Magazine — Issue 8

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ISSUE 8 January 2020


Canada vs. the Skills Gap Why our neighbor to the north has an edge in the talent market

There's No Such Thing as an Introvert An MBTI expert on what we all get wrong about hiring for personality types

OPPORTUNITY AMID UNCERTAINTY What the best recruiters will be doing differently in 2020

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Editor's Note Dear Readers, Did you know that 92 percent of us fail to keep our New Year's resolutions? We at don't want you to be just another statistic, which is why our first issue of 2020 is jampacked with advice and insights to help you make this your best year ever. MBTI expert Michael Segovia is here to disabuse us all of our mistaken assumptions about recruiting based on personality type. HR executive Sofia Hernandez demystifies the magic of "promise," proving that concrete achievements always beat out potential. Matt Jackson of Thomsons Online Benefits uncovers a troubling trend of unequal perks, and Worldwide ERC Board Chairman Sue Carey explores how Canada is closing the skills gap by welcoming immigrant talent with open arms. Plus, we look at how recruiters, employers, and HR pros can turn the looming "talent crunch" into an opportunity through new services, new trainings, and new technologies. All this and more awaits in the latest issue of Magazine. Happy reading! Matthew Kosinski Managing Editor Magazine is published quarterly by For media and editorial inquiries, contact Matthew Kosinski ( For advertising inquiries, visit our website. Magazine


Table of Contents Recruiter Hall of Fame: Abraham Regan ... Pg. 5

Don't Fall for 'Potential': 4 Candidates to Avoid ... Pg. 16 Sofia Hernandez

Personality Type Biases Lead to Missed Opportunities ... Pg. 6 Michael Segovia

Moving the HR Technology Needle: 2020 Predictions ... Pg. 20 Nina Cofer

(Re)Kindling the Flame: Invest in Yourself in 2020 ... Pg. 9

Fake News! The Digital Literacy Crisis in American Workplaces ... Pg. 22 Matthew Kosinski

Want to Close the Skills Gap? Follow Canada's Lead ... Pg. 12 Sue Carey

What the Best Recruiters Are Doing Differently in 2020 ... Pg. 24 Scott Engler

Does Your Benefits Program Still Cater to Nuclear Families? ... Pg. 14 Matt Jackson

Executive Spotlight: Renato Profico ... Pg. 27

Share your insights. Put your brand in front of more than 10 million social media followers. Become a contributor today. 4 Magazine

Hall of Fame

Abraham Regan, Federal Soft Systems's Recruiter Hall of Fame recognizes the skilled talent acquisition professionals who work tirelessly on the Job Market Platform to connect great companies with the top-tier candidates they need. This Issue's Honoree: Abraham Regan, North American Head of Recruitment, Federal Soft Systems


ecruiters have very little wiggle room when it comes to performance. You're either getting the right candidates in the right seats consistently, or — well, there's not really an alternative. More than most other industries, recruiting is all about results. And staffing boutique and IT services company Federal Soft Systems (FSS) gets results, with 160 percent higher interview rates, 65 percent higher fill rates, 34 percent lower bill rates, and twice as low attrition rates, compared to industry averages. FSS's North American Head of Recruitment Abraham Regan, MBA, PMP, ITIL, personally embodies his firm's track record of success. In the course of his 10+ year career, Regan has placed more than 700 candidates in a variety of verticals, including IT, banking and finance, healthcare, retail, energy and utilities, and more. He has helped hire top-tier talent for big names like Verizon, General Mills, and Dell, all while racking up an illustrious list of awards, including being named the best team account manager at FSS for three years in a row. In 2019 alone, Regan and the FSS team placed more than 400 full-time and contract consultants — some of which they placed through the Job Market Platform. Magazine

" is a wonderful platform to make money," Regan says. "It connects us with openings at premier employers. We are able to fill jobs fast, and as a recruiting agency, we can focus on what we do best: finding great talent." According to Regan, the secret to FSS's success lies in its team of more than 100 seasoned recruiters. "All our recruiters are very strong, with verticals like information technology, banking and finance, healthcare and life sciences, media and hi-tech, energy and utilities, retail, public sector, and insurance," Regan says. "[That] allows us to better match skills to jobs, work styles to company culture, and individual career goals to your technology staffing needs." This wide range of experience — plus an impressive database of millions of candidates, including connections across the nation and around the globe — gives Regan and FSS a leg up over the competition. "We take pride in finding the right kind of talent and resources for your business — regardless of background," Regan says. For more information about Federal Soft Systems, visit 5

Personality Type Biases Lead to Missed Opportunities

Hiring pros often rely on the MBTI to assess candidate fit, but misconceptions regarding what a personality type really means can drive bad hiring decisions.


f the many biases in the world, one that quite often leads to lost opportunity is the idea that certain personality types are suited for some types of work and not others.

are underrepresented. I encourage these people to continue exploring those careers while also giving them a dose of reality by letting them know there may not be a lot of people like them in that line of work. "Is being different something you can handle on a daily basis? Can you thrive in an environment like that?" I'll ask.

For example, those who know me outside of work are often surprised to learn I'm in front of groups of people (large and small) almost every day. I then help these people explore how I deliver single-day and week-long Michael Segovia their differences might drive innovaworkshops in every industry at every tion the field is missing. I'm reminded organizational level. I love what I do, but conventional wisdom says I shouldn't — be- of a nuclear engineer with, in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) terms, preferences for ENTP cause I also have a preference for introversion. (extraversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving). He works mostly with people with E Outside of work, that preference I STJ (sensing, thinking, judgis usually obvious. When I tell “Certain personality types or ing) preferences. This person people what I do, I get a double are attracted to certain certainly has a different work take and questions like, "Isn't that exhausting for you?" When I say, careers, but that doesn't style from his colleagues, and at times his coworkers don't get "Not really" — again, I love what I mean they perform better his "let's look for new, innovative do — people look surprised. in those careers.” ways to change the system" approach. However, his colleagues Many assume only those who will also tell you that he pushes them to think outprefer extraversion are cut out for presenting, selling, talking to customers, and so on, while those side the box and explore new ideas that might imwho prefer introversion are only meant for less prove processes and safety. social, less people-facing careers. I'm here to tell There Is No Such Thing as an 'Introvert' you this bias is simply not accurate. Any Type Can Do Anything Our personality preferences shouldn't be used to limit us. While The Myers-Briggs Company has data that shows certain personality types are attracted to certain careers, that doesn't mean they perform better in those careers. Any personality type can do anything. From time to time, I work with people interested in exploring careers in which their personality types Magazine

Ultimately, what engages us in work does not have to do with whether we prefer extraversion or introversion. You may notice that I'm not saying "extravert" or "introvert." I don't use either word because I don't believe

there is a "true" version of either. Imagine if you lived in a world that was exclusively either extraverted or introverted. Carl Jung — the psychiatrist on whose work the MBTI is based — believed that would be a problem. Only living in the extraverted world or being an "extravert" would eventually feel overwhelming for a person and annoying to the people around them. Only living in the introverted world or being an "introvert" would eventually feel underwhelming and make a person seem absent to others.

