel’s ballast tank.

French trawler blamed for collision with Dutch ship have criticised working practices F onboard a trawler that was involved French accident investigators

in a collision with a Dutch general cargoship last year. A report on the incident, which involved the 8,660gt Arklow Beach and the fishing vessel Elluma 14nm off the coast of Brittany, notes that the crew complement on the trawler was ‘hardly consistent with the requirement of a permanent lookout on the bridge’. Elluma was the give-way vessel,

the French accident investigation Bureau (BEAMer) found, but the skipper was working on the after-deck helping to sort the catch at the time of the collision. The report says the lack of a lookout on the trawler was the causal factor, but it points out that while Arklow Beach had emitted a warning signal, neither a clear manoeuvre nor a significant speed reduction had been carried out in an attempt to avoid the collision and such action could have prevented the accident.

MAIB warns on lifeboat ops training after new incidents Investigation Branch (MAIB) F has stressed the need for seafarers The UK Marine Accident

to undergo thorough and regular training in lifeboat launching to reduce the ‘all-too frequent’ number of accidents. The latest MAIB Safety Digest reports on two incidents involving out of control lifeboats — one of which involved the failure of a release mechanism during a drill, leading to an officer suffering a head injury.

In the other case, an officer pulled the wrong handle during an inspection — releasing the brake and lowering the falls rather than slewing out the lifeboat davit arms. The MAIB notes that the importance of training for lifeboat operations ‘cannot be overemphasised’ and it also stresses the need for good risk control measures, effective risk assessments and maintenance, as well as standard operating procedures.


Concerns over proposed new standards for the safety of seafarers and passengers escaping from shipboard fires were raised by Nautilus at the International Maritime Organisation last month. Delegates at the IMO’s ship systems and equipment subcommittee met to discuss issues including changes to the Fire Safety Systems Code, fire protection and smoke management systems, and a planned new ‘goalbased’ approach for approving alternative fire safety and lifesaving appliance designs and arrangements. However, speaking on behalf of the International Federation

of Ship Masters’ Associations (IFSMA), Nautilus professional and technical assistant David Appleton expressed concern over a key section of a working group report on proposed fire safety criteria. The report noted that the most critical performance criteria needed to ensure the safety of escaping passengers and crew are limits on the gas temperature of convective heat, the level of radiant heat flux exposure, the visual obscuration of the escape paths by smoke, and the maximum level of carbon monoxide along the escape routes during the time needed for evacuation. But it also suggested that the

presence of trained crew members onboard ships — together with low location lighting systems and ‘regularly practiced evacuation drills and procedures’ — meant that some performance standards for shipping could be less than half those applied for buildings ashore. The working group said that while typical building practice requires a minimum visibility of at least 10m in open public areas and 5m in smaller rooms in smoke, these values could be reduced to 5m in public spaces and 2m in corridors on ships. Mr Appleton said IFSMA could not support such a proposal. ‘We do not believe that the level of

training received by those crew who are designated to assist in the evacuation of passengers could justify reducing the minimum safety level to less than half of what would be deemed acceptable in other industries,’ he explained. ‘In fact,’ he added, ‘when we are discussing visibility levels as low as two metres, it is doubtful that any level of training would be sufficient to ensure the timely escape of passengers.’ Other delegations expressed concerns about different proposed criteria, such as carbon monoxide levels and safe egress time, and the issues have been referred to a correspondence group for further development.

Club seeks to cut costly collisions published a new guide to help A vessel bridge teams avoid expensive The North P&I Club has

collisions with fixed and floating objects (FFOs). Titled Rocks and Hard Places: How to Avoid Them, the publication alerts crews to the most common errors that contribute to groundings and FFO incidents — known collectively as ‘admiralty’ incidents — and explains how to minimise risks. It was produced in response to a particularly expensive period for the insurer, with two large admiraltyrelated claims having been made in the 2013/14 policy year. One involved the grounding of the bulk carrier Smart in South Africa, while the other resulted from the tanker Wu Yi San contacting an oil terminal in South Korea. Potential liabilities for the two claims are estimated to be over US$100 million. In an effort to prevent such incidents happening again, the guide stresses the importance of bridge

The North P&I Club wants to prevent accidents like the grounding of the bulk carrier Smart last year

team communications, and invites crews to reflect on how they would implement good practice. The topics they are encouraged to consider include planning and monitoring a voyage, navigating with a pilot

onboard, situational awareness, fatigue, speed and angle of approach, and weather conditions. Real-life case studies are used to provide examples of poor practice and a starting point for wide-ranging

discussions. f Copies of the guide are being circulated to all North’s members, and it can also be bought from marine bookshops or via www.

Alcohol blamed for Corrosion caused lifeboat wires death on ‘dry’ ship to part during a routine drill Ex Tax Inspector at Cardiff Marine - 30 years experience with seafarers’ tax


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for the death of a crew member A onboard a Maltese-registered ‘dry’

Alcohol abuse has been blamed

ship last year. The Russian rating onboard the 18,977gt general cargoship Pola Med was found dead on the poop deck during a voyage between Russia and Latvia last April. An autopsy showed that he had head injuries compatible with a fall from a height. A flag state accident investigation report reveals that the autopsy also found evidence to suggest that the crewman had drunk a significant amount of alcohol at least two to three hours before his death. The rating had asked to leave the engineroom at around 2300hrs,

complaining that he felt unwell, and his body was found by the ship’s cook at about 0640hrs on the following morning. Investigators said it was ‘highly probable’ that he had tripped on mooring lines running from the starboard winch on the poop deck while he was intoxicated. Crew members were strictly prohibited from bringing alcohol onboard, but the investigation found that annual tests to enforce the drug and alcohol policy had not been carried out before the accident. The report recommends that the vessel’s managers implement a programme to ensure the policy is effectively enforced at all times – including immediately after the ship leaves port.

called for International A Maritime Organisation action to

Accident investigators have

outlaw the use of plastic sheathes to encase wire rope pennants in ship lifeboat launching systems. The call comes in a report on an incident in which a crew member suffered serious head injuries when four wire pennants parted and a lifeboat fell from deck level into the sea during a routine drill in the New Zealand port of Wellington last year. The incident occurred as crew members on the 20,949gt general cargoship Da Dan Xia were taking part in a freefall lifeboat launch and retrieval exercise, using a purposebuilt alternative davit and lifting

sling. Investigations revealed that the wires had parted because they had been ‘significantly weakened by severe corrosion’ which had gone undetected inside the plastic sheathing. The corrosion was mainly caused by salt water penetrating and accumulating around the steel wire under the plastic. The New Zealand Transport Accident Investigation Commission said the sheathing prevented crew members and surveyors from inspecting and maintaining the wire rope in line with SOLAS Convention requirements. The report notes other cases where such plastic sheathing has

contributed to the failure of the wire and it recommends action at the IMO to prevent its use in steel wire that is likely to be exposed to the weather or that requires ongoing inspection and maintenance. ‘Neither the ship’s planned maintenance system, nor the surveyors of the lifeboat launching system appear to have recognised the safety-critical function of the lifting sling and the fact that it could not be properly inspected and maintained,’ the report adds. ‘A key safety lesson arising from this inquiry is that seafarers and surveyors alike must not make assumptions about the condition of any wire or other equipment that they cannot see.’

24/04/2015 16:47

May 2015 | | telegraph | 13


Crews list key risks

CalMac ferry crew win award for keeping scotch off the rocks

over hazards including exposure F to exhaust gases and oil products Seafarers have raised concerns

during the biggest evaluation of health and safety in the Swedish merchant fleet since 1978. The SBF union has seen the preliminary report from the University of Gothenburg and says it shows that much work remains to be done to improve the working environment, safety and psychological well-being – although researchers found 90% of seafarers think they are well protected. Noise and falls are still the most common risks, SBF says. For those working on deck, they are vibration from the hull, exhaust gases and physical loads, while 83% of engineroom crew are most concerned about noise and falls, and as many as 70% of engineers believe exposure to oil products — on skin and in the air — is a big problem.

ro-pax Finlaggan has won an F international safety award for its The Caledonian MacBrayne

Whisky galore: deck trainee Jamie Knox, chief officer and safety officer Lee McDowell and quartermaster Malcolm Miller with some of the Finlaggan’s precious cargo

Owners act over ‘cyber-security’ Industry groups team up to develop guidelines to protect ships’ systems


Leading shipowner groups have announced a joint plan to tackle the growing threat of a ‘cyber attack’ on the industry. The Round Table of international shipping associations — BIMCO, the International Chamber of Shipping, Intercargo and Intertanko — revealed last month that it is developing standards and guidelines to improve the security of critical systems. The action follows a series of warnings about the shipping industry’s vulnerability to cyber attacks as companies become increasingly dependent on integrated and networked navigation, machinery and communication control systems. Tor Svensen, from the classi-

fication society DNV GL, told the CMA Shipping conference last month that the security of ships’ programmable systems is a ‘weak spot’ that could be exploited by criminals. He said the industry has already seen its first cyber ‘events’ — including the manipulation of AIS, ECDIS and GPS data. Just last year, more than 50 cyber security incidents were detected in the Norwegian energy and oil and gas sector. He urged shipping to follow a risk-based approach, with owners and operators needing to consider cyber-security selfassessments, third-party assessments, audits, testing and verification. Such requirements could also be implemented into future regulations, Mr Svensen added.

The Round Table has made a submission to the International Maritime Organisation, outlining the steps taken by the industry to address vulnerabilities. ‘The question of protection is a complex set of issues and not just about operating a firewall on a ship or installing virus scanning software on the onboard computers,’ it points out. ‘All of the major systems on a modern ship are controlled and monitored by software.’ The Round Table said it is working with industry partners on projects that will help : z minimise cyber-attack risks via user access management z protect onboard systems z develop contingency plans z manage incidents if they do occur

BIMCO and Comité International Radio-Maritime are also in the final phase of developing a standard for the maintenance and update of programmable electronic systems. BIMCO secretary-general Angus Frew commented: ‘The Round Table, representing the global shipping industry, is taking cyber security seriously. ‘The standards under development are intended to enable equipment manufacturers, service personnel, yards, owners and operators, as well as crew, to ensure their shipboard computer-based systems are managed securely — and kept upto-date to protect against the ever-growing threat from exploitation by criminals,’ he added.

work to safely transport more bulk malt whisky than any other ferry in the UK and, very possibly, the world. CalMac ships carry around 25% of Scotland’s annual malt whisky output from its birthplace on the Isle of Islay and all nine distilleries in Islay and neighbouring Jura use the company’s ferries — and most frequently the 5,626gt Finlaggan. Following checks on a wide range of factors — ranging from details of crew welfare through to first aid procedures, how health and safety hazards are determined, and testing of emergency systems — the British Safety Council presented the vessel

with its International Safety Award with merit. ‘Everyone onboard has a safety role of some description,’ said Finlaggan’s master, Captain Guy Robertson. ‘All crew members feel fully involved and take great pride in their excellent record. They came together with headquarters’ safety, environment and security department staff to put together this award entry, and we are proud to have achieved this result.’ British Safety Council acting chief executive Neal Stone said the awards reflect the importance of aiming for good standards of health and safety at work. ‘Caledonian MacBrayne and mv Finlaggan should rightly be proud of this achievement,’ he added.

Food poisoning alert over fish not to eat fish caught from the F side of their ships, following a case in Seafarers have been warned

which 14 Filipino crew from a Panamaflagged bulk carrier had to receive hospital treatment for food poisoning last month. Three of the seafarers had to be taken into intensive care, while the others were described as being in a serious but stable condition after being diagnosed with ciguatera fish poisoning, caused by eating tropical fish that consumed toxin-producing algae. Allowing seafarers to eat fish they have caught off the side of their ship is a sure way for the crew to contract food poisoning, and it can take a whole ship out, warned Henry Anderson, consultant chef and founder of the firm Marine Catering Services.

‘When I am onboard vessels training the crew on menu preparation and food hygiene, I give clear instructions to all crew members not to go fishing for fresh fish when ships are at anchor as you don’t know if the fish has been caught in red tides,’ he added. ‘Nor are you able to detect whether any caught fish has toxins within their system, as that can only be obtained by laboratory examination of the product. ‘Ship owners and managers should buy their fish products from reputable suppliers, as this proves traceability of the product purchased and complies with due diligence procedures should anyone become sick,’ Mr Anderson stressed. ‘This is also backed up by written food temperature controls in which any meal can be traced back to the menu.’

Dutch ship’s chief officer was lost overboard in Bay of Biscay storm F

Dutch accident investigators have questioned the safety culture on a ship from which an officer was lost overboard during a storm in the Bay of Biscay in December 2013. The Ukrainian chief mate of the Dutch-flagged general cargoship Victoriaborg went missing while the vessel was sailing from Rotterdam to the United States with a cargo of pyrites, steel coils and steel sheets. No one saw the officer go overboard, but the Dutch Safety Board concluded that he had probably gone on deck to investigate the origins of a leak in the ship’s pantry which had been discovered during earlier rounds of the vessel. ‘With this in mind,

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he probably wanted to inspect the emergency generator room, which is located above the pantry,’ the investigation report notes. Investigations determined that it was likely the officer had been washed overboard by a wave breaking on the quarterdeck — leaving the door to the emergency generator room open and enabling water to enter. This led to a short circuit that eventually resulted in failure of the steering gear. The 6,361gt vessel had to be towed to safety by a tug after the steering engine installation failure. Because of problems with the tow, it took a week before Victoriaborg reached a place of refuge. Investigators said the chief mate had apparently

gone on deck without any protective clothing even though the conditions were so bad that no daily tasks had been carried out. The ship’s master said he had issued an order to prevent crew from going on deck, but the report notes that there were no rules covering the need to go on deck in bad weather. ‘This accident yet again underlines the importance of carrying out a careful assessment, in consultation with others, before going on deck,’ the report concludes. The board said the incident raised questions about the role of safety awareness and culture on Victoriaborg, and it is conducting a separate and wider investigation into the industry’s safety culture.

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24/04/2015 16:47

14 | telegraph | | May 2015



New cat for island route

STRANDED CREW: the west France branch of the CGT maritime union has hailed the decision of the maritime authorities to finance the repatriation of eight crew from the flag of convenience cargoship Karl, which has been held in the port of Brest since 24 February. The union had previously protested that more attention had been paid to three unpaid bills for the ship’s cargo than to the unpaid salaries and repatriation of the abandoned Honduran, Guatemalan and Romanian seafarers.

month is the 85m wave-piercing A catamaran ferry Akane, which is due to Pictured left during sea trials last

enter into service in Japan this month. Built by Incat Tasmania, Akane is the first high-speed catamaran ordered by the long-established ferry firm Sado Kisen and will operate between the Japanese mainland and Sado, the county’s sixth largest island, carrying up to 672 passengers and 20 crew and 151 cars. Powered by four Caterpillar C280-16 marine diesel engines rated at 5650 kW each at 100% MCR, Akane achieved over 37 knots loaded with 470 tonnes deadweight during sea trials.

CRUISE CALL: two prominent US politicians have called for rules to require the fitting of ‘man overboard’ detection and alarm systems onboard all cruiseships. In a letter to the head of the US Coast Guard, Congresswoman Doris Matsui and Senator Richard Blumenthal warn of ‘oversights’ in the proposed new Cruise Vessel Security & Safety Act and argue that the technology is available for fall detection and alarm systems to be installed on cruiseships. SEAFARERS SUPPORTED: intervention by the International Transport Workers’ Federation has secured back pay for 20 Filipino seafarers who had been stranded on a Panama-flagged ship for four months with inadequate food supplies. The Japanese-owned Bulk Brasil — which had been due to sail to the UK — had been detained in Port Kembla, Australia, after failing a port state control inspection in January. LNG FIRST: the world’s first LNG-powered containership has been christened at the US General Dynamics NASSCO shipyard in San Diego. The 3,100TEU Isla Bella was launched by Mrs Sophie Sacco, wife of the president of the Seafarers International Union of North America, Michael Sacco, and will operate on a service between Florida and Puerto Rico. PORT PROTEST: the International Transport Workers’ Federation has protested over a ban on trade union organisers at Poland’s largest container terminal, DCT Gdansk. The ITF said management had failed to address union concerns and to enter into meaningful collective negotiations on issues including pay and leave. MASTERS MEET: delegates at the annual meeting of the French shipmasters’ association, Afcan, approved a motion last month expressing concern over pressures to cut corners on safety. They also criticised the national maritime training academy, ENSM, for failing to provide sufficient places for French cadets. DEADLY FIGHT: investigations were launched in the Philippines last month after two seafarers died and another was seriously injured following a fight between crew onboard the Liberian-flagged bulk carrier Qing May. STRAIT CLOSURES: a series of closures of the Bosphorus Strait shipping lanes over the next few months has been announced while work takes place on the construction of a third bridge across the waterway. WINDFARM WARNING: French unions have demanded that windfarm support vessels operating in the country’s waters should fly the full French flag.

Three bids go in for SNCM

Korean ferry Sewol sank with A the loss of 304 lives, the country’s One year after the South

Union warns of fresh strikes in protest at job loss threat by Jeff Apter


The future of the troubled French ferry firm SNCM is set to become clearer this month following a commercial court hearing to consider the bids submitted to run its Mediterranean ‘lifeline’ services. Ahead of the meeting, the Corsica administrative court annulled the 10-year public service contract between the French mainland and the island awarded to SNCM and its partner CMN in September 2013. The Corsica court made its judgement following an official complaint lodged by the lowcost operator and SNCM rival company Corsica Ferries, but did not outline the reasons for its decision. Corsica Ferries vessels operate under the Italian second register, while SNCM ferries are registered under the full French flag. SNCM’s contract will continue

until 1 October 2016, pending the award of a new agreement following a fresh tender for the Marseilles-Corsica routes. The Marseilles branches of the CGT officers’ and ratings’ unions stopped work in protest for 24 hours and joined a national demonstration for jobs. Jean-Philippe Chateil, general secretary of the main officers’ union FOMMCGT, described the decision as an attack against jobs and a further step in the destruction of the French merchant fleet. The union warned that further industrial action is possible following consultation with the SNCM workforce and the commercial court’s examination of the bids for the company. It is also possible that the SNCM works council could appeal against the Corsican court’s decision to annul the contract. Three offers for the SNCM operations have been tabled: one from the French-owned Mexican

operator Baja Ferries; one from the Marseilles maritime businessman Christian Garin and his firm Med Partners; and one from the Corsican transport company owner Patrick Rocca. All three bids envisage big job losses and cuts in the size of the SNCM fleet — and all are opposed by the unions. The Rocca bid would see four of the seven existing ships retained, and fewer than 500 of the current 1,520 staff would be kept on. Med Partners proposes to take on 897 employees and Baja Ferries says it plans to employ 708 staff on four ships. Concerns remain about the long-term sustainability of the company, with the European Commission continuing to demand the repayment of around €400m in ‘illegal’ state aid. Unions and administrators are calling for an urgent ruling to be made on the issue of ‘economic continuity’ following the period of receivership and restructuring.

Industry calls for shake-up of French second register rules calls from seafaring unions and F shipowners to reform the country’s

The French government is facing

second register, RIF. The CFDT maritime union said it is pessimistic about employment, with hundreds of French seafaring jobs threatened at MyFerryLink and SNCM, and it wants to see a change in the rules to ensure that more positions are reserved for French seafarers on RIF-flagged ships. UFM-CFDT general secretary Thierry Le Guével said it was unacceptable that the 25% to 35% quota for French crews on RIF ships

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Families protest at Sewol ‘cover-up’

is calculated on the operator’s fleet rather than on the percentage of nationals actually working on each vessel. However, Gildas Maire, president of the French owners’ association AdF, argued that competitiveness is increasingly important and changes are required because RIF is ‘30% to 40% more expensive than other EC flags’. The owners want the government to cut costs for French ships by establishing a net wage system and to encourage greater investment in the maritime sector through the country’s

Public Investment Bank. Both the owners and the unions are continuing to press the government to deliver on plans to extend the scope of the 1992 crude oil carriage act — which requires a proportion of the country’s oil trades to be carried on French-flagged ships — to encompass refined products. However, their campaign is being opposed by UFIP, the French oil industry association, which claims that the move would increase transport costs. It is expected that the French parliament will vote on the proposals by the end of this year.

president has promised that the wreck of the vessel will be raised. President Park Guen-hye told relatives of the victims that she plans to take the ‘necessary steps to salvage the ship at the earliest possible date’. It has been estimated that the recovery operation would cost more than US$100m and take up to 18 months to complete. The president’s announcement came as a huge demonstration was held in the South Korean capital, Seoul, to mark the anniversary of the ship’s loss last month. At least 100 protesters were arrested after thousands of demonstrators clashed with police at the rally, which was demanding a stronger government response to the disaster. Police used water cannon and pepper spray to prevent protesters from marching towards the president’s home. The news that the ferry will be salvaged failed to appease the families, who are continuing to demand an independent inquiry into the causes of the disaster. They described the announcement as vague and politically motivated, and accused the president of obstructing an independent inquiry into the disaster. The government recently attempted to appoint public officials to key posts on the investigative committee. The ferry’s loss has been blamed on overloading and design changes, and the ship’s master was sentenced to 36 years in prison for gross negligence. But the parents of the 250 school children who died in the disaster say putting crew members on trial was an attempt to limit responsibility for the accident. The South Korean government says it will pay compensation worth around €353,000 each to the families of the student victims of the disaster. But a statement issued by the relatives argued that ‘the priority for the government should not be monetary compensation but getting to the bottom of the incident, salvaging the wreckage and finding the last missing persons’.

24/04/2015 14:59

May 2015 | | telegraph | 15


Job cuts feared in Norwegian fleet Union alarm as owners warn of plans to take on more foreign seafarers by Andrew Draper


The Norwegian maritime officers’ union fears there could be large-scale lay-offs in the offshore sector after dire warnings were given by the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA) in a report on the state of the industry. Alarm bells rang last month after the Association published the results of a survey showing that one in four Norwegian shipping companies plan to reduce the number of Norwegian seafarers on their vessels in 2015. The NSA said many of its members plan to scale back seafarer recruitment and training this year, and most recruitment will be of foreign crews. Around one-third of Norwegian owners plan to increase the number of non-national seafarers on their ships, it warned, and 15% intend to

reduce the number of Norwegian training positions. The report blames falling oil prices, increased geopolitical tensions and low growth of the global economy for the bleak prospects for the shipping industry. The NSA said the offshore sector stands to be hit particularly hard, and it expects 42 support vessels and rigs will be laid up by the end of 2015 — up from 26 at present. Hans Sande, director of the NSOF officers’ union, said the Norwegian continental shelf is part of the mainland economy and the authorities should therefore ensure equal competitive conditions in the same way as for the mainland economy. ‘Every time the industry faces adversity, the response is to reduce its human capital,’ he added. ‘It’s high time that shipowners, seafarers and authorities

work together to find permanent and robust arrangements that ensure Norwegian jobs and Norwegian maritime skills, also during downturns.’ NSA chief executive Sturla Henriksen agreed that industry and politicians have a shared responsibility to find solutions and he said the owners have ‘great expectations’ for the government’s imminent new maritime strategy. Owners want to see measures to improve the competitiveness of Norwegian shipping, he added, and these should include ‘a good net pay agreement’ to cut employment costs. ‘A key objective of the NSA is that we will have as many Norwegian seafarers as possible on Norwegian-flagged ships,’ he said. ‘We are concerned with the competence situation for the entire maritime cluster and we

have a strong focus on maritime education.’ Mr Henriksen said Norwegian owners recruited more cadets than ever before during 2014, but they struggled to find places for them all and action is needed to secure a better balance between supply and demand. The owners say the industry is continuing to attract ‘very many good applicants’—although the supply of Norwegian officers and technical personnel is ‘considered somewhat tight’. It warns that further reduction in Norwegian seafarer numbers could ‘eventually weaken the competitiveness of the entire maritime cluster’. The average wage level in the Norwegian maritime industry is around 70% higher than the average in industry ashore and the NSA points out that tax revenues from the sector are also well in excess of those from other industries.

shortreports BRITTANY DEAL: unions and management at Brittany Ferries have signed an agreement to end a series of strikes which affected Ouistreham-Portsmouth services. Under the deal, an extra seaman is to be hired for vehicle deck operations during the busiest five months of the year on two ferries and a higher daily bonus has been agreed for the most arduous jobs. Management also agreed to withdraw court proceedings for €1,000 a day in damages and interest against 16 seafarers, including CGT and CFDT union delegates. ASIAN GROWTH: almost three-quarters of cruiseship passengers in the future could be Chinese, according to a new report highlighting potential for the industry to expand in the region. Asia’s cruise industry is experiencing double-digit growth, with passenger capacity up by 20% over the past year, and is forecast to reach almost 2.2m in 2015 following the introduction of new and larger ships in the region. AUSTRALIAN PROTEST: the Maritime Union of Australia has protested over BP plans to remove the tanker British Loyalty from the Australian coastal trade and to replace it with cheap foreign shipping. The union says there is a strong business case to keep British Loyalty — which is one of only three Australian-crewed tankers in the country’s cabotage trades — and it has urged the company to rethink the plans. OOCL ORDER: the Hong Kong-based operator Orient Overseas Container Line has ordered the biggest boxships yet — with a US$951.6m contract for six 21,100TEU vessels from Samsung Heavy Industries. Due for delivery by November 2017, the vessels will be equipped with a number of energy-saving systems, including propellers, rudder bulbs and stators developed by Samsung Heavy Industries. GREEK GROWTH: the capacity of the Greekowned merchant fleet has hit a record level of 314.5m, according to new figures. Greek owners now control 18.6% of the world fleet — some 4% more than Japanese owners — and the number of ships flying the Greek flag has increased by 20, to a total of 839, over the past year. SWEDISH SUPPORT: Sweden’s main political parties have backed calls for the country to introduce a tonnage tax scheme during a parliamentary debate last month. The SEKO seafarers’ union says the plans will help to boost employment and deliver a range of ‘positive effects’ for the Swedish shipping industry.

Marion Dufresne II is pictured arriving at the A Damen Shiprepair yard in Dunkerque last month The French research and supply vessel

to begin a major overhaul that will extend its service life by a further 20 years. Built in 1995, the 9,403gt vessel is managed by CMA CGM and carries out a wide range of

Master fined in Sweden A

The master of a Dutch-flagged cargoship has been fined SEK5,700 (€617) after his vessel strayed into an inshore traffic zone while sailing from Spain to Sweden with a cargo of wind turbine blades. The Swedish Maritime Administration said the 2,981gt Eendracht missed the traffic separation line west of Klintehamn, Gotland. The master was interviewed by the Administration, which accused him of not being alert to his ship’s position. The master accepted he had breached the separation line, but said his charts showed the plotted course was correct and the ship had probably been blown off its planned course by the wind.

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oceanographic research and logistics roles – mainly in the Indian Ocean and Antarctic. Based in the port of La Réunion, Marion Dufresnes II is equipped with geophysical facilities including multibeam bathymetry and imagery and can raise long sediment cores from depths up to 60m.

The four-month refit project will involve the replacement of equipment including the ship’s multi-beam sonar, sampling systems and A-frames. Marion Dufresne II can carry up to 104 scientists and 46 crew, and the accommodation areas will also be upgraded.

Danish union backs plan to boost maritime skills has thrown its weight behind a A drive by the government to increase The Danish officers’ union SL

maritime research and development — arguing that, as a high-cost country, Denmark has to compete on knowledge. SL head Fritz Ganzhorn told the Telegraph that his union welcomed a new report from the Danish Maritime Authority which highlights the need for ‘an injection of knowledge’ to help the country’s shipping industry head off future challenges. Produced as part of the government’s plan for growth in ‘Blue Denmark’, the 18-month research

project identified four areas where new knowledge is needed, including efficient ship operations, health and safety in shipping, and ‘green’ technology. A broad coalition of interested parties, including the unions, was needed to do the job, it said. Mr Ganzhorn said SL wanted to see maritime R&D strengthened in Denmark. ‘In our joint effort to strengthen Denmark’s position in the global maritime competition, we will also push for Denmark to train more ship officers so that we can maintain and, hopefully, increase the number of people with actual knowledge of

managing and operating ships,’ he added. His thoughts are not universally shared among union leaders. There is also a view that cultivating a Danish maritime cluster merely serves to deflect attention away from the fact that the number of seafarers on national-flagged ships is declining. However, the head of the Danish Maritime Authority, Andreas Nordseth, claimed last month that the Blue Denmark growth policy is showing signs of paying off — with Danish-registered gross tonnage rising to a new record of 14.9m in 2014, up from just under 13m in 2013.