Extraversion and Introversion: Two Worlds Intertwined We can better understand what personality preferences tell us about ourselves by looking beyond the first letter of our four-letter type (E or I). We need to also consider the middle two letters (S or N and T or F processes), and how the last letter (J or P) orients or directs its energy to the outer world.

If a person prefers judging (J), they'll usually "extravert" their judging process (T or F). If a person I think it's more useful to consider having a prefer- prefers perceiving (P), they'll usually extravert ence for extraversion or introversion. This under- their perceiving process (S or N). For balance, the standing does away with labels that can limit us, other process in their four-letter type will be used and it helps us see that we all have parts of our in the introverted world. personalities we use in the extraverted world and other parts we use in the introverted world. We This may all seem a bit complicated, but it helps us understand so much more about ourselves. just prefer one world (E or I) over the other. Magazine


For example, my preferences are INFP. Because I prefer perceiving (my last letter), I extravert intuition (S and N are perceiving processes), and for balance I introvert feeling (T and F are judging processes). So, you see, there is really no complete "extravert" or "introvert." When I'm taking in information using intuition, I do that in the extraverted world. However, when I make decisions using feeling, I need space to do that in the introverted world. The 'Introverted' Trainer

and yet, time and again, they are overlooked. According to M ye r s - B r i g g s Company data, people who prefer extraversion are almost twice as

“What engages us at work does not have to do with whether we prefer extraversion or introversion.”

While my overall preference is for introversion, I hope I've made it clear that not only is there no such thing as an introvert, but there's also no such thing as a truly introverted trainer. While I need to reenergize after using extraverted energy all day, if I'm in a place that allows me to use the extraverted side of my personality type — intuition — I feel more, not less, energized by the end of the day.

likely to be promoted to leadership positions as those who prefer introversion — but there is no data that shows one preference is better than the other when it comes to performing the duties of a leadership role. We all have gifts and blind spots, but it can be all too easy to see the blind spots of people who are different from us.

If, during my programs and workshops, I can work with people to explore possibilities around change, conflict, and communication, I can't wait to do that again the next day.

Biases limit our perceptions and cloud our judgments — which makes them especially damaging to the hiring process, which requires some degree of objectivity for the best results.

Alternatively, if I need to make decisions on the spot in that extraverted world, I can do it, but I find those days draining. As noted above, I use feeling to make decisions, and I need introverted space to do so most effectively.

Instead of dismissing someone because they don’t fit a traditional mold, stay open to what they might bring to your organization.

MBTI co-creator Isabel Briggs Myers once wrote, "By developing individual strengths, guardRemember: All people who prefer introversion ing against weaknesses, and appreciating the have a side that is extraverted, and all people strengths of other types, life will be more amuswho prefer extraversion have a side that is intro- ing, more interesting, and more of a daily advenverted. ture than it could possibly be if everyone were alike." The 'Introverted' Employee Bias If you're looking to transform your organization, You work with, report to, or have reporting to you the key may just be looking past biases and bemany people who prefer introversion. The 2018 ing open to others' gifts. You may be surprised MBTI Manual for the Global Step I and II Assess- by what you find. ments notes that people who prefer introversion represent 56.8 percent of the population. Peo- Michael Segovia is the lead trainer for The Myple who prefer introversion are everywhere — ers-Briggs Company's MBTI certification programs. 8 Magazine

(Re)Kindling the Flame: In 2020, Make a Promise to Reinvest in Yourself Need career inspiration for the new year? The staff of reflects on why recruiting matters.


t's easy to be a cynic when it comes to New Year's resolutions. Sure, we all go through the motions every January, but how many of us actually keep those promises to ourselves? By some estimates, it's as few as 8 percent of us.

But this year can be different. Writing for US News and World Report in 2015, clinical psychologist Joseph J. Luciani noted that one of the keys to keeping a resolution is to cultivate a sense of optimism. If you truly believe in what you're doing, you'll have all the more reason to stick to it. Recruiting and HR professionals know that optimism isn't always easy. They perform some of the most critical functions in the business landscape, but they may also find themselves buried under mounds of uninspiring administrative work, putting out fires, and just trying to stay afloat in an ever-changing current. Amid all the challenges, it can be hard to remember why it all matters in the first place. That's why the staff of took some time this winter to reflect on what keeps them going — why they put their time, passion, and energy into recruiting in the first place. We hope our thoughts on what makes recruiting great will help you rediscover and reconnect with the passion you felt the first time you placed a great candidate in a perfect role. You'll find it much easier to invest in yourself in the coming year when you remember why you count.

My favorite thing about recruiting is that it inspires positive change, optimism, and growth. When a person changes jobs or careers, they are consciously choosing a path to better themselves. When a company hires, they in turn are looking forward to and investing in the future. It's that faith in making change for a better tomorrow that I love.

Miles Jennings, CEO Magazine


I think my favorite thing about recruiting is that it allows me the chance to interact with so many interesting people and learn their stories! I love that I play a part in impacting people's lives in a positive way. There are few things as rewarding as helping someone start a new job.

Delinda Giles, Director of Recruiting

I have to say my favorite things about recruiting would have to be helping customers fill their roles in a short amount of time and assisting those looking for a new job in their search. Just the fact of being able to assist people in either furthering their current careers or moving onto a new career makes my day!

David Ranno, Sr. Business Development Manager

I would have to say that my favorite thing about working in the recruitment industry is knowing that you are helping someone improve their life. I find it very rewarding knowing that I have possibly helped that candidate improve their career and — better yet — their life.

Dana Lee, Product Analyst 10 Magazine

My favorite thing about recruiting is connecting with people and helping them make one of the biggest decisions in their lives. It is a very rewarding opportunity to bring positive change to one's life and improve their overall situation.

Blake Thigpen, Director, Talent Solutions

My favorite thing about recruiting is learning about different types of jobs and industries. It is so fascinating being able to talk with candidates in unique job positions that you've never heard of and learning about what they do on a daily basis.

Camille Ingenthron, Recruiter Engagement Mgr.

Need a way to invest in yourself in 2020? Whether you're an established professional or a curious career changer, the Certification Program (RCP) can help. Drawing on the expertise of's team of experienced recruiting professionals, as well's vast library of content authored by industry thought leaders, the RCP offers participants a robust recruiting education that covers everything from the basics to contemporary best practices that get results. The RCP is even a SHRM-CPŠ & SHRM-SCPŠ Recertification Provider. Participants can earn 45 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) while brushing up on their recruitment skills. Visit https://www. to try the RCP for free today. Magazine


O Canada: Want to Close the Skills Gap? Look to the North. As US companies wrestle with dire talent shortages in a closed country, Canada has embraced immigrant talent — with impressive results.


ith the country in the midst of an unprecedented streak of full employment, there are more employers looking for talent than there are candidates seeking jobs in the United States. It's a good problem to have if you're a politician, but if you're a recruiter tasked with filling open positions for American companies, the struggle is real.

detailed in a January 2019 Bloomberg article, the county's 2018 population growth rate of 1.4 percent was its highest in 30 years, thanks in part to an influx of 425,000 immigrants.

The Canadian government predicts that by 2031, close to half of Canadians over the age of 15 will be immigrants or the children of immigrants, a direct result of the governSue Carey Even if the economy cools down in the ment's conscious effort to expand its coming months, recruiters will be dealpool of skilled talent. According to the ing with talent shortages in critical sectors like Bloomberg piece, bringing in skilled workers from technology and medicine for years to come. There abroad has resulted in thousands of new jobs besimply aren't enough candidates in the pipeline to ing created in the country and significant benefits meet projected demand. That means recruiters for companies operating in Canada. and policymakers alike will have to get creative. Programs to Match Talent With If you're in need of inspiration, look north to CanOpportunities ada. Immigration can be difficult Growing the Population to navigate, but it is terrain to Meet Growing Talent Needs policymakers must tackle if they want their counAs baby boomers retire in great numbers, they tries to stay at the are creating what industry analysts call the "sil- forefront of innovaver tsunami," a wave of job openings employers tion and growth. In are struggling to fill in a full-employment job mar- Canada, the govket. The labor shortage can be especially acute in ernment created sectors like manufacturing, which may not be as streamlined and attractive to younger employees as they were to expedited mitheir parents and grandparents. gration paths for immigrants But even if innovative programs to get younger with sought-afworkers interested in more traditional jobs suc- ter skills, such ceed, declining birth rates in the US and other de- as the Canaveloped countries still pose a challenge to finding dian Federal enough talent. Skilled Worker Program. Canadian employers face the same sort of obstacles as their American counterparts, and in To attract enresponse, Canadian policymakers have looked trepreneurs, outside their borders to grow the population. As Canada also

designed a business immial factors to qualify them gration category that aims for entry into Canada, into entice successful busicluding education, skills, nesspeople who can start experience, and English new companies and create and French language pronew jobs in the country. ficiency. The program also Recognizing that each reallows a fast-track through gions has its unique needs, the Temporary Foreign the government created Worker Program or the Inthe Provincial Nominee ternational Mobility ProProgram to allow organizations in certain areas gram. People in those programs can work while to hire migrants. The program facilitates immi- their Express Entry application is under considergration to specific provinces and offers a path to ation. permanent residence in Canada. Elements of Canada's immigration reform effort The Provincial Nominee Program and special im- took effect in 2015 as the demand for talent was migration programs are federal options in Can- growing across North America. The US has largeada, as is the Quebec Skilled Worker Program, ly moved in the opposite direction since then, with which "enables highly educated and trained for- immigration restrictions increasing the challengeign nationals to immigrate to Quebec as skilled es faced by US-based recruiters. With its willingworkers." ness to embrace the movement of talent across borders, Canada is in a great position to compete, In a similar vein, British Columbia's Entrepreneur and the US needs to take note. Immigration Regional Pilot program allows entrepreneurs to establish new businesses in smaller The future of work won't be defined by borders and communities in the province. The program seeks in-office talent. To compete and win in a modern to bring people to communities with populations economy, companies will have to mobilize skilled under 75,000 that are located at least 30 kilome- talent quickly and move resources where they're ters (roughly 19 miles) from an urban core. A pro- needed most. American organizations that undergram like this in the US could bring jobs to small stand the scale of the challenge can look north town America, helping to reverse a decades-long for inspiration — and push for similar reform meaeconomic decline in these areas by giving young sures in their own country. people opportunities in their hometowns. Sue Carey, SCRP, SGMS-T, is vice president of corpoFast-Tracking Job Seekers rate relocation at Baird & Warner and 2019 chairman for the Future of Work of the Worldwide ERC Board.

“The future of work won't be defined by borders. In a modern economy, companies will have to mobilize talent quickly.�

In addition to recognizing a general need for skilled workers and regional jobs-growth objectives in the modern economy, Canada engaged in broad-based immigration and work permit reform a few years ago. The country rolled out the Express Entry system to address the need for long-term employees, and it adjusted the rules that apply to temporary workers to streamline the hiring process. The system ranks potential immigrants on Magazine


Does Your Benefits Program Still Cater to Nuclear Families?


Married employees with families receive more benefits than their single coworkers. What are employers doing to close the gap?

ccording to the US census, more than 110 million Americans over the age of 18 are currently unmarried. That's 45 percent of the adult US population. And yet, many employers have been slow to adjust their benefits to support modern lifestyles. As a result, a significant value gap has emerged between the benefits offered to married employees and those offered to their single counterparts.

days off than single employees — partially because 22 percent of organizations offer employees additional PTO for weddings and honeymoons. Assuming a median household income of $56,516, or $217 per working day, single employees are missing out on around $775 in PTO value.