IMO ADDITION: the Republic of Zambia has become the latest member of the International Maritime Organisation, taking the total number of member states to 171, with a further three associate members. FINE UPHELD: a French appeal hearing has upheld an €800,000 fine imposed on the owners of the Belarus-flagged tanker Kaltene after it was spotted polluting waters off the coast of Brittany in June 2011.

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24/04/2015 16:36

16 | telegraph | | May 2015


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David Hartshorne, Invitation to cathedral a good friend to all celebration in Stoke-on-Trent in central P England last month to celebrate

Family and friends gathered

Three good causes win Wight awards of Wight (MMW) have F presented the annual Tony

The Merchant Mariners

McGinnity Memorial Fund awards — £500 each to the Sea Cadet units of TS Osborne, Cowes and TS Royal George, Ryde, and £200 to the Federation of Merchant Mariners. The presentations were made

at the MMW’s annual general meeting by Georgie Hibberd, longterm partner of Tony McGinnity, and were received by TS Osborne chair Laura Wilcox, TS Royal George chair Stuart Aiken and Peter Burman, who is treasurer of the Federation of Merchant Mariners as well as MMW president.

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Have your say online Last month we asked: Do you think more use should be made of simulators to reduce seatime requirements for cadets?

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This month’s poll asks: New research suggests the majority of seafarers are happy with life at sea. Is it right? Give us your views online, at

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was set up in no time at all, shipboard routines were adjusted and he made his mark onboard. ‘He was a person you could call on if advice was needed, always at the end of the phone should you need him — and he gave level-headed straightforward advice! ‘He will always be remembered as the smiling face in the purser’s office, someone who had time to spend with any of our marine, technical, shore or scientific staff and a great mentor to his onboard catering team. He worked diligently to provide the


Pictured above are Georgie Hibberd, Laura Wilcox, Peter Burman, Stuart Aiken, and MMW chairman Robin Ebsworth

the life of Nautilus member David Ralph Hartshorne, who passed away at the end of March. David went to sea in 1967 as a cadet purser on the Empress of Canada. He continued as a ship’s purser and catering officer for over 45 years, in various companies including Fred Olsen, Reardon Smith, Cable & Wireless and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). His last trip on the NERC vessel Discovery in 2012 was also to be the vessel’s final voyage before decommissioning. Sadly, he was unable to enjoy many years of retirement. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2014, and his death this year has been a great shock to those who worked with him. His colleague Phil Harwood remembers him with great warmth. He says: ‘I have been privileged to work with David since 1994, firstly in Cable & Wireless, then Global Marine Systems and finally at National Marine Facilities Sea Systems, part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).’ David and Phil joined NERC as purser catering officers in August 2006, when the organisation decided to restore the purser’s role after managing without it for a period. Phil recalls: ‘David, being David, took to the task of setting up the Discovery for life with a purser onboard, his immediate task being to find an office space! As you would have expected from David, the office

scientists with a shipboard experience that complemented their own science work, and was well respected by all.’ Captain Peter Sarjeant also worked with David for several years, and was the master of the Discovery at the time of the purser’s retirement. He described his colleague as ‘one of the Merchant Navy’s gentlemen’, and highlighted his remarkable 45-year career at sea, ‘the likes of which is unlikely to be seen again in the British Merchant Navy.’ He added that David’s significant experience had been invaluable to the Discovery, and that he had become synonymous with the quality hotel services aboard the vessel that should act as a beacon to other companies. ‘Day-to-day stuff apart,’ he continued, ‘I used to think that Dave’s most useful role aboard was that of offering a friendly ear. Rather in the manner of the old Personnel Office in RSU days, individuals would plonk themselves down for a chat and Dave always made time to listen. Valuable — particularly for the less gregarious individuals in a helter-skelter world. He had a calm presence, a great sense of humour, and was universally popular.’ David Hartshorne’s longstanding friend Roger Durham said that his loved ones were glad that he had experienced a peaceful and painless death at the Douglas MacMillan hospice in Stoke. He is survived by his brother Barry, and will be much missed by everyone who knew him.

Telegraph readers are warmly invited to attend the Shipping Festival Service at Winchester Cathedral next month — an annual tribute to British seafaring organised by the Southampton Master Mariners’ Club (the ‘Cachalots’) since 1930. Everyone is welcome, whether directly involved with shipping or simply interested in the industry. The service will take place at 1930hrs on Thursday 11 June, and attendees are asked to be seated by 1915hrs, in time for the assembly of the Colour Party. This is a procession of industry representatives drawn from HMS King Alfred, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, HM Coastguard, Warsash Maritime Academy and the Royal Logistic Corps. They will carry the white ensign, the red ensign, the blue ensign of the RFA and HM Coastguard, and the army ensign worn by Her Majesty’s Army vessels. The branch standard bearers of the Royal Naval Association, the Royal Marines Association and the Merchant Navy Association will carry their standards, and members of the Southampton, Winchester and Portsmouth units of the Sea Cadets will carry the flags of the Mission to Seafarers, the Apostleship of the Sea and the Sailors’ Society. The cadets will also carry the flags of shipping companies and organisations associated with Southampton, and will form a guard of honour at the cathedral’s west door. Music will be provided by the Southampton Albion Band, and the preacher will be The Rt Revd Tim Dakin, Bishop of Winchester. Proceeds from the collection taken during the service will be divided equally between the Southampton Seafarers’ Centre and Winchester Cathedral. g For more information, please contact the Southampton Master Mariners’ Club on +44 (0)23 8022 6155 or email

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24/04/2015 15:00

May 2015 | | telegraph | 17


Wanted: NSMO company cap badge to buy I was with Nederlandsche Stoomvaart Maatschappij ‘Oceaan’ from 1977 until 1980 and never managed to obtain an NSMO company cap badge. If anyone has one to spare, I should be delighted to purchase it. I can be contacted at 6 Daryl Road, Heswall, Wirrall CH60 5RD, UK. ALAN DEAN

Answer the questions and win an iPad!


Take part in the 2015 Nautilus membership survey by 10 May and you could win an iPad Mini 2. We want your views on how the Union is doing — and one lucky member who completes the questionnaire will receive the touch-screen device with a 16GB memory capacity, support for multiple languages, access to the iCloud, an inbuilt camera and Bluetooth technology. g Complete the survey online at; or if you’d prefer a paper copy, call +44 (0)20 8989 6677 and ask for the Communications department.

What an interesting article

newspaper. He makes many very valid and worthy points about SMS, ISM and checklists and the nature that these tools can be used to proactively benefit seafarers’ safety and shipping as a whole. However, the fact that his Captain Bland made such a useful checklist in 1976 was because the master was just that, being Master Mariner of a vessel. He was able to oversee the running of a vessel and spot a need to do something, did it and it was implemented in a way in which it improved the safety of the vessel. These days, checklists come in generic form, from an office manned by HSSEQ technicians.

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At the same time master mariners and chief engineers are being asked to be paperwork queens, before being navigators or engineers. It has come to the stage that we may be trusted to operate the company vessel, but unless we physically document a ‘Take 5 or Toolbox talk’ then we are ‘flouting the rules’ and every auditor jumps on the bandwagon to say so. At the same time, the generic pre-departure checklist has become a tick-box exercise, because it’s not even a ‘relevant to the ship I’m on’ checklist. This is why he sees the second officer doing just that. It’s generic and not ship specific. And it’s not been made by a man who can see what is wrong with his ship and rectify it.

We need more people like Captain Bland, to be able to see the faults, document them, implement corrective action and record it. Kevin Vallance is right to say the mantra is ‘Say what you do, do what you say and record it’ – it’s just that we need everybody to understand that comes from well-trained professionals and not a skeleton crew of 11, running a ship twice or four times the size of his 600-footer. We don’t need a checklist to check the checklist, but we do need the IMO to set minimum manning levels at numbers more akin to what it takes to be running ships safely with people who are skilled and capable. Now, I’d love to write more, but my rest hours are broken and I need to go on watch! Name and number supplied

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16-17_lets_SR edit.indd 17

STAFF editor: Andrew Linington deputy editor: Debbie Cavaldoro production editor: June Cattini-Walker senior reporter: Sarah Robinson web editor: Deborah McPherson ADVERTISING Redactive Media Group 17 Britton Street, London EC1M 5TP. Display adverts: Jude Rosset tel: +44 (0)20 7880 6217 Recruitment adverts: Paul Wade tel: +44 (0)20 7880 6212 tel: +44 (0)20 7880 6200 email: website:

IMO must raise manning levels by pilot Kevin Vallance P in the March edition of your


Union should campaign for council tax rebates I have been in the Union since I was a cadet in 1975 and the voyages were around four to five months long. Back then, we were able then to claim back our council tax — but you had to go to your borough council with your document to make your claim, which could be very successful. We do not do this any longer due to rule changes. Certainly sometimes we can get our UK income tax back for being so many days out of the country, which is our right. So if the tax man says it is OK to do

that, then surely the borough councils should follow? I feel this is one area that Nautilus should be looking into for the British seamen’s rights. I know the Union tries hard to get our wages up, but we cannot compete with all the utilities rises. Surely our council tax should be refundable, even backdated in some places where the seafarer has had tax relief. I hope other British officers and crews will be able to read this and make comments. PAUL MEREDITH mem no 136485

Airline industry does not have the answers I write to warn you of the non-realised dangers of your call to make the shipping industry like the airline industry (‘Brussels call for ‘just’ culture’, back page, March Telegraph). In saying this, I direct you to page 2 of the same issue where Captain Harald Ludwig has been suspended by his company for refusal to kow-tow to their seemingly unreasonable demand that he, the senior master, accept a reduced pay offer. This is an industry where the safe manning certificate is treated as an international joke and numbers are changed at will — always downwards, never upwards. And this is reflected in some of the Telegraph headlines: ‘No fall in navigation claims’; ‘Owners warning on choice of flags’; and especially ‘Crews at the limit of their endurance’. The list goes on, as overexhausted officers and men continue to put their ships on the rocks. This is finally followed by ‘When ticking the right box is not enough’ — a brilliant article by deepsea pilot Captain Kevin Vallance. All these articles reflect the lack of care involved in having safer seas. They are not safer, they are worse, and your hard-won tickets will continue to be put at risk. However, I do put a big question mark over your call to Brussels for a ‘just culture’ in shipping. I urge you to have the most careful consideration of this. If you recommend this system,

you are set to embrace the airline ‘check captain’ system where certain chosen, very self-righteous and totally extreme captains are positioning themselves not only to check you all, but suspend and finally dismiss people that do not suit them. The ‘check captain’ system has already been tried in the Australian industry, where it was an unmitigated disaster. It led to such farces as the ‘check master’ walking on a ship to check the master and the master and his officers walking off. It created total chaos in our industry for about two years. It is a system in which the participants are totally cowed and whose jobs are at risk permanently. It no longer concerns me, since I am well over retirement age. But it took years for the Australian industry to recover and it was an experiment that was used by totally extreme people to create chaos. If you look at Capt Ludwig and his predicament, you look at what’s in store. Following airlines exclusively has its limitations and if you introduce an airline system you introduce the ‘check captain’ system. This is completely different to what seafaring is and you may find that aping the airlines brings a host of unwanted problems. I urge you to be careful what you wish for. JIM BRUNTON Shipmaster (Rt’d) Laverton, Australia

Although the Telegraph exercises care and caution before accepting advertisements, readers are advised to take appropriate professional advice before entering into any commitments such as investments (including pension plans). Publication of an advertisement does not imply any form of recommendation and Nautilus International cannot accept any liability for the quality of goods and services offered in advertisements. Organisations offering financial services or insurance are governed by regulatory authorities and problems with such services should be taken up with the appropriate body.

Incorporating the merchant navy journal and ships telegraph

ISSN 0040 2575 Published by Nautilus International Printed by William Gibbons.

GENERAL SECRETARY Mark Dickinson MSc (Econ) HEAD OFFICE 1&2 The Shrubberies George Lane, South Woodford London E18 1BD tel: +44 (0)20 8989 6677 fax: +44 (0)20 8530 1015 NETHERLANDS OFFICE Schorpioenstraat 266 3067 KW Rotterdam Postbus 8575, 3009 AN Rotterdam tel: +31 (0)10 4771188 fax: +31 (0)10 4773846 NORTHERN OFFICE Nautilus House, Mariners’ Park Wallasey CH45 7PH tel: +44 (0)151 639 8454 fax: +44 (0)151 346 8801 SWITZERLAND OFFICE Gewerkschaftshaus, Rebgasse 1 4005 Basel, Switzerland tel: +41 (0)61 262 24 24 fax: +41 (0)61 262 24 25 DEPARTMENT EMAILS general: membership: legal: telegraph: industrial: youth: welfare: professional and technical: Nautilus International also administers the Nautilus Welfare Fund and the J W Slater Fund, which are registered charities.

24/04/2015 15:00

18 | telegraph | | May 2015


Help for our kids when we can’t be there P

A young Nautilus member didn’t know where to turn when his personal life took a tragic turn just before Christmas 2014. His mother died, leaving him as the sole carer for his younger sister, who had recently started as a student at college. His employer had been entirely reasonable in providing time off for him to deal with matters — but eventually notified him that whilst there was no pressure to return to work just yet, he had exhausted his entitlement to paid leave. His sister could not face Christmas alone, not least because their mum’s birthday would have fallen during that week. But his wages were vital. The Nautilus official who had been representing him with his company asked if anyone knew of any funding source that might be able to help. This appeal was picked up by Nautilus /ITF inspector Tommy Molloy — who reckoned he knew the very organisation. ‘The Royal Liverpool Seamen’s Orphan Institution (RLSOI) is a UK national organisation based in Liverpool which has helped countless families and children of seafarers for almost 150 years,’ he explains. ‘I work with the organisation via the North West Port Welfare Committee and I attend its annual

general meeting every year. I had a feeling that if anyone could help, they could.’ Tommy contacted the institution’s CEO, Linda Cotton, who immediately contacted the member to establish the facts and to arrange for him to complete their form for assistance. ‘It was right before Christmas, but after hearing from Tommy we were determined to see if we could assist,’ Linda says. ‘It was a heart-breaking situation, but there is no automatic right to entitlement. Grants are discretionary but there is a laid down criteria and within that, each case is judged on its merits. ‘Our trustees considered all the information and determined that we were able to assist. We were delighted to be able to do so,’ she continues. ‘I can honestly say that it was one of my best Christmas presents.’ The Nautilus member received a hardship payment to see him and his sister through the Christmas period and beyond. And, more importantly, his sister was found to be eligible for education maintenance assistance — and will now receive a monthly payment until she leaves full-time education. ‘This is what the RLSOI does,’ says Mr Molloy.

Nautilus/ITF inspector Tommy Molloy with a previous RLSOI beneficiary, Thomas Day, at the organisation’s annual meeting in 2012

‘It mainly supports children of seafarers who have passed away. That support continues right through until they are no longer in full-time education. ‘I have met one young Nautilus member whose father was also a seafarer. His mother had passed away and the father had to give up a seagoing career in order to care for his son — who was supported financially by RLSOI right up until he too went away to sea as a young officer.

‘I have met many of the beneficiaries, some still young children, some now in advancing years. All have found the support provided by RLSOI to be invaluable, and as a result they maintain a fierce loyalty to the organisation.’ g If you think you know someone who might benefit, please ask them to get in touch. To find out more about RLSOI check out the website:

I want to help provide a safety net for future seafarers and their families.”

As an island nation, we rely on seafarers who risk their lives, put food on our plates and carry vital supplies to and from our shores.

Leave a lasting legacy to our seafarers By leaving a gift to Seafarers UK in your Will, you will help to support seafarers and their families, who find themselves in need of essential support at difficult times. Last year we gave grants totalling £2.5million to over 70 maritime welfare charities.

Seafarers UK receives no government funding and is heavily dependent on public donations and legacies to maintain its grant-making programme. Please help us to continue supporting those who risk so much for our island nation by leaving Seafarers UK a gift in your Will.

FIND OUT MORE… To find out more about our work or to request our legacy pack please call 020 7932 0000 or email

Seafarers UK (King George’s Fund for Sailors) is a registered charity, number 226446, in England and Wales, incorporated under Royal Charter, and registered in Scotland under number SC038191.

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24/04/2015 15:01

May 2015 | | telegraph | 19


Passing on the baton w

Spelling! Grammar! Sums! If these words make you tremble slightly, you’re not alone. Many of us have excellent technical understanding, strong practical abilities and good people skills, but still feel there are some gaps in our basic academic knowledge. Maybe we didn’t pay enough attention at school, or perhaps the things we were taught there just didn’t feel interesting or relevant. But it doesn’t have to be that way now, and if you’d like a second chance at studying, Captain Charles Woodward has just the courses for you. Charles recently joined the Marine Society as its business developer after 45 years at sea, and is keen to spread the word about the charity’s education courses for seafarers. ‘When I was at sea, I mainly knew the Marine Society for their shipboard library service,’ he explains. ‘It is a fantastic resource, but there’s so much more that people should know about, and my job now is to let people know what’s on offer.’ The Marine Society has a long history of helping mariners obtain qualifications through distance learning — working with nautical colleges, universities and examination boards to get study materials out to ships and arrange suitable exam sittings. But the Society’s basic maths and English courses are a relatively recent development. ‘Our course Maths@Sea was created in 2011 for people who wished to improve their maths ability,’ says Charles. ‘In fact, it was developed out of concerns about the lack of numeracy of some of those going for officer training, including Slater Fund recipients, to help them get up to speed with the maths skills required.’ The Slater Fund is a Nautilus bursary scheme administered in partnership with Marine Society, and it provides funding to help ratings, yacht crew and ETOs develop their careers by studying

Following a successful 45-year seagoing career, Captain Charles Woodward is now working to improve the basic skills of his successors. SARAH ROBINSON finds out more… for their Officer of the Watch certificate. The Maths@Sea course proved so useful for Slater Fund recipients that it is now more widely promoted for all seafarers seeking to plug holes in their numeracy. In addition, a literacy course, Writing@Sea, was launched in 2013 — acknowledging the need of many seafarers to improve their reports and handover notes for colleagues. And there is now a higher maths course, Maths@Sea +. All the @Sea courses are delivered via the internet, but the Marine Society is aware that seafarers don’t always have access to a good broadband connection, and last month an app was launched which allows students to download @Sea modules and work on them offline when necessary. ‘When people are able to reconnect to the internet,’ notes Charles, ‘the app lets them send off the work they have saved so they can get feedback.’ Another appealing feature of the @Sea courses is that they’re ‘marinised’, he adds. ‘That means we make the learning activities relevant to the work people do onboard ship. Even if you’ve never considered yourself to be particularly academic, it’s amaz-

ing how much more interesting learning can be when you can see the point of it.’ To add even further to the courses’ value, all three were last month accredited by the maritime engineers’ professional body IMarEST. ‘This means,’ explains Charles, ‘we are now listed on a register of courses recognised by the IMarEST as contributing to the continuing professional development (CPD) needs of their members.’ Similar recognition is also being sought from the Nautical Institute, whose members work on the navigation side. Anyone can subscribe to an @Sea course individually through the Marine Society website, but Charles is currently on a mission to encourage maritime employers to offer the training to their crews through in-house professional development schemes. ‘After so long at sea I know how to make a good case for something I care about,’ he says. ‘I’ve seen first-hand how important education is for seafarers, and I think Marine Society wanted someone who really knew about working at sea to promote the courses.’ Many readers will have encountered Charles in his previous life as the master of contain-

erships such as the Moreton Bay, Jervis Bay, P&O Nedlloyd Shackleton and Nedlloyd Drake. He effectively stayed with the same company throughout his seagoing career, as it morphed from Overseas Containers Limited (OCL) into P&O Containers, P&O Nedlloyd and then Maersk Line. ‘And I always sailed on red ensign ships,’ he says proudly, ‘bar a few months while we were waiting for a newlyacquired vessel to be re-flagged.’ As a shipmaster for over 20 years, the wellbeing of his crew was always important to him, and he became known for encouraging shipmates to eat together and for organising shipboard social events. ‘We had some good times, although it did become harder to get everyone together when the companies got rid of the ships’ bars,’ he admits. He was also committed to mentoring junior colleagues and helping them rise through the ranks, and he brings this conviction and experience to his work with the Marine Society. ‘I really believe in lifelong learning,’ he says. ‘I’d like to see everyone have the opportunity to progress their career through further study; and people often find that once they have that learning habit, they can use it in retirement too, keeping their minds active and helping their family members with their own studies.’ Indeed, the Marine Society is now planning to promote courses to retired seafarers — whose ranks Charles will eventually join, although he’s not quite ready to put his feet up yet. ‘When I left the sea in 2013, I wasn’t particularly thinking of taking up another job,’ he muses, ‘but a friend pointed me towards this role at Marine Society, and it’s just right for me. There’s important work to be done here, and I want to be on the team that’s doing it.’

Maths@Sea: what you’ll be learning

g Subscriptions to the Marine Society’s @Sea courses can be bought online for £15-£20 each at

Screenshots: courtesy of Marine Society

Charles Woodward: a career at sea in pictures

Representing the Merchant Navy at the Cenotaph, 2010

His first ship, the Strathbrora With his wife Caroline on HQS Wellington in 2014, before the Queen’s Garden Party

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‘The Deck Department’, Warsash early 70s L-R: Charles;Chris Tyacke; Doug Barrow

24/04/2015 15:02

20 | telegraph | | May 2015


Nautilus officials demonstrate at the launch of Viking River Cruises’ new vessels Picture: Debbie Cavaldoro

Resisting the Viking pillage Union members from around Europe joined Nautilus in a protest against a pay cut imposed on crew members working for Viking River Cruises. DEBBIE CAVALDORO reports on the event…


In January 2015 Viking River Cruises announced that all employees serving on its Swiss-flagged vessels would be paid in Euros — a move which effectively meant a 13% pay cut. The company claimed the move was justified by the introduction of a minimum wage in Germany — even though the firm is based in Switzerland and is therefore liable to pay taxes and social security contributions in Swiss Francs. Management also set the exchange rate at the December 2014 level, meaning employees become liable for the risks of currency fluctuations. Nautilus pointed out that as most of Viking’s income comes in the

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Help Nautilus to help the crews Nautilus officials will be K visiting Viking River Cruises vessels Over the next few months

as they call at a number of ports across Europe. Leaflets will be handed to passengers and officials will talk to crew members about the ways in which the Union can support them in the future. Members are encouraged to support Viking River Cruises staff by: using the hashtag #StopVikingWagePillage on social media; signing the petition calling on the company to negotiate with Nautilus at petition/stop-the-viking-pillage and visiting the Union’s website to find out more information and download campaign materials. form of pounds or dollars from British and US tourists, it was ‘playing the exchange game’ by making this additional conversion. A number of employees approached the Union for support to highlight the impact of the move and to encourage the company to reverse the decision. In response, Viking River Cruises refused to meet Nautilus and dismissed four long-serving staff members for raising concerns with the Union. These bullying tactics resulted in a number of unhappy staff signing new contracts for fear of finding themselves out of work. In March, Viking River Cruises launched its new season by unveiling seven new vessels in Amster-

Nautilus official Sascha Meijer hands out cabin door hangers

dam, at a cost of about €25m each. The company invited a number of high-profile guests to the vessels, and a team from Nautilus International and sister unions in the

European Transport Workers’ Federation went along to ensure that the ‘rich and famous’ realised that this new luxury was being delivered at the expense of staff pay.

The group protested at various points around the Amsterdam river cruise terminal, handing out leaflets to guests arriving both for regular cruises with Viking and the launch ceremony for the new vessels. The leaflets — available in English, Dutch and German — explained the situation at the company and the impact on crew trying their best to give guests a memorable experience onboard. The leaflets highlighted the Union’s demands, which include: z reinstatement or compensation for the sacked employees z negotiation on, and revision of, wages in new contracts z setting up a works council with the participation and support of Nautilus

z negotiation with Nautilus on a collective agreement for members Union members handed the guests a ‘do not disturb’ leaflet to hang on their cabin door in recognition of the poor deal workers were receiving. A Viking bouncy castle was set up to draw attention to the ‘unstable’ situation of pay in the company, and there was a booth inviting guests and Viking River Cruises management to come along and use the Viking exchange bureau where ‘you get less for more’. During the course of the day hundreds of leaflets were given out and the company moved the launch celebrations inside, onto one of the ships.

24/04/2015 17:33

May 2015 | | telegraph | 21


With you all the way Nautilus is your Union — and to help you make the most of membership, we run special training courses to sharpen key skills. DEBORAH McPHERSON reports on the first ‘new-look’ course for lay representatives, which took place last month…


Nautilus International’s ‘beginners’ course for lay representatives was re-launched last month, and attracted a diverse cross-section of industry participants as it kicked off the Union’s 2015 membership training season. Lay reps perform an important voluntary role in helping the Union support its members in pay talks, grievance cases, recruiting new members, and in taking part in campaigns and meetings — so the new ‘essential’ lay rep course is appropriately named. The three-day essential course is still the first stage of free training for both types of lay reps — liaison officers and partnership delegates — who work in close cooperation with the full-time Nautilus industrial organisers. It is designed to give a flavour of some of the issues they might have to face on behalf of members and to give them more confidence in dealing with these in the workplace. Introducing the course, head of organising Garry Elliott explained that it is ‘just the start of the process’ for a lay rep — one which aims to help them progress to more advanced courses, to give them a strong voice within the Union and encourage them to become even more closely involved in its work for members. Senior national organiser Ronnie Cunningham thanked the members for their dedication in attending the course on their shore leave and encouraged them to consolidate their training by attending the new lay reps

Future events F

Interested in Nautilus training? Here are details of further events taking place this year:

g Essential lay reps courses

DATE: 17-19 June 2015 TIME: Wednesday: 13:00-17:00; Thursday: 09:00-17:00; Friday: 09:00-14:00 PLACE: TBC

g Lay reps forum

DATE: 5 October 2015 PLACE: Liverpool (part of General Meeting)

g Advanced lay reps course DATE: 18-20 November 2015 PLACE: Nautilus UK Northern office

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forum being held at the General Meeting in Liverpool in October. Attendance at conferences and forums is seen as beneficial in their role to help them feed back policies and activities to members, the lay reps heard. The course moderator, senior assistant organiser Lee Moon, told the lay reps that they would very much determine the course agenda — by deciding what they wanted to learn, and then taking part in various team tasks to explore these themes. All 10 participants were first asked to interview the person next to them and introduce their peer to the group. From this, the group discovered the wide spectrum of backgrounds and experiences in the room. Nautilus Council member Russell Downs said he wanted to get an overview of how the representative process worked from start to finish. Young Maritime Professionals Forum chairman Martyn Gray — who also sits on the Nautilus Council and the TUC Young Workers Forum, and who often has engineering cadets under his wing onboard — said he wanted to broaden his understanding of how to deal with various crewing issues.


None of the lay reps had done any formal Nautilus training before, but luckily their learning goals reflected most of the topics in the training pack — such as the role of the lay rep, how the Union is organised, recruitment and retention policies, and how to campaign on issues in the workplace. Training ‘tasks’ included how to handle workplace grievances and other serious issues, such as bullying. This imparted the practical importance of taking notes, keeping a log, following procedures and keeping an open mind until all the facts are gleaned. The recruitment task helped the members to understand the importance of workplace mapping — how to find out which staff were members and who could be invited to become members, all important components for enhancing bargaining power during pay and other negotiations. The campaign task gave them useful tips on recognising how issues important to their colleagues could be turned into campaigns, but it was recognised these skills would be enhanced on the advanced course.

Just the ticket: Nautilus lay reps and their tutors at the end of the first essential course last month

None of the teams had specifically asked for bullying and harassment to be added to the agenda, but the issue was raised during the case handling tasks. Personal experience of receiving the Union’s support on this issue was a key reason why one of the members had decided to become a lay rep. This session sparked an interesting discussion about what constituted a ‘quiet chat’ with either management or a staff member facing a grievance. This led to a greater understanding of the ‘duty of care’ a rep may have once a complaint is raised in confidence, especially about serious issues such as bullying. The lay rep who had been at the sharp end of bullying told the meeting: ‘No matter what, I would never advise anyone to go into a meeting for a ‘little chat’ without support.’ Mr Gray agreed, adding that he had learnt that the idea of a quiet word had to be treated with caution, The lay reps were also interested in hearing Mr Downs’s experience of regular quarterly meetings between management and crew, which can provide a safe route to get difficult questions asked. Tommy Molloy, the Nautilus/ ITF inspector, explained that lay reps need to let the Union know of all the issues raised by members. ‘There will be times where nobody else is interested in your issue — but your Union is,’ he added. Mr Moon said training for more in-depth case handling skills is offered on the advanced course, but that applying the rules learned during the case handling tasks, such as using the PIP principle — Preparation, Investigation, Planning — would help

There will be times where nobody else is interested in your issue — but your Union is

the lay reps with their work on behalf of members. ‘The key is also to remember to ask the member what he or she wants to do about the issue they have raised, and to involve your Union official if you are unsure of what to do,’ he added.