In terms of healthcare, the average monthly contribution to the healthcare Matt Jackson plan of a married employee is $461.80 versus $344.35 for a single employee. Over 10 years, that difference would New research from Thomsons Online Benefits result in a loss of $14,094 for single employees, asked 300 US HR decision-makers about the dif- compared to the healthcare support their married ferences in their benefits programs as related to counterparts receive. Additionally, married ememployees' marital statuses. ployees get extra pension contributions from 34 percent of employers. Shockingly, 90 percent of companies are offering additional benefits to employees who are marLack of Support for Single Caregivers ried, leaving those without a legal partner out of pocket. Disparities between single and married According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, apcoworkers can be seen across the entire benefits proximately 39.8 million caregivers are provid ecosystem, with everything from PTO and health- ing care to adults (aged 18+) with a disability or care to flexible work arrangements affected by illness in the US. These carethis imbalance. givers may not be caring for their children, but they still Losses in PTO, Pensions, need support from their and Healthcare employers. The discrepancies between benefits for single and married employees have real, significant monetary impacts. Married employees receive, on average, 3.6 more 14

Unfortunately, the needs of these caregivers are not currently reflected in most companies' benefits programs. According to the Thomsons report, 70 percent of companies offer paid family leave to employees with children, Magazine

while only 44 percent offer that option to employees who have other family caregiving responsibilities. Inflexible Work Arrangements

benefits programs to all employees. Even more concerning, of those respondents who do not yet provide personalized bene“Most HR pros agree it's unfair fits programs, only 15 perare planning to invest that colleagues without partners cent in personalization in the fudon't receive the same benefits ture.

The gap between what is as those who have partners.” offered to parents and what It's time for companies to do is offered to their single counterparts can also better when it comes to personalizing benefits to be seen in how most companies handle flexible support all employees, regardless of marital stawork arrangements. Fifty-six percent of employ- tus. Organizations must recognize the diversity ers offer four-day workweeks to employees with of lifestyle choices and family structures in their children, while only 36 percent offer that option workplaces. Offering benefits that only give adto employees without children, according to the vantages to some employees will breed resentThomsons report. ment in the workforce. The importance of flexibility, choice, and personalization for all At many organizations, there is a strong — if un- employees can't be overemphasized. spoken — belief that married employees, and especially parents, should be prioritized over single Providing employees with personalemployees when it comes to flexibility. In fact, ized benefits keeps them happy and 69 percent of the HR decision-makers surveyed engaged while supporting efagreed that flexible work is more important for forts to attract and retain top colleagues with children. talent. Fair treatment needs to be extended to everyone At the same time, employers do recognize the so that organizations don't risks they run by not extending flexible work unintentionally discriminate opportunities to all employees. Eighty percent against subsections of their of HR decision-makers said flexible working ar- staffs. rangements are important in terms of driving talent retention — but many have yet to make these Companies can begin to take options equally available across their workforc- steps in a more equitable direction by collecting data es. on employees' personal The Importance of Personalization needs, analyzing this data, and then using HR decision-makers are aware the disparity is the resulting insights a problem. More than 60 percent agreed that to create benefits ofthe benefits system as it is currently configured ferings that are truworks best for the traditional nuclear family and ly valuable to and that "it's unfair that colleagues without partners inclusive of all don't receive the same flexible benefits as those employees. who have partners or children." Matt Jackson is vice president of cliEighty-three percent of HR decision-makers ent solutions at Thomsons Online Benagreed that all employees should have access efits. to the personalized benefits that suit them best, but only 59 percent said they offer personalized Magazine


Big Potential, Broken Promises


4 Candidates You Shouldn't Fall For

n an ultra-tight job market, the competition for talent is fierce. Candidates with strong credentials and enviable experience know they have options. To get their attention, recruiters find themselves plying promising candidates with bonuses, extra vacation days, and perks ranging from free cappuccinos to pet pods.

but something is always holding them back. Whether it's a poorly run company or bad blood with their former boss, this can- Sofia Hernandez didate always has a reason to explain why However, as they rush to hire top talent before they haven't reached their full potential just yet. their competitors can, some recruiters are led astray. In an effort to find a plum candidate to fill Talent may be scarce, but your company doesn't the void and make a real impact, some pros are have to take a chance on these candidates in the getting distracted by "promise." hope that this time will be different. Here are four kinds of candidates who look like they could be great, but are probably worth passing on. These candidates could be great performers —

1. The Chatty Cathys Camaraderie is great. In fact, Gallup has found that having a best friend at work significantly increases an employee's engagement. Employees who've found kindred spirits at the office are more likely to stick around and dig in for tough work because they feel supported and seen.

meant to hint they've talked too long without letting anyone else speak? Do they have to stop at each person's desk to say goodbye on their way out? These are signs a candidate may have issues with boundaries.

2. The Hole Dwellers

Every company needs detail-oriented people on staff. On an episode of the Freakonomics Radio podcast, Stanford economics professor Nicholas Bloom even called attention to detail the most On the flip side, workers who spend "critically important" trait of every successful too much time socializing not only hamper their CEO. An organization needs a big-picture view of own productivity, but everyone else's, too. Brain- what it can accomplish, but it also needs people storming sessions and problem-solving huddles with an eye for detail to carry can quickly become lengthy, tangent-filled meetout that grand plan successfulings that result in no action steps when these emly. These eagle eyes figure out ployees are around. They're also prone to gossip, loopholes, catch overlaps, and which can really hurt morale. Do you want to lose streamline processes. They're top-tier employees thanks to office talk? the reason you avoid billing errors and embarrassing typos. How to spot them: During interviews, note whether a candidate lingers too long on their own expeBut there's another type of riences or viewpoints. Do they miss social cues detail-fixated person who can 16 Magazine

be your undoing: the Hole will find ways to avoid them — “Desperate times call for Dwellers. These workers haor avoid doing anything that desperate measures — but you ven't met a rabbit hole they will garner the Yeah, But's should always steer clear wouldn't dive down. Rather pushback. That's bad for your than being detail-oriented, company's longevity. of these candidates.” they're easily sidetracked, prone to spending too much time on certain tasks How to spot them: When you ask experiential or in long meetings — to the detriment of the proj- questions, focus on the candidate's perspective. ect overall. Ideally, you want employees who pay Do they explain how they thought about the probattention to detail but also understand the value lem in front of them and approached solving it? of their time. Or do they spend a substantial amount of time talking about how much energy the issue sucked How to spot them: Hole Dwellers aren't shy about out of them? Many negative people who refuse their viewpoints. They'll answer your interview to engage in critical thinking will out themselves questions in ways that highlight their thought during interviews simply by complaining. processes: "I spent three days rerunning the numbers and provided them to the 10th decimal to my 4. The Confident boss — well, really, it was to the 20th, but he told me he didn't need to see the rest — and I found Chokers errors that cost us $25.61!" Faking it 'till you make it isn't always a bad idea. As Amy Cuddy's 3. The Yeah, Buts famous 2012 TED Talk explained, adopting a "power pose" can make If there's one thing your compeople feel more capable, influencpany needs — regardless of ing their behavior accordingly. The your industry — it's people resulting confidence is irresistible who can think critically. When in salespeople, leaders, and others a problem-solver spots an obin positions of influence. People are attracted to stacle, they don't think it's the people who seem to have it all together — or at end of the conversation. Instead, least have it more together than they do. they look for ways over, around, or through the problem. This is how evWhat happens, however, when that confidence is ery innovative company does somemisplaced? The opposite of employees who sufthing new. fer from impostor syndrome, Confident Chokers will continue throwing snappy phrases at people It's also how businesses keep people working towhile the company burns down around them. gether for extended periods of time: If employees With these employees, showy distractions and don't feel their coworkers have their backs, they surface-level arguments replace real substance. eventually lose motivation and check out. Your When that house of cards falls down, there's no biggest enemy can be the employee who, when stopping it. confronted with a problem, plays devil's advocate instead of looking for a fix. How to spot them: When someone's just too good to be true in an interview, dig deeper. Do they focus These people look like they're catching problems on what their team did instead of what they, spebefore they happen, but their constant complaints cifically, did? Some "we" talk is good because it will inevitably make teammates feel there's not an shows teamwork, but too much may signal a lack excuse a Yeah, But wouldn't use. Their teammates of expertise. Ask for details of and insights into Magazine


the approaches they took. Ask about situations kinds of candidates. they've had to rebound from. Nudge for more information about why they left their previous job. While they may have some benefits to offer, the Does "boredom" really refer to bridges burned? disadvantages simply aren't worth it. After all, you don't want to lose the great employees you — already have because you brought a bad hire on board. Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but no matter how tight the job market is, Sofia Hernandez has been a senior HR executive at your company should steer clear of these four multiple Fortune 500 companies.

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Brace Yourselves for the Talent Crunch Finding Opportunity Amid the Uncertain Future of Recruiting and Human Resources


e hate to be the bearers of bad news, but the coming year is shaping up to be a difficult one for recruiting and HR pros. We may be in the beginning stages of what a 2018 Korn Ferry report calls "the global talent crunch." In 2020, employers may face a worldwide deficit of as many as 18 million skilled workers. By 2030, that shortage might balloon to move than 85 million workers. But even in such trying times, businesses can find opportunities for growth — provided they know where to look. Over the next few pages, we hope to combat the doom and gloom by giving you a glimpse at the promise and possibilities of 2020.

Moving the HR Technology Needle


2019 was a year of massive innovation. Let's take a closer look at what we gained — and how 2020 might shake it all up.

n 2019, HR technology was defined by the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and a growing emphasis on smart recruiting methods targeting the wants and needs of tech-savvy young talent.

Candidates know this, and they are looking to see which companies have adopted the necessary technologies and policies to support more flexible work arrangements.

Looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, it's likely the next decade of HR tech will continue down a similar path, with HR managers and talent acquisition teams adopting tailored tech solutions to make hiring a breeze for everyone.

To land top-tier talent in 2019, employers had to go the extra mile. They had to show candidates the value of their Cofer brands and sell prospective employees on the benefits of working for them instead of another organization.

2. Employer Branding


Let's take a closer look at what 2019 brought us — and what 2020 is ready to offer: 2019 in Review

In part, this is because younger workers care deeply about what a company can do for them, in addition to what they can do for a company. For up-and-coming talent, the hiring process is a twoway street.

Over the last year, companies were more willing to think outside the box with their recruiting Company culture is now a make-or-break factor in a strategies. HR and talent potential employee's assessment acquisition teams took more “To land top-tier talent of a job opportunity. Employers creative approaches to capture have to invest in employer in 2019, employers the attention of candidates and branding to show off their values stand out from their competitors. had to go the extra mile.” and the perks of working for Here are three of the key trends I them. In a hypercompetitive saw: talent market, standing out is key. 1. Remote Teams

3. Text Recruiting

More and more employees want the option to work remotely. In fact, according to a 2019 LinkedIn survey, 82 percent of workers would like to work from home at least once a week.

Text messages have definitely gained popularity in recruitment over the past year. According to research from Nexxt, 75 percent of recruiters have already incorporated text messages into their recruiting strategies.

It's also easier than ever for employers to grant this request. Thanks to new communication and collaboration technologies, workers outside the office can stay connected with colleagues and up to date on all their tasks and responsibilities. 20

It's a logical evolution. Convenience is key to today's job seekers, and meeting them where they are — on their phones — helps employers stay ahead of the competition. Magazine

Predictions for 2020 and Beyond

Candidates could earn points for their actions in virtual scenarios — which could help reduce bias 2019 was all about convenience, communication, in hiring efforts by adding an objective measure of and culture. So, what can we expect from 2020? candidate performance. To take it a step further, I believe companies will continue to focus on companies could even set up portals that give these areas to capture the attention of top talent candidates an idea of where they stand in the — but they'll also have to adapt and respond to process and how they can "level up." the latest advances to do so. 3. Humanized Recruiting Efforts Looking forward to next year, here are the trends I foresee having the biggest impact on hiring While automation, AI, and machine learning will strategies: play key roles in recruitment going forward, I believe there will be a simultaneous emphasis on 1. Fully Automated Operations ensuring the process stays humanized. As AI and automation grow more refined, I expect we'll see even greater proportions of the recruitment process automated in the coming year. Hiring teams will be able to set the hiring process in motion and let the software do much of the heavy lifting; recruiters will only need to worry about interacting with candidates to build strong relationships and cultivate interest.