In feeding back on their experiences, members said they appreciated how the course had been ‘delegate-focussed and led’, and yet tailored for their needs, as well as providing an interesting breadth of experience from their peers.

‘I certainly have more in depth knowledge of the issues from this course’ said one. ‘I have thoroughly enjoyed learning more and hearing how my peers would approach the various issues as well.’ Her experience was echoed by another ferry sector lay rep who said he now felt ‘more comfortable and confident in my role’. And as a further sign of the training’s success, almost all of the participants said they would now like to take part in the advanced course in November.

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24/04/2015 17:33

22 | telegraph | | May 2015


Old problem, new risks The Gulf of Guinea has been described as the world’s most insecure waters. Experts met last month to consider what can be done to make the region safer for shipping. TOM SHORT reports…


West Africa is not Somalia, and a very different, ‘bottom-up approach’ to tackling piracy must be adopted there. This was the message from Intertanko director Dr Phil Belcher to a conference staged by the Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI) to discuss the increasingly complex security situation in the Gulf of Guinea. More violent attacks, endemic corruption and an increasingly high level of technical expertise among hijackers are just a few of the new challenges presented by the region, the meeting heard. Since up to two-thirds of pirate attacks go unreported, figures on the scale of the threat in this region vary greatly — as became obvious in the speakers’ differing analyses. Using data from a report which may be subject to change before its publication in July, associate director of Oceans Beyond Piracy Jerome Michelet argued that the region is actually getting safer — with a reduced number of

Defence cuts may reduce Nigerian anti-piracy resources, such as this naval patrol boat Picture: Reuters

attacks in 2014 — suggesting that counter-piracy efforts appear to be working in the region. In contrast, Dirk Siebels, from the maritime security agency Risk Intelligence, highlighted evidence to indicate that the number of attacks was significantly higher than reported — perhaps due to a greater willingness among seafarers to trust private companies over the official reporting

channels in the region. Even if the more conservative figures are to be believed, the threat posed by piracy off West Africa should not be disregarded, the conference heard. There may have only been five hijackings last year, but during these attacks Nigerian pirates demonstrated a high level of technical sophistication — with the ability to make repeated ship-to-ship transfers

Graphic: Oceans Beyond Piracy

safely without causing fire or spilling oil. Discussing the growing problem of oil theft, Mr Michelet warned: ‘If one gang knows how to do that, and were able to do that five times in a single year, they have a technical proficiency, they know how much they can make on it. And they will do it again and again.’ Given that tankers make up one-third of the overall transits, and suffer more than half of all the attacks in this region, the extent to which this form of piracy puts energy and trade security at risk is evident. Yet while its human cost is perhaps less obvious than in the high-profile kidnappings which have taken place in the Horn of Africa, there is the risk of treating these crimes as a solely economic problem. ’You shouldn’t call a hijacking oil theft,’ Dr Belcher advised. ‘Seafarers don’t care about the nuances of the UNCLOS convention… for them it’s just getting attacked’. Vicious abuse has accompanied all kinds of attacks in the region, from kidnappings to the theft of personal cargo, he pointed out. Downgrading the status of these incidents may therefore disguise the fact that West African pirates pose a greater physical threat to seafarers. In Somalia the ‘business model’ was the desire to keep the seafarers intact, but in this area there is no such incentive.


In Somalia, the widespread use of armed guards has eased the situation dramatically — but in the Gulf of Guinea this measure is no longer an option, thanks to the Nigerian ban on the use of armed guards. Even the use of even unarmed security personnel is likely to cause significant trouble for shipmasters, Dr Belcher said. Consequently, the advice of both Intertanko and Risk Intelligence has been to avoid the use of private security personnel altogether. As Mr Siebels stressed, the only alternative solution — the use of patrol boats manned by members of the Nigerian navy — is problematic. Aside from the greater expense of hiring these vessels, they are built and partly manned by private personnel —

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a trend that sets a dangerous precedent in that it essentially amounts to the privatisation of the navy. However, given the budget cuts and equipment shortages that Nigeria’s military faces, this situation is unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future.

Nigerian pirates have shown high technical abilities

In recognition of the new circumstances and challenges which West African piracy presents, Intertanko, ICS and BIMCO have produced a series of guidelines for seafarers, designed to be read alongside BMP4, which is concerned with Somalian piracy. Dr Belcher highlighted a number of these recommendations, stressing the importance of taking into account that, unlike in Somalia, the majority of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea occur at night. The ban on armed guards is likely to raise questions about what can be done to protect vessels in the region, and the guidelines do provide some answers, he added. Vessel hardening is still recommended in the Gulf of Guinea, but a different practice must be adopted in this region due to the fact that, when working cargo and encountering immigration officials, numerous small boats will still require access to the ship. It is suggested that AIS be used with discretion, and be turned off during attacks, while hidden tracking devices are endorsed as a result of their successful use in recovering stolen vessels. Along with these measures, the reporting of incidents and sightings is also recommended. Ships can now report to MTISC-GOG, the first single point of contact of its kind in the region, which operates a voluntary reporting centre for

mariners. Registering with the centre enables seafarers to receive 24/7 security advice, while enabling the creation of a more accurate picture of piracy in the region. As the centre’s project officer Fiona Baker told the conference, voluntary reporting is especially useful in this regard, since 40% of the vessels which come to the centre are not on AIS. While the centre has no response capability, it can still provide assistance to mariners in danger: ‘We have the ability to reach out. If someone is in trouble, we can shout on behalf of the mariner,’ Ms Baker added. Unfortunately, as Dr Belcher reminded the conference, mariners are still greatly suspicious of reporting. No pirates in the region have been prosecuted to date, and the perception among officials of collusion between ships and pirates has led to several masters being arrested after informing the authorities. To encourage reporting, Intertanko advocates the use of a single evidence collector, under the control of Interpol, following a plan that was put together to tackle Somalian piracy. Removing the possibility of arrest, reducing the length of time which it takes to report incidents, and forcing on-shore authorities to prosecute pirates will also help to build trust. Besides corruption, there are many more socio-economic and po-litical factors behind West African piracy. Dr Alex Vine, from Chatham House, drew attention to Nigeria’s massive population growth — which will see it become the world’s third most populous country by 2050 — and climate change as factors which will drive people towards the coasts and to piracy as source of income. While many have interpreted the recent Nigerian presidential election of General Buhari as a step in the right direction, Dr Vine urged caution. ‘Unfortunately oil theft is so deeply engrained into Nigerian political culture that I do not see remedies to it — even with a strong president,’ he added. However, Dr Vine stressed that the problem is unlikely to go away until the complex situation in the country is resolved: ‘The politics of Nigeria is how this will be solved from the top.’

24/04/2015 15:04

May 2015 | | telegraph | 23


Forewarned is forearmed Know your enemy

Ex-seafarer Dieter Jaenicke is on a mission to save lives by raising awareness about prostate cancer. He tells ANDREW LININGTON how he wants to help others survive the condition…


Dieter Jaenicke has a message that could save your life — especially if you are a middle-aged man. Dieter, who served at sea before founding the crewing agency Viking Recruitment almost 30 years ago, has undergone treatment for prostate cancer, and he hopes his story will help Nautilus members to spot the signs of the condition before it is too late. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among British men and it’s on course to become the most common cancer overall by 2030. However, it’s a disease that can often be successfully treated if caught early enough. ‘It just wasn’t on my radar at all,’ Dieter says. ‘I felt fine and perfectly normal — although I was a bit overweight and had been rather grumpy, which in hindsight may have been one of the symptoms. But it was picked up in a Bupa “well man” physical examination and I was referred straight away to a consultant.’ Dieter went for a scan and was then called to say that this had shown a dark shadow in the prostate area. He was then sent for a biopsy, and 10 of the 12 snippets taken by the medical team revealed signs of aggressive cancer — being rated at 8 on the Gleason score (on a scale that runs between 2 and 10). Treatment for prostate cancer varies, but can include surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy or chemotherapy. After discussions with medical experts, Dieter decided to undergo surgery — a complete prostatectomy, carried out by robots in the da Vinci S surgical system. This technique — pioneered in 2007 — makes it

possible for surgeons to make microscopic incisions with greater accuracy and control than ever before. The surgery was carried out at the Kent & Canterbury Hospital in January 2013 — barely three months after Dieter was diagnosed and within six months of his well man test. ‘There was lots of counselling beforehand, and they explained all about what the prostate does and how it would be taken out,’ he recalls. ‘I went in in the afternoon, and the operation took about four hours. It left me with four scars — which look like someone shot me with a Uzi — and I woke up the next morning and was discharged at lunchtime. ‘It’s quite an op and think of it as something like having your underpants pulled up over your head,’ he adds. ‘At first, it is all a bit bloody and I had to have a catheter for about 10 days, and I wasn’t allowed to fly for eight weeks because of the pressure on the scars. ‘At first, I had to go back every two months for blood tests and now it is every six months — but the good news is that it seems to have gone,’ Dieter says. ‘I feel very lucky, as they had to take a bit of lymph gland out as the cancer had started to spread,’ he adds. ‘I had an aggressive cancer and if they don’t get it early, it can spread into your bladder, your colon and your bones. ‘While you have to understand that you will never be the same again, I do feel fortunate and I am feeling really good now. I have not had any long-term problems, although I think I do not have quite the same bladder capacity as before.’

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in UK men and it claims one life every hour. One man in every eight develops the condition and it is estimated that by 2030 it will be the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK. z 21% of people in the UK know someone who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer z up to one in three men have symptoms related to their prostate gland at some point in their lives z a survey by the charity Prostate Cancer UK found 70% of men aged 45 and over knew nothing about their prostate or the symptoms of prostate cancer z only 46% of those surveyed could identify where the prostate is and only 12% knew what the prostate does z the prostate gland is the size of a walnut and helps produce semen z it lies at the base of your bladder and surrounds part of the tube that you pass urine and semen through — the urethra z prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and your risk increases with age. The average age for men to be diagnosed with prostate cancer is between 70 and 74 years

Symptoms to watch for:

Dieter Jaenicke, now fighting fit Picture: Andrew Linington

z needing to urinate often, especially at night z difficulty starting to urinate z straining to urinate or taking a long time to finish z pain when urinating or during sex z a weak flow of urine z feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully

Other less common symptoms include:

Treat your body like your car, and get it checked over every year

Dieter first went to sea in 1968 as a deck apprentice with Andrew Weir and served with Bank Line and MacAndrews before moving ashore to work as a marine personnel officer for Rowbotham Tankships and marine personnel manager at United Marine Electronics (UME) before he founded Viking Recruitment in 1988. Although prostate cancer can run in the family and diet is often cited as a factor, Dieter says he doesn’t know why it affected him. However, he says he is determined to stay healthy and he now keeps fit by cycling and using a rowing machine. Somewhat ironically, he was knocked off his bike last January — fracturing a shoulder and breaking an arm. ‘I am 63 now and I would encourage other men to ensure

that they are tested regularly,’ he adds. ‘Men are not very good at talking about such things, but we need to be more aware and bring it out into the open in the way that women have done with breast cancer. ‘Diagnosis can be difficult and prostate cancer will often not be picked up in your normal medical,’ Dieter points out. ‘Treat your body like your car, and get it MoT’d every year. There are a couple of tests that can be carried out and I would recommend seafarers to see if their company can pay for some sort of well man test. ‘Just don’t ignore any of the warning signs and if you have any problems with your waterworks, get it checked out as soon as possible,’ he adds. ‘It could make the difference between life and death.’

z pain in the lower back z blood in the urine The most common cause of these symptoms is an enlarged prostate, which can obstruct the flow of urine. The prostate often enlarges as men get older, and for two-thirds of those aged 50 or over it doesn’t cause any problems. In 80% of cases, it is a slow-growing cancer which may stay undiagnosed because it never causes any symptoms or problems. In other cases, however, the cancer cells can grow quickly and spread to other parts of the body, such as the bones. However, survival rates of newly-diagnosed prostate cancer patients have improved from 30% in the 1970s to 80% today. g For more information, visit:

A prostate cancer operation Picture: Thinkstock


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23_prostate cancer_SR edit.indd 23

24/04/2015 15:05

24 | telegraph | | May 2015


Protect yourself an help your colleague J

Malaria continues to be one of the deadliest diseases in the world — and seafarers are often working in some of the riskiest areas. A series of recent shipboard cases has prompted Nautilus, shipowners and marine insurers to issue new advice to keep crew members safe. Although preventable and treatable, malaria continues to kill more than 600,000 people a year. It remains endemic in a total of 97 nations and the World Health Organisation estimates that there were more than 200 million malaria cases in 2012 alone. The horrors of the Ebola virus dominated the headlines late last year — but in the first seven months following its emergence, some 70 times as many Africans were killed by malaria. Shipping industry concerns have been renewed following a number of incidents — including two cases of crewmen contracting malaria following a port call in the Congo, one of which proved fatal and the other, while not fatal, caused severe illness for the seafarer. Both the London and American P&I Clubs have recently issued special alerts in response to concerns that the risks for seafarers are often not fully appreciated and that many crew fail to take proper precautions. Nautilus has discussed the problem at the UK’s national maritime occupation health and safety committee. Senior national secretary Allan Graveson commented: ‘It is clear that malaria remains a significant threat to seafarers in many parts of the world.

While the world has made significant progress in combatting malaria, it remains one of the biggest killers around. Following some recent cases involving seafarers, the shipping industry is being warned to guard against complacency… ‘Although precautions should be taken before going into these areas, the problem is that you can get late notification or ships receive a change in orders,’ he pointed out. ‘Similarly, the symptoms of malaria may sometimes be hard to spot, but we would advise that immediate medical attention or advice should be sought if any type of fever develops after a visit to endemic areas.’ Alarm over awareness of the risks and about the medicines available to treat seafarers on their ships had been raised in an earlier report on the death of a rating onboard a Maersk tanker. The 32-year-old Filipino AB fell ill during a voyage between the Indian port of Mumbai and the United Arab Emirates. Four days before his death, the seafarer had complained about a headache and had been given paracetamol tablets by the chief officer. On the day of his death, he had helped to clean the cargo control room and install anti-piracy razor wire before going to his cabin to rest after colleagues noticed that he was shaking. When the chief officer went to the AB’s cabin an hour later, he found the crewman to be feverish and shivering, with a temperature of 42°C.

Tests conducted after radio-medical advice showed he was suffering from malaria, but it proved difficult to give him tablets for the condition as he was vomiting frequently. Despite extensive efforts to keep the AB alive — including an adrenaline injection, CPR and the use of the onboard automated external defibrillator — the man died later in the day. Investigators concluded that the crewman must have contracted plasmodium falciparum — the most dangerous type of malaria — during the ship’s previous visit to Mumbai. The Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) pointed out that the Indian port was officially categorised as a ‘no or low risk’ malaria area and the lack of an onboard malaria risk assessment before entering Mumbai reflected ‘ambiguity’ in the official guidance and a ‘lack of realisation that local conditions can make parts of an area a malaria risk area’. Malaria is endemic to large areas of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the South Pacific, and is caused by a parasite transferred by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. The parasites enter the bloodstream, multiply in the liver and infect the red blood cells.

This can cause acute anaemia and can also affect the lungs, kidneys and brain. A major complication is cerebral malaria, which can lead to coma, as well as transient, or permanent, neurological effects, and may also cause death. The symptoms of malaria may appear as early as seven days and as late as three months after the infective mosquito bite. The first symptoms — flu-like fever (often exceeding 40°C), headache, chills and vomiting — may be mild and difficult to recognise as malaria. However, if not treated promptly, the disease can progress to severe illness and even death. Prevention is clearly preferable to cure, and there are simple steps that can be taken onboard when transiting, or at port, in areas affected by malaria. Staying informed about the disease is an important form of prevention. Consult the World Health Organisation ( website or the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( which includes a database of malariaaffected countries. Further information is also available at Check the risks not only of the countries you are due to visit but also the individual ports.

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‘Del Dani Dagn tanker. Sh warn othe

Kspent five yea amateur boxer. On le Lee Dagnan w

and contacts to take ‘It was well-paid and his sisters becau Dani. ‘That was the m like the vessel protec tankers on three-mo It was on one of t boarded the Hong K March, having spoke ‘He said he had a hea for him, but we didn Onboard the ship wasn’t well, and he w later, he died, aged j happened during th death could have be better trained and d everyone who work happen to anyone e Lee died from mu But the illness wasn’ ashore to a hospital ship, they just didn’t Dani. ‘He had blood Graphic: Wikimedia Commons

24-25_spread_malaria.indd 24

24/04/2015 17:34

May 2015 | | telegraph | 25


nd ues s


Take the appropriate anti-malarial medicines before, during and after your time in the endemic areas. Use an effective mosquito repellent applied to exposed parts of the skin. A permethrin-containing product may also be applied to bed nets and clothing for additional protection. Air conditioning helps to keep the mosquitoes away: it is important that it is left on all day.

While sleeping, use u undamaged impregnated the mattress, fixed on the mosquito nets, put under u bed. four corners of the b If a case of malaria is suspected onboard, it should be treated as an emergency and radio medical advice should be called for immediately.

z any mosquitoes entering compartments

Anopheles mosquitoes are most active between dusk and dawn, and within two miles of a malaria shore it is important that: z doors and windows are kept closed after dusk

z refuse bags and bins are sealed properly z portholes, ventilation and other openings

are killed

z insect spray is used, also under tables and chairs and in dark corners

z long-sleeved shirts and trousers are worn z pools of stagnant water, dew or rain are removed

are covered with fine wire mesh

z lights are screened to avoid attracting mosquitoes

Malaria stats z in 2014, 97 countries and territories had ongoing malaria transmission z an estimated 3.3 bn people are at risk of malaria, of whom 1.2 bn are at high risk z around 90% of deaths from malaria worldwide occur in Africa z more than one-third of clinical malaria cases occur in Asia and 3% occur in the Americas z as many as 30,000 travellers fall ill with the disease each year z 1,378 Britons returned to the UK in 2012 having contracted malaria

elayed treatment contributed to myson’s death’ agnan’s son Lee died of malaria while employed in shipboard vessel security for an oil She believes his death was preventable, and recently approached Nautilus to help her ther maritime professionals about the dangers of the illness… nan was a fit and healthy young man who had ve years in the Royal Marines and was a successful r. On leaving the armed forces, he used his skills o take up freelance work in marine security. -paid work, and he was helping to support me because his dad had died,’ explains Lee’s mum s the main reason he left the forces. And he did protection work, travelling around on oil and gas ee-month tours.’ ne of those tankers that Lee fell ill in 2012. He ong Kong-flagged Song Lin Wan in Sri Lanka on 10 spoken to his mother via Skype the night before. d a headache then,’ says Dani, ‘which was unusual e didn’t think any more of it at the time.’ he ship, though, it became obvious that Lee really nd he was put on bed rest straight away. Six days aged just 26. Dani has been piecing together what ing the period of his illness, and she believes his ve been prevented if crew members had been and different actions had been taken. ‘I want works on ships to know his story so this doesn’t one else,’ she says. om multiple organ failure caused by malaria. wasn’t diagnosed until he was eventually taken spital in Djibouti, shortly before he died. ‘On the didn’t seem to realise how ill he was,’ explains blood in his urine and a soaring temperature — he

24-25_spread_malaria.indd 25

was even delirious. But they just gave him paracetamol and Night Nurse.’ From what she has been able to find out, there was no doctor onboard the vessel and very little medical equipment; neither was there a system in place for the crew to consult a shore-based doctor via a video link. ‘I understand that a helivac [helicopter evacuation] was considered at one point,’ she says, ‘but for whatever reason this didn’t happen, and when they eventually decided to get Lee to a hospital, they took him off the ship in Djibouti using a basket. Everyone seemed to be in a state of panic, and nobody seemed to know what to do. They didn’t contact me until it was too late. I know what his first words were in his life, but I don’t know what his last words were.’ So how had Lee contracted malaria, and was he aware of the risks? ‘He was a sportsman; he always took care of his health,’ says Dani. ‘He knew he was going to a malaria hotspot on the job before the Song Lin Wan, and he’d had the right vaccinations. But we know now that the vaccinations are not 100% effective, and that being fit and strong like Lee doesn’t necessarily help you in the case of malaria.’ What would have helped Lee, she reiterates, is for his colleagues onboard the vessel to have recognised the seriousness of his condition. ‘I know they’re all feeling awful now, but they hadn’t had the right training and information. If somebody had realised what was wrong with Lee — or even that he urgently needed a doctor — he would have had a

chance. Malaria is treatable if you catch it in time.’ It’s important for employers to foster a culture where people come first and crew members are encouraged to seek medical advice, she adds, even if this slows down the ship. But it’s not always easy to tell who the employer is. ‘Lee’s ship was owned in one country, it was registered in another, and the personnel were employed through a crewing agency based in yet another country. And I understand that Lee was considered self-employed. It seems to me that it’s hard to know who is responsible for anything in the shipping industry, but it’s easy to see where the priorities lie. The cargo got to where it was going, but my son didn’t.’ In the three years since Lee died, Dani has become very much aware of the huge challenge involved in making changes to the global shipping industry. But she is determined to try. ‘I would like to see laws changed in my son’s name,’ she says, ‘so that ships have to carry certain medical equipment and they have to have a clear procedure about what to do when someone onboard becomes seriously ill.’ And it’s not just employers and policy-makers who can make a difference, she argues; individual maritime professionals can also help prevent future deaths from malaria. ‘Six days was a long time for Lee to be lying there before anyone took the right action,’ she points out. ‘It’s so important for everyone onboard a ship to inform themselves about malaria and speak up if they or a colleague need help. We have to move away from this situation where a vessel is protected, but people aren’t.’

Lee Dagnan

24/04/2015 17:34

May 2015 | | telegraph | i


Come and meet on the Mersey! Picture: Thinkstock


If you want to help shape the future of your Union and to have a say on the things that matter to you, then don’t miss this chance to come to the 2015 Nautilus International General Meeting (GM).


Held every four years, the Nautilus GM is where the core policies of the Union are determined by full members following debate and discussion on motions to the meeting. The 2015 GM will be held at the Titanic Hotel in Liverpool — with members assembling on Monday 5 October and departing on the morning of Thursday 8 October. Following feedback from

Make sure you book your place at the Rule changes proposed by Council 2015 Nautilus General Meeting… other Rule change(s), A Nautilus Rules General ‘A Rules General Meeting may be d) Renumber current Rules 27.3 and Meeting (RGM) has been called at other times by: K 27.4 accordingly. called for at 1700hrs (or to follow (i) resolution of the Council for the members attending previous events, this year’s conference will feature a lively programme of presentations and debates, along with speeches from leading industry figures. These pages give you the chance to make sure that the issues which really matter to you and your colleagues will be discussed, debated and decided upon — setting an agenda for action on anything from pay and conditions to criminalisation, or fatigue to piracy. Please use the

Attendance at GM 2015

forms here to submit a motion to the conference or to confirm your attendance. Attending the GM needn’t put you out of pocket. Nautilus can provide assistance with travel and accommodation costs, to ensure that the meeting is attended by a representative cross-section of full members from throughout the industry.

A GM 2015: it’s influential, it’s interesting and it’s enjoyable. Join us there.

the General Meeting) on Wednesday 7 October 2015. Rule Changes proposed by the Council: Purpose: To provide clarification for the detailed arrangements for an RGM. a) In Rule 27.2 after ‘2011’ delete: ‘and may be called at other times either by:’ and insert a full stop at the end of the sentence. b) Delete Rule 27.2 (i) and Rule 27.2 (ii) c) Insert new Rule 27.3

purpose of considering a Rule amendment or amendments proposed by the Council or, (ii) by notice in writing to the General Secretary signed by at least 200 full members and setting forth the proposed Rule change(s), in which case a Rules General Meeting shall be called within 6 months of the receipt of such a notice by the General Secretary. The Council may also submit amendments to the Rule change(s) proposed by the members and also submit

Council has also agreed to consequential amendments to Regulation 10 to take effect from the date of the Rule Change. Under Regulation 10.3 Full members may submit proposals for changes in addition to those proposed by the Council or to those proposals. Such proposals from full members must be submitted in writing, signed by at least four full members in benefit and reach the General Secretary at Head Office not later than 1700hrs Friday 3 July 2015.

Teilnahme an GM 2015

Voor aanwezigheid ALV 2015

This form should be completed and returned to Adele McDonald, Nautilus International Head Office, 1 & 2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD. Email: .

Dit formulier moet worden ingevuld en verzonden naar Adele McDonald, Nautilus International Head Office, 1 & 2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD. Email: .

Dieses Formular bitte ausfüllen und schicken an: Adele McDonald, Nautilus International Head Office, 1 & 2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD. Email: .

A limited amount of financial assistance is available for those full members wishing to attend and who otherwise would not be able to make the journey. Please indicate below if you wish to be considered for financial aid.

Er is een beperkt bedrag beschikbaar voor financiële steun voor Gewone leden ( full members ) die graag willen komen , maar die zonder deze steun niet in staat zijn om deze reis te maken. Indien u meent dat u voor financiële steun in aanmerking komt kunt u dat hieronder aangeven.

Es steht ein begrenzter finanzieller Betrag zur Verfügung für jene Vollmitglieder, die gerne die Generalversammlung besuchen möchten jedoch nicht die Reisekosten aufbringen können. Bitte mache in diesem Falle unten ein Kreuz im entsprechenden Feld.


Bitte in GROSSBUCHSTABEN ausfüllen

Ik wil me hierbij aanmelden om bij de Algemene Ledenvergadering 2015 aanwezig te zijn en bevestig hierbij dat ik een Gewoon lid (full member) ben.

Ich beantrage hiermit, die Generalsversammlung 2015 zu besuchen und bestätige ein Vollmitglied von Nautilus International zu sein.



Adres (voor alle ALV correspondentie)

Adresse (für die Kongressunterlagen)

Postcode en woonplaats










Huidig schip

Derzeitiges Schiff

U wordt vriendelijk verzocht hieronder aan te geven wat uw betrokkenheid bij Nautilus is. Bijvoorbeeld dat u kaderlid of erelid bent of dat u eerder een ALV heeft bijgewoond.

Mache eine Angabe darüber, ob du bereits eine Funktion bei Nautilus innehattest (z.B. Mitglied im Nationalkomitee) oder über ein entsprechendes Engagement nachdenkst

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS I wish to apply to attend the 2015 General Meeting and confirm that I am a full member of Nautilus International. Name Address (for all GM correspondence)

Postcode Tel No. Membership No. Company Rank Present ship Please give details of involvement with Nautilus, eg. As a liaison officer or honorary delegate, or if you have attended a Nautilus education course or a previous GM.

If you wish to apply for financial assistance please tick this box As this conference will be paperless, please let us know if you can bring your own laptop or tablet

i_gm15_may.indd i



Deze conferentie is papiervrij; heeft u de mogelijkheid om u uw eigen laptop of tablet mee te nemen?

Falls du finanzielle Unterstützung für die Reisekosten möchtest, mache hier ein Kreuz

Vink dit vakje aan indien u financiële steun wenst aan te vragen JA


Da diese Konferenz papierlos sein wird, teile uns bitte mit, ob du deinen Laptop oder Tablet mitbringen kannst

❑ JA

❑ Nein

24/04/2015 15:09

ii | telegraph | | May 2015


Komt allen naar de Mersey! A

Wilt u de toekomst van uw vakbond helpen vormgeven, en wilt u iets te zeggen hebben over zaken die voor u van belang zijn? Zorg dan dat u aanwezig bent bij de internationale Algemene Ledenvergadering van Nautilus voor 2015.


Deze vergadering wordt iedere vier jaar gehouden. Hier wordt het kernbeleid van de vakbond bepaald door Gewone leden ( zie regel 3.2 statuten ), naar aanleiding van debatten en discussies over moties. De vergadering van 2015 wordt gehouden in het Titanic Hotel in Liverpool. De leden komen bij elkaar van maandag 5 oktober

Verzeker u nu van een plek op de Algemene Ledenvergadering van Nautilus voor 2015… tot donderdagochtend 8 oktober. Naar aanleiding van feedback over eerdere bijeenkomsten zal de conferentie van dit jaar bestaan uit een levendig programma van presentaties en debatten, samen met toespraken van toonaangevende mensen uit de branche. Op deze pagina’s krijgt u de kans om ervoor te zorgen dat wat voor u en uw collega’s echt van belang is wordt besproken, bediscussieerd en in stemming wordt gebracht. Zo stellen we een agenda

Motions Union’s most important policy-making F forum — a conference where members The Nautilus General Meeting is the

op met acties op allerlei gebieden, van salarissen en voorwaarden tot criminalisatie, fatigue en piraterij. Via de bijgevoegde formulieren kunt u een motie indienen of kunt u bevestigen dat u aanwezig bent. Voor het bijwonen van de vergadering hoeft u uw portemonnee niet helemaal leeg te halen. Nautilus kan helpen bij reis- en verblijfskosten, zodat de bijeenkomst wordt bijgewoond door een representatieve dwarsdoorsnede van onze Gewone leden, uit de hele branche. A De Algemene Ledenvergadering 2015: invloedrijk, interessant en plezierig. We zien u graag verschijnen.

Voorstellen door de Council voor aanpassingen van de regels staat er om 17.00 uur (of na K de Algemene Ledenvergadering)

Op woensdag 7 oktober 2015

een Regelgevende Algemene Ledenvergadering gepland. Door de Council voorgestelde aanpassingen aan de regels Het doel: helderheid in de gedetailleerde bepalingen voor een Regelgevende Algemene Ledenvergadering. a) In regel 27.2 na ‘2011’ het verwijderen van ‘, and may be called at other times either by:’ en het plaatsen van een punt aan het einde van de zin. b) Het verwijderen van regel 27.2 (i) en regel 27.2 (ii) c) Het invoeren van de nieuwe regel 27.3

‘A Rules General Meeting may be called at other times by: (i) resolution of the Council for the purpose of considering a Rule amendment or amendments proposed by the Council or, (ii) by notice in writing to the General Secretary signed by at least 200 full members and setting forth the proposed Rule change(s), in which case a Rules General Meeting shall be called within 6 months of the receipt of such a notice by the General Secretary. The Council may also submit amendments to the Rule change(s) proposed by the members and also submit other Rule change(s). d) Het omnummeren van de regels

27.3 en 27.4 op basis van het bovenstaande. De Council is ook overeengekomen dat de hieruit voortvloeiende aanpassingen aan Reglement 10 in werking treden vanaf het moment van de regelwijziging. Conform Reglement 10.3 mogen volledige leden wijzigingsvoorstellen indienen naast de voorstellen van de Council, of ter aanvulling op deze voorstellen. Dergelijke voorstellen van Gewone leden moeten schriftelijk worden ingediend, worden ondertekend door minimaal vier Gewone leden en uiterlijk op vrijdag 3 juli 2015 om 17.00 uur aanwezig zijn op het algemene secretariaat op het hoofdkantoor.

can debate the developments that affect them at work and decide on the policies and priorities that Nautilus should follow to address these. Make sure the things that matter to you are discussed at the 2015 GM in October. It is essential that the conference considers the critical issues that face the industry and the maritime professionals that work within it.

From pay and conditions to skill shortages and training, criminalisation to piracy, health and safety to shore leave, there is no shortage of subject matter!

z Submitting a motion is simple: just

fill out the form below and make sure it is signed by at least four full members of the Union. This is your chance to help set the agenda for Nautilus over the years ahead. Please use it.

GM Motion proposal form

To General Secretary, Nautilus International Head Office, 1 & 2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD (to arrive not later than 1700 Friday 3 July 2015). We, as full members, wish to submit the following motion for discussion at the 2015 General Meeting of Nautilus International: This GM

(continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

1. Name

Mem. No.

Company Address

Komm und treff dich auf der Mersey! A

Wenn du die Zukunft deiner Gewerkschaft mitgestalten willst dann verpasse nicht die Chance zur Generalversammlung zu kommen.


Alle vier Jahre ist die Generalversammlung der Ort, an dem die Kernthemen der Gewerkschaft von den Vollmitgliedern festgelegt werden. Anträge werden gestellt, Debatten und Diskussionen geführt. Die Generalversammlung 2015 wird im Htel Titanic in Liv-

Sicher dir deinen Platz auf der Nautilus Generalversammlung 2015 sicher… erpool stattfinden — Anreise am Montag 5. Oktober und Abreise am Donnerstag 8. Oktober. Unter Berücksichtigung des Feedbacks aus vorangegangenen Anlässen gibt es diesmal ein lebendiges Programm mit Vorträgen und Debatten, einschliesslich Beiträgen von führenden Persönlichkeiten aus der Industrie.


Diese Seiten geben dir die Gelegenheit, sicherzustellen, dass deine Anliegen berücksichtigt werden, ob es um Löhne, Piraterie, Kriminalisierung, Müdigkeit oder was auch immer geht. Bitte benütze die Formulare um einen Antrag zu stellen oder deine Teilnahme zu bestätigen. Der Besuch der Generalversammlung soll dich finanziell nicht ruinieren. Nautilus kann dich bei den Reise- und Unterkunftskosten unterstützen. A GM 2015: es ist einflussreich, es ist interessant, es macht Spass. Treffe uns dort.

Statutenänderungen, vorgeschlagen vom Rat Generalversammlung (RGM) K findet am Mittwoch, 27.10.2015 um Ein Nautilus Statuten-

17 Uhr statt (oder im Anschluss an die Generalversammlung) Statutenänderungen, vorgeschlagen vom Rat Zweck: Klärung herstellen bezüglich eines detailiierten Arrangments für eine StatutenGeneralversammlung a) In Statut 27.2. nach ‘2011’ löschen ‘, und kann zu anderen Zeitpunkten einberufen werden durch:’ und Einfügen eines Satzpunktes am Ende des Satzes. b) Löschen von Statut 27.2 (i) und Statut 27.2 (ii)

ii-iii_spread.indd ii

c) Einfügen eines neuen Statuts 27.3 ‘Eine Satuten Generalversammlung kann zu anderer Zeit einberufen werden durch: (i) Ratsbeschluss zum Zweck einer Statutenänderung oder, (ii) durch eine Nachricht an den Generalsekretär, die von mindestens 200 Vollmitgliedern, die eine Statutenänderung beantragen. Eine Generalversammlung soll innerhalb von 6 Monaten nach Eintreffen dieser Nachricht einberufen werden. Der Rat kann auch Änderungen zu den vorgeschlagenen Statutenänderungen eingeben.

d) Entsprechende Neunummerierung der laufenden Statuten 27.3 and 27.4. Der Rat hat auch zugestimmt zu den entsprechenden Änderungen von Reglement 10. Unter Reglement 10.3 können Vollmitglieder Vorschläge für Änderungen machen in Ergänzung zu den vorgeschlagenen Änderungen oder vom Rat vorgeschlagenen Änderungen. Solche Vorschläge müssen schriftlich eingegeben werden und von mindestens vier Vollmitgliedern unterschrieben werden. Sie müssen eingehen beim Generalsekretär bis spätestens 3.7.2015 um 17 Uhr.



2. Name

Mem. No.

Company Address Postcode Signature


3. Name

Mem. No.

Company Address Postcode Signature


4. Name

Mem. No.

Company Address Postcode Signature


24/04/2015 15:10

May 2015 | | telegraph | iii


Moties belangrijkste forum voor de beleidsvorming binnen F de vakbond. Tijdens deze conferentie kunnen leden De Algemene Ledenvergadering van Nautilus is het

debatteren over de ontwikkelingen waarmee zij in hun werk te maken hebben en meebeslissen over het beleid en de prioriteiten waarop Nautilus zich zou moeten richten. Zorg dat de onderwerpen die u belangrijk vindt, tijdens de ALV 2015 in oktober aan de orde komen. Het is van groot belang dat tijdens de conferentie de belangrijkste kwesties worden besproken voor de bedrijfstak en de maritieme professionals die hierin werkzaam zijn.

Anträge Van salarissen en secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden tot gebrek aan ervaring en training, criminalisering tot piraterij, gezondheid en veiligheid tot walverlof, er zijn genoeg belangrijke onderwerpen!

z Het indienen van een motie is eenvoudig: vul gewoon het onderstaande formulier in en laat het door ten minste vier Gewone leden van de vakbond ondertekenen. Dit is uw kans om punten op de agenda voor de toekomst van Nautilus te zetten. Grijp deze kans aan.

Motie voor Algemene Ledenvergadering

wichtigste Forum der Gewerkschaft hinsichtlich der F Gestaltung der Politik. Es ist eine Konferenz, an der MitDie Generalversammlung von Nautilus ist das

glieder jene Entwicklungen diskutieren können, von denen sie bei der Arbeit direkt betroffen sind. Und auch ein Ort, wo die Politik entschieden und die Prioritäten gesetzt werden, die Nautilus in der Folge ansprechen sollte. Vergewissere Dich, dass die Themen, die Dir wichtig sind, an der im Oktober stattfindenden Generalversammlung 2015 diskutiert werden. Es ist zentral, dass die Konferenz die kritischen Themen erörtert, mit der sich die Branche und die maritimen Fachkräfte, die in dieser tätig

sind, konfrontiert sehen. Es gibt keinen Mangel an Diskussionsstoff! Dieser reicht von Gehaltsfragen und Arbeitsbedingungen, über fehlende Fachkräfte, Weiterbildung, Kriminalisierung, Piraterie, bis hin zu Landurlaub sowie Gesund- und Sicherheitsthemen. z Das Stellen eines Antrages ist einfach: Fülle einfach das untenstehende Formular aus und vergewissere dich, dass dieses von mindestens vier Vollmitgliedern der Gewerkschaft unterzeichnet ist. Das ist Deine Chance, die Agenda von Nautilus für die kommenden Jahre mitzubestimmen. Bitte mache Gebrauch von dieser Gelegenheit!

GM Motion


formulier Aan de General Secretary, p/a Nautilus International Head Office, 1 & 2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD. (Dit formulier moet uiterlijk vrijdag 3 juli 2015 retour ontvangen zijn).

Um Generalsekretär Nautilus Internationale Head Office, 1 & 2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD (um anzukommen spätestens 1700 Freitag, 3. Juli 2015).

Wij als Gewone leden wensen onderstaande motie in te dienen ter bespreking in de Algemene Ledenvergadering in oktober 2015:

Wir, als Vollmitglieder wollen den folgenden Antrag zur Diskussion auf der 2015 Generalversammlung einreichen Nautilus International:

Deze Algemene Ledenvergadering

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24/04/2015 15:10

iv | telegraph | | May 2015


Life goes on, whatever the weather Show us your crew at work and at rest, and you could win £1,000! Emperor penguin with RRS Ernest Shackleton, Waddell Sea , by Robert Bellis


Entries just keep on coming in for this year’s Nautilus/ Inmarsat photo competition, and in the last few weeks we’ve had some particularly icy pictures, as can be seen on this page. The theme of the competition is ‘Life at sea’, and it’s really worth bearing this in mind if you want to catch the eye of the judges. They’re interested in seeing arresting and thought-provoking images of your life as a maritime professional, so please send us pictures of your work and how you and your

colleagues spend your leisure time onboard ship. Show us something that the wider public don’t usually see. In the entries received to date, we’ve had some highly-accomplished images with beautiful colours and skilled use of focus and contrast. Like these, your picture should be of a decent quality, but you don’t need to have professional-standard kit to join in. Even with a fairly basic camera or a smartphone, you can demonstrate an eye for good composition and capture a powerful story in pictures.

And that story is really what counts in this competition. Get the theme of your photo right as well as the technique, and you could be in line for a great cash prize. First prize is £1,000, second prize is £750 and there is £400 for the third-placed entry. You can submit your shots of life at sea in colour or black and white, and as prints or e-mailed high-resolution JPEG electronic images (300dpi is preferred). There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit. The closing date is Monday 1 August 2015 and the prizes

will be presented at the Nautilus International General Meeting in October, where an exhibition of the best entries will be on show. To enter with hard copies, please cut out and complete the form on this page and send your pictures to: Nautilus/ Inmarsat Photo Competition, Nautilus Telegraph, 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD. Make sure you state on the form whether you want us to return your photographs. To enter with digital photos, please

email them to with Nautilus/Inmarsat photo competition 2015 in the subject line. In your email, you must supply your contact information in the same way as on the printed entry form, and don’t send file attachments totalling more than 10MB at a time, as this will exceed the server limit. Please note that by entering the Nautilus/Inmarsat photo competition 2015, you are giving Nautilus International permission to use your submitted images.

Inmarsat: competition sponsors can be a prerequisite for attracting K high calibre candidates to a seafaring

Today, always-available connectivity

career. Staying in touch with family, friends and world events, and enjoying leisure time, are essential for the modern seafarer. A happy crew is also a productive crew. Through its 99.9% global network coverage, Inmarsat Maritime is meeting rising expectations, via FleetBroadband, XpressLink, and now Inmarsat Gateway.

Using Ku-band, L-Band and now groundbreaking Ka-band connectivity, crew can call home and access broadband internet from anywhere at any time without compromising operational communications. In addition, life at sea just got better, following the 2014 launch of Inmarsat Fleet Media — delivering blockbuster movies, sport and news direct to PCs and tablets at sea.

Photo competition 2015 Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address:




Home tel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email:


Mem no.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Above: Rat eradication project, South Georgia, by Andrew Walden Above right: Looking for the foremast, by Erik Grootjans Right: Everyone has to muck in, by Martin Seymour

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Photos to be returned: YES / NO

24/04/2015 16:33

26 | telegraph | | May 2015


Norway commits to freight by sea ‘green’ transport scheme to F shift freight from the roads to the

Norway has launched a new

sea, using a new class of LNG-fuelled lift-on/lift-off vessel. The Cargo Ferry project has been developed by 27 shipping companies in an attempt to offer an alternative transport method for containers that are carried for more than 200km on land. A supporting study produced by the classification society DNV GL suggests that the service could carry as much as 20m tonnes of cargo a year — cutting emissions, easing road congestion and reducing road maintenance requirements. The project was launched onboard the newly-delivered lo-lo vessel Kvitbjørn (pictured right), which claimed a record before coming into service. Rolls-Royce described the delivery voyage from China to Norway as a ‘milestone’ for LNG power in

shipping. The 9,132gt Nor Lines vessel sailed to Norway from the Tsuji Heavy Industries shipyard in Jiangsu, China, via Singapore, with LNG bunkerings in Cochin, India and Cartagena, Spain — to complete the longest voyage ever undertaken by a vessel running solely on LNG. Kvitbjørn — which can carry as much cargo as 200 trucks — will operate on a service running between Germany, the Netherlands and along the coast of Norway. Its Environship design, which can be adapted for different ship types, has a range of ‘green’ features, including a hybrid shaft generator to optimise use of electrical power and an innovative wave-piercing hull design, which cut CO2 emissions by up to 40% compared with similar conventional vessels. The Cargo Ferry scheme will require 14 such ships to meet the project’s aim of carrying up to 270,000 45ft containers a year.

Study finds drop in fuel efficiency Stena adopts ‘fuel of the future’ F

Stena Line has introduced the world’s first methanol-powered ferry, operating on a service between Germany and Sweden. The 51,837gt Stena Germanica (pictured above) re-entered service on the Kiel-Gothenburg route at the end of March following a two-month conversion project at the Remontova shipyard in Poland. Stena says the use of methanol — a biodegradable, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient fuel — will cut SOx emissions by 99%, particulate matter by 95%, NOx by 60% and CO2 by 25%. ‘We are very enthusiastic about methanol’s possibilities and it has the potential to be the maritime

fuel of the future,’ said CEO Carl-Johan Hagman. ‘We want to pursue change and development in the shipping sector and, with the Stena Germanica, our environmental impact will be completely different to what the industry has seen before.’ Stena Line worked with the engine manufacturer Wärtsilä on the adaptation of the ship’s fuel systems and engines to operate on a ‘dual-fuel’ basis, with methanol as the main fuel and marine gas oil as a back-up. The project cost around €22m and received support from the European Union’s Motorways of the Sea initiative.

Each year the Apostleship of the Sea Visits over 10,000 ships Helps over 200,000 seafarers Deals with over 2,100 welfare issues

a million for your very warm heart “andThanks for the help you have given us. I am not going to forget the good deeds you have shown us and we will never forget you.

A message from a seafarer to an Apostleship of the Sea Chaplain

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833 069 18 o: 1 3203 ty N n: 3 hari tio d C gistra re te y Re gis Re mpan Co

Regulators must address 25-year failure of market forces to curb ships’ fuel consumption, say campaigners…


Owners have hit back at a study which claims that ships being built today are, on average, 10% less fuelefficient than those in service 25 years ago. Research carried out by the Dutch consultancy CE Delft shows that shipping is the only mode of transport in which fuel consumption rates have increased since 1990 — casting doubt on the impact of planned International Maritime Organisation environmental standards. The study was conducted for the pressure groups Seas at Risk and Transport & Environment and notes that ship design efficiency increased by between 22% and 28% during the 1980s, but has deteriorated since 2000 — wiping out many of the gains made over 30 years ago. The report says the performance decline is, in part, the result of ‘designs in which cargo capacity or capital costs were given more importance that fuel efficiency’. It suggests that the efficiency of many vessel designs could be improved by between 5% and 15% by going back to 1990s designs.

Researchers found large variations in the efficiency of different ship types — with the best designed bulkers built around 1990 being 14% better than today’s, the best tankers being around 10% better and containerships, on average, being 8% less fuel-efficient now than they were a quarter of a century ago. Seas at Risk policy advisor John Maggs said the study showed that neither market forces nor the good intentions of shipowners would resolve the industry’s environmental challenges. ‘Instead, we need a clear and ambitious target for reducing ship greenhouse gas emissions and legally-binding measures to get us there,’ he added. The report suggests that since hull, rudder, propeller and engine designs and technology have improved in the past 25 years through developments such as computational fluid dynamics, much larger efficiency improvements are probably within reach. Lower design speeds could improve design efficiencies even more where appropriate, it concludes. However, the study was

described as ‘fanciful’ by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). It accused the environmental groups of using the findings in a selective way and taking data which pre-dates the introduction of the International Maritime Organisation’s energy efficiency design index (EEDI) in 2013. The ICS said the latest IMO greenhouse gas study had shown that the world fleet had cut CO2 emissions by more than 10% between 2007 and 2012, at a time when maritime activity had increased. It pointed out that the EEDI requires new ships to be designed to be 10% more efficient and those built after 2030 will have to be 30% more efficient. ‘Combined with continuously improving operational fuel efficiency measures, supported by the mandatory use of ship energy efficiency management plans and new technology, the actual CO2 reductions achieved will be even greater,’ the ICS argues. ‘This is something on which the shipping industry and its regulator, IMO, should be congratulated rather than criticised.’

24/04/2015 16:48

May 2015 | | telegraph | 27


Seafaring, loud and proud The head of a global maritime recruitment firm went back to the classroom last month — to help promote awareness about careers in shipping as an ‘ambassador’ for the industry…


Alasdair MacMillan was determined to convince at least one young person about the exciting and fulfilling opportunities offered by the Merchant Navy when he attended his first job fair as a Careers at Sea Ambassador at Havant Sixth Form College. The 25-year-old founder and managing director of the Southampton-based maritime recruitment specialist ITS Marine is passionate about the industry and wants to play his part in helping to recruit the next generation of seafarers. ‘I spoke to students who had clearly never considered a career at sea and they seemed enthusiastic and interested, which is exactly what I was hoping for,’ he says. Alasdair founded ITS Marine, which specialises in providing senior marine personnel and shore-based management for some leading companies in the oil and gas, cruise, yacht, renewable and research sectors, and he is conscious of the need to bring in new people. ‘We need to realise that the skills shortage can only be tackled if more of us come together and do our part,’ he notes. ‘Our talent pool is shrinking and its future affects us all.’ The careers fair, held in the gymnasium of Havant Sixth Form College, is typical of the opportunities that Alasdair will be using to spread the word about maritime job opportunities. The annual ‘Make Yourself Employable’ event was attended by around 900 students who were able to speak to a variety of potential employers. Alasdair joined 40 other exhibitors, ranging from the Royal Navy to the local police force, and set out his stall with a range of Careers at Sea pamphlets, information booklets and giveaways in a bid to raise awareness about the Merchant Navy, and particularly to reach out to

those who may never have considered it as a career path. As students filtered past, Alasdair grabbed their attention by asking if they were interested in a career that involved a lot of travel and one where they could earn a degree and a healthy salary whilst being constantly on the move. Many of the students grew up seeing massive ships docked in nearby Portsmouth and Southampton, but only a few had considered a career working on them. Eighteen-year-old Jessica Nickerson, in her second year at Havant, was one of the first to speak to Alasdair. ‘I am not sure what I want to do, but this sounds like a great option,’ she said. ‘I would be really interested in an opportunity in the maritime sector seeing as there is a chance to get a good degree and to travel. ‘This is not the first time I have considered this kind of career, but I think after today I will definitely give it more thought.’ Careers at Sea is the industry promotion brand of the Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB). Its Ambassadors are volunteers from the shipping industry — including many Nautilus members — who visit schools, universities, and youth groups to help raise career opportunity awareness. The current skills shortage facing the maritime sector makes their work increasingly important. According to the Department for Transport (DfT), the number of UK Merchant Navy officers and ratings declined by 15% between 2002 and 2011. The DfT statistics also show that 62% of deck and engineer officers are now over the age of 40 — and that percentage will only increase if action is not taken to recruit new blood. ‘There are certain sectors that are almost always represented at careers events, but all too often there is no one representing the Merchant Navy,’ Alasdair says.

‘As a result, many young people, such as myself when I was younger, do not come across the sector and therefore never consider it as a viable career option. ‘I was only introduced to the sector when I was studying in Southampton, which has an exceptionally strong maritime heritage,’ he adds. ‘If careers events such as the one at Havant were more often attended by representatives from the Merchant Navy, we would be in a very different predicament and most likely would not be dealing with the current skills shortage. ‘It’s something that needs to change and I am really pleased to be part of that.’


Sue Holly, head of careers at Havant College, said she was pleased with the event’s success and was delighted that a number of students were now looking into a range of alternatives they had not considered before. Seventeen-year-old Sam Dainton, in his first year at Havant, was intrigued by Alasdair’s description of what to expect from a career at sea. ‘I had never thought of a career in the Merchant Navy, but

ITS Marine MD Alasdair MacMillan tells first-year Havant College student Sam Dainton about the opportunities opened up by seafarer training

it sounds like a great experience,’ he added. Another of the first-year students, 16-year-old George Facey, said he was very interested. ‘I grew up next to the coast and used to see ships around all the time from the Royal Navy, so I have been interested,’ he said. ‘I like the idea of being paid to travel and of getting a degree whilst I am working.’ Alasdair will be attending job fairs and careers events around ITS Marine’s headquarters in

Southampton and also in London. He hopes to not only to inspire a new generation of seafarers, but also to send a clear and strong message to other players in his industry. ‘The health of the maritime sector depends on recruiting more young people,’ he points out. ‘It’s a problem we all share and we need to realise that the skills shortage can only be tackled if more of us come together and do our part. ‘What we really need is an inte-

grated approach: we need shipping industry leaders to work together on this,’ he argues. ‘By promoting the sector to young people we are in fact safeguarding the future for all of us.’ Alasdair said he had enjoyed speaking to the next generation of talent and would encourage as many people as possible in the industry to become involved in local careers events in order to boost the maritime sector as a potential career option for young people.

WERE YOU AWARE that following the successul outcome of a judicial review in respect of two Seatax clients, (brought before the Courts by Nautilus in collaboration with Seatax Ltd as expert advisors on the Seafarers Earnings Deduction), it was deemed that the two Seatax clients did have a legitimate expectation in applying the only published Revenue Practice with regard to the application of a day of absence in relation to a vessel sailing between UK ports. HMRC did not want to accept this practice (although referred to in their very own publications) but have now accepted that expectations of a claim based on such practice would be valid until the published practice is withdrawn. Following on from this, HMRC have now confirmed that this Practice is withdrawn as of the 14 February 2014. Seatax was the only Advisory Service that challenged HMRC on this point.

WHY TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR TAX AFFAIRS? Let Seatax use their knowledge and 35 years experience to ensure you do not fall foul of the rules Please visit our website for full details of the case. OUR FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS:

Annual Return ...................................................................................................... £215.00 inclusive of VAT at 20% NAUTILUS members in the UK sailing under a foreign flag agreement on gross remuneration can obtain a 10% reduction on the above enrolment fee by quoting their NAUTILUS membership number and a 5% reduction on re-enrolment.

or ite, e now r W on re ph r mo : fo tails de

Alasdair MacMillan talks to Havant 6th former Jessica Nickerson, who described MN careers as ‘a great option’

27_careers_SR edit.indd 27

Elgin House, 83 Thorne Road, Doncaster DN1 2ES. Tel: (01302) 364673 - Fax No: (01302) 738526 - E-mail:

24/04/2015 15:06

28 | telegraph | | May 2015


The last of her kind A campaign to return ‘one of the crown jewels of SScottish shipbuilding’ to the Clyde is gathering pace…

The Riverside transport museum in Glasgow, which could provide a future home for the Queen Mary


The charity Friends Of TS Queen Mary (FOTSQM) has been formed to rescue the original Queen Mary — not the liner moored at Long Beach, California, but one of the last surviving Clyde-built steamers. Described as one of the finest excursion steamers ever built, the 82-year-old vessel has been berthed in Tilbury after plans to convert her for use as a floating hotel in France collapsed.

FOTSQM wants to acquire, or manage, the ship and restore her for use as a venue and educational facility alongside the tall ship Glenlee and the paddle steamer Waverley at Glasgow’s new Riverside transport museum. Nautilus member Ronnie Keir — recently serving as chief engineer officer onboard Cunard Line’s Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria — is one of the charity’s trustees. ‘I got interested in this

project when I read an article in the Telegraph that she was laid up in Tilbury Dock, going to waste,’ he explains. ‘I contacted the charity on their website, and met with one of the trustees, Iain Sim. This meeting developed into me being invited to be a trustee, which I readily accepted, and I am now actively involved in the fundraising to save this important ship for posterity.’ Queen Mary was originally

built in 1933 by the Denny yard in Dumbarton for Williamson Buchanan Steamers. In 1935 she was renamed Queen Mary II at the request of Cunard White Star Line, ahead of the launch of the transatlantic liner at the John Brown yard. The 252ft steamer, originally of 870grt and with capacity for up to 2,086 passengers, was the largest excursion ship on the Clyde. Powered by three direct-drive turbines, Queen Mary achieved


Since then, Queen Mary has had a succession of different owners after initial plans to convert her into a floating museum collapsed. She has operated as a floating restaurant in Glasgow and London, but has languished at Tilbury since 2009 following the failure of the plans to covert her into a floating hotel in the French port of La Rochelle and sale to a UK-based private buyer in September 2011. Concerns have been raised about the vessel’s condition and FOTSQM hope to be able to tow her back to Glasgow to be restored to her original operational condition. ‘The Queen Mary is of national significance,’ Mr Keir notes. ‘She

Help to build your career with the Slater Fund… If you’re working at sea and want to train as a ship’s officer, the Nautilus Slater Fund is just the ticket.

There’s even a discretionary £1,500 bonus payment when you make it through the course and gain your OOW certificate.

The bursary scheme offers financial support to Merchant Navy ratings, electrotechnical officers and yacht crew to study for the STCW officer of the watch qualification (either deck or engineer).

The support is provided through the JW Slater Fund, named in honour of a former Nautilus general secretary. Slater Fund awards have been made to over 1,400 seafarers since the scheme was launched in 1997, and these recipients are now enjoying the enhanced salaries and job satisfaction that come from rising through the ranks.

Up to £17,500 per applicant is available to help with the costs of gaining your first certificate of competency. Maybe you need a hand with tuition fees or buying books — or would welcome a boost to your income if you’re off pay during college phases.

28_qm_SR edit.indd Sec2:28

g So if you’r e looking to become an officer of the watch, don’t leave things to chance. Fill in the form now or apply via the Nautilus website:

19.696 knots during trials and operated daily trips from Glasgow to Dunoon and Rothesay, with non-landing excursions to Arran and Skipness and Saturday voyages to Dunoon, Rothesay and the Kyles of Bute. The ship operated the Gourock-Dunoon ferry service during the Second World War, sporting a range of camouflage liveries, as well as tendering military and troop-transporting ships. Returning to pre-war duties in June 1946, she was operated by the Caledonian Steam Packet Company (CSP) and underwent a series of modifications, including an enclosed wheelhouse, a switch from coal to oil burning, a reduction in the number of funnels, the installation of radar and the addition of a new mainmast to meet changed regulations for ship’s lights. But changes in holiday habits saw the gradual decline of the Clyde excursions during the 1960s, and the ship (which was renamed Queen Mary in 1976 following the retirement of Cunard’s vessel) switched to running cruises from Gourock to Inveraray, Brodick and Campbeltown. However, she made a final cruise in September 1977 in the face of rising costs, falling demand and the loss of local government tourist development grants.