Hiring managers will be able to take a step back from all of the mundane tasks and administrative duties that used to consume their attention. They'll be able to invest more time in real, oneon-one human contact with candidates, adding a new level of interpersonal connection to hiring. —

With the help of advanced automation, recruiters will be able to sift through resumes faster, identify qualified candidates more easily, and reduce unconscious bias that can interfere in the hiring process.

As HR technologies and tools continue to evolve, how companies choose to respond and 2. Virtual Interview Processes adapt will make or break Now that virtual reality (VR) technology is more their hiring efforts. accessible, we'll likely see it put to use in the Those HR teams hiring process. that leverage tech to their advantage, Candidates will be able to get a fuller view of what communicate openly it would be like to work for a company through with candidates, and virtual interview processes. This might include optimize the new time cognitive ability tests that place candidates they have on their hands in VR recreations of real-life scenarios, which will be able to push their candidates will have to work through to show off organizations ahead of the their talents and thought processes. competition in the talent market. For hiring managers, VR offers a new ability to see a candidate in action before having to make a Nina Cofer is product hiring decision. Virtual interviews could even add marketing manager at a new twist to hiring by gamifying the process. Breezy HR. Magazine


Fool Me Once: Fake News Makes Its Way to the Workplace

A survey from MindEdge found American adults are lacking when it comes to digital literacy. That's very bad news for us — and for our employers.


etween antitrust concerns, questions of data privacy, and a number of political dust-ups, Google has caught a lot of flak over the past few years. Depending on where you're standing, the tech giant may be deserving of the criticisms.

its "State of Critical Thinking" report. Among the report's key concerns: Just how digitally literate is the average American? "We define digital literacy as an individual's ability to effectively find, identify, evaluate, and use information from digital sources," explains Jefferson Flanders, CEO of MindEdge.

Still, there's something neat about every bit of information you could ever want being just a search away. Need a recipe for dinner? Want to Matthew Kosinski teach yourself how to change the oil The results of the survey should in your car? Either way, you can find the answer on have us all reconsidering just how astute we are: Google. 88 percent of respondents told MindEdge they were confident in their critical thinking skills, but Even in our professional lives, as we're doing the only 9 percent of them scored an "A" on a basic work we get paid to do, Google digital literacy test designed “In addition to trusting can be a real boon. I admit it: to measure a person's ability I may be a professional editor, to identify fake news and the internet too much, but I still turn to Google when think critically about online a tricky grammar question we're simply too tired to handle resources. Respondents with the information onslaught.� less than a four-year degree arises. I'd wager most readers have done similar things in had a 76 percent failure rate; their own day jobs. those with degrees had a 62 percent failure rate. But here's the catch: Just because you found it on the internet doesn't mean it's true, and Google's search rankings are no stamp of credibility. Results are based on relevancy, which is not the same as accuracy.

"Overall, I think most of us don't pay close enough attention to the origins of online content, and [we] assume that it's trustworthy when it may not be," Flanders says. "Because of this, we need to be more skeptical of what we read on the web."

We savvy web users consider ourselves to be pretty discerning, though. This isn't our first time on the internet! The problem is we're not as discerning we think we are, and that's bad news for us and everyone we work with.

In addition to placing too much trust in the internet, many of us are simply too fatigued from the information onslaught. As neuroscientist Daniel Levitan said in a 2016 interview with PBS NewsHour, "We're making more and more decisions every day. I think a lot of us feel overloaded by the process. ... [I]t's getting harder and harder to know, when you find things on the internet, what you can believe and what you can't. And there isn't really anybody doing it for us."

Most of Us Can't Pass a Digital Literacy Test This past summer, educational technology firm MindEdge surveyed 1,001 American adults for 22 Magazine

Interestingly, while millennials have a reputation for being digital natives, only 5 percent of millennial participants in MindEdge's survey scored an "A" on the digital literacy test. Baby boomers did a little better, but even their scores were nothing to brag about: Only 13 percent of achieved an "A."

employees, which should include digital literacy and evaluation of sources as part of the program."

While addressing digital literacy should be an urgent "Neither group did particularly well," Flanders notes. concern for employers heading "Since the survey was conducted over the internet, into 2020, there's no need to it's possible that the boomers who participated panic. According to Flanders, in it are more web-savvy than the average 50+ there's good reason to believe American. It could also be that baby boomers, who we're moving in the right aren't digital natives, may look at the web with a direction. more critical eye." "I'm an optimist; I think things Bridging the Digital Literacy Gap in 2020 will get better," he says. The lack of digital literacy skills among American adults represents more than a general societal shortcoming. It poses immediate, practical problems for organizations today.

"More schools are teaching critical-thinking skills and focusing on digital literacy," Flanders continues. "A number of fact-checking sites now "We all rely on Google searches and the information address claims made on the we find on the internet to make decisions," Flanders internet and assess them for explains. "Employers want people who can tell accuracy. There's a growing real from fake, who know how to find reliable awareness of the dangers information, and who are critical thinkers. Critical of misinformation and thinking should lead to finding the best answers to disinformation and the need to business problems, which in turn should save time rely on trustworthy sources." and money, producing positive results." Flanders even predicts we'll If we're failing to discern fact from fiction on soon see artificially intelligent the internet, we may be trying to solve business filters that will help us more problems with faulty information. The people we're easily evaluate digital sources. hiring may be prone to mistakes and missteps because they're not critically evaluating sources But until that day, organizations before accepting their insights and applying their just have to be willing to spend advice to everyday tasks. a little on proper training. Given how powerful employee As MindEdge's survey makes clear, subpar digital development opportunities literacy is a widespread problem, so companies can be when attracting and can't simply hire their way out of this one. There retaining talent, that may be just isn't enough digital literacy out there. one silver lining, however slight, to this matter. Instead, employers will have to take active steps to bridge the digital literacy gap within their own Matthew Kosinski is managing workforces. Flanders recommends "invest[ing] editor of in communications and critical training for Magazine


What Top Recruiters Will Be Doing Differently in 2020 Forget the war for talent — there's a war for clients going on. Here's how the best recruiting firms are rising to the challenge.


y general intention in writing this article was to interview some of the top, "smaller" executive search firms with great reputations and long histories in the industry. I wanted to know what major trends or changes they saw in 2019, and what they were planning on doing differently in 2020 to adjust to these changes.