Complete this form and send it to: Slater Fund, The Marine Society, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW. I am over 20 years of age and normally resident in the UK. Please send me details of the John Slater Award. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________



This form is also available online at: or email your name, address and request for Slater Fund details to:

was the original “Queen” and is a legacy of Scotland’s great shipbuilding history. She is the last of her type in the world, and our project aims to not only safeguard her future but also to serve as a social amenity and as an asset to Scotland’s tourist industry.’ The charity’s conversion plans would see the ship being used as a museum, an educational facility,

Nautilus member Ronnie Keir, a trustee of the Friends of TS Queen Mary

and as a venue for concerts, weddings and conferences. ‘Our aim is that Govan should give new life to TS Queen Mary and she will, in return, help give new life to Govan,’ Mr Keir adds. ‘We aim to forge partnerships with local schools and colleges to facilitate the use of the ship as a training centre in the areas of engineering, marine skills, tourism and hospitality. ‘Most of our trustees are in the marine industry, either as master mariners, chief marine engineers, or ship builders, and members of Nautilus,’ Mr Keir adds. ‘We are keen to generate wider awareness within the marine industry, and to attract more interest and supporters, and — with any luck — some sponsorship. Anyone can register as a supporter on our website and we welcome all help, however small.’

Support the rescue effort K

The Friends of TS Queen Mary reckon it will cost around £1m to rescue and repair the vessel. The immediate aim is to raise £150,000 to get a Maritime & Coastguard Agency prohibition notice lifted to enable the ship to be towed to the Clyde. The charity is seeking support from the maritime community and is inviting donations from individuals, companies and organisations,

which can be made via its website, or pledges pending funding targets being reached. Anyone making a donation or a pledge will be included on a ‘roll of honour’ that will be displayed onboard Queen Mary. g For more information: or g Email: trustees@

24/04/2015 16:26

May 2015 | | telegraph | 29


Salvage experts are worried about the prospects of having to respond to a ‘mega-ship’ emergency. MIKE GERBER reports from their annual conference, held in London last month… Salvors working on the wreck of the Costa Concordia Picture: Reuters

Seeking supersize solutions N

Big ships are presenting big risks — and the resources to deal with them are sadly lacking, heard the 220 delegates at the International Salvage Union (ISU) associate members’ conference. Tom Bolt, performance management director at Lloyd’s, set proceedings afloat with a keynote address in which he reflected on the implications of the drive towards ever-greater tonnage size, citing the delivery in January of the MSC Oscar — at 19,924TEU now the world’s largest containership. ‘The last time I checked, we really don’t have salvage equipment that’s built for that size of animal,’ he warned. Mr Bolt suggested that salvors should work with the shipping and insurance industries to prepare for the possibility of an incident involving such a huge vessel. ‘Is it better to do something combined and to work together and prevent the problem, or should we just do what we usually do and spend a lot of money trying to fix it — and probably not even that great a fix?’ he asked. Marine insurer Peter Townsend, of Swiss Re and chair of the London market’s Joint Hulls Committee, said the cost of casualties is growing exponentially to the growing size of ships. ‘We’re seeing bigger ships, and they are more complex as well,’ he added. ‘Our casualties are going down by frequency, but are going up by severity.’ Mr Townsend cited the case of the 400,000dwt bulk carrier Vale Beijing, which suffered structural damage while loading iron ore and was in danger of sinking during its maiden voyage in December 2011. What took just hours to load took 50 days to discharge, he said, and as there was no dry dock big enough in Brazil or the rest of South America, the vessel had to be taken to Oman for repairs — turning a relatively small partial loss into a huge loss. The gap is growing, Mr Townsend warned, between what shipowners require and what salvors can provide. Possible answers, he suggested, could include encouraging more coastal state-funded salvage assets and to find a mechanism to fund increased investment in enhanced salvage capability.


The issue of how to finance salvage resources equal to the task of handling operations involving mega-ships came up during a debate on the future of the Lloyd’s Open Form (LOF), the most widely used ‘no cure, no pay’ salvage contract. First adopted in 1892, it stipulates the principle that ‘rewards shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations’. Adrian Goodger, a senior partner of the towage, salvage and heavylift company Samuel Stewart, said there had been only 37 LOF contracts last year — down by 16% over the last five years. This worrying trend raised the question of whether there are too many salvors vying for too few jobs, he added. Mr Goodger said many owners needing the assistance of a tug or a salvor were often urged by their underwriter or broker to try to avoid LOF, unless as a last resort.‘It shouldn’t be like that,’ he added. ‘LOF shouldn’t be a feared or a hated contract; it was originally designed all those years ago to alleviate the need for haggling on contractual terms and prices and to give everybody the chance to commence the operation at the earliest opportunity, safe in the knowledge that there’s a mechanism set out to agree a fair compensation for the services rendered afterwards.’ Former merchant seafarer Richard Gunn, now head of casualty

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and Admiralty practice at the legal firm Reed Smiths, described LOF as an ‘almost a perfect contract’ and argued that underwriters complaining that it was too expensive were wrong. World salvage industry revenue of $202m amounted to just a fraction of the $5 trillion value of cargo shipped around in 2013, he argued. ‘Salvage isn’t expensive; it’s cheap — it’s 0.004% of the value of world trade.’

Can we work together to fix this, or are we just going to throw money at it like we usually do?

Mr Gunn said he feared that the salvage industry, confronted with casualties involving the massive new generation of ships, was not sustainable in the way it was being remunerated and operated. Specialised equipment is needed, but where will the money come from to invest in it, he asked. Mr Gunn suggested an elegant solution — a 1% levy on hull and cargo insurance premiums to establish a salvage fund sufficient to pay for salvage across the world and to spread the risks and the costs

in a mutual way. But the event facilitator, John Guy, asked how many delegates favoured Mr Gunn’s idea. Only a tiny minority did. One delegate’s objection was that ‘the well run shipping companies with a good record are going to be subsidising the poor companies that are running ships aground and have no crew.’


Hugh Shaw, from the UK’s official salvage and maritime intervention body SOSREP, updated delegates on EU initiatives on places of refuge and said new pan-European guidelines should be available by the end of 2015. In 2014, the conference heard, ISU member companies provided 216 services to vessels carrying 1,655,399 tonnes of potentially polluting cargoes. But delegates were also warned that criminalisation is adding another element of concern. Deirdre Fitzpatrick, executive director of Seafarers’ Rights International, accused governments of creating a ‘climate of fear’ by jeopardising the principle of responder immunity. She recalled the case of the tanker Tasman Spirit, in which the salvage master, the ship’s captain and six other crew were detained by local authorities after the vessel ran aground and broke apart in a storm off Karachi — even though the salvage operation had resulted in the recovery of 40,000 tonnes of oil. The crew and salvage master were only released a month after the wreck was removed, almost eight months after the incident, she added. ‘Ultimately, only governments can put a stop to the pernicious threat of criminalisation,’ Ms Fitzpatrick added. ‘And only legislators can address gaps in immunity for responders which lead to more incidents of criminalisation.’

a ceremony at which the ISU’s C Meritorious Service Award was presented The salvage conference included

for only the second time. The award was made to the Titan/Micoperi team which conducted the parbuckling and refloating of the Costa Concordia — the largest single wreck removal ever undertaken. Presenting the award, ISU president Leendert Muller said the technically challenging project had been carried out in full and critical view of the world’s media. ‘It was a superbly executed job that not only brought credit to the individuals and companies involved, but also to the wider salvage industry,’ he added. Pictured, left to right, are: Rich Habib (ex-Titan, now independent consultant); Nick Sloane (Titan’s senior salvage master on the job, now independent consultant); Sergio Girotto (Micoperi); Marco Bertoli (Micoperi); Todd Busch (Titan); and Leendert Muller

24/04/2015 15:06

30 | telegraph | | May 2015


A Nordic view of a global industry Seafarer-turned-photographer Stefan Lindberg has a keen eye for the moods and quirks of life at sea. Can you give him a run for his money? If you’ve got a great image to share, go to page iv of our GM pullout section and find out how to enter the Nautilus/Inmarsat photo competition…

Above: an exhausted AB onboard the containership Atlantic Span in the North Atlantic in 1979, from Stefan Lindberg’s first collection of seafaring photographs. Below left: a seaman looks out from the offshore support vessel Tor Viking Below right: an able seaman onboard the Birger Jarl in the Sea of Aland

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A Swedish photographer has produced a new book packed with images of life at sea as part of a multimedia programme to highlight the vital work of seafarers in modern society. Stefan Lindberg spent almost three years working on the book, with the support of a number of shipping companies and seafaring unions. In total, he spent a year of this period onboard 20 different merchant ships operating on a wide variety of routes as he captured the working lives of their crews. The resulting book — simply titled Seafarers — contains 120 stunning shots selected from the thousands that Stefan took, and follows through on a similar project carried out more than 30 years ago, along with the author and former seafarer Ove Allanson. ‘I come from a family of seamen and myself for a short time worked also as a seaman,’ Stefan says. ‘Had I not chosen to become a photographer, I would probably still be at sea, and the idea of making a photographic documentation of the profession started immediately after I signed off as a seaman.’ Stefan worked with Ove Allansson to produce the previous book Sjömän (Seafarers), which came out in 1984. ‘We both thought it was very important to document the seafaring profession — one of extreme importance for society, but which people had no knowledge of,’ he explains. ‘Our book gave a historical background to the profession from the late 1800s to contemporary conditions, and it was designed to give a voice to the seafarers themselves.’ With the new book — and an associated exhibition and multimedia film — Stefan not only hopes to deliver a sequel to the original work but also to make a fresh contribution to the efforts to demonstrate the continued importance of shipping and seafaring. ‘In Sweden, for example, more than 95% of all goods come by sea. If sea transport took a break, the shelves in our supermarkets would be emptied in three days,’ he points out. Returning to sea after three decades, Stefan noticed many changes — and reckons the majority are for the better. ‘It’s less hierarchical onboard

nowadays and this creates good fellowship between the different levels of the crew,’ he notes. ‘Today’s rotation system gives seafarers a good chance to have a functional family life, although port restrictions and the short stays in ports have made it more difficult for them to come ashore and experience new countries and cultures.’ But on the negative side, he found many seafarers today — and especially those from northern Europe — very worried about their future job prospects in contrast to the optimism they had 30 years ago. And social life onboard has changed for the worse: ‘Crew numbers are much less, even though ships are much larger, and the introduction of internet and TVs in cabins means most vessels are deserted after dinner,’ he adds. ‘All the ships were interesting in their own way,’ Stefan says, ‘and I found the meetings with seafarers equally rewarding on each ship. For me, it was also great to get to the port of São Paulo in Brazil, most of all for the beautiful town with its Portuguese colonial buildings. Other cities I enjoyed visiting were Alexandria in Egypt, Brisbane in Australia and Halifax in Canada.’


Stefan describes his work as ‘documentary poetic style’ — telling stories in a visual way and aiming to show the pride seafarers have in their profession. ‘When I showed the images to younger seafarers they most liked the atmospheric images, while the older seafarers often preferred images that concretely showed how the work was performed,’ he reflects, ‘and I tried to find a balance between the two desires.’ He says his photographic technique is simple — using a Nikon D700 SLR and a Fuji 100 compact camera Fuji 100 — now with a Nikon D810 to give a movie option. The book has been published in English and Swedish versions, and Stefan says sales are coming along nicely. ‘I am satisfied and feel that the purpose of the book has been given even greater importance now when it is spread internationally with the English edition.’ f Seafarers costs £24 plus shipping costs and can be ordered by email from:

24/04/2015 16:27

May 2015 | | telegraph | 31


Above left: a cadet and a chief officer at work on the Faroe Islands-flagged chemical/products tanker Fure West in the Norwegian Sea Above right: seamen on the deck of the Danish-flagged AHTS Loke Viking in the Barents Sea Left: cleaning the hold onboard the mv Credo in Kokkola, Finland Below left: a motorman in the engineroom of the Atlantic Span in the North Atlantic Below right: the chief officer of the Swedish-flagged ro-ro cargoship Transwood checks the charts in the St Lawrence River

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24/04/2015 16:27

32 | telegraph | | May 2015


Tell the world that we were there too To mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania, Telegraph readers have written poems paying tribute to civilian seafarers caught up in war...


On 7 May 1915, during the First World War, the British-flagged liner Lusitania was sunk by a torpedo attack from a German U-boat. The vessel went down 11 miles off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland, with the loss of over 1,100 passengers and crew. The incident is seen as historically significant because it pres-

aged the widespread changes in the practice of warfare during the 20th century — changes which increasingly saw ‘enemy’ civilians become fair game as military targets. The 1915 sinking also had a major impact in its own time. It prompted widespread public horror that a civilian ship known to be carrying innocent women

Le Drapeau Rouge

and children would be attacked by the Germans, and this contributed to the eventual decision of the USA to join the war on the side of the Allies. Of course, it wasn’t just the passengers who were the victims of the Lusitania attack; many civilian crew members were also killed and injured. Merchant seafarers have always played a

part in armed conflict, but their role is not generally well known or understood outside the shipping industry. So, to mark the centenary of the sinking of the Lusitania, we launched a competition for readers to send in poems about the merchant marine in wartime. We have been impressed by the high standard of the entries

The Lusitania: an icon of civilian involvement in maritime conflict

and the variety of ways the poets have interpreted the topic. The conflicts referred to in the poems encompass the Falklands and Iran/Iraq wars as well as the First and Second World Wars, and some draw on the writer’s first-hand experience of battle. The five best poems entered for the competition are published here, and we have also included

the interesting background information offered by some of the entrants. Each winning poet will receive a signed copy of Lusitania R.E.X, a novel about the disaster by Greg Taylor (reviewed page 35). Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all who entered — you have helped to draw attention to an aspect of conflict that is often overlooked.

In the night By RM Geddes

By John Munro

All along the docks on the Thames, At anchorage, off the port of Liverpool The convoy waits with their Royal Naval escorts For Tommy, from London, Jock From Glasgow, Paddy from Belfast and Taffey from Cardiff Young lads, having a laugh First time at sea, from Tilbury To the shores of France. Soon they will sail. ‘Home for Christmas’ ‘Paris here we come’ ‘Oh! La la, the Cancan at the Moulin Rouge.’ Ocean going ships, boats, deep sea and coastal. The merchant marine Waits. ‘Welcome on board lads!’ the captains say with a smile But there is a sadness in his eyes For he knows of the Somme and Ypres And looks on the lads with Pity, no red wine, or Paris For them, the fields of Flanders will be red soon enough Tho not with wine. Running silent, the U boat, At periscope depth ‘Loose torpedo’ orders the captain, The Lusitania was the target, A nightmare was on its way Rearing up, bow first she sank. Over a thousand souls she took to a watery grave, no landfall for Them. But still in defiance the Red Duster flew Nelson’s blood in every sailor And all who sail the seas To keep the lanes clear All hands on deck, for we will Sail another day Well done sailors, welcome On board As the Red Duster flutters in the stiff sea breeze For we are a maritime nation. Rule Britannia.

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Then, 25 years ago: Sleeping lightly, One ear listening, Bells jangling, Tannoy barking, ‘105, 105.’

‘All fast alongside,’ Like hurdlers we leap the rails, Into the burning hell we know so well, And inch by inch, Compartment by compartment we beat him back, Until once again, the foe is beat.

Heart pounding, Boots thudding, Lifejacket fumbling. Stations manned, Glasses searching, Eyes straining in the night.

Fire extinguished, And wounded treated, The un-dignified dead, Bagged-up. The tow is rigged, And the casualty under way, Heading south, Another crew, another cargo saved.

Lookout calling, ‘In-coming, zero-four-five!’ Winking light, Diamond bright, Missile flying in the night, 165 kilos of violent death, Seeking you, seeking me.

No hero’s accolade or medal bright, To recognise your work unseen, After-all, you’re just a Merchant Navy sailorman, Doing your job. Expendable, a sacrifice, On the high altar of profit.

Flash, crump, Fireworks in the night; A ship is dying, burning bright. While fires are raging, Torn, broken men are crying, Burning, dying, Lonely in the night.

So with wounds unseen, You carry on, The worm of guilt, Coiled deep within, Slithering, twisting, taunting, ‘How dare you be the one to survive!’

‘Hard a starboard, Full-ahead both!’ Engines pounding. Propellers racing, Adrenaline surging, Hurry, hurry, Through the star spangled night.

Now, 25 years later: Cold brow sweating, Heart pounding, voice shouting, Blankets tangled. Soft voice speaking, Gentle arms reaching, ‘Come back my love, come back to me.’

Crash, bang, we surge alongside. Fire monitors probing the tortured steel. Fire hoses charged, my men are straining, Like greyhounds at the slip, Ready to go and fight, Our well known fiery-foe.

Until the next time… For time has proved The ‘experts’ wrong, For it is not the healer, Of those scars, Hidden deep within.


RM Geddes writes: During the Iran/ Iraq war I served as chief engineer and fire master on a Fi-Fi salvage tug based at Kaharg Island, Iran, from 1986 through to the ceasefire on 20 August 1988. My tug, the MST Yorkshireman, code name The Nine Four, escorted convoys of tankers from Khark Island down to Lavan Island and back to KI, daily running the gauntlet of the Iraqi missiles. During that period I took part in 120 major

Fi-Fi/salvage operations, all carried out under war conditions with six to seven air raids a day. In addition, my company, Semco Salvage, lost some 30 men killed or injured during that period. This is a poem I wrote to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the end of ‘my war’ and how it affected me. A war which no one cared about, but one in which merchant seamen of different nationalities died, ‘just doing their job’.

Alfie and Me By Capt J Earl Alfie and me on the poop deck jawing about the war, We didn’t see it coming — we never heard a roar, Tin fish blew our tanker up, then it wasn’t there, Found ourselves in the ‘oggin after flying through the air. The sea afire and burning — we were in the clear, Just me and him went diving — nobody else was near, Alfie found some flotsam — his arm hooked round a spar, He could hear me swearing — I wasn’t away too far. He flippered his way towards me and grabbed me by my shirt, Bent me to the timber — told him I was hurt, ‘Not a night for swimming’ he bellows with a grin, ‘Not’ says I just gasping ‘wiv arf me ribs stove in’. I feared of what would happen, striving to stay afloat Atlantic cold — near freezing and oil had reached my throat, Alfie was out of the stoke hold — a stubborn buggar was he, (I was one of the deck crowd, he’d cottoned on to me). For hours and hours he held me, ‘most drowned and body aching, Without a doubt he saved me, through the dawn a breaking I was ‘finished with engines’, ready to chuck it all in, Alfie it was that chivvied, with jokes as bad as sin. I figured we should pray, in case we might survive, But he didn’t think that prayers would keep us both alive, He said he knew no hymns, ‘cus he’d never shipped on liners, What he reckoned was — a collection for the miners. Alfie weren’t religious — he didn’t have to be, Just a Merchant Seaman living his life at sea, One o’ them men that won’t give in — fighting till the end, Lucky for me an’ proud to be his mucker and a friend. By and by a ship came up with a Navy navigator, He’d steamed away to chase a sub but marked our spot for later, There’s only me and Alfie came through that mighty blast, I spoke a silent prayer — for the mate who held me fast.

24/04/2015 17:48

May 2015 | | telegraph | 33


North Atlantic 1942 By Louis Roskell Grey the sea, the sky, the ships Obedient for the most part, trailing In line ahead and line abeam Eastward to the homeland sailing Escorts scurry to and fro With fluttering flags and stuttering lamps They tell the straggler ‘Don’t Delay’, While others guard the convoy’s flanks.

The 1966-built RFA Sir Galahad, after an attack in the Falklands conflict. The vessel’s master, Captain Philip Roberts, waited until the last minute to abandon ship and was the last to leave. Seafarer Chiu Yiu-Nam was awarded the George Medal for rescuing ten men trapped in a fire below decks

Sir Galahad and Welsh Guards 1982 – a lament By Peter Hill Like other ships their time began In crane-commanding shipyard Steel sinews soaring to a portent autumn sky. Their names recalling legends of the bold With grim outpouring of events — both ships deploying south To wrestle with familial strength the old And bitter enemy called war. These noble knights Deep-sea enduring Galahad and Tristram Loyal servants of the worthy RFA Each ship manned by salt-encrusted Merchant Navy crowd. Sir Galahad to face destructive wounds in daylight raid And grasp in death the brutal South Atlantic shroud! In Welsh Guard Principality Young men faced scrum and line-out Facing thumping rugby games and time-out With their fresh-faced brothers — long before The ancient call to serve came flooding home! Fast forward now to fateful 8th of June in Fitzroy Roads Low-flying enemy Skyhawks coming in Some troops were moved to wager on the odds! Bombs pound auxiliary knights with vengeful joy Engulfing anchored Galahad — exposed troop-heavy Galahad.

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Louis Roskell writes: I was a child during WW2 but I have often thought about the seafarers who sailed at that time. The picture is one I did a couple of years ago showing the tanker Ohio at about 10.00 on the morning of 13 August 1942 (it was displayed onboard HQS Wellington for the Operation Pedestal Exhibition three years ago). At this time, Ohio was one of only seven of the 14 original ships of the Pedestal convoy remaining afloat after unremitting attacks by sea and air off Cape Bon the previous night. She had been torpedoed on the port side just aft of the bridge in the area of the pump room. Ablaze and stopped in the water, she eventually managed to

quench the flames and resume steaming at 14.0 knots in spite of the hole in her side. She had just arrived at the tail end of the small convoy when the Shaw Savill fast cargo ship Waimarama was hit by bombs from a couple of Ju88s and blew up. The Melbourne star, just ahead of the Ohio, can be seen trying to avoid the worst of the flames. Later that morning the Ohio was hit again and lay dead in the water. However, under tow, she fought on and arrived in Valetta Harbour two days later. On her poop was a Junkers 87 and just forward of the bridge the remains of a Junkers 88. Royal Naval losses were also very high but the supplies were vital for the relief of Malta.

That daylight billet for the Welsh Guard boy! No hiding place! Black smoke consumes both lung and eye Heroic deeds abound — ashore they hear the wounded cry While high above — the vapour trails from guardian Harriers Leave crosses in the Bluff Cove sky. Sea King and Wessex mercy missions brave Fly blind above the burning grey-hulled ships. Sir Tristram’s quickly lowered boats With life-rafts from Sir Galahad — spew Welsh Guards — now brothers in adversity To thrash in ice cold sea — then land upon the rocky beach! While film crew captures limbless scenes To place on worldwide evening screens The blood-stained Fitzroy foreshore — for some forever out of reach! When devastating war is done ‘Rejoice’ our home-spun Siren cries While mortal wounds of Galahad — bring endless tears to Cymru eyes.


Peter Hill writes: I submit my entry as an experienced deck officer and Nautilus member. As I write I am about to embark on my final voyage as salaried navigating officer in the UK tall ships fleet — an Easter youth voyage. For my part I am 69 — no longer a youth — having served at sea in a salaried role at some point during each of six decades of my working life (1963–2015). An ex BP apprentice! As seamen we have all witnessed a few tragic events. But few can compare with the loss of RFA Sir Galahad during the Falklands conflict. I was not there — but the loss of ship and human life is made very poignant in my mind, on the back of my own tour as a deck officer in Sir Tristram — during the winter Arctic voyages of 2001. I spoke to officers who were there when Sir Tristram was also hit — in the bombing raid that destroyed Sir Galahad. Many lives were lost on that June day in 1982. My lament seeks to pay tribute to the lost ship, the ship’s company — plus helicopter pilots — and troops who waded into the ice cold water to rescue incoming casualties. For eyewitness accounts I am indebted to McManners H: Forgotten Voices of the Falklands, Ebury Press 2007. In particular, Michael Nicholson’s eyewitness report on page 326 is both detached and


Some drink another mug of tea, Pondering on the night to come. And wondering if, by morning there will be A convoy spared, a mental battle won. But as the darkness falls, the evil shades return of memories which cannot be suppressed; The Midnight Mayhem continuing through that watch When everyone’s companion was Death.

Are you serving or retired

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very moving — himself paying professional tribute to the raw courage displayed.

Freephone 0800 121 4765

24/04/2015 17:48

34 | telegraph | | May 2015

OFFWATCH ships of the past by Trevor Boult


abound throughout F maritime history, and the story

The International Transport Workers’ Federation recently set up a sub-committee on ship automation to give consideration to the problems arising from the accelerated introduction of automated and other technological devices in ships, with special reference to the safety of life at sea, the effects upon the manning standards of ships, and upon the conditions of service of seafarers. The MNAOA chaired the two-day event, which placed on record the need for a limit below which the manning of ships shall not be reduced and for some relevant laws and regulations to be revised to meet modern requirements. The meeting also called for the International Labour Organisation and Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation to conduct a study and make proposals for the manning standards of ships equipped with automated and other technological devices MN Journal, May 1965

Sea-dogs and their tales

of Bamse is widely celebrated. This St Bernard dog, whose name means ‘teddy’ in Norwegian, not only became the mascot of the entire Royal Norwegian Navy in the Second World War, but of all the Free Norwegian Forces. On the Norwegian naval vessel Thorodd, Bamse served and inspired his fellow crew members, while also achieving renown across Europe and beyond as a patriotic symbol of loyalty and freedom. It has even been said that the dog’s great contribution to morale in the dark days of war inspired many of the Allied Forces fighting in Europe and beyond. Instantly recognisable by wearing his sailor’s cap emblazoned with the Royal Norwegian Navy ribbon, Bamse went to war with his master, Erling Hafto, who commanded the Thorodd. During minesweeping patrols protecting the Atlantic and North Sea convoys, Bamse saw action, taking his place on Thorodd’s bow gun platform, with his own made-to-measure steel helmet for protection. He displayed a true fighting disposition on a number of occasions when he defied attacking German fighter planes and, remarkably, when he saved a fellow Free Norwegian navy officer from a knife-wielding assailant whilst on shore leave. Erling Hafto was an officer graduate from the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy who became harbourmaster at Honningsvag, a fishing and whaling centre in the extreme north of Norway which was allbut destroyed during Germany’s assault on the country. Following the outbreak of war, Norwegian naval command quickly looked to its large home-grown fishing and merchant fleets for the most

Canine crew member inspired Norwegians to resist the Nazis suitable vessels to assume naval duties. Thorodd was soon hired by the Norwegian Navy. She already had an interesting history: in 1924, under the name Fleurus, she provided a passenger-cargo and mail service in Antarctic regions, between the Falkland Islands and the British and Norwegian whaling stations on South Georgia. Erling Hafto was given command of Thorodd, which was hurriedly fitted out at Hammerfest for coastal protection duties, and her crew given intensive training. Her main activity was escorting convoys to and from Narvik and to seek out covert enemy minelaying operations. From the outset Bamse was aboard. In early 1940 he was officially entered onto the ship’s muster roll to enable the drawing of suitable rations. Norway’s strategic importance was appreciated by both Germany and the Allies. Thorodd was involved in a number of engagements with the enemy prior to Norway’s capitulation. To the frightened young sailors

Bamse became a tangible symbol of courage, a psychological booster of confidence. The dog never suffered the slightest injury. Such was the esteem in which Bamse was held by the crew that when his owner was given command of a vessel operating out of Ireland, he bowed to the interests of Thorodd’s company and left him with them. After stout resistance and the inevitable occupation by overwhelming enemy forces, the Norwegian monarchy, exiled in Britain, had been followed by a remnant of vessels which had not been captured, damaged or sunk. Thorodd, and several others which arrived at Port Edgar on the Firth of Forth, were modified and formed a minesweeper squadron which operated mostly out of Dundee and Montrose. Bamse became a familiar figure to local residents. He displayed unique abilities, such as travelling by himself on local buses between Broughty Ferry on Tayside and Dundee, enabled by the drivers and with a bus-pass on his collar. This self-appointed task was to shepherd crewmen

Telegraph prize crossword The winner of this month’s cryptic crossword competition will win a copy of the book RMS Lusitania: A History in Picture Postcards by Eric Sauder (reviewed on the facing page). To enter, simply complete the form right and send it, along with your completed crossword, to: Nautilus International, Telegraph Crossword

Competition, 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD, or fax +44 (0)20 8530 1015. You can also enter by email, by sending your list of answers and your contact details to: Closing date is Friday 15 May 2014.


11. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19. 21. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Across Lab experiment (4,4) Abrade (6) Geological plate movement (9) Indian money (5) Next door (12) Clenched hand (4) Engine (10) Reimburse (10) Rotate (4) Marine science (12) Discriminatory on years (5) Biting with comedy (9) Overtly (6) Being there (8)

1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 10.

Down Gallery (4) Coal bag (4) Garden tool (6) Venetian crossing (6,2,5) Material (8) In land and water (10) They keep leaves (10) Mail post (3-10)

1. 5. 9.

34_offwatch_SR edit.indd 34

back from their favourite hostelry, the Bogeda Bar. As is often the case with very large dogs, Bamse died from natural causes at a relatively young age, collapsing on the quayside at his adopted hometown of Montrose in July 1944. He was buried with full military honours — many hundreds of servicemen, townsfolk and schoolchildren from Montrose and Dundee attended the funeral. Bamse is still regarded as a national hero in Norway. In 2006, his memory was rekindled in Scotland with the unveiling by Prince Andrew of a largerthan-life statue on Montrose harbour front. Three years later a similar statue was unveiled at Honningsvag, Norway. Both statues are aligned to face each other. Bamse was posthumously awarded the Norges Hundeorden by Norway and more recently the PDSA Gold Medal for gallantry and devotion to duty — reportedly the only WW2 animal to have received this honour. f Source: Sea Dog Bamse by Angus Whitson & Andrew Orr

25 YEARS AGO A fire onboard a flag of convenience ferry which killed more than 160 people has unleashed an international tide of protest against the open register system. Following the devastating blaze on the Bahamas-registered Scandinavian Star during a voyage between Norway and Denmark, evidence emerged of communication problems between the mixed nationality crew and failures in rescue and emergency training. The ship’s safety officer said he had never tested the alarm system nor held a fire drill for the new crew, and only five of the 15 fire doors had closed as they should. NUMAST says the incident should act as a catalyst for change, and has urged the UK authorities to step up port state control inspections and called for the IMO to urgently develop new controls to prevent communication problems among multinational crews The Telegraph, May 1990

10 YEARS AGO NUMAST is calling for action to stop ‘slave wages’ on ships operating European ferry services following a case in which a Filipina worker onboard an Irish Ferries vessel was found to be paid just 75p an hour. Beautician Salvacion Orge returned home after union intervention secured her a £17,000 pay-out after she refused to leave the Isle of Innishmore in a dispute over her pay — €355 a month for working 12 hours a day, seven days a week. NUMAST said the case highlighted the lack of effective controls against ‘social dumping’ on ships operating around the British and Irish coasts and called for the UK government to end the confusion over the application of the national minimum wage to seafarers serving on UK-flagged ships in UK waters The Telegraph, May 2005



Which shipyard has the world’s biggest orderbook for containerships?


What is the world’s largest classification society, in terms of deadweight tonnage classed?


Roughly, what is the value of the world orderbook for new ships?


Which ship type accounts for the largest share of the global orderbook (36% in numerical terms)?



Which country has the largest share of the global orderbook for new ships?

APM-Maersk, MSC and CMA CGM are the world’s top three container shipping companies. What percentage of total TEU capacity do they operate? J Quiz answers are on page 46.

Name: Address:


13. Expert (10) 14. Descendent of Abraham’s son (10) 17. Newly born (8) 20. Worn with ties (6) 22. Read over (4) 23. Delight (4)


11. 12. 15.


Across Barker’s atlas in a Germanic edition (8) In the crash, a pedal got bent (6) Arithmetic insertion of one and hundred in the Roman one (9) 4 down find priest in Roman church (5) Rumbled teenage plots to pick lock (12) Sufficiently worshipped to utter marriage vow before 50 (4) Every reformed green in charge causes a reaction (10)

Membership No.:

18. Crucible where things are heating up with snooker success (7,3) 19. Render unconscious and return crazy (4) 21. So comic strip metamorphosed as Magnifying Man (12) 24. For sure she would do little, before Higgins went to work on her phonemes (5) 25. West Coast city roller and I joined families to get the hoodlums (9) 26. Seal, but it sounds like a swan … (6) 27. … Fields before Swann (8)

Down Article is one on which she reflects (4) 2. Underground collection point for additional amount of parking (4) 3. Bird infection (6) 4. Support for building on edges of acre reasonable in diggers’ 1.

type of work (13) 6. Or logo he redesigned for clock (8) 7. Secretary with old language consumed by German lands (10) 8. Last month reserve US currency was waning (10) 10. Officer sees Armstrong get a kind of punishment (5,8) 13. Butchers making up detective inspector’s club (10) 14. Such lively fun when I caught his majesty after a bun (10) 17. Letter from Greece rather than number of years characterises the wine (8) 20. Give it to the fool on mixed gin (6) 22. ‘We speak no treason, man: we say the king / Is --- and virtuous’ (Richard III) (4) 23. Pass around the diced ophidian (4) J Crossword answers are on page 46.

24/04/2015 17:35

May 2015 | | telegraph | 35


Bestseller breathes new life into a familiar story Dead Wake By Erik Larson Doubleday, £20 ISBN: 978 08575 21811 Journal reporter Erik Larson has written this K chart-topping account of the loss of the Lusitania Do you call this ‘faction’? Former Wall Street

a century ago in the style of a thriller, whilst rooting it firmly in detailed research. It may seem strange to produce a non-fiction narrative that crackles with tension and suspense when the climax has been known for 100 years and is given away in the sub-title — The Last Crossing of the Lusitania. In other hands it could have failed badly — but the writing here is so good and the underpinning material so solid that its sales success is readily understandable. The story unfolds through a blend of historical facts and figures and vivid portraits of some of the key figures in the events — including the ship’s master, Captain William Thomas Turner, and the U-boat commander, Walther Schwieger. The detail of the author’s research is such that he even describes the tattoos on one of the crew members

Enjoyable blockbuster delves into unsolved mysteries Lusitania R.E.X By Greg Taylor Filament Publishing, £14.95 ISBN: 978 17802 56375 (paperback edition) Also available as an e-book via Amazon Kindle R.E.X (featured in the January K Telegraph) has just been made Greg Taylor’s novel Lusitania

available in a paperback edition to complement the existing e-book version. The timing is not coincidental — this month will see the centenary of the Lusitania’s sinking on 7 May 1915, and the author will be joining Cunard’s Queen Victoria to mark the anniversary by sailing over the site of the wreck in the North Atlantic. As for the book, it’s a lively piece of popular fiction which seeks to bring the period alive. The lead character is millionaire Alfred Vanderbilt, who is said to have sacrificed his own life in order to

35_books_SR edit.indd 35

on the Cunard liner and the measurements of the braid on Capt Turner’s uniform. Mr Larson also weaves in interesting background about the British shipping industry at the time — still feeling the shock waves of the Titanic only three years earlier and also suffering from a seafaring skills shortage as a consequence of wartime pressures and the transition from sail to steam. As the ship sails towards the British coast, the book contrasts the conditions onboard Lusitania with the cramped U-20, building up the suspense in the process. Mr Larson explains how important information about U-boat movements was not passed on and Lusitania was allowed to sail into danger with no escorts or other protection even though its cargo included much-needed supplies of ammunition. The attack is recounted in gripping fashion and the sense of tragedy deepens while reading about the problems in launching lifeboats as the ship rapidly listed to starboard. Of the Lusitania’s 1,959 passengers and crew, only 764 survived. The ‘whodunnit?’ element comes to the fore in the aftermath of the ship’s loss, with the

give his lifejacket to another Lusitania passenger. Through its fictionalised treatment of historical events, Lusitania R.E.X tries to get inside the head of Vanderbilt, exploring the reasons why this rather indolent heir to a fortune could have developed into someone capable of heroism. In the best blockbuster tradition, the book also features plenty of romance, sex and glamour, as well as a Dan Brown-style conspiracy posited by the author as the real reason why the German navy attacked the ship in the First World War. It all makes for an accessible introduction to the Lusitania story, and the narrative is respectful of those who perished — indeed, the section portraying the sinking of the ship is probably the best-written part of the novel. If you prefer highbrow literature or strictly factual accounts of history, Lusitania R.E.X is probably not for you, but it succeeds as a popular novel. The author’s careful research is evident, and the book genuinely helps the reader to forge an emotional connection to the passengers and crew caught up in the disaster.

book detailing the appalling attempts by the Admiralty to scapegoat Capt Turner — an old-school master who had been described by a shipping reporter as ‘a fine figure’ — for the blame, accusing him of ‘almost inconceivable negligence’ in ignoring routeing advice. Thankfully, the inquiry conducted by wreck commissioner Lord Mersey over-ruled the Admiralty’s shameful attack and described how the master had ‘exercised his judgement for the best’. But, despite his dogged efforts, Mr Larson is unable to determine whether the Lusitania’s loss was cock-up or conspiracy. This engrossing book is fascinating on many levels — its approach to the subject in particular. As Mr Larson notes at the end, when he recounts how he read about the similar problems launching lifeboats on the stricken ferry Sewol last year, some of the issues have significant contemporary relevance. However, the last word ought to go to Capt Turner — who emerges from the book as an

expanded rapidly in recent K years and continues to develop, The superyacht sector has

Update of ‘superyacht bible’ packs in the facts for crew Reeds Superyacht Manual By James Clarke Adlard Coles Nautical, £40 ISBN: 978 14729 17768

with ever-more exotic vessels that demand increasingly higher levels of skills and expertise from their crews. This latest edition of Reeds Superyacht Manual — the third since it was first published in 2007 — reflects on these changes in its introduction, pointing to the regulations now covering the training of professional superyacht seafarers. Written by freelance professional skipper and instructor James Clarke, the 406-page book is something of a bible for those seeking to serve onboard superyachts, and is packed with information on the skills and qualifications required at all levels of the industry. Clearly written and laid out, the book makes good use of diagrams and illustrations to explain everything from basic sea survival to working procedures and passage planning. There are sections dealing with first aid, firefighting, navigation, seamanship, meteorology, communications and general ship knowledge, as well as marine law and international and flag state requirements. Appendices cover the collision prevention regulations, the international code of signals, and

honourable and valiant man, who was rightly embittered by his experience. Testifying as an expert witness about the loss of the Titanic, he was questioned by lawyers about the ‘unsinkable’ image of the great liners. ‘Who told you that?’ he replied. ‘Nobody I ever went to sea proved it.’

ENC symbols, as well as giving a glossary of nautical terms and a list of useful addresses. All in all, an excellent and essential guide for anyone setting out to work in this fascinating sector.

Indestructable characters return for a thrilling new adventure Pirate Ship By Michael Lloyd Witherby Publishing, £7.99 ISBN: 978 18560 96881 Council member Michael Lloyd K comes this latest in a series of rip-

From the prolific pen of Nautilus

roaring thrillers which tap in to some of the big themes affecting seafarers — such as war risks, passengership safety and now piracy. It completes a trilogy featuring what must be the most dangerprone mariners to have gone to sea — having barely survived previous

Maritime messages from a century ago RMS Lusitania: A History in Picture Postcards By Eric Sauder The History Press, £14.99 ISBN: 978 07509 62803 loss of the Cunard liner Lusitania K — an event which was claimed to have May marks the centenary of the

been crucial to the USA’s eventual entry into the First World War — and this 128-page publication tells the ship’s story through a selection of postcards collected by the historian Eric Sauder. The Lusitania was a popular subject for postcards — not just the official ones issued by Cunard but also many produced on an informal basis — so the content and the quality of many of the images varies considerably. They

include a handful of colour pictures and a few shots of the crew. One of the cards is signed by James Watt, Lusitania’s first captain, who had begun his seagoing career as a cabin boy and, when appointed master of Lusitania, was on

aan annual salary of £900 with a £100 bonus as commodore if any ship under his command was co nnot involved in an incident. Different sections cover the ship’s construction, trials and entry into service. co There is a smaller section with pictures of the Th lavish interior spaces, and two final fascinating la chapters concentrating on the ship’s loss in ch May 1915 and its subsequent role in wartime M ppropaganda material. The book could easily have been a lazy compilation of the assorted images, but Mr co Sauder has resisted that temptation and Sa pprovides interesting accompanying notes that explain Lusitania’s significance — for several ex years she was the largest and fastest vessel in the world — as well as giving some often fascinating quotes from the messages on the cards themselves.

escapades in the Congo and on a rustbucket offshore supply vessel sailing across the Atlantic. This time Captain Harry Andrews and his colleagues reunite in a mission of revenge following a violent ‘pirate’ attack in the Malacca Straits, which is described in stomach-churning detail in the opening pages. Hauled out of semi-retirement cruising the Caribbean on a yacht by the offer of a trip to Singapore, Harry thinks he is going to investigate the mysterious death of his close friend Sandy. But of course, nothing is as it first appears and both the initial attack and Harry’s subsequent avenging voyage come with more twists and turns than an Alpine road. While the dialogue can sometimes come across as a bit clunky, there are some passages with excellent descriptive flourishes and Mike Lloyd turns up the tension as the book races towards the inevitable final showdown. It’s an enjoyable romp — and there’s a hint that even this death-defying adventure may not be sufficient to kill off some of the key characters!

BOOK SAVINGS Telegraph readers can buy the books reviewed on these pages at a whopping 25% discount on publisher’s price through the Marine Society’s online shop. g

24/04/2015 15:07

36 | telegraph | | May 2015


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Jaarvergadering 2015 A

Op dinsdag 16 juni 2015 vindt de Nederlandse jaarvergadering van onze vereniging plaats in het Hilton Hotel te Rotterdam. Zoals gebruikelijk zal het eerste gedeelte van de vergadering worden besteed aan statutaire zaken zoals verkiezingen, beoordeling van het in 2014 gevoerde beleid alsmede een statutenwijziging. Aansluitend is er na de pauze een openbaar gedeelte in de vorm van een symposium. Bestuursverkiezing

Aankondiging volgende Vrouwenforum op 3 juni 2015! F

Op 3 juni 2015 vindt op ons Nautiluskantoor in Rotterdam een bijeenkomst van vrouwelijke leden van Nautilus International plaats het ‘Vrouwenforum’ genaamd. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst worden ervaringen van varende vrouwelijke leden gedeeld en wordt er samen gebrainstormd over de vraag hoe het werken aan boord voor iedereen, niet alleen voor vrouwelijke bemanningsleden, verbeterd kan worden. Hiertoe worden er actiepunten opgesteld, die uitgewerkt worden en in praktijk worden gebracht. Behalve

een hele prettige bijeenkomst dus ook een hele nuttige! Iedereen was na afloop erg enthousiast over de vorige bijeenkomst en gaf aan er de volgende keer zeker weer bij te zullen zijn. Wij hopen jullie als varende vrouwelijke leden ook bij de volgende bijeenkomst te kunnen begroeten! Je kunt je opgeven bij: Mieke den Hollander emailadres: Na aanmelding ontvang je nog nadere gegevens over de bijeenkomst zoals het tijdstip en de locatie.

Dit jaar vinden er bestuursverkiezingen plaats. Zoals hij vorig jaar reeds aangaf is vice voorzitter en penningmeester Hylke Hylkema wegens het bereiken van de pensioengerechtigde leeftijd voornemens om tijdens de jaarvergadering 2015 vervroegd af te treden. Inmiddels heeft het zittende bestuur de heer Charley Ramdas bij coöptatie benoemd als bestuurder en zal zij de Raad van Advies verzoeken om voor de heer Ramdas, conform de statutaire bevoegdheid van de Raad, een bindende voordracht voor de jaarvergadering voor te bereiden. Verkiezing Raad van Advies

Dit jaar treden er geen leden van de Raad van Advies af. Wel meldden zich gedurende het verenigingsjaar een tweetal leden voor vacatures in de kiesgroepen werktuigkundigen en gepensioneerden. Het betreft de

heren Peter Renkema en Willem Kwak. De heer Renkema is werktuigkundige en meldde zich voor de vacature in de kiesgroep werktuigkundigen. De heer Kwak is gepensioneerd kapitein en meldde zich voor de vacature in de kiesgroep gepensioneerden. Om niet een jaar te hoeven wachten is door de Raad van Advies middels coöptatie in de tussentijdse vacatures voorzien. Het is nu aan de jaarvergadering om dat achteraf goed te keuren. Statutenwijziging

Vanuit het bestuur was al eerder de wens geuit om de statuten middels een kleine wijziging te verduidelijken. Inmiddels is daar vanuit het bestuur een andere wijziging bijgekomen naar aanleiding van een rechtszaak waarbij de rechter meende dat de bond geen partij zou zijn. Het voorstel, waarin de wijzigingen woordelijk zijn

opgenomen, ligt conform het bepaalde in artikel 20 lid 3 van de statuten gedurende tenminste 1 maand voorafgaand aan de jaarvergadering op het kantoor van de vereniging ter inzage. Voorstellen

Bij het ter perse gaan van deze Telegraph waren er nog geen voorstellen ingediend. Eventuele voorstellen dienen uiterlijk 15 mei schriftelijk of per email door het bestuur te zijn ontvangen en zullen voorzien van een bestuursadvies aan de jaarvergadering worden voorgelegd. Symposium en afscheid Hylke Hylkema

Gewoontegetrouw zal er na afloop van het formele gedeelte van de jaarvergadering een symposium worden georganiseerd. Ditmaal met de titel ‘Regie op de arbeidsmarkt’.

Het onderwerp is gekozen omdat Nautilus en FNV overwegen om in de maritieme sector één van de eerste sectorpilots regie WW te initiëren. De maritieme arbeidsmarkt kent specifieke sectorkenmerken en een goede overlegcultuur. Wij verwachten een grote meerwaarde van sectorspecifieke advisering en begeleiding rond het voorkomen en oplossen van werkloosheid en arbeidsongeschiktheid. Het thema zal worden ingeleid door een aantal sprekers van naam en faam. FNV voorzitter Ton Heerts heeft inmiddels toegezegd en binnenkort zullen we tevens de namen van de overige sprekers bekend maken. Aansluitend neemt vice voorzitter/penningmeester Hylke Hylkema afscheid na ruim 40 jaar maritiem vakbondswerk. Wij willen dit op gepaste wijze vieren en nodigen u graag uit om dit samen met hem te doen.

Aanwijzing Gevarengebieden Verlengd

Geef uw mening Vorige maand vroegen wij: Vindt u dat meer van simulatoren gebruik moet worden gemaakt ter reductie van vaartijdsvereisten stagiairs?

Nautilus International voert actie tegen Viking River Cruises

Ja 28%

Nautilus organiseerde op

Nee 72%

De poll van deze maand is: Nieuw onderzoek suggereert dat de meerderheid van de zeevarenden gelukkig is met het leven op zee. Klopt dit? Geef ons uw mening online, op

36-38_nl_20.4.indd 36

24 maart 2015 een C protest-actie in Amsterdam en

riep Viking River Cruises op, om te stoppen met de korting van 20% op de arbeidsvoorwaarden van haar werknemers. Vakbonden uit geheel Europa, die zijn aangesloten bij de European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), waren aanwezig bij de ‘doop’ van een aantal nieuwe schepen van Viking River Cruises om deze boodschap kracht bij te zetten. De gasten van Viking werden ingelicht over het eenzijdige besluit van deze werkgever om de arbeidsvoorwaarden niet langer te betalen in de overeengekomen Zwitserse Francs maar in Euro’s. Dit levert Viking een snelle extra winst op terwijl het toch al niet slecht gaat met het bedrijf.

‘Het is schokkend om te ervaren dat een uiterst winstgevend en snel groeiend bedrijf op deze manier het eigen personeel zo schoffeert’ zegt Mark Dickinson als voorzitter van Nautilus International. ‘Zonder enig overleg vooraf met het personeel of hun vakbond Nautilus verandert Viking de arbeidsvoorwaarden en weigert vervolgens over de gevolgen te praten. Sterker nog, werknemers die hierover vragen stellen aan het management worden ontslagen!’ Hopelijk hebben wij een luisterend oor gevonden voor ons standpunt bij de gasten en klanten van Viking River Cruise tijdens de actie. Wij willen hen de misstanden bij deze werkgever toelichten en hebben een petitie laten ondertekenen zodat hij zich gedwongen voelt om deze op te lossen’. De aftrap van het protest was

op dinsdagmiddag, 24 maart 2015, terwijl Viking River Cruises een feestje vierde ter gelegenheid van de ‘doop’ van 7 nieuwe schepen. De schepen lagen toen vlak bij het Centraal Station. Nautilus International blijft de werkgever oproepen tot normaal overleg over de toepassing van arbeidsvoorwaarden en vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Verder dringen wij aan op het terug in dienstnemen van de recent ontslagen werknemers. Lees meer over deze campagne en teken de petitie om de ontslagen werknemers te ondersteunen. Leden worden ook uitgenodigd om gebruik te maken van Sociale Media om onze boodschap te verspreiden over het protest tegen Viking River Cruises door de volgende hashtag toe te passen #StopVikingWagePillage.

Sierra Leone en Guinee:

Op 25 maart jl is overeenstemming bereikt over een verlenging van de aanwijzing tot gevaarlijk bestemmingsgebied van alle havens in Sierra Leone en Guinee i.v.m. de aldaar heersende ebola epidemie. (Liberia is niet langer in dit rijtje opgenomen wegens een significante afname van het ebola gevaar). De verlenging is voor een periode van twee maanden en eindigt derhalve op 25 mei a.s. Libië en Syrië

Eveneens op 25 maart jl is er overeenstemming bereikt over een verlenging van de aanwijzing tot gevaarlijk bestemmingsgebied van alle havens in Libië en Syrië in verband met de voortdurende geopolitieke spanningen in die landen. Ook hier eindigt de verlenging op 25 mei a.s. De aanwijzingen tot gevaarlijk gebied vloeien voort uit het Protocol Dienstdoen in Gevarengebieden nl/wat-we-zeggen/nautilusnieuws/protocol-dienstdoen-ingevarengebieden-verlengd/

24/04/2015 15:08

May 2015 | | telegraph | 37


Uit het Ledenparlement A

Reorganisatie Jumbo vloot doorkruist CAOonderhandelingen onderhandelingsronde C voor de nieuwe CAO tussen Tijdens de eerste

Nautilus International en Jumbo Crew Services B.V. vertelde de rederij dat zij in de loop van dit jaar drie G-klasse schepen gaan uitfaseren. Door structurele financiële tekorten in de shipping activiteiten en verslechterende marktomstandigheden worden de Jumbo Spirit, Fairload en Stellanova afgestoten. Een beslissing die verstrekkende gevolgen heeft voor een aantal medewerkers. In de markt, waar deze schepen origineel voor zijn gebouwd (vervoer van o.a. krachtcentrales en locomotieven), heerst een enorme concurrentie en overcapaciteit. De strategie van Jumbo is om met eigen schepen marktleider te blijven in het (super)zware hijssegment. De drie G-klasse schepen behoren niet tot dit segment . Bovendien zijn de schepen binnenkort aan hun vierde groot onderhoud toe, wat aanzienlijke kosten met zich meebrengt. Het is nog niet duidelijk of de schepen verkocht of gesloopt gaan worden. Door de afstoting van de drie schepen komen 42 functieplaatsen te vervallen, die door 78 personen worden ingevuld. Door interne herplaatsing, beëindigen van inleencontracten via uitzend- en detacheringsbureaus betreft de groep boventallige zeevarenden in vaste dienst 18 personen. Sociaal plan

Na diverse onderhandelingsronden is voor de boventallige zeevarenden een concept sociaal plan tussen Jumbo en Nautilus opgesteld. Hierin zijn duidelijke afspraken en vergoedingen vastgelegd die recht doen aan de dienstjaren en leeftijden van de zeevarenden. Dit concept sociaal

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plan is door Nautilus juridisch getoetst en wordt binnenkort met het advies van het bestuur ter goedkeuring aan de leden voorgelegd.

FNV wil Gewoon Goed Werk en een goed inkomen voor iedereen. Maar, het gaat om meer. Een goede kwaliteit van leven en werk is belangrijk. Daarom zet de FNV zich niet alleen in voor welvaart en welzijn, maar zeker ook voor een duurzame samenleving. Dit is uiteraard ook van belang voor Nautilus International. Daarom komt er een nieuwe rubriek in de Telegraph die gaat over de zaken uit het Ledenparlement die alle werkenden raken. Dus ook voor de achterban van Nautilus International. Nautilus International is aangesloten bij de nieuwe FNV. De nieuwe FNV is een vereniging met herkenbare sectoren en zelfstandige bonden. FNV BG, ABVAKABO FNV, FNV Bouw, FNV Kiem, FNV Sport en de toenmalige vakcentrale zijn op 1 januari 2015 gefuseerd. Zij hebben hun zelfstandigheid opgegeven en zijn opgesplitst in sectoren met als doel om de herkenbaarheid voor de leden te vergroten. De overige dertien bonden zijn zelfstandig gebleven maar zijn wel aangesloten bij de nieuwe FNV. Het hoogste orgaan binnen de nieuwe organisatie is het ledenparlement. In tegenstelling tot de ‘oude FNV’ hebben dus niet de bondsvoorzitters maar het ledenparlement het voor het zeggen. Het parlement is via

democratische verkiezingen verkozen en bestaat uit 108 vertegenwoordigers. Zij zijn afkomstig uit 29 verschillende sectoren en zijn gekozen door leden van hun sector of zelfstandige bond. Het bestuur van de FNV wordt gevormd door de voorzitter en een algemeen bestuur bestaande uit 18 leden. Zeven leden vanuit het algemeen bestuur vormen het dagelijks bestuur en zijn verantwoordelijk voor de dagelijkse aansturing. De overige leden uit het algemeen bestuur vervullen een controlerende rol. Het ledenparlement moet de besluiten van het bestuur goedkeuren over onder andere het sectoroverstijgend beleid zoals sociale zekerheid, pensioenen, de kaders en prioriteiten van de CAO onderhandelingen en de begroting van de FNV. Nautilus International vertegenwoordigt de maritieme sector met twee personen in het Ledenparlement. Dit zijn Henk Eijkenaar en Caro Cordes (reserve), hieronder kun je hun ervaringen lezen. Henk Eijkenaar

De FNV ondergaat momenteel twee grote veranderingen. Een fusie tussen 5 bonden die gepaard gaat met een cultuuromslag. Nautilus International is niet gefuseerd, maar is er wel bij de FNV aangesloten en kan zodoende gebruik maken van de voordelen die een grote

organisatie te bieden heeft. Ik ben gekozen om de maritieme sector in het ledenparlement te vertegenwoordigen. De voornaamste taak van het parlement is beslissingen te nemen over sector overschrijdende onderwerpen zoals de hervorming van de WW, pensioenen, het sociaal akkoord en 1 mei manifestatie. Maar ook zaken als de onderhandelingen over de handelsverdragen (TTIP) tussen Europa en de Verenigde Staten worden besproken het ledenparlement. In het begin verliep de samenwerking tussen het ledenparlement en het bestuur chaotisch, maar ik zie nu duidelijke verbeteringen. Bestuur en parlement moeten wennen aan de nieuwe situatie. Het gaat niet altijd even soepel en er zullen altijd mensen blijven die niet constructief willen samenwerken. Als afgevaardigde vanuit Nautilus International stel ik vast dat er goed naar ons geluisterd wordt, maar nog belangrijker, we hebben invloed op het FNV beleid. Ik zie de toekomst met vertrouwen tegemoet en sta nog altijd achter het al oude motto ‘samen staan we sterk’. Caro Cordes

Ik wil mijn bewondering uitspreken voor de wijze waarop het algemeen- en dagelijks bestuur hun taken vervullen. Een monsterklus. Naast het fusieproces en de reorganisatie bewaken zij het

voortgangsproces. Eerlijk gezegd heb ik wel eens gedacht dat deze formule niet van de grond zou komen. Het ledenparlement heeft hoge verwachtingen, soms zelfs te hoog. Vooral ten aanzien van het bestuur. Aanvankelijk ontstond daardoor een wij/zij cultuur. Ik kan mij voorstellen dat de onderhandelaars uit het bestuur vaak het gevoel hebben gehad geketend aan de onderhandelingstafel te hebben gezeten. Knap zoals het bestuur is blijven vertrouwen op de goede afloop van dit proces. Het ledenparlement moet zich meer gaan richten op besluitvorming en haar verantwoordelijkheid daarbij ook nemen. Tegelijkertijd zal het bestuur daar ook de ruimte voor moeten bieden. Een dergelijk proces kost tijd. Gelukkig boeken we vooruitgang en wordt een omslag merkbaar. Dat we hierin snel voortgang boeken vind ik cruciaal. We zullen zo snel mogelijk tot samen gedragen beslissingen moeten komen. Dat geeft de onderhandelaars een krachtige positie aan de verschillende onderhandelingstafels. Met ruim 100 creatieve denkers moet het ledenparlement erin kunnen slagen de onderhandelaars voldoende munitie en argumenten mee te geven. Dat straal je uit als organisatie en zal de onderhandelingen ten goede komen omdat de inzet gebaseerd is om op een breed gedragen gedachtegoed. Samen sterk.