How Will You Differentiate Your Firm? One of the most common themes brought up by the people I spoke with was the necessity of differentiation. As Rob Robinson, managing partner of Horn Solutions and former district president at Robert Half, told me, "At some point our economy is going to Engler shift back into a recession based on basic economic trends, and when this happens, many recruiting firms will go out of business. It's best to differentiate yourself effectively during these times to endure the headwinds and come out on top with the other firms left standing."

While most of the articles I've written Scott in my career have been guided by a general idea of where I want to go with the content, I felt on a gut level that I needed to let go of my typical approach for this one. I didn't write any preliminary questions for the people I was interviewing. I wanted to allow whatever information came to the surface during our conversations to facilitate the direction of the Throughout my interviews with these firms, interviews. I found they were all working diligently to differentiate themselves in progressive and What I learned throughout the process of innovative ways. With almost no exceptions, all interviewing the managing of the firms I spoke with were either beginning to partners and upper offer or in the process of putting together more managers of various comprehensive services for their clients that executive search included various forms of coaching, consulting, firms was that, even development, training, and onboarding. though each firm seemed to be Becky Barclay Prewitt, founder and president facing unique of R.L. Barclay & Associates, a recruiting firm c h a l l e n g e s , specializing in the legal industry, reported that they were all her biggest challenge in 2019 — shared by many responding to of the other local recruiting firms she networks the new recruiting with — was that there was not enough great landscape in talent to match employers' demands. similar ways. Moreover, I think She has also found over the past few years that their responses companies are now more willing to offer much capture some of what better counteroffers to departing employees in recruiting desperately an effort not to lose them, which can make a recruiter's job very difficult. needs. 24 Magazine

According to Barclay Prewitt, "These job candidates are often not clear on what they actually want or how serious they are about leaving their current company."

“Trying to remind our clients that all of our candidates are the best of the best has gotten harder.�

As a result, Barclay Prewitt has started offering more counseling and coaching to candidates so that she can identify who is really willing to start a new job, regardless of any counteroffers they might receive. "In 2020, I believe we will see more companies willing to offer even better luxuries and benefits to these quality candidates in their counteroffers," Barclay Prewitt predicts. "Companies that are hiring recruiting firms need to anticipate this and know what they are willing (or not willing) to offer to get these candidates." Ducatus Partners, another firm I interviewed, is a boutique executive search and leadership consultancy firm that focuses on the energy, infrastructure, and private equity sectors. During my interviews with Partner Jonathan Verlander and Research Director Alyssa James, I learned the firm is adding new services to increase the impact of placements for its clientele, which includes many prominent oil and gas companies investing heavily in attracting top executives.

maintains high transparency with its clients, which includes regular reporting on each mandate.

In 2019, Ducatus began to experiment with offering a post-hire executive coaching package for some of its more tenured clientele. This package includes consistent coaching sessions with leaders during their first 12 months of employment with a new company. Verlander reports the firm is currently refining the specifics of this addon service and plans to roll it out to all clients in 2020. Staying Ahead of the Changing Tides Horn Solutions is a management consulting firm that specializes in finance and accounting, information technology, and transactional accounting and office staffing. Managing Partner Rob Robinson, quoted earlier, agrees with Barclay Prewitt that counteroffers have become more common over the past 3-4 years, but he didn't notice any major changes to this trend in 2019 and doesn't necessarily feel things will be much different in 2020.

That said, Robinson notes our economy has experienced the "longest expansion cycle ever According to James, "One of the things that on record," and it's only a matter of time before Ducatus Partners prides ourselves on is that, the tides change. even though we have a large network of talent already known to us within our specialist Robinson has been managing partner at Horn sectors, we begin each search for a client with Solutions for two and a half years, and he has led a clean slate, searching for the best possible the company in becoming more customer-service talent by mapping the market comprehensively oriented for both clients and candidates. He says this "white-glove approach" encompasses for a client's bespoke requirements." "handling all aspects of the process for the client Verlander notes that Ducatus Partners also and candidates, including assessing, coaching, Magazine


interview preparation, and resume assistance."

they wanted from past hires, so their reaction has been to be even more particular and attached to "The way we do this is one of the things that a select few of our candidate pool," he adds. "This differentiates us from other firms in our industry," can make things more difficult, as all of these Robinson says. "We have found that the time candidates are in very high demand and may not saved and increased positive results have been go with our client." well received ... by existing customers. In many instances, clients have hired candidates they To help clients get better results, Beecher Reagan would have otherwise never interviewed or been has been offering a "post-hire integration" service. able to get to fast enough to retain through the While Captan notes that some firms might have lengthy hiring process." always offered some initial consulting to their clients post-hire, he is now seeing a shift in the At Beecher Reagan, which focuses on placing industry where firms are also offering formal leadership talent in consulting and professional programs or technologies their clients can services, Managing Partner Mo Captan says the continue to use long after a candidate is placed. biggest trend he noticed in 2019 was clients growing more particular and rigid about their What It All Means for the Future of Recruiting expectations and requirements for the firms they hire — even if a firm is already working with the So, what can we expect moving forward? Having very best of the best talent. interviewed all these companies — and taking into account my own experience in the industry "Trying to encourage or remind our clients that — I feel like many recruiting organizations may all of our candidates are the best of the best be transitioning into agencies that offer a larger has gotten a bit more challenging," Captan says. variety of services to clients. "Some of them seem to be set on three or four candidates and are unwilling to consider others." I also believe these firms that are dedicated to a very high standard of excellence in their services "Some of our clients haven't gotten the results will soon recognize their own needs to hire additional professionals who specialize in the new add-on services they are offering to maintain congruence in their standards of service. This would open up the opportunity for more specialists to join forces with recruiting firms. With qualified people who can offer pre- and post-hire assistance in executive coaching, career coaching, talent and leadership development, instructional design, and training, the most successful recruiting firms may have much more robust offerings for their clients in 2020. Scott Engler is the author of The Job InnerView and Legends of the Recruiting and Career World. Read his latest, The Problem and the Solution, on his website. 26 Magazine