Door de recente ontwikkelingen hebben de onderhandelingen voor een nieuwe CAO vanaf 1 mei 2015 vertraging opgelopen, maar inmiddels is de draad op dat vlak weer opgepakt. Tijdens een ledenvergadering begin 2015 zijn de voorstellen vastgesteld. Zo is de wens om een looptijd van één jaar af te spreken waarbij afhankelijk van het onderhandelingsresultaat, een langere looptijd bespreekbaar is. Zowel bij een eenjarige CAO als een langere looptijd is het FNV loonen arbeidsvoorwaardenbeleid voor 2015 het uitgangspunt. Hierbij wordt uitgegaan van maximaal 3% loon- en arbeidsvoorwaardenruimte. Daarnaast hebben de leden voorstellen ingediend over kantoordagen, aanpassingen in de bestaande offshore regeling en de nieuwe functie hotelmanager in de offshore modus. Verder hebben de leden aangegeven te willen aanhaken bij het sectoroverleg betreffende de implementatie van het levensfasebewust personeelsbeleid, zodat werknemers op een gezonde manier de eindstreep kunnen bereiken. Ook vanuit Jumbo zijn voorstellen aangedragen, waaronder het formaliseren van de functies in de offshore regeling, het toeslagenbeleid en duidelijkheid over werk- en verlofdagen. In een volgende uitgave van de Telegraph leest u meer over de uitkomst van de ledenvergadering over het sociaal plan en de stand van zaken in de CAOonderhandelingen.

Leden DFDS Seaways stemmen in met nieuwe rechtspositieregeling


Na een aantal constructieve gesprekken in 2014 en 2015 tussen Nautilus International en DFDS Seaways B.V. is er een akkoord bereikt over de rechtspositieregeling (inclusief Sociale Begeleidingsregeling) van de vier laatste Nederlandse kapiteins in dienst van DFDS Seaways B.V. Begin maart 2015 stemden de leden unaniem in met de gemaakte afspraken waardoor de handtekeningen gezet konden worden. Deze zijn inmiddels gezet, waarmee de nieuwe rechtspositieregeling bij DFDS een feit is. De onderhandelingspartijen zijn een looptijd overeengekomen van drie jaar, te weten van 1 april 2014 tot en met 31 maart 2017. De gages worden verhoogd per 1 januari 2015 met 1,5%, per 1 januari 2016 met 2,0% en per 01-01-2017 met 2,25%. Kortom,

5,75% in drie jaar. Deze verhoging is in lijn met het onderhandelingsresultaat VWH-Nautilus 2014-2017/sector CAO Handelsvaart. De intentie is om ook in de toekomst de loonsverhogingen die in de sector-CAO Handelsvaart worden afgesproken te blijven volgen. Uitbetaling verlofdagen

Verder is afgesproken dat werknemers 20 verlofdagen mogen meenemen naar het jaar erop. Indien op peildatum 31 december van enig jaar meer dan 20 verlofdagen openstaan, worden de verlofdagen boven deze grens het jaar erop uitbetaald. Vakbondszaken

Daarnaast hebben partijen met elkaar afgesproken dat kaderleden (met terugwerkende kracht) vanaf 1 april 2014 recht hebben op (maximaal) acht

werkdagen per jaar vrijaf mét behoud van gage voor het bijwonen van vakbondsvergaderingen. De overige leden krijgen hiervoor per jaar maximaal twee werkdagen vrij met behoud van gage. Bovendien wordt voor het bijwonen van deze vergadering(en) geen verlof afgeschreven. Tekstuele aanpassingen

Tijdens de onderhandelingen is de Rechtspositieregeling uitvoerig doorgenomen en waar dit nodig was, is de tekst gemoderniseerd. Ook is de tekst van de Sociale Begeleidingsregeling (SBR), die onderdeel uitmaakt van de Rechtspositieregeling, daar waar nodig verduidelijkt. Al met al ligt er nu een mooi resultaat voor de komende jaren, waar alle partijen tevreden over zijn.

Wilt u een groter publiek bereiken? Presenteer uw product of service aan meer dan 15,000 maritieme professionele lezers uit Nederland, ter land en op zee! Spreek met één van onze vertegenwoordigers om uit te vinden hoe wij u het beste kunnen helpen. Neem contact op met Jude Rosset van Redactive Media Group T: +44 (0)20 7880 6217 E: jude.rosset@

24/04/2015 15:08

38 | telegraph | | May 2015


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UIT DE DIENSTGANG Rechter houdt vast aan Alcoholpolicy Drugsprotocol is het andere F nog niet zoals mag blijken Het ene Alcohol en

uit onderstaand relaas uit de Dienstgang. In deze zaak had ons lid in het weekend thuis een joint gerookt. De daarop volgende maandag was hij aan boord bij een Alcohol- en Drugstest positief getest op THC (Cannabis) hij werd geschorst en na een bevestiging van de test moest hij op gesprek komen bij zijn werkgever. De werkgever stelde hem voor de keus: òf de volgende maand met wederzijds goedvinden met een vaststellingsovereenkomst uit dienst òf de werkgever zou ontbinding van de arbeidsovereenkomst verzoeken bij de rechter. De werkgever gaf als reden voor het ontslag aan, dat zij de afgelopen periode het beleid had gevoerd dat elke stuurman of kapitein, die de Alcohol- en Drugspolicy overtreedt, ontslagen wordt. Ons lid vroeg Nautilus om advies. Hij wilde erg graag zijn baan behouden. Kijkend naar het Alcohol- en Drugsprotocol, durfden wij het aan om namens ons lid verweer te voeren in de ontbindingsprocedure bij de rechter. De Alcohol- en Drugspolicy stelde namelijk dat om een werknemer te kunnen ontslaan, er per individueel geval specifiek moet worden getoetst op: de ernst van de overtreding, de hoeveelheid overtredingen en de overige omstandigheden van het geval. Bij toetsing van de feiten in het geval van ons lid aan het Alcohol- en Drugsprotocol: het roken van een joint (één van de lichtere soorten drugs), nooit eerder een waarschuwing ontvangen en al 10 jaar werkzaam bij de werkgever, leverden naar onze mening op, dat dit op grond van het Drugs- en Alcoholprotocol

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niet tot ontslag zou kunnen leiden. Wij adviseerden ons lid daarom het aanbod van de werkgever om de arbeidsovereenkomst met wederzijds goedvinden te laten eindigen af te wijzen en de ontbindingsprocedure af te wachten. De werkgever diende vervolgens een verzoek tot ontbinding van de arbeidsovereenkomst bij de rechter in. Nautilus voerde namens ons lid succesvol verweer. De rechter oordeelde dat de werkgever onvoldoende rekening had gehouden met de specifieke omstandigheden, zoals in het Alcohol- en Drugsprotocol zijn verwoord. Conform het Alcohol- en Drugsprotocol zou deze overtreding niet tot ontslag, maar tot een waarschuwing moeten leiden. Dat vond de rechter een passende maatregel. De werkgever had als tweede grond voor ontbinding van de arbeidsovereenkomst aangevoerd dat zij elk vertrouwen in ons lid onherstelbaar had verloren. De rechter vond dit, gelet op alle omstandigheden: het lange dienstverband, altijd goed gefunctioneerd, nooit eerder een waarschuwing gehad, niet gerechtvaardigd, zodat de rechter het ontbindingsverzoek van de werkgever afwees en het dienstverband van ons lid in stand liet. Uit deze zaak blijkt dat het Drugs- en Alcoholprotocol een factor van betekenis is. De OR, die met de werkgever dit protocol afspreekt, heeft een belangrijke taak. Zij moet een Alcohol- en Drugspolicy zodanig opstellen dat enerzijds het belang van de werknemer om zijn privétijd op eigen wijze te kunnen doorbrengen gewaarborgd wordt en anderzijds het werk op een veilige manier kan worden uitgevoerd.

Bore komt met verbeterd Sociaal Plan: leden stemmen unaniem in te lezen was, gaat Bore de twee Nederlandse F ferry’s Norsky en Norstream omvlaggen. Zoals in de vorige editie van de Telegraph

Ook wordt de nevenvestiging van Bore NL Branch in Amsterdam gesloten. In totaal komen hierdoor 24 arbeidsplaatsen (waarvan 23 zeevarenden) te vervallen. Alle Nederlandse officieren worden vervangen door een mix van Finnen en Filipijnen. In eerste instantie had de rederij eenzijdig een Sociaal Plan opgesteld. Hierin bood Bore alleen een beëindigingsvergoeding aan op basis van de kantonrechtsformule factor 0,5. De Nederlandse leden vonden dit te weinig en waren bereid om actie te voeren voor een beter en fatsoenlijk Sociaal Plan. Doordat de druk op de ketel werd opgevoerd (vanuit de vakbond en niet te vergeten de schepen!), is Bore met een verbeterd voorstel gekomen.

In hoofdlijnen

Ten eerste is de ontslagvergoeding verdubbeld: van factor 0,5 naar 1,0. Ten tweede worden alle werknemers gedurende één maand vrijgesteld van werkzaamheden met behoud van loon. Ten derde krijgen de werknemers de mogelijkheid om een cursus of training te volgen, ter waarde van 2000 euro, op kosten van de rederij. Tevens krijgen de werknemers twee extra verlofdagen erbij t.b.v. sollicitatieactiviteiten. Tot slot is schriftelijk vastgelegd (ter voorkoming van misverstanden) dat Bore alle niet genoten verlofdagen zal uitbetalen bij einde dienstverband. Pittige onderhandelingen

Het onderhandelingsteam is in maart meerdere keren bijeen gekomen. De werkgever had twee stevige advocaten op de zaak gezet. Nautilus

had daartegenover twee door de wol geverfde vakbondsbestuurders op de zaak gezet die werden bijgestaan door enkele kaderleden. De afgelopen maanden is er door beide partijen hard gewerkt om overeenstemming te bereiken over de definitieve eindtekst van: 1) het hoofdlijnenakkoord, 2) het Sociaal Plan, 3) de format van de vaststellingsovereenkomst en last but not least 4) de brief met daarin verwoord de rechten van de werknemers met een arbeidsovereenkomst bepaalde tijd (AO BT). Nadat het onderhandelingsteam overeenstemming had bereikt over de eindtekst, kon deze voorgelegd worden aan de leden. De uitslag was klip en klaar: alle leden stemden in. Inmiddels zijn de handtekeningen gezet, waarmee er een definitief akkoord is over het Sociaal Plan.

De ETF TUG Conference op 11 maart 2015 bevordert de belangen van Europese bemanning werkzame vakbondsleden in de sleepvaart op F 11 maart 2015. Wel 15 aangesloten bonden gingen ETF organiseerde een ontmoeting tussen

op deze conferentie met elkaar in gesprek over de invloed van wereldwijde veranderingen op hun werk en de mogelijke impact van de concept-richtlijn voor havendiensten vanuit de Europese Commissie. Uit deze uitwisseling blijkt dat veel mondiaal opererende bedrijven hun krachten verenigen en oneerlijke eisen en tarieven opdringen aan lokale sleepvaartbedrijven. Dit leidt weer tot het bundelen van de krachten bij deze lokale bedrijven en tot meer fusies in de sector. In dit spel op hoog niveau lijken de werknemers de rekening te gaan betalen door verslechtering van de loon- en arbeidsvoorwaarden. Ook wordt er gemorreld aan de minimale bemanningssamenstelling. Dit leidt tot grote spanningen op het water want een volledige afsluiting van een belangrijke waterweg is iets wat niemand graag ziet gebeuren in zijn eigen thuishaven. Slepen en berging op de waterwegen zijn potentieel gevaarlijke operaties, die het maximale vergen van

de kennis en vaardigheden van de bemanning. De gevolgen van een ongeluk kunnen een enorme impact hebben op de lokale economie. Verder is het belangrijk om te beseffen dat een sleepdienst een essentiële dienstverlening is in een haven waarbinnen maritieme veiligheid en bescherming wordt geboden. Deze toegevoegde waarden zouden meer moeten meewegen als er (binnen Europa) wordt gesproken over meer concurrentie in de sector. De conceptrichtlijn voor havendiensten zal geen verbetering aanbrengen in de huidige situatie. In tegendeel, het stelt een verslechtering voor tot een puur theoretisch marktmodel zonder enige sociale componenten. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat de aanwezige bonden elkaar vonden in een gezamenlijke verklaring aan het eind van deze conferentie. Hierin staat opgetekend dat zij; z meer met elkaar willen samenwerken om op nieuwe ontwikkelingen binnen- en invloeden op de sector te kunnen inspelen z de concept-richtlijn voor havendiensten afwijzen en vanuit hun betrokkenheid met de sector, alle

politieke- en economische invloed zullen aanwenden om invoering hiervan te voorkomen z beloven om collectieve afspraken en CAO’s niet verder te laten minimaliseren z eisen dat binnen Europa een model wordt nagestreefd dat is gebaseerd op de beste voorbeelden en sociale afspraken uit de gehele Europese sleepvaart waarin plaats is voor eerlijke concurrentie met respect voor CAO’s en lopende arbeidscontracten. z zich zorgen maken over initiatieven die sleepvaartbedrijven aanmoedigen om uit te vlaggen naar zgn. lagelonenlanden waardoor sociale dumping een kans krijgt in de sector z eisen dat de minimale bemanningssamenstelling per schip kan worden beoordeeld aan de hand van een neutraal en wetenschappelijk ontwikkelde risico inventarisatie en evaluatie z zich verplichten om door middel van de ETF en de bij haar aangesloten bonden in gesprek te blijven met de Europese vereniging van Sleepvaartbedrijven (ETA) over de huidige situatie en de toekomst van de Europese Sleepvaart

24/04/2015 15:08

May 2015 | | telegraph | 39



13 May 2015 is the closing date for June 2015 Telegraph adverts. You can still advertise online at any time.

Nautilus International advises members that some crewing agencies may not be advertising specific positions, but instead may be seeking to develop their databases of job hunters.


96 Your future, our future. At Northern Marine we value people above all else. That’s why we go to great lengths to create an environment where bonds and connections are paramount. We don’t just manage Stena vessels. The Northern Marine Group works with a range of first class clients across the globe. This means that working for us ashore allows you to experience real diversity in your job.

employee satisfaction (We’re working on the other 4%!)

Our on-going growth has created immediate needs in our Glasgow office for the following positions: >> LNG Technical Superintendents

>> LPG Technical Superintendents

>> Tanker Technical Superintendents

>> Chemical Technical Superintendents

If you’re an experienced Superintendent or looking for your first job ashore, plot a new future and apply today. Call: +44 (0) 2380 208840. Email:

Recruitment Partner

Are you a highly motivated person? Are you looking for a career with promotional possibilities? Can you work as part of a team? Are you experienced in offshore activities? Are you computer literate? Would you like to enjoy a one for one work/leave ratio? Do you hold a UK CertiÀcate of Competence or Equivalent? Sentinel Marine PTE Limited are recruiting seafarers who can answer yes to the above questions and who would like to be part of the increasing ¸eet operated by Sentinel Marine Ltd. With 8 new build Multi Role Offshore Support vessels and new build Platform Support Vessels delivering into the ¸eet in the coming months, interested applicants are requested to send their CV to the Human Resource department by either emailing hr@sentinel or applying online via our website http://sentinel

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D&P Maritime Recruitment

Marine Placement Agency

Ongoing vacancies for all officers and ratings deep sea, coastal,, supply, ahts, etc. To register send cv and copies of all certificates to: 6 Birch Court, Sprowston, Norwich NR7 8LJ Tel/Fax: 01603 478938 Email:

Looking for all Ranks and Ratings for all types of vessels Email: Tel: +44 (0)1224 600 028

Master required for Coaster 1600dwt trading Scotland/Ireland only. Excellent conditions, salary negotiable . Coast Lines Shipping, Cork, Ireland. Tel; 00353 866486640 Email;

24/04/2015 15:13

40 | telegraph | | May 2015






Exciting opportunities exist within CalMac Ferries Limited for various positions including: SHORE BASED • Marine, Technical and HSEQ Management positions • Project Management SEA GOING • All deck, engine and retail positions • Permanent, seasonal and temporary positions CalMac Ferries Limited is a multi-award winning business serving some of the most beautiful parts of Scotland with over 30 ferries providing lifeline services to the islands and peninsulas on Scotland’s west coast. Our excellent benefits package includes a competitive salary plus generous annual leave entitlement programme. You could also take advantage of free CalMac staff travel for you and your family. We provide extensive structured training programmes for both marine and shore staff, encouraging all employees to continuously update their skills and knowledge. To view all details of our current vacancies and for further information, please visit our website at or email to:



FLEETWOOD NAUTICAL CAMPUS OPEN DAY | THURSDAY 21 MAY 2015 | 2PM - 7PM Fleetwood Nautical Campus | Broadwater | Fleetwood | FY7 8JZ

OFFSHORE BOSIET (3 days) - Every Mon and Wed from W/C 20 Apr | MIST (2 days) - Every Mon and Thurs from W/C 20 Apr | FOET (1 day) - Every Tues from W/C 20 Apr | EURO (3 days) - Every other week starting W/C 13 May | EURO REFRESHER (1 day) - W/C 4 May,

1 Jun | TEMPSC COXSWAIN (3.5 days) - Every other Mon from W/C 20 Apr | TEMPSC COXSWAIN REFRESHER (1.5 days) - Every other Thurs from W/C 20 Apr | GWO BASIC SAFETY (7 days) - W/C 11 May, 8 Jun | MST (Renewable UK) (2 days) - W/C 14 *Special offer price (when booked together)

May, 11 Jun | RUK/GWO Working at Height (2 days) 23 Apr, 7 21 May, 4,18

39-45_rec.indd 40

Jun, 2 , 24 Jul | Working at Height (1 day refresher) 18 May,1,15 Jun, 13,20 Jul | NEBOSH General - W/C 6 Jul For more information E T 01253 779 123 W Facebook /FleetwoodNauticalCampusOffshoreOperations


(all STCW short courses are offered at Fleetwood Nautical Campus)

HNC in Nautical Science leading to OOW (Unlimited) | HND in Nautical Science leading to Chief Mate (Unlimited) | Royal Navy to Merchant Navy Conversion | Yacht master <3000gt to Merchant Navy OOW Unlimited | VTS Nautical Knowledge: Non Mariners’ Access to VTS Operators, IALA V/103 Module 4 - Nautical Knowledge for VTS Operators

NAEST (M) - 13, 20, 27 Jul | ECDIS - 13 Jul | VTS Induction - 29 Jun | VTS Simulator 6 Jul | VTS Refresher - 21 Jul | HELM (M) - 13, 20, 27 Jul | Ship Security Officer - 27 Jul | GMDSS (GOC) - 8, 29 Jun, 20 Jul | Officer of the Watch - 5 May | Officer of the Watch Orals Preparation - 22 Jun | Chief Mate - 5 May | Masters Orals - 29 Jun For flexible enrolment and more information E T 01253 779 123 W

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May 2015 | | telegraph | 41


SET YOUR CAREER A-SAIL Join us in welcoming our newest stars to the fleet, having commenced with the Star Pride in 2014 and the two additional vessels in 2015. Soon to be cruising alongside our current luxury sail assisted yachts, our fleet will travel worldwide taking our passengers to some of the most unique and exotic ports there are to be found. With the fleet doubling in size, Windstar Cruises are currently looking for suitable candidates for the following positions: · Captains and other Deck Officers · Engineering Officers of all ranks

Benefits package includes · Competitive wages paid in GBP and USD · One for One Rotation for Staff Officers · Contributory Medical / Dental Insurance · Retirement Savings Plan / Pensions (subject to eligibility) · Annual & Return Bonuses (dependent on rank) · Company Sponsored Study Leave Programme · Officer Cadet Training · Excellent Spouse Policy

· Electricians, ETO’s & IT Officers · Hotel Officers, Guest & Destination Service Professionals

Prospective candidates need to complete our online candidate database via our website or email us at quoting reference WSC 05/15

Viking House, Beechwood Business Park, Menzies Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 2FG T: +44 (0) 300 303 8191

Your first port of call Address: First Floor Unit 7, Hythe Marine Park, Shore Road, Southampton, SO45 6HE UK Telephone: +44(0)23 8084 0374 Email:

ISO 9001

Leading Marine Recruitment Specialists We are seeking all ranks of seafarers, offshore and shore based personnel and in particular:

Where’s my Telegraph?

Senior Deck and Engineering Of½cers - All vessels All Of½cers and Crew - ERRV Tug/Multicat Crew - All ranks Various shore based personnel All Crew for temporary assignments

If you have moved recently, your home copy may still be trying to catch up with you. To let us know your new address, go to and log in as a member, or contact our membership department on +44 (0)151 639 8454 or

If you would like further information in registering with Seamariner or you would like to discuss your crewing requirements, please contact one of our experienced consultants.

ISO9001:2008 accredited and KvK and MLC compliant Reg Co number: 2745210

To advertise your vacancy contact Paul Wade on +44 20 7880 6212 or

Base Master – Portland SMIT operates workboats employed to assist the MOD with various aspects of marine training, including Search and Rescue helicopters, Target Towing, Range Safety and Aircrew Marine Survival Training.

C P Marine UK Ltd are specialists in worldwide ship and shore based marine recruitment. We provide a professional, dedicated and quality personal service in connecting seafarers to shipping companies and also placements to shore based marine positions. Temporary and permanent vacancies are available worldwide for: • Captains • Chief Engineers • Deck Officers • Driving Mates • DPO’s • Engineering Officers

• ETO’s • Crane Operators • Deck and Engine Room Ratings • Cooks • Offshore Personnel • Shore based Personnel

To register with us for all marine sectors, please send CV to: C P Marine UK Ltd, PO Box 314, Hull HU10 7WG United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) 1482 650279 Fax: +44 (0) 1482 671341

39-45_rec.indd 41

We currently have a vacancy for a Base Master at our Portland base. As Base Master your duties will include the control and co-ordination of all vessels attached to the base providing an efficient service to our customers. In addition to the Base Master duties, you will sail as Master on one of our 27mtr vessels, ensuring that the vessel operates in line with company procedures. The successful candidate will need to hold a minimum Certificate of Competence STCW95 Master II/3 less than 500gt near coastal. Applicants must have been resident in UK for the last 3 years and if successful will be subject to security clearance. Applicants are required to hold a full and valid driving licence and must live within a daily commutable distance of Portland. Salary is in the region of £36,000 per annum. This is initially a 12 month fixed term contract.

An established company of Marine Consultants is now seeking:

• MASTER MARINERS • MARINE ENGINEERS • NAVAL ARCHITECTS To work from offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and China Minimum Qualifications: Superior certificates and/or relevant Degree. Experience at senior officer level, or command would be advantageous A high standard of written and spoken English is essential. Successful candidates can expect excellent career prospects.

Closing date for applications is 8th May 2015. Interviews will be held during week commencing 11th May 2015.

Applicants should e-mail their c.v. and covering letter to:

To apply please send your CV and a covering letter outlining your suitability for the role to: HR Department, SMIT International, Westminster House, 4 Crompton Way, Segensworth West, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5SS or

24/04/2015 15:14

42 | telegraph | | May 2015


Director of Operations Salary c£85k plus a competitive benefits package, including Civil Service pension and bonus Harwich based with UK and occasional overseas travel Trinity House is looking for a dynamic, adaptable maritime business-minded leader to join the Trinity House Lighthouse Service’s Executive Team and help further develop a highly successful and complex organisation. As the General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar, we are a world leader in the provision of aids to navigation. Providing nearly 600 aids to navigation, the service uses three ships and new technology to deliver a leading-edge service. The successful candidate will be responsible for the operational delivery of that requirement. We have a unique opportunity for a talented and value driven individual from a senior maritime or engineering background, with the leadership and collaborative skills to achieve our strategic goals. Our Director of Operations must be enthusiastic and capable of delivering the best possible outcomes for our stakeholders within regulatory and resource constraints.

We are seeking a highly experienced leader who has achieved senior level status in a complex, technical organisation. Demonstrable leadership ability, with Command experience, or a comparable background in the maritime or engineering industries would be advantageous. Most importantly, we are looking for a highly motivated individual with the ability to empower staff and engage disparate teams to work together in achieving a common goal. You will also have the ability to develop excellent external relations and networks. An important aspect of the role is to promote what we do and establish effective professional relationships both internally and externally. Knowledge and understanding of working with central government is desirable. As a member of the Corporate Board, you will also have responsibilities as a trustee of Trinity House’s maritime charities, and appropriate experience is desirable. The successful candidate would normally be appointed as an Elder Brother of the Corporation of Trinity House. If you have the necessary skills, knowledge, expertise and experience to make a positive and influential contribution to Trinity House, then please contact for a detailed job description.

Applications in the form of a CV and covering letter should be submitted by 17 May 2015. An Assessment Day will be held for the initial shortlisted applicants on 1 or 2 June 2015. Second round interviews for those shortlisted from the Assessment Day, will be on 15 June 2015.

NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML), a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG), is a member of IMEC and acts as the vehicle for the resourcing, development and management of shipboard personnel. The Company is seeking to employ for service on NLNG Chartered Vessels:

DFDE EXPERIENCED SENIOR ENGINEERING OFFICERS Opportunities also exist within the Áeet of LNG tankers for:

CHIEF ENGINEERS AND SECOND ENGINEERS Suitably qualiÀed and experienced personnel with Gas DCE, Motor or Combined (Steam and Motor Ships) certiÀcates of competency should email their CV to:

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May 2015 | | telegraph | 43


Maersk Line Container Fleet are recruiting Chief Engineers & Second Engineers for immediate vacancies

Maersk Line, the global containerized division of the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group, is dedicated to delivering the highest level of customer-focused and reliable ocean transportation services. Our vision, built from a strong heritage of uprightness, constant care, and innovation, remains the cornerstone of our business operations. The Maersk Line fleet comprises more than 220 owned vessels manned by 7,600 Seafarers.

Due to continued fleet expansion Maersk Line are recruiting Senior Engineers to fill immediate vacancies. As the right candidate you will benefit from a competitive salary, voyage lengths of 90 days plus or minus 30 days, back to back working rotations, second-to-none training facilities, internet access on all vessels, and the opportunity to develop your career within an industry-leading container shipping company.

Apply online at or contact Victoria Furness on 0191 269 3152 to discuss these vacancies

39-45_rec.indd 43

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44 | telegraph | | May 2015


We have an exciting opportunity at Thomson Cruises working at our head office. Hotel Operations Manager – Thomson Cruises Luton – Ref TUI3403

Excellent opportunities exist within our ROPAX ÅLL[ MVY ]HYPV\Z WVZP[PVUZ PUJS\KPUN!

Employed by Crew People International Ltd (CPIL) working on board Thomson Cruises ships we are currently recruiting for the following exciting opportunities.


CPIL – Captain on Thomson Cruises – Ref TUI3395


CPIL – Hotel Manager on Thomson Cruises – Ref TUI3403


CPIL – Chief Engineer on Thomson Cruises Ref TUI3415


For more information and to apply please visit

00 ^P[OV\[ SPTP[H[PVUZ and search on the above ref numbers.

To view details of all current vacancies and for further information, please visit our website Or send full CV, quoting SL 05/15, to We welcome speculative CV’s IURP VXLWDEO\ TXDOLðHG SHUVRQQHO to above email address

39-45_rec.indd 44

24/04/2015 09:42

May 2015 | | telegraph | 45


Applications are invited by SEACOR MARINE (GUERNSEY) LTD to support the North Sea operations of Boston Putford Offshore Safety Ltd within their fleet of Emergency Response and Rescue Vessels SUITABLY QUALIFIED STCW95 COMPLIANT DECK & ENGINEERING OFFICERS WITH MULTI-ROLE / STAND-BY EXPERIENCE. Applications to: Southern Crewing Services Ltd (Agent for SMG) Columbus Buildings, Waveney Road, Lowestoft NR32 1BN Email:

Glasgow Airport Based company require a Coxswain and Fast Rescue Boat Instructor Salary £28,000 - £36,000 depending on experience STCW PSC&RB and FRB certificates required


CV Professionals Maritime & oσshore specialists









T E L: +44 (0) 1 9 1 5 4 8 8 8 5 9 FAX: +44 (0) 1 9 1 5 4 88 425



Applications are invited from experienced, motivated and knowledgeable seafarers with tanker experience to work on coastal oil tankers operated by John H. Whitaker (Tankers) Limited Masters, Chief Officers, 2nd Officers, Chief Engineers & 2nd Engineers who hold: Advanced Tanker Training/DCE (Oil) Type - Permanent/Temporary Leave/Work - Variable Salaries - will be discussed at Interview stage Please forward all applications to: Mrs Elaine Wilson, Personnel Officer, Crown Crewing (UK) Ltd, Crown Dry Dock, Tower Street, HULL HU9 1TY Email:


REQUIRE MASTER AND CHIEF OFFICER FOR MPP 8300 DWT CONTRACTS 4 ON/4 OFF TEL:+31(71) 3648480 FAX: +31 (71) 3649042 email


39-45_rec.indd 45

Where’s my Telegraph? If you have moved recently, your home copy may still be trying to catch up with you. To let us know your new address, go to www. and log in as a member, or contact our membership department on +44 (0)151 639 8454 or membership@nautilusint. org.

VACANCIES IN SAUDI ARABIA A highly reputable company in Saudi Arabia is looking to appoint the following positions:

HARBOUR PILOT Minimum STCW Class 1 Master Mariner with 15 years’ experience on tankers or oil/chemical terminals. At least 5 years’ experience as a Harbour Pilot, handling vessels of unlimited size/tonnage, preferably VLCC.

TUG MASTER (VSP) Experienced tug masters with minimum STCW Class 2. At least 2 years consolidated experience on VSP tugs over 500grt & 3000 kW or above.

The company offers an excellent tax free package. Please send your Curriculum Vitae (CV), in confidence, to: &

2015 NAUTILUS COUNCIL ELECTIONS Our report of voting for the above elections, which closed at 1700hrs on Thursday 21 April 2015, is as follows: Number of eligible voters: Votes cast by post: Total number of votes cast: Turnout:

17,803 935 935 5.3%

Navigators Including Shipmasters (UK Section) As only 5 valid nominations were received for 6 places the following candidates are elected unopposed: BOWRY, J Elected Unopposed (4 Year Term) CARDY, T Elected Unopposed (4 Year Term) GRAVES, M Elected Unopposed (4 Year Term) MACKENZIE, I Elected Unopposed (4 Year Term) MINTER, P Elected Unopposed (4 Year Term)

Inland Navigation (NL Section) As only 1 valid nomination was received the following candidate is elected unopposed: VAN DER ZEE, J

Elected Unopposed

Inland Navigation (CH Section) As only 1 valid nomination was received the following candidate is elected unopposed: BODENMANN, R

Elected Unopposed

Other Particular Categories (UK Section) Number of votes found to be invalid for this contest: 15 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 920 Result (1 to elect)

1 vacancy (2 Year term) remains. Navigators Including Shipmasters (NL Section) As only 2 valid nominations were received the following candidates are elected unopposed: EIJKENAAR, H LOK, P

Elected Unopposed Elected Unopposed

Engineers Including ETO’s / Electrical Engineer Officers and Radio Officers (UK Section) As only 4 valid nominations were received for 5 places the following candidates are elected unopposed: JACKSON, W LEES, P MACDONALD, A WAINMAN, J

Elected Unopposed Elected Unopposed Elected Unopposed Elected Unopposed

1 vacancy remains. Engineers Including ETO’s / Electrical Engineer Officers and Radio Officers (NL Section) As only 1 valid nomination was received the following candidate is elected unopposed: VAN HOBOKEN, W

Elected Unopposed

Ratings (UK Section) As only 1 valid nomination was received the following candidate is elected unopposed: CAMERON, J

Elected Unopposed

Ratings (NL Section) No nominations received so 1 vacancy remains.


575 Elected 266 79

Other Particular Categories (NL Section) No vacancies in this category this year. As Scrutineers appointed in accordance with Section 49 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (as amended), we are satisfied as to each of the matters specified in subsection 52(2) with regard to the election. The following points should be noted: 1. The person appointed under section 51A to carry out the storage and counting of voting papers was Electoral Reform Services Limited. 2. The person appointed under section 51A to carry out the distribution of voting papers was Electoral Reform Services Limited. 3. A copy of the register of voters (as at the relevant date) was examined in accordance with section 49(3). The examination took place at our own instance and did not reveal any matter that should be brought to the attention of the trade union. We would draw your attention to sections 52(4), 52(5), and 52(6). Section 52(4) requires that a copy of this report be published and made available to all members of the union within a three month period from today. This does not, however, mean that every member has to be notified individually. Yours sincerely, Adrian Wilkin, Senior Consultant, Electoral Reform Services

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46 | telegraph | | May 2015


M-Notices M-Notices, Marine Information Notes and Marine Guidance Notes issued by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency recently include: MSN 1853 (M) — The Merchant Shipping (Boatmasters’ Qualifications, Crew and Hours of Work) Regulations 2015: structure and requirements This 91-page notice describes the structure and requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Boatmasters’ Qualifications, Crew and Hours of Work) Regulations 2015, which applies to the masters of all passenger and non-passenger vessels operating in the UK. The 2015 regulations supersede the Merchant Shipping (Inland Waterway and Limited Coastal Operations) (Boatmasters’ Qualifications and Hours of Work) Regulations 2006 and the Merchant Shipping (Local Passenger Vessels) (Crew) Regulations 2006. As explained in MSN 1853, the following features have now been introduced: z a new type of licence for restricted tidal waters z additional requirements for specialist operations endorsements (the new ro-ro endorsement and revalidation requirements for certain specialist operations) z a power enabling the UK secretary of state to identify new areas requiring local knowledge endorsements (Medway is one such area) The limitation for the use of boatmasters’ licences (BML) in coastal areas has been extended to no more than five miles from land and no more than 15 miles from point of arrival and/or departure, to enable holders of Tier 1 Level 2 BMLs to take command of EU Class B or C vessels which have wider operating parameters. MSN 1855 (M) — Domestic Passenger Ships Directive: equivalent standards The general policy in the UK is that ships cannot be exempted from statutory requirements unless an alternative provision is applied to ensure an equivalent level of safety. This is known as ‘equivalence’. Ships permitted such equivalences receive an exemption certificate identifying the exempted requirements and documenting the equivalent provisions. MSN 1855 provides details of the exemptions and equivalent standards that have been granted by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency on behalf of the UK secretary of state, and accepted by the

European Commission under the terms of Article 9 of the Directive. It also provides guidance on these exemptions where appropriate. The notice includes a general exemption and a schedule listing individual items for which equivalent standards have been agreed. At the request of companies, the general exemption and relevant specific items in the schedule can be applied to their ships that meet the equivalent standards defined in the schedule. The application of the general exemption, and the relevant equivalent provisions, will be recorded on the vessels’ passenger ship safety certificates. MGN 530 (M +F) — Radio log book: merchant shipping and fishing vessels This note advises on the need for vessels to use the GMDSS Log Book or the Simplified FV GMDSS Log Book to comply with either Part II of the Merchant Shipping (Radio Installation) Regulations 1998, or Part III of the Merchant Shipping (Radio) (Fishing Vessel) Regulations 1999. The log books must be used for the following: z a summary of communications relating to distress, urgency and safety traffic and the time such communications occurred z a record of important incidents connected with radio service and the time such incidents occurred z where appropriate, the position of the ship at least once a day z a summary of communications relating to distress traffic in which the fishing vessel has participated, and the times at which such communications occurred The MCA has created a single publication which can be used as either a radio log book (GMDSS) or a simplified FV GMDSS radio log book. This is available online from www. MIN 495 (M) — The Merchant Shipping (Boatmasters’ Qualifications, Crew and Hours of Work) Regulations 2015: local regulations This note should be read alongside MSN 1853. It reminds boatmasters that they must be aware of local information for the area they are operating in and comply with any local knowledge requirements for that area. MIN 495 lists the local knowledge requirements for every port/harbour authority in the UK, and gives the location and limits of jurisdiction for each body. It also sets out where to find more information on each listing.

Member meetings and seminars Nautilus International organises regular meetings, forums and seminars for members to discuss pensions, technical matters, maritime policies and legal issues. Coming up in the next few months are:

MIN 503 (M) — Training for ECDIS as primary means of navigation This note clarifies the training that is required for masters and deck officers of UK-registered vessels which have Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) as their primary means of navigation. The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) and Merchant Navy Training Board Technical Committee have agreed that anyone who holds a completion certificate for an MCAapproved NARAS/NAEST course (operational or management) issued after 1 January 2005 meets the requirement of ECDIS generic training. The completion of any one of the following will be recognised as meeting the ECDIS generic training requirements: z MCA-approved Navigation Radar and ARPA Simulator (NARAS)/ Navigation Aids and Equipment and Simulator Training (NAEST) (operational level) course completed on or after 1 January 2005 z MCA-approved NARAS/NAEST (management level) course completed on or after 1 January 2005 z ECDIS programme based on the IMO model ECDIS course (1.27) approved by the MCA z ECDIS simulator training course in compliance with the current IMO model course 1.27 and approved by an administration whose certificate of competency the UK accepts for the issue of a certificate of equivalent competency Carriage of any one of the above certificates, together with reference to MIN 503, should satisfy port state control officers that the holder meets the required ECDIS generic training requirement. ECDIS ship-specific equipment training for deck officers must relate to the make and model of the equipment fitted onboard the ship on which they are currently serving. The decision on how to deliver ship-specific training is now the responsibility of the shipowner or operator.

z M-Notices are available as

electronic documents or as a set of bound volumes. z A consolidated set of M-Notices is published by The Stationery Office. This contains all M-Notices current on 31 July 2009 (ISBN 9780115530555) and costs £210 — z Individual copies can be electronically subscribed to by emailing a request to or downloaded from the MCA website. Go to and click on Find marine (M) notices.

g Professional & Technical Forum Tuesday 19 May 2015 at 1300hrs for 1330hrs at the FNV Bondgenoten, Pegasusweg 200, 3067 KX, Rotterdam, Netherlands The Forum deals with a wide range of technical, safety, welfare and other professional topics of relevance to all members, including training and certification. The meeting is open to all members (UK, NL & CH) Contact Sue Willis: +44 (0)20 8989 6677

Contact Nautilus International Nautilus International welcomes contact from members at any time. Please send a message to one of our department email addresses (see page 17) or get in touch with us at one of our offices around the world. For urgent matters, we can also arrange to visit your ship in a UK port. Please give us your vessel’s ETA and as much information as possible about the issue that needs addressing.

SINGAPORE Nautilus International 10a Braddell Hill #05-03 Singapore, 579720 Tel: +65 (0)625 61933 Mobile: +65 (0)973 10154

Northern office Nautilus International Nautilus House, Mariners’ Park Wallasey CH45 7PH Tel: +44 (0)151 639 8454 Fax: +44 (0)151 346 8801 Offshore sector contact point Members working for companies based in the east of Scotland or UK offshore oil and gas sector can call: +44 (0)1224 638882 THE NETHERLANDS Postal Address Nautilus International Postbus 8575 3009 An Rotterdam Physical Address Nautilus International Schorpioenstraat 266 3067 KW Rotterdam Tel: +31 (0)10 477 1188 Fax: +31 (0)10 477 3846

FRANCE Yacht sector office in partnership with D&B Services 3 Bd. d’Aguillon 06600 Antibes, France Tel: +33 (0)962 616 140 SPAIN Yacht sector office in partnership with dovaston C/Joan de Saridakis 2, Edificion Goya Local 1A, Marivent 07015 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Tel: +34 971 677 375

College contacts Induction visits See event section for dates of upcoming college visits by the Nautilus recruitment team. For further information, email or call Lee Moon on +44 (0)151 639 8454. Industrial support for cadets An industrial official is appointed to each of the main nautical colleges. In addition the industrial department is responsible for representing trainee officers in line with all

members that we represent; please contact the Union on +44 (0)20 8989 6677. Your enquiry will then be directed to the relevant industrial organiser for your employer/sponsoring company. The union also facilitates a Young Maritime Professionals’ Forum to provide an opportunity for young members to engage in discussions on the specific challenges facing young workers in the maritime profession. For further information members should contact Paul Schroder at

g Women’s Forum Monday 5 October 2015 1400hrs to 1600hrs Titanic Hotel Stanley Dock, Regent Road Liverpool L3 0AN, UK The Forum provides guidance to Nautilus Council on the challenges facing women in the industry and encourages female participation in Union activity. Open to all female members. Contact Lisa Carr: +44 (0)20 8989 6677

Quiz and crossword answersACDB

Quiz answers 1. Japan’s ClassNK is the world’s largest classification society, with over 366m dwt on its books, representing some 21% of the world’s classed fleet. 2. Bulk carriers are the ship type with the largest share of the world orderbook, in both numerical and tonnage terms. 3. China has the largest share of the global orderbook — a total of 83m tonnes, compared with 62.7m tonnes on order in South Korea. 4. Daewoo, of South Korea, has the world’s biggest orderbook for containerships — 26 vessels, totalling more than 420,000TEU. 5. The total value of the newbuilding orderbook at the start of this year is estimated at US$316.7bn (at contracted values). 6. APM-Maersk, MSC and CMA CGM together operate 37.7% of total world TEU capacity. Crossword answers Quick Answers Across: 1. Test tube; 5. Scrape; 9. Tectonics; 11. Rupee; 12. Neighbouring; 15. Fist; 16. Locomotive; 18. Compensate; 19. Turn; 21. Oceanography; 24. Agist; 25. Satirical; 26. Openly; 27. Presence. Down: 1. Tate; 2. Sock; 3. Trowel; 4. Bridge of Sighs; 6. Corduroy; 7. Amphibious; 8. Evergreens; 10. Sub-postmaster; 13. Aficionado; 14. Ishmaelite; 17. Neonatal; 20. Shirts; 22. Scan; 23. Glee. This month’s cryptic crossword is a prize competition, and the answers will appear in next month’s Telegraph. Congratulations to Nautilus member JNS Howard, who has won the prize draw for the April cryptic crossword. Cryptic answers from April Across: 1. Unfurnished; 9. Pianist; 10. Chinwag; 11. Anonymous; 12. Local; 13. Need; 14. Astronomer; 16. Schoolgirl; 19. Stud; 21. Pewit; 22. Musketeer; 24. Agrapha; 25. Travail; 26. Downtrodden. Down: 1. Up above the world; 2. Fairy; 3. Rations; 4. Incisor; 5. Hairline; 6. Down came the rain; 7. Sprain; 8. Eggler; 15. Southpaw; 16. Sappan; 17. Gymnast; 18. Risotto; 20. Burgle; 23. Eland.

To suggest an organisation which could appear here, email

Maritime & Coastguard Agency +44 (0)23 8032 9100 Implements the UK government’s maritime safety policy and works to prevent the loss of life on the coast and at sea.

International Transport Workers’ Federation +44 (0)20 7403 2733 A federation of over 700 unions representing over 4.5 million transport workers from 150 countries.

Merchant Navy Welfare Board Umbrella body for the UK maritime charity sector, promoting cooperation between organisations that provide welfare services to merchant seafarers and their dependants within the UK.

Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport + 31 88 489 00 00 Dutch maritime authority (separate from Dutch coastguard).

Merchant Navy Training Board UK organisation promoting maritime education and training, and providing careers guidance. Administers the Careers at Sea Ambassadors scheme, under which serving seafarers can volunteer to give careers talks in UK schools.

Seafarers UK (formerly the King George’s Fund for Sailors) +44 (0)20 7932 0000 Supports and promotes UK charities helping seafarers from the Merchant Navy, Royal Navy and fishing fleets. Often organises places for maritime fundraisers to enter marathons and other charity challenges.

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SWITZERLAND Gewerkschaftshaus, Rebgasse 1 4005 Basel, Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)61 262 24 24 Fax: +41 (0)61 262 24 25

UK Head office Nautilus International 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane South Woodford, London E18 1BD Tel: +44 (0)20 8989 6677 Fax: +44 (0)20 8530 1015

Useful organisations

Swiss Maritime Navigation Office +41 (0)61 270 91 20 Swiss maritime authority.

g Young Maritime Professionals Forum Monday 5 October 2015 1200hrs to 1400hrs Titanic Hotel, Stanley Dock, Regent Road, Liverpool L3 0AN, UK The Forum provides guidance to Nautilus Council on the challenges facing young people in the shipping industry and on the issues that matter to them. Open to all young members (UK, NL & CH). Contact Paul Schroder: +44 (0)20 8989 6677

International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network +44 (0)300 012 4279 Global organisation providing a 24 hour, year-round multi-lingual helpline for all seafarers’ welfare and support needs, as well as an emergency welfare fund. SAIL (Seafarers’ Information and Advice Line) 08457 413 318 +44 (0)20 8269 0921 UK-based citizens’ advice service helping seafarers and their families with issues such as debt, benefit

entitlements, housing, pensions and relationships. Seamen’s Hospital Society +44 (0)20 8858 3696 UK charity dedicated to the health and welfare of seafarers. Includes the Dreadnought health service. Seafarers’ Link +44 (0)1752 812 674 Telephone friendship project connecting retired UK seafarers at home through a fortnightly telephone conference service.

Seatax Ltd +44 (0)1302 364 673 Company providing specialist tax advice for merchant seafarers. Marine Society +44 (0)20 7654 7050 UK charity dedicated to the learning and professional development of seafarers. Offers 120,000 books to ships through its library service, plus distance-learning programmes and scholarship schemes including the Nautilus-administered Slater Fund.

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May 2015 | | telegraph | 47


The face of Nautilus Michael Lloyd, Council member


Michael Lloyd is a retired captain and now lists his ‘spare time’ jobs as writer, technical author, safety consultant, designer, manufacturer, salesman, chairman, business manager and Nautilus Council member. ‘I’m busier now than I’ve ever been,’ he laughs. ‘When I first came ashore, Witherbys agreed to publish my first novel. I had been writing papers and technical books for many years, but got a bit fed up with having to be absolutely correct all the time. You can have a bit more fun with novels whilst still getting some serious points across. ‘In all of my books most of the events

have happened at some point and most of the characters are based on real people.’ But no, he won’t tell us who… Michael served at sea for 50 years — 35 of them as a captain — working at some point in most sectors of the industry including cruiseships, towing, salvage, maintenance, containerships and bulk carriers. ‘I first joined the Union when I was a cadet and membership is more relevant now than it ever was,’ he says. ‘The Union was, and still is, the only place where anyone stands up for seafarers and talks about what is wrong in the industry. There was so much wrong back

then and there are still things wrong today. If we didn’t have the Union we wouldn’t have anyone. ‘There is more wrong today than there ever has been and Nautilus is the only way to get seafarers’ voices heard in the corridors of power,’ he points out. ‘The more members we have, the louder our collective voice is and the more things we can ultimately change for the better.’ Michael is keen to stress that potential members should not be put off of joining because of old-fashioned views of trade unions. ‘I have never known this Union behave in an aggressive manner,’ he says. ‘They

have always tried to balance things, and accept the fact that we need shipowners and we need jobs, but we need safety and we need things to be done properly. That’s what we stand for.’ Michael was re-elected to the Council two years ago and is happy to report that he is delighted with what he has found. ‘The Union is in very safe hands,’ he says, ‘from the general secretary at the top, all the way through to the staff and industrial officers. They understand members and work hard for us.’ Michael’s latest novel, Pirate Ship, has just been published and is reviewed on page 35.

Wherev er you are , so are we

CALL NOW TO JOIN NAUTILUS ON: UK: +44 (0)151 639 8454 NL: +31 (0)10 477 11 88 CH: +41 (0)61 262 24 24

Join today so we can be there for you too! Pay and conditions Nautilus International is the first truly trans-boundary trade union for maritime professionals, reflecting the global nature of the industry. We negotiate with employers on issues including pay, working conditions, working hours and pensions to secure agreements which recognise members’ skills and experience, and the need for safety for the maritime sector. Legal services Nautilus Legal offers members a range of legal services free of charge. There are specialist lawyers to support members in work related issues and a number of non-work related issues. The Union also has a network of lawyers in 54 countries to provide support where members need it most. Workplace support Nautilus International officials provide expert advice on work-related problems such as contracts, redundancy, bullying or discrimination, non-payment of wages, and pensions. Certificate protection Members are entitled to free financial protection, worth up to £118,500, against the loss

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of income if their certificate of competency is cancelled, suspended or downgraded following a formal inquiry.

training. The Union is affiliated to the TUC in the UK, FNV in the Netherlands and SGB/USS in Switzerland.

Extra savings Members can take advantage of many additional discounts and benefits organised at a local level. These include tax advice, insurance discounts and advice on pension matters. In the Netherlands, discounts are organised through FNV, and trade union contributions are mostly tax-friendly, entitling members to receive a significant part of their contributions back.

In touch As a Nautilus International member, help is never far away — wherever in the world you are. Officials regularly see members onboard their ships and visit cadets at college. Further support and advice is available at regular ‘surgeries’ and conferences. The Union has offices in London, Wallasey, Rotterdam and Basel. There are also representatives based in France, Spain and Singapore.

International representation Nautilus International represents members’ views on a wide range of national and international bodies including the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations (IFSMA). We work at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on key global regulations covering working conditions, health and safety and

Join us today… Call +44 (0)151 639 8454 Visit Email g For the full range of member benefits visit

OR g Speak with our membership department on +44 (0)151 639 8454

Your union, your voice The Union represents the voice of more than 22,000 maritime professionals working in all sectors of the industry at sea and ashore — including inland navigation, large yachts, deepsea and offshore. For members, by members Nautilus International is a dynamic and democratic trade union offering members many opportunities to become actively involved and have your say — at a local, national and international level.

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48 | telegraph | | May 2015


New ballast system for UK-flagged cable-layer Cable Innovator is pictured at the A Damen Shiprepair Year in Dunkerque The UK-flagged multi-role vessel

during a major refit programme which was completed last month. The 1995-built Global Marine Systems vessel underwent extensive work, including the installation of a new ballast water treatment system and a five-year survey, with blasting and repainting of the ballast and fresh water tanks and undersides. Damen removed, overhauled and reinstalled the tail shaft, three tunnel thrusters and one azimuth thruster on the 14,277gt Cable Innovator, which serves both the energy and telecommunications sectors and can also facilitate scientific research. A ‘strategic hole’ was cut into the ship’s side to install the new ballast water system, which will meet the requirements of the imminent new ballast water management convention.

Insurers’ alarm on crew quality

Members seek to inspire pupils on maritime work

Report raises concerns over manning levels and ‘mixed’ training standards


Nautilus has welcomed a new marine insurance report which urges the shipping industry to tackle the growing problems posed by poorly-trained seafarers. The annual safety and shipping review published by Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality (AGCS) warns of the dangers arising from inadequate training and minimal manning levels, along with over-reliance on electronic equipment. The report notes that last year was the industry’s best for safety in a decade — with the total of 75 ship losses worldwide down by almost one-third from 2013. AGCS said the rate of shipping losses has halved since 2005, driven in part by tougher regulation. However, it adds, although the long-term trends are ‘encouraging’, more must be done to improve the overall safety of ships. Recent casualties such as the Sewol and Norman Atlantic disasters raise significant concerns and underline ‘a worrying gap’ in crew training for

emergency operations on ro-ro passengerships, it argues. ‘Vessel construction is not always the only weak point,’ the report points out. ‘Levels of crew experience, training and emergency preparedness can also be inadequate. Minimum manning levels are reducing the ability to train people onboard, providing invaluable insight. But with crews being mandated to meet often unachievable hours of rest — and taking on secondary and tertiary duties — improved training alone is not the panacea.’ The report highlights the increasing cost of ship losses and says the ‘growing problem’ of crew negligence is a key factor in three of the top five causes of loss, which collectively account for more than 60% of the value of claims over €1m. AGCS said it was particularly concerned by incidents involving over-reliance on electronic navigation aids and it blamed inadequate training at grassroots level for the problem. ‘Training standards are mixed when it comes

to ECDIS,’ said head of marine risk consulting Captain Rahul Khanna. ‘It should be relatively straightforward as the framework in STCW is already there, but the training in individual facilities in some parts of the world is not up to standard.’ Lessons learned from accidents are not always being fed back into ECDIS training, he added. ‘The minimum standards have been met, but we need to go above and beyond them to give robust training to officers to ensure that they avoid misinterpretation of ECDIS and operating mistakes that lead to expensive disasters.’ The report says amendments to the ISM Code, which came into effect on 1 January this year, could address the ‘perennial problem’ of safe manning levels by making owners liable if they have not properly assessed the crew numbers required to ensure compliance with hours of rest rules and other operational requirements. ‘The minimum safe crewing levels should only be the default

level for an emergency situation and not the normal day-to-day level for safe operations,’ it adds. AGCS also raised concern about the potential for a €2bnplus loss involving an ultra-large containership and it urged the industry to ‘think long and hard’ before making the leap to the next size up. ‘As much as I support technological advances and development, we need to be careful how we go about with this,’ Capt Khanna stressed. ‘If we are going to go bigger than 22,000TEU, then risk management needs to go back to the drawing board — especially in the light of the MOL Comfort accident.’ Nautilus senior national secretary Allan Graveson welcomed the report. ‘The insurance industry clearly shares many of our concerns and it is right to highlight these risks,’ he added. ‘Owners and operators — as well as regulators — should heed the warnings that are being made here.’ g Salvors’ fears over ‘megaships’ — see page 29.

Red Funnel chief officer Fiona Noone speaks to two girls from the London Nautical School about working at sea

and Fena Boyle were among 15 F women from traditionally male-

Nautilus members Fiona Noone

dominated workplaces who took part in an event aimed at inspiring schoolgirls to consider unconventional career options. As well as the two Merchant Navy representatives, the event — organised by Careers at Sea and Inspiring Women — included females from the Royal Navy, RAF and civil airlines, as well as a female professional racing car driver. Around 100 school children participated in the ‘career speed dating’ event where groups of four girls were given 10 minutes to quiz each person about their work, the benefits of their career and why they

had chosen a traditionally male role. Fiona, who is a chief officer at Red Funnel and Careers at Sea Ambassador, said the event was excellent and she enjoyed the opportunity to talk to the girls about her career. ‘Gender should not hold you back from any opportunities,’ she said. ‘The girls asked me lots of questions about how I got involved with the Merchant Navy and if I always knew that this was the job I wanted to do.’ g Anyone interested in sharing their own experiences of working at sea can sign up to be a Careers at Sea Ambassador at www.careersatsea. org and females can volunteer for the Inspiring Women campaign at www.

Training courses for the maritime and offshore industries

Merchant Navy Operations (Deck) Certificate of Competency Officer of the Watch (Unlimited) Jan, May & Sept intakes Chief Mate/Masters (Unlimited) May Jan &&Sep Septintakes intakes Master Mariner (Unlimited) Orals Prep Mar & Oct intakes Shipboard Safety Officer Master Mariner (200Gt) Orals Prep (2 weeks) Shipboard Security Officer STCW Safety 5 day STCW Basic Safety Training Personal Survival Techniques Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities Elementary First Aid Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting Advanced Fire Fighting Efficient Deck Hand Man Over Board / Rib Capsize Drills IMDG awareness

48_news.indd 48

Navigation NAEST (O) & (M) ECDIS generic and type specific Medical and First Aid Bridge Team Management Medical First Aid Onboard Ship Pre ARPA and ARPA Medical Care Onboard Ship (and Refresher) SVNR HSE Offshore First Aid (and Refresher) Tanker HSE First Aid at Work (and Refresher) Tanker Familiarisation HSE Emergency First Aid at Work Specialist Tanker Training (Oil) Radio Dynamic Positioning GMDSS GOC/ROC/LRC/CAA DP Induction VHF Short Range Certificate DP Simulator DP Introduction

Offshore Oil & Gas OIM Management of Major Emergencies CRO Controlling Emergencies Command & Control for ERRVs Masters & Mates Oil Spill Crisis Management (OPRC) COMPEX EX01 to EX04 Offshore Wind 5 day Wind Energy Safety Training Working at Height & Rescue (RUK) Advanced Rescue Climbing Awareness Marine Transfer Confined Space Entry & Rescue

Facilities for Hire Environmental Pool (wave, wind, rain) Marine Transfer Ladder Full Mission Ship’s Bridge Simulator Dynamic Positioning Simulator Offshore Control Room Simulator

Lowestoft College, St Peters Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2NB United Kingdom


00 44 1502 525025

Email: Web:

Accredited by

24/04/2015 17:36

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