Executive Spotlight: Renato Profico Magazine's Executive Spotlight features top executives, HR professionals, recruiters, and business leaders sharing their insights on hiring, management, and best recruiting practices. This Issue's Spotlight: Renato Profico, CEO, Doodle Renato Profico may have just assumed the CEO mantle at Doodle this past December, but his enthusiasm for the scheduling software company's mission proves he was the right choice take the helm. "Working with young, talented, and diverse groups of people [at Doodle] ... is an honor for me," Profico tells Recruiters and HR pros can likely understand Profico's passion — scheduling, after all, is an issue near and dear to our hearts. Who among us hasn't had to deal with the interminable email back-andforth when trying to set up a candidate interview? And we're not the only ones filled with dread at the mere prospect of a meeting: According to Doodle's "2020 Work-Life Balance Survey," 60 percent of employees have found themselves in meetings that accomplished nothing at all. Below, Profico chats with us about how we can fix meetings — plus his secrets for building great teams: What do you love most about your job? I am very excited about the unique opportunity I have in my role at Doodle to work with the company's fantastic team to help shape the entire domain of the scheduling and meeting experience for professionals. Working with young, talented, and diverse groups of people spread over our offices in Zurich, Berlin, Belgrade, New York, and Atlanta is an honor for me, and I am very much looking forward to bringing my long work experience to benefit Doodle and coaching the teams to succeed. What is your proudest professional moment? There are many moments in my professional career I feel proud of, but above everything, I've Magazine

felt the most proud when we, as a team, achieved a major milestone or goal. For a leader, there is no better feeling than when the team you lead and aim to inspire works hard, creates something new, or overcomes challenging moments on the way to success — and you are able to look back on the final result with pride for what the team members have gone through to achieve that outcome. Describe your ideal team. What kind of people are on it? The ideal team for me consists of diverse people with complementary talents, as well as challenging and respectful mindsets always ready to go the extra mile. The people on it are optimistic, eager to learn, competitive, and 27

persevering, but they also aren't afraid to fail.

“The ideal team, for me, consists of diverse people who are optimistic, eager to learn, and unafraid to fail."

My role in that team consists of guiding, coaching, challenging, listening, and taking over responsibilities, even in difficult times. As a wellknown leader once said, "My main task is to get things out of the team's way that could restrain them from succeeding."

we really need one, and who actually needs to be invited?

Once the need for a meeting is clear, I want to use efficient tools to organize it in the most efficient and seamless way possible. We at Doodle are working hard to provide professionals with tools that ultimately offer a seamless scheduling experience today.

What is your must-follow hiring rule?

Once the scheduling is taken care of, the meeting participants, of course, should establish a few In my opinion, the cultural fit is as important as must-have rules — like the goal of the meeting, the match between the search profile and the agenda/content, timing, notetaking, and next candidate's hard and soft skills when it comes steps following the meeting — to make the best use of everyone's time. to hiring. If you could change one thing about Once that fit is established, one of the most how meetings are handled in the typical important things is to create transparency on American office, what would it be? Why? both the candidate's and employer's side. That way, you can talk openly about present and future In addition to what I have listed above, I would expectations during the recruitment process. suggest trying some "disrupting rules" for meetings. Instead of a typical conference room As your new survey shows, try outdoor walking meetings, or standing up Americans are having a lot of meetings, and these meetings are growing less effective. during sessions, or enforcing extremely short meetings where participants are instructed How can we make meetings better in 2020? to stick to the point. These rules will also help I always challenge myself and others before increase efficiency and make the best use of organizing a meeting to ask ourselves: Do meeting time. If you had to summarize your career in a quote, what would it be? "Learn by doing and be persistent." For me personally, this simple phrase has kept me motivated and allowed me to find success despite any hurdles I've had to face to get there.

28 Magazine

Contributors Sue Carey, SCRP, SGMS-T, is vice president of cor- Sofia Hernandez has been a senior talent offiporate relocation at Baird & Warner and 2019 chair- cer at several of the largest brands in the world. man of the Worldwide ERC Board. She now consults brands on diversity recruiting and overall employee happiness. She has been Nina Cofer is a product marketing manager at featured in some of the largest media outlets Breezy HR, an applicant tracking system based in including Today, The Huffington Post, and many Jacksonville, Florida. Nina's entrepreneurial spirit, more. creative mind, and artistic talent have given her more than a decade of experience working in mar- Matt Jackson is the vice president of client soluketing, pay-per-click advertising, web and graphic tions at Thomsons Online Benefits, the company design, and search engine optimization. that created Darwin, the No. 1 global benefits management and employee engagement platform. Scott Engler is an award-winning industry expert, Passionate about innovative technology that can keynote speaker, and published author with rough- transform HR functions, Matt works closely with ly 25,000 hours of dedicated professional research clients to help them get the most out of Darwin, and experience in job searching, recruiting/hiring, educating them on everything from what it is and branding, and career development. He has col- the value it delivers to how it is implemented in laborated with and/or been endorsed by some of complex environments. the top leaders in the world of recruiting and job searching, such as Miles Jennings (CEO of Recruit- Michael Segovia is the lead trainer for The, Bill Guy (founder of Cornerstone Interna- ers-Briggs Company's MBTI certification protional Group), and Dick Bolles (author of What Color grams. In his quarter-century career at The Myis Your Parachute?). His specializes in working with ers-Briggs Company, Segovia has conducted C- level executives and senior management. Scott hundreds of certification courses in the MBTI. is passionately dedicated to using his professional He speaks and writes regularly on the subjects expertise and specialized skill set to help organiza- of personality type, leadership, and development. tions attract, develop, and retain top talent, and he He recently presented a TED Talk reflecting on is always open to exploring new opportunities to how type theory has informed his understanding carry out this intention of his own life's story.

